Keyword: Drainage water
Showing items 1 to 51 of 51.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Environmental and economic comparison between Capillary Hydroponic System and Variable Depth Rootzone to promote sustainable putting green management | Nikolai, T. A.; Rabe, Mike; Zhang, W.; Frank, K.; Horgan, B. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 387-390. |
336659 |
Perennial ryegrass quality affected by acidification of irrigation water | Sevostianova, Elena; Leinauer, Bernhard; Serena, Matteo. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 118566. |
310334 |
A new index for sodicity risk assessment of irrigation water |
Zhou, Qiyu; Soldat, Doug; Bleam, William. 2018. Golfdom. May. 74(5): p. 37. |
298270 |
Elemental concentrations in urban green stormwater infrastructure soils |
Kondo, Michelle C.; Sharma, Raghav; Plante, Alain F.; Yang, Yunwen; Burstyn, Igor. 2016. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 45(1): p. 107-118. |
268456 |
Understanding water relations in mixes for sand-channel drains |
Hummel, Norman W. 2014. USGA Green Section Record. August 8. 52(16): p. 1-5. |
247713 |
Estimated nitrate loadings from lawns, irrigated cropland, and on-site wastewater to an aquifer in Ogden Valley, Utah Access Restrictions |
Reuben, T. N.; Sorensen, D. L. 2014. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. May/June. 69(3): p. 243-253. |
242130 |
Addressing subsurface nutrient and pesticide loss through end-of-tile filters | King, Kevin W.; Balogh, James C.; Agrawal, Sheela G. 2012. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. October 1. 11(10): p. [1-9]. |
211276 |
A climate of change? Access Restrictions |
Isaac, Steve. 2012. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. July. 258: p. 28-29. |
208162 |
Development and application of a distributed modeling approach to assess the watershed-scale impact of drainage water management Access Restrictions |
Ale, S.; Bowling, L. C.; Owens, P. R.; Brouder, S. M.; Frankenberger, J. R. 2012. Agricultural Water Management. May. 107: p. 23-33. |
238291 |
Influence of nitrogen application rate on the extent of nitrogen leaching | Petrovic, A. Martin. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 67118. |
193300 |
Water conservation team in ornamental crops through the use of alternative irrigation water sources Access Restrictions |
Niu, Genhua; Cabrera, Raul I.; Starman, Terri W.; Hall, Charles R. 2011. HortTechnology. December. 21(6): p. 694-695. |
195993 |
Use of industrial byproducts to filter phosphorus and pesticides in golf green drainage water |
Agrawal, Sheela G.; King, Kevin W.; Moore, James F.; Levison, Phil; McDonald, Jon. 2011. Journal of Environmental Quality. July. 40(4): p. 1273-1280. |
185608 |
Use of industrial by-products and natural minerals to filter nutrients and pesticides in golf green drainage water | King, Kevin W.; Agrawal, Sheela G.; Moore, James F.; Balogh, Jim C. 2010. 2010 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 43. |
173875 |
Dissolved organic matter loads in surface runoff water under different land uses | Yang, Yuangen; He, Zhenli; Liang, Zhanbei; Wang, Yanbo; Stoffella, Peter J.; Yang, Xiaoe. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 52612. |
158992 |
Interaction of phosphorus and dissolved organic carbon in runoff and drainage water | Schnell, Ronnie; Vietor, Donald; Munster, Clyde L.; Provin, Tony; White, Richard. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 54095. |
158997 |
From golf to gulf, drainage industry greens |
Comis, Don; Suszkiw, Jan. 2009. Agricultural Research. January. 57(1): p. 4-7. |
143897 |
Renovation: Richland Country Club Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Erickson, Brad. [200x]. 6:13. |
137941 |
In the trenches: Drainage solutions for surface water woes |
White, Patrick. 2007. Turf: Central. May. 18(5): p. B12-B15, B22. |
144750 |
[Re: Houston Chronical article] |
Wright, John. 2007. SportsField Management. March. 2(2[3]): p. 19. |
123482 |
Leaching of fungicides from golf greens: Quantification and risk assessment | Jarvis, Nicholas. 2006. Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation Research and Development Yearbook 2006. p. 16-17. |
173229 |
Pennsylvania Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Pennsylvania Department of Environment Protection. 2006. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Department of Environmental Protection. 8, 8, 24, 13, 13, 87, 249, 30, 55, 34, 40, 16, 22, 28, 11 pp. |
131660 |
Investigating the need to control the rate of surplus water flow off urban sports pitches Access Restrictions |
Jaaback, Gordon. 2005. International Turfgrass Society Annexe - Technical Papers 2005. 10: p. 13-14. |
105312 |
Simulation of pesticide leaching in a cracking clay soil with the PEARL model Access Restrictions |
Júnior, Rômulo P. Scorza; Boesten, Jos JTI. 2005. Pest Management Science. May. 61(5): p. 432-448. |
103919 |
Down the tubes: The benefits of subsurface drainage Access Restrictions |
Van Roestel, John. 2005. GreenMaster. February. 40(1): p. 26-28. |
103375 |
Golf Course Turf Management: Tools and Techniques |
Quast, Danny H.; Otto, Wayne. 2004. New York: McGraw-Hill. xvii, 520 pp. |
92902 |
Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Cooke, Richard A., ed. 2004. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. ix, 477 pp. |
113665 |
Implementing controlled-drainage technology to reduce nitrate loss in drainage water |
Fouss, J. L.; Skaggs, R. W.; Fausey, N. R.; Pitts, D. J. 2004. p. 16. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122434 |
Nutrient levels in drainage water affected by turf management Access Restrictions |
111434 |
Nutrient levels in drainage water affected by turf management |
King, K. W.; Balogh, J. C.; Fausey, N. R. 2004. p. 181-196. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122689 |
Evaluation of salt-tolerant forages for sequential water reuse systems I. Biomass production Access Restrictions |
Grattan, S. R.; Grieve, C. M.; Poss, J. A.; Robinson, P. H.; Suarez, D. L.; Benes, S. E. 2004. Agricultural Water Management. November 25. 70(2): p. 109-120. |
107723 |
Evaluation of salt-tolerant forages for sequential water reuse systems III. Potential implications for ruminant mineral nutrition Access Restrictions |
Grattan, S. R.; Grieve, C. M.; Poss, J. A.; Robinson, P. H.; Suarez, D. L.; Benes, S. E. 2004. Agricultural Water Management. November 25. 70(2): p. 137-150. |
107720 |
Nitrate leaching under grassland as affected by mineral nitrogen fertilization and cattle urine |
Decau, M. L.; Simon, J. C.; Jacquet, A. 2004. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 33(2): p. 637-644. |
94805 |
Leaching of pesticides through normal-tillage and low-tillage soil - a lysimeter study. I. Isoproturon Access Restrictions |
Fomsgaard, Inge S.; Spliid, Niels Henrik; Felding, Gitte. 2003. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. January. p. 1-18. |
115064 |
Leaching of pesticides through normal-tillage and low-tillage soil - a lysimeter study. II. Glyphosate Access Restrictions |
Fomsgaard, Inge S.; Spliid, Niels Henrik; Felding, Gitte. 2003. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. January. B38(1): p. 19-35. |
115083 |
Appliance of science pinpoints Upton by Chester GC drainage needs |
Saull, Mike. 2002. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 22-25. |
84310 |
Chemical and physical stability of calcareous sands used for putting green construction | Miltner, Eric. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 10. |
72289 |
Turf drainage: Theory | Sheard, R. 1998. Sports Turf Manager. June. 11(2): p. 5-6. |
53231 |
Water and chemical management system for the turfgrass industry - 1994 progress | Kachanoski, G.; Gillespie, T.; Wagner-Riddle, C.; Voroney, P.; Thurtell, Steve. 1994. 1994 Annual Research Report [Guelph]. 8: p. 51. |
37677 |
Conservation Club research funding | Anonymous. 1994. Sports Turf Newsletter [STA]. March. 7(1): p. 3. |
33199 |
Working on water: Do you spend the winter draining gallons of water off your turf, only to spend the summer paying thousands to spray it back on? If so, you should consider water farming |
Williams, Mike. 1992. TURF Management. December. p. 15-16. |
293296 |
Kiawah Island's Ocean Course: Vision in the sand: An expansive drainage system beneath the course works to protect nearby wetland and fully utilize valuable water sources Access Restrictions |
Kahler, Kirk E. 1991. Golf Course Management. August. 59(8): p. 6-7, 10, 16, 18-20. |
21539 |
Fertilizers, water and the environment - The Swan Coastal Plain in crisis |
Yeates, John. 1988. Australian Golf Course Superintendents' Association 10th National Turf Grass Conference [Proceedings]. p. [9]. |
291167 |
Fertilizers, water and the environment - The Swan Coastal Plan [Plain] in crisis |
Yeates, J. S.; Humphries, R. B. 1988. Australian Golf Course Superintendents' Association 10th National Turf Grass Conference [Proceedings]. p. [41-46]. |
291186 |
The nutritional and water requirements of bentgrass on all-sand rooting media |
Sheard, R. W.; Haw, M. A. 1982. 1982 Turfgrass Research Annual Report [Guelph]. p. 13-15. |
102362 |
[Tricalcium arsenate runoff and drainage] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1979. Golf Course Management. March. 47(3): p. 96. |
18527 |
[Maximizing garden hose life] Access Restrictions |
Johnson, Gary F. 1979. Golf Course Management. March. 47(3): p. 99. |
125408 |
Growth of Sudan and tall fescue grasses as influenced by irrigation water salinity and leaching fraction |
Bower, C. A.; Ogata, G.; Tucker, J. M. 1970. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 62(6): p. 793-794. |
12674 |
Drainage - panel discussion |
Phillips, John S. 1954. 1954 Annual Conference Mid-Atlantic Association of GolfCourse Superintendents. p. 34-37. |
140420 |
[Installing water system and analysis of water] Access Restrictions |
Dawson, R. B. 1930. The Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. October. 1(3): p. 161. |
104070 |
Drainage on the golf course | Dearie, Edward B. Jr. 1930. The National Greenkeeper. July. 4(7): p. 11-16, 32. |
132149 |
Drainage eliminates uninvited Los Angeles hazard | Anonymous. 1929. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. September. 3(9): p. 21. |
176347 |