Keyword: Aerification cores
Showing items 1 to 84 of 84.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The green path to success: Best practices for golf course management |
Anonymous. 2024. GreenMaster. Spring. 60(1): p. 16-19. |
334824 |
Researchers Compare Removing Aeration Cores With Core Recycling |
Whitlark, Brian. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
305135 |
Evaluation of hollow tine core aerification recycling on sand-based putting greens performance and playability | Thoms, Adam; Christians, Nick; Pease, Ben. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 189-192. |
310849 |
Turf and a blanket |
Luongo, Bernard. 2019. Update [New Jersey]. Winter. 19(4): p. 8. |
316618 |
Effects of cultivation practices and products on bermudagrass fairways in a semiarid region Access Restrictions |
Li, Li; Young, Joseph; Deb, Sanjit. 2019. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 111(6): p. 2899-2909. |
316230 |
Technology and growing turfgrass in the adverse climates of Red Bull Arena |
Kerlin, Reese. 2019. Update [New Jersey]. Fall. 19(3): p. 6, 14. |
314241 |
Opinions vary on solid tine vs. core aerification |
Reitman, John. 2018. Chips & Putts. Fall. p. 8, 10. |
303407 |
Establishing a Poa annua and Bentgrass Putting Green Nursery |
Gross, Pat. 2017. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: Green Section, United States Golf Association. [2] pp. |
290966 |
Golf course putting green organic matter recycling study |
Thoms, Adam; Pease, Ben; Mertz, Isaac; Christians, Nick. 2017. Farm Progress Reports [Iowa]. p. 68-70. |
305714 |
More than judging the size of the holes... | Gale, Laurence. 2017. Turf Matters. August/September. p. 19-20. |
289707 |
Facilitating green recovery after early spring core aerification | Xiong, Xi. 2017. The Gateway Green. Spring. 42(1): p. 14, 24. |
285898 |
An Early Start to Spring in the West | Gross, Pat. 2016. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. [2] pp. |
278993 |
Putting the Field to Bed | Adams, Ryan S. 2016. Ames, Iowa: Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. 2 pp. |
281234 |
Soil: Stronger than dirt | McCarty, Bert. 2016. Carolinas Green. March/April. p. 12, 14. |
271008 |
Punching holes in golfers' fears of core aeration | Mack, Lydell. 2015. Through the Green [Georgia]. November/December. p. 18-19. |
267587 |
Keeping grass between the hashmarks into November |
Anonymous. 2015. SportsTurf. September. 31(9): p. 28-29. |
264926 |
Wet weather turf pests |
Nixon, Phil. 2015. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. June 29. [19](10): p. 2. |
267573 |
To core or not to core?: Core aerification is a vital practice at many courses. But for some cool-season grass courses, it's a thing of the past |
Roberts, Stacie Zinn. 2015. Golfdom. March. 71(3): p. 26-29, 31. |
264094 |
Cork it! Don't underestimate the value of aerification plugs |
Furlong, Ron. 2014. Superintendent. May. 13(5): p. 12. |
250939 |
Core aeration programs and sand topdressing improve creeping bentgrass fairways Access Restrictions |
Klingenberg, Matthew T.; Li, Deying; Christians, Nick E.; Blume, Christopher J. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 151-156. |
223148 |
Drought stress response of eight bermudagrass cultivars Access Restrictions |
Rutledge, James M.; Peacock, Charles H.; Cooper, Richard J. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 415-418. |
223279 |
Wiedenmann's Will Wolverton on aerification |
Anonymous. 2013. SportsTurf. March. 29(3): p. 38. |
218670 |
A successful winter begins now |
Skorulski, Jim. 2012. Connecticut Clippings. September. 46[45](3): p. 1. |
220013 |
Aerator options | de Havilland, James. 2012. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 46-48. |
211447 |
Greens Aeration, Session 2 | Cross, Donald. 2011. [Glencoe, Illinois]: Skokie Country Club Golf Course Management. [3] pp. |
276356 |
Lawn cultivation equipment and methods | Anonymous. [200x]. University of Illinois Extension - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. p. [1]. |
162118 |
A Charterhouse Core Collector |
de Havilland, James. 2010. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 27-29. |
175365 |
Lawn cultivation: Is now the time? | Bigelow, Cale. 2010. Purdue Turfgrass Program Website. September 10. p. [1]. |
170384 |
Organic matter accumulation in sand-based rootzones |
VanLoo, Tim; Rogers, John N. III; Crum, James. 2010. SportsTurf. August. 26(8): p. 8, 10. |
168138 |
Horticulture for the home: Spring lawn care | 09:58. North Dakota State University Extension Service. 2010. NDSU Extension Service North Dakota University. May. |
168921 |
The Big Question | Radatz, Neil. 2009. [Verona, Wisconsin]: Greens Department, Hawks Landing Golf Club. [1] p. |
276880 |
Soil aeration reduces lawn problems |
LeRoy, Tom. 2009. The Tribune. June 3. p. [1]. |
196682 |
Golf course border study | Garrison, Mark A.; Stier, John C. 2008. 2008 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 26: p. [38-39]. |
241713 |
Cultivating to manage organic matter in sand-based greens: Aggressive verticutting removed more organic matter from greens, but core-aerated greens recovered more quickly Access Restrictions |
Landreth, Josh; Karcher, Doug; Richardson, Mike. 2008. Golf Course Management. May. 76(5): p. 118-122. |
135545 |
Five common lawncare mistakes | Anonymous. [200x]. The Lawn Institute. p. [1-3]. |
133415 | |
Any way you punch it: Agronomic objectives should determine aerification technique | Fultz, Charlie. 2007. Golfdom. April. 63(4): p. 45. |
125593 |
Turfgrass Cultivation (Aerification) |
Kopp, Kelly; Johnson, Paul. 2006. Logan, Utah: Cooperative Extension, Utah State University. [3] pp. |
133417 |
Maintaining Bermudagrass Lawns | Chalmers, David R.; McAfee, James A.; Havlak, Roger. 2006. [College Station, Texas]: AgriLife Communications and Marketing, AgriLife Extension, The Texas A&M Univeristy System. [3] pp. Revised Edition. |
261895 |
Wet cores on fairways |
Cummings, John; Parkes, Allen; Coldiron, Jerry; Remington, Sean; Paquette, John; Miller, Charlie. 2006. TurfNet Monthly. October. 13(10): p. 9-10. |
116870 |
Aerating your lawn | Janssen, Don. 2006. UNL Extension in Lancaster County. October 15. p. [1]. |
134828 | |
Agroforestry and grass buffer influence on macropore charcteristics: A computed tomography analysis Access Restrictions |
Udawatta, Ranjith P.; Anderson, Stephen H.; Gantzer, Clark J.; Garrett, Harlod E. 2006. Soil Science Society of America Journal. September/October. 70(5): p. 1763-1773. |
116210 |
Managing patch diseases in lawns | Janssen, Don. 2006. UNL Extension in Lancaster County. July 8. p. [1]. |
134978 | |
Breaking up fairway aeration cores? |
Engle, Adam; Cummings, John; Wall, Chris; Tripp, Jack; Tegtmeier, Rick; Hall, Phil; Husting, Jim; Colo, John; Brady, Steve; Gaston, Joe; Holdeman, John; Riley, Dustin; Clunis, Kevin; McCarthy, Ron; Thomas, Mike. 2006. TurfNet Monthly. April. 13(4): p. 9-10. |
110607 |
Interseeding Roundup-ready creeping bentgrass into established 'Penncross' creeping bentgrass | Gannon, Travis W.; Yelverton, Fred H. 2006. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. February 15. 5(4): p. [1-9]. |
109661 |
Grass Recycling | Kansas State University Research and Extension Service. 200X. Manhattan, Kansas: Kansas State University Research and Extension Service. [2] pp. |
206195 |
Sometimes being a drag can be a good thing |
Davis, Darren. 2005. The Florida Green. Summer. p. 38. |
106928 |
Getting water in | Schlossberg, Maxim J. 2005. Grounds Maintenance. June. 40(6): p. 14-17. |
110989 |
Effects of silicon on development of gray leaf spot in perennial ryegrass turf | Nanayakkara, U. 2005. Phytopathology. June Supplement. 95(6): p. S73. |
112070 |
From something old, something new: Coated-sand topdressing improves core hole recovery | Schlossberg, Max; Kerr, Robert; Danneberger, Karl. 2005. TurfGrass TRENDS. March. 61(3): p. 78-81. |
103185 |
Ohio St. studies coated sand | Anonymous. 2005. SportsTurf. March. 21(3): p. 10. |
109787 |
Making holes | Fink, Troy. 2005. Golf Course News [G. I. E. Media]. March. 17(3): p. 9. |
250514 |
Controlling and Preventing Thatch | Carlos, William J.; Davis, Rodney; Johnson, Wayne S. 20XX. Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada, Reno, Cooperative Extension. [4] pp. |
210650 |
Evaluation of the effectiveness of core aerification and/or topdressing by computer simulation Access Restrictions |
Li, Deying; Minner, David D.; Christians, Nick E. 2004. Acta Horticulturae. November. 661: p. 323-332. |
102361 |
Finishing touch Access Restrictions |
Templin, Keith; Daugherty, Mike; Whitmire, Jeffrey; Satterwhite, Kerry; Verrips, Thomas; Davey, Grant; Seliga, Gordon. 2004. Golf Course Management. April. 72(4): p. 30. |
94371 |
[Aerating hard, compacted soil] | Hermann, Jim. 2004. Update [New Jersey]. March/April. 4(2): p. 14. |
171680 |
Cultural practices |
Stauffer, Jeff. 2003. Green is Beautiful. October. p. 22-23. |
297656 |
Everybody does it: Aeration in the Mountain West |
Peacock, Ryan. 2003. Mountain West Turf. March/April. 3(2): p. 29-31. |
86812 |
Ten sports turf management myths | Samples, Tom; Sorochan, John. 2003. Sports Turf Manager [STMA]. January/February. 21(1): p. 3, 6, 16. |
109290 |
Mountain west golf maintenance: Preparing courses for cold weather |
Greenfield, Shauna. 2002. Mountain West Turf. Fall. 2(4): p. 43-44. |
83311 |
Lost and found: Restoring lost hole locations on Poa annua greens | Vermeulen, Paul. 2002. USGA Green Section Record. May/June. 40(3): p. 8. |
79916 |
A Breath of fresh air: Lawn roots choked by compact soil and heavy thatch could use a dose of aeration | Wisniewski, Nicole. 2002. Lawn and Landscape. April. 23(4): p. 115-117, 120-121. |
81440 |
Soil Sampling Home Lawns & Gardens | Tucker, M. Ray; Messick, J. Kent; Stokes, Catherine E. 2001. Raleigh, North Carolina: Soil Tesing Section, Agronomic Division, North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. [6] panels. Revised Edition. |
140971 |
Pulling the plug on turf problems | Liskey, Eric. 2001. Grounds Maintenance. September. 36(9): p. 12-14, 16. |
76685 |
Dillennium debate Access Restrictions |
Heller, Russell; Brock, Kim; Brooke, Scott E.; Westbrook, Neal; Lucas, Dan; McNeer, Scott; Creencia, Jesse. 2001. Golf Course Management. April. 69(4): p. 80. |
72853 |
Adjusting aerification Access Restrictions |
Lapp, Ken. 2000. Golf Course Management. November. 68(11): p. 17. |
69964 |
Processing cores after aeration: What you do with cores depends on how much you are trying to change your soil profile | Cisar, John L. 1999. Grounds Maintenance. November. 34(11): p. Golf 1, Golf 8. |
64619 |
Reducing field compaction | Ward, Coleman Y. 1998. SportsTURF. July. 14(7): p. 28-31. |
53213 |
A turn for the better: A simple change to your aerifier can provide a great benefit | Bevard, Darin S. 1998. USGA Green Section Record. May/June. 36(3): p. 2. |
52097 |
Dr. Carrow's cultivation research to improve compaction, water use | O'Brien, Patrick. 1994. Golf Course News. February. 5 [6](2): p. 15, 23.Off the Record. |
29934 |
Cultivation strategies: Five from the field | Trulio, Matthew. 1993. SportsTURF. October/November. 9(10): p. 22, 24. |
30306 |
Effect of three levels of soil compaction on the performance of six bermudagrass cultivars | Pair, John C.; Nus, Jeff. 1991. 1991 Turfgrass Research [Kansas State University]. p. 47-48. |
252203 |
The core: What to do with the evidence Access Restrictions |
Kinzer, Bill. 1991. Golf Course Management. July. 59(7): p. 14, 20, 26. |
21294 |
Fairway aerification |
Anonymous. 1990. TurfComms. January 6. 6(5): p. 2. |
272335 |
[Pulverizing the cores of fairways] | Kussow, Wayne R. 1989. The Grass Roots. November/December. 16(6): p. 31. |
138420 |
[Golf courses not set up to handle soil brought up by one inch tines] |
Anonymous. 1988. TurfComms. August 13. 4(6): p. 1. |
272262 |
Hollow and solid tine cultivation | Murphy, James A.; Rieke, P. E. 1986. 1986 Turfgrass Field Day Tour Program [Michigan]. p. 13. |
94611 |
Sand topdressing River Falls style | Ainsworth, Scott. 1984. Hole Notes. August. 13(8): p. 3. |
206436 |
Transmission of spring dead spot disease of bermudagrass by turf/soil cores | Pair, John C.; Crowe, Frederick J.; Willis, William G. 1983. Phytopathology. May. 73(5): p. 839. |
1495 |
Some thoughts on hollow core aerifying of greens | Bertucci, Al. 1982. The Bull Sheet. February. 35(9): p. [10]. |
131375 |
Landon's turf tips: Localized dry spots | Anonymous. 1979. The Bull Sheet. August. 33(3): p. [5]. |
131110 |
-Aeration-: Factors to consider | Waddington, D. V. 1973. The Bull Sheet. October. 27(5): p. [11]. |
129940 |
[True greens with aeration] Access Restrictions |
Wilson, Charles. 1968. The Golf Superintendent. March. 36(3): p. 50. |
113284 |
[Top dressing and aerification of greens] Access Restrictions |
Daniel, WM. H. 1957. The Golf Course Reporter. November/December. 25(6[8]): p. 38. |
122642 |
The Physical Condition of Putting-Green Soils and Other Environmental Factors Affecting the Quality of Greens Access Restrictions |
Davis, Richard Richardson. 1950. Ph.D. Thesis: Purdue University. [7], iii, 105 pp. |
264263 |