Keyword: Bioassay
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Economic impact of take-all root rot on bermudagrass putting green management | Jo, Young-Ki. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 318-321. |
328682 |
Insecticidal activity of a petroleum-derived spray oil and an organosilicone surfactant on Listronotus maculicollis (Kirby) adults in laboratory and greenhouse bioassays |
McGraw, Benjamin A.; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Kostromytska, Olga; Wu, Shaohui; Alm, Steven R. 2022. Insects. November. 13(11): p. 1032 [1-13]. |
339411 |
Economic impact of take-all root rot on bermudagrass putting green management | Jo, Young-Ki. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 306-309. |
317424 |
Preservation of SDHI nematicide chemistry on golf turf | Crow, William T. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 310-315. |
317425 |
Biology and management of Pythium toot rot in golf course putting greens | Kerns, James P. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 300-303. |
313746 |
Insecticidal activity of chloranthraniliprole against oriental beetle, Blitopertha orientalis (Coleoptera: Rutelidae) and persistence of efficacy against black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in turfgrasses of golf courses |
Shin, Chong Chang; Kwon, Oh-Gyeong; Kim, Joung Hoi; Kim, Jong Kyung; Lee, DongWoon. 2020. Weed and Turfgrass Science. September. 9(3): p. 299-308. |
313097 |
The compatibility of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry protein-solubilizing buffers with the droplet feeding method in fall armyworm larvae Access Restrictions |
Chen, Chia-yu; Bouwer, Gustav. 2019. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. September. 166: p. [1-3]. |
308118 |
Behavioral responses of hunting billbug (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) towards odors from different turfgrass species and adult conspecifics Access Restrictions |
Barrett, Bruce A.; Patterson, Michael E.; Xiong, Xi. 2018. Environmental Entomology. December. 47(6): p. 1541-1546. |
304702 |
Turfgrasses as model assay systems for high-throughput in planta screening of beneficial endophytes isolated from cereal crops Access Restrictions |
Shehata, Hanan R.; Lyons, Eric M.; Raizada, Manish N. 2018. Symbiosis. September. 76(1): p. 71-76. |
327103 |
In vitro analysis of nematicides and fungicides on Belonolaimus longicaudatus | Galle, Glenn H.; Nunez, Kathleen H.; Kerns, James P. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 107489. |
290307 |
Effect of indaziflam applications on 'Tifway 419' bermudagrass growth |
Jeffries, Matthew D.; Gannon, Travis W.; Ou, Ling. 2016. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 108(3): p. 950-956. |
271767 |
De novo transcriptome analysis of Rhizoctonia solani AG1 IA strain early invastion in Zoysia japonica root |
Zhu, Chen; Ai, Lin; Wang, Li; Yin, Pingping; Liu, Chenglan; Li, Shanshan; Zeng, Huiming. 2016. Frontiers in Microbiology. May 18. 7: p. 708 [1-12]. |
331259 |
Towards sustainable management of the annual bluegrass weevil | Kostromytska, Olga S.; Wu, Shaohui; Rodriguez-Saona, Cesar; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M. 2015. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 30-32. |
260728 |
Assessment and use strategies of bacculovirus for control of fall armyworm and black cutworm | Williamson, R. Chris; Held, David; McGraw, Ben. 2015. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries. p. 180-184. |
285078 |
A simple in-season bioassay for detecting glyphosate resistance in grass and broadleaf weeds prior to herbicide application in the field Access Restrictions |
Kaundun, Shiv S.; Hutchings, Sarah-Jane; Harris, Suzanne C.; Jackson, Lucy V.; Shashi-Kiran, Rekha; Dale, Richard P.; McIndoe, Eddie. 2014. Weed Science. October-December. 62(4): p. 597-607. |
254199 |
Use of herbivore-induced plant volatiles as search cues by Tiphia vernalis and Tiphia popilliavora to locate their below-ground scarabaeid hosts Access Restrictions |
Obeysekara, Piyumi T.; Legrand, Ana; Lavigne, Gary. 2014. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. January. 150(1): p. 74-85. |
266552 |
Biological assay techniques for detecting root leakage of auxin mimic herbicides | Parker, Ethan Trent; Wehtje, Glenn R.; McElroy, J. Scott; Price, Andrew. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 79282. |
232242 |
Allelopathy of Trifolium repense L. exudates on five turfgrass types | Yu, Ting; Meng, Huan-wen; Wen, Yan-bin; Cheng, Zhi-hui. 2013. [Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. 21(4): p. 729-736. |
270272 |
Enhanced herbicidal activity of corn gluten meal through pH modification Access Restrictions |
Dunlap, N. J.; Boersma, N. N.; Christians, N. E. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 675-677. |
223348 |
Residual efficacy of fungicides for controlling brown patch on creeping bentgrass fairways |
Daniels, John P.; Latin, Richard. 2013. Plant Disease. December. 97(12): p. 1620-1625. |
233451 |
Residual efficacy of fungicides for brown patch control on creeping bentgrass fairways Access Restrictions |
Daniels, John; Latin, Richard. 2013. Golf Course Management. December. 81(12): p. 84-86, 88, 90-91. |
234606 |
Bioavailability of aminocyclopyrachlor and triclopyr plus clopyralid from turfgrass clippings in aquatic and riparian plants Access Restrictions |
Lewis, Dustin F.; Richardson, Robert J.; Yelverton, Fred H.; Wentworth, Thomas R. 2013. Weed Science. October-December. 61(4): p. 594-600. |
233870 |
Evaluation of insecticides for lethal dose, lethal concentration, and field activity on hunting billbug in warm-season turfgrass |
Doskocil, Joseph P.; Sorenson, Clyde E.; Royalty, Reed N.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2012. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 9(1): p. [1-9]. |
198759 |
Aggregation behavior of the southern chinch bug (Hemiptera: Blissidae) Access Restrictions |
Addesso, Karla M.; Mcauslane, Heather J.; Cherry, Ron. 2012. Environmental Entomology. August. 41(4): p. 887-895. |
210297 |
Influence of turf taxa and insecticide type on survival of Geocoris spp. (Hemiptera: Geocoridae) |
Joseph, Shimat V.; Braman, S. Kristine. 2012. Journal of Entomological Science. July. 47(3): p. 227-237. |
219168 |
Soil persistence of amicarbazone using bentgrass (Agrostis palustris) as a bioassay | Grey, T. L.; Murphy, T. R. 2011. 2011 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 64: p. 178. |
226800 |
Preference and performance of black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Poa species |
Hong, Seung Cheon; Williamson, R. Chris; Held, David W. 2011. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. December. 29(4): p. 207-212. |
195591 |
Field-based effects of allelopathy in invaded tallgrass prairie Access Restrictions |
Harnden, Jesse; MacDougall, Andrew S.; Sikes, Benjamin A. 2011. Botany [Canada]. April. 89(4): p. 227-234. |
199367 |
Turfgrass evaluation and analysis of factors inhibiting turfgrass growth under camphor trees Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wang, Chen; Liao, YanMing; Wu, Jian; Ma, MiangYuan; Ma, Jun; Guo, JinFang; Chen, Jie; Lv, Ming; Yao, Zheng; Wu, Ming; He, YaLi. 2010. Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao (Nongye Kexue Ban) [Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Agricultural Science)]. 28(1): p. 1-8. |
290862 |
Isolation and structural identification of herbicidal toxin fractions produced by Pythium aphanidermatum Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Li-hui; Kang, Zhan-hai; Xu, Jiao; Xu, Wen-chao; Zhang, Jin-lin. 2010. Agricultural Sciences in China. July. 9(7): p. 995-1000. |
290785 |
Occurrence and molecular identification of azoxystrobin-resistant Colletotrichum cereale isolates from golf course putting greens in the southern United States |
Young, Joseph R.; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria; Tredway, Lane P.; de la Cerda, Karla. 2010. Plant Disease. June. 94(6): p. 751-757. |
162654 |
Mechanisms of coexistence of two sympatric entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema affine and S. kraussei (Nematoda: Steinernematidae), in a central European oak woodland soil Access Restrictions |
P^Douža, Vladimír; Mráček, Zdeněk. 2010. Applied Soil Ecology. June. 45(2): p. 65-70. |
272856 |
Effects of formulation and host nematode density on the ability of in vitro-produced Pasteuria endospores to control its host Belonolaimus longicaudatus Access Restrictions |
Luc, John E.; Pang, Wenjing; Crow, William T.; Giblin-Davis, Robin M. 2010. Journal of Nematology. June. 42(2): p. 87-90. |
272709 |
Identification of Strobilurin and Benzimidazole Resistance in Colletotrichum Cereale Isolates Causing Anthracnose on Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens in Mississippi and Alabama | Young, Joseph Ronald. 2009. M.S. Thesis: Mississippi State University. ix, 77 pp. |
217252 |
Bifenthrin-susceptible southern chinch bug bioassay, 2008 |
Buss, Eileen A.; Ruppert, Paul. 2009. Arthropod Management Tests. 34: p. L3. |
159614 |
Bioactivity assay of secondary metabolites of Rhizoctonia solani Access Restrictions |
Sun, Shu-qin; Liu, Shui-fang; Yang, Xiu-rong. 2009. Tianjin Nongye Kexue [Tianjin Agricultural Sciences]. 15(2): p. 75-77. |
291026 |
A bioassay technique to measure premergence [preemergence] herbicide activity in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Acuña, Alejandra A.; Gardner, David S.; Danneberger, T. Karl. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 1): p. 293-297. |
151000 |
Biologically active tetranorditerpenoids from the fungus Sclerotinia homoeocarpa causal agent of dollar spot in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Bandara Herath, H. M. T.; Herath, Wimal H. M. W.; Carvalho, Paulo; Khan, Shabana I.; Tekwani, Babu L.; Duke, Stephen O.; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria; Dhammika Nanayakkara, N. P. 2009. Journal of Natural Products. December. 72(12): p. 2091-2097. |
334671 |
LC and LD50 values of Bacillus thuringiensis serovar japonensis strain Buibui toxin to oriental beetle and northern masked chafer larvae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Access Restrictions |
Mashtoly, Tamer A.; El-Zemaity, Mohamed El-Said; Hussien, Mohamed I.; Alm, Steven R. 2009. Journal of Economic Entomology. October. 102(5): p. 1891-1895. |
160105 |
Pyrethroid resistance mediated by enzyme detoxification in Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Connecticut Access Restrictions |
Ramoutar, Darryl; Cowles, Richard S.; Alm, Steven R. 2009. Journal of Economic Entomology. June. 102(3): p. 1203-1208. |
163924 |
Selection of bioassay method influences detection of annual bluegrass resistance to mitotic-inhibiting herbicides |
Cutulle, Matthew A.; McElroy, J. Scott; Millwood, Reginald W.; Sorochan, John C.; Stewart, C. Neal Jr. 2009. Crop Science. May/June. 49(3): p. 1088-1095. |
153195 |
Identification of pathogenic strains of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi for wireworm control Access Restrictions |
Ansari, M. A.; Evans, M.; Butt, T. M. 2009. Crop Protection. March. 28(3): p. 269-272. |
237852 |
Mechanisms of pyrethroid resistance in adults of the annual bluegrass weevil, Listronotus maculicollis (Kirby), (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from Connecticut golf courses | Ramoutar, Darryl. 2008. Rhode Island Annual Turfgrass Field Days. p. 14-22. |
160350 |
PCR-based assay for rapid detection of mutations associated with dinitroaniline resistant annual bluegrass | Cutulle, M. A.; McElroy, J. S.; Stewart, C. N. Jr.; Yuan, J. S. 2008. 2008 Proceedings, Southern Weed Science Society. 61: p. 98. |
225562 |
Cool-season turfgrass evaluation and analysis of effectors inhibiting turfgrass growth under camphor trees in Shanghai China | He, Y. L.; Guo, J. F.; Wang, C.; Chen, J.; Lv, M.; Liu, Y. M. 2008. XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII International Rangeland Congress: Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World. 2: p. 316. |
168563 |
Microsystems for rapid evaluation of plant growth response to organic amendements Access Restrictions |
Clapp, C. Edward; Shenker, Moshe; Hayes, Michael H. B.; Liu, Raymond; Cline, Van W.; Palazzo, Antonio J.; Chen, Yona. 2008. Soil Science. May. 173(5): p. 342-349. |
152574 |
Comparison of four bioassay methods for evaluation of potential mitotic-inhibiting herbicide resistant Poa annua | Cutulle, Matthew; McElroy, J. Scott; Sorochan, John C.; Stewart, C. Neal. 2007. Abstracts: 2007 International Annual Meetings[ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. [1]. |
132238 |
The facts on herbicide - resistant weeds | Cutulle, Matt; McElroy, Scott; Breeden, Greg. 2007. Tennessee Turfgrass. August/September. p. 24-25. |
129329 |
Status of black grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) resistance to acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase inhibitors in France Access Restrictions |
Délye, C.; Menchari, Y.; Guillemin, J.-P.; Matéjicek, A.; Michel, S.; Camilleri, C.; Chauvel, B. 2007. Weed Research. April. 47(2): p. 95-105. |
160128 |
Nematode important agronomic tool for turf management |
Ye, Weimin. 2006. North Carolina Turfgrass. July/August. p. 28-35. |
112965 |
Suitability of various turfgrass species and cultivars for development and survival of black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Access Restrictions |
Hong, S. C.; Williamson, R. C. 2006. Journal of Economic Entomology. June. 99(3): p. 850-857. |
254689 |
Survival of adult Tiphia vernalis (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae) after insecticide, fungicide, and herbicide exposure in laboratory bioassays Access Restrictions |
Oliver, Jason B.; Reding, Michael E.; Moyseenko, James J.; Klein, Michael G.; Mannion, Catharine M.; Bishop, Bert. 2006. Journal of Economic Entomology. April. 99(2): p. 288-294. |
159963 |
Avenacin production in creeping bentrgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) and its influence on the host range of Gaeumannomyces graminis |
Thomas, S. L.; Bonello, P.; Lipps, P. E.; Boehm, M. J. 2006. Plant Disease. January. 90(1): p. 33-38. |
111561 |
Conidial viability and pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) vuillemin for mole cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) control in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Thompson, Sarah R.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Arends, J. J. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 784-792. |
105713 |
Dazomet blended with rootzone mix for fumigation Access Restrictions |
Brecke, Barry J.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Stephenson, Daniel O. IV. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 10(Part 2): p. 1176-1178. |
106400 |
Allelopathic effects of Pinus halepensis needles on turfgrasses and biosensor plants |
Nektarios, Panayiotis A.; Economou, Garyfalia; Avgoulas, Christos. 2005. HortScience. February. 40(1): p. 246-250. |
111966 |
Establishing principal soil quality parameters influencing earthworms in urban soils using bioassays Access Restrictions |
Hankard, Peter K.; Bundy, Jacob G.; Spurgeon, David J.; Weeks, Jason M.; Wright, Julian.; Weinberg, Claire; Svendsen, Claus. 2005. Environmental Pollution. January. 133(2): p. 199-211. |
110215 |
Bioassay assessment, fractionation, and high performance liquid chromatography (LC/MS) analysis of macro-sorb foliar |
Kauffman, Gordon L. III; Jones, D. A.; Watschke, T. L. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
100397 |
The Development and Utilization of Assays to Characterize Populations of Gaeumannomyces graminis Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Thomas, Samantha L. 2004. Ph.D. Dissertation: The Ohio State University. |
101739 |
The impacts of soil organic amendments on tall fescue drought tolerance |
Zhang, Xunzhong; Sherony, C.; Ervin, E. H.; Evanylo, G. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
103214 |
Selection of a highly virulent fungal isolate, Metarhizium anisopliae CLO 53, for controlling Hoplia philanthus Access Restrictions |
Ansari, M. A.; Vestergaard, S.; Tirry, L.; Moens, M. 2004. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. February. 85(2): p. 89-96. |
116575 |
Prediction of stem rust infection favorability, by means of degree-hour wetness duration, for perennial ryegrass seed crops |
Pfender, W. F. 2003. Phytopathology. April. 93(4): p. 467-477. |
85912 |
Use of organosmectites to reduce leaching losses of acidic herbicides Access Restrictions |
Carrizosa, M. J.; Hermosin, M. C.; Koskinen, W. C.; Cornejo, J. 2003. Soil Science Society of America Journal. March/April. 67(2): p. 511-517. |
85911 |
Detection of Colletotrichum coccodes and Helminthosporium solani in soils by bioassay |
Carnegie, S. F.; Choiseul, J. W.; Roberts, A. M. I. 2003. Plant Pathology. February. 52(1): p. 13-21. |
84983 |
Identification of genetic insect and mite pest resistance in turfgrasses | Reinert, James. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 27. |
85235 |
Great tools: Implementing best management practices |
Campbell, C. Ray. 2002. North Carolina Turfgrass. October/November. 20(6): p. 26. |
83927 |
Chemicals from nature for weed management Access Restrictions |
Duke, Stephen O.; Dayan, Franck E.; Rimando, Agnes M.; Schrader, Kevin K.; Aliotta, Giovanni; Oliva, Anna; Romagni, Joanne G. 2002. Weed Science. March/April. 50(2): p. 138-151. |
79576 |
Development of plant bioassay to detect herbicide contamination of compost at or below practical analytical detection limits Access Restrictions |
Fauci, M.; Bezdicek, D. F.; Caldwell, D.; Finch, R. 2002. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. January. 68(1): p. 79-85. |
78503 |
Biosolids compost utilization at Disney World: Composting restarted at Disney World in 1999 and improved product quality has led to use of the compost by the entertainment park's horticultural operations Access Restrictions |
Kent, D.; Paulin, A.; Hubbard, J.; Halcrow, D.; Kalogridis, P. 2002. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. January. 43(1): p. 49-50, 52. |
79252 |
Identification of mechanism(s) of resistance in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) for control of black cutworm in turfgrass | Williamson, R. Chris. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 16. |
78349 |
Identification of genetic insect and mite pest resistance in turfgrasses | Reinert, James. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 29. |
78364 |
Systemic resistance induced in cucumber against pythium root rot by source separated household waste and yard trimmings composts Access Restrictions |
Lievens, Bart; Vaes, Kristien; Coosemans, Jozef; Ryckeboer, Jaak. 2001. Compost Science & Utilization. Summer. 9(3): p. 221-229. |
76012 |
Potential of Agrotis ipsilon nucleopolyhedrovirus for suppression of the black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and effect of an optical brightener on virus efficacy Access Restrictions |
Boughton, Anthony J.; Lewis, Leslie C.; Bonning, Bryony C. 2001. Journal of Economic Entomology. October. 94(5): p. 1045-1052. |
76776 |
Comparison of blastospores of two Paecilomyces fumosoroseus isolates: In vitro traits and virulence when injected into fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda Access Restrictions |
Altre, J. A.; Vandenberg, J. D. 2001. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. October. 78(3): p. 170-175. |
78778 |
A simple test to determine cellulolytic activity as indicator of compost maturity Access Restrictions |
Smith, Dorothea C.; Hughes, Jeffrey C. 2001. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. June. 32(11/12): p. 1735-1749. |
76640 |
Rust-enhanced allelopathy of perennial ryegrass against white clover |
Mattner, Scott, W.; Parbery, Douglas G. 2001. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 93(1): p. 54-59. |
72185 |
Impact of soil moisture on the reactivation capacity of entomopathogenic nematodes |
Grant, Jennifer A.; Villani, Michael G. 2000. 1999 New York State Ornamentals Project Reports Relatingto IPM. p. 49-66. |
64122 |
Alternative control tactics for black cutworms in turf |
Villani, Michael G. 2000. 1999 New York State Ornamentals Project Reports Relatingto IPM. p. 73-77. |
64124 |
In vitro screening and recovery of Rhizoctonia solani resistant creeping bentgrass: Evaluation of three in vitro bioassays Access Restrictions |
Tomaso-Peterson, M.; Sri Vanguri, A.; Krans, J. V. 2000. p. 314-324. In: Clark, J. Marshall; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Fate and Management of Turfgrass Chemicals. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. |
64625 |
Allelopathy versus Neotyphodium (Acremonium) endophytes versus competition effects on crabgrass suppression by 12 perennial ryegrass cultivars Access Restrictions |
King, John W.; Lee, Donghoon; Richardson, Michael D.; Lavy, Terry L.; Skulman, Brigs; Marlatt, Melody L.; West, Charles P. 2000. p. 363-382. In: Clark, J. Marshall; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Fate and Management of Turfgrass Chemicals. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. |
64630 |
Pasteuria sp. for biological control of the sting nematode, Belonolaimus longicaudatus, in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Giblin-Davis, R. M. 2000. p. 408-424. In: Clark, J. Marshall; Kenna, Michael P., eds. Fate and Management of Turfgrass Chemicals. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society. |
64633 |
Effect of soil solarization, cover crops, and metham on field emergence and survival of buried annual bluegrass (Poa annua) seeds | Peachey, R. E.; Pinkerton, J. N.; Ivors, K. L.; Miller, M. L.; Moore, L. W. 2000. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. 53: p. 51. |
66305 |
Greenhouse bioassay of insecticide baits for control of adult mole crickets, 1999 Access Restrictions |
Xia, Y.; Brandenburg, R. L.; Hertl, P. T. 2000. Arthropod Management Tests. 25: p. 357. |
70124 |
The potential of some adjuvants in promoting infection with Verticillium lecanii: laboratory bioassays with Myzus persicae Access Restrictions |
de Courcy Williams, M. E.; Edmondson, R. N.; Gill, G. 2000. Annals of Applied Biology. December. 137(3): p. 337-345. |
73352 |
Diclofop-resistant Lolium rigidum from northern Greece with cross-resistance to ACCase inhibitors and multiple resistance to chlorsulfuron Access Restrictions |
Kotoula-Syka, Eleni; Tal, Avi; Rubin, Baruch. 2000. Pest Management Science. December. 56(12): p. 1054-1058. |
71462 |
Evaluating soil tests to predict bermudagrass growth in drinking water treatment residuals with phosphorus fertilizer |
Basta, N. T.; Zupancic, R. J.; Dayton, E. A. 2000. Journal of Environmental Quality. November/December. 29(6): p. 2007-2012. |
71469 |
Seed-bioassay to detect grass weeds resistant to acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase inhibiting herbicides Access Restrictions |
Tal, A.; Kotoula-Syka, E.; Rubin, B. 2000. Crop Protection. August. 19(7): p. 467-472. |
67881 |
Cross- and multiple resistance of diclofop-resistant Lolium spp. Access Restrictions |
Kuk, Yong-In; Burgos, Nilda R.; Talbert, Ronald E. 2000. Weed Science. July/August. 48(4): p. 412-419. |
67102 |
Determining uptake of 'non-labile' soil cadmium by Thlaspi caerulescens using isotopic dilution techniques Access Restrictions |
Hutchinson, Julian J.; Young, Scott D.; Mcgrath, Steve P.; West, Helen M.; Black, Colin R.; Baker, Alan J. 2000. New Phytologist. June. 146(3): p. 453-460. |
67765 |
Azoxystrobin sensitivity distribution of Rhizoctonia isolates collected from turf | Olaya, G.; Wlkerson, C.; Tedford, E. 2000. Phytopathology. June. 90(6): p. S123. |
72389 |
Pathogenicity and pyrenocine production of Curvularia inaequalis isolated from zoysia grass |
Kim, Jin-Cheol; Choi, Gyung Ja; Kim, Heung Tae; Kim, Hyun-Ju; Cho, Kwang Yun. 2000. Plant Disease. June. 84(6): p. 684-688. |
65036 |
Nutrient and fecal coliform discharge from coastal North Carolina golf courses |
Mallin, Michael A.; Wheeler, Tracey L. 2000. Journal of Environmental Quality. May/June. 29(3): p. 979-986. |
100024 |
The role of chitinase production by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain C3 in biological control of Bipolaris sorokiniana |
Zhang, Zhongge; Yuen, Gary Y. 2000. Phytopathology. April. 90(4): p. 384-389. |
64381 |
Myths and dogmas of biocontrol: Changes in perceptions derived from research on Trichoderma harzianum T-22 |
Harman, G. E. 2000. Plant Disease. April. 84(4): p. 377-393. |
64395 |
Screening for herbicide resistance in weeds Access Restrictions |
Beckie, Hugh J.; Heap, Ian M.; Smeda, Reid J.; Hall, Linda M. 2000. Weed Technology. April-June. 14(2): p. 428-445. |
65693 |
Interaction between halofenozide and the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis marelatus for control of Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaide) larvae Access Restrictions |
Mannion, C. M.; Winkler, H. E.; Shapiro, D. I.; Gibb, T. 2000. Journal of Economic Entomology. February. 93(1): p. 48-53. |
63578 |
Management of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass with metabolites of Pseudomonas aureofaciens (TX-1) |
Powell, J. F.; Vargas, J. M. Jr.; Nair, M. G.; Detweiler, A. R.; Chandra, A. 2000. Plant Disease. January. 84(1): p. 19-24. |
63039 |
Identification of genetic insect and mite pest resistance in turfgrasses | Reinert, James. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 35-36. |
72318 |
Moisture effects on entomopathogenic nematodes |
Grant, Jennifer A.; Villiani, Michael G. [Villani, M.]. 1999. 1998 New York State Ornamentals Project Reports Relating to IPM. p. 44-57. |
65222 |
Bioassay of experimental insecticide CGA 293, 343 against mole cricket nymphs, Raleigh, Wake Co., NC |
Brandenburg, Rick L.; Xia, Yulu "Lou". 1999. Research and Extension Programs -- Peanut and Turfgrass Management 1999. p. 45-48. |
63721 |