Keyword: Ataenius spretulus
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Long-term suppression of turfgrass insect pests with native persistent entomopathogenic nematodes |
Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Sousa, Ana Luiza. 2024. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. JUNE. 204: p. 108123 [1-8]. |
336673 |
Long-term suppression of turfgrass insect pests with native persistent entomopathogenic nematodes | Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Sousa, Ana Luiza. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 331-339. |
328687 |
Long-term suppression of turfgrass insect pests with native persistent entomopathogenic nematodes | Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Sousa, Ana Luiza. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 316-323. |
317426 |
The top 5 turf insects: Follow these smart strategies when these particularly nasty pests attack |
Fech, John C. 2017. Turf [North Edition]. April. 30(4): p. 10-11. |
282974 |
Preventive and curative control of black turfgrass ataenius grubs in bentgrass turf, 2004 |
Shetlar, David J.; Andon, Jennifer. 2012. Arthropod Management Tests 2012. 37: p. 1. |
248292 |
'White grubs' Access Restrictions |
Simard, Louis; Dionne, Julie. 2010. GreenMaster. March/April. 45(2): p. 18-21. |
161665 |
Black turfgrass ataenius |
Nixon, Phil. 2009. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. May 8. [13](3): p. [2-3]. |
292448 |
Stump the BugDoc Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Shetlar, David. [200x]. 16:05. |
137753 |
Black turfgrass ataenius |
Nixon, Phil. 2008. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. July 23. [12](13): p. 3. |
292443 |
[Dry 2007 season] |
Brame, R. A. (Bob). 2008. USGA World Wide Web Site. May 1. p. [1-2]. |
138933 |
On the road with the USGA - May 2008 | Brame, Bob. 2008. United States Golf Association. May 1. p. 1-2. |
273508 |
Black turfgrass ataenius |
Nixon, Phil. 2008. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. May 21. [12](5): p. 3-4. |
292431 |
BTA making an appearance | Shetlar, David. 2008. Buckeye Turf. April 22. p. [1]. |
137228 |
White Grubs | Hodgson, Erin. 2007. Logan, Utah: Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory. 3 pp. |
133641 |
Evaluation of preventative white grub insecticide treatments for control of Japanese beetle larvae in turf | Williamson, R. Chris. 2007. 2007 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 25: p. 109. |
242578 |
Evaluation of white grub insecticides for preventative control of Japanese beetle in turf | Williamson, R. Chris. 2007. 2007 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 25: p. 110-111. |
242581 |
Evaluation of white grub insecticides for corrective control of Japanese beetle in turf | Williamson, R. Chris. 2007. 2007 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 25: p. 112-113. |
242582 |
Black turfgrass Ataenius beetles emerging in northern Michigan | Smitley, Dave. 2007. Landscape Alert Newsletter. August 24. 22(16): p. [4]. |
137485 |
[Crane fly larvae] |
Shetlar, Dave. 2007. TurfNet - the Newsletter. May. 14(5): p. 6-7. |
125105 |
Description, life cycle, and control of black turfgrass ataenius | Shetlar, David. 2007. Buckeye Turf. May 1.03:26. |
127226 |
Stop insects before they start: Two researchers share their recommendations for improving your preventative control programs this year |
Niemczyk, Harry; Shetlar, David. 2007. Lawn and Landscape. April. 28(4): p. 126, 128, 130. |
126007 |
Head them off: A look at preventive approaches to destructive turf insects | Niemczyk, Harry; Shetlar, David. 2007. Golf Course Industry. March. 19(3): p. 92-94, 96, 98. |
137927 |
Mid-May application of experimental DPXE2Y45 and Merit to preventively suppress first generation black turfgrass ataenius grubs, 2005 | Heller, P. R.; Kline, D. 2006. Arthropod Management Tests. 31: p. G41. |
124309 |
Impact of soil moisture and mowing height on Ataenius spretulus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) selection of golf course turf habitat in choice tests |
Jo, Young-Ki; Smitely, David R. [Smitley]. 2006. HortScience. April. 41(2): p. 459-462. |
110326 |
Natural organic fertilizers as a risk factor for Ataenius spretulus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) infestation on golf courses Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; Held, David W.; Rogers, Michael E. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 753-760. |
105623 |
Influence of organic-based fertilizers and root zone mixes on the incidence of black turfgrass Ataenius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) infestations on golf courses Access Restrictions |
Williamson, R. C.; Walson, A. T.; Soldot, Doug. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 803-810. |
105716 |
2nd generation BTA [black turfgrass ataenius] | Shetlar, David. 2005. Buckeye Turf. August 22. p. [1]. |
126581 |
Black turfgrass ataenius |
Nixon, Phil. 2005. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. July 6. [9](12): p. 3-4. |
292351 |
[Alternatives to Merit or MACH2 for grub control] |
Shetlar, Dave. 2005. TurfNet Monthly. June. 12(6): p. 7-8. |
293084 |
Black turfgrass ataenius |
Nixon, Phil. 2005. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. May 25. [9](6): p. 3. |
292273 |
Getting ready for summer: It's never too early for white grubs Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2004. PACE Insights. 10(4): p. 4. |
105054 |
Mountain daylight time [June 2004] | Nelson, Matt. 2004. USGA World Wide Web Site. June 23. p. [1-2]. |
110672 |
Entomopathogenic nematodes: An alternative to pesticides to control turfgrass insect pests on golf courses |
Bélair, G.; Simard, L.; Dionne, J. 2003. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report 2003. 17: p. 83. |
107481 |
Black turfgrass ataenius control in turfgrass |
Simard, L.; Dionne, J. 2003. Guelph Turfgrass Institute Annual Research Report 2003. 17: p. 86. |
107493 |
A small insect, but a large problem Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2003. PACE Insights. 9(12): p. 1-4. |
105042 |
Predation of Ataenius spretulus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) eggs and grubs by species of Carabidae and Staphylinidae on golf courses in Michigan Access Restrictions |
Jo, Young-Ki; Smitley, David R. 2003. Environmental Entomology. December. 32(6): p. 1370-1376. |
92945 |
How the use of chlorothalonil on golf courses impacts Paenibacillus sp., a pathogen of Ataenius spretulus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Access Restrictions |
Smitley, David R.; Rothwell, Nikki L. 2003. Journal of Economic Entomology. June. 96(3): p. 792-797. |
150348 |
Insect management: Black turfgrass aetanius's appearance often surprises superintendents | Williamson, R. Chris. 2003. TurfGrass TRENDS. January. p. 38-39. |
84184 |
Turf & Ornamental Insect Identification Series: Volume I: The Grubs Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Shetlar, David J. and Code, Cindy, ed. 2002. Unknown. Unknown. |
138845 |
Pest control information and recommendations for turfgrass | Anonymous. 2002. Landscape Management. December. 41(12): p. 44-46. |
84728 |
A new research project funded by the OGSA: Entomopathogenic nematodes: An alternative to pesticides to control turfgrass insect pests on golf courses in Ontario |
Dionne, Julie. 2002. Green is Beautiful. October. p. 6. |
156242 |
Golf course turf and the summer of 2002 |
Turfgrass Faculty, Michigan State University. 2002. Newsnotes (Michigan Turfgrass Foundation). Fall. p. 4-5. |
83738 |
Black turfgrass ataenius (BTA): The other white grub | Williamson, R. Chris. 2002. The Grass Roots. September/October. 31(5): p. 15. |
82158 |
Is it poor irrigation distribution or BTA? | Danneberger, Karl. 2002. Buckeye Turf. July 8. p. [1]. |
126656 |
A primer on turf insect control Access Restrictions |
Vittum, Patricia J. 2002. GreenMaster. June/July. 37(3): p. 30, 32-33. |
81266 |
Ranking the grub insecticides: Newer preventive grub insecticides have an excellent track record Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A.; Shetlar, David J. 2002. Golf Course Management. May. 70(5): p. 63-65. |
79716 |
The new look in turf insecticides: Life after DursbanTM Access Restrictions |
Vittum, Patricia J. 2002. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 26(3): p. 54, 56-57, 59, 61-62. |
80186 |
Update: The two stages of white grub control: Although white grubs can cause extensive damage to turfgrass throughout the United States, control is possible Access Restrictions |
Isgrigg, John "Trey" III. 2002. Golf Course Management. March. 70(3): p. 53-58. |
78294 |
What happened to the grass roots? |
Buss, Eileen A. 2002. Florida Turf Digest. March/April. 19(2): p. 24, 26-28. |
80609 |
Entomology research report 2000: I. Investigating the causes of outbreaks of white grubs on golf course fairways | Smitley, David; Davis, Terrance; Cappaert, David; Simmons, Breanna; Jo, Young-Ki. 2001. Proceedings of the 71st Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 30: p. 54. |
71407 |
Biology and management of black turfgrass ataenius: Black turfgrass ataenius thrives under golf course maintenance conditions, but it is a sporadic pest that can be managed Access Restrictions |
Potter, Daniel A. 2001. Golf Course Management. December. 69(12): p. 49-53. |
77162 |
Organic fertilizers - A risk factor for black turfgrass ataenius? | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. TURFAX. July/August. 9(4): p. 5. |
76032 |
Insidious insects: Experts fearlessly forecast which insects will be on the most wanted list | Andorka, Frank H. Jr. 2001. Golfdom. May. 57(5): p. 50, 52. |
74810 |
Grubs! What they are and what to use to kill'em |
Anonymous. 2001. The Landscape Contractor. March. 42(3): p. 16-21. |
75069 |
Multiple targeting: Value added or value subtracted? | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. TURFAX. March/April. 9(2): p. 5, 7. |
73409 |
Identification of White Grubs in Turfgrass | Shetlar, David J. 2000. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Extension. [6] pp. |
66552 |
White grubs | Anonymous. [2000]. University of Nebraska: Department of Entomology. p. [1-2]. |
81089 | |
Predation, Soil Moisture and Mowing Height as Potential Factors in the Skewed Distribution of Ataenius speretulus (Colepotera: Scarabaeidae) on Golf Course Fairways and Roughs |
Jo, Young-Ki. 2000. M.S. Thesis: Michigan State University. vii, 63 pp. |
101583 |
Impact of predation on the skewed distribution of Ataenius spretulus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on golf course fairways and roughs | 2000. p. 1-39. In: Jo, Young-Ki. Predation, Soil Moisture and Mowing Height as Potential Factors in the Skewed Distribution of Ataenius speretulus (Colepotera: Scarabaeidae) on Golf Course Fairways and Roughs. M.S. Thesis: Michigan State University. |
167394 |
Integrating natural enemies, cultural control, and plant resistance for sustainable management of insect pests on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 17. |
72119 |
Impact of soil moisture and mowing height on the skewed distribution of Ataenius spretulus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on golf course fairways and roughs | 2000. p. 40-61. In: Jo, Young-Ki. Predation, Soil Moisture and Mowing Height as Potential Factors in the Skewed Distribution of Ataenius speretulus (Colepotera: Scarabaeidae) on Golf Course Fairways and Roughs. M.S. Thesis: Michigan State University. |
167396 |
Entomology research 1999: I. Investigating the causes of outbreaks of white grubs on golf course fairways | Smitley, David; Davis, Terrance; Rothwell, Nikki; Cappaert, David; Simmons, Breanna; Jo, Young-Ki. 2000. Proceedings of the 70th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 29: p. 33-34. |
64208 |
Factors influencing the skewed distribution of Ataenius in golf courses: Moisture and natural enemy predation | Jo, Young-Ki; Smitley, David. 2000. Proceedings of the 70th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 29: p. 49-51. |
64222 |
Differences in turfgrass arthropod diversity in golf course fairways and roughsas a factor in outbreaks of Ataenius spretulus and Aphodius granarius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) | Simmons, Breana. 2000. Proceedings of the 70th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 29: p. 127-132. |
64312 |
Preventive control of black turfgrass ataenius in turfgrass with notes on sod webworm control, 1999 Access Restrictions |
Shetlar, David J.; Pinkston, Wade; Niemczyk, Harry D. 2000. Arthropod Management Tests. 25: p. 351. |
69611 |
Efficacy of Scimitar and Mach-2 as a preventative treatment for control of black turfgrass ataenius (trial no. 1), 1999 Access Restrictions |
Swier, Stanley R.; Rollins, Alan; Patrick, Gretchen; Cady. Arthur. 2000. Arthropod Management Tests. 25: p. 372. |
70215 |
Comparison of Scimitar and Mach-2 as a preventative against black turfgrass ataenius (trial no.2), 1999 Access Restrictions |
Swier, Stanley R.; Rollins, Alan; Patrick, Gretchen; Cady, Arthur. 2000. Arthropod Management Tests. 25: p. 372. |
70217 |
Turfgrass ataenius control, 1999 Access Restrictions |
Smitely, D. R.; Davis, T. W. 2000. Arthropod Management Tests. 25: p. 396. |
70420 |
Are black turfgrass Ataenius (Coleoptera) populations on golf courses determined by organic matter content in fertillizers? | Walston, Allison; Williamson, R. Chris. 2000. 2000 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 18: p. [97-98]. |
73214 |
Integrated pest management strategies for turfgrass pests |
Gathercole, William H. 2000. Turf & Recreation. November/December. 13(7): p. 48, 50-54. |
73201 |
White grub biology and management [part I: Recommendations and summary] | Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2000. Super Journal: PACE Turfgrass Research Institute. November 20. p. 1-2. |
105004 |
[White grub biology and management part II:] Project I: Predicting the timing of adult and larval populations of the black turfgrass ataenius and the masked chafer using black light traps (final report) | Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2000. Super Journal: PACE Turfgrass Research Institute. November 20. p. 3-7. |
105005 |
[White grub biology and management pt. III]: Project II: Predicting the timing of adult populations of the black turfgrass ataenius and the masked chafer using degree day models | Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2000. Super Journal: PACE Turfgrass Research Institute. November 20. p. 8-15. |
105006 |
[White grub biology and management pt. IV]: Project III: Efficacy of chemical and biological controls for black turfgrass ataenius and masked chafers (final report) | Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2000. Super Journal: PACE Turfgrass Research Institute. November 20. p. 16-21. |
105007 |
Understanding the white grub complex | Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M. 2000. 1999 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 31: p. 23-28. |
68216 |
Rid your course of turfgrass pests |
Williams, Scott. 2000. California Fairways. March/April. 9(2): p. 36, 38. |
65081 |
White grub control in North Carolina |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. February/March. 18(1): p. 38, 40. |
65856 |
Springtime preventive control of black turfgrass Ataenius | Potter, Daniel A. 2000. TURFAX. January/February. 8(1): p. 3. |
64058 |
Relationship of Aphodius granarius and Ataenius spretulus Activity to Air and Soil Based Degree-day Accumulations on Michigan Golf Courses |
Johanningsmeier, Julie Stachecki. 1999. M. S. Thesis: Michigan State University. vii, 80 pp. |
71506 |
Insecticides for Control of White Grubs (Masked Chafers, Japanese Beetle, Green June Beetle, May Beetle, Black Turfgrass Ataenius) in Kentucky Bluegrass | Potter, Michael F.; Potter, Daniel A. 1999. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. [2] pp. Revised Edition. |
71922 |
Impact of environmental variables on grub populations in New York State turfgrass |
Villiani, M. G. [Villani, M.]; Hyrop, J. P. 1999. 1998 New York State Ornamentals Project Reports Relating to IPM. p. 35-43. |
65221 |
Preventive applications for control of black turfgrass ataenius adults and larvae in bentgrass, 1998 Access Restrictions |
Shetlar, David J.; Niemczyk, Harry D.; Pinkston, Wade. 1999. Arthropod Management Tests. 24: p. 333-334. |
63683 |
Preventive control of black turfgrass ataenius larvae in bentgrass, 1998 Access Restrictions |
Shetlar, David J.; Niemczyk, Harry D.; Pinkston, Wade. 1999. Arthropod Management Tests. 24: p. 334-335. |
63679 |
Control of black turfgrass ataenius adults and larvae in bentgrass, Columbus, OH - 1998 Access Restrictions |
Shetlar, David J.; Niemczyk, Harry D.; Pinkston, Wade. 1999. Arthropod Management Tests. 24: p. 335. |
63978 |
Black cutworm rapidity-of-kill on bentgrass, 1998 Access Restrictions |
Shetlar, David J.; Niemczyk, Harry D.; Pinkston, Wade; Jordon, Kyle. 1999. Arthropod Management Tests. 24: p. 335-336. |
63981 |
Sod webworm and black turfgrass ataenius control in bentgrass, 1998 Access Restrictions |
Shetlar, David J.; Niemczyk, Harry D.; Pinkston, Wade. 1999. Arthropod Management Tests. 24: p. 336-337. |
63985 |
The role of pyrethroids in northern turf insect management |
Swier, Stanley R. 1999. Turf Notes [New England]. September/October. 8(5): p. 9-10. |
62637 |
Black turfgrass ataenius: Small pest of increasing importance on highly managed turfgrass | Rothwell, Nikki L. 1999. TurfGrass TRENDS. July. 8(7): p. 1-3, 6-8. |
121964 |
Impact of golf course mowing practices on Ataenius spretulus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and its natural enemies Access Restrictions |
Rothwell, N. L.; Smitley, D. R. 1999. Environmental Entomology. June. 28(3): p. 358-366. |
60373 |
Causes of black turfgrass ataenius and aphodius outbreaks on golf courses: Pesticide use may increase ataenius numbers by reducing predator populations Access Restrictions |
Smitley, David; Davis, Terrance. 1999. Golf Course Management. May. 67(5): p. 53-57. |
59299 |
Black turfgrass ataenius management programs for 1999 Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1999. PACE Insights. May. 5(5): p. 1-4. |
104924 |
Entomology research: Causes of black turfgrass ataenius and aphodius outbreaks on golf courses (1992-96) | Smitley, David; Davis, Terrance. 1999. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. January. 28: p. 53-58. |
56559 |
Black turfgrass ataenius |
Hellman, Lee. [19xx]. Institute of Applied Agriculture. |
41677 | |
National Bentgrass Test - 1993 (Putting Green): Final Report 1994-1997 |
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 1998. Beltsville, MD: USDA ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. 61 pp. |
54616 |
Pest identification: White grubs |
Vittum, Patricia J. 199x. University of Massachusetts Extension Turf Program Web Site. |
59978 | |
White grub rastral patterns | Anonymous. [19xx]. Nebraska IANR Web Site. p. [1]. |
71307 | |
UNL Entomology - Turfgrass Insects - Black Turfgrass Ataenius Grubs | Anonymous. [19xx]. Nebraska IANR Web Site. p. [1]. |
71313 | |
Black turfgrass ataenius life cycle | Anonymous. [19xx]. Nebraska IANR Web Site. p. [1]. |
71314 | |
Control of black turfgrass ataenius adults and grubs with adulticides and larvicides | Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. [199X]. Super Journal: PACE Turfgrass Research Institute. p. [1-6]. |
105009 |
1997 turf insect monitoring study |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1998. PTRI 1998 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 48-56. |
51143 |