Keyword: Clipping weight
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
PACE Turfgrass Research Institute 1999 research results: Poa seed-head suppression with Proxy Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1999. PACE Insights. November. 5(11): p. 1. |
104929 |
Mode of resistance of triazine-resistant annual bluegrass (Poa annua) |
Kelly, Steven T.; Coats, G. Euel; Luthe, Dawn S. 1999. Weed Technology. October-December. 13(4): p. 747-752. |
63270 |
Population differentiation, spatial variation, and sampling of tall fescue under grazing |
Liu, Weiguo; Guertal, Elizabeth A.; van Santen, Edzard. 1999. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 91(5): p. 801-806. |
67691 |
Some weeds flourish under growth regulators: Bermudagrass can lose the battle to crabgrass and other invaders Access Restrictions |
Lowe, Todd; Whitwell, Ted; McCarty, Bert. 1999. Golf Course Management. September. 67(9): p. 49-52. |
61793 |
Flurprimidol effects on Kentucky bluegrass under reduced irradiance Access Restrictions |
Stier, J. C.; Rogers, J. N. III; Crum, J. R.; Rieke, P. E. 1999. Crop Science. September/October. 39(5): p. 1423-1430. |
62285 |
Top growth and rooting responses of tall fescue cultivars grown in hydroponics Access Restrictions |
Kim, Kyoung-Nam; Shearman, Robert C.; Riordan, Terrance P. 1999. Crop Science. September/October. 39(5): p. 1431-1434. |
62286 |
Effect of Temperature on the control of annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) with Xanthomonas campestris pv. poae (JT-P482) Access Restrictions |
Imaizumi, S.; Honda, M.; Fujimori, T. 1999. Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest Management. September. 16(1): p. 13-17. |
61767 |
Seasonal Factors Affecting the Control of Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) with Xanthomonas campestris pv. poae (JT-P482) Access Restrictions |
Imaizumi, S.; Tateno, A.; Miyamoto, D.; Morita, K.; Fujimori, T. 1999. Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest Management. September. 16(1): p. 18-26. |
61768 |
The effect of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) grazing damage on the growth, botanical composition and yield of a ryegrass re-seed Access Restrictions |
Bell, A. C.; Byrne, P. M.; Watson, S. 1999. Annals of Applied Biology. August. 135(1): p. 417-424. |
62488 |
Performance of five turfgrasses under linear gradient irrigation |
Qian, Y. L.; Engelke, M. C. 1999. HortScience. August. 34(5): p. 893-896. |
62021 |
Early analysis yields interesting trends |
Rufty, T. W.; Bowman, D. C.; Peacock, C. H.; Bruneau, A. H.; Cassel, D. K.; Gilliam, J. W. 1999. North Carolina Turfgrass. August/September. 17(5): p. 15-18. |
62239 |
Fairway bentgrass growth regulator study |
Bingaman, Barbara R.; McDade, Melissa C.; Christians, Nick E. 1999. 1999 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. July. 20: p. 60-62. |
60952 |
Does your turf need nitrogen?: Technology provides a quick diagnoses of turfgrass nitrogen needs Access Restrictions |
Rodriguez, Ian R.; Miller, Grady L. 1999. Golf Course Management. May. 67(5): p. 63-66. |
59302 |
Chipco Proxy™!: A new growth regulator for bentgrass | Stier, John C. 1999. The Grass Roots. May/June. 28(3): p. 25, 27-29. |
59935 |
Seedling creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) tolerance to dithiopyr |
Bevard, Darin S.; Watschke, Thomas L. 1999. Weed Technology. April-June. 13(2): p. 216-220. |
61744 |
Matching mowers' cutting heights: Clipping yields and computer calculations deternime proper bench settings Access Restrictions |
Hamilton, George W.; Snelsire, Eric. 1999. Golf Course Management. March. 67(3): p. 49-51. |
57870 |
Use less fertilizer and leave clippings for a better lawn | Anonymous. 1999. The Soil Profile. Spring. 9(1): p. 1-4. |
69555 |
Growth of tall fescue in compost/fertilizer blends |
Sikora, L. J; Enkiri, N. K. 1999. Soil Science. January. 164(1): p. 62-69. |
62617 | |
Influence of Trinexapac-Ethyl on Diamond Zoysiagrass in a shade environment Access Restrictions |
Qian, Y. L.; Engelke, M. C. 1999. Crop Science. January/February. 39(1): p. 202-208. |
57685 |
Interaction of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium on evapotranspiration rate and growth of Kentucky Bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Ebdon, J. S.; Petrovic, A. M.; White, R. A. 1999. Crop Science. January/February. 39(1): p. 209-218. |
57716 |
Turfgrass soil management research -- 1998 [III. Phosphorous soil test correlation's on sand:Peat green] | Rieke, P. E.; Nikolai, T. A.; Karcher, D. E. 1999. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. January. 28: p. 9. |
56509 |
Turfgrass soil management research -- 1998 [IV. Putting green root-zone mix fertility study -- 1996] | Rieke, P. E.; Nikolai, T. A.; Karcher, D. E. 1999. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. January. 28: p. 10-12. |
56510 |
1998 turfgrass physiology update [IX. Plant growth regulators for lawn care] | Baird, James H.; Calhoun, Ronald. 1999. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. January. 28: p. 15. |
56538 |
Using growth regulators as part of a lawn care program | Branham, Bruce. 1999. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. January. 28: p. 123-126. |
56663 |
Plant growth regulators alter the growth of 'Tifway' bermudagrass (Cynodon transvaalensis × C. dactylon) and selected turfgrass weeds |
Lowe, David B.; Whitwell, Ted. 1999. Weed Technology. January-March. 13(1): p. 132-138. |
59358 |
Turfgrass selection: Comparing three turfgrasses for minimum irrigation requirements, drought resistance and long-term performance | Qian, Y. L.; Engelke, M. C. 1999. TurfGrass TRENDS. January. 8(1): p. 4-8. |
57577 |
Comparing Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) versus Supina bluegrass (Poa supina Schrad.) and crumb rubber within SportGrass® for indoor stadia | Sorochan, J. C.; Rogers, J. N. III. [19xx]. Trey Rogers' Home Pages. p. [1-7]. |
71354 | |
Leaf mulching effects on turf performance |
Reicher, Zac; Hardebeck, Glenn. 1998. 1998 Annual Report - Purdue University TurfgrassScience Program. p. 18. |
61393 |
Effect of nitrogen, PGR's, and fungicide on high-cut turfgrass in shade |
Sweeney, P. M.; Danneberger, T. K. 1998. Turfgrass Research Report - 1998 [Ohio State]. p. 36-41. |
68646 |
Compost as an amendment for sand rootzones for turfgrass: II. Construction of USGA rootzones |
Carey, K.; Gunn, E. 1998. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 1998 Research Report. p. 37-43. |
72055 |
Effects of mowing on N loss of various N fertilizers |
Mancino, Charles F.; Hornstein, Christopher J. 1998. 1998 Annual Research Report [Penn State]. p. 47-49. |
57889 |
Moisture regime and root zone composition effects on the agronomic characteristics of athletic field sod |
Cirata, D. J.; Street, J. R.; McCoy, E. L.; Boehm, M. J. 1998. Turfgrass Research Report - 1998 [Ohio State]. p. 71-72. |
68655 |
Effect of sewage sludge compost on turf establishment and disease severity |
Loschinkohl, Crindi; Rimelspach, Joseph W.; Boehm, Michael J. 1998. Turfgrass Research Report - 1998 [Ohio State]. p. 84-91. |
68658 |
Plant growth regulator effect on a creeping bentgrass/annual bluegrass sward |
Street, John R.; Sherratt, Pam. 1998. Turfgrass Research Report - 1998 [Ohio State]. p. 92-94. |
68659 |
Long term effects of ethephon, trinexapac-ethyl, and cutless on bentgrass and Poa annua |
Diesburg, K. L. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 129. |
56934 |
Evaluation of drought and salinity resistance in transgenic creeping bentgrass |
Redwine, S. M.; Baird, J. H.; Sticklen, M. B. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 131. |
56971 |
Plant growth regulator combinations for extended clipping reduction of Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass |
Calhoun, R. N.; Baird, J. H. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 131. |
56972 |
Bermudagrass response to potassium fertilization |
Sartain, J. B.; Hopwood, E. W. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 131. |
57048 |
Turfgrass physiological response to silicate under two fertilization regimes |
Schmidt, R. E.; Zhang, X. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 132. |
56918 |
The effects of pelletized paper as mulch on turfgrass establishment |
Hamilton, G. W.; Gregos, J. S.; Tredway, L. P.; Gover, A. E. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 135. |
57202 |
Management practices to optimize turfgrass performance under low irradiance: Studies under simulated stadium conditions |
Ries, S. B.; Cockerham, S. T.; Riechers, G. H.; Gibeault, V. A. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 139. |
57733 |
Influence of humic acid application on the growth and nutrient content of creeping bentgrass under salinity stress |
Liu, C.; Cooper, R. J. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 139. |
57877 |
Evaluation of leaf firing resistance among six bermudagrass cultivars grown in containers and field |
Richie, W. E.; Green, R. L.; Close, T. J.; Holt, J. S. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 142. |
58092 |
Moisture regime and root zone composition effects on the agronomic characteristics of turfgrass sod in athletic field systems |
Cirata, D. J.; Street, J. R.; McCoy, E. L.; Boehm, M. J.; Pound, W. E. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 143. |
58376 |
Turfgrass research for high trafficked areas: [II. Determining the performance of Poa Supina grown in varying media for athletic field conditions under reduced light conditions] | Sorochan, J. C.; Rogers, J. N. III. 1998. Proceedings of the 68th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 27: p. 13-17. |
42038 |
Continuing nitrogen injection research | Rieke, P. E.; Karcher, D. E.; Neer, J. 1998. Proceedings of the 68th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 27: p. 31-38. |
42046 |
Turfgrass physiology, herbicide, and PGR research update: [IV. The effect of granular vs. sprayable formulations of a PGR on clipping yield of fairway height creeping bentgrass] | Baird, James H.; Calhoun, Ronald. 1998. Proceedings of the 68th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 27: p. 41,43-44. |
42052 |
Use of spectral radiance for correcting nitrogen deficiencies and estimating soil test variability in an established bermudagrass pasture Access Restrictions |
Taylor, Shannon L.; Raun, WIlliam R.; Solie, John B.; Johnson, Gordon V.; Stone, Marvin L.; Whitney, Richard W. 1998. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 21(11): p. 2287-2302. |
71210 |
Fertilizer influences on soil and turf quality |
Kussow, Wayne R. 1998. Wisconsin Turf Research: Results of 1998 Studies. 16: p. 48-54. |
57587 |
Evaluation of Proxy™: A new growth regulator for bentgrass |
Stier, John C. 1998. Wisconsin Turf Research: Results of 1998 Studies. 16: p. 72-75. |
57594 |
Evaluation of bacteria for phytohormone and antifungal properties in creeping bentgrass fairways |
Stier, John C.; Sausen, Amy. 1998. Wisconsin Turf Research: Results of 1998 Studies. 16: p. 99-103. |
57601 |
[Use of PGR in regards to fertility program] | Kussow, Wayne R. 1998. The Grass Roots. November/December. 27(6): p. 33. |
70968 |
Improve your efficiency with strategic chemical use | Liskey, Eric. 1998. Grounds Maintenance. October. 33(10): p. 12-14, 16, 53. |
55772 |
Growth regulator boosts zoysia's shade tolerance: A widely used growth regulator allows a zoysiagrass cultivar to thrive in heavy shade Access Restrictions |
Qian, Yaling; Engelke, M. C. 1998. Golf Course Management. July. 66(7): p. 54-57. |
52559 |
Phosphorus requirement for bentgrass establishment in a root zone mix | Cherwin, Tim. 1998. The Grass Roots. July/August. 27(4): p. 18-19. |
52584 |
Divisional contrasts |
Baker, Stephen. 1998. TURF Management. June. p. 14-15. |
53737 |
Irrigation management and turfgrass pests: Researchers look at the effects of irrigation scheduling and pesticide applications Access Restrictions |
Fry, Jack; Tisserat, Ned; Jiang, Hongfei. 1998. Golf Course Management. June. 66(6): p. 56-60. |
52506 |
Sand and organic amendment influences on soil physical properties related to turf establishment |
McCoy, Edward L. 1998. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 90(3): p. 411-419. |
52525 |
Watering, fertilization can lower turfgrass water use and waste |
Petrovic, A. Martin; Baikan, Beatrice Beth. 1998. Landscape & Irrigation. January. 22(1): p. 18-20. |
54828 |
Nitrogen Fertilization and Soil Cultivation Utilizing High Pressure Water Injection |
Karcher, Douglas Edward. 1997. M.S. Thesis: Michigan State University. viii, 90 pp. |
55578 |
St. Augustinegrass growth responses to various plant growth retardents [retardants] | Weinbrecht, Jan; Miller, Grady. 1997. Florida Turfgrass. |
58629 |
Leaf mulching effects on turf performance | Reicher, Zac; Hardebeck, Glenn. 1997. 1997 Annual Report [Purdue University Turfgrass Science Program]. p. [1-2]. |
59390 |
The evaluation of two controlled release liquid nitrogen fertilizers |
Toews, E.; Ross, J. B. 1997. Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre. p. [1-3]. |
135784 | |
The evaluation of various amended canola meal fertilizers | Toews, E. J.; Ross, J. B. 1997. Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre. p. [1-4]. |
135798 | |
Response of Kentucky Bluegrass turf to various nitrogen sources | Toews, E.; Ross, J. B. 1997. Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre. p. [1-9]. |
135809 |
Evaluation of various organic based nitrogen fertilizers | Toews, E.; Ross, J. B. 1997. Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre. p. [1-3]. |
135812 |
Evaluation of controlled release nitrogen fertilizers on creeping bentgrass |
Toews, E.; Miluch, C.; Ross, J. B. 1997. Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre. p. [1-3]. |
135836 |
Nitrogen fertility trial on Penncross creeping bentgrass | Lettner, Gerry; Berg, Jason; Chisholm, Andy. 1997. Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre. p. [1-4]. |
135837 |
Response of Kentucky Bluegrass turf to various nitrogen fertilizers |
Toews, E. J.; Ross, J. B. 1997. Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre. p. [1-6]. |
135843 |
Nitrogen fertility trial on Agrostis palustris cv. Penncross greens | Lettner, G.; Chisholm, Andy. 1997. Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre. p. [1-3]. |
135844 | |
Evaluation of a experimental controlled release polymer coated fertilizer | Tompkins, D. K.; Ross, J. B. 1997. Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre. p. [1-5]. |
135845 | |
New approaches to nitrogen fertilization of turfgrass | Karcher, Douglas E. 1997. 1997 Michigan Turfgrass Field Day. p. 7-8. |
68588 |
Nitrogen fertility trial on penncross creeping bentgrass greens |
Lettner, Gerry; Berg, Jason; Chisholm, Andy. 1997. PTRC - Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre Annual Report 1997 [Alberta]. p. 8-10. |
58075 |
Evaluation of controlled release nitrogen fertilizers on creeping bentgrass |
Toews, E.; Miluch, C.; Ross, J. B. 1997. PTRC - Prairie Turfgrass Research Centre Annual Report 1997 [Alberta]. p. 11-12. |
58076 |
Lawn fertilization demonstrations |
Kussow, Wayne R. 1997. Turfgrass Field Day for Homeowners [Wisconsin]. p. 16-17. |
64361 |
Evaluation of nitrogen carrier products on Kentucky bluegrass | Shearman, R. C.; Vaitkus, M. R. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass Research Report [Nebraska]. p. 17-20. |
69683 |
Effect of high salinity on performance of Primo on bentgrass |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1997. PTRI 1996 1997 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 61-63. |
61148 |
Kikuyugrass quality improvement using Primo growth regulator |
Stowell, Larry; Gelernter, Wendy. 1997. PTRI 1996 1997 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 69-70. |
63125 |
Kikuyugrass response to Primo |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry. 1997. PTRI 1996 1997 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 71-75. |
63128 |
Primo-treated sod: harvest, establishment, and transplant (field validation) |
Stowell, Larry. 1997. PTRI 1996 1997 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 78-79. |
63130 |
Primo, TGR and Cutless influence the growth of selected turf weeds | Lowe, David; Whitwell, Ted. 1997. Clemson University Turfgrass Program. p. 105-107. |
53580 |
Responses of bentgrass to inorganic soil amendments under stressed conditions |
Joo, Y. K.; Christians, N. E.; Lee, J. P. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 122. |
41474 |
Morphological and physiological effects of trinexapac-ethyl on Kentucky bluegrass |
Ervin, E. H.; Koski, A. J. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 123. |
41482 |
The post-inhibition response of Kentucky bluegrass treated with trinexapac ethyl |
Bingaman, B. R.; Christians, N. E. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 128. |
41521 |
The effect of paclobutrazol on the relative growth of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris) and annual bluegrass (Poa annua spp. reptans) |
Isgrigg, J. III; Yelverton, F. H.; Bowman, D. C.; Coble, H. D. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 129. |
41530 |
Foliar growth responses of 'Tifway' bermudagrass to trinexapac-ethyl |
Yelverton, F. H.; Bowman, D. C.; Cooper, R. J. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 130. |
41535 |
Fertilizer demonstrations |
Kussow, Wayne R. 1997. Wisconsin Turf Research: Results of 1997 Studies. 15: p. 8-11. |
118571 |
Growth response of bentgrass to polymer coated urea | Joo, Young Kyoo; Lee, Jae-Pil; Christians, Nick E. 1997. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 11(2): p. 97-104[248-255]. |
129890 |
An evaluation of plant growth regulator and contact herbicide pre-treatments to overseeding Cynodon dactylon(L.) pers. with Lolium perenne L. Access Restrictions |
Henry, J. M. 1997. Proceedings of the 8th International Turfgrass Research Conference. 8: p. 158-165. |
71965 |
Effect of potassium fertiliser on growth and nutrient content of Zoysia matrella |
Jiarong, Liu; Youmin, Niu; Wei, Zhong. 1997. Proceedings of the 8th International Turfgrass Research Conference. 8: p. 166-170. |
71967 |
Pelletized paper as a mulch for turfgrass establishment Access Restrictions |
Hamilton, G. W.; Gregos, J. S.; Tredway, L. P.; Gover, A. E. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 101-107. |
55852 |
Verticutting frequency and mowing height for management of 'DeAnza' and 'Victoria' zoysia Access Restrictions |
Cockerham, S. T.; Gibeault, V. A.; Ries, S. B.; Khan, R. A. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 419-425. |
55916 |
Turfgrass response to coated-urea fertilizers. 1. Visual quality and clipping yields Access Restrictions |
Williams, K. E.; Snyder, R. H.; Cisar, J. L.; Snyder, G. H.; Haydu, J. J. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 1): p. 553-562. |
55962 |
The effect of seaweed concentrate on the growth of nematode-infected bent grown under low soil moisture |
Sun, H.; Schmidt, R. E.; Eisenback, J. D. 1997. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 8(Part 2): p. 1336-1342. |
61155 |
Turf performance and rooting of Diamond zoysiagrass as affected by light intensity |
Qian, Y. L.; Engelke, M. C. 1997. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1997. December. p. [1-10]. |
66830 |
Enhancement of post-harvest shelflife of turfgrass sod-continuation of 1996 studies. Access Restrictions |
Schmidt, R. E. 1997. TurfNews [TPI]. November/December. 21(6): p. 29-30. |
41442 |
Effect of natural organic nitrogen fertilizers on hybrid bermudagrass growth |
Elliott, M. L.; Prevatte, M. 1997. HortTechnology. July-September. 7(3): p. 289-292. |
78963 |
Residual nitrogen effect of clover-ryegrass swards on yield and N uptake of a subsequent winter wheat crop as studied by use of ¹⁵ N methodology and mathematical modelling Access Restrictions |
Høgh-Jensen, Henning; Schjoerring, Jan K. 1997. European Journal of Agronomy. May. 6(3-4): p. 235-243. |
56709 | |
The use of plant growth regulators on turf Access Restrictions |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1997. PACE Insights. April. 3(4): p. 1-4. |
104989 |
Tall fescue response to clipping and competition with no-till seeded alfalfa as affected by fungal endophyte |
Hoveland, Carl S.; Durham, Robert G.; Bouton, Joseph H. 1997. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 89(1): p. 119-125. |
57929 |