Keyword: Cool season turfgrasses
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Influence of row spacing and nitrogen fertilization on grass seed production |
Canode, C. L. 1968. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 60(3): p. 263-267. |
12537 |
Grass Seed Production |
Buckner, Robert C.; Thompson, Warren. 1968. [Lexington, Kentucky]: Agriculture and Home Economics, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Kentucky. 3 panels. |
121497 |
Factors Which Influence the Levels of Soluble Carbohydrate reserves of Cool Season Turfgrasses Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Zanoni, L. J. 1967. M.S. Thesis: University of Massachusetts. |
40163 |
High temperature growth reduction investigations | Stoin, Harlan. 1967. Michigan State University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 5. |
153256 |
Disease control on golf greens: Fungus diseases of bermudagrass and "overseeded" cool-season grasses on golf greens | Wells, H. D. 1967. Proceedings: Twenty-First Annual Southeastern TurfgrassConference. p. 38-41. |
230445 |
Summer survival of turfgrass species as influenced by variety, fertility level and disease incidence |
Funk, C. R.; Engel, R. E.; Halisky, P. M. 1967. 1967 Report on Turfgrass Research at Rutgers University. p. 71-77. |
215869 |
Preemergence herbicides for control of goosegrass in cool-season turfgrasses for a series of tests over seven seasons |
Engel, R. E.; Dunn, J. H. 1967. 1967 Report on Turfgrass Research at Rutgers University. p. 93-112. |
215875 |
Selection of grasses for overseeding |
Meyers, H. G.; Horn, G. C. 1967. Proceedings of the FloridaTurf-Grass Management Conference. 15: p. 47-52. |
88963 |
A suitable grass for western greens Access Restrictions |
Lebeau, J. B.; Moffatt, J. Eric. 1967. GreenMaster. December. 4(1): p. 6-8. |
116907 |
Carbohydrate Reserves of a Warm Season and a Cool Season Perennial Grass in Relation to Temperature Regimes. |
McKell, C. M.; Youngner, V. B. 1967. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 59: p. 42. |
17670 |
Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations for Turf |
Deal, Elwyn E.; Miller, James R. 1967. College Park, Maryland: Argonomy Department, University of Maryland. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
121071 |
Physiological and Color Aspects of Cool Season Turf Grasses with Fall and Winter Nitrogen Fertilization Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Powell, Andrew Jackson Jr. 1966. Ph.D. Dissertation: Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 92 pp. |
11334 |
Lawns in Kansas |
Keen, Ray A.; Quinlan, L. R. 1966. Manhattan, Kansas: Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. 31 pp. |
108512 |
Accumulation of Ketone Bodies by Cool Season Grasses Under Low Carbohydrate Stress. |
McKee, W. H. Jr. 1966. Agronomy Abstracts. August. 58: p. 21. |
17003 |
Longevity and dormancy in seeds of several cool-season grasses and legumes buried in soil |
Rampton, H. H.; Ching, Te May. 1966. Agronomy Journal. March/April. 58(2): p. 220-222. |
12618 |
Meyer Z-52 Zoysia Japonica |
Summit Hall Turf Farm. 196X. Gaithersburg, Maryland: Summit Hall Turf Farm. [4] panels. |
287765 |
How to Get a Good Stand of Grass in Nebraska | Wilson, Jim. 196X. Polk, Nebraska: Wilson Seed Farms. 6 pp. |
297248 |
Lawns |
1965. p. 173-200. In: Bush-Brown, James. America's Garden Book. New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons. |
13465 |
Overseeding bermudagrass greens with cool-season grasses | Dudley, J. W.; Danner, Charlie; Baumgardner, T. M. 1965. Proceedings Nineteenth Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference. 19: p. 51-58. |
103618 |
Lawns and Ground Covers |
Sunset Editorial Staff and Williamson, Joseph F., ed. 1964. Menlo Park, California: Lane Magazine & Book Company. 112 pp. Third Edition. |
33360 |
Overseeding bermudagrass with cool season grasses for winter turf |
Schmidt, R. E.; Shoulders, J. F. 1964. Agronomy Abstracts. 56: p. 102. |
111913 |
Winter injury to cool season turf Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1963. The Golf Course Reporter. November/December. 31(10): p. 38-40. |
126670 |
Part 2: In various Southern trials Access Restrictions |
Latham, James M. Jr. 1962. Summary of Papers Presented at the 33rd InternationalTurf-Grass Conference. p. 9. |
128674 |
Part 4: Tests in Virginia Access Restrictions |
Schmidt, R. E. 1962. Summary of Papers Presented at the 33rd InternationalTurf-Grass Conference. p. 10. |
128685 |
Establishing winter bermuda putting turf | Schmidt, R. E.; Blaser, R. E. 1962. USGA Journal and Turf Management. September. 15(5): p. 30-32. |
36011 |
Grasses for cool season fairway turf Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1962. The Golf Course Reporter. July. 30(7): p. 45. |
126788 |
Wear resistance of cool season turfgrasses. Effects of previous mowing practices |
Youngner, Victor B. 1962. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 54(3): p. 198-199. |
12806 |
Chemical and cultural control of turfgrass diseases | Holmes, James L. 1962. USGA Journal and Turf Management. February. p. 23-27. |
35957 |
Winter grass overseeding on bermudagrass putting greens | Noer, O. J.; Wilson, C. G.; Latham, J. M. 1961. Proceedings Fifteenth Annual Southeastern TurfgrassConference. 15: p. 33-41. |
103694 |
Population-density studies on cool-season turfgrasses grown in a subtropical climate Access Restrictions |
Youngner, Victor B. 1961. Grass and Forage Science. September. 16(3): p. 222-225. |
162331 |
Cool season grasses for winter turf on bermuda putting greens | Schmidt, R. E.; Blaser, R. E. 1961. USGA Journal and Turf Management. September. 14(5): p. 25-29. |
35948 |
Heavy Nitrogen Fertilization of Cool Season Turf Grasses |
Goetze, Norman Richard. 1960. Ph.D. Dissertation: Purdue University. ix, 76 pp. |
17763 |
Climate and growth of turfgrasses | Youngner, Victor B. 1960. California Turfgrass Culture. July. 10(3): p. 23-24. |
64571 |
Temperature, light, growth of turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Youngner, Victor B. 1960. The Golf Course Reporter. Spring. 28(Special): p. 37-39. |
130900 |
Lawns in Kansas |
Keen, R. A.; Quinlan, L. R. 1959. Manhattan, Kansas: Agricultural Experimental Station, Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. 32 pp. Revised Edition. |
108510 |
[Cool season - warm season grass combinations in turf] | Anonymous. [1959]. [USGA Green Section Research Report, 1953-1958/June of1959]. p. [6]. |
198370 |
Evaluation of cool-season turfgrasses alone and in mixtures |
Juska, F. V.; Hanson, A. A. 1959. Agronomy Journal. October. 51(10): p. 597-600. |
12778 |
Fall fertilization and your golf course: Objectives and principles; Fall fertilization Access Restrictions |
Musser, H. B. 1959. The Golf Course Reporter. September/October. 27(7): p. 15-16, 18. |
126199 |
Effect of Certain Management Treatments on the Growth and Chemical Composition of Three Cool-Season Grasses Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Washko, Walter William. 1958. Ph.D. Dissertation: The University of Wisconsin - Madison. 156 pp. |
134485 |
New grasses and legumes for soil and water conservation Access Restrictions |
Hafenrichter, A. L. 1958. Advances in Agronomy. 10: p. 349-406. |
103021 |
The Response of Certain Cool Season Perennial Grasses and Grass-Legume Mixtures to Frequency and Height of Clipping and to Supplemental Irrigation Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Hicks, Raymond Donald. 1957. M.S. Thesis: Auburn University. xi, 70 pp. |
230633 |
Converting to winter grass on greens | Anonymous. 1957. Southern Turfletter. October. 1(4): p. 1-2. |
280520 |
Better Lawns and Gardens |
American Chemical Paint Co. 1956. Ambler, PA: American Chemical Paint Co. 59 pp. |
103664 |
Factors influencing the use of cool and warm season turfgrasses |
Watson, J. R. Jr. 1956. Proceedings - Silver Anniversary Turfgrass Conference [Pennsylvania State University]. p. 89-94. |
88931 |
Turfgrass breeding looks ahead Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1956. The Golf Course Reporter. June. 24(4): p. 38. |
122050 |
Behavior of Zoysia Japonica meyer in cool-season turf | Hart, S. W.; DeFrance, J. A. 1955. USGA Journal and Turf Management. June. 8(2): p. 25-31. |
35986 |
Cool season grasses - bluegrass, fescue, bent Access Restrictions |
Lantz, H. L. 1955. The Golf Course Reporter. March/April. 23(2): p. 32-34, 36-37. |
122313 |
Turfgrass in the South and borderline areas Access Restrictions |
Watson, J. R. Jr. 1955. The Golf Course Reporter. January/February. 23(1): p. 20-21, 24-27. |
121885 |
Fungus diseases and their control in cool season grasses |
Klomparens, William. 1954. 1954 Annual Conference Mid-Atlantic Association of GolfCourse Superintendents. p. 43-46. |
140428 |
Now is the time | Ferguson, Marvin H. 1954. USGA Journal and Turf Management. September. 7(5): p. 27-29. |
35939 |
Golf the speedway or the greenway? | Anonymous. 1954. Northeastern Turfletter. September. 1(3): p. 1-2. |
280384 |
Fungus diseases and their control in cool season grasses Access Restrictions |
Klomparens, William. 1954. The Golf Course Reporter. January/February. 22(1): p. 29-31. |
121254 |
Warm season grasses in today's turf Access Restrictions |
Grau, Fred V. 1953. The Golf Course Reporter. Special. 21: p. 5-8. |
121780 |
Cool season grasses in today's turf Access Restrictions |
Musser, H. B. 1953. The Golf Course Reporter. Special. 21: p. 8-14. |
121781 |
Preparing your greens for winter play | Hamner, Jim. 1953. USGA Journal and Turf Management. September. 6(5): p. 32. |
35878 |
The Home Lawn... Good Turf for Utility and Beauty Access Restrictions |
Watson, J. R. Jr.; Crain, A. W. 1952. College Station, Texas: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, The Texas A & M College System; Texas Agricultural Extension Service, The Texas A & M College System. 22 pp. |
56941 |
Lawns for Town and Country |
Chessmore, Roy A. 1952. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Oklahoma A & M College. [4] pp. |
109719 |
The Soccer Club Groundsman: An Official Publication of The Football Association |
The Football Association. 1951. London, England: Naldrett Press. 108 pp. 1st Edition. |
33375 |
The Science of Turf Cultivation |
Faulkner, R. P. 1950. London: Technical Press. ix, 64 pp. |
33179 |
Turf survey in southern California |
1950. In: Hallowell, Charles K. Turf Survey in Southern California. 17 pp. |
92867 |
Warm and cool-season grasses |
Grau, Fred V. 1950. 1950 Annual Conference Mid-Atlantic Association of Greenkeepers. p. 37-44. |
137704 |
[Importance of extension, growing cool-season grasses in combination with warm-season varieties of zoysia] | Wilson, Charlie. 1950. Proceedings of National Turf Field Days. p. 43-44. |
224091 |
Residual effect of some perennial grasses on the structure of an Eastern Nebraska Fine-Textured Soil |
McHenry, J. Roger; Newell, L. C. 1949. Agronomy Journal. February. 41(2): p. 76-78. |
12993 |
Greenswards in the cooler regions |
Musser, H. B.; De France, J. A. 1948. p. 307-310. In: Stefferud, Alfred, ed. Grass: The Yearbook of Agriculture 1948. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture. |
39964 |
Response of geographical strains of grasses to low temperatures |
Rogler, George A. 1943. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy. July. 35(7): p. 547-559. |
103788 |
The Groundsman's Handbook - The Care of Grass on Sports Grounds |
Imperial Chemical Industries Limited. [19xx]. London: Imperial Chemical Industries Limited. 24 pp. |
112486 |
Improvement of Lawns, Golf Greens and Fairways |
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. 1933. [London, England, United Kingdom]: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. 23 pp. Revised Edition. |
112510 |
Grass: How to Obtain it, How to Keep it |
Goit, Whitney; Shaffer, Randolph. 1932. Chicago, Illinois: Golf Course Equipment Co. 30 pp. |
37487 |
The Lawn: How to Make and Maintain It |
Brett, Walter. 193X. London, England: C. Arthur Pearson Limited. vii, 9-30, [1], 31-32, [1], 33-64, [1], 65-90, [1], 91-96, [1], 97-128, [1], 129-144 pp. |
942 |
Landscape construction notes. XX: Construction of turf areas |
Taylor, Albert D. 1927. Landscape Architecture. January. 17(2): p. 128-142. |
74009 |
Buying seed for northern fairways | Piper, C. V.; Oakley, R. A. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. October 16. 2(10): p. 279. |
48209 |
Some simple facts about our northern golf grasses | Piper, C. V.; Oakley, R. A. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. September 18. 2(9): p. 256-261. |
48200 |