Keyword: Cyazofamid
Showing items 1 to 25 of 25.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Etiology and management of Pythium root rot in golf course putting greens Access Restrictions |
Hampy, Halle D.; Van Ryzin, Benjamin J.; Butler, E. Lee; Kerns, James P. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 851-860. |
321471 |
Investigating chemical and biological control applications for pythium root rot prevention and impacts on creeping bentgrass putting green rhizoshpere bacterial communities Access Restrictions |
Doherty, Joseph R.; Roberts, Joseph A. 2022. Plant Disease. February. 106(2): p. 641-647. |
316933 |
Biology and management of Pythium root rot in golf course putting greens | Kerns, James P. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 301-305. |
317423 |
Biology and management of Pythium toot rot in golf course putting greens | Kerns, James P. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 300-303. |
313746 |
Optimal timing for preventative pythium root rot management | Hampy, Halle. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121793. |
309562 |
Distribution of cyazofamid as affected by irrigation timing and amount on a putting green surface | Freund, Daniel; Gannon, Travis W.; Kerns, James P. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122355. |
310348 |
Evaluation of Segway and Union for curative control of Pythium root rot on creeping bentgrass, 2018 | Kerns, J. P.; Butler, E. L.; Ploetz, J. N. 2019. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 13: p. T004 [1]. |
303822 |
Beating Pythium on ryegrass fairways |
Harler, Curt. 2019. Golfdom. June. 75(6): p. FS13-FS15. |
306293 |
Investing factors affecting fungicide performance on golf course turf | Kerns, James; Gannon, Travis. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 283-287. |
305090 |
Where a full house always wins: Forget the royal flushes, Rhodes Ranch Golf Club in Las Vegas goes all in on a packed tee sheet |
Jones, Seth. 2017. Golfdom. June. 73(6): p. FS12-FS15. |
285570 |
King of the hill: Humidity and rainfall create the perfect conditions for Pythium root rot, a distructive disease that grows exponentially if unchecked. Segway, a Q11 fungicide from PBI-Gordon, leads the industry in managing the disease | Williams, Patrick. 2017. Golf Course Industry. March. 29(3): p. 40-41. |
281685 |
Outbreak of mysterious Pythium disease on golf courses |
Kaminski, John. 2016. Chips & Putts. September. 22(7): p. 4. |
278763 |
Pythium blight management on perennial ryegrass |
Soper, Sam; Schweiger, Bruce; Koch, Paul. 2014. 2014 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-2]. |
278462 |
Preventative fungicide applications for the control of Pythium blight on perennial ryegrass, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Koch, P. L.; Kerns, J. P. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T005. |
204053 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of Pythium foliar blight in perennial ryegrass, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Li, Y.; Rahman, A.; Uddin, W. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T039. |
204058 |
Hole No. 18 Whitemarsh Valley Country Club, Lafayette Hill, PA |
Anonymous. 2011. Golfdom. May. 67(5): p. 12-13. |
187842 |
Hole No. 12 River Bend Golf & Country Club, Great Falls, VA |
Anonymous. 2011. Golfdom. February. 67(2): p. 12-13. |
182779 |
Hole No. 2 Lochinvar Golf Club, Houston, TX |
Anonymous. 2010. Golfdom. September. 66(9): p. 12-13. |
180978 |
Hole No. 7 Idle Hour Country Club, Lexington, KY |
Anonymous. 2010. Golfdom. July. 66(7): p. 14-15. |
180952 |
[Reported case of Pythium Blight and golf course disease update] |
Rimelspach, Joseph. 2010. Northern Ohio Turf. June. p. 4. |
249217 |
Preventative fungicide application for foliar pythium blight control on perennial ryegrass seedling stand: July-August 2008 |
Dowgiewicz, Jason; Popko, James; Jung, Geunhwa. 2009. University of Massachusetts Turf Research Field Day. p. 121-122. |
184855 |
Pythium warning |
Anonymous. 2008. Pace Highlights. April. p. 1. |
172501 |
What you need to know about pythium root dysfunction Access Restrictions |
Kerns, James P.; Tredway, Lane P. 2007. GreenMaster. April. 42(2): p. 24-27. |
128189 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of gray leaf spot on perennial ryegrass, 2005 | Uddin, W.; Soika, M. D.; Soika, E. L. 2005. 2005 Annual Research Report [Penn State]. p. [1-2]. |
130160 |
Control of Pythium foliar blight on perennial ryegrass, 2005 | Uddin, W.; Soika, M. D.; Soika, E. L. 2005. 2005 Annual Research Report [Penn State]. p. [1-2]. |
130169 |