Keyword: Breeding
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Breeding St. Augustinegrass for adaptation in Mississippi (III): A genetic study of cold tolerance in St. Augustinegrass |
Philley, H. W.; Krans, J. V.; Watson, C. E.; Goatley, J. M. Jr.; Maddox, V. L. 1994. Mississippi Turfgrass Research Progress Report 1994. p. 17. |
54628 |
Improvement of Poa annua var reptans for golf turf | White, Donald. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 18-20. |
35114 |
Breeding and evaluation of Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, perennial ryegrass, and bentgrass for turf | Funk, C. Reed; Murphy, James; Clarke, Bruce; Plumley, Karen; White, James; Dickson, William K.; Bara, Ronald; Sun, Suichang; Smith, Dirk; Prostak, Randy; Perdomo, Pedro. 1994. Proceedings of the Third Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 18-19. |
62887 |
Breeding and genetics of cool-season turfgrasses |
Bughrara, S. S.; Sleper, D. A.; Minner, D. D.; Dunn, J. H.; Hunt, K. L. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 19-20. |
38384 |
Breeding and genetics of buffalograss |
Bughrara, S. S.; Minner, D. D.; Dunn, J. H.; Sleper, D. A. 1994. 1994 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 21. |
38386 |
Breeding for seedling vigor in buffalograss |
Rodgers, Charlie; Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer; Riordan, Terry. 1994. Turfgrass Research Report for 1994 [Nebraska]. p. 35-38. |
37480 |
Molecular and genetic methodologies and transformation of grass endophytes |
Schardl, Christopher L. 1994. p. 151-165. In: Bacon, Charles W.; White, James F., Jr., eds. Biotechnology of Endophytic Fungi of Grasses. Boca Raton: CRC Press. |
40001 |
Role of endophytes in grasses used for turf and soil conservation |
Funk, C. Reed; Belanger, Faith C.; Murphy, James A. 1994. p. 201-209. In: Bacon, Charles W.; White, James F. Jr., eds. Biotechnology of Endophytic Fungi of Grasses. Boca Raton: CRC Press. |
40006 |
Salt tolerance and salt uptake in diploid and polyploid buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides. (Nutt)). |
Wu, L.; Lin, H.; Harivandi, M. A. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 178. |
41827 |
Turfgrass recommendation survey results |
Voigt, T. B.; Fermanian, T. W.; Sullivan, W. C. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 179. |
41833 |
Restriction of arbitrary amplification fragments of poa annua |
Sweeney, P. M.; Danneberger, T. K. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 185. |
41908 |
Bentgrass performance in California's central coast | Harivandi, Ali; Hagan, William. 1994. California Turfgrass Culture. 44(3/4): p. [9]-12. |
37546 |
Improving the grazing and drought tolerance of temperate perennial grasses |
Kemp, D. R.; Culvenor, R. A. 1994. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 37(3): p. 365-378. |
43322 |
Tall fescue in Australia and New Zealand |
Easton, H. S.; Lee, C. K.; Fitzgerald, R. D. 1994. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 37(3): p. 405-417. |
43336 |
Genetic resources for temperate perennial grass improvement programmes in Australia |
Reid, R.; Bettencourt, E.; Tibbits, S. 1994. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 37(3): p. 439-444. |
43341 |
Bentgrass breeding for disease resistance | Warnke, S. E.; Branham, B. E.; Douches, D. S. 1994. Proceedings of the 64th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 23: p. 75-76. |
28979 |
[The breeding of Tifdwarf and Tifgreen couchgrass] |
Beehag, Gary W. 1994. ATRI Turf Notes. Summer. 13(4): p. 12, 16. |
35019 |
Breeding and identification of Windsor green couch Cynodon dactylon - P.V.R. No. 312 |
McMaugh, Peter. 1994. Proceedings of the 1st ATRI Turf Research Conference. 1: p. 113-116. |
37279 |
Growers try to unite |
Garlick, Richard. 1994. TURF Management. December. p. 12. |
38436 |
A promising horizon: The U.S. market for seeded bermudagrasses perks up as research makes gains in developing new varieties Access Restrictions |
Schaffer, Laura. 1994. Golf Course Management. December. 62(12): p. 36, 38, 40, 42. |
32479 |
Selection criteria for drought-resistance breeding in turfgrass |
Zhao, Yuguang; Fernandez, George C. J.; Bowman, Daniel C.; Nowak, Robert S. 1994. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. November. 119(6): p. 1317-1324. |
31982 |
Improving bermudagrass tolerance to winter stress: Several new methodologies may facilitate selecting for and/or enhancing the species ability to withstand low temperatures Access Restrictions |
Gatschet, Mark; Taliaferro, Charles; Anderson, Jeffrey; Baird, Vance. 1994. Golf Course Management. October. 62(10): p. 52-55. |
31823 |
Microlaena (Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br.): A native turf for native gardens |
Jones, Christine E.; Whalley, R. D. B. (Wal). 1994. ATRI Turf Notes. Autumn. 13(1): p. 2. |
39203 |
Tall fescue research update |
Bruneau, Art. 1994. North Carolina Turfgrass. Fall. 12(3): p. 30-31. |
32669 |
Seed research for turfgrass production Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1994. TurfNews [TPI]. September/October. 18(5): p. 44, 46, 49. |
34764 |
Suichang bringing endophyte strains to bents and blues | Blais, Peter. 1994. Golf Course News. September. 5 [6](9): p. 1, 32. |
40254 |
Potential of Texas bluegrass X Kentucky bluegrass hybrids for turf in North Central Texas |
Read, James C. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 11-12. |
45280 |
Phylogeny of tall fescue and related species using RFLPs |
Xu, W. W.; Sleper, D. A. 1994. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. August. 88(6-7): p. 685-690. |
56347 | |
The answer lies in the breeding |
Guthrie, Alan. 1994. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. August. 59(11): p. 3-5. |
33874 |
USDA agronomist Murray dead at 53 | Anonymous. 1994. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. July. 15(7): p. 16. |
34851 |
Renowned turfgrass breeder, manager Jack Murray dies at 54 |
Morris, Kevin. 1994. Florida Turf Digest. July/August. 11(4): p. 12-13. |
34118 |
Pacific turfgrass research program update - 1994 |
Holl, F. B. 1994. The Turf Line News. June/July. 122: p. 8, 10-12. |
34412 |
New cultivars show great promise | Leslie, Mark. 1994. Golf Course News. June. 5 [6](6): p. 1, 22. |
39695 |
The Determination of Selection Criteria for Screening Kentucky Bluegrass for Resistance to Bluegrass Billbug |
Westerholt, S. 1994. M.S. Thesis: University of Nebraska. |
30737 |
Leaf characteristic variation in hybrid lovegrass populations |
Voigt, P. W.; Tischler, C. R. 1994. Crop Science. May/June. 34(3): p. 679-684. |
31143 |
Endophytes on the cutting edge |
Sellmann, Mark. 1994. Grounds Maintenance. May. 29(5): p. 68, 72, 76. |
37512 |
Turf breeding: The next generation Access Restrictions |
Brede, Doug. 1994. TurfNews [ASPA]. May/June. 18(3): p. 22, 24-26.Theme of the month: Agronomics. |
31239 |
Specialist grasses improve on nature |
Guthrie, Alan. 1994. Parks, Golf Courses & Sports Grounds. April. 59(7): p. 18-20. |
38251 |
Merging callus level and whole plant microculture to select salt-tolerant `Seaside' creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Kuo, Yu-Jen; Smith, M. A. L.; Spomer, L. Art. 1994. Journal of Plant Nutrition. March. 17(4): p. 549-560. |
43115 |
New grass offers fresh angle in lawn maintenance |
Woodford, James. 1994. The Sydney Morning Herald. March 18. p. 5. |
64784 |
Breeding for Improved Seed production Rhizomatous Tall Fescue Germ Plasm | Flomo, S. N. 1993. M.S. Thesis: Iowa State University. |
21269 |
Cytogenetics of the Festuca-Lolium Complex: Relevance to Breeding |
Jauhar, P. P. and Frankel, R.; Grossman, M.; Linskens, H. F.; Maliga, P.; Riley, R., eds. 1993. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. xvii, 255 pp. |
39839 |
Breeding and evaluation of Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, perennial ryegrass, and bentgrass for turf | Funk, C. Reed. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 5-6. |
65309 |
Breeding and development of bentgrass | Engelke, Milt. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 7. |
65310 |
Breeding and development of zoysiagrass | Engelke, Milt. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 8-9. |
65311 |
Colonial bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis Sibth.) breeding and cultivar development | Ruemmele, Bridget. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 10-11. |
65312 |
Bermudagrass breeding - vegetative | Burton, Glenn. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 12-13. |
65314 |
Breeding, evaluation and culture of buffalograss for golf course turf | Riordan, Terrance. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research Summary [USGA]. p. 18-19. |
65317 |
Breeding and genetics of cool-season turf grasses |
Sleper, D. A.; Aulabaugh, B. J. 1993. 1993 Turfgrass Research & Information Report [Missouri]. p. 25-26. |
35059 |
Advances in turfgrass science and culture |
Krans, J. V. 1993. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 160. |
29389 |
St. Augustinegrass germplasm--diversity and vulnerability |
Busey, P. 1993. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 186. |
29433 |
A private company perspective of turfgrass germplasm diversity and vulnerability |
Meyer, W. A. 1993. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 191. |
29439 |
Vegetative repositories for zoysiagrass and bentgrass--10 years of experience |
Morton, S. J.; Engelke, M. C. 1993. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 192. |
29440 |
Importing grass germplasm and federal quarantine--the need for both |
Waterworth, H. E. 1993. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 196. |
29444 |
Selection of turf-type perennial ryegrass (Lolium Perenne L.) tolerant to paraquat Access Restrictions |
Johnston, D. T.; Patterson, J. D. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 736-741. |
28140 |
Sweet vernal (Anthoxanthum Odoratum L.) utilizing long-term research to benefit sustainable turfgrass development Access Restrictions |
Rossi, F. S.; Skogley, C. R. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 748-753. |
28142 |
Plant regeneration from protoplasts of Japanese lawngrass |
Inokuma, C.; Sugiura, K.; Cho, T.; Okawara, R.; Kaneko, S. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 780-785. |
28147 |
Evaluation of native New Zealand Cotula (Leptinella dioica Hook. f.) lines for lawn bowling greens |
Hickey, M. J.; Field, T. R. O.; Rumball, W. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 793-797. |
28149 |
Colonial bentgrass breeding goals a the University of Rhode Island |
Ruemmele, Bridget. 1993. Proceedings of the Second Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. 2: p. 11. |
125387 |
Turfgrass breeding at Rutgers - 1992 progress report |
Funk, C. Reed; Huff, David; Murphy, James; Ilnicki, Richard D.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Dickson, William K.; Bara, Ronald; Sun, Suichang; Smith, Dirk; Bara, Janice; Prostak, Randy; Betts, Lora. 1993. Proceedings of the Second Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. 2: p. 12. |
125388 |
Determining genetic origins of aberrant progency from facultative apomictic Kentucky bluegrass using a combination of flow cytometry and RAPD markers |
Huff, David R.; Bara, Janice M. 1993. Proceedings of the Second Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. 2: p. 14. |
125391 |
Breeding, varietal development and commercial use of Poa trivialis |
Hurley, Richard H. 1993. Proceedings of the Second Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. 2: p. 15. |
125439 |
Bentrgrass [Bentgrass] breeding--Texas style | Engelke, Milt. 1993. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 31(6): p. 16-18. |
29276 |
Breeding tall fescues for turf | Fricker, Crystal; Fraser, Melodee; Meyer, W. A. 1993. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. November. 14(11): p. 71-72. |
29767 |
Trees bred at Ohio research site |
Anonymous. 1993. Divots. September. 43(8): p. 15. |
28624 |
Evaluating freeze tolerance of bermudagrass in a controlled environment |
Anderson, Jeffery A.; Taliaferro, Charles M.; Martin, Dennis L. 1993. HortScience. September. 28(9): p. 955. |
56254 |
Seed certification |
Anonymous. 1993. Grounds Maintenance. August. 28(8): p. 10. |
28532 |
Kentucky bluegrass diversity |
Brede, A. Douglas. 1993. Grounds Maintenance. August. 28(8): p. 12-14+. |
28533 |
Breeding new zoysiagrass Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1993. TurfNews [ASPA]. July/August. 17(4): p. 31-32. |
27870 |
Chemical control of Poa annua: A review Access Restrictions |
Baldwin, N. A. 1993. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 69: p. 7-19. |
28569 |
Temporal changes in turfgrass colour in a range of Lolium perenne L. cultivars and breeding lines Access Restrictions |
Thorogood, D. 1993. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 69: p. 111-119. |
28677 |
QUB turfgrass breeding Access Restrictions |
Patterson, David. 1993. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 69: p. 121-122. |
28773 |
Colourmetric techniques in turfgrass assessment Access Restrictions |
Thorogood, Danny. 1993. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 69: p. 122. |
28774 |
Producing quality turf seed - a European view Access Restrictions |
Mulder, M. 1993. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 69: p. 128. |
28783 |
Looking to the future: Developing tomorrow's turfgrasses: Cooperative efforts now underway show promise in producing improved cultivars to meet the demands of an increasingly environmentally conscicous marketplace Access Restrictions |
Riordan, Terry; Busey, Phil. 1993. Golf Course Management. June. 61(6): p. 70, 74, 76. |
27737 |
Turfgrass tolerance to soil acidity: A research project uses soils with low pH levels to determine the most genetically stress-tolerant cultivars Access Restrictions |
Duncan, R. R.; Carrow, R. N. 1993. Golf Course Management. June. 61(6): p. 100-102. |
27740 |
Performance of bentgrass cultivars and selections in New Jersey Turf Trials |
Dickson, William K.; Murphy, James A.; Bara, Ronald F.; Sun, Suichang; Smith, Dirk A.; Clark, Joseph B.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Funk, C. R. 1993. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings: 1993. June. 24: p. 61-67. |
27568 |
Performance of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars and selections in New Jersey Turf Trails |
Murphy, James A.; Bara, Ronald F.; Dickson, William K.; Smith, Dirk A.; Sun, Suichang; Clarke, Bruce B.; Funk, C. Reed. 1993. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings: 1993. June. 24: p. 88-126. |
27571 |
Performance of tall fescue cultivars and selections in New Jersey Turf Trials |
Perdomo, Pedro; Murphy, James A.; Bara, Ronald F.; Smith, Dirk A.; Dickson, William K.; Sun, Suichang; Betts, Lora L.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Funk, C. Reed. 1993. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings: 1993. June. 24: p. 147-164. |
27574 |
Morphological variation in Lolium (Poaceae) as a measure of species relationships |
Loos, B. P. 1993. Plant Systematics and Evolution. March. 188(1/2): p. 87-99. |
199232 |
Progress in breeding interspecific hybrid ryegrasses Access Restrictions |
Jones, M. L.; Humphreys, M. O. 1993. Grass and Forage Science. March. 48(1): p. 18-25. |
27093 |
Importance of Acremonium endophytes in turfgrass breeding and management Access Restrictions |
Funk, C. R.; White, R. H.; Breen, J. P. 1993. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. March. 44(1-4): p. 215-232. |
54341 |
Why do agbiotech firms neglect turf grasses? |
Kidd, George. 1993. Bio/Technology. March. 11(3): p. 268. |
76863 |
To the manor born |
Patterson, David. 1993. The Groundsman. February. 46(2): p. 4. |
27099 |
The making of turf cultivars | Sweeney, Patricia; Danneberger, Karl. 1993. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. January. 14(1): p. 58, 60, 62. |
27674 |
Cytological Analysis of Self Incompatibility in Bermudagrass Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Lamle, John T. 1992. M.S. Thesis: Oklahoma State University. |
32467 |
Improved Grassland Management |
Frame, John. 1992. Ipswich, UK: Farming Press. xiii, 351. |
35404 |
Dwarf turfgrass for golf courses Access Restrictions |
Meyer, William A. 1992. Conference Proceedings: 63rd International Golf Course Conference & Show. p. 1-2. |
25300 |
Recent progress in bentgrass cultivar development Access Restrictions |
Cooper, Richard J. 1992. Conference Proceedings: 63rd International Golf Course Conference & Show. p. 3-4. |
25301 |
Developing Rhizoctonia brown patch and Pythium disease resistance in bentgrass and zoysiagrass | Colbaugh, Phillip F. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 19. |
94271 |
Screening buffalograss germplasm for resistance to mealybugs |
Johnson-Cicalese, J.; Baxendale, F. P.; Riordan, T. P. 1992. Turfgrass Research Report - 1992 [Nebraska]. p. 25-26. |
44822 |
Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass | Funk, C. Reed. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 26. |
94287 |
Improved buffalograss root penetration through selection using root observation system |
Klingenberg, Jeffrey P. 1992. Turfgrass Research Report - 1992 [Nebraska]. p. 27. |
44823 |
Breeding and development of bentgrass | Engelke, Milton C. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 27. |
94291 |
Colonial bentgrass breeding | Rumball, William. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 27-28. |
94292 |
Vegetative bermudagrass breeding | Burton, Glenn W. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 28-29. |
94294 |
Multiple trait selection process and breeding methodology for drought avoidance, seed yield and turfgrass characters in buffalograss |
Klingenberg, Jeffrey P. 1992. Turfgrass Research Report - 1992 [Nebraska]. p. 29. |
44829 |
Development of dryland western turfgrass cultivars | Cuany, Robin L. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 31-32. |
94143 |
Breeding, evaluation and culture of buffalograss for golf course turf | Riordan, Terrance P. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 31. |
94297 |
Breeding and development of curly mesquitegrass as a desert turf | Mancino, Charles F. 1992. 1983-1992 Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 32. |
94299 |