Keyword: Cultivation methods
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Long term effects of topdressing and cultivation on an annual bluegrass putting green | Schmid, Chas; Kowalewski, Alec; Wang, Ruying; Braithwaite, Emily; McDonald, Brian; Mattox, Clint. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 159-169. |
328670 |
Influence of cultivation method, seeding rate, and fertilizer rate on the establishment of creeping bentgrass for putting green renovation |
Carroll, Devon E.; Kaminski, John E.; Landschoot, Peter J. 2021. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June. 7(1): p. e20085. |
315846 |
Note to golfers: Rationale for core cultivation on golf course putting greens |
Goss, Ryan. 2019. The Super News [Rio Grande G.C.S.A.]. June. p. 18-19. |
307731 |
Cultivation reduces infestation of silvery-thread moss in a creeping bentgrass green: Cultivation alone or in combination with judicious hericide use can help reduce silvery-thread moss in golf course putting greens Access Restrictions |
Raudenbush, Zane; Keeley, Steven J. 2019. Golf Course Management. March. 87(3): p. 72-78. |
304454 |
Common problems of Mississippi sports fields |
Richard, Michael. 2019. Mississippi Turfgrass. Spring. p. 10-13. |
306352 |
Omaha! Omaha! |
Dowling, Elliott. 2018. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
297378 |
How Long Do the Benefits of Fairway Aeration Last? |
Whitlark, Brian. 2018. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
300035 |
Removal of coarse sand from topdressing applied to putting green turf | Chen, Hui; Hempfling, James W.; Genova, Kyle; Schmid, Chas; Murphy, James A. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 32. |
298903 |
Effects of cultivation method, seeding rate, and N rate on establishment of Agrostis stolonifera in putting green | Carroll, Devon; Kaminski, John E.; Landschoot, Peter J. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 18657. |
302211 |
Temporal variability and longevity of impact of novel cultivation practices on soil physical properties of creeping bentgrass greens | Amgain, Naba; Fontanier, Charles Henry. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112195. |
302005 |
Effects of cultivation practices and product treatments on soil moisture retention characteristics in golf course soils with contrasting textures | Escamilla, Eduardo; Young, Joseph Ronald; Deb, Sanjit K. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112510. |
302037 |
Impact of fraise mowing on soil physical properties of bermudagrass surfaces |
McCauley, Raymond K.; Miller, Grady L.; Pinnix, Garland D. 2018. North Carolina Turfgrass. November/December. p. 14-16. |
302696 |
Fraze mowing and timing of overseeding establishment | Carpenter, Matt; Stewart, Barry. 2018. Mississippi Turfgrass. Fall. p. Cover, 14-16. |
304053 |
Comparison of cultivation methods impact on playability of Agrostis stolonifera greens |
Dickson, K.; Sorochan, J.; Munshaw, G.; Thoms, A. 2018. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. May. 46(3): p. 1256-1260. |
298087 |
Aeration of greens Dry-Ject week |
Wachter, Joe. 2018. The Golf Course Trades. May 5. 28[31](5): p. 11. |
296952 |
Changing the playing field |
Wallace, Jim. 2018. Grass Clippings [Idaho]. April. p. 8. |
297856 |
Organic matter management: Extract and replace versus injection on sand-based greens |
Broadbelt, Jeff; McCoy, Ed. 2018. Golf Course Industry. April. 30(4): p. 50-54. |
297679 |
Time for turfgrass care is now | Griess, Ted. 2018. Kearney Hub. April 21. p. [1-2]. |
298040 |
Flat out for success at Ripon: Winners of the 2017 IOG John Deere Professional Horse Racing Grounds Team of the Year, Carl Tonks and his colleagues at Ripon Racecourse work diligently to ensure it lives up to its image as "Yorkshire's Garden Racecourse" |
Hoskins, Colin. 2018. The Groundsman [IOG]. March. p. Cover, 14-16. |
296413 |
Soil preparation for a beautiful sodded lawn |
North Carolina Sod Producers Association. 2018. North Carolina Turfgrass. March/April. p. 14-16. |
297721 |
5 years of fraze mowing evolution |
Minnick, Jerad. 2018. SportsTurf. March. 34(3): p. 18-21. |
298612 |
Hampstead Golf Club: The closest golf course to 'The City' |
Barrow, Jake. 2018. Pitchcare. February/March. 77: p. 24-30. |
296394 |
Base decisions on science...Not guess work |
Doherty, Dave. 2018. The Boardroom. January/February. 22(274): p. 88-89. |
296475 |
Seed-to-Soil Contact is Essential When Overseeding | Kreuser, Bill. 2017. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [1] p. |
290975 |
Cultural Practices for Water Conservation: Turfgrass | Wallace, Vickie; Siegel-Miles, Alyssa. 2017. [Storrs, Connecticut]: Extension, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, University of Connecticut. 6 pp. |
291499 |
Keeping Greens Dry in Winter |
Skorulski, Jim. 2017. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
292402 |
Are There Alternatives to Core Aeration? | Lowe, Todd. 2017. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
293027 |
[The history and impacts of Fraze mowing] | Sorochan, John. 2017. 2017 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. [1-20]. |
296746 |
Shockwave aerification performance study |
Dalsgaard, Tim; Thoms, Adam; Christians, Nick; Pease, Ben. 2017. Farm Progress Reports [Iowa]. p. 71-72. |
305728 |
The effect of core recycling on putting green performance | Pease, Benjamin; Thoms, Adam; Christians, Nick E.; Mertz, Isaac. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105934. |
295614 |
Infiltration rates of golf course putting greens following various cultivation types | Amgain, Naba; Fontanier, Charles Henry; Moss, Justin Quetone. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106104. |
295620 |
Effect of fraise mowing on soil physical properties | McCauley, Raymond; Miller, Grady L.; Pinnix, Drew. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106327. |
290247 |
Maintaining soil physical properties in athletic fields using alternative technology |
Craft, J.; Baldwin, C. M.; McCurdy, J. D.; Stewart, B. R.; Philley, H. W.; Blythe, E. K.; Tomaso-Peterson, M. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. [1-20]. |
287782 |
Perspective on the history of turf cultivation |
Turgeon, A. J.; Fidanza, M. A. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-7. |
287788 |
Winterkill research |
Carroll, D.; Kaminski, John; Landschoot, Peter. 2017. Pennsylvania Turfgrass. Summer. 6(3): p. 22. |
294342 |
Influence of biopreparations on germination of seeds Festuca rubra L. and Agrostis tenuis Sibth | Leshchenko, O.; Kolesnichenko, O.; Shvets, I.; Novachenko, N. 2017. Naukovi Dopovidi NUBIP Ukrayiny [Scientific Reports of NULES of Ukraine]. 3(67): p. [1-10]. |
288470 |
Cordova Bay's fairway management program: Overcoming thatch Access Restrictions |
Piller, Dean. 2017. GreenMaster. Fall. 53(3): p. 16-20. |
291838 |
Making hay while the sun shines: Preparing warm season grasses on winter sports pitches relies on making the most of the summer months. Missing this vital timing is not an option | Glasgow, Alex. 2017. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 34(1): p. 12-13. |
281641 |
More than judging the size of the holes... | Gale, Laurence. 2017. Turf Matters. August/September. p. 19-20. |
289707 |
No hurry for yard care | Feehan, Kelly. 2017. Columbus Telegram. March 21. p. [1-2]. |
285968 |
Maintaining Soil Physical Property Integrity in Turfgrass Management Systems |
Craft, Jordan Michael. 2016. M.S. Thesis: Mississippi State University. x, 102 pp. |
264320 |
Topdressing Athletic Fields | Adams, Ryan S. 2016. Ames, Iowa: Extension and Outreach, Iowa State University. 3 pp. |
272541 |
Golf Greens: Core vs. No Core | Gaussoin, Roch. 2016. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [64] slides. |
288019 |
Incorporating cultivation practices and products to reduce salinity parameters from poor quality irrigation water on golf course fairways | Young, Joseph. 2016. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2016 Research Summaries. p. 72-75. |
285120 |
Top dressing and sanding pitches |
Anonymous. 2016. Greenside. December. p. 24. |
289554 |
Winter maintenance programme on football pitches: It's that time of year again when the grounds maintenance volunteers/staff struggle to maintain a dense and healthy grass cover on the pitch surface. Soil temperatures are dropping and growth is slowing down. What can we do to minimise damage and aid recovery for the winter period? |
Suttle, Pat. 2016. Greenside. December. p. 28-29. |
289559 |
Long-term effect of open-spoon aerification on plant and soil properties of community level sports Access Restrictions |
Straw, Chase M.; Grubbs, Rebecca A.; Henry, Gerald M.; Carrow, Robert N.; Cline, Van. 2016. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. December. 2(1): p. 1-7. |
279538 |
Cultivation technologies benefit ultradwarf bermudagrass | Anonymous. 2016. November 28. p. [1]. |
282622 |
Brisbane course big changes for Champion finish |
Dowie, Alastair. 2016. TurfCraft International. September/October. 170: p. 8, 10, 12. |
290540 |
Impact of dry-injection cultivation to maintain soil physical properties for an ultradwarf bermudagrass putting green |
Craft, Jordan M.; Baldwin, Christian M.; Philley, Wayne H.; McCurdy, James D.; Stewart, Barry R.; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria; Blythe, Eugene K. 2016. HortScience. September. 51(9): p. 1171-1175. |
277780 |
Improvement of growth and soil environment by topdressing and tillage in zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica) cultivation field |
Han, Jeong-Ji; Choi, Su-Min; Lee, Kwang-Soo; Park, Yong-Bae; Bae, Eun-Ji. 2016. Weed and Turfgrass Science. September. 5(3): p. 165-169. |
278848 |
Beyond cultivation: The evolution of grooming and brushing has had an ongoing impact on the highest quality turf |
Williams, Anthony L. 2016. Golf Course Industry. May. 28(5): p. 54, 56, 58. |
271820 |
Topdressing - Mostly art with a little science | Adams, Ryan. 2016. The Reporter [IGCSA]. April. p. 18-22. |
274540 |
Evaluation of creeping bentgrass variety germination differences at various temperatures |
Horgan, Brian; Bauer, Sam; Cavanaugh, Matt. 2016. Hole Notes. January/February. 50(1): p. 16-23. |
270657 |
Evaluation of Compost Topdressing, Compost Tea and Cultivation on Tall Fescue Quality, Soil Physical Properties and Soil Microbial Activity |
Chen, Siqi. 2015. M.S. Thesis: University of Maryland. ix, 168 pp. |
275981 |
How to Repair and Restore Grass Destroyed By Insects | Fowler, Jeffrey. 201X. University Park, Pennsylvania: PennState Extension, College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. [3] pp. |
300520 |
Establishment strategies for creeping bentgrass putting greens | Chestnut, Eric C.; Green, Thomas O.; Bravo, Jacob; Rogers, John N. III; Crum, Jim. 2015. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 10-11. |
264073 |
Influence of cultivation and mowing height on tall fescue conversion to 'Sharp's Improved il[II]' buffalograss | Reeves, Jacob; Hoyle, Jared A.; Keeley, Steven J.; Bremer, Dale J. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92931. |
267064 |
The effects of cultivation practices and fertilizer use on the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from Kentucky bluegrass athletic fields | Walker, Kristina S.; Nannenga, Katy W.; Smith, K. E. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93601. |
267177 |
Comparison of cultivation technologies for use on creeping bentgrass putting greens | Dickson, Kyley H.; Sorochan, John C.; Munshaw, Gregg C.; Stier, John; Brosnan, James T. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93740. |
266901 |
Calciatori abruzzesi su un perfetto manto in erba naturale (Abruzzo players on a perfect natural grass) | Chianchiano, Pietro. 2015. Tutterba. Ottobre/Novembre/Dicembre. 37: p. 19-23. |
271340 |
Stolon planting rate effects on Tifton 85 bermudagrass establishment |
Baseggio, M.; Newman, Y. C.; Sollenberger, L. E.; Fraisse, C.; Obreza, T. 2015. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 107(4): p. 1287-1294. |
264972 |
Establishing Kentucky bluegrass after fraze mowing: Time to recovery after fraze mowing can be affected by seeding rates and the use of turf covers Access Restrictions |
Hansen, Kevin; Christians, Nick. 2015. Golf Course Management. July. 83(7): p. 88-93. |
262864 |
Incorporating air injection systems on compacted native soil bermudagrass |
Dickson, Kyley; Sorochan, John; Thoms, Adam. 2015. SportsTurf. June. 31(6): p. 18-19. |
260686 |
Development of shade-tolerant bermudagrass cultivars for fine turf use | Wu, Yanqi; Koh, Kyungjoon; Bell, Greg. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. May/June. 14(3): p. 24-25. |
259066 |
Repairing lawn bald spots |
Anonymous. 2015. The Garden. April. 140(4): p. 30. |
258963 |
Preplant cultivation techniques and planting date effects on white clover establishment into an existing cool-season turfgrass sward |
Sparks, Bret; Munshaw, Gregg; Williams, David; Barrett, Michael; Beasley, Jeffrey; Woosley, Paul. 2015. HortScience. April. 50(4): p. 615-620. |
258857 |
Seeding vs. sodding: Which is the best choice in landscaping, lawn care? | Jiggens, Mike. 2015. Turf & Recreation. April/May. 28(3): p. 30, 32, 34, 36-37. |
260612 |
Incorporating early spring bulbs into dormant warm-season turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Richardson, Michael D.; McCalla, John; Buxton, Tina; Lulli, Filippo. 2015. HortTechnology. April. 25(2): p. 228-232. |
258860 |
Spring disease checklist | Koch, Paul. 2015. The Grass Roots. March/April. 44(2): p. 14-16. |
259564 |
Thatch: Enemy of Lawns | Lower, John B.; Lobenstein, C. W.; Fresenburg, Brad S. 2014. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Extension. 2 pp. Revised Edition. |
248100 |
Soil Management | Cornell University. 2014. [Ithaca, New York]: Cornell University. [8] pp. |
264514 |
No till planting method | Allison, Bruce. 2014. 68th Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference [Proceedings]. p. [1-16]. |
272066 |
Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck in Sports Turf Management | Reicher, Zac. [2014]. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [107] slides. |
288000 |
Cultivation effects on organic matter concentration and infiltration rates of two creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) putting greens |
Schmid, Charles J.; Gaussoin, Roch E.; Shearman, Robert C.; Mamo, Martha; Wortmann, Charles S. 2014. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 11(1): p. 1-7. |
269625 |
Getting to grips with grass | Miller, Paul. 2014. Greenkeeper International. September. p. 46-48. |
250408 |
Making the case for evidence-based agriculture |
Fisher, Madeline. 2014. CSA News. May. 59(5): p. 4-11. |
241214 |
Ryegrass oversowing trialled in OZ TUFF |
Roche, Matt. 2014. TurfCraft International. March/April. 155: p. 40-41. |
291736 |
Best Management Practices for Pesticide-Free, Cool-Season Athletic Fields |
Henderson, Jason; Wallace, Victoria; Campbell, Julie. 2013. [Storrs, Connecticut]: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Conecticut. 16 pp. |
236286 |
Cultivating | Cornell Turfgrass Program, Cornell University. 201X. [Ithaca, New York]: Cornell Turfgrass Program, Cornell University. [4] pp. |
276504 |
Best maintenance practices for warm season grasses | Jeremiah, Les Jr. 2013. Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia 2013. p. [1-51]. |
280683 |
Optimal management practices for kikuyugrass quality and playing conditions | Mock, Tyler; Baird, Jim; Stowell, Larry. 2013. 2013 Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day [Southern California]. p. 50-51. |
246665 |
Organic lawn care | Anonymous. 2013. The Soil Profile. 21: p. 1-10. |
255922 |
Ewen Park fields rejuvenated for winter |
Anonymous. 2013. TurfCraft International. May/June. 150: p. 34. |
291636 |
Is the cost worth the benefit? | Taylor, Matthew R. 2012. 2012 GCSAA Education Conference: Conference Session Presentations. p. 1-30. |
202686 |
Effect of different cultivation methods and pH on division and growth of Poa pratensis protoplast Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Bai, Sheng-jun; Ma, Hui-ling; Ma, Xiang; An, Hui-hui. 2012. [Caoyuan yu Caoping] [Grassland and Turf]. 1: p. Unknown. |
270196 |
Improvements in disease resistance and fruit quality of organic tomato intercropped with living mulch of turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Xu, H. L.; Qin, F. F.; Xu, Q. C.; Li, J. M.; Ma, G.; Shah, R. P. 2012. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. 10(2): p. 593-597. |
272715 |
Cleaner runoff from fairways Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2012. Golf Course Management. November. 80(11): p. 38. |
213008 |
ARS scientists tee up to tackle golf course pesticide runoff |
Perry, Ann. 2012. Agricultural Research. October. 60(9): p. 10-11. |
212952 |
Evaluation of core cultivation practices to reduce ecological risk of pesticides in runoff from turf | Rice, Pamela; Horgan, Brian; Rittenhouse, Jennifer. 2012. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. August 1. 11(8): p. [1-10]. |
209041 |
Summertime means cultivation time in Florida |
Foy, John. 2012. United States Golf Association. June 20. p. 1-3. |
207430 |
Gardening: Students, golf courses connect for day of learning | Mulvihill, Susan. 2012. The Spokesman-Review. May 27. p. [1-2]. |
259885 |
Critical spring management factors |
White, Bud. 2012. United States Golf Association. March 9. p. 1. |
199706 |
Athletic field cultivation & topdressing: How much field area does your program actually impact? | Minner, Dave. 2011. SportsTurf. October. 27(10): p. 20-21. |
192397 |
Organic matter dilution programmes for sand-based greens | Ervin, Erik; Nichols, Adam. 2011. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. September/October. 13(5): p. 40-43. |
191633 |
Convenience - but who are we kidding? (Part two) Access Restrictions |
Yarwood, Stuart. 2011. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 74. |
194212 |
Organic matter dilution programs for sand-based putting greens in Virginia | Ervin, Erik; Nichols, Adam. 2011. Golf Course Industry. April. 23(4): p. 86-88. |
181947 |
Turf rejuvenation and thatch management | Wells, Wayne. 2011. Turf Tips [Mississippi State University]. April 11. p. [1]. |
261667 |
Lawn cultivation equipment and methods | Anonymous. [200x]. University of Illinois Extension - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. p. [1]. |
162118 |
Spring lawn seeding: 10 tips for seeding your lawn this spring | Cooper, Pamm. [20XX]. Residential Water Quality. p. [1]. |
163068 |