Keyword: Depreciative behavior
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Campus officials, police defend turf field protections | Steinbach, Paul. 2019. Athletic Business. April. p. [1-2]. |
307272 |
Turfgrass brutality |
Ramsey, Pete. 2018. Pennsylvania Turfgrass. Winter. 7(1): p. 6. |
294350 |
Protect your investment: Thefts & vandalism at Canadian golf courses | Hunter, Shawn. 2018. Golf Business Canada. Fall. 22(3): p. 32-34, 36-37. |
300492 |
Standing up | Crowe, Vicki. 2018. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. September/October. 20(5): p. 50. |
301961 |
Golf Course CSI | Martin, Travis. 2018. The Perfect Lie. August. 42(3): p. 20. |
301023 |
If you re-build it, they will come |
Kain, Darin. 2018. SportsTurf. June. 34(6): p. 8. |
298729 |
Protecting your investments - Before and after a disaster Access Restrictions |
Trusty, Steve. 2018. Turf News [TPI]. May/June. 42(3): p. 12-16. |
298298 |
High stakes for landscapers: As more states legalize marijuana, green industry employers try to figure out how to cope |
Williams-Villano, Mary Elizabeth. 2018. Irrigation & Green Industry. May. 21(5): p. 24-26, 28. |
298411 |
Let's talk about bunkers... |
Cook, Chris. 2018. The Golf Course Trades. May 5. 28[31](5): p. 11. |
296950 |
Is your company at risk?: The legalization of marijuana in some states and the opioid crisis presents a challenge for labor-starved landscape companies. Do you have a plan to manage this issue? |
Perry, Phillip M. 2018. Landscape Management. March. 57(3): p. Cover, 36, 38-42. |
296203 |
Do you know the costs? |
Palmieri, Marisa. 2018. Landscape Management. March. 57(3): p. 4. |
296196 |
Brown areas of turf |
Mascaro, John. 2018. SportsTurf. March. 34(3): p. 17, 37. |
298609 |
[Gap in synthetic turf at the intersection of the lacrosse and soccer links] | Anonymous. 2018. The Rocky Mountain Half-Time. Spring. p. 3, 24. |
296831 |
The maniacal tyranny of golfers |
Pioppi, Anthony. 2018. Superintendent. February. 17(2): p. 10. |
295541 |
Sexual harassment in the green industry |
O'Reilly, Kellee. 2018. Lawn & Landscape. January. 39(1): p. 18, 20. |
294169 |
Denmark Country Club surfaces hit hard by vandals | Anonymous. 2018. The Cut. January 12. p. [2-4]. |
294678 |
How to annoy your members | Carson, Chris. 2017. The Greenerside. 44(4): p. 8. |
294801 |
Vandalised golf green back in play in one week |
Anonymous. 2017. GreenKeeping. December. 141: p. 2. |
295244 |
Taylor Swift and the Slovenian Greenkeepers |
Newberry, Frank. 2017. Pitchcare. December/January. 76: p. 130-131. |
295014 |
[Facility break-ins] |
Anonymous. 2017. On Course [MAGCS]. December. 71(7[8]): p. 9. |
294738 |
A sense of belonging: The golf industry shouldn't be an unwelcome place |
Schwab, Leasha. 2017. Golf Course Industry. December. 29(12): p. 18-20. |
293938 |
Preparing for "action" | Barks, Joe. 2017. Club & Resort Business. November. 13(11): p. 8. |
292997 |
Ashes to ashes - It just isn't cricket, or golf! | Anonymous. 2017. The Cut. November 17. p. [8-9]. |
294672 |
Superintendents put on alert after facility break-ins | Anonymous. 2017. The Cut. November 3. p. [1-2]. |
294674 |
Reducing crime on golf courses |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 26-27. |
290077 |
Security issues: Vandalism in the UK is worse than ever! |
Fishman, Jack. 2017. Pitchcare. August/September. 74: p. 154. |
290942 |
High crimes in the golf world |
Pioppi, Anthony. 2017. Superintendent. August. 16(8): p. 10. |
288875 |
Owners abandon Nova Scotia golf course, return to U.K., volunteers say: Members wait on creditors to determine future of the Annapolis Royal Golf Club | Corfu, Nina. 2017. CBC News. August 29. p. [1-2]. |
290749 |
Spate of thefts at greenkeepers' sheds in recent weeks |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. June. 135: p. 2. |
295300 |
'This is the worst vandalism I've ever seen' |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. June. 135: p. 2. |
295301 |
Hole in green Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2017. Golf Course Management. June. 85(6): p. 28, 100. |
285233 |
Exploring the spatial-temporal relationships between a community greening program and neighborhood rates of crime Access Restrictions |
Sadler, Richard Casey; Pizarro, Jesenia; Turchan, Brandon; Gasteyer, Stephen P.; McGarrell, Edmund F. 2017. Applied Geography. June. 83: p. 13-26. |
283646 |
Missing tree top Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2017. Golf Course Management. April. 85(4): p. 26, 100. |
283413 |
California Trump course damaged by vandals |
Anonymous. 2017. Golfdom. April. 73(4): p. 8. |
283432 |
Well-kept vacant lots can help reduce crime | Sadler, Rick; Gleason, Sarina. 2017. MSU Today. April 18. p. [1]. |
285980 |
Thieves cart off San Pedro family's artificial turf lawn | Littlejohn, Donna. 2017. Daily Breeze. April 13. p. [2-3]. |
287026 |
Enjoy each day you have | Brandenburg, David A. 2017. The Grass Roots. March/April. 46(1 [2]): p. 46-49. |
283542 |
Second golf club deals with picnickers on its course |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. January. 130: p. 4. |
295345 |
Dogs blamed for causing damage to Dundee's courses |
Anonymous. 2016. Greenkeeping. July. 124: p. 2. |
295399 |
The relationship between residential yard management and neighborhood crime: An analysis from Baltimore City and County Access Restrictions |
Troy, Austin; Nunery, Ashley; Grove, J. Morgan. 2016. Landscape and Urban Planning. March. 147: p. 78-87. |
268588 |
Detroit golf course operator has $442K late water bill | Guillen, Joe. 2016. Detroit Free Press. March 23. p. [1]. |
278779 |
Signage could help convince golfers to fix ballmarks on greens: This sign at Surrey Downs Golf Club in England either intimidated golfers into repairing ballmarks on greens, or preyed upon their guilt |
Anonymous. 2015. Greenside. December. p. 49. |
294211 |
The lawn protecting system based on pyroelectric infrared Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Gu, Ruo-nan; Wei, Kang; Li, Fang. 2013. Zidonghua Jishu yu Yingyong [Techniques of Automation and Applications]. 32(8): p. Unknown. |
285695 |
[Holliday clarifies statement printed in Conneticut Clippings titled "The dart: Women call the shots at Sterling Farms"] |
Holliday, Tracey. 2011. Connecticut Clippings. December. 45[44](4): p. 9. |
220011 |
When profits walk away: How much are you losing to theft? |
Anonymous. 2010. The Landsculptor. March. p. 29-31. |
292628 |
It's not too late! |
Skuza, Thomas. 2009. The Landsculptor. January. p. 11-12. |
292623 |
Housing development advice |
Coldiron, Jerry; Lavine, Rich; Prinktsky, Mark; Sims, Jim; Satterwhite, Kerry; Marshall, Bob; Brink, Roger; Husting, Jim; Strader, Matt; Carson, Chris; Rutan, Les; Travis, Clint. 2004. TurfNet Monthly. February. 11(2): p. 9-10. |
292829 |
Vandals damage greens at La Costa | Anonymous. 2003. Golf Course News. April. 15(4): p. 3. |
230261 |
Life imitates 'art' | Rice, Derek. 2002. Golf Course News. December. 14(12): p. 5. |
102639 |
AGC sues Eagle Brook memeber: Counter claim 'may break' management company | Rice, Derek. 2002. Golf Course News [United Publications]. May. 14(5): p. 21, 24. |
219920 |
Golf cart vandals nabbed in Washington | Finegan, Jay. 2001. Golf Course News. September. 13(9): p. 1, 20-21. |
75656 |
Vandal to be extradited | Anonymous. 2001. Golf Course News. August. 13(8): p. 3. |
75589 |
Eco-terrorists hit Canadian course with turpentine | Finegan, Jay. 2001. Golf Course News. March. 13(3): p. 3, 5. |
75451 |
EPA clears Myrtle Beach National of wetlands violations | Anonymous. 2001. Golf Course News. February. 13(2): p. 3. |
72967 |
Golf course vandalism |
Burgess, Jeff. 2000. Newsnotes (Michigan Turfgrass Foundation). Winter. p. 10-11. |
91602 |
This month's question: How do you cope with the incidence of vandalism, trespassing, and other sources of nuisance at your golf course? |
Houde, Jeff; Girouard, J. C.; Williams, Mark; Finn, Gerry. 1999. The Newsletter [New England]. October. p. 3. |
157720 |
New Jersey in the third worst drought in this century! | Krausz, Ken. 1999. The Greenerside. September/October. 22(5): p. 1, 3. |
297394 |
On course etiquette: It is everyone's responsibility |
Anonymous. 1999. The Greenerside. July/August. 22(4): p. 22-23. |
297384 |
Crime stoppers | Taylor, Roland. 1999. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 23-25. |
95602 |
Icing on the cake | Tilley, Hugh. 1998. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 45-47. |
50768 |
Wadsworth bankroll $3.5M for inner-city juniors, handicapped | Leslie, Mark. 1998. Golf Course News. March. 10(3): p. 49-50. |
42795 |
Tenn. state parks to pay $10,000 for wetlands violation | Anonymous. 1997. Golf Course News. August. 9(8): p. 5. |
43714 |
Mouse-on-a-bun no laughing matter | Anonymous. 1997. Golf Course News. July. 9(7): p. 5. |
43453 |
Murder-suicide claims two in S.C. | Anonymous. 1997. Golf Course News. March. 9(3): p. 6. |
43161 |
Buffalo track plagued by vandals | Anonymous. 1997. Golf Course News. February. 9(2): p. 5. |
43062 |
Jake loyalities divided during playoffs | Meilke, John. 1997. Golf Course News. February. 9(2): p. 16. |
43807 |
Ogden course mulls fences to fend off vandals | Anonymous. 1997. Golf Course News. January. 9(1): p. 8. |
42893 |
Florida mayor goes wet, wild following golf course soaking | Anonymous. 1996. Golf Course News. November. 8(11): p. 9. |
45684 |
Courses battle plague of vandals | Duffy, Marcia Passos. 1996. Golf Course News. November. 8(11): p. 17, 26. |
45700 |
Vandals' families held liable for damage | Anonymous. 1996. Golf Course News. October. 8(10): p. 5. |
45584 |
Bystander still suffers effects of course shooting | Anonymous. 1996. Golf Course News. October. 8(10): p. 7. |
45591 |
Five year nightmare ends at last | Anonymous. 1996. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 9. |
208265 |
Violence, death pull plug on Mexican project | Anonymous. 1996. Golf Course News. June. 8(6): p. 3, 9. |
45175 |
Renovation slowed by hordes of 'golf poachers' | Anonymous. 1996. Golf Course News. May. 8(5): p. 7. |
45153 |
Guilty plea entered in course case | Anonymous. 1996. Golf Course News. May. 8(5): p. 7. |
45154 |
Kubota takes action against knock-offs | Anonymous. 1996. Golf Course News. March. 8(3): p. 62. |
44455 |
Vandals destroy three Ill. greens | Anonymous. 1995. Golf Course News. February. 7(2): p. 13. |
46693 |
Calif. man arrested in extortion plot to acquire golf course | Anonymous. 1995. Golf Course News. January. 6 [7](1): p. 4. |
46488 |
Vandals cause $10,000 damage to Ga. golf facility | Anonymous. 1995. Golf Course News. January. 6 [7](1): p. 6. |
46496 |
America's Worst Golf Courses: A Collection of Courses Not Up to Par |
Garrity, John. 1994. New York, New York: Collier Books. xii, 148 pp. 1st Edition. |
117958 |
Lock it up | Preston, Greg. 1993. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 11. |
30224 |
CMAA culpable | Miller, Monroe S. 1993. The Grass Roots. November/December. 21(6): p. 49-50. |
32935 |
The sounds of fairway mowers are whirring in my head | Schultz, Rob. 1993. The Grass Roots. September/October. 21(5): p. 17. |
28801 |
Break in put greenkeepers' very lives on the line | Mitchell, Gordon. 1993. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 8-9. |
207976 |
Youths vandalize Calgary layouts | Anonymous. 1993. Golf Course News. January. 5(1): p. 8. |
48108 |
Vandalism: The battle against destructive forces | White, David. 1992. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 9. |
207960 |
[Bill Lawson, EIGGA Chairman, Heswall GC] | Campbell, John. 1985. Greenkeeper [SIGGA/EIGGA]. August. p. 12, 14-15, 17. |
216277 |
[Protecting golf cars from vandalism] Access Restrictions |
Thibodeau, Mike. 1983. Golf Course Management. October. 51(10): p. 64. |
97566 |
No excuse for course abuse |
Finn, Gerry. 1983. The Newsletter [New England]. August. p. 2. |
282077 |
Keeping crime off the course Access Restrictions |
Bottom, Norman R. Jr. 1983. Golf Course Management. June. 51(6): p. 79, 83. |
97513 |
Expanding golf etiquette |
Finn, Gerry. 1981. The Newsletter [New England]. September. p. 3. |
282342 |
The case of the putter that killed the goose |
Anonymous. 1979. Tee to Green [New York]. July. 9(6): p. 11. |
283791 |
Two men are indicted in grass-growing scheme | Anonymous. 1977. Lawn Care Industry. November/December. 1(3): p. 6. |
279631 |
Another endless season |
Finn, Gerry. 1977. The Newsletter [New England]. August. p. 2. |
286238 |
[Hot rodding vandalism] | Anonymous. 1977. The South Florida Green. July. 4(3): p. 14, 16. |
268912 |
Security in your business |
Anonymous. 1973. Our Collaborator. [August]. 19(5): p. [13-14]. |
302978 |
!!!Vandalism!!! |
Anonymous. 1973. Our Collaborator. [July]. 19(4): p. [15]. |
302973 |
Vandalism... Where will it end? |
Finn, Gerry. 1971. The Newsletter [New England]. August. p. 2. |
283281 |
Buckshot attack, anyone? |
Finn, Gerry. 1970. The Newsletter [New England]. October. p. 9. |
283209 |
A golf course is a living entity |
St. Pierre, Leon V. 1967. The Newsletter [New England]. August. p. 2-3. |
284864 |