Keyword: Cyclocephala pasadenae
Showing items 1 to 18 of 18.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Biology, ecology, and management of masked chafer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) grubs in turfgrass |
Gyawaly, S.; Koppenhöfer, A. M.; Wu, S.; Kuhar, T. P. 2016. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. January. 7(1): p. 1-11. |
269099 |
Two additional invasive Scarabaeoid beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) in Hawaii | Jameson, Mary Liz; Oishi, Darcy E.; Ratcliffe, Brett C.; McQuate, Grant T. 2009. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society. 41: p. 25-30. |
273332 |
Comparison of neonicotinoid insecticides as synergists for entomopathogenic nematodes Access Restrictions |
Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Cowles, Richard S.; Cowles, Elizabeth A.; Fuzy, Eugene M.; Baumgartner, Lisa. 2002. Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest Management. May. 24(1): p. 90-97. |
80525 |
Enhancing biological control of white grubs by native parasitic wasps on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 11. |
78342 |
Distribution of Cyclocephala spp. (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae) in Kansas Access Restrictions |
Bauernfeind, R. J. 2001. Environmental Entomology. October. 30(5): p. 899-902. |
76919 |
Pest management assessment: Least-toxic alternatives for Argentine ants, fleas, and white grubs of lawns | |
79868 | |
Use of Insect Pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis for Control of Grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Turf |
Michaels, Tracy Ellis. 2000. Ph.D. Dissertation: Iowa State University. vii, 97 pp. |
101786 |
Enhancing biological control of turfgrass insect pests: White grubs, entomopathogenic nematodes and imidacloprid | Koppenhöfer, Albrecht; Brown, Ian; Gaugler, Randy; Grewal, Parwinder; Kaya, Harry; Klein, Michael. 2000. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 28-29. |
73535 |
Synergism of entomopathogenic nematodes and imidacloprid against white grubs: Greenhouse and field evaluation Access Restrictions |
Koppenh^D:ofer, Albrecht M.; Brown, Ian M.; Gaugler, Randy; Grewal, Parwinder S.; Kaya, Harry K.; Klein, Michael G. 2000. Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest Management. November. 19(3): p. 245-251. |
71111 |
Increased field and greenhouse efficacy against scarab grubs with a combination of an entomopathogenic nematode and Bacillus thuringiensis Access Restrictions |
Koppenhöfer, A. M.; Choo, H. Y.; Kaya, H. K.; Lee, D. W.; Gelernter, W. D. 1999. Biological Control: Theory and Application in PestManagement. January. 14(1): p. 37-44. |
56471 |
Predicting the timing of adult populations of the black turfgrass ataenius and the masked chafer using degree day models |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry. 1998. PTRI 1998 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 64-72. |
51159 |
Synergism of imidacloprid and an entomopathogenic nematode: A novel approach to white grub (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) control in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M.; Kaya, Harry K. 1998. Journal of Economic Entomology. June. 91(3): p. 618-623. |
51218 |
Efficacy and longevity of Merit for control of white grubs |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1997. PTRI 1996 1997 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 34-39. |
63084 |
Evaluation of Orthene and Orthene combinations for control of masked chafer grubs |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1997. PTRI 1996 1997 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 44-48. |
63113 |
Additive and synergistic interaction between entomopathogenic nematodes and Bacillus thuringiensis for scarab grub control Access Restrictions |
Koppenhöfer, A. M.; Kaya, H. K. 1997. Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest. February. 8(2): p. 131-137. |
39601 |
Mechanical control of White Grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabidae) in turfgrass using aerators Access Restrictions |
Blanco-Montero, Carlos A.; Hernandez, Gerardo. 1995. Environmental Entomology. April. 24(2): p. 243-245. |
33474 |
Mitigation effects of cytokinin plant growth regulator on turfgrass root-biomass loss by white grubs |
Blanco-Montero, Carlos A.; Ward, Charles R. 1995. Southwestern Entomologist. March. 20(1): p. 11-15. |
40659 |
Insecticide test on white grubs in Texas turfgrass: 1992 |
Crocker, Robert L.; Hersi, Abdirizack M. 1994. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1993. August. p. 70-71. |
45415 |