Author: Potter, Daniel A.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Dwarf white clover supports pollinators, augments nitrogen in clover-turfgrass lawns, and suppresses root-feeding grubs in monoculture but not in mixed swards |
Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T.; McNamara, Timothy D.; Munshaw, Gregg C. 2021. Sustainability. November. 13(21): p. 11801 [1-17]. |
324006 |
Ecology and management of earthworm casting on sports turf Access Restrictions |
Boyle, Paige E.; Richardson, Michael D.; Savin, Mary C.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Potter, Daniel A. 2019. Pest Management Science. August. 75(8): p. 2071-2078. |
307351 |
Operation Monarch for golf courses: Developing protocols for monarch butterfly conservation plantings in golf course naturalized roughs | Potter, Daniel A.; Baker, Adam; Redmond, Carl; Munshaw, Gregg. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 340-345. |
298236 |
Evaluation of 'Jackal' AR601 (Avanex) and Kentucky-31 endophytic tall fescues for suppressing types of invertebrates that contribute to bird strike hazard at airports Access Restrictions |
Miller, Diana M.; Redmond, Carl T.; Flythe, Michael D.; Potter, Daniel A. 2017. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. December. 3(1): p. 1-11. |
289825 |
Invasion of the green stinkworms: Managing Amynthas hupeiensis on greens: An asian earthworm could become quite a nuisance on golf courses Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T.; Saeed, Abiya. 2017. Golf Course Management. February. 85(2): p. 76-80, 82. |
281043 |
First report of carrot beetle (Tomarus gibbosus) damage to golf course turf Access Restrictions |
Larson, Jonathan L.; Giese, Matt S.; Potter, Daniel A. 2016. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. December. 2(1): p. 1-4. |
269398 |
Seasonal biology of the invasive green stinkworm Amynthas hupeiensis and control of its casts on golf putting greens Access Restrictions |
Redmond, Carl T.; Saeed, Abiya; Potter, Daniel A. 2016. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. December. 2(1): p. 1-9. |
275191 |
First report of carrot beetle damage to golf course turf: Traditionally a crop pest, the carrot beetle has recently been spotted on two golf courses in Kansas Access Restrictions |
Larson, Jonathan L.; Giese, Matt S.; Potter, Daniel A. 2016. Golf Course Management. September. 84(9): p. 84-86. |
275720 |
Naturalized habitat on golf courses: Source or sink for natural enemies and conservation biological control? Access Restrictions |
Dobbs, Emily K.; Potter, Daniel A. 2016. Urban Ecosystems. June. 19(2): p. 899-914. |
269583 |
Assessing chemical control of earthworms at airports Access Restrictions |
Seamans, Thomas W.; Blackwell, Bradley F.; Bernhardt, Glen E.; Potter, Daniel A. 2015. Wildlife Society Bulletin. June. 39(2): p. 434-442. |
325108 |
Biological control of the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with the Korean entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae GSN1 strain (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) in turfgrasses |
Lee, Dong Woon; Potter, Daniel A. 2015. Weed and Turfgrass Science. March. 4(1): p. 58-64. |
265197 |
Mowing mitigates bioactivity of neonicotinoid insecticides in nectar of flowering lawn weeds and turfgrass guttation Access Restrictions |
Larson, Jonathan L.; Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2015. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. January. 34(1): p. 127-132. |
253601 |
Benefits of golf course roughs for pollinator conservation and protocols for safeguarding bees when using insecticides | Potter, Daniel A.; Larson, Jonathan; Dobbs, Emily. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. January/February. 14(1): p. 22-24. |
256475 |
Pollinator assemblages on dandelions and white clover in urban and suburban lawns Access Restrictions |
Larson, Jonathan L.; Kesheimer, Adam J.; Potter, Daniel A. 2014. Journal of Insect Conservation. October. 18(5): p. 863-873. |
253606 |
Earthworm community composition, seasonal population structure, and casting activity on Kentucky golf courses Access Restrictions |
Redmond, Carl T.; Kesheimer, Adam; Potter, Daniel A. 2014. Applied Soil Ecology. March. 75: p. 116-123. |
244355 |
Conservation biological control and pest performance in lawn turf: Does mowing height matter? Access Restrictions |
Dobbs, Emily K.; Potter, Daniel A. 2014. Environmental Management. March. 53(3): p. 648-659. |
241540 |
Impacts of a neonicotinoid, neonicotinoid-pyrethroid premix, and anthranilic diamide insecticide on four species of turf-inhabiting beneficial insects Access Restrictions |
Larson, Jonathan L.; Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2014. Ecotoxicology. March. 23(2): p. 252-259. |
253605 |
Benefits of golf course naturalized areas for biological control and pollinator conservation | Dobbs, Emily K.; Potter, Daniel A. 2014. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. March/April. 13(2): p. 44-45. |
240139 |
Managing excessive earthworm casting on golf courses and sport fields Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T.; Williams, David W. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 347-355. |
223249 |
The plight of the bees: Why are bees and other pollinators dying, and how can the golf industry safeguard bees and even augment their populations? Access Restrictions |
Larson, Jonathan L.; Potter, Daniel A. 2013. Golf Course Management. November. 81(11): p. 85-88. |
232286 |
Assessing insecticide hazard to bumble bees foraging on flowering weeds in treated lawns |
Larson, Jonathan L.; Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2013. PloS ONE. June. 8(6): p. e66375 [1-7]. |
253660 |
Masked chafers |
Redmond, Carl T.; Umeda, Kai; Potter, Daniel A. 2012. p. 53-55. In: Entomological Society of America and Brandenburg, Rick L.; Freeman, Callie P., eds. Handbook of Turfgrass Insects. Lanham, Maryland: Entomological Society of America. 2nd Edition. |
218502 |
Mound-building ants on golf courses |
Potter, Daniel A.; Maier, Reid M. 2012. p. 65-67. In: Entomological Society of America and Brandenburg, Rick L.; Freeman, Callie P., eds. Handbook of Turfgrass Insects. Lanham, Maryland: Entomological Society of America. 2nd Edition. |
218565 |
Beneficial and innocuous invertebrates in turf |
Bixby-Brosi, Andrea J.; Potter, Daniel A. 2012. p. 87-93. In: Entomological Society of America and Brandenburg, Rick L.; Freeman, Callie P., eds. Handbook of Turfgrass Insects. Lanham, Maryland: Entomological Society of America. 2nd Edition. |
218576 |
Prospects for managing turfgrass pests with reduced chemical inputs Access Restrictions |
Held, David W.; Potter, Daniel A. 2012. Annual Review of Entomology. 57: p. 329-354. |
239239 |
Organic solution to reduce earthworm cast: A by-product of the Chinese tea oil plant may provide an organic solution to a long standing, vexing problem faced by golf course superintendents |
Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T.; Williams, David W. 2012. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Winter. 29(2): p. 4-6, 8, 10. |
209612 |
Comparison of scarab grub populations and associated pathogens and parasitoids in warm- or cool-season grasses used on transitional zone golf courses Access Restrictions |
Redmond, Carl T.; Williams, David W.; Potter, Daniel A. 2012. Journal of Economic Entomology. August. 105(4): p. 1320-1328. |
210061 |
Comparative impact of an anthranilic diamide and other insecticidal chemistries on beneficial invertebrates and ecosystem services in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Larson, Jonathan L.; Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2012. Pest Management Science. May. 68(5): p. 740-748. |
201433 |
Baculovirus infection of the armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) feeding on spiny- or smooth-edged grass (Festuca spp.) leaf blades Access Restrictions |
Keathley, Craig P.; Harrison, Robert L.; Potter, Daniel A. 2012. Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest Management. May. 61(2): p. 147-154. |
209142 |
Can a chitin-synthesis-inhibiting turfgrass fungicide enhance black cutworm susceptibility to a baculovirus? Access Restrictions |
Bixby-Brosi, Andrea J.; Potter, Daniel A. 2012. Pest Management Science. March. 68(3): p. 324-329. |
199235 |
Course care: Controlling earthworm casts | Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T.; Williams, David W. 2011. United States Golf Association. October 4. p. [1-2]. |
191179 |
Controlling earthworm casts on golf courses: A natural byproduct shows promise | Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T.; Williams, David W. 2011. USGA Green Section Record. October 21. 49(41): p. 1-4. |
191374 |
The worm turns: Earthworm cast reduction on golf courses: A byproduct of the tea tree may provide an organic solution to a long-standing and vexing problem faced by golf course superintendents Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T.; Williams, David W. 2011. Golf Course Management. September. 79(9): p. 86-88, 90, 92, 94, 96. |
189259 |
Evaluating a naturally-occurring baculovirous for extended biological control of black cutworms in golf course habitats | Bixby, Andrea J.; Potter, Daniel A. 2011. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. February 15. 10(4): p. 1-15. |
175721 |
Does modification of tall fescue leaf texture and forage nutritive value for improved livestock performance increase suitability for a grass-feeding caterpillar? Access Restrictions |
Keathley, Craig P.; Potter, Daniel A. 2011. Crop Science. January. 51(1): p. 370-380. |
174182 |
Prospects for managing turfgrass insect pests with baculoviruses |
Potter, Daniel A.; Bixby, Andrea J. [20XX]. United States Golf Association. 08:33. |
167521 |
Comparative toxicity of Acelepryn ®, a novel anthranilic diamide, and other insecticides on beneficial and non-target invertebrates in turf |
Larson, Jonathan L.; Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2010. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 2009. p. 2-4. |
180271 |
Natural enemies and site characteristics affecting distribution and abundance of native and invasive white grubs on golf courses |
Redmond, Carl; Potter, Daniel A. 2010. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 2009. p. 5-6. |
180272 |
The enemy of my enemy is my friend: USGA-supported study seeks new biological controls for white grubs |
Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2010. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 2009. p. 7-11. |
180273 |
Structural defenses of tall fescue grass and feeding by armyworms |
Keathley, Craig P.; Potter, Daniel A. 2010. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 2009. p. 12. |
180274 |
Biological control of black cutworms on golf courses using a baculovirus and natural enemies |
Bixby, Andrea J.; Potter, Daniel A. 2010. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 2009. p. 13-14. |
180275 |
Incidence of turf-damaging white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and associated pathogens and parasitoids on Kentucky golf courses Access Restrictions |
Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2010. Environmental Entomology. December. 39(6): p. 1838-1847. |
174971 |
Evaluating a naturally occurring baculovirus for extended biological control of the black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in golf course habitats Access Restrictions |
Bixby-Brosi, Andrea J.; Potter, Daniel A. 2010. Journal of Economic Entomology. October. 103(5): p. 1555-1563. |
254404 |
Influence of endophyte (Neotyphodium lolii) infection of perennial ryegrass on susceptibility of the black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to a baculovirus Access Restrictions |
Bixby, Andrea J.; Potter, Daniel A. 2010. Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest Management. August. 54(2): p. 141-146. |
163277 |
Biological control of black cutworms using a virus | Bixby, Andrea J.; Potter, Daniel A. 2010. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. July 1. 9(13): p. [1-6]. |
164923 |
Managing earthworm casts (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in turfgrass using a natural byproduct of tea oil (Camellia sp.) manufacture Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T.; Meepagala, Kumudini M.; Williams, David W. 2010. Pest Management Science. April. 66(4): p. 439-446. |
188883 |
The search for biological control of white grubs: In hopes of using the information to protect golf courses, University of Kentucky scientists analyze how Mother Nature limits the number of beetle larvae | Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2009. USGA Green Section Record. September/October. 47(5): p. 8-12. |
154305 |
Continuing the search for biological control of white grubs | Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2009. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. April 15. 8(8): p. [1-8]. |
147049 |
Natural enemies and site characteristics affecting distribution and abundance of native and invasive white grubs on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T. 2008. 2008 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 7. |
144226 |
Use of a baculovirus for season-long control of black cutworms on golf courses and compatability with soil insecticides and insect-resistant turfgrasses | Potter, Daniel A.; Bixby, Andrea. 2008. 2008 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 14. |
144233 |
Season-long biological control of black cutworms: A recently discovered baculovirus offers promise for season-long biological control of this common turfgrass pest. | Potter, Daniel A.; Bixby, Andrea. 2008. USGA Green Section Record. March/April. 46(2): p. 11-13. |
133503 |
Natural enemies and site characteristics affecting distribution and abundance of native and invasive white grubs on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T. 2007. 2007 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 9. |
132518 |
Use of a baculovirus for season-long control of black cutworms on golf courses and compatability with soil insecticides and insect-resistant turfgrass | Potter, Daniel A.; Bixby, Andrea. 2007. 2007 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 17. |
132528 |
Residual effects of imidacloprid on Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) oviposition, egg hatch, and larval viability in turfgrass |
George, Justine; Redmond, Carl T.; Royalty, Reed N.; Potter, Daniel A. 2007. Journal of Economic Entomology. April. 100(2): p. 431-439. |
123916 |
Knockdown, residual, and antifeedant activity of pyrethroids and home landscape bioinsecticides against Japanese beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on linden foliage |
Baumler, Rebecca E.; Potter, Daniel A. 2007. Journal of Economic Entomology. April. 100(2): p. 451-458. |
123917 |
Silicon fertilization does not enhance creeping bentgrass resistance to cutworms and white grubs | Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2007. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. February 1. 6(3): p. [1-7]. |
120896 |
Biological-based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2006. 2006 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 13. |
119724 |
Turfgrass ants: Biology dictates strategies for control Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; Maier, Reid M. 2006. Golf Course Management. November. 74(11): p. 87-90. |
117410 |
Silicon fertilization does not enhance creeping bentgrass resistance to cutworms and white grubs |
Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2006. Applied Turfgrass Science. November 10. p. [1-6]. |
118135 |
Microbial control of black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in turfgrass using Agrostis ipsilon multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus |
Prater, Callie A.; Redmond, Carl T.; Barney, Walter; Bonning, Bryony C.; Potter, Daniel A. 2006. Journal of Economic Entomology. August. 99(4): p. 1129-1137. |
114656 |
Beat insects in 2006 | Potter, Daniel A. 2006. SportsTurf. March. 24[22](3): p. 14, 16, 18, 20. |
131694 |
Biological-based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2005. 2005 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 13. |
109835 |
Prospects for managing destructive turfgrass insects without protective chemicals Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 1): p. 42-54. |
105292 |
Natural organic fertilizers as a risk factor for Ataenius spretulus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) infestation on golf courses Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; Held, David W.; Rogers, Michael E. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 753-760. |
105623 |
Seasonal mounding, colony development, and control of nuptial queens of the ant Lasius neoniger |
Maier, Reid M.; Potter, Daniel A. 2005. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. p. [1-8]. |
104496 |
Factors affecting distribution of the mound-building ant Lasius neoniger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and implications for management on golf course putting greens Access Restrictions |
Maier, Reid M.; Potter, Daniel A. 2005. Journal of Economic Entomology. June. 98(3): p. 891-898. |
150379 |
Biological-based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2004. 2004 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 14. |
101234 |
Managing insect pests of sport fields: Problems and prospects Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A. 2004. Acta Horticulturae. November. 661: p. 449-461. |
102567 |
Biology and conservation of Tiphia wasps, parasitoids of turf-infesting white grubs Access Restrictions |
Rogers, Michael E.; Potter, Daniel A. 2004. Acta Horticulturae. November. 661: p. 505-510. |
102652 |
New tool for biological warfare on cutworms?: Recent discoveries by University of Kentucky scientists may make biological control of black cutworms a reality | Prater, Callie Anne; Potter, Daniel A. 2004. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 42(6): p. 15-17. |
98648 |
Nuisance ants on golf courses | Maier, Reid M.; Potter, Daniel A. 2004. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. p. 13-16. |
96648 |
Biology of Tiphia pygidialis (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae), a parasitoid of masked chafer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) grubs, with notes on the seasonal occurrence of Tiphia vernalis in Kentucky | Rogers, Michael E.; Potter, Daniel A. 2004. Environmental Entomology. June. 33(3): p. 520-527. |
96685 |
New tool for biological warfare on cutworms? | Prater, Callie Anne; Potter, Daniel A. 2004. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. June 15. 3(12): p. [1-5]. |
97549 |
Effects of spring imidacloprid application for white grub control on parasitism of Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) by Tiphia vernalis (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae) |
Rogers, Michael E.; Potter, Daniel A. 2003. Research Committee Report for the 2003 Annual Members Meeting of the O. J. Noer Research Foundation. p. 4, [15-43]. |
214399 |
Biologically based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2003. 2003 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 19. |
93199 |
Nuisance ants on golf courses | Maier, Reid M.; Potter, Daniel A. 2003. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. November 15. 2(22): p. [1-7]. |
94385 |
Insects like it hot: Drought and high temperatures not only cause turf damage on their own, but they also can contribute to turf damage by insects Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A. 2003. Golf Course Management. May. 71(5): p. 116-118. |
86396 |
Kairomones from scarabaeid grubs and their frass as cues in below-ground host location by the parasitoids Tiphia vernalis and Typhia pygidialis |
Rogers, Michael E.; Potter, Daniel A. 2002. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 102: p. 307-314. |
82349 | |
Biology and management of the Japanese beetle Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; Held, David W. 2002. Annual Review of Entomology. 47: p. 175-205. |
259340 |
Hazards of insecticides to the bumble bees Bombus impatiens (Hymenoptera: Apidae) foraging on flowering white clover in turf Access Restrictions |
Gels, Jerome A.; Held, David W.; Potter, Daniel A. 2002. Journal of Economic Entomology. August. 95(4): p. 722-728. |
81979 |
Biological control of white grubs by parasitic wasps |
Rogers, Michael E.; Potter, Daniel A. 2002. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. June 15. 1(8): p. [1-7]. |
82804 |
Ranking the grub insecticides: Newer preventive grub insecticides have an excellent track record Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; Shetlar, David J. 2002. Golf Course Management. May. 70(5): p. 63-65. |
79716 |
Drought and climate change accentuate insect problems in irrigated turf | Potter, Daniel A. 2002. TURFAX. May/June. 10(3): p. 6. |
99854 |
Managing green June beetle grubs: Green June beetles can be a messy nuisance on the golf course, but prevention and control are possible Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A. 2002. Golf Course Management. April. 70(4): p. 49-52. |
79181 |
Another insecticide bites the dust | Potter, Daniel A. 2002. TURFAX. March/April. 10(2): p. 4. |
80282 |
Managing nuisance ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2002. Grounds Maintenance: Golf Edition. February. 37(2): p. Golf 1-Golf 2, Golf 6. |
104442 |
Enhancing biological control of white grubs by native parasitic wasps on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 11. |
78342 |
Management of a mound-building ant, Lasius neoniger emery, on golf putting greens and tees using delayed-action baits or fipronil |
Lopez, Rolando; Held, David W.; Potter, Daniel A. 2001. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1999-2000. p. 189. |
79751 |
Ant predation on eggs and larvae of the black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabacidae) in turfgrass |
Lopez, Rolando; Potter, Daniel A. 2001. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1999-2000. p. 190. |
79753 |
Assessing potential impact of imidacloprid (Merit®) soil insecticide on native pollinators in turf |
Gels, Jerome; Potter, Daniel A. 2001. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1999-2000. p. 191-193. |
79755 |
Effects of two plant regulators (PGR's)on [on] insect pests in creeping bentgrass turf |
Rogers, Michael; Held, David G.; Potter, Daniel A. 2001. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1999-2000. p. 198-199. |
79791 |
Biology of native Tiphia wasp parasitizing white grubs and possible use in biological control |
Rogers, Michael E.; Potter, Daniel A. 2001. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1999-2000. p. 200-201. |
79792 |
Biology and management of black turfgrass ataenius: Black turfgrass ataenius thrives under golf course maintenance conditions, but it is a sporadic pest that can be managed Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A. 2001. Golf Course Management. December. 69(12): p. 49-53. |
77162 |
Conserve beneficial insects on your golf course: Natural enemies buffer turf against pest outbreaks | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 39(6): p. 8-10. |
76903 |
Clarifying the fipronil label for control of fire ants and nuisance ants | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. TURFAX. November/December. 9(6): p. 3. |
78201 |
Green June beetle management on golf courses and sports fields | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. TURFAX. September/October. 9(5): p. 2, 6. |
76666 |
Organic fertilizers - A risk factor for black turfgrass ataenius? | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. TURFAX. July/August. 9(4): p. 5. |
76032 |
Diagnosing and controlling billbugs | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. TURFAX. May/June. 9(3): p. 2-3. |
74620 |
Goodbye grubs: Use the new generation of reduced-risk insecticides properly and you'll get excellent control of turf-damaging grubs | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. Landscape Management. April. 40(4): p. 64, 66, 68, 70. |
73695 |
Multiple targeting: Value added or value subtracted? | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. TURFAX. March/April. 9(2): p. 5, 7. |
73409 |