Keyword: Dollar spot
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
National Bentgrass (Putting Green) Test - 2008: Progress Report 2011 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2012. Beltsville, Maryland: National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc. vii, 63 pp. |
207954 |
National Bentgrass (Fairway/Tee) Test - 2008: Progress Report 2011 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2012. Beltsville, Maryland: National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc. viii, 53 pp. |
207955 |
Environmental and Cultural Factors Affecting The Persistence and Efficacy of Fungicides on Golf Course Turfgrass |
Koch, Paul Lawrence. 2012. Ph.D. Dissertation: The University of Wisconsin-Madsion. xii, 160 pp. |
211977 |
National Zoysiagrass Test - 2007: Progress Report 2011 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2012. Beltsville, Maryland: Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. iii, 12 pp. |
212263 |
Integrating Host Resistance and Fungicide for Control of Dollar Spot on Creeping Bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Liu, Yang. 2012. M.S. Thesis: Purdue University. ix, 85 pp. |
236842 |
Lawn Diseases - Identification and Control | Mulrooney, Bob. 2012. [Newark, Delaware]: Cooperative Exetension, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Delaware. [4] pp. Revised Edition. |
249439 |
Dollar Spot of Warm Season Turfgrasses | Henn, Alan. 2012. [Mississippi State, Mississippi]: Extension Service, Mississippi State University. [2] pp. |
264107 |
Effects of Dew Removal and Trinexapac-Ethyl on Fungicide Efficacy for Dollar Spot Control | Huang, Yu. 2012. M.S. Thesis: The Pennsylvania State University. viii, 49 pp. |
266920 |
A Holistic Approach to Decreasing Dollar Spot Severity and Over-Wintering Inocula of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa | Workman, John Barrett. 2012. M.S. Thesis: The University of Georgia. xi, 79 pp. |
267125 |
Curative fungicide applications for dollar spot control [2012] |
Koch, Paul; Soper, Sam; Van Ryzin, Ben; Soper, Jacob; Kerns, Jim. 2012. 2012 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-2]. |
276544 |
Dollar spot management on golf course fairways |
Koch, Paul; Soper, Sam; Van Ryzin, Ben; Soper, Jacob; Kerns, Jim. 2012. 2012 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-3]. |
276546 |
Dollar spot management on golf course putting greens |
Koch, Paul; Soper, Sam; Van Ryzin, Ben; Soper, Jacob; Kerns, Jim. 2012. 2012 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-3]. |
276547 |
Dollar Spot Management |
PACE Turf. 2012. San Diego, California: PACE Turf. [2] pp. |
290435 |
Dollar spot control with fungicides in fairway height 'Crenshaw' creeping bentgrass, 2012 |
Dernoeden, P. H.; Ingram, K. B.; Mathias, J. K. 2012. 2012 TurfgrassPathology, Weed Science and Management ResearchSummaries. p. 8-12. |
225575 |
Civitas and lightweight rolling study | Hathaway, Aaron; Fabbo, Joe; Motley, Jacob; Laskowski, Kevin; Nikolai, Thomas. 2012. Golf Course Turfgrass Field Day. p. 9-10. |
211665 |
Future trials on key turf diseases of lawns, sports fields, and golf courses in Missouri | Miller, Lee. 2012. University of Missouri Turf & Ornamental Field Day [2012]. p. 10. |
244803 |
Curative dollar spot control in creeping bentgrass fairway turf, 2011 | Inguagiato, J.; Gagliardi, M.; Rogers, K.; Cao, X.; Embrey, E. 2012. 2011 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 16-17. |
242620 |
Anthracnose | Mock, Tyler; Nichols, Ryan; Baird, Jim. 2012. 2012 Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day [Southern California]. p. 16. |
246633 |
Soil surfactant and fungicide influence on soil moisture, disease presence and quality of 'Champion' ultradwarf bermudagrass grown on a USGA specified constructed rootzone in South Carolina, U. S. A. | Park, Dara; Martin, S. B. 2012. The Bouyoucos Conference on the Advances in Research on Soil Biological, Chemical and Physical Properties for Sustainable Constructed Rootzones [Constructed Rootzones 2012]. p. 17. |
212851 |
Dollar spot | Nichols, Ryan; Mock, Tyler; Baird, Jim; Mauk, Peggy. 2012. 2012 Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day [Southern California]. p. 17. |
246635 |
Evaluation of fungicide spray programs for summer disease control in a mixed creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting green turf, 2011 | Inguagiato, J. C.; Gagliardi, M.; Rogers, K.; Cao, X. 2012. 2011 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 18-23. |
242621 |
Improvements in breeding for disease resistance in bentgrass using classical and molecular approaches | Bonos, Stacy A.; Weibel, Eric N.; Lawson, Tracy J.; Honig, Josh; Majewski, Martin; Koch, Eric; Koch, Matthew; Cortese, Laura. 2012. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 19-20. |
197189 |
Curative fungicide treatments for dollar spot control: What to expect in a week? | Miller, Lee; Earlywine, Daniel. 2012. University of Missouri Turf & Ornamental Field Day [2012]. p. 22. |
244811 |
Early curative dollar spot control with commercially available and experimental fungicides in a mixed creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting green turf, 2011 | Gagliardi, M.; Rogers, K.; Cao, X.; Inguagiato, J. C. 2012. 2011 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 24-28. |
242623 |
What's in a name? Determining the true identity of the dollar spot pathogen of turfgrass | Beirn, Lisa A.; Tredway, Lane P.; Boehm, Michael J.; Orshinsky, Angela M.; Carbone, Ignazio; Clarke, Bruce B.; Crouch, Jo Anne. 2012. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 29. |
197197 |
Preventive dollar spot control in creeping bentgrass fairway turf using available and experimental fungicides, 2011 | Inguagiato, J.; Gagliardi, M.; Rogers, K.; Cao, X.; Embrey, E. 2012. 2011 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 29-35. |
242624 |
Preventative dollar spot control on a creeping bentgrass putting green | Earlywine, Daniel; Miller, Lee. 2012. University of Missouri Turf & Ornamental Field Day [2012]. p. 31-32. |
244820 |
Evaluation of brown patch control using Velista on creeping bentgrass | Earlywine, Daniel; Miller, Lee. 2012. University of Missouri Turf & Ornamental Field Day [2012]. p. 35. |
244823 |
Preventive dollar spot control in creeping bentgrass fairway turf with extended intervals of experimental fungicides, 2011 | Inguagiato, J.; Gagliardi, M.; Rogers, K.; Cao, X.; Embrey, E. 2012. 2011 AnnualTurfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 36-40. |
242625 |
Efficacy of Velista against dollar spot and brown patch compared to conventional preventative programs for control in creeping bentgrass fairway turf, 2011 | Gagliardi, M.; Inguagiato, J.; Embrey, E. 2012. 2011 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 41-42. |
242626 |
The residue effect of mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.) seed meal for suppression of dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa) | Pan, Xiaowei; English, James T.; Xiong, Xi. 2012. University of Missouri Turf & Ornamental Field Day [2012]. p. 47-48. |
244838 |
Evaluation of Velista (penthiopyrad) for control of brown patch and dollar spot on creeping bentgrass, 2012 | Latin, R.; Daniels, J.; Liu, Y.; Hockemeyer, K. 2012. 2012 Purdue University Turfgrass Research Summary. p. 59-61. |
247603 |
Comparison of three irrigation regimes and their effect on dollar spot disease of creeping bentgrass | Dykema, Nancy; Vargas, Joseph; Kirk, William; Frank, Kevin. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71480. |
213263 |
Photocatalytic titanium dioxide and ultraviolet radiation effects on Sclerotinia homoeocarpa growth and dollar spot disease development | Hu, Chun; Horvath, Brandon. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71991. |
213268 |
Overexpression of multidrug ABC transporter is associated with reduced sensitivity to propiconazole and boscalid in Sclerotinia homoeocarpa field isolates | Sang, Hyunkyu; Hulvey, Jon; Popko, James T. Jr.; Chang, Taehyun; Jung, Geunhwa. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 73004. |
213152 |
The residual effect of mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.) seed meal for suppression of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa | Pan, Xiaowei; English, James; Sams, Carl; Xiong, Xi. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 73084. |
213282 |
Overwintering of the dollar spot pathogen occurs in shoots and may be influenced by temperature | Rioux, Renee; Kerns, James. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 74336. |
213309 |
Development of a PCR-based assay for the detection of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa from creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) seed | Lyles, Justin L.; Abd-Elmagid, Ahmed; Garzon, Carla; Smith, Damon. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 74588. |
213312 |
Sclerotinia homoeocarpa infection process and host preference on various model plants | Rioux, Renee; Kerns, James. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 74624. |
213156 |
Evidence of host association and geographic structure among historical strains and modern populations of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa | Putman, Alexander; Carbone, Ignazio; Tredway, Lane P. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 74869. |
213160 |
Influence of soil surfactants and fungicides on soil moisture, disease presence, and quality of 'Champion' ultradwarf bermudagrass greens | Park, Dara M.; Martin, Bruce. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 75389. |
213431 |
Field trial of effects of TerraBioGen liquid organic fertilizer on performance of established creeping bentgrass/annual bluegrass putting green turf following a reduced fungicide application regime | Lyons, E.; Jordan, K.; Carey, K. 2012. GTI 2012 Annual Research Reports. 26: p. 1-6. |
256152 |
Synergistic interaction of fungicides in mixtures under different conditions of dollar spot disease caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa | Chang, Seog-Won; Jung, Suk-Woo; Kim, Sehun; Park, Jong-Hyun; Lee, Ji-Young. 2012. Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science. 26(2): p. 96-101. |
265149 |
Evaluation of Velista and four fungicide programs for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass in Kansas, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Obasa, K.; Kennelly, M. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T015. |
203913 |
Brown patch control on a colonial bentgrass and annual bluegrass fairway, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Popko, J.; Campbell-Nelson, K.; Jung, G. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T031. |
203934 |
Evaluation of fungicides for the management of dollar spot of creeping bentgrass in Oklahoma, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Smith, D. L.; Walker, N. R. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T004. |
203945 |
Preventative fungicide applications for the control of dollar spot at fairway height, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Koch, P. L.; Kerns, J. P. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T008. |
203954 |
Preventative fungicide applications for the control of dollar spot at putting green height, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Koch, P. L.; Kerns, J. P. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T009. |
203961 |
Evaluation of fungicide programs for disease control on creeping bentgrass, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Earlywine, D.; Miller, G. L. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T023. |
203977 |
Evaluation of fungicides for brown patch, dollar spot, and copper spot control on creeping bentgrass, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Earlywine, D.; Miller, G. L. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T025. |
203979 |
Dollar spot control on a creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting green, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Popko, J.; Campbell-Nelson, K.; Jung, G. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T030. |
204019 |
Efficacy of fungicides for control of dollar spot in a mixed creeping bentgrass/Poa annua soil-based green, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Vincelli, P.; Dixon, E.; Williams, D. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T012. |
204022 |
Control of dollar spot on a mixed creeping bentgrass/annual bluegrass putting green, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Rahman, A.; Li, Y.; Uddin, W. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T033. |
204037 |
Fungicidal control of dollar spot in a creeping bentgrass/annual bluegrass fairway, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Rahman, A.; Li, Y.; Uddin, W. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T035. |
204040 |
Evaluation of application intervals and fungicide efficacy for dollar spot control of creeping bentgrass in Georgia, 2011 Access Restrictions |
Martinez-Espinoza, A. D.; Burpee, L. L. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T042. |
210446 |
Fungicide program for dollar spot and brown patch control on creeping bentgrass in Georgia, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Martinez-Espinoza, A. D.; Burpee, L. L. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T051. |
210452 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass in Georgia, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Martinez-Espinoza, A. D.; Burpee, L. L. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T052. |
210453 |
Dollar spot disease control comparing synthetic to non-synthetic fungicides | Marvin, J. W.; McCarty, L. B.; Martin, S. B.; Wells, C. E.; Bridges, W. C. 2012. 3rd European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. 3: p. Unknown. |
233616 |
Effect of microbial populations in compost on the suppression of dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa) | Workman, J. B.; Waltz, F. C. Jr. 2012. 3rd European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. 3: p. Unknown. |
233620 |
November: [Two-stroke fuel, black lawn beetle, lawns, dethatch, diseases] | Anonymous. 2012. Lawn Mowing Contractors' Association of W. A. (Inc.) Newsletter. November. 507: p. 13. |
268870 |
Water volume doesn't matter...or does it? | Rioux, Renee; Kerns, Jim. 2012. The Grass Roots. November/December. 41(6): p. 14-17. |
213755 |
Meet the new UW-Madison turf program graduate student: Ignorance to bliss | Van Ryzin, Ben. 2012. Wisconsin Turfgrass News. Fall. 26(2): p. 4. |
248823 |
Canadian Turf Research Foundation 2012 update |
Anonymous. 2012. The Turf Line News. September/October. 230: p. 15. |
292529 |
So much depends on the weather: Five turf experts weigh in on the biggest disease threats across the country, and what LCOs can do this fall to help grass rebound |
Bowen, Chuck. 2012. Lawn & Landscape. September. 33(9): p. 98-99. |
227807 |
[Dollar spot, gray leaf spot, crown rust, and stripe smut] | Clarke, Bruce B. 2012. Plant & Pest Advisory: Landscape, Nursery & Turf Edition. September 20. 18(14): p. 3. |
250753 |
Remote possibilities: It takes ferryboats and airplanes to find these island-based golf course superintendents, whose jobs and lifestyles differ from those of their mainland counterparts Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2012. Golf Course Management. August. 80(8): p. 44-48, 50, 52, 54. |
209730 |
Documenting what you see |
Kaminski, John E. 2012. Golf Course Industry. August. 24(8): p. 22. |
211198 |
RNA-Seq analysis of the Sclerotinia homoeocara - Creeping bentgrass pathosystem |
Orshinsky, Angela M.; Hu, Jinnan; Opiyo, Stephen O.; Reddyvari-Channarayappa, Venu; Mitchell, Thomas K.; Boehm, Michael J. 2012. PloS ONE. August. 7(8): p. e41150 [1-13]. |
272614 |
Molecular detection and host adaptation of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, the causal agent of dollar spot of turfgrass |
Aynardi, B. A.; Jimenez-Gasco, M. M.; Uddin, W. 2012. Phytopathology. July. 102(7S): p. S4.7-S4.8. |
209790 |
Irrigation management for the reduction of dollar spot disease of creeping bentgrass |
Dykema, N.; Vargas, J.; Frank, K.; Kirk, W. 2012. Phytopathology. July. 102(7S): p. S4.33. |
209801 |
Influence of dew removal methods and plant growth regulators on fungicide efficacy for the control of dollar spot in turf |
Huang, Y.; Landschoot, P.; Kaminski, J. 2012. Phytopathology. July. 102(7S): p. S4.56. |
209809 |
Genetic analysis of worldwide Sclerotinia homoeocarpa populations with mating type and microsatellite markers |
Putman, A.; Carbone, I.; Tredway, L. 2012. Phytopathology. July. 102(7S): p. S4.95. |
209812 |
Development of a semiselective media for enhanced detection of Sclerotinia homoeocarpa from plant tissues |
Rioux, R.; van Ryzin, B.; Kerns, J. 2012. Phytopathology. July. 102(7S): p. S4.100. |
209814 |
Multisite validation of a weather-based fungicide application advisor for the control of dollar spot of creeping bentgrass |
Smith, D. L.; Kerns, J.; Kaminski, J. E.; Horvath, B. J.; Tomaso-Peterson, M. 2012. Phytopathology. July. 102(7S): p. S4.111. |
209815 |
First report of dollar spot caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa on Agrostis stolonifera in North Dakota |
LeBoldus, J. M.; Zhang, Q.; Kinzer, K. 2012. Plant Disease. July. 96(7): p. 1071. |
209915 |
Performance of bentgrass cultivars and selections in New Jersey turf trials [2011] | Weibel, Eric N.; Lawson, Tracy J.; Dickson, William K.; Clark, Joseph B.; Murphy, James A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Meyer, William A.; Bonos, Stacy A. 2012. 2011 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 43: p. 1-40. |
268050 |
Performance of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars and selections in New Jersey turf trials [2011] | Cross, James W.; Mohr, Melissa M.; Dickson, William K.; Bara, Ronald F.; Smith, Dirk A.; Weibel, Eric N.; Clark, Joseph B.; Murphy, James A.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Meyer, William A. 2012. 2011 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 43: p. 67-155. |
268052 |
Impact of fungicides and biorational products on the suppression of dollar spot on a creeping bentgrass green, 2011 | Clarke, Bruce B.; Majumdar, Pradip R.; Pitonak, Andra; Flatley, Samantha; Alea, Stephanie; Estler, Connor; Peacos, Mark; Lawson, Tracy J.; Schmid, Charles; Hempfling, James; Clarke, Katherine; Wang, Ruying; Dickson, William K.; Clark, Joseph B. 2012. 2011 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 43: p. 269-290. |
268071 |
A taste of summer |
Bevard, Darin. 2012. United States Golf Association. June 5. p. 1-3. |
206876 |
Evidence for morphological, vegetative, genetic, and mating-type diversity in Sclerotinia homoeocarpa |
Liberti, Daniele; Rollins, Jeffrey A.; Harmon, Phillip F. 2012. Phytopathology. May. 102(5): p. 506-518. |
272623 |
Daconil Action fungicide - a new approach to disease control |
Throssell, Clark. 2012. Golfdom. May. 68(5): p. 40. |
205012 |
Timing and frequency effects of lightweight rolling on dollar spot disease in creeping bentgrass putting greens Access Restrictions |
Giordano, Paul R.; Nikolai, Thomas A.; Hammerschmidt, Ray; Vargas, Joseph M. Jr. 2012. Crop Science. May. 52(3): p. 1371-1378. |
203712 |
The association between in vitro propiconazole sensitivity and field efficacy of five New England Sclerotinia homoeocarpa populations |
Popko, James T.; Ok, Chang-Ho; Campbell-Nelson, Katie; Jung, Geunhwa. 2012. Plant Disease. April. 96(4): p. 552-561. |
272620 |
Dollar spot control in cool season grass fairways |
Throssell, Clark. 2012. Golfdom. April. 68(4): p. 28. |
202756 |
Seasonal development of dollar spot epidemics in six creeping bentgrass cultivars in Maryland |
Ryan, Christopher P.; Dernoeden, Peter H.; Grybauskas, Arvydas P. 2012. HortScience. March. 47(3): p. 422-426. |
200571 |
Influence of winter on plant pathogens | Kerns, Jim. 2012. The Grass Roots. March/April. 41(2): p. 14. |
203254 |
Biology and control of dollar spot disease |
Hsiang, Tom. 2012. The Dogwood. Spring. p. 25-28. |
229017 |
Turf diseases: When and where to look and how to identify them | Mabbett, Terry. 2012. Greenkeeper International. February. p. 56-58, 60-61. |
206001 |
Removing dew to get more from your fungicide program |
Delvalle, Tanner; Landschoot, Peter; Kaminski, John. 2012. TurfGrass TRENDS. February. p. 61-63. |
198741 |
Chromosomal regions associated with dollar spot resistance in colonial bentgrass |
Rotter, David; Merewitz, Emily; Huang, Bingru; Belanger, Faith C. 2012. Plant Breeding. February. 131(1): p. 193-197. |
195939 |
Why lightweight rolling decreases dollar spot: Daily rolling can result in significant dollar spot reductions regardless of the time of day the practice is implemented Access Restrictions |
Giordano, Paul R.; Vargas, Joseph M. Jr.; Nikolai, Thomas A.; Hammerschmidt, Ray. 2012. Golf Course Management. February. 80(2): p. 138-142. |
198310 |
Determining the true identity of the pathogen causing dollar spot disease in turfgrass |
Beirn, L. A.; Tredway, L. P.; Boehm, M. J.; Orshinksy, A. M.; Carbone, I.; Clarke, B. B.; Crouch, J. 2012. Phytopathology. January. 102(1S): p. S1.1. |
219302 |
How do plants defend themselves from pathogens? |
Kerns, Jim. 2012. Hole Notes. January/February. 44(1): p. 10-13. |
199164 |
Overexpression of the BcatrD homolog from Sclerotinia homoeocarpa field isolates which exhibit practical field resistance to propiconazole |
Hulvey, J.; Popko, J.; Sang, H.; Jung, G. 2012. Phytopathology. Supplement 1. 102(1): p. S1.4. |
219311 |
National Zoysiagrass Test - 2007: Progress Report 2010 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2011. Beltsville, Maryland: Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. iii, 12 pp. |
185135 |
National Bentgrass (Fairway/Tee) Test - 2008: Progress Report 2010 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2011. Beltsville, Maryland: National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc. xii, 68 pp. |
185147 |
National Bentgrass (Putting Green) Test - 2008: Progress Report 2010 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2011. Beltsville, Maryland: National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc. vi, 61, [1] pp. |
185148 |
National Kentucky Bluegrass Test - 2005: Progress Report 2010 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2011. Beltsville, Maryland: Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation. iv, 94 pp. |
186254 |
National Kentucky Bluegrass Test - 2005: Final Report 2006-2010 | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. 2011. Beltsville, Maryland: Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and National Turfgrass Federation. v, 153 pp. |
193896 |
Dollar Spot | Dicklow, M. Bess; Popko, James. 2011. Amherst, Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts, Amherst. [1] p. Revised Edition. |
194895 |