Keyword: Diclofop
Showing items 1 to 89 of 89.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Widespread occurrence of both metabolic and target-site herbicide resistance mechanisms in Lolium rigidum populations Access Restrictions |
Han, Heping; Yu, Qin; Owen, Mechelle J.; Cawthray, Gregory R.; Powles, Stephen B. 2016. Pest Management Science. February. 72(2): p. 255-263. |
268300 |
Weed management options on golf course putting greens: Significant weed infestations are not common on creeping bentgrass and hybrid bermudagrass putting greens, but when they are, help is available Access Restrictions |
Brosnan, J. T.; Breeden, G. K.; Patton, A. J. 2014. Golf Course Management. August. 82(8): p. 92-98. |
247802 |
Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne) control and winter wheat response to POST herbicides Access Restrictions |
Grey, Timothy L.; Cutts, George S. III; Sosnoskie, Lynn; Culpepper, A. Stanley. 2012. Weed Technology. October-December. 26(4): p. 644-648. |
247257 |
An herbicide-susceptible rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) population made even more susceptible Access Restrictions |
Manalil, Sudheesh; Busi, Roberto; Renton, Michael; Powles, Stephen B. 2012. Weed Science. January-March. 60(1): p. 101-105. |
196163 |
Evaluation of flufenacet plus metribuzin mixtures for control of Italian ryegrass in winter wheat Access Restrictions |
Koepke-Hill, Rebecca M.; Armel, Gregory R.; Bradley, Kevin W.; Bailey, William A.; Wilson, Henry P.; Hines, Thomas E. 2011. Weed Technology. October-December. 25(4): p. 563-567. |
193453 |
Resistance to acetolactate synthase and acetyl Co-A carboxylase inhibitors in North Carolina Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne) Access Restrictions |
Chandi, Aman; York, Alan C.; Jordan, David L.; Beam, Josh B. 2011. Weed Technology. October-December. 25(4): p. 659-666. |
193656 |
Confirmation of glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) in Arkansas Access Restrictions |
Dickson, James W.; Scott, Robert C.; Burgos, Nilda R.; Salas, Reiofeli A.; Smith, Kenneth L. 2011. Weed Technology. October-December. 25(4): p. 674-679. |
193826 |
Resistance profile of diclofop-resistant Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) to ACCase- and ALS-inhibiting herbicides in Arkansas, USA Access Restrictions |
Kuk, Yong In; Burgos, Nilda R.; Scott, Robert C. 2008. Weed Science. July/August. 56(4): p. 614-623. |
138324 |
Mesosulfuron-resistant Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) biotype from Texas Access Restrictions |
Ellis, Andrew T.; Morgan, Gaylon D.; Mueller, Thomas C. 2008. Weed Technology. July-September. 22(3): p. 431-434. |
141391 |
Differential response to glyphosate in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) populations from Mississippi Access Restrictions |
Nandula, Vijay K.; Poston, Daniel H.; Eubank, Thomas W.; Koger, Clifford H.; Reddy, Krishna N. 2007. Weed Technology. April-June. 21(2): p. 477-482. |
198709 |
Italian ryegrass control in winter wheat utilizing mesosulfuron | Sanders, J. C.; Whaley, C. M.; Wilson, H. P.; Hines, T. E. 2005. Proceedings: NortheasternWeed Science Society. 59: p. 9. |
103988 |
Controlling Italian (annual) ryegrass in the production of tall-fescue sod |
Askew, Shawn D.; Willis, John B.; Beam, Josh B. 2005. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. January/February. p. 34-35. |
101091 |
Characterization of Italian populations of Lolium spp. resistant and susceptible to diclofop by inter simple sequence repeat Access Restrictions |
Dinelli, Giovanni; Bonetti, Alessandra; Marotti, Ilaria; Minelli, Maurizio; Catizone, Pietro. 2004. Weed Science. July/August. 52(4): p. 554-563. |
97257 |
Tolerance of seedling bermudagrass to postemergence herbicides |
McCalla, J. H.; Richardson, M. D.; Karcher, D. E.; Boyd, J. W. 2004. Crop Science. July/August. 44(4): p. 1330-1336. |
97006 |
Herbicide selection of Italian ryegrass under different levels of UVB radiation |
Martínez-Ghersa, M. Alejandra; Vila Aiub, Martín M.; Ghersa, Claudio M.; Gundel, Pedro; Satorre, Emilio H. 2004. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 33(4): p. 1376-1386. |
97311 |
Managing the new seeded bermudagrasses: Establishment is the key to sucess with the new seeded bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Richardson, Mike; Karcher, Doug; Boyd, John; McCalla, John. 2003. Golf Course Management. December. 71(12): p. 81-84. |
92267 |
Influence of AE F130060 03 application timing on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) control Access Restrictions |
Bailey, William A.; Wilson, Henry P.; Hines, Thomas E. 2003. Weed Technology. October-December. 17(4): p. 842-853. |
92563 |
Effect of application rate and timing of AE F130060 03 plus AE F107892 for control of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in barley (Hordeum vulgare) Access Restrictions |
King, Steven R.; Hagood, Edward S. Jr. 2003. Weed Technology. October-December. 17(4): p. 866-870. |
92568 |
Alternatives to diclofop for the control of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multifolrum) in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) Access Restrictions |
Grey, Timothy L.; Bridges, David C. 2003. Weed Technology. April-June. 17(2): p. 219-223. |
88539 |
Establishment and management of seeded bermudagrass in the transition zone | Richardson, Michael D. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 9. |
85015 |
Establishment and management of seeded bermudagrass in the transition zone | Richardson, Michael D. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 9. |
78340 |
Torpedograss (Panicum repens) control with quinclorac in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis) turf Access Restrictions |
Brecke, Barry J.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Dusky, Joan A. 2001. Weed Technology. October-December. 15(4): p. 732-736. |
78495 |
Pre- and post-emergence herbicide tolerance of newly seeded bermudagrass |
McCalla, J. H. Jr.; Richardson, M. D.; Boyd, J. W.; Karcher, D. E. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 169. |
72269 |
Diclofop-resistant Lolium rigidum from northern Greece with cross-resistance to ACCase inhibitors and multiple resistance to chlorsulfuron Access Restrictions |
Kotoula-Syka, Eleni; Tal, Avi; Rubin, Baruch. 2000. Pest Management Science. December. 56(12): p. 1054-1058. |
71462 |
Seed-bioassay to detect grass weeds resistant to acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase inhibiting herbicides Access Restrictions |
Tal, A.; Kotoula-Syka, E.; Rubin, B. 2000. Crop Protection. August. 19(7): p. 467-472. |
67881 |
Cross- and multiple resistance of diclofop-resistant Lolium spp. Access Restrictions |
Kuk, Yong-In; Burgos, Nilda R.; Talbert, Ronald E. 2000. Weed Science. July/August. 48(4): p. 412-419. |
67102 |
Know what you're dealing with: [Removal of over-sown perennial rye] |
McMaugh, Peter. 2000. Turf Craft International. March/April. 71: p. 8-9. |
66514 |
Mature goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) turf with a metribuzin-diclofop combination |
Nishimoto, Roy K.; Murdoch, Charles L. 1999. Weed Technology. January-March. 13(1): p. 169-171. |
59369 |
Spring transition of overseeded bermudagrass |
Higgins, J. M.; Walker, R. H. 1998. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 51: p. 88. |
56834 |
Influence of herbicides on establishment of eight seashore paspalum cultivars |
Johnson, B. Jack; Duncan, Ronny R. 1998. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. June. 16(2): p. 79-81. |
64504 |
Removal of perennial ryegrass from overseeded bermudagrass |
Horgan, Brian; Yelverton, F. H. 1997. Agronomy Abstracts. 89: p. 123. |
41485 |
Evolution of resistance to Diclofop-methyl in ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum): Investigation of the role of introgression with related species Access Restrictions |
Martínez-Ghersa, María A.; Ghersa, Claudio M.; Vila-Aiub, Martín M.; Satorre, Emilio H.; Radosevich, Steve R. 1997. Pesticide Science. November. 51(3): p. 305-308. |
63962 |
Tolerance of four seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) cultivars to postemergence herbicides |
Johnson, B. Jack; Duncan, Ronny R. 1997. Weed Technology. October-December. 11(4): p. 689-692. |
43380 |
Tank-mixed postemergence herbicides for postemergence goosegrass control in bermudagrass turf |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1997. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. March. 15(1): p. 33-36. |
64498 |
Herbicidal removal of perennial ryegrass overseeding from Tifway bermudagrass |
Callahan, Lloyd M. 1996. 1996 Turfgrass Management Annual Research Summary Report [Tennessee]. December. p. 51-56. |
251955 |
Reduced rates of preemergence and postemergence herbicides for large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) and goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1996. Weed Science. July-September. 44(3): p. 585-590. |
38679 |
Tolerance of four seeded common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) types to herbicides |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1995. Weed Technology. October-December. 9(4): p. 794-800. |
36802 |
Herbicide action and metabolism |
Penner, Donald. 1994. p. 37-70. In: Turgeon, Alfred J., ed. Turf Weeds and Their Control. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Society of America. |
31792 |
Influence of diclofop on transition from overseeded perennial ryegrass to bermudagrass | Johnson, M. D.; Bingham, S. W.; Hipkins, P. L. 1994. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 48: p. 84. |
34408 |
Postemergent annual grass control in bentgrass turf | Neal, J. C.; Morse, C. C.; Macksel, M. T.; Senesac, A. F. 1994. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 48: p. 122. |
34431 |
Postemergence control of smutgrass (Sporobolus spp.) |
Studstill, D.; McCarty, L. B.; Colvin, D. L. 1994. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. 47: p. 74-75. |
33765 |
Perennial ryegrass control in bermudagrass and zoysiagrass Access Restrictions |
Dernoeden, P. H. 1994. Journal of Turfgrass Management. 1(1): p. 31-47. |
30624 |
Creeping bentgrass quality following preemergence and postemergence herbicide applications |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1994. HortScience. August. 29(8): p. 880-883. |
31159 |
Purification and characterization of acetyl-conenzyme a carboxylase from diclofop-resistant and -susceptible Lolium multiflorum |
Evenson, Kimberly J.; Gronwald, John W.; Wyse, Donald L. 1994. Plant Physiology. June. 105(2): p. 671-680. |
31107 |
Influence of diclofop and dithiopyr on spring transition of a bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) green overseeded with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) |
Johnson, B. Jack. 1994. Weed Technology. April-June. 8(2): p. 207-211. |
30545 |
Characterization and Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase From Diclofop-Resistant and -Susceptable Lolium multiflorum Biotypes Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Evenson, K. J. 1993. Ph.D Dissertation: University of Minnesota. |
30742 |
Postemergence Control of Summer Weeds in Turfgrasses |
Johnson, B. J.; Murphy, T. R. 1993. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia. 27 pp. |
35057 |
Herbicide programs for large crabgrass and goosegrass control in bermudagrass |
Johnson, B. J. 1993. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 159. |
29384 |
Current status of warm-season turfgrass weed control and future directions Access Restrictions |
Johnson, B. J.; Murphy, T. R. 1993. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 7: p. 58-68. |
27958 |
Influence of ten herbicides on activities of microorganisms and enzymes in soil Access Restrictions |
Tu, C. M. 1993. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. July. 51(1): p. 30-39. |
30655 |
Evaluation of Illoxan® for Control of Goosegrass in Turfgrasses |
Taylor, J. M.; Coats, G. Euel. 1992. Mississippi State, Mississippi: Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station, Mississippi State University. 3 pp. |
20159 |
Effect of diclofop on the membrane potentials of herbicide-resistant and -susceptible annual ryegrass root tips |
Shimabukuro, Richard H.; Hoffer, Barry L. 1992. Plant Physiology. April. 98(4): p. 1415-1422. |
24298 |
Mechanism of inheritance of diclofop resistance in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) |
Betts, Kevin J; Ehlke, Nancy J.; Wyse, Donald L.; Gronwald, John W.; Somers, David A. 1992. Weed Science. April-June. 40(2): p. 184-189. |
24584 |
Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) control in bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) turf with diclofop |
McCarty, Lambert B. 1992. Weed Science. April-June. 39(2): p. 255-261. |
23232 |
Bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) cultivar response to diclofop, MSMA and metribuzin |
McCarty, Lambert B.; Miller, Landon C.; Colvin, Daniel L. 1991. Weed Technology. January-March. 5(1): p. 27-32. |
20186 |
Overseeded perennial ryegrass establishment following diclofop treatments for goosegrass control in bermudagrass |
McCarty, L. B. 1990. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 178. |
19822 |
Herbicide applications | Mitchell, Russ. 1990. The Green Sheet [Florida]. July/August. 6(4): p. 7. |
276970 |
Hoelon - a new tool for goosegrass control | McCarty, L. B. 1990. USGA Green Section Record. May/June. 28(3): p. 8-9. |
18403 |
Response of susceptible and tolerant plants to diclofop-methyl |
Dahroug, S.; Muller, F. 1990. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. April. 97(2): p. 154-167. |
31809 | |
Control of Tall Fescue in Kentucky Bluegrass Turf with Selective Herbicides |
Goatley, J. M. Jr.; Powell, A. J. Jr.; Witt, W. W.; Barrett, M. 1990. HortScience. April. 25(4): p. 449-451. |
17583 |
Comparison of Three Herbicides for Selective Tall Fescue Control in Kentucky Bluegrass |
Dernoeden, P. H. 1990. Agronomy Journal. March/April. 82(2): p. 278- 282. |
17759 |
Sprangletop control in St. Augustine sod production | Cashion, G. J.; Gilreath, J. P.; England, G. K. 1989. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society. 102: p. 291-293. |
18101 |
Inheritance of diclofop resistance in Italian ryegrass |
Betts, Kevin J.; Wyse, Donald L.; Gronwald, John W.; Somers, David A.; Ehlke, Nancy J. 1989. Proceedings of the North Central Weed Science Society. 44: p. 72. |
25193 |
Fall and Spring Applications of Herbicides for Tall Fescue Control and Overseeding Effects. | Dernoeden, Peter H. 1989. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 43: p. 102-103. |
14635 |
Inheritance of Diclofop Resistance in Italian Ryegrass. |
Betts, K. J. (1); Wyse, D. L. (1); Gronwald, J. W. (2); Ehlke, N. J. (1). 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 75. |
16361 |
Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) Acessesions Tolerant to Diclofop |
Stanger, Charles E.; Appleby, Arnold P. 1989. Weed Science. May. 37(3): p. 350-352. |
14943 |
Diclofop Resistance in a Biotype of Italian Ryegrass. |
Gronwald, J. W.; Eberlein, C. V.; Betts, K. J.; Rosow, K. M.; Ehlke, N. J.; Wyse, D. L. 1989. Plant Physiology. April. 89(4): p. 115. |
14736 |
Control of Seedling Grasses with Postemergence Grass Herbicides. |
Brewster, Bill D.; Spinney, Robert L. 1989. Weed Technology. January-March. 3(1): p. 39. |
14528 |
Phytotoxic Effects of Some Herbicides Applied to Bentgrass | Dernoeden, Peter H. 1987. Proceedings of the 1987 Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 41: p. 224-228. |
11853 |
Selective Chemical Control of Bunch-type Perennial Grasses | Rogers, J. N.; Watschke, T. L. 1987. Proceedings of the 1987 Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 41: p. 229-230. |
11854 |
Selective Control of Tall Fescue in Kentucky Bluegrass | Dernoeden, Peter H. 1987. Proceedings of the 1987 Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 41: p. 231-232. |
11855 |
Annual and perennial grass weed control in cool-season turf |
Dernoeden, Peter H. 1987. 33rd Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Turfgrass Conference. 33: p. 104-120. |
276202 |
Effect of Chlorsulfuron on the Movement and Fate of Diclofop in Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum) |
Liebl, Rex; Worsham, A. Douglas. 1987. Weed Science. September. 35(5): p. 623-628. |
11038 |
Effect of Chlorsulfuron on Diclofop Phytotoxicity to Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) |
Liebl, Rex; Worsham, A. Douglas. 1987. Weed Science. May. 35(3): p. 383-387. |
10186 |
Comparative Effects of Postemergence Grass Herbicides on Lipid Biosythesis. |
Boldt, L. D.; Barret, M. 1987. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. January. 40: p. 345. |
14271 |
Postemergence control of crabgrass with tridiphane and fenoxaprop | Dernoeden, P. H. 1986. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 40: p. 287-288. |
8198 |
Selective Tall Fescue Control in Kentucky Bluegrass Turf with Diclofop. |
Dernoeden, P. H. 1986. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 132. |
8775 |
Selective tall fescue control |
Goatley, Mike. 1985. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 23. |
8273 |
Antagonism of 2,4-D on activity of postemergent grass herbicides |
Mueller, T. C.; Witt, W. W.; Barrett, M.; Slack, C. H. 1985. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 30. |
8277 |
Interaction of Chlorsulfuron and Diclofop on Italian Ryegrass |
Mersie, W.; Foy, C. L. 1985. Proceedings of the 38th Southern Weed Science Society. 38: p. 426-431. |
11705 |
Selective control of tall fescue in a Kentucky bluegrass turf with diclofop | Dernoeden, Peter H. 1984. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 38: p. 310-311. |
584 |
Evaluation of subsequent preemergence activity following postemergence application of BAS 9052 OH, Diclofop and CGA 82725 | Ennis, B. G.; Ashley, R. A. 1982. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 36: p. 132-134. |
6870 |
Effectiveness of BAS 9052 OH, diclofop and CGA 82725 applied at various stages of growth of crabgrass | Ennis, B. G.; Ashley, R. A. 1982. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 36: p. 151-153. |
6784 |
Diclofop for goosegrass control in bermudagrass putting greens Access Restrictions |
Murdoch, C. L.; Nishimoto, R. K. 1982. HortScience. December. p. 914-915. |
4931 |
De bestrijding van monocotyle onkruiden in roodzwenkgras. (Paper given at) 33rd International Symposium on Crop Protection. (Control of monocotyledonous weeds in red fescue) |
Sijtsma, R. 1981. Mededelingen - Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen,Rijksuniversiteit Gent. p. 127-142. |
3730 | |
Turfgrass weed control- plot diagrams |
Bing, Arthur. 1980. 1980 Cornell University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 33-34. |
89101 |
Crabgrass control and turfgrass injury resulting from pre- and postemergent herbicides | Cooper, R. J.; Jagschitz, J. A. 1980. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 34: p. 347-352. |
634 |
Retention, absorption, translocation, and volatility Access Restrictions |
Boldt, P. F.; Putnam, A. R. 1980. Weed Science. September. 28(5): p. 474-477. |
6877 |
Effects of wetting agent, stage of growth, and species on the selectivity of diclofop Access Restrictions |
Schreiber, M. M.; Warren, G. F.; Orwick, P. L. 1979. Weed Science. November. 27(6): p. 679-683. |
6874 |