Keyword: Drainage
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Road pavement construction |
Spriggs, David. 2005. Proceedings of the Third New Zealand Sports Turf Conference and Trade Show. 3: p. 129-133. |
140993 |
Not just a golf course |
Murray, Richard. 2006[2005]. Pitchcare. December/January. 4: p. 30, 32-33. |
145460 |
December rugby diary 2005: [December tasks for rugby union] |
Gale, Laurence. 2005. December 16. p. [1-4]. |
148945 |
Putting green drainage, drainage, drainage: Just as location is important in real estate, drainage is the foundation of any good putting green. |
Baird, James H. 2005. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 43(6): p. 16-21. |
107836 |
After the flood | Bruce, Jeffrey L. 2005. SportsTurf. November. 21(11): p. 22-24. |
134581 |
November rugby diary 2005: [November tasks for rugby union, frequency and reason too] |
Gale, Laurence. 2005. November 2. p. [1-5]. |
148957 |
November tennis diary 2005: [Saturated soil, disease outbreak, and earthworms] |
Gale, Laurence. 2005. November 4. p. [1-5]. |
158553 |
Rains pound Northeastern courses: Wet October follows long, hot summer |
Klein, Bradley S. 2005. Golfweek's SuperNEWS. November 11. 7(20): p. 2, 8. |
115747 |
To play or not play, wear is the question? Access Restrictions |
Gingell, Steve. 2005. International Turfgrass Bulletin. October. 230: p. 29-34. |
109077 |
Runoff research positive for course maintenance Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2005. Golf Course Management. October. 73(10): p. 20. |
107127 |
Putting the course to bed Access Restrictions |
Laidlaw, Sharon. 2005. GreenMaster. October. 40(4[5]): p. 29-31. |
119843 |
A hole lotta love! |
Gale, Laurence. 2005. Pitchcare. October/November. 3: p. 22-25. |
144924 |
Where needles adare! |
Anonymous. 2005. Pitchcare. October/November. 3: p. 26. |
145363 |
Restricting drainage outfall...: The lack of suitable drainage outfall is a headache for Hertforshire County Council: Gordon Jaaback, HCC's agronomist and project manager, explains how they overcame the problem |
Jaaback, Gordon. 2005. Pitchcare. October/November. 3: p. 32-33. |
145367 |
Earthworms: Friend or foe! |
Bartlett, Mark. 2005. Pitchcare. October/November. 3: p. 42-43. |
145374 |
Stratford-on-Avon GC: Warwickshire, United Kingdom |
Reynolds, John. 2005. Golf Course Architecture. October. 2: p. 47. |
123457 |
Architect, architect, architect: Kyle Phillips says that developers should engage an architect first, then use his skills to select a good site for their planned course |
Anonymous. 2005. Golf Course Architecture. October. 2: p. 52. |
123460 |
Fairway topdressing: Is it worth the price? |
Baird, James H. 2005. Tee to Green [NY]. September/October. p. 2-4. |
114331 |
Underlayment can affect drainage, hardness | Anonymous. 2005. SportsTurf. September. 21(9): p. 27-28. |
109771 |
Passion for pushing the limits: Green roof design presents new challenges and opportunities |
White, Patrick. 2005. Landscape Construction. September. 3(9): p. 17-19, 22. |
110951 |
North Scott Community (IA) wins Schools/Parks Soccer FOY | Anonymous. 2005. SportsTurf. August. 21(8): p. 20, 22. |
109780 |
Getting ahead of field design and construction | Puhalla, Jim. 2005. SportsTurf. August. 21(8): p. 34-36. |
109782 |
Maintaining majestic Madejski |
Elliot, Bruce. 2005. Pitchcare. August/September. 2: p. 12-13. |
145366 |
From this to this: The industry needs to provide cost effective maintenance suggestions and solutions, along with proper working practices, machinery and services |
Breeden, Sam. 2005. Pitchcare. August/September. 2: p. 44-45. |
145400 |
Building a better bunker |
Anonymous. 2005. Tee to Green [NY]. July/August. p. 2-6. |
114323 |
Evaluating recycled waters for golf course irrigation |
Harivandi, M. Ali. 2005. Green is Beautiful. July. p. 16-20. |
121155 |
[Material for backfilling fairway drainage trenches] | USGA Green Section. 2005. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 43(4): p. 1. |
105252 |
Prior planning and prudent preparation | Trigg, Mike. 2005. SportsTurf. July. 21(7): p. 7. |
134450 |
Microbes in soil and sand-based rootzones | Zuberer, David A. 2005. SportsTurf. July. 21(7): p. 8, 10-12. |
134451 |
Strategies for overused fields | Cockerham, Steve. 2005. SportsTurf. June. 21(6): p. 8, 10-12. |
134436 |
A matter of moss |
Peart, Andrew. 2005. Australian Turfgrass Management. June/July. 7(3): p. 44-46. |
105971 |
RAC call in TurfTrax: Long-standing water problem resolved at the Royal Automobile Club | Anonymous. 2005. Pitchcare. June/July. 1: p. 30. |
145379 |
Sizing up athletic field renovations |
Maguire, Patrick. 2005. Turf & Recreation. April/May. 18(3): p. 28, 30-32, 34. |
104421 |
Layering in soils | Anonymous. 2005. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. April 4. p. [1-2]. |
139787 |
When ice kills | Stier, John. 2005. The Grass Roots. March/April. 34(2): p. 4-5, 7. |
103467 |
Land application of domestic effluent onto four soil types: Plant uptake and nutrient leaching |
Barton, L.; Schipper, L. A.; Barkle, G. F.; McLeod, M.; Speir, T. W.; Taylor, M. D.; McGill, A. C.; van Schaik, A. P.; Fitzgerald, N. B.; Pandey, S. P. 2005. Journal of Environmental Quality. March/April. 34(2): p. 635-643. |
115045 |
Trials and tribulations in Triple A | Allen, Kari. 2005. SportsTurf. March. 21(3): p. 42-45. |
109793 |
Creating quality turfgrass by design, and Landscape Architect |
Wilczynski, Chris. 2005. California Fairways. March/April. 14(2): p. 10-12. |
103516 |
Keep softball maintenance costs in the ballpark | Novak, Mark; Maguire, Patrick. 2005. SportsTurf. February. 21(2): p. 20-22. |
109742 |
A maintained hazard: Superintendents devote a lot of time, money and labor into making bunkers look as natural as possible | Saunders, Doug. 2005. Golf Course News. February. 17(2): p. 52-54. |
101650 |
Getting along: Courses offer tips for coexisting with neighbors | Rice, Derek. 2005. Golf Course News. February. 17(2): p. 56-58. |
101653 |
Bunkers with a silver lining: Ritz Carlton courses find solution to washouts with new liner, sand delivery systems |
Dunlap, Jim. 2005. Golf Inc. February. 14(2): p. 37. |
101352 |
Garbage in, golf out: Former landfills near Boston become 27 holes of golf |
Hazelrigg, George. 2005. Landscape Architecture. January. p. 54-62. |
100994 |
Special report: "How 'green' are you bunkers?" Access Restrictions |
Owen, Andy; Baker, Stephen. 2005. International Turfgrass Bulletin. January. 227: p. 5-7. |
105496 |
So where did all the moss come from? Access Restrictions |
Watson, Simon. 2005. International Turfgrass Bulletin. January. 227: p. 22-25. |
105503 |
Trials focus on water and reduced management |
Nickson, David. 2005. Turf Craft International. January/February. 100: p. 42, 44. |
101401 |
[Pop-ups and bunkers] | USGA Green Section. 2005. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 43(1): p. 38. |
100739 |
Divided by a common language: Particle size, sand standards and suppliers |
Hummel, Norman. 2005. Superintendent: The Magazine for Golf Course Superintendents. January. 4(1): p. 14-16. |
100106 | |
The holidays are over: Where did all of the snow go? | Happ, Keith. 2005. USGA World Wide Web Site. January 3. p. [1]. |
111142 |
January rugby diary 2005: [January tasks, frequency, and reason for rugby] |
Gale, Laurence. 2005. January 12. p. [1-5]. |
151450 |
USGA Recommendations for a Method of Putting Green Construction | Green Section Staff, United States Golf Association. 2004. Far Hills, New Jersey: Green Section, United States Golf Association. 10 pp. |
94463 |
Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Cooke, Richard A., ed. 2004. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. ix, 477 pp. |
113665 |
Landscape and Grounds Management Guidelines: Environmental Stewardship |
City of Seattle Office of Environmental Management. 200X. Seattle, WA: City of Seattle Office of Environmental Management. 8 pp. |
115894 |
Instalación: Manual de Entrenamiento Paisajista Para Técnicos en Instalación de Parques ([Installation: Training Manual for Technicians in the Installation of Landscaped Parks]) |
Associated Landscape Contractors of America. 2004. Herndon, Virginia: Associated Landscape Contractors of America. iv, 154 pp. |
116586 |
Curly dock - Rumex crispus | Anonymous. [200x]. MSU p. [1-5]. |
124790 | |
Lawnscaping: Shape the Perfect Landscape Around Your Lawn |
The Scotts Company. 2004. Des Moines, Iowa: Meredith Books. 192 pp. 1st Edition. |
128771 |
Cao Ping Guan Gai Yu Pai Shui Gong Cheng Xue (Turf Irrigation and Drainage Engineering) |
Su, Derong, ed. 2004. Beijing: Zhongguo nong ye chu ban she [Beijing: China Agriculture Publishing House]. [5], 3, 8, 317 pp. 1st Edition. |
130524 |
Green Industry Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Conservation and Protection of Water Resources in Colorado | Wright Water Engineers, Inc. 2004. Denver, Colorado: The Green Industries of Colorado. [194] pp. 2nd Edition. |
130624 |
Turfgrass in shaded areas |
Janssen, Don. [200x]. UNL Extension in Lancaster County. p. [1]. |
134991 | |
ID and Control of Annual Bluegrass and Rough Bluegrass in Lawns | Reicher, Zac; Bigelow, Cale; Patton, Aaron. 2004. West Lafayette, Indiana: Cooperative Extension Service, Turfgrass Science, Department of Agronomy, Purdue University. [3] pp. |
149494 |
Implementing controlled-drainage technology to reduce nitrate loss in drainage water |
Fouss, J. L.; Skaggs, R. W.; Fausey, N. R.; Pitts, D. J. 2004. p. 16. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122434 |
Nitrate losses to subsurface drains as affected by winter cover crop, fertilizer N rates, and drain spacing |
Kladivko, E. J.; Frankenberger, J. R.; Jenkinson, B. J.; Fausey, N. R. 2004. p. 51-58. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122444 |
Potential methods for reducing nitrate losses in artificially drained fields |
Jaynes, Dan B.; Kaspar, Tom C.; Moorman, Tom B.; Parkin, Tim B. 2004. p. 59-69. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122316 |
Field testing of the nitrogen model, DRAINMOD-N II, for North Carolina soils |
Youssef, M. A.; Skaggs, R. W.; Cheschier, G. M.; Gilliam, J. W. 2004. p. 171-180. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122682 |
Nutrient levels in drainage water affected by turf management Access Restrictions |
111434 |
Nutrient levels in drainage water affected by turf management |
King, K. W.; Balogh, J. C.; Fausey, N. R. 2004. p. 181-196. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122689 |
Observed and simulated water tables depths in subsurface drained soils in northwest Minnesota |
Jin, Chang-Xing; Sands, Gary R.; Hansen, Bradley. 2004. p. 228-240. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122738 |
Effects pf different drain depths on nutrient leaching of lowland soils in North-East Germany |
Behrendt, Axel; Schalitz, Gisbert; Mueller, Lothar; Schindler, Uwe. 2004. p. 241-245. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122739 |
Application of watershed scale models to predict nitrogen loading from coastal plain watersheds |
Chescheir, G. M.; Fernandez, G.; Skaggs, R. W.; Amatya, D. M. 2004. p. 291-301. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122741 |
Simple methods for predicting annual subsurface drainage and surface runoff from drained lands |
Skaggs, R. Wayne; Evans, Robert O.; Chescheir, G. M. 2004. p. 367-376. In: Cooke, Richard A., ed. Drainage VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Drainage Symposium. St. Joseph, Michigan: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. |
122743 |
CO2 content in golf green rhizosphere | Chong, S.-K.; Boniak, Richard; Indorante, S.; Ok, C.-H.; Buschschulte, D. 2004. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 18(2): p. 97-104. |
133285 |
Eignung von Quarzsanden als Gerüstbaustoff im Sportplatzbau: Tiel III: Empfehlungen ([Suitability of quarz sands as subsoil in the construction of sports fields: Part 3: Recommendations]) |
Matthies, Dietmar; Wolf, Bettina. 2004. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. December. 35(4): p. 60-63. |
79752 |
Construction methods for public sector and professional sports pitches: A review Access Restrictions |
Baker, Stephen. W. 2004. Acta Horticulturae. November. 661: p. 27-37. |
101560 |
The effects of wear on three soils and two turfgrass mixtures for soccer grounds Access Restrictions |
Ryeneri, A.; Bruno, G. 2004. Acta Horticulturae. November. 661: p. 49-52. |
101685 |
Soccer pitches performances as affected by construction method, sand type and turfgrass mixture Access Restrictions |
Magni, S.; Volterrani, M.; Miele, S. 2004. Acta Horticulturae. November. 661: p. 281-285. |
102222 |
Improvement of the drainage capacity in sports turf Access Restrictions |
Cereti, C. F.; Rossini, F.; Romoli, F. 2004. Acta Horticulturae. November. 661: p. 315-318. |
102341 |
Preparing for the drainage project | White, Bud. 2004. USGA World Wide Web Site. November 11. p. [1-2]. |
111032 |
Evaluation of salt-tolerant forages for sequential water reuse systems II. Plant-ion relations Access Restrictions |
Grieve, C. M.; Poss, J. A.; Grattan, S. R.; Suarez, D. L.; Benes, S. E.; Robinson, P. H. 2004. Agricultural Water Management. November 25. 70(2): p. 121-135. |
107733 |
Evaluation of salt-tolerant forages for sequential water reuse systems III. Potential implications for ruminant mineral nutrition Access Restrictions |
Grattan, S. R.; Grieve, C. M.; Poss, J. A.; Robinson, P. H.; Suarez, D. L.; Benes, S. E. 2004. Agricultural Water Management. November 25. 70(2): p. 137-150. |
107720 |
Construction methods: Theory and practice Access Restrictions |
Adams, W. A. 2004. International Turfgrass Bulletin. October. 226: p. 26-30. |
99034 |
A contractor's personal view on: The past, the present and the future of sports turf Access Restrictions |
Mallinson, John. 2004. International Turfgrass Bulletin. October. 226: p. 43-46. |
99145 |
Construction materials and technology Access Restrictions |
Jefford, Peter. 2004. International Turfgrass Bulletin. October. 226: p. 65-69. |
99150 |
Watch out for winter: Tips to make your irrigation system safe for the upcoming months | Waller, Rod. 2004. Grounds Maintenance. October. 39(10): p. C8, C10, C13-C14, C16. |
136511 |
Topdressing: An ol' drainage standby - and more | Pioppi, Anthony. 2004. Golfdom. September. 60(9): p. 92, 94. |
98947 |
Eignung von Quarzsanden als Gerüstbaustoff im Sportplatzbau: Teil II: Ursachen von Verfestigung und mangelnder Drainage in Rasentragschichten ([Suitability of quartz sands as subsoil in the construction of sports fields: Part 2: Causes of compaction and poor drainage in root zone mixtures]) |
Wolf, Bettina; Matthies, Dietmar; Magel, Gabriele; Fehr, Thomas. 2004. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. September. 35(3): p. 46-52. |
118476 |
Jon DeWitt, Wesleyan School win HS Football FOY | Trusty, Suz. 2004. SportsTurf. September. 20(9): p. 8-11. |
134667 |
Golfing toward a greener environment |
Anonymous. 2004. Global Forum for Sports and Environment (G-ForSE) Web Site. September 24. p. [1]. |
108123 | |
Labor Day reflections | Bevard, Darin S. 2004. USGA World Wide Web Site. September 3. p. [1]. |
111116 |
Winterization overview - Preparing your irrigation system for freeze |
McWhirter, Rod. 2004. Golf Course Management Web Exclusives. August. p. [1-5]. |
97274 |
The effects of sod cutting and additional liming on potential net nitrification in heathland soils Access Restrictions |
Dorland, E.; van den Berg, L. J. L.; van de Berg, A. J.; Vermeer, M. L.; Roelofs, J. G. M.; Bobbink, R. 2004. Plant and Soil. August. 265(1/2): p. 267-277. |
100889 |
Exposure to sulfosulfuron in agricultural drainage ditches: Field monitoring and scenario-based modelling Access Restrictions |
Brown, Colin D.; Dubus, Igor G.; Fogg, Paul; Spirlet, Marie; Gustin, Christophe. 2004. Pest Management Science. August. 60(8): p. 765-776. |
97471 |
Tough pitch |
Middleton, Sarah. 2004. The Groundsman. August. 58(8): p. 18-20. |
98212 |
How turfgrass aids in stormwater management and eliminates need for stormwater ponds | Kelly, Mike. 2004. Hole Notes. August. 35(7): p. 5. |
99214 |
George Mason University earns STMA's 2003 Soccer FOY | Trusty, Suz. 2004. SportsTurf. August. 20(8): p. 8-11. |
134516 |
Effective renovation of bermudagrass athletic fields | Bruneau, Art; Cooper, Rich; Reynolds, Casey. 2004. TurfFiles: NCSU Web Site. August 1. p. 18-21. |
136664 | |
A bunker named Billy: A former superintendent fights back against bunker washout with a product he shares a name with |
Phillips, Hal. 2004. Golf Course Management Web Exclusives. July. p. [1-4]. |
96658 |
What to renovate? |
Chang, Lee. 2004. Through The Green [GA]. July/August. p. 12-13. |
96845 |
Fredericksburg gets a new sports facility complex |
Antozzi, Robert K. 2004. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. July/August. p. 18-20. |
97014 |
Heavy metal contamination of soils along roadsides in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria Access Restrictions |
Ideriah, T. J. K.; Braide, S. A.; Izonfuo, W. A. L.; Adiukwu, P. U. 2004. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. July. 73(1): p. 67-70. |
97276 |
Summer Olympics baseball field |
Anonymous. 2004. Mountain West Turf. July/August. 4(3): p. 28. |
98517 |