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Dandelion suppression with Fert. 1500 Mil., 200A. Sul., 600P  100P
Date Information
Year from Ledger1935
Description Information
On-Slide InformationDandelion Suppression Tuckaway Test Plots.; 5 Spring - Gull Treatments. 1500# Milorganite 200# Sul. of Amm. One Treatment. 600# 20% Super Phos 100# Mur. of Pot.
Original Ledger InformationDandelion suppression with Fert. 1500 Mil., 200A. Sul., 600P 100P
Geographic Ledger InformationDandelion Suppression with Fert.
Subject Ledger InformationDandelions suppressed by Fert.; Dandelion suppressed by Fert.
Location Information
Facility from LedgerTuckaway C. C.
Geographic Ledger TermWisconsin
City, ExpandedMilwaukee
State, ExpandedWisconsin
Country, ExpandedUSA
Other Information
Subjects from LedgerFERTILITY
Slide Information
Slide Number from Ledger33 [out]
Number on Slide33
Mounting TypeGlass