Fastlink of all records about the geographic term Kentucky
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Bermudagrass Control for Kentucky Lawns | Vaughn, Jason; Wilson, Beth; Rideout, Andy; Clayton, Kenneth. 2024. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 3 pp. |
340821 |
Warm-Season Native Areas for Kentucky Golf Courses | Clayton, Kenneth; Johnson, Elizabeth. 2024. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 5 pp. |
340871 |
Quick Identification Tips for Turfgrasses Commonly Grown in Kentucky | Munshaw, Gregg; Shaddox, Travis. 2020. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College fo Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 4 pp. |
322208 |
The Fate of Nitrogen Applied to Kentucky Turfgrass | Shaddox, Travis; Munshaw, Gregg. 2020. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 5 pp. |
322209 |
Manganese for Kentucky Turfgrasses | Shaddox, Travis; Munshaw, Gregg. 2020. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 3 pp. |
322211 |
Nitrogen for Kentucky Turfgrasses | Shaddox, Travis; Munshaw, Gregg. 2020. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 4 pp. |
322214 |
Potassium for Kentucky Turfgrasses | Shaddox, Travis; Munshaw, Gregg. 2020. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 3 pp. |
340806 |
Preemergence Herbicides for Kentucky Lawns | Clayton, Kenneth; Wilson, Beth; Vaughn, Jason. 2020. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service,College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 2 pp. |
340807 |
Kentucky Turfgrass Disease Calendar |
Vincelli, Paul and Kaiser, Cheryl, ed. 2019. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. [3] pp. |
307972 |
Calcium for Kentucky Turfgrasses | Shaddox, Travis; Munshaw, Gregg. 2019. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky Agriculture. [2] pp. |
322207 |
Iron for Kentucky Turfgrasses | Shaddox, Travis; Munshaw, Gregg. 2019. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environement, University of Kentucky. 4 pp. |
322212 |
Magnesium for Kentucky Turfgrasses | Shaddox, Travis; Munshaw, Gregg. 2019. [Lexington, Kentucky]: College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. [3] pp. |
340800 |
Phosphorus for Kentucky Turfgrasses | Shaddox, Travis; Munshaw, Gregg; Lee, Brad. 2019. [Lexington, Kentucky]: College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 4 pp. |
340801 |
In the tobacco patch |
Cull, Josh. 2019. On Course [MAGCS]. December. 73(6[7]): p. 4-5, 12. |
310152 |
Warm Season Annual Grasses in Kentucky | Teutsch, Chris; Smith, Ray; Keene, Tom; Henning, Jimmy C. 2018. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 3 pp. |
303479 |
Switchgrass growth and forage quality trends provide insight for management Access Restrictions |
Sena, Kenton L.; Goff, Ben; Davis, David; Smith, S. Ray. 2018. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. November. 4(1): p. [1-8]. |
297787 |
Kentucky road crews starting fight against weeds | Anonymous. 2018. WKYT. March 12. p. [1]. |
296489 |
Turf Care Calendar for Cool-Season Lawns in Kentucky | Munshaw, Gregg C. 2016. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. [1] p. Revised Edition. |
274609 |
Lawn Establishment in Kentucky | Munshaw, Gregg C. 2016. [Lexington, Kentucky]: University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. 6 pp. |
274755 |
Soil test phosphorus in Kentucky counties with municipal separate storm system communities | Lee, Brad D.; Munshaw, Gregg C.; Durham, Richard E.; Sikora, Frank J.; Grove, John H. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 102165. |
278607 |
Seasonal biology of the invasive green stinkworm Amynthas hupeiensis and control of its casts on golf putting greens Access Restrictions |
Redmond, Carl T.; Saeed, Abiya; Potter, Daniel A. 2016. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. December. 2(1): p. 1-9. |
275191 |
Alkaloid quantities in endophyte-infected tall fescue are affected by the plant-fungus combination and environment Access Restrictions |
Helander, M.; Phillips, T.; Faeth, S. H.; Bush, L. P.; McCulley, R.; Saloniemi, I.; Saikkonen, K. 2016. Journal of Chemical Ecology. February. 42(2): p. 118-126. |
269660 |
Calendar for Diseases of Cool-Season Grasses in Kentucky | Vincelli, Paul. 201X. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. [2] pp. |
282165 |
Turfgrasses of Kentucky | Munshaw, Gregg. 2015. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 11 pp. |
282231 |
Sod Producers in Kentucky | Turfgrass Science, University of Kentucky. 201X. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Turgrass Science, University of Kentucky. [2] pp. |
307993 |
Fertilizing Your Lawn | Munshaw, Gregg. 2014. Lexington, Kentucky: College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 3, [1] pp. |
249313 |
Aerifying and Dethatching Lawns | Munshaw, Gregg. 2014. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 4 pp. |
264008 |
Considering the Environment in the Maintenance of Your Kentucky Lawn: A Season By Season Approach | Munshaw, Gregg; Vincelli, Paul. 2014. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 8 pp. |
264010 |
Liming Kentucky Lawns | Munshaw, Gregg; Ritchey, Edwin. 2014. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. 3 pp. |
264012 |
Brown Patch Disease in Kentucky Lawns | Vincelli, Paul; Munshaw, Gregg. 2014. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Plant Pathology Extension, Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky. [4] pp. Revised Edition. |
287718 |
Grassland Sustainability in Kentucky: Case Studies Quantifying the Effects of Climate Change on Slug Herbivory in Pastures and Different Home Lawn Systems on Turf Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Weber, Daniel Adam. 2014. M.S. Thesis: University of Kentucky. vii, 106 pp. |
307042 |
[Winter toll on turfgrass] |
Munshaw, Gregg. 2014. The State of Grass [Kentucky Turfgrass Council]. November/December. p. 12-13, 15-16. |
254580 |
Earthworm community composition, seasonal population structure, and casting activity on Kentucky golf courses Access Restrictions |
Redmond, Carl T.; Kesheimer, Adam; Potter, Daniel A. 2014. Applied Soil Ecology. March. 75: p. 116-123. |
244355 |
[Help your grass survive winters: Kentucky winter 2014] |
Munshaw, Gregg. 2014. The State of Grass [Kentucky Turfgrass Council]. January/February. p. 10-12. |
254484 |
Mowing Your Kentucky Lawn | Munshaw, Gregg C. 2013. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment, University of Kentucky. 3, [1] pp. |
249319 |
The Importance of Roadside Vegetation and the Need for a Vegetation Management Plan in the Commonwealth of Kentucky | Trammell, Tara; Sluss, Tamara. 2013. [Frankfort, Kentucky]: Kentucky Conservation Committee. 12 pp. |
257039 |
Weed Control for Kentucky Home Lawns | Munshaw, G. C.; Barrett, M.; Green, J. D. 2013. Lexington Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 6 pp. |
264015 |
Chemical Control of Turfgrass Diseases 2013 |
Vincelli, Paul; Munshaw, Gregg. 2013. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 23 pp. |
264145 |
Why does this matter to me? |
Vincelli, Paul. 2013. The State of Grass [Kentucky Turfgrass Council]. March/April. p. 10-11. |
254470 |
Insecticides for Control of White Grubs (Masked Chafers, Japanese Beetle, Green June Beetle, May Beetle, Black Turfgrass Ataenius) in Kentucky Bluegrass |
Potter, Michael F.; Potter, Daniel A. 2012. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. [1] p. Revised Edition. |
307912 |
The Kentucky Golf Economy: Full Report |
SRI International. 2010. s.l.: GOLF 20/20. ii, 31 pp. |
281490 |
Climate Change Improving Kentucky Golf Industry and Reducing Environmental Impact Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wilson, Larry David. 2010. M.S. Thesis: Eastern Kentucky University. 42 leaves. |
291861 |
Grassed waterway planning model evaluated for agricultural fields in the western coal field physiographic region of Kentucky Access Restrictions |
Luck, J. D.; Mueller, T. G.; Shearer, S. A.; Pike, A. C. 2010. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. September. 65(5): p. 280-288. |
169421 |
Athletic Field Construction and Establishment: Basic Requirements for Native Soils | Powell, A. J. Jr. [200X]. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture. 2 pp. |
150681 |
Ornamental Grasses for Kentucky and Landscapes |
Nash, Lenore J.; Witt, Mary L.; Tapp, Linda; Powell, A. J. Jr. 2006. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 10 pp. |
307992 |
Destructive Diseases Common on Turfgrasses in Kentucky | Vincelli, Paul. 2005. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. [1] p. Revised Edition. |
141031 |
Brown Patch Disease in Kentucky Lawns | Vincelli, Paul; Powell, A. J. 200X. [Lexington, Kentucky]: [College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky]. [3] pp. |
150833 |
Insecticides for Control of White Grubs (Masked Chafers, Japanese Beetle, Green June Beetle, May Beetle, Black Turfgrass Ataenius) in Kentucky Bluegrass | Potter, Michael F.; Potter, Daniel A. 2005. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. [3] pp. Revised Edition. |
307910 |
Simulations of fungicide runoff associated with disease control programs for turfgrass in Kentucky | Vincelli, P. 2003. Phytopathology. June. 93(6): p. S87. |
92179 |
New state support for alternative crops emerging | Seymour, Randy. 2002. Greener Roadsides. Winter. p. [1-2]. |
104586 |
Growing Cultivated Turfgrass Sod for Transplanting |
Powell, A. J. Jr. [2001]. [University of Kentucky]. |
76334 |
Enhancing biological control of white grubs by native parasitic wasps on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 11. |
78342 |
Controlling Microdochium patch/pink snow mold |
Vincelli, Paul. 2001. TurfNet Monthly. December. 8(12): p. 8-9. |
277490 |
The Effect of Turfgrass Maintenance on Surface-Water Quality in a Suburban Watershed, Inner Blue Grass, Kentucky | Williams, R. Michael; Dinger, James S.; Powell, Andrew J.; Edwards, Dwayne R. and Smath, Margaret Luther, ed. 2000. Lexington, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky. iv, 10, [2] pp. |
91911 |
Lawn Establishment in Kentucky |
Powell, A. J. Jr. 2000. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
150889 |
Selecting the Right Grass for Your Kentucky Lawn |
Powell, A. J. Jr. 2000. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
150894 |
Lawn Fertilization in Kentucky |
Powell, A. J. Jr. 2000. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
150899 |
Mowing, Dethatching, Coring, and Rolling Kentucky Lawns |
Powell, A. J. Jr. 2000. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
150902 |
Weedmak-A computerized decision aid for herbicide selection in water quality sensitive areas of Kentucky |
Green, J. D.; Witt, William W.; Martin, James R.; Marshall, Michael. 2000. Proceedings of the North Central Weed Science Society. December. 55: p. 28-29. |
75786 |
Curve number approach for estimating runoff from turf |
Haith, Douglas A.; Andre, Benjamin. 2000. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 29(5): p. 1548-1554. |
68865 |
Postemergence tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) control at different growth stages with glyphosate and AC 263,222 |
Washburn, Brian E.; Barnes, Thomas G. 2000. Weed Technology. January-March. 14(1): p. 223-230. |
64825 |
Insecticides for Control of White Grubs (Masked Chafers, Japanese Beetle, Green June Beetle, May Beetle, Black Turfgrass Ataenius) in Kentucky Bluegrass | Potter, Michael F.; Potter, Daniel A. 1999. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. [2] pp. Revised Edition. |
71922 |
Kentucky plans to build seven new state courses | Anonymous. 1999. Golf Course News. November. 11(11): p. 5. |
63585 |
Establishment and Persistence of Perennial Ryegrass in Kentucky Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Hagan, C. 1998. M.S. Thesis: University of Kentucky. |
77398 |
Increasing brown patch on tall fescue with increasing mowing height and spring/summer nitrogen fertility |
Vincelli, P.; Williams, D. W.; Powell, A. J. 1997. Phytopathology. June. 87(6): p. S100-S101. |
92496 |
1994 Kentucky Red Clover Variety Test Report | Lauriault, L. M.; Henning, J. C.; Taylor, N. L.; Lacefield, G. D.; Ditsch, D. C.; Mundell, R. E. Jr.; Gray, T. G. [1994]. [Lexington, Kentucky]: [Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky]. [15] pp. |
338675 |
1993 Kentucky Red Clover Variety Test Report | Lauriault, L. M.; Henning, J. C.; Taylor, N. L.; Lacefield, G. D.; Edmondson, W. T. [1993]. [Lexington, Kentucky]: [Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky]. [12] pp. |
338677 |
1992 weather data: Spindleton Research Farm, Lexington, KY |
Anonymous. 1993. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1992-1993. p. 5. |
60197 |
Kentucky bluegrass variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, L. D.; King, R. G. 1993. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1992-1993. p. 6-9. |
60198 |
Tall fescue variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J.; Tapp, L. D.; King, R. G. 1993. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1992-1993. p. 10-12. |
60199 |
Perennial ryegrass evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, L. D.; King, R. G. 1993. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1992-1993. p. 13-16. |
60200 |
Fineleaf fescue variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, L. D.; King, R. G. 1993. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1992-1993. p. 17-19. |
60201 |
Bentgrass variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, L. D.; King, R. G. 1993. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1992-1993. p. 20-22. |
60202 |
Bermudagrass variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, L. D.; King, R. G. 1993. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1992-1993. p. 23-26. |
60203 |
Zoysia cultivar evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, L. D.; King, R. G. 1993. Kentucky Turfgrass Research 1992-1993. p. 27-28. |
60204 |
Control of cutworms in a golf green with entomopathogenic nematodes |
Potter, D. A.; Spicer, P. G.; Kreuger, B.; Terry, L. 1993. Insecticide and Acaricide Tests. 18: p. 307. |
28294 |
1992 Kentucky Red Clover Variety Test Report | Lauriault, L. M.; Henning, J. C.; Taylor, N. L.; Lacefield, G. D.; Edmondson, W. T. [1992]. [Lexington, Kentucky]: [Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky]. [13] pp. |
338683 |
Weeds of Kentucky and Adjacent States: A Field Guide |
Haragan, Patricia Dalton. 1991. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky. 278 pp. |
26089 |
Managing Mole Problems in Kentucky | Barnes, Thomas G. [1991]. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 5 pp. |
278303 |
1991 Kentucky Red Clover Variety Trials | Henning, J. C.; Lauriault, L. M.; Taylor, N. L.; Lacefield, G. D.; Edmondson, W. T. [1991]. [Lexington, Kentucky]: [Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky]. [8] pp. |
338684 |
Kentucky Turfgrass Survey: [Survey Summary] |
The Kentucky Turfgrass Council. [1990]. Richmond, Kentucky: Kentucky Turfgrass Council, Eastern Kentucky University. [10] pp. |
198273 |
Kentucky bluegrass variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1990. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 4-5. |
19139 |
Tall fescue variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1990. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 6-8. |
19158 |
Perennial ryegrass evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1990. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 9-10. |
19159 |
Fineleaf fescue variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1990. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 11-12. |
19160 |
Bermudagrass variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1990. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 13. |
19162 |
Evaluations and descriptions of certain ornamental grasses |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1990. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 14-17. |
19192 |
Annual and perennial wildflower evaluations - III. 1988 and 1989 |
Tapp, Linda D.; Powell, A. J.; Witt, Mary; Anderson, Bob. 1990. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 18-24. |
19194 |
Annual and perennial wilflower evaluation - II. Perennials |
Tapp, Linda D.; Powell, A. J.; Witt, Mary; Anderson, Bob. 1990. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 18-24. |
19200 |
Annual and perennial wildflower evaluations - I. Mixtures |
Tapp, Linda D.; Powell, A. J.; Witt, Mary; Anderson, Bob. 1990. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 18-24. |
19203 |
Residual Control of Southern Masked Chafer Grubs |
Redmond, C. T.; Patterson, C. G.; Potter, D. A. 1990. Insecticide and Acaricide Tests. 15: p. 322. |
18212 |
Effect of applied fertilizer on Tifton 44 bermudagrass |
Thom, W. O.; Rice, H. B.; Collins, M.; Morrison, R. M. 1990. Journal of Production Agriculture. October-December. 3(4): p. 498-501. |
19962 |
OPEI draws more lawn/landscape pros | Anonymous. 1990. Landscape Management. September. 29(9): p. 12. |
18735 |
Kentucky Turfgrass Survey: Detailed Summary Report |
Williamson, David D.; Brannen, William. 1989. Louisville, Kentucky: Kentucky Agricultural Statistics Service. 60 pp. |
90850 |
Mowing Dethatching, Coring and Rolling Kentucky Lawns |
Powell, A. J. Jr. 1989. Lexington, Kentucky: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 4 pp. |
301808 |
Control of Leaf Spot of Kentucky Bluegrass, 1988 |
Hartman, J. R.; Clinton, W.; Powell, A. J. 1989. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 44: p. 249. |
15277 |
Kentucky bluegrass variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1988. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 4-5. |
19289 |
Tall Fescue Variety Evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1988. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 6-12. |
19290 |
Perennial ryegrass evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1988. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 13-14. |
19293 |
Fineleaf fescue variety evaluations |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1988. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 15-16. |
19297 |