Keyword: C-4 plant
Showing items 1 to 43 of 43.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Developing management tools for new greens-type zoysiagrasses | Richardson, Michael; McCalla, John; Chandra, Ambika; Martin, Chase; Brosnan, Jim; Breeden, Greg. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 96-100. |
336593 |
Response of photosynthetic 13C discrimination to vapour pressure deficit reflects changes in bundle-sheath leakiness in two C4 grasses |
Xu, Yi Ning; Wang, Xuming; Sun, Yan Ran; Liu, Hai Tao; Li, Lei; Schäufele, Rudi; Schnyder, Hans; Gong, Xiao Ying. 2023. Environmental and Experimental Botany. December. 216: p. 105529 [1-11]. |
333571 |
Evaluation of five C4 forage grasses in the tall Fescue Belt Access Restrictions |
Keyser, Pat; Zechiel, Katelynn E.; Bates, Gary; Ashworth, Amanda J.; Nave, Renata; Rhinehart, Justin; McIntosh, David Weston. 2022. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 114(6): p. 3347-3357. |
325230 |
Tissue culture and somatic embryogenesis in warm-season grasses - Current status and its applications: A review |
Muguerza, Melody Ballitoc; Gondo, Takahiro; Ishigaki, Genki; Shimamoto, Yasuyo; Umami, Nafiatul; Nitthaisong, Pattama; Rahman, Mohammad Mijanur; Akashi, Ryo. 2022. Plants. May. 11(9): p. 1263 [1-23]. |
324572 |
Improvement of bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, and kikuyugrass for winter color retention and drought tolerance | Lukaszewski, Adam J.; Pudzianowska, Marta; Bowman, Christian S.; Baird, James H. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 39-43. |
317376 |
Evaluation of warm-season species, blends and mixtures to reduce golf course rough inputs | Morris, Kevin. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 72-76. |
317385 |
RGB vegetation indices, NDVI, and biomass as indicators to evaluate C3 and C4 turfgrass under different water conditions |
Marín, José; Yousfi, Salima; Mauri, Pedro V.; Parra, Lorena; Lloret, Jamie; Masaguer, Alberto. 2020. Sustainability. March 2. 12(6): p. 2160 [1-16]. |
336711 |
Turfgrass water use and conservation | Kopec, David. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118044. |
309475 |
Physiological responses in C3 and C4 turfgrasses under soil water deficit Access Restrictions |
Culpepper, Travis; Young, Joseph; Montague, David T.; Sullivan, Dana; Wherley, Benjamin. 2019. HortScience. December. 54(12): p. 2249-2256. |
310031 |
Climate and lawn management interact to control C4 plant distribution in residential lawns across seven U.S. cities Access Restrictions |
Trammell, Tara L. E.; Pataki, Diane E.; Still, Christopher J.; Ehleringer, James R.; Avolio, Meghan L.; Bettez, Neil; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Groffman, Peter M.; Grove, Morgan; Hall, Sharon J.; Heffernan, James; Hobbie, Sarah E.; Larson, Kelli L.; Morse, Jennifer L.; Neill, Christopher; Nelson, Kristen C.; O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath; Pearse, William D.; Chowdhury, Rinku Roy; Steele, Meredith; Wheeler, Megan M. 2019. Ecological Applications. June. 29(4): p. 1-11. |
319686 |
Improvement of bermudagrass, kikuyugrass, and zoysiagrass for winter color retention and drought tolerance | Lukaszewski, Adam J.; Baird, Jim. 2016. 2016 Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day. p. 8-11. |
288865 |
Carbon sequestration in response to grassland-shrubland-turfgrass conversions and a test for carbonate biomineralization in desert soils, New Mexico, USA Access Restrictions |
Wang, Jiaping; Monger, Curtis; Wang, Xiujun; Serena, Matteo; Leinauer, Bernhard. 2016. Soil Science Society of America Journal. November/December. 80(6): p. 1591-1603. |
279674 |
Interactive effects of trees and nitrogen supply on the agronomic characteristics of warm-climate grasses |
da Silveira Pontes, Laíse; Giostri, André Faé; Baldissera, Tiago Celso; Barro, Raquel Santiago; Stafin, Giliardi; Porfírio-da-Silva, Vanderley; Moletta, José Luiz; de Faccio Carvalho, Paulo César. 2016. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 108(4): p. 1531-1541. |
273938 |
Total and aboveground radiation use efficiency in C3 and C4 grass species influenced by nitrogen and water availability Access Restrictions |
Cristiano, Piedad M.; Posse, Gabriela; Bella, Carlos M. Di. 2015. Grassland Science. September. 61(3): p. 131-141. |
293336 |
Summer dormancy trait as a strategy to provide perennial cool-season grass forage alternatives in southern latitude environments affected by climate change |
Malinowski, Dariusz P.; Pinchak, William E. 2015. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 107(4): p. 1227-1234. |
264973 |
Associations between drought resistance, regrowth and quality in perennial C4 grass Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Yi; Lambrides, Christopher J.; Fukai, Shu. 2015. European Journal of Agronomy. April. 65: p. 1-9. |
258662 |
Drought resistance and soil water extraction of a perennial C4 grass: Contributions of root and rhizome traits Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Yi; Lambrides, Christopher J.; Fukai, Shu. 2014. Functional Plant Biology. January 20. 41(5): p. 505-519. |
249025 |
Temporal and spatial patterns of soil water extraction and drought resistance among genotypes of a perennial C4 grass Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Yi; Lambrides, Christopher J.; Roche, Matthew B.; Duff, Alan; Fukai, Shu. 2013. Functional Plant Biology. 40(4): p. 379-392. |
272812 |
Warm-season grass trial: Wear tolerance and recovery: This study observed how warm-season grasses respond to wear and tear |
DeLuca, Mike. 2013. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 30(1): p. 42-46. |
216773 |
Drought resistance of C4 grasses under field conditions: Genetic variation among a large number of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) ecotypes collected from different climatic zones Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Y.; Lambrides, C. J.; Fukai, S. 2013. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. August. 199(4): p. 253-263. |
250840 |
Turfgrass management in elevated CO2 environments |
Kaapro, Jyri. 2013. TurfCraft International. July/August. 151: p. 28. |
291652 |
Understanding C3 and C4 grasses |
Kaapro, Jyri. 2013. TurfCraft International. May/June. 150: p. 37. |
291637 |
Influence of contrasting availabilities of water and nutrients on the radiation use efficiency in C3 and C4 grasses Access Restrictions |
Cristiano, Piedad M.; Posse, Gabriela; Di Bella, Carlos M.; Boca, Teresa. 2012. Austral Ecology. May. 37(3): p. 323-329. |
293337 |
New grass phylogeny resolves deep evolutionary relationships and discoveries C4 origins Access Restrictions |
Aliscioni, Sandra; Bell, Hester L.; Besnard, Guillaume; Christin, Pascal-Antoine; Columbus, J. Travis; Duvall, Melvin R.; Edwards, Erika J.; Giussani, Liliana; Hasenstab-Lehman, Kristen; Hilu, Khidir W.; Hodkinson, Trevor R.; Ingram, Amanda L.; Kellogg, Elizabeth A.; Mashayekhi, Saeideh; Morrone, Osvaldo; Osborne, Colin P.; Salamin, Nicolas; Schaefer, Hanno; Spriggs, Elizabeth; Smith, Stephen A.; Zuloaga, Fernando. 2012. New Phytologist. January. 193(2): p. 304-312. |
195947 |
The rise of warm-season grasses | Hull, Richard J. 2010. TurfGrass TRENDS. January. p. 56-58. |
168718 |
Differential sensitivity of C3 and C4 turfgrass species to increasing atmospheric vapor pressure deficit Access Restrictions |
Wherley, Benjamin G.; Sinclair, Thomas R. 2009. Environmental and Experimental Botany. December. 67(2): p. 372-376. |
239208 |
C3 vs C4 turfgrasses: Comparison of water usage during summer | Ford, Phillip. 2006. Australian Turfgrass Management. August/September. 8(4): p. 42-47. |
114670 |
Leaf vascular systems in C3 and C4 grasses: A two-dimensional analysis |
Ueno, Osamu; Kawano, Yukiko; Wakayama, Masataka; Takeda, Tomoshiro. 2006. Annals of Botany. April. 97(4): p. 611-621. |
110687 |
Overview of variation for low temperature tolerance |
Huff, David R.; Palazzo, A. J. 2004. 2004 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA/CSSS]. p. [1]. |
102813 |
Warm-season (C4) grass overview |
Moser, Lowell E.; Burson, Byron L.; Sollenberger, Lynn E. 2004. p. 1-14. In: Moser, Lowell E.; Burson, Byron L.; Sollenberger, Lynn E., eds. Warm-Season (C4) Grasses. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Inc.; Crop Science Society of America, Inc.; Soil Science Society of America, Inc. |
103327 |
C4 grasses: Resource use, ecology, and global change |
Wedin, David A. 2004. p. 15-50. In: Moser, Lowell E.; Burson, Byron L.; Sollenberger, Lynn E., eds. Warm-Season (C4) Grasses. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Inc.; Crop Science Society of America, Inc.; Soil Science Society of America, Inc. |
103328 |
Seed formation, development, and germination |
Loch, Donald S.; Adkins, Stephen W.; Heslehurst, Max R.; Paterson, Mary F.; Bellairs, Sean M. 2004. p. 95-143. In: Moser, Lowell E.; Burson, Byron L.; Sollenberger, Lynn E., eds. Warm-Season (C4) Grasses. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Inc.; Crop Science Society of America, Inc.; Soil Science Society of America, Inc. |
103330 |
Phytolith assemblages in grasses native to central Argentina | Gallego, Lucrecia; Distel, Roberto A. 2004. Annals of Botany. December. 94(6): p. 865-874. |
110544 |
Summer decline: Can cool-season turfgrasses take the heat? | Hull, Richard J. 1999. TurfGrass TRENDS. October. 8(10): p. 1-7. |
121991 |
Mycorrhizal fungi affect root stele tissue in grasses Access Restrictions |
Miller, R. M.; Hetrick, B. A. D.; Wilson, G. W. T. 1997. Canadian Journal of Botany. October. 75(10): p. 1778-1784. |
57988 |
Considering photosynthesis: It's not too soon to prepare for Summer turf stress |
Vassey, Terry L. 1995. Turf: South. April. 7(4): p. 37. |
251193 |
Distribution of C4 type grasses in Korea |
Chang, N. K. 1993. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. December. 7(2/3): p. 103-112 [686-695]. |
128317 |
Energy relations and carbohydrate partitioning in turfgrasses |
Hull, Richard J. 1992.: p. 175-205. In: Waddington, D. V.; Carrow, R. N.; Shearman, R. C., eds. Turfgrass. 32. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Crop Science Society of America, Inc., and Soil Science Society of America, Inc. |
26023 |
Description of Purple and Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus and C. esculentus) |
Wills, Gene D. 1987. Weed Technology. January. 1(1): p. 2-9. |
12152 |
Investigations in Root Hair Size, Number, and Distribution of Seven Species of C-4 Perennial Turfgrasses |
Green, R. L.; Beard, J. B. 1986. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 134. |
8787 |
Memories of photosynthesis | Semler, Michael. 1986. The Grass Roots. January/February. 13(1): p. 6-7. |
9628 |
An Assessment of Late Season Nutritional Strategies on C-4 Warm-Season Grasses |
Beard, James B. 1982. p. 81-98. In: Symposium on Turfgrass Fertility: Advances in Turfgrass Fertility. Piqua, OH: Hammer Graphics, Inc. |
11335 |
Nitrogen Fixation in grasses Access Restrictions |
Neyra, Carlos A.; D^D:obereiner, J. 1977. Advances in Agronomy. 29: p. 1-38. |
106196 |