Keyword: Cynodon transvaalensis
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Transformation of triploid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis cv. TifEagle) by means of biolistic bombardment Access Restrictions |
Zhang, G.; Lu, S.; Chen, T. A.; Funk, C. R.; Meyer, W. A. 2003. Plant Cell Reports. June. 21(9): p. 860-864. |
88259 |
Bermudagrass cultivar response to swine effluent application |
Brink, G. E.; Rowe, D. E.; Sistani, K. R.; Adeli, A. 2003. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 95(3): p. 597-601. |
86550 |
Cyclic irrigation of turfgrass using a shallow saline aquifer |
Schaan, C. M.; Devitt, D. A.; Morris, R. L.; Clark, L. 2003. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 95(3): p. 660-667. |
81529 |
Environmental management vital at North Lakes |
Dowie, Alastair. 2003. Turf Craft International. May/June. 90: p. 12-13. |
88549 |
Vandalised synthetic green changed to couch |
Dowie, Alastair. 2003. Turf Craft International. May/June. 90: p. 14. |
88550 |
Does reduced growth mean reduced fertilizer efficiency?: Using PGRs does not increase nitrogen leaching, but it appears to change allocation of nitrogen within the plant Access Restrictions |
Fagerness, Matt; Bowman, Dan. 2003. Golf Course Management. May. 71(5): p. 107-110. |
86394 |
A new herbicide for weeds in bermudagrass and zoysiagrass: Controlling cool-season grasses and weeds in bermudagrass and zoysiagrass just got a little easier Access Restrictions |
Yelverton, Fred. 2003. Golf Course Management. May. 71(5): p. 119-122. |
86397 |
Longer exposure durations increase freeze damage to turf bermudagrasses |
Anderson, Jeffrey A.; Taliaferro, Charles M.; Martin, Dennis L. 2003. Crop Science. May/June. 43(3): p. 973-977. |
86297 |
[Why do ultra-dwarf bermudagrass golf greens perform poorly in shade?] |
McCarty, Bert. 2003. Carolinas Green. May/June. 39(3): p. 7. |
86894 |
How fungicides fare in spring transition |
Parker, Shane; Martin, Bruce; Camberato, Jim. 2003. Carolinas Green. May/June. 39(3): p. 22, 24, 26. |
86903 |
Overseeding: A critical crapshoot | Vassey, Terry L. 2003. Carolinas Green. May/June. 39(3): p. 42, 45-46. |
86908 |
[The 1950's; the later years] | Kurtz, Kent. 2003. Sports Turf Manager [STMA]. May/June. 21(3): p. 7, 10. |
98800 |
Seahawks Stadium: A natural for soccer match | Odgaard, Nathan. 2003. SportsTURF. May. 19(5): p. 24-25. |
86441 |
It's pretty easy, ask Seattle Seahawks: Other stadiums do the same thing |
Rawlings, Gary. 2003. Mountain West Turf. May/June. 3(3): p. 6. |
86911 |
The genetic stability of six bermudagrasses as affected by chronic exposure to dinitroaniline herbicides | Goatley, J. M. Jr.; Philley, H. W.; Krans, J. V.; van Santen, E. A.; Capo-chichi, L.; Davis, D. 2003. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. May 15. 2(10): p. [1-9]. |
86363 |
Evaluation of bentgrass and bermudagrass for putting greens: Project 00-05 update report |
Peacock, Charles H. 2003. North Carolina Turfgrass. April/May. 21(2): p. 23-24. |
88579 |
Bermudagrass resistant to sting nematode: Genetic transformation of bermudagrass for sting nematode resistance: Project 00-01: USGA, $25,000; NCTF, $19,670 |
Qu, Rongda. 2003. North Carolina Turfgrass. April/May. 21(2): p. 34. |
88589 |
Santa Ana choice at Mt Pleasant |
Forrest, John. 2003. Turf Craft International. March/April. 89: p. 6, 8. |
86444 |
Winterkill renovation and herbicides often don't mix: Sprig establishment, which is sometimes necessary following winterkill in turfgrass, can be significantly impaired by some pre-emergence herbicides Access Restrictions |
Fagerness, Matt J.; Yelverton, Fred H. 2003. Golf Course Management. March. 71(3): p. 113-115. |
85371 |
Nematicidal potential of mustard-based products excites researchers: Evaluation of potential nematicides against sting nematode, Belonolaimus longicaudatus in a turfgrass bioassay |
Giblin-Davis, Robin M.; Crow, William T. 2003. North Carolina Turfgrass. February/March. 21(1): p. 20, 24-25. |
85708 |
Making a change: The why, when, and how to's of regrassing bermudagrass greens | Foy, John H. 2003. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 41(1): p. 1-5. |
83946 |
Bentgrasses and bermudagrasses for today's putting greens: On site testing yields important performance data | Morris, Kevin. 2003. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 41(1): p. 8-12. |
83948 |
Understanding bentgrass dead spot: Important new information helps manage this recently discovered putting green disease | Kaminski, John E.; Dernoeden, Peter H. 2003. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 41(1): p. 20-24. |
83950 |
Evaluation of ultradwarf bermudagrass cultural management practices Access Restrictions |
Cisar, John; Snyder, George. 2003. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 27(1): p. 63-66, 68. |
84031 |
Winter season advisory: El Nino impacting courses throughout the state |
Foy, John. 2003. USGA World Wide Web Site. January 21. |
91642 |
Understanding bentgrass dead spot | Kaminski, John E.; Dernoeden, Peter H. 2003. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. January 15. 2(2): p. [1-9]. |
85062 |
Virginia Buttonweed Management in Warm-Season Turfgrass |
Staples, Johnny Thorton Jr. 2002. Ph.D. Dissertation: Auburn University. xvii, 140 pp. |
94539 |
Managing ultrdwarf bermudagrass | Camberato, James J.; Martin, S. Bruce; Parker, Shane. [200x]. Clemson University Turfgrass Program Home Page. p. [1-7]. |
111831 | |
Building a short course for young players: And doing it as inexpensively as possible |
Moore, Jim. [2002]. USGA World Wide Web Site. p. 1-58. |
108782 |
Relationship of environment, management, and physiology to bermudagrass decline | White, Richard H. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 10. |
85016 |
Integrating biologically based strategies for turfgrass pest management: Phase II | Braman, Kris. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 11. |
85055 |
Management of new dwarf bermudagrasses | White, Richard H. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 18. |
85109 |
Evaluation of ultradwarf bermudagrass cultural management practices | Cisar, John. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 19. |
85110 |
Bermudagrass cold hardiness: Characterization of plants for freeze tolerance and character of low temperature-induced genes | Taliaferro, Charles M. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 26. |
85234 |
Breeding and evaluation of turf bermudagrass varieties | Taliaferro, Charles M. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 31. |
85266 |
Phosphorus fertilization of USGA-type putting greens: Placement, rates and leaching | Guertal, Elizabeth. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 43. |
85333 |
Sulfonylurea herbicides for postemergence control of Virginia buttonweed (Diodia virginiana) | 2002. p. 78-98. In: Staples, Johnny Thorton Jr. Virginia Buttonweed Management in Warm-Season Turfgrass. Ph.D. Dissertation: Auburn University. |
177523 |
Dislodgeable residues of 2,4-D and implications for golfer exposure |
Cisar, J. L.; Snyder, R. H.; Sartain, J. B.; Borgert, C. J.; Williams, K. E. 2002. p. 682-697. In: Thain, Eric, ed. Science and Golf IV. London: Routledge. |
93622 |
Progress in warm season turf management | Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 2002. PACE Insights. 8(10): p. 1-4. |
104871 |
First-ever Champion management summit held |
Fryrear, Brad. 2002. Tee to Green [South Texas]. December. p. 1, 6. |
91110 | |
Santa Ana on sand gives school a sporting edge |
Palmer, David. 2002. Turf Craft International. November/December. 87: p. 6, 8, 10. |
84143 |
Southern bowlers shape Qld greens management |
Lake, Bob. 2002. Turf Craft International. November/December. 87: p. 11-12. |
84145 |
New grass a winner at Turtle Bay |
Scott, Jon. 2002. Turf Craft International. November/December. 87: p. 45-49. |
84162 |
Geographic distribution, cultivar susceptibility, and field observations on bentgrass dead spot |
Kaminski, John E.; Dernoeden, Peter H. 2002. Plant Disease. November. 86(11): p. 1253-1259. |
83302 |
Texans playing on the real stuff Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2002. Golf Course Management. November. 70(11): p. 22. |
83318 |
Spontaneous perspiration: No myth |
Hartwiger, Chris; O'Brien, Patrick. 2002. Carolinas Green. November/December. 38(6): p. 12-13. |
84277 |
Lending muscle to ultradwarfs |
Camberato, James J.; Martin, S. Bruce. 2002. Carolinas Green. November/December. 38(6): p. 20-21. |
84278 |
Wetting agents help TifEagle |
Camberato, James J.; Martin, S. Bruce. 2002. Carolinas Green. November/December. 38(6): p. 21-22. |
84279 |
Fungicide impacts on ultradwarfs |
Camberato, James J.; Martin, S. Bruce. 2002. Carolinas Green. November/December. 38(6): p. 22-24, 26. |
84280 |
More modules: Reliant Stadium's turf manager leaves Magic Kingdom for NFL | Williams, Sam. 2002. SportsTurf. October. 18(10): p. 14-16. |
83118 |
Flutolanil for control of necrotic fairy rings on bermudagrass putting greens |
Elliott, Monica L.; Hickman, Robert B.; Hopkins, Mark. 2002. HortTechnology. October-December. 12(4): p. 656-659. |
82696 |
Boca Lago Country Club: Golf in a greenbelt garden | Jackson, Joel. 2002. The Florida Green. Fall. p. 18-26, 28. |
84316 |
Golf club winning battle with salt |
East, David. 2002. Turf Craft International. September/October. 86: p. 12, 14. |
84192 |
Light intensity and duration influence growth of ultradwarf bermudagrasses: Life in the shade may be less stressful for some ultradwarf bermudagrasses than for others Access Restrictions |
Miller, Grady L.; Edenfield, Jeffry T. 2002. Golf Course Management. September. 70(9): p. 111-113. |
81976 |
Macronutrient and micronutrient concentrations of seeded bermudagrasses Access Restrictions |
McCrimmon, James N. 2002. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. September/October. 33(15-18): p. 2739-2758. |
83871 |
Phosphorus and nitrate nitrogen in runoff following fertilizer application to turfgrass |
Shuman, L. M. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 31(5): p. 1710-1715. |
82742 |
Export of manure phosphorus and nitrogen in turfgrass sod |
Vietor, D. M.; Griffith, E. N.; White, R. H.; Provin, T. L.; Muir, J. P.; Read, J. C. 2002. Journal of Environmental Quality. September/October. 31(5): p. 1731-1738. |
82761 |
Virginia wins Field of the Year | Anonymous. 2002. SportsTurf. September. 18(9): p. 8-10, 13. |
134382 |
Bringing back real turf: The new grass at Houston's Reliant Stadium shines |
Morris, Anne. 2002. Turf: North. September. 15(9): p. A6, A8, A11. |
86056 |
Life in Paradise...Island: Palm trees and tropical breezes can't erase all the obstacles of managing an island golf course Access Restrictions |
Davis, Darren J. 2002. Golf Course Management. August. 70(8): p. 26-28, 30, 32. |
81277 |
Alternative organic sources for putting green construction: Although adjustments must be made, composted biosolids can be used successfully in greens construction Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Elizabeth. 2002. Golf Course Management. August. 70(8): p. 54-58. |
81283 |
Initial selection of salt-tolerant seashore paspalum ecotypes | Lee, Geungjoo; Duncan, Ronny R.; Carrow, Robert N. 2002. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. August 1. 1(11): p. [1-9]. |
82906 |
Potassium requirement for Tifway bermudagrass: When potassium levels are adequate, additional potassium fertilization does not promote additional growth or uptake by Tifway bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Sartain, J. B. 2002. Golf Course Management. July. 70(7): p. 61-64. |
81145 |
New turfgrass variety review Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2002. TurfNews [TPI]. July/August. 26(4): p. 34-36, 38-39, 42-44, 46-47. |
80993 |
Bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] and zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica) establishment after preemergence herbicide applications Access Restrictions |
Fagerness, Matthew J.; Yelverton, Fred H.; Cooper, Richard J. 2002. Weed Technology. July-September. 16(3): p. 597-602. |
82700 |
Pythium populations from overseeded hybrid bermudagrass golf course greens in central Alabama | Allen, T. W. Jr.; Bowen, K. L. 2002. Phytopathology. June. 92(6): p. S148. |
92452 |
Fate and transport of nitrogen applied to six warm-season turfgrasses |
Bowman, D. C.; Cherney, C. T.; Rufty, T. W. Jr. 2002. Crop Science. May/June. 42(3): p. 833-841. |
79900 |
Temperature and trinexapac-ethyl effects on bermudagrass growth, dormancy, and freezing tolerance |
Fagerness, Matthew J.; Yelverton, Fred H.; Livingston, David P. III; Rufty, Thomas W. Jr. 2002. Crop Science. May/June. 42(3): p. 853-858. |
79904 |
Resistance of zoysiagrasses to fall armyworm |
Hale, Trent. 2002. Carolinas Green. May/June. 38(3): p. 20, 22-23, 25. |
80871 |
Can you kill the overseed by cooking it? |
Harrell, Mike; Edenfield, Jeff; Miller, Grady. 2002. Florida Turf Digest. May/June. 19(3): p. 21-23, 26. |
81062 |
In vitro somatic embryogenesis in turf-type bermudagrass: Roles of abscisic acid and gibberellic acid, and occurrence of secondary somatic embryogenesis Access Restrictions |
Li, L.; Qu, R. 2002. Plant Breeding. April. 121(2): p. 155-158. |
80176 |
Rough bluegrass, annual bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass hit by new disease: A fungus resembling those in the Chytridiomycete class seems to be the cause of a new disease affecting turf in the Western and Southern United States Access Restrictions |
Martin, Bruce; Stowell, Larry; Gelernter, Wendy. 2002. Golf Course Management. April. 70(4): p. 61-65. |
79184 |
Tifdwarf popular choice at Bendigo |
Dowie, Carlene. 2002. Turf Craft International. March/April. 83: p. 17-18. |
80623 |
Sorting the hype from the reality |
Scott, Jon. 2002. Turf Craft International. March/April. 83: p. 41-43. |
80629 |
Tifway bermudagrass reponse to potassium fertilization |
Sartain, J. B. 2002. Crop Science. March/April. 42(2): p. 507-512. |
79265 |
Progressive rate of fertilization can reduce N leaching: Fate of nitrogen during grow-in of a golf course fairway under different nitrogen management practices |
Shaddox, T. W.; Sartain, J. B. 2002. Florida Turf Digest. March/April. 19(2): p. 29-32. |
80610 |
Bermudagrass establishment on high sand-content soils using various N-P-K ratios |
Rodriguez, Ian R.; Miller, Grady L.; McCarty, L. B. 2002. HortScience. February. 37(1): p. 208-209. |
79309 |
Light intensity and duration influences growth parameters of dwarf-type bermudagrass |
Miller, Grady L.; Edenfield, Jeffry T. 2002. Australian Turfgrass Management. February/March. 4(1): p. 34-37. |
80906 |
[Maintenance costs of the ultradwarf and Tifdwarf putting greens] | USGA Green Section. 2002. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. |
78159 |
Couch moves in at Clunes |
Dowie, Alastair. 2002. Turf Craft International. January/February. 82: p. 24. |
80037 |
An Olde Florida course made new. [Part I]: Off-types force a superintendent to take a new 'stand' with bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Davis, Darren J. 2002. Golf Course Management. January. 70(1): p. 36-38, 40, 42, 44. |
77435 |
Freeze tolerance of seed-producing turf bermudagrasses |
Anderson, Jeffrey A.; Taliaferro, Charles M. 2002. Crop Science. January/February. 42(1): p. 190-192. |
78169 |
Growing grass under a roof in the desert: How Bank One Ballpark survived the first November World Series | Fletcher, Patricia; Fletcher, David. 2002. SportsTURF. January. 18(1): p. 10-11. |
81361 |
Taking turfgrass to the limit | Williams, Sam. 2002. SportsTURF. January. 18(1): p. 20, 22, 24, 26. |
81363 |
Scheduling irrigation | Miller, Grady. 2002. SportsTURF. January. 18(1): p. 58. |
81365 |
Lawn burweed (Soliva pterosperma) control in hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon X C. transvaalensis) and common centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) Access Restrictions |
Lawson, Rex N.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Brecke, Barry J. 2002. Weed Technology. January. 16(1): p. 84-87. |
109756 |
All-encompassing "ultradwarf" terminology confusing | Beard, James B. 2002. TURFAX. January/February. 10(1): p. 6. |
79322 |
Non-selective control of 'Tifway II' bermudagrass at 15 GPA (01-T48) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-4]. |
142937 | |
Non-selective control of 'Tifway II' bermudagrass at 45 GPA (01-T49) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-4]. |
142938 | |
Growth suppression of 'Tifway II' bermudagrass (01-T44) | Hinton, Jason; Gannon, Travis; Yelverton, Fred. 2001. 2001 NCSU Turfgrass Pasture Weed Control and PGR AnnualReport. p. [1-5]. |
142969 | |
1997 NTEP bermudagrass test - 2001 data |
Chalmers, David R. 2001. Research Summary -- 2001: Virginia Tech Turfgrass and Landscape Field Days. p. 2. |
85938 |
Relationship of environment, management, and physiology to bermudagrass decline | White, Richard H. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 10. |
78341 |
Integrating biologically based strategies for turfgrass pest management: Phase II | Braman, Kris. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 12. |
78344 |
Management of new dwarf bermudagrasses | White, Richard H. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 20. |
78353 |
Evaluation of ultradwarf bermudagrass cultural management practices | Cisar, John L. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 21. |
78354 |
Rooting dynamics of TifSport bermudagrass in a tray-drainage system |
Ervin, E. H.; Chalmers, D. R. 2001. Research Summary -- 2001: Virginia Tech Turfgrass andLandscape Field Days. p. 26-27. |
86035 |
Bermudagrass cold hardiness: Characterization of plants for freeze tolerance and character of low temperature-induced genes | Taliaferro, Charles M. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 28. |
78362 |
A turfgrass genome project: Integration of Cynodon chromosomes with molecular maps of the cereals | Paterson, Andrew H. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 30. |
78365 |
On-site putting green variety trial | Morris, Kevin. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 33. |
78368 |
Bermudagrass cultivar trial |
Parsons, Linda R.; Fry, Jack D. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass Research [Kansas State University]. p. 34-35. |
80320 |