Keyword: Disease susceptibility
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Wet spring may have affected applications: Heavy rains promoting diseases | Anonymous. 1990. Lawn Care Industry. July. 14(7): p. 13. |
280229 |
The Occurrence of Dollar Spot on Festuca rubra Subspecies and Cultivars Access Restrictions |
Newell, A. J.; Baldwin, N. A. 1990. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 66: p. 115-119. |
18476 |
Technical Note Post-emergence Damping-off of Turfgrass Seedlings by Cladochytrium Caespitis Access Restrictions |
Baldwin, N. A. 1990. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 66: p. 170-173. |
18479 |
Observational Note Red Thread on Poa Pratensis Cultivars Access Restrictions |
Gooding, M. J.; Baldwin, N. A.; Smith, M. A. 1990. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 66: p. 174-176. |
18480 |
Objective and subjective assessments of turfgrass quality in close mown Festuca spp. Access Restrictions |
Newell, A. J. 1990. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. June. 66: p. 177. |
18897 |
Diseases of turfgrasses on athletic fields in North Carolina | Lucas, Leon T. 1989. Proceedings of the 27th Annual North Carolina Turfgrass Conference. 10: p. 58-62. |
252335 |
Bluegrass Sod Transplant Study |
Worf, Gayle L.; Smejkal, Catherine. 1989. Wisconsin Turf Research: Results of 1989 Studies. 7: p. 59-61. |
18054 |
Winter temperature variations leave plants susceptible to cankers |
Schoeneweiss, D. F. 1989. Hole Notes. November. 18(9): p. 11. |
197728 |
Late-fall fertilization of bermudagrass: Timing is critical in deciding when - or even if - to begin a program of late-fall fertilization Access Restrictions |
Stroud, Teresa. 1989. Golf Course Management. September. 57(9): p. 76, 80, 82, 86, 89. |
17258 |
Potassium Influence on Susceptibility of Bermudagrass to Helminthosporium cynodontis Toxin |
Richardson, M. D.; Croughan, S. S. 1989. Crop Science. September/October. 29(5): p. 1280-1282. |
15928 |
Unraveling the mystery of fall turfgrass diseases: Research is working toward the refinement of diagnostic and control techniques Access Restrictions |
Stroud, Teresa. 1989. Golf Course Management. August. 57(8): p. 70, 72, 74, 76. |
17273 |
NTEP 1984-1987 Summary on Fineleaf Fescues |
Anonymous. 1989. Grounds Maintenance. August. 24(8): p. 42-48. |
15752 |
Red thread: A disease on the increase |
Jackson, Noel. 1989. The Bull Sheet. July. 43(2): p. 22. |
15115 |
Sorteneignung bei Rasengräsern in Beziehung zur Krankheitsanfälligkeit-Orientierungshilfe zur Sortenwahl- ([Quality of turfgrass varieties as related to disease susceptibility: An orientation aid for choosing varieties]) |
Beuster, Karl-Heinz. 1989. Rasen, Grunflachen, Begrunungen. July. 20(2): p. 45-52. |
15881 | |
Verticillium wilt troubling to shade trees | Ash, Cynthia; Stienstra, Ward C. 1989. Hole Notes. July. 18(5): p. 15-16. |
197675 |
Managing turfgrass under tree shade | Anonymous. 1989. Landscape Management. June. 29 [28](6): p. 11-12. |
14902 |
Sulfur and summer problems |
Vandehey, Russ. 1989. OGCSA Newsletter. May. 4(2): p. 9. |
277416 |
"Hacker packer": What an experience! | Ligday, Mike. 1989. Hole Notes. April. 18(2): p. 6. |
197529 |
Turfgrass cultivar evaluation trials: 1988 Summary of results: I. 1988 Bentgrass |
Fushtey, S. G. 1989. 1988 Turfgrass Research Report [Western Canada Turfgrass Association]. February. 1(1): p. 3-4, 6. |
62192 |
Turfgrass cultivar evaluation trials: 1988 Summary of results: II. 1986 National Kentucky Bluegrass |
Fushtey, S. G. 1989. 1988 Turfgrass Research Report [Western Canada Turfgrass Association]. February. 1(1): p. 3-4, 7-8. |
62193 |
Evaluation of perennial ryegrass cultivars |
Cockerham, S. T.; Gibeault V. A.; Autio, R.; Leonard, M. K. 1988. 1988 Turfgrass Research Conference and Field Day[University of California-Riverside]. p. 7. |
149023 |
Control of summer patch and poa patch using chemical fungicides |
Anonymous. 1988. University of Illinois Turfgrass Field Day. p. 15-18. |
298469 |
Resistance of cool-season turfgrasses to white grubs |
Potter, Daniel A.; Patterson, Cary; Redmond, Carl. 1988. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 30-31. |
19357 |
Necrotic Ring Spot and Summer Patch of Inoculated Kentucky Bluegrasses, 1987 |
Fowler, M. Craven; Hummel, N. W. 1988. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant. 3: p. 76. |
13631 |
Reactions of Perennial Ryegrass Cultivars to Red Thread 1987 |
Hartman, J. R.; Clinton, W.; Powell, A. J. 1988. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant. 3: p. 77. |
13633 |
Tall Fescue Cultivars Evaluated for Reaction to Rhizoctonia Blight (Brown Patch), 1987 |
Watkins, J. E.; Westerholt, S. R.; Riordan, T. P.; Shearman, R. C. 1988. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant. 3: p. 78. |
13634 |
To whom it may concern: | Endo, R. M.; Ohr, H. D. 1988. Thru the Green [Northern California]. December. p. 6-8. |
205324 |
Seeding rate: Its effect on disease and weed encroachment | Brede, A. Douglas; Dunfield, Joe. 1988. Proceedings of the 42nd Northwest Turfgrass Conference. December. 42: p. 90-97. |
38320 |
Preventive disease management |
Brown, Edward II. 1988. Park Maintenance and Grounds Management. December. 41(12): p. 10-13. |
13949 |
[The hottest and most stressful summer on record] |
Finn, Gerry; Schofield, Tom; Mackintosh, Roy. 1988. The Newsletter [New England]. September. p. 1-3. |
277711 |
Nematodes invite diseases | Anonymous. 1988. SportsTURF. June. 4(6): p. 16. |
12524 |
Inherent Problems in Poa annua | Heselwood, Jon; Johnston, Bill. 1988. Northwest Turfgrass Topics. Spring. 31(4): p. 3. |
12169 |
Phototoxic [phytotoxic] effects of prodiamine and other preemergence herbicides applied to Kentucky bluegrass turf |
Hummel, Norman W. Jr. 1987. 1987 Cornell University Turfgrass Research Report. p. 38-41. |
62159 |
Necrotic ring spot and summer patch of inoculated Kentucky bluegrass |
Fowler, Melissa C.; Hummel, Norman W. 1987. 1987 Cornell University Turfgrass Research Report. p. 48-49. |
62162 |
Relations Between Turf Quality and Disease Susceptibility in Lolium perenne Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Beuster, K.-H. 1987. Zeitschrift für Vegetationstechnik. 10(1): p. 22-27. |
13438 |
Backlapping Reel Mowers for Precise Cut Keeps Turf Attractive, Lessons Chance of Disease |
Anonymous. 1987. Carolinas Newsletter. November/December. 23(6): p. 14-18. |
11305 |
Nitrogen vs. disease: 1987 observations | Kussow, Wayne R. 1987. The Grass Roots. November/December. 14(6): p. 27. |
15335 |
Turf growth regulators give new dimension to Poa Annua control | Anonymous. 1987. SportsTURF. October. 3(10): p. 40. |
11073 |
Nitrogen: Apply less more often? |
Beard, James B. 1987. Grounds Maintenance. June. 22(6): p. 26, 28, 30. |
10400 |
Reactions of tall fescue cultivars, synthetics, and breeding lines to leaf rust, 1985 |
Burrus, Paul B.; Hartman, John R. 1986. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 23-24. |
19453 |
Reactions of endophyte free and infected tall fescue cultivars to brown patch, 1986 |
Hartman, John R.; Siegel, Malcolm R.; Burrus, Paul B. 1986. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 25-26. |
19454 |
Wetting agents and Poa annua |
Powell, Demie M. 1986. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Tennessee Turfgrass Conference. 20: p. 28-35. |
284490 |
Turfgrass disease research in progress Access Restrictions |
Smith, J. Drew. 1986. Greenmaster. November/December. 22(8): p. 14-15. |
10362 |
Take-all patch on Wisconsin golf courses: How serious is it? Can we control it? | Worf, Gayle L. 1986. The Grass Roots. November/December. 13(6): p. 5. |
9562 |
Management practices cited for increase in pythium | Anonymous. 1986. SportsTURF. September. 2(7): p. 33. |
10067 |
Red thread disease (Laetisaria fuciformis) | Anonymous. 1986. Greenkeeper [SIGGA/EIGGA]. May. p. 22. |
216097 |
Springtime first aid for bermudagrass | Lucas, Leon. 1986. SportsTURF. March. 2(2): p. 34-36. |
9965 |
Genetic variability in disease reaction, turf quality, leaf color, leaf texture, plant density, and seed shattering of selected genotypes of Poa trivialis Access Restrictions |
Hurley, R. H.; Funk, C. R. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 221-226. |
9012 |
Response of selected bermudagrasses to nitrogen fertilization Access Restrictions |
Dudeck, A. E.; Peacock, C. H.; Freeman, T. E. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 495-504. |
9042 |
Etiology of red thread and pink patch diseases in the United States |
O'Neill, Nichole R.; Murray, J. J. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 595-607. |
9051 |
Overseeding and disease - interactions? | Muller-Turina, Carol P.; Freeman, T. Ed; Peacock, Charles H. 1985. The Florida Green. Winter. p. 14. |
223668 |
Dutch elm disease control program | Green, Thomas L. 1985. The Bull Sheet. June. 39(1): p. 11, 16. |
131488 |
Bluegrass necrotic ring spot | Worf, Gayle L.; Stewart, Jana S. 1985. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. February. 6(2): p. 58-60, 62, 66. |
172580 |
Helminthosporium leaf spot of Kentucky bluegrass: Recent observations and interactions | Hodges, Clinton F. 1984. ALA. November. 5(8): p. 64-68, 76. |
136275 |
Turfgrass nutrition |
Beard, James B. 1984. Florida Turf Digest. June. 1(3): p. 28-29. |
7860 |
Integraded [Integrated] disease control | Shurtleff, Malcolm. 1984. The Bull Sheet. May. 37(12): p. 12. |
131481 |
Bacterial wilt of Toronto creeping bentgrass: A potential threat to turfgrass culture in North America | Roberts, David L.; Vargas, Joseph M. Jr. 1984. The Grass Roots. May/June. 2(3): p. 30-33. |
9572 |
Rough Bluegrass: Genetic Variability, Disease Susceptibility and Response to Shade. Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Hurley, Richard Herbert. 1983. Ph.D. Dissertation: Rutgers Univ., State Univ. New Jersey. xiii, 128 pp. |
6146 |
Evaluation of perennial ryegrass for tolerance to brown patch-1983 |
Hartman, John R.; Powell, A. J. 1983. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 34-35. |
19700 |
Oxidation status and gas composition of wet turfgrass thatch and soil Access Restrictions |
Thompson, D. C.; Smiley, R. W.; Fowler, M. Craven. 1983. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 75(4): p. 603-609. |
468 |
News from the Northwest | Meyer, William A. 1983. The Bull Sheet. June. 37(1): p. [16]. |
131453 |
Common diseases on landscape trees and ornamental shrubs |
Mulrean, Ed. 1983. Proceedings of the 1983 Arizona Turf and Landscape Conference. May. p. 27-33. |
89776 |
Microbial and edaphical stresses of turfgrass | Wilkenson, H. T. 1982. 1982 Turfgrass Research Summary [Illinois]. p. 45. |
246000 |
Evaluation of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars for tolerance to heminthosporium leaf spot-1982 |
Cockfield, Steve; Hartman, J. R. 1982. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 46. |
19813 |
Evaluation of Fine fescue cultivars and selections for powdery mildew resistance under greehouse conditions |
Furler, Janet T.; Duell, Robert W.; Dickson, William K.; Funk, C. Reed. 1982. 1982 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. 13: p. 115-127. |
68847 |
Hypovirulence |
Elliston, J. E. 1982. Advances in Plant Pathology. 1: p. 1-33. |
81711 | |
Curvularia-fading out: How important is it? |
Larsen, Philip O. 1982. Proceedings of the Ohio Turfgrass Conference. December. p. 41-43. |
8511 |
What are those yellow rings on your greens? | Batten, Steve; White, Bud. 1982. The Florida Green. Fall. p. 20. |
243401 |
Zonate eyespot on wild rice caused by Drechslera gigantea |
Kardin, M. K.; Bowden, R. L.; Percich, J. A.; Nickelson, L. J. 1982. Plant Disease. August. 66(8): p. 737-739. |
3367 |
[Ophiobolus patch] Access Restrictions |
Jackson, Noel. 1982. Golf Course Management. August. 50(8): p. 69. |
97773 |
Important decisions in fungicide usage by lawn care companies | Dernoeden, Peter H. 1982. American Lawnapplicator. July/August. 3(4): p. 14-20. |
164880 |
Complications in nitrogen fertilization of turfgrass | Street, John R. 1982. American Lawn Applicator. May/June. 3(3): p. 10-15. |
56424 |
Biology and Control of Take-all |
Asher, M. J. C.; Shipton, P. J., eds. 1981. London: Academic Press. xv, 531 pp. |
37406 |
Kentucky bluegrass shade studies |
Hurley, Rich; Pompei, Marie; Clark, Mary Beth. 1981. Lofts' Research Results. p. [5-6]. |
228526 |
Kentuckey bluegrass evaluation |
Anonymous. 1981. Lofts' Research Results. p. [8-9]. |
228736 |
Perennial ryegrass evaluation |
Anonymous. 1981. Lofts' Research Results. p. [11]. |
228738 |
Poa pratensis L. cultivar origin in relation to its relative susceptibility to Fusarium blight Access Restrictions |
Smiley, R. W.; Gallenberg, D. J.; Palmer, J. R.; Paysour, R. E.; Yuen, J. E.; Craven, M. M. 1981. Proceedings of the International Turfgrass Research Conference. 4: p. 11-19. |
1141 |
Growth regulators for turf |
Jagschitz, John A. 1981. Proceedings of the 35th Annual New York State Turfgrass Conference. 5: p. 63-65. |
142332 |
Disease continues to plague lawn care companies | Brown, Stephen. 1981. American Lawnapplicator. September/October. 2(5): p. 2-4. |
164801 |
Long term herbicide use - a hidden problem? | Hull, Richard J. 1981. American Lawnapplicator. September/October. 2(5): p. 6-10. |
164803 |
On lawn diseases: (The theory of the "little bugger") | Brown, Arthur E. 1981. American Lawnapplicator. September/October. 2(5): p. 34, 36. |
164812 |
Perennial ryegrass for turf Access Restrictions |
Funk, C. Reed. 1981. TurfNews [ASPA]. July/August. 4(4): p. 20, 22, 27-28, 30. |
105756 |
Response of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars and blends to a natural stem rust population |
Watkins, J. E.; Shearman, R. C.; Houfek, J. A.; Riordan, T. P. 1981. Plant Disease. April. 65(4): p. 345-347. |
5468 |
Genetics of pathogenicity in Puccinia coronata: The host range among grasses | Eshed, N.; Dinoor, A. 1981. Phytopathology. February. 71(2): p. 156-163. |
159699 |
Spring dead spot of Bermudagrass | Lucas, Leon T. 1981. American Lawnapplicator. January/February. 2(1): p. 32-33. |
164725 |
Annual bluegrass cultural studies | Haley, J. E.; Wehner, D. J.; Fermanian, T. W. 1980. 1980 Turfgrass Research Summary: University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign. p. 37-39. |
98357 |
Fungicides for controlling Fusarium blight of Kentucky bluegrass |
Smiley, Richard W. 1980. 1980 Cornell University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 51-52. |
89111 |
Septoria? Or what? | Brown, Stephen. 1980. American Lawnapplicator. September/October. 1(3): p. 2-3. |
164664 |
What we don't know about Fusarium blight, Part 1 | Sanders, Patricia L. 1980. American Lawnapplicator. September/October. 1(3): p. 23-27. |
164676 |
Bluegrasses - 1980 |
Daniels, W. H. 1980. The Bull Sheet. July. p. [14]. |
113285 |
Influence of time and temperature on inoculation and infection of St. Augustine by Sclerophithora macrospora | Bruton, B. D.; Toler, R. W. 1980. Phytopathology. June. 70(6): p. 565. |
226852 |
[Curing snow mold] Access Restrictions |
Vargas, J. M. Jr. 1980. Golf Course Management. March. 48(2): p. 98-99. |
97592 |
Fusarium blight of Kentucky bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Smiley, Richard W. 1980. Turf News [ASPA]. March/April. 3(2): p. 9, 16, 18-19. |
104545 |
Rust on Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass cultivars | Harivandi, M. Ali; Gibeault, Victor A. 1980. California Turfgrass Culture. Spring-Fall. 30(2-4): p. 21. |
18006 |
Leaf spot research |
Nutter, F. W. Jr.; Cole, H. Jr.; Sanders, P. 1980. The Keynoter. Spring. 8(3): p. 1-2. |
289913 |
The influence of cutting height and nitrogen fertility on dollar spot incidence in Tifgreen Bermudagrass |
Colbaugh, P. F.; Beard, J. B.; Pittman, G. M. 1980. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1978-79. February. p. 29-30. |
5971 |
Kentucky bluegrass cultivars | Vargas, J. M. Jr. 1979. Michigan State University Turfgrass Field Day. p. 11-14. |
155025 |
Annual bluegrass cultural studies |
Turgeon, A. J.; Haley, J. E. 1979. U. of I. Turfgrass Field Day. p. 26-29. |
297359 |
Annual bluegrass cultural studies | Turgeon, A. J.; Haley, J. E. 1979. 1979 Turfgrass Research Summary [Illinois]. p. 49-52. |
245759 |
Perennial ryegrass management | Kaufmann, John E.; Eaton, Jack. 1979. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 8: p. 29-34. |
13551 |