Author: Brandenburg, Rick L.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Presence of pollinator-friendly habitat on pollinator communities in managed turfgrass systems Access Restrictions |
Billeisen, Terri L.; Kilpatrick, Lauren D.; Seth-Carley, Danesha; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 295-303. |
321265 |
[Pesticides can protect people and the environment] |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2017. North Carolina Turfgrass. September/October. p. Cover, 16-18, 20. |
293804 |
Shade response of bermudagrass accessions under different management practices Access Restrictions |
Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Miller, Grady L.; Arellano, Consuelo; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Schoeman, A.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2017. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. August. 26: p. 169-177. |
286403 |
[Pesticide use recommendations for various pests] | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2017. North Carolina Turfgrass. May/June. p. 16-18. |
288305 |
Overwintering, oviposition, and larval survival of hunting billbugs (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and implications for adult damage in North Carolina turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Reynolds, Diane Silcox; Reynolds, William Casey; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2016. Journal of Economic Entomology. February 1. 109(1): p. 240-248. |
269330 |
Hunting billbug (Sphenophorus venatus vestitus) response to insecticide application in warm-season turfgrass and implications for management Access Restrictions |
Reynolds, Diane Silcox; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2015. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. December. 1(1): p. 1-7. |
262268 |
Identification of South African bermudagrass germplasm with shade tolerance |
Dunne, Jeffrey C.; Reynolds, W. Casey; Miller, Grady L.; Arellano, Consuelo; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Schoeman, A.; Yelverton, Fred H.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2015. HortScience. October. 50(10): p. 1419-1425. |
267487 |
Insecticidal control of hunting billbug in warm-season grasses: New research sheds light on hunting billbug control in warm-season turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Reynolds, Diane Silcox; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2015. Golf Course Management. July. 83(7): p. 82-87. |
262863 |
Insect pests shrug off winter's worst: Keep your guard up because the pests will be back. Count on it! |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2015. Turf [South Edition]. April. 28(4): p. 53-56. |
258944 |
Carpenter bee advice for turfgrass managers |
Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2015. North Carolina Turfgrass. March/April. p. 18-20, 22-23. |
268295 |
Biology and management of the sugarcane beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Billeisen, Terri L.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2014. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. December 1. 5(4): p. B1-B5. |
260430 |
St. Augustinegrass germplasm resistant to Blissus insularis (Hemiptera: Blissidae) Access Restrictions |
Youngs, Katharine M.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Cardoza, Yasmin J. 2014. Journal of Economic Entomology. August 1. 107(4): p. 1688-1694. |
269549 |
Planning for success against turfgrass pests | Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2013. Tennessee Turfgrass. October/November. p. 18-21. |
231728 |
First Record of Larra bicolor (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) in North Carolina |
Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2013. Florida Entomologist. September. 96(3): p. 1175-1176. |
273150 |
Wasps and bees of concern to turfgrass professionals | Hertl, Peter T.; Langley, Ricky L.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2013. Tennessee Turfgrass. April/May. p. 22-26, 28. |
222895 |
Turf pest management at the next level: New products, new technology make customization more popular | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2013. Turf [North Edition]. April. 26(4): p. A18, A20. |
220399 |
Monitoring turfgrass insect pests: A step-by-step pictorial guide: Monitoring turf insect pests can decrease pesticide use and pest damage while reducing expenses Access Restrictions |
Silcox, Diane E.; Billeisen, Terri L.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2013. Golf Course Management. February. 81(2): p. 90-96, 98. |
215682 |
Evaluation of insecticides for lethal dose, lethal concentration, and field activity on hunting billbug in warm-season turfgrass |
Doskocil, Joseph P.; Sorenson, Clyde E.; Royalty, Reed N.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2012. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 9(1): p. [1-9]. |
198759 |
Hunting billbug control in warm-season turf: Field evaluations provided previously unavailable information about product timing and efficacy for hunting billbug control Access Restrictions |
Doskocil, Joseph P.; Sorenson, Clyde E.; Royalty, Reed N.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2012. Golf Course Management. September. 80(9): p. 84-86, 88, 90. |
210686 |
It's a bug's life |
Silcox, Diane E.; Billeisen, Terri Hoctor; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2012. Pitchcare. June/July. 43: p. 140-141. |
231304 |
Spider facts for turfgrass professionals |
Hertl, Peter T.; Langley, Ricky L.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2011. North Carolina Turfgrass. May/June. p. 18-22, 24. |
185004 |
The future is now: New insecticides provide excellent control while reducing environmental concerns |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2011. USGA Green Section Record. January 14. 49(2): p. 1-4. |
174400 |
Sugarcane beetle (Euetheola humilis) in turfgrass | Lockwood, Amy C.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2010. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. August 11.1 slide. |
168050 |
Addressing the emergence of two new turfgrass insects pests in the Southeast | Silcox, Diane E.; Lockwood, Amy C.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2010. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. August 11. p. [1]. |
168070 |
Taking the sting out of fire ant attacks |
Hertl, Peter T.; Langley, Ricky L.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2010. North Carolina Turfgrass. May/June. p. 16-20. |
163795 |
Forecasting threats: Insect pests to watch out for in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic regions |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2010. Lawn & Landscape. May. 31(5): p. 84, 86-87. |
230933 |
Improving soil insect control through an improved understanding of biology and behavior | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2010. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. March 24.37 slides. |
168035 |
Enhancing the cost effectiveness of insecticide use in North Carolina turfgrass |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2010. North Carolina Turfgrass. January/February. p. 20-21. |
158821 |
Recent advances in managing white grubs in North Carolina |
Prater, Callie A.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2007. North Carolina Turfgrass. July/August. p. 30-35. |
127752 |
Ground pearls... a mysterious and problematic pest |
Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Williams, C. Bruce III. 2007. North Carolina Turfgrass. March/April. p. 26-30. |
124686 |
Entomopathogenic fungi detection and avoidance by mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) |
Thompson, Sarah R.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Roberson, Gary T. 2007. Environmental Entomology. February. 36(1): p. 165-172. |
121937 |
Insect pests on turf |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2006. p. 87-93. In: Bruneau, Arthur H.; Wilkerson, Gail G.; Robinson, Bridget L.; Erickson, Emily J., eds. Turfgrass Pest Management Manual: A Guide to Major Turfgrass Pests & Turfgrasses. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, North Carolina State University. Revised Edition. |
139929 |
Effect of combining imidacloprid and diatomaceous earth with Beauveria bassiana on mole cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) moratality |
Thompson, Sarah R.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2006. Journal of Economic Entomology. December. 99(6): p. 1948-1954. |
119026 |
Impact of moisture and UV degradation on Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin conidial viability in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Thompson, Sarah R.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Arends, Jim J. 2006. Biological Control. December. 39(3): p. 401-407. |
254691 |
Impact of fipronil residues on mole cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) behavior and mortality in bermudagrass | Cummings, Hennen D.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Leidy, Ross B.; Yelverton, Fred H. 2006. Florida Entomologist. September. 89(3): p. 293-298. |
115910 |
Developing effective control options for white grubs |
Prater, Callie A.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2006. North Carolina Turfgrass. May/June. p. 16-19. |
112140 |
Trapping Phyllophaga spp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) in the United States and Canada using sex attractants Access Restrictions |
Robbins, Paul S.; Alm, Steven R.; Armstrong, Charles D.; Averill, Anne L.; Baker, Thomas C.; Bauernfiend, Robert J.; Baxendale, Frederick P.; Braman, S. Kris; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Cash, Daniel B.; Couch, Gary J.; Cowles, Richard S.; Crocker, Robert L.; DeLamar, Zandra D.; Dittl, Timothy G.; Fitzpatrick, Sheila M.; Flanders, Kathy L.; Forgatsch, Tom; Gibb, Timothy J.; Gill, Bruce D.; Gilrein, DAniel O.; Gorsuch, Clyde S.; Hammond, Abner M.; Hastings, Patricia D.; Held, David W.; Heller, Paul R.; Hiskes, Rose T.; Holliman, James L.; Hudson, William G.; Klein, Michael G.; Krischik, Vera L.; Lee, David J.; Linn, Charles E. Jr.; Luce, Nancy J.; MacKenzie, Kenna E.; Mannion, Catherine M.; Polavarapu, Sridhar; Potter, David A.; Roelofs, Wendell L.; Royals, Brian M.; Salsbury, Glenn A.; Schiff, Nathan M.; Shetlar, David J.; Skinner, Margaret; Sparks, Beverly L.; Sutschek, Jessica A.; Sutschek, Timothy P.; Swier, Stanley R.; Sylvia, Martha M.; Vickers, Neil J.; Vittum, Patricia J.; Weidman, Richard; Weber, 2006. Journal of Insect Science. January 1. 6(1): p. 1-124. |
258489 |
Bait applications for the control of mole crickets in turf, 2004 | Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2005. Arthropod Management Tests. 30: p. G19. |
135882 |
Control of red imported fire ants using broadcast insecticide applications, 2004A | Hertl, P. T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2005. Arthropod Management Tests. 30: p. G33. |
135912 |
Control of red imported fire ants using broadcast insecticides and baits, 2004B | Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2005. Arthropod Management Tests. 30: p. G34. |
135913 |
Flight activity of Scapteriscus vicinus Scudder and S. borellii Giglio-Tos (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) in southeastern North Carolina Access Restrictions |
Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Williams, C. Bruce III. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 723-733. |
105609 |
Conidial viability and pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) vuillemin for mole cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) control in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Thompson, Sarah R.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Arends, J. J. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 784-792. |
105713 |
The changing face of pest control | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2005. Carolinas Green. March/April. p. 15-16. |
102928 |
Tunneling responses of mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) to the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana Access Restrictions |
Thompson, Sarah R.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2005. Environmental Entomology. February. 34(1): p. 140-147. |
102577 |
A modified pool design for collecting adult mole crickets (orthoptera: gryllotalpidae) Access Restrictions |
Thompson, Sarah R.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2004. Florida Entomologist. December. 87(4): p. 582-584. |
100967 |
Can biological controls work against insects in turfgrass? | Thompson, Sarah R.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2004. North Carolina Turfgrass. May/June. p. 8, 10, 12. |
95163 |
Movement and residual activity of deltamethrin on a golf course fairway under two post-treatment irrigation timings |
Xia, Yulu; Fidanza, Mike A.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2004. Florida Entomologist. March. 87(1): p. 60-64. |
162144 |
Mapping, scouting, and timing: Secrets to effective mole cricket control |
Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2004. Carolinas Green. March/April. 40(2): p. 19-21. |
97189 |
Weather, insects and you |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2003. North Carolina Turfgrass. October/November. 21(6): p. 22. |
92347 |
Improving timing for mole cricket scouthing and control |
Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2003. North Carolina Turfgrass. August/September. 21(5): p. 28, 30. |
92572 |
Organic and sustainable pest management for home lawns | Bambara, Stephen B.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2003. North Carolina Cooperative Extension. May. 95: p. [1-5]. |
146895 |
A program to enhance understanding and use of biological control agents in turfgrass pest management: Project 01-07 update report |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2003. North Carolina Turfgrass. April/May. 21(2): p. 30-31. |
88583 |
Cricket control: Get your timing down and you've got a good shot at controlling mole crickets | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2003. Grounds Maintenance. February. 38(2): p. 22, 24, 33-35. |
86619 |
Fall armyworms on the march: Don't get caught by a surprise attack. Vigilance is the key to winning the armyworm wars | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. Grounds Maintenance. July. 37(7): p. 19-23. |
81054 |
Worm's eye view: Pesticides for turf - a thing of the past or promise for the future? |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. July/August. 26(3): p. 24. |
84844 |
Tunnel architectures of three species of mole crickets (orthoptera: gryllotalpidae) | Brandenburg, Rick L.; Xia, Yulu; Schoeman, A. S. 2002. Florida Entomologist. June. 85(2): p. 383-385. |
80950 |
Effect of soil moisture and time of year on mole cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) surface tunneling Access Restrictions |
Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. Environmental Entomology. June. 31(3): p. 476-481. |
80975 |
Oriental beetle: Development of management strategies for oriental beetle grubs in western North Carolina |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. North Carolina Turfgrass. April/May. 20(3): p. 14, 16. |
80588 |
Biological control: A program to enhance our understanding and use of biological control agents in turfgrass pest management |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. North Carolina Turfgrass. April/May. 20(3): p. 20, 22. |
80596 |
If you build it, bugs will come |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. Carolinas Green. March/April. 38(2): p. 20, 22, 25. |
80882 |
Use of radiography and tunnel castings for observing mole cricket (Orthoptera:Gryllotalpidae) behavior in soil | Villani, Michael G.; Allee, Leslie L.; Preston-Wilsey, Luann; Consolie, Nancy; Xia, Yulu; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. American Entomologist. Spring. 48(1): p. 42-50. |
82334 | |
Keeping mole crickets in check: Timing is everything when it comes to controlling mole crickets. Educate yourself with product information and strategies to win the battle | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. Grounds Maintenance. February. 37(2): p. 20, 24-25. |
79653 |
Map pest infestation: Mapping pest infestations is critical to getting the most out of new insecticides | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. Grounds Maintenance. February. 37(2): p. 42-45, 47. |
79657 |
New pest emerges as major problem in the mountains: The biology of the oriental beetle in western North Carolina and implications for management programs |
Brandenburg, Rick L.; Royals, Brian. 2002. North Carolina Turfgrass. February/March. 20(1): p. 18-21. |
79132 |
Turf pesticides - is there promise for the future? |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. North Carolina Turfgrass. February/March. 20(1): p. 48-50. |
79849 |
Forecast pest problems: Degree-days can tell you when to start looking, and when monitoring is pointless | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2002. Grounds Maintenance. January. 37(1): p. 42-45. |
79670 |
The ecology and biology of soil insect pests: The secrets of success | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2001. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. 10: p. 28. |
76337 |
Bermudagrass field maintenance calendar |
Bruneau, Arthur H.; Yelverton, Fred; Warren, Leon; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2001. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. September/October. 4(5): p. 19-20, 22-24. |
76703 |
Tall fescue and KY bluegrass maintenance calendar |
Bruneau, Arthur H.; Lewis, William M.; Lucas, Leon T.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Sneed, Ronald E.; DiPaola, Joseph M.; Peacock, Charles, H. 2001. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. September/October. 4(5): p. 25-27. |
76704 |
Short Communication |
Brandenburg, Rick L.; Xia, Yulu; Villani, Mike G. 2001. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. July. 74(3): p. 178-180. |
82324 | |
Fire ants: A burning problem |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2001. Carolinas Green. July/August. 37(4): p. 23-25. |
74714 |
Effect of soil moisture on ovipositional behavior in the southern mole cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) Access Restrictions |
Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Barbercheck, Mary E. 2001. Environmental Entomology. June. 30(3): p. 466-473. |
73677 |
Sports & athletic field turfgrass maintenance guide and calendar for tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass |
Bruneau, Arthur H.; Cooper, Richard J.; Yelverton, Fred H.; Wetzel, Henry C.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Bowman, Daniel C.; Peacock, Charles H.; Bigelow, Cale A. 2001. North Carolina Turfgrass. April/May. 18(3): p. 16-25. |
73635 |
Gaining ground on turf's top enemy: Practical use of new research for effective mole cricket control | Brandenburg, Rick L. 2001. The Florida Green. Spring. p. 54, 56-58. |
74718 |
Oriental beetle in Western NC: Its biology and implications for management programs |
Brandenburg, Rick L.; Ducharme, Diane; Royals, Brian. 2001. North Carolina Turfgrass. February/March. 19(1): p. 34-36, 38. |
73119 |
Making the right insecticide choice |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2001. Australian Turfgrass Management. February/March. 3(1): p. 42-44. |
74703 |
Where do we stand on mole cricket control? |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2001. Carolinas Green. January/February. 37(1): p. 22-23. |
73800 |
Determine the efficacy of Meridian (Thiamethoxam) against difficult to control grubs or minor grub species |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Peanut and Turfgrass Research 2000. p. 39-42. |
160579 |
To evaluate the effects of Sulfur 95 for the control of green June beetle grubs in turf [Treatment for fairway numbers 4 and 5] |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Peanut and Turfgrass Research 2000. p. 43-44. |
160580 |
To evaluate the effects of Sulfur 95 on the control of green June beetle grubs in turf [Treatment for fairway number 9] |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Peanut and Turfgrass Research 2000. p. 45-46. |
160581 |
Release of the Brazilian red-eyed fly, Ormia depleta, as a potential biological control agent for mole crickets in North Carolina |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Peanut and Turfgrass Research 2000. p. 72-75. |
160587 |
Determining tunnel structure of mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) using three materials with an emphasis on fiberglass resin |
Brandenburg, Rick L.; Xia, Yulu; Villani, Mike G. 2000. Peanut and Turfgrass Research 2000. p. 94-102. |
160589 |
Surface and subsurface application of Beauveria bassiana for controlling mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) in golf courses |
Xia, Yulu; Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Peanut and Turfgrass Research 2000. p. 103-132. |
160590 |
The biology of the oriental beetle in western North Carolina and implications for management programs |
Brandenburg, Rick L.; Ducharme, Diane; Royals, Brian. 2000. Peanut and Turfgrass Research 2000. p. 133-139. |
160592 |
FQPA shockwaves to hit homeowners, comm'l lawn care |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. October/November. 18(6): p. 9-10. |
70911 |
White Grubs... Pest of the new millenium |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. October/November. 18(6): p. 16, 18. |
70914 |
Surface and subsurface application of Beauveria bassiana for controlling mole crickets (Orthoptera:gryllotalpidae) in golf courses | Xia, Yulu; Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology. October. 17(4): p. 177-189. |
69312 |
Bug doctor makes house call in South Africa |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Carolinas Green. September/October. 36(5): p. 30-32. |
68538 |
An entomologist's eye view of African golf |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Carolinas Green. September/October. 36(5): p. 34-35, 47. |
68541 |
Golf in South Africa: Practicing IPM in the dark Access Restrictions |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Golf Course Management. August. 68(8): p. 84-88, 91-92, 96, 98-99. |
66566 |
Golf in South Africa: A growing industry Access Restrictions |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Golf Course Management. July. 68(7): p. 84-88, 91-92, 96, 98-99. |
65835 |
Aplicando los conocimientos para un eficaz manejo de plagas del césped ([Knowledge application for efficient management of turfgrass pests]) |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. TGM: Campos Deportivos y Espacios Verdes. July-September. 8(3): p. 26-28, 30-31. |
70181 |
Effect of irrigation on the efficacy of insecticides for controlling two species of mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) on golf courses | Xia, Yulu; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Journal of Economic Entomology. June. 93(3): p. 852-857. |
65686 |
Physical properties determine insecticides' best uses, targets: The best formulation depends on the type of pest targeted Access Restrictions |
Xia, Yulu; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Golf Course Management. April. 68(4): p. 74-76. |
64438 |
Control of fire ants on lawns |
Vargo, Edward L.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. February/March. 18(1): p. 30-31. |
65846 |
White grub control in North Carolina |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. February/March. 18(1): p. 38, 40. |
65856 |
Pesticide failure or operator error?: Biological, chemical and physical factors can all lead to pesticide failure Access Restrictions |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. Golf Course Management. January. 68(1): p. 55-58. |
63190 |
Improved mole cricket management through the application of an enhanced ecological and behavioral data base | Brandenburg, Rick L. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 21-22. |
72301 |
Bioassay of experimental insecticide CGA 293, 343 against mole cricket nymphs, Raleigh, Wake Co., NC |
Brandenburg, Rick L.; Xia, Yulu "Lou". 1999. Research and Extension Programs -- Peanut and Turfgrass Management 1999. p. 45-48. |
63721 |
Comparison of mortality of southern and tawny mole crickets after Deltamethrin application in greenhouse bioassay, Raleigh, Wake Co., NC |
Brandenburg, Rick L.; Xia, Yulu "Lou". 1999. Research and Extension Programs -- Peanut and Turfgrass Management 1999. p. 49-53. |
63722 |