Keyword: Disease resistance
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Fine fescue species vary in their susceptibility to snow molds |
Koch, P. L.; Chou, Ming-Yi; Murphy, J. A.; Genova, K.; Hempfling, J.; Clarke, B. B. 2024. Plant Health Progress. 25(1): p. 19-26. |
336694 |
Will the turfgrass species most tolerant of snow mold, please stand up |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. September. 92(9): p. 84. |
340024 |
Disease management for golf courses |
Dykema, Nancy; Clifford, Miles; Paige, Logan; Choroba, Claire. 2024. Turfgrass Field Day. August 14. p. 5. |
340342 |
Brown patch severity as affected by cool-season turfgrass species, cultivar, and nitrogen rate |
Powlen, Jada S.; Kerns, James P.; Fidanza, Michael A.; Bigelow, Cale A. 2024. Crop Science. July/August. 64(4): p. 2393-2403. |
339141 |
Turf-type tall fescue brown patch resistance as influenced by morphological characteristics Access Restrictions |
Powlen, Jada S.; Fidanza, Michael A.; Kerns, James P.; Hoagland, Lori A.; Bigelow, Cale A. 2024. Plant Health Progress. April 17. p. [1-8]. |
336722 |
Association of hard fescue (Festuca brevipila) stress tolerances with genome mapped markers Access Restrictions |
Bushman, Bradley; Robbins, Matthew; Qiu, Yinjie; Watkins, Eric; Hollman, Andrew; Mihelich, Nicole; Petrella, Dominic; Breullin-Sessoms, Florence; Chou, Ming-Yi; Koch, Paul. 2024. Crop Science. March/April. 64(2): p. 1002-1014. |
335482 |
The effect of foliar application of oliogogalacturonides on the functional value of turfgrass |
Radkowski, Adam; Radkowska, Iwona; Kozdeba, Michał; Khachatryan, Karen; Wolski, Karol; Bujak, Henryk. 2024. Agriculture. March. 14(3): p. 369 [1-11]. |
336751 |
Developing stress tolerant zoysiagrass as a low-input turf for golf course roughs | Milla-Lewis, Susana; Patton, Aaron; Schwartz, Brian. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 56-60. |
336580 |
Mining of long non-coding RNAs with target genes in response to rust based on full-length transcriptome in Kentucky bluegrass |
Zhao, Xueying; Sun, Xiaoyang; Chen, Yang; Wu, Hanfu; Liu, Yujiao; Jiang, Yiwei; Xie, Fuchun; Chen, Yajun. 2023. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14: p. 1158035 [1-13]. |
336951 |
Transcriptome analysis of bentgrass germplasm using RNA-seq to identify novel targets for enhancement of dollar spot resistance in the field | Horvath, Brandon; Warnke, Scott; Amundsen, Keenan. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 7-12. |
328653 |
Characterization of an antifungal protein from the fungal endophyte of strong creeping red fescue with activity against the dollar spot pathogen | Belanger, Faith C.; Clarke, Bruce B. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 24-29. |
328655 |
Developing stress tolerant zoysigrasses as a low-input turf for golf course roughs | Milla-Lewis, Susana; Patton, Aaron; Schwartz, Brian. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 72-76. |
328667 |
Advancement of five elite Zoysiagrass hybrids in the 2019 Zoysiagrass NTEP | Chandra, Ambika; Meeks, Meghyn; Genovesi, Dennis. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 376-382. |
328701 |
NC1208 dollar spot cultivar project | Koch, Paul; Bonos, Stacy; Dykema, Nancy; Jung, Geunhwa; Kaminski, John; Kennelly, Megan; Latin, Richard; Murphy, James; Vargas, Joe. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 391-394. |
328704 |
Occurence of the lance nematode Hoplolaimus stephanus infecting bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera in Georgia, U.S.A. Access Restrictions |
Jagdale, Ganpati B.; Nugraha, Gema Takbir; Martin, Katherine; Martinez-Espinoza, Alfredo Dick; Hajihassani, Abolfazl. 2022. Plant Health Progress. 23(2): p. 162-165. |
336737 |
Lawn bonitation value as a function of glycine-complexed iron formulation application |
Radkowski, Adam; Radkowska, Iwona; Wolski, Karol; Sobol, Łukasz; Bujak, Henryk. 2022. Applied Sciences. December 1. 12(23): p. 12102 [1-12]. |
336959 |
Development of winter hardy, fine-leaf zoysiagrass hybrids for the upper transition zone |
Braun, Ross C.; Patton, Aaron J.; Chandra, Ambika; Fry, Jack D.; Genovesi, Anthony Dennis; Meeks, Meghyn; Kennelly, Megan M.; Xiang, Mingying; Chhetri, Manoj; Richardson, Michael D.; Richmond, Douglas S.; Pudzianowska, Marta T.; Baird, James H. 2022. Crop Science. November/December. 62(6): p. 2486-2505. |
323980 |
New insights into the mechanism of Trichoderma virens-induced developmental effects on Agrostis stolonifera disease resistance against dollar spot infection |
Gan, Lu; Yin, Yuelan; Niu, Qichen; Yan, Xuebing; Yin, Shuxia. 2022. Journal of Fungi. November. 8(11): p. 1186 [1-18]. |
336979 |
The Epichloë festucae antifungal protein Efe-AfpA protects creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) from the plant pathogen Clarireedia jacksonii, the causal agent of dollar spot disease |
Fardella, Patrick A; Tian, Zipeng; Clarke, Bruce B.; Belanger, Faith C. 2022. Journal of Fungi. October. 8(10): p. 1097 [1-29]. |
328263 |
Using base index for selection of St. Augustinegrass breeding lines evaluated in multienvironment trials for turfgrass quality traits and stress tolerance in North Carolina |
Graham, Sydney E.; Gouveia, Beatriz Tome; Carbajal, Esdras M.; Van der Laat, Rocio; Millia-Lewis, Susana R. 2022. Crop Science. September/October. 62(5): p. 2011-2023. |
323058 |
Poa trivialis, Lolium perenne or Poa annua as nurse crops for faster establishment of Agrostis stolonifera putting greens in Nordic climate Access Restrictions |
Heltoft, Pia; Thorvaldsson, Gudni; Jensen, Anne Mette Dahl; Espevig, Tatsiana; Hesselsøe, Karin Juul; Waalen, Wendy; Petersen, Torben Kastrup; Pettersen, Trond; Tangsveen, Jan; Sørensen, Per; Gneist, Tania; Hannesson, Bjarni; Sundsdal, Kristine; Aamlid, Trygve S. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 528-532. |
321293 |
Divot recovery of cool-season turfgrass species and mixtures in low maintenance fairways Access Restrictions |
Bonos, Stacy A.; Weibel, Eric N.; Honig, Josh; Murphy, James A.; Hoffman-Chappell, Lindsey; Meyer, William A. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 583-596. |
321303 |
Evaluation and genetic analysis of red thread (Laetisaria fuciformis) disease prevalence in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) Access Restrictions |
Qu, Yuanshuo; Green, Edwin J.; Vines, Phillip L.; Wu, Shidi; Clarke, Bruce B.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Meyer, William A. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 663-672. |
321323 |
In vitro screening of turfgrass species and cultivars for resistance to dollar spot Access Restrictions |
Espevig, Tatsiana; Sundsdal, Kristine; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Crouch, Jo Anne; Normann, Karin; Usoltseva, Marina; Entwistle, Kate; Torp, Torfinn; Brurberg, Mary Bente. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 873-882. |
321475 |
Influence of calcium and nitrogen fertilizer on creeping bentgrass infected with dollar spot under cool temperatures Access Restrictions |
Jiang, Mingyan; Kaluwasha, Waana; Xiong, Xi. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 931-939. |
321485 |
Breeding and evaluation of Kentucky bluegrasses, tall fescues, fine fescues, perennial ryegrasses, and bentgrasses for turf | Meyer, William A.; Vines, Phillip L.; Bonos, Stacy A. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 1-4. |
317365 |
Development of new bermudagrass varieties with improved turfgrass quality and increased stress resistance | Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis; Moss, Justin Quetone; Walker, Nathan. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 18-20. |
317369 |
Development of a shade-tolerant bermudagrass cultivar(s) suitable for fine turf use | Fontanier, Charles; Wu, Yanqi. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 21-26. |
317370 |
Expression profiling of host plants and Ophiosphaerella spp. during infection and colonization of diseased and asymptomatic hosts | Walker, N. R.; Hagen, D.; Garzon, C. D.; Wu, Y. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 27-30. |
317371 |
Breeding for resistance to winter dormancy in bermudagrass and zoysiagrass | Kenworthy, Kevin; Erickson, John; Quesenberry, Kenneth. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 34-38. |
317375 |
Development of cold hardy zoysiagrass cultivars for golf courses in the transition zone | Chandra, Ambika; Fry, Jack; Patton, Aaron; McFadden, Dani; Kennelly, Megan; Genovesi, Dennis; Meeks, Meghyn; Wang, Tianyi; Chhetri, Manoj; Braun, Ross; Miller, Lee; Richardson, Mike; Goatley, Mike; Sandor, Dan; Sorochan, John; Kenworthy, Kevin; Buhlman, Jamie; Dorrian, Samantha; Earlywine, Daniel. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 49-57. |
317379 |
Developing stress tolerant zoysiagrasses as a low-input turf for golf course roughs | Milla-Lewis, Susana; Patton, Aaron; Schwartz, Brian. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 58-60. |
317380 |
On-site golf course evaluation of new turfgrasses for putting greens | Schwartz, Brian. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 77-81. |
317386 |
Bentgrass cultivar and autumn-applied fungicide timing effects on spring suppression of dollar spot | Murphy, James A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Zhang, Ning; Zhang, Pingyuan; Groben, Glen. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 284-295. |
317421 |
Advancement of five elite zoysiagrass hybrids in the 2019 Zoysiagrass NTEP | Chandra, Ambika; Meeks, Meghyn; Genovesi, Dennis. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 356-366. |
317429 |
On-course evaluations of new zoysiagrass hybrids | Fry, Jack; Kennelly, Megan; Chhetri, Manoj; McFadden, Dani; Patton, Aaron; Braun, Ross; Chandra, Ambika; Genovesi, Dennis. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 374-379. |
317432 |
NC1208 dollar spot cultivar project | Koch, Paul; Bonos, Stacy; Dykema, Nancy; Jung, Geunhwa; Kaminski, John; Kennelly, Megan; Latin, Richard; Murphy, James; Vargas, Joe. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 394-396. |
317437 |
Performance of Kansas State University's cold and large patch-tolerant zoysiagrasses in the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Test |
Fry, Jack; Chhetri, Manoj. 2021. 2021 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 7(4): p. [1-4]. |
319653 |
Isolation and identification rust pathogens and the study of antioxidant enzyme activity and gene expression under rust infection in Zoysia japonica |
Zhang, Di; Zeng, Hanguo; Zhao, Liyuan; Yue, Jiaming; Qi, Xiao; Li, Manli. 2021. Agriculture. December. 11(12): p. 1200 [1-14]. |
324582 |
Comparing rates of mineral oil, sulfur, and phosphorous acid on Microdochium patch suppression and turfgrass quality |
Mattox, Clint; Dumelle, Michael; McDonald, Brian; Gould, Micah; Olsen, Conner; Schmid, Charles; Wang, Ruying; Kowalewski, Alec. 2021. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 113(5): p. 3834-3845. |
316843 |
Identification of sources of resistance to gray leaf spot in Stenotaphrum germplasm |
Carbajal, Esdras M.; Ma, Bangya; Zuleta, M. Carolina; Reynolds, W. Casey; Arellano, Consuelo; Tredway, Lane P.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2021. Crop Science. September/October. 61(5): p. 3069-3079. |
317008 |
Evaluation of activity of a fungal endophyte antifungal protein against dollar spot infected creeping bentgrass | Belanger, Faith C.; Clarke, Bruce B. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 9-14. |
313765 |
In vitro screening of turfgrass species and cultivars for resistance to dollar spot isolates of different origin Access Restrictions |
Espevig, Tatsiana; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Normann, Karin; Usoltseva, Marina; Entwistle, Kate; Crouch, Jo Anne. 2020. 7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. p. 74-75. |
330671 |
Buffalograss breeding and genetics | Amundsen, Keenan. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 75-79. |
313775 |
Sclerotinia homoeocarpa epidemiology and resistance development as measured through improved molecular detection techniques | Koch, Paul; Clarke, Bruce; Groben, Glen; Murphy, Jim; Jung, Geunhwa; Zhang, Ning. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 260-278. |
313720 |
Advancement of five elite zoysiagrass hybrids in the 2019 zoysiagrass NTEP | Chandra, Ambika. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 351-352. |
313751 |
Evaluation of selected large patch-tolerant zoysia spp. for performance in Kansas |
Chhetri, Manoj; Fry, Jack; Kennelly, Megan. 2020. 2017 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 6(7): p. [1-9]. |
313087 |
The USGA Green Section celebrates 100 years of impact |
Passov, Joe. 2020. USGA Green Section Record. December 4. 58(23): p. [1-12]. |
317299 |
Quantitative trait loci associated with gray leaf spot resistance in St. Augustinegrass Access Restrictions |
Yu, Xingwang; Mulkey, Steve E.; Zuleta, Maria C.; Arellano, Consuelo; Ma, Bangya; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2020. Plant Disease. November. 104(11): p. 2799-2806. |
315271 |
Snow mold strikes again | Koch, Paul. 2020. The Grass Roots. September/October. 49(5): p. 32-36. |
316240 |
Screening tall fescue for resistance to Rhizoctonia solani and Rhizoctonia zeae using digital image analysis |
Sykes, Virginia R.; Horvath, Brandon J.; McCall, David S.; Baudoin, Antonius B.; Askew, Shawn D.; Goatley, James M.; Warnke, Scott E. 2020. Plant Disease. February. 104(2): p. 358-362. |
311399 |
Sclerotinia homoeocarpa epidemiology and resistance development as measured through improved molecular detection techniques | Koch, Paul; Clarke, Bruce; Murphy, Jim; Jung, Geunhwa; Zhang, Ning. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 285-303. |
310866 |
Advancement of five elite zoysiagrass hybrids in the 2019 zoysiagrass NTEP | Chandra, Ambika. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 391-392. |
310883 |
On-course evaluations of new zoysiagrass hybrids | Fry, Jack; Kennelly, Megan; Chhetri, Manoj; Patton, Aaron; Braun, Ross; Chandra, Ambika. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 401-404. |
310885 |
Breeding for large patch disease tolerance and cold hardiness in zoysiagrass | Genovesi, Anthony Dennis; Meeks, Meghyn; Fry, Jack D.; Kennelly, Megan M.; Patton, Aaron J.; Xiang, Mingying; Braun, Ross C.; Chhatri, Manoj. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118914. |
310279 |
QTL mapping of resistance to gray leaf spot in St. Augustinegrass | Yu, Xingwang; Mulkey, Steve E.; Zuleta, Maria C.; Arellano, Consuelo; Ma, Bangya; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119452. |
309589 |
Engineering dollar spot resistance in Paspalum vaginatum (seashore paspalum) by biolistic gene transformation | Catching, Katherine E.; Raymer, Paul L. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122001. |
309594 |
Evaluating large patch-tolerant and cold hardy zoysiagrass germplasm in the transition zone |
Xiang, Mingying; Fry, Jack; Kennelly, Megan. 2019. 2017 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas StateUniversity]. 5(5): p. [1-5]. |
311521 |
Quantitative trait locus mapping for dollar spot resistance in perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Vines, Phillip L.; Honig, Josh A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Meyer, William A.; Bonos, Stacy A. 2019. Golf Course Management. November. 87(11): p. 87. |
309506 |
Festulolium: The best of both worlds: How a cross between two grasses can fill a niche | Bruins, Marcel. 2019. Seed World. October. p. 60, 62. |
308732 |
[Observation on the level of stress tolerance in turfgrass during seasonable weather] |
Rossi, Frank S. 2019. ShortCUTT. July 29. 20(9): p. [1-2]. |
307750 |
Ever consider a whole new species of grass? |
Anonymous. 2019. SportsTurf. June. 35(6): p. 30, 32. |
306273 |
The dollar spot susceptibility of 25 bentgrasses is consistent across five states in the Central USA Access Restrictions |
Thompson, Cole; Zhang, Qi; Kennelly, Megan; Stier, John; Blume, Christopher; Christians, Nick; Fry, Jack; Martin, Dennis; Ostrander, Jesse; Rincker, Keith; Settle, Derek; Soldat, Douglas. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. April. 5(1): p. 1-4. |
305089 |
A licence to thrill |
Longmire, Tania. 2019. GreenKeeping. March. 155: p. 16. |
306488 |
Bentgrass Fairway Conversion Improves Playability and Reduces Inputs | Anonymous. 2018. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
301188 |
Collection and evaluation of wild American hazelnut genetic resources: Building the foundation for wide expansion of hazelnut production | Molnar, Thomas J.; Mayberry, Alex; Hlubik, David; Capik, John; Honig, Josh. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 38. |
298926 |
Sclerotinia homoeocarpa epidemiology and resistance development as measured through improved molecular detection techniques | Koch, Paul; Clarke, Bruce; Murphy, Jim; Jung, Geunhwa; Zhang, Ning. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 263-273. |
305011 |
Quantitative locus mapping for dollar spot resistance in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) | Vines, Phillip L.; Honig, Josh A.; Vaiciunas, Jennifer; Kubik, Christine; Bushman, B. Shaun; Weibel, Eric N.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Meyer, William A.; Bonos, Stacy A. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112194. |
302139 |
Evaluation of turf quality parameters of 21 Cynodon spp. maintained as an ultradwarf bermudagrass putting green | Harris, Dustin; Moss, Justin Quetone; Wu, Yanqi; Gopinath, Lakshmy; Martin, Dennis L. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113661. |
302104 |
Resistance of prairie junegrass and tufted hairgrass germplasm to diseases common in temperate low-input turfgrass systems Access Restrictions |
Koch, Paul L.; Hugie, Kari; Watkins, Eric. 2018. Plant Health Progress. 19(4): p. 310-318. |
336740 |
Role of Epichloë endophytes in defense responses of cool-season grasses to pathogens: A review |
Xia, Chao; Li, Nana; Zhang, Yawen; Li, Chunjie; Zhang, Xingxu; Nan, Zhibiao. 2018. Plant Disease. November. 102(11): p. 2061-2073. |
302907 |
Transgenic approaches for improved brown patch resistance |
Zhou, B.; Luo, H.; Bailey, A.; Niblett, C. L.; Qu, R. 2018. North Carolina Turfgrass. September/October. p. 14-17. |
302364 |
T4 lysozyme transgenic tall fescue plants are highly resistant to gray leaf spot disease |
Dong, S.; Shew, H. D.; Tredway, L.; Lu, J.; Sivamani, E.; Miller, E. S.; Qu, R. 2018. North Carolina Turfgrass. September/October. p. 18, 20-21. |
302365 |
Growth promotion and resistance induction effect of Trichoderma harzianum on Festuca rubra and Poa pratensis |
Xie, Linmiao; Chang, Chunli; Yao, Zhihong; Wang, Hongrui; Zhao, Dongxue; Zhang, Rongshu; Ao, Hong. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. September 20. 35(9): p. 2079-2086. |
302664 |
Doyle announces review of national response to Ash Dieback disease Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2018. Greenside. July. p. 19. |
299464 |
Jasmonic and salicylic acid effects on bacterial etiolation and decline disease of creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Liu, Sha; Vargas, Joseph; Merewitz, Emily. 2018. Crop Protection. July. 109: p. 9-16. |
296622 |
Don't get overmatched: Dispatch that large patch |
Kennelly, Megan; Fry, Jack. 2018. Golfdom. July. 74(7): p. 30-34. |
299562 |
Performance of tall fescue cultivars and selections in New Jersey turf trials, 2017 | Tate, Trent M.; Grimshaw, Austin L.; Qu, Yuanshuo; Daddio, Ryan M.; Bara, Ronald F.; Smith, Dirk A.; Mohr, Melissa M.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Meyer, William A. 2018. 2017 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 49: p. 99-121. |
305535 |
Evaluating large patch-tolerant and cold hardy zoysiagrass germplasm in the transition zone | Xiang, Mingying; Fry, Jack D.; Kennelly, Megan M. 2018. 2018 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. July. 4(6): p. 1-8. |
311617 |
2012 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Tall Fescue test: 2012-2017 summary report | Parsons, Linda R.; Shelton, Michael J.; Kennelly, Megan M.; Griffin, Jason J.; Hoyle, Jared A. 2018. 2018 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. July. 4(6): p. 1-16. |
311619 |
2012 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Tall Fescue Test: 2017 data | Parsons, Linda R.; Shelton, Michael J.; Kennelly, Megan M.; Griffin, Jason J.; Hoyle, Jared A. 2018. 2018 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. July. 4(6): p. 1-8. |
311621 |
Effect of nitrogen in late autumn on microdochium patch on nordic golf greens Access Restrictions |
Espevig, Tatsiana; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Pettersen, Trond O.; Kvalbein, Agnar. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 16-17. |
311070 |
Resistance to microdochium nivale and abiotic damage as affected by civitas oneTM in a selection of creeping bentgrass cultivars Access Restrictions |
Aamlid, Trygve S.; Espevig, Tatsiana; Steensohn, Anne A.; Dahl, Eli U. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 66-67. |
311094 |
Enhanced disease resistance: Germinal has added a greens-specific blend to its range of golf seed mixtures |
Germinal. 2018. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 56-57. |
300015 |
Analysis of leaf tissue structures between rust-resistant and rust-susceptible Zoysia grass (Zoysia japonica) Access Restrictions |
Li, Manli; Li, Wensheng; Sun, Yan; Mao, Peisheng; Qi, Xiao; Wang, Yunwen. 2018. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. April. 40(4): p. 75[1-9]. |
297771 |
2018 MTGF funding - $49,715: Teaching, research and outreach programs at UFORE Nursery & Lab | Johnson, Gary; Giblin, Chad; Blanchette, Robert A.; Held, Benjamin. 2018. MTGF Clippings. Spring/Summer. 26(1): p. 15-16. |
306965 |
How to win the pathogen war: With the withdrawal of key fungicides from a greenkeeper's arsenal of disease protection weapons, it is time to look more closely at what integrated strategies can be introduced in the battle against invading pathogens | Leyland, Jayne; Corbett, Peter. 2018. GreenKeeping. February. 143: p. 6, 8-9. |
295231 |
Breeding for Improved St. Augustinegrass Through Ploidy Manipulation and Identification of Gray Leaf Spot-Resistant Germplasm | Carbajal Melgar, Esdras Manuel. 2017. M.S. Thesis: North Carolina State University. x, 74 pp. |
287876 |
Management of Bentgrass Cultivars for Improved Resistance to Microdochium Patch Under Climate Change Conditions | Stricker, Sara; Hsiang, T.; Bertrand, A. 2017. Guelph, Ontario, Canada: University of Guelph; Québec City, Québec, Canada: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada. 39 slides. |
288266 |
Reducing Fungicide Applications on Bentgrass Fairways |
USGA Green Section. 2017. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
295483 |
Activated Resistance of Bentgrass Cultivars to Microdochium nivale Under Predicted Climate Change Conditions | Stricker, Sara Marie. 2017. M.S. Thesis: The University of Guelph. xiii, 165. |
298863 |
Germplasm improvement of low-input fine fescues in response to consumer attitudes and behaviors | Watkins, Eric. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 6-10. |
298128 |
Activation of disease resistance in turfgrasses against diseases |
Hsiang, Tom; Goodwin, Paul. 2017. The Dogwood. Summer. p. 20-23. |
290451 |
Understanding endophyte-mediated dollar spot resistance in red fescue as a new approach to improving management of dollar spot in creeping bentgrass | Belanger, Faith C. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 24-26. |
298132 |
Development of large patch tolerant and cold hardy zoysiagrass cultivars for the transition zone | Fry, Jack; Chandra, Ambika; Kennelly, Megan; Patton, Aaron; Genovesi, Dennis; Xiang, Mingying; Meeks, Meghyn. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 29-34. |
298134 |
Risk assessment, management and control of dollar spot caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa on Scandinavian golf courses | Espevig, Tatsiana. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 34-35. |
296760 |
Transcriptomic analysis using RNA sequencing of hard fescue (Festuca brevipila) treated with triazolic fungicide | Qiu, Yinjie; Orshinsky, Angela; Hirsch, Cory; Watkins, Eric. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106818. |
290409 |
Effect of calcium and nitrogen fertilizer on creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) plant growth and tolerance to dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa[)] (Bennett) under low temperature | Kaluwasha, Waana; Xiong, Xi; Jiang, Mingyan. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106940. |
290264 |
Heritability of dollar spot resistance in hard fescue | Tate, Trent Matthew; Bonos, Stacy A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Meyer, William. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 108376. |
290413 |
CRISPR-Cas9 knockout of the Epichloë festucae antifungal protein gene | Wang, Ruying; Clarke, Bruce B.; Belanger, Faith C. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 108824. |
290017 |