Keyword: Ecosystem services
Showing items 1 to 75 of 75.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Linkages between plant functional diversity and soil-based ecosystem services in urban and peri-urban vacant lots Access Restrictions |
Mendes, Poliana; Bourgeois, Bérenger; Pellerin, Stéphanie; Ziter, Carly D.; Cimon-Morin, Jérôme; Poulin, Monique. 2024. Urban Ecosystems. August. 27(4): p. 1011-1026. |
339363 |
Examining regulating ecosystem service provision by brownfield and park typologies and their urban distribution |
Preston, Paul D.; Dunk, Rachel M.; Smith, Graham R.; Cavan, Gina. 2024. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. May. 95: p. 128311 [1-15]. |
338783 |
Economic value of the hot-day cooling provided by urban green and blue space |
Jones, Laurence; Fletcher, David; Fitch, Alice; Kuyer, Jake; Dickie, Ian. 2024. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. March. 93: p. 128212 [1-9]. |
335151 |
Renovating out-of-play areas to conservation habitat: Effects of seeding time and method on plant establishment and ecosystem services | Richmond, Douglas S.; Beard, Ryan R. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 347-354. |
336644 |
Regreening suburbia: An analysis of urban greening approaches in U.S. sprawl retrofitting projects |
Park, Keunhyun. 2023. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. October. 88: p. 128092 [1-15]. |
335779 |
Urban green spaces and sustainability: Exploring the ecosystem services and disservices of grassy lawns versus floral meadows |
Paudel, Shishir; States, Sarah L. 2023. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. June. 84: p. 127932 [1-14]. |
331559 |
Strategies for reducing inputs and emissions in turfgrass systems |
Braun, Ross C.; Straw, Chase M.; Soldat, Douglas J.; Bekken, Michael A. H.; Patton, Aaron J.; Lonsdorf, Eric V.; Horgan, Brian P. 2023. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June. 9(1): p. e20218 [1-23]. |
331107 |
Co-financing green resilient infrastructures in Copenhagen: integrated or superficial design? |
Tubridy, Daniel. 2021. Landscape Research. 46(2): p. 261-272. |
316018 |
Complexifying the urban lawn improves heat mitigation and arthropod biodiversity |
Francoeur, Xavier W.; Dagenais, Danielle; Paquette, Alain; Dupras, Jérôme; Messier, Christian. 2021. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. May. 60: p. 44205. |
315257 |
Carbon sequestration and storage potential of urban green in residential yards: A case study from Helsinki |
Ariluoma, Mari; Ottelin, Juudit; Hautamäki, Ranja. 2021. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. January. 57: p. 1-12. |
315621 |
A justification for continued management of turfgrass during economic contraction |
Brosnon, James; Chandra, Ambika; Gaussoin, Roch E.; Kowalewski, Alec; Leinauer, Bernd; Rossi, Frank S.; Soldat, Douglas J.; Stier, John C.; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2020. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. 5(1): p. 1-8. |
315579 |
Soil physiochemical properties and carbon sequestration of urban landscapes in Lubbock, TX, USA Access Restrictions |
Sapkota, Manish; Young, Joseph; Coldren, Cade; Slaughter, Lindsey; Longing, Scott. 2020. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. December. 56: p. 44203. |
315324 |
"Sealed in San José: Paving of front yards diminishes urban forest resource and benefits in low-density residential neighborhoods Access Restrictions |
Lacan, Igor; Moanga, Diana; McBride, Joe R.; Butsic, Van. 2020. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. October. 54: p. [1-10]. |
315134 |
Neighbourhood character affects the spatial extent and magnitude of the functional footprint of urban green infrastructure |
Andersson, Erik; Haase, Dagmer; Scheuer, Sebastian; Wellmann, Thilo. 2020. Landscape Ecology. July. 35(7): p. 1605-1618. |
315294 |
Initial trends in ecosystem service metrics of urban agriculture in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN | Nicklay, Jennifer A.; Cadieux, K. Valentine; Jelinski, Nicolas A.; LaBine, Kat; Rogers, Mary; Small, Gaston. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120821. |
309527 |
Can a golf course support biodiversity and ecosystem services? The landscape context matter Access Restrictions |
Petrosillo, Irene; Valente, Donatella; Pasimeni, Maria Rita; Aretano, Roberta; Semeraro, Teodoro; Zurlini, Giovanni. 2019. Landscape Ecology. October. 34(10): p. 2213-2228. |
309104 |
Turfgrass cultivar diversity provides associational resistance in the absence of pest resistant cultivars Access Restrictions |
Doherty, Ethan M.; Meagher, Robert L.; Dale, Adam G. 2019. Environmental Entomology. June. 48(3): p. 623-632. |
307591 |
Microclimatic resilience of subtropical woodlands and urban-forest benefits Access Restrictions |
Fung, Charmaine K. W.; Jim, C. Y. 2019. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. June. 42: p. 100-112. |
323808 |
Drone-based structure-from-motion photogrammetry captures grassland sward height variability Access Restrictions |
Forsmoo, Joel; Anderson, Karen; Macleod, Christopher J. A.; Wilkinson, Mark E.; Brazier, Richard. 2018. Journal of Applied Ecology. November. 55(6): p. 2587-2599. |
302855 |
Ecosystem services in urban and suburban landscapes Access Restrictions |
Reynolds, Casey. 2018. Turf News [TPI]. November/December. 42(6): p. 106-109. |
305228 |
Monitoring the impact of hedgerows and grass strips on the performance of multiple ecosystem service indicators Access Restrictions |
Van Vooren, Laura; Reubens, Bert; Ampoorter, Evy; Broekx, Steven; Pardon, Paul; Van Waes, Chris; Verheyen, Kris. 2018. Environmental Management. August. 62(2): p. 241-259. |
299615 |
Assessing the sensitivity of urban ecosystem service maps to input spatial data resolution and method choice Access Restrictions |
Zhao, Chang; Sander, Heather A. 2018. Landscape and Urban Planning. July. 175: p. 11-22. |
299767 |
Alternative uses for marginal cropland |
Hmielowski, Tracy. 2018. CSA News. May. 63(5): p. 4-7. |
298296 |
Current and historical land use influence soil-based ecosystem services in an urban landscape Access Restrictions |
Ziter, Carly; Turner, Monica G. 2018. Ecological Applications. April. 28(3): p. 643-654. |
297726 |
Current and historical land use influence soil-based ecosystem services in an urban landscape Access Restrictions |
Ziter, Carly; Turner, Monica G. 2018. Ecological Applications. April. 28(3): p. 643-654. |
305227 |
Smart Lawn Alternatives to Protect Pollinators |
Saeed, Abi; Krans, Rebecca. 2017. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Extension, Michigan State University. [3] pp. |
286062 |
Impacts of Urban Greenspace Management on Beneficial Insect Communities |
Spring, MaLisa Rose. 2017. M.S. Thesis: Ohio State University. xiii, 108 pp. |
313699 |
Examples and the characteristics of green infrastructure implementation to alleviate flood risk in England |
Kinoshita, Takeshi; Ye, Kyungrock. 2017. [Randosukeepu Kenkyuu] [Journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture]. 80(5): p. 695-700. |
294136 |
Multifunctional golf facilities as a resource of important ecosystem services in a changing urban environment: Nordic case studies |
Jensen, Anne Mette Dahl; Caspersen, Ole Hjorth; Jensen, Frank Søndergaard; Strandberg, Maria. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-4. |
287774 |
Ecosystem services from turfgrass landscapes Access Restrictions |
Monteiro, José A. 2017. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. August. 26: p. 151-157. |
285573 |
Applying biodiversity and ecosystem function theory to turfgrass management |
Thompson, Grant L.; Kao-Kniffin, Jenny. 2017. Crop Science. July/August. 57(Supplement 1): p. S-238-S-248. |
282390 |
"Not in their front yard": The opportunities and challenges of introducing perennial urban meadows: A local authority stakeholder perspective Access Restrictions |
Hoyle, Helen; Jorgensen, Anna; Warren, Philip; Dunnett, Nigel; Evans, Karl. 2017. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. July. 25: p. 139-149. |
286575 |
Sustainable drainage system site assessment method using urban ecosystem services |
Mak, Chunglim; Scholz, Miklas; James, Philip. 2017. Urban Ecosystems. April. 20(2): p. 293-307. |
287937 |
Highest and Best Use of Urban Land: Enhancing Ecosystem Services Through Landscape Treatments Access Restrictions |
Klaw, Waverly de Bruijn. 2016. MURP Thesis: University of Colorado. x, 82 pp. |
286701 |
Multifunctional Golf Courses |
Wissman, Jörgen; Ahrné, Karin; Poeplau, Christopher; Hedblom, Marcus; Marstorp, Håkan; Ignatieva, Maria; Kätterer, Thomas. [2016]. [Uppsala, Sweden]: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; [Stockholm, Sweden]: Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation. 35 pp. |
287963 |
Multifunctionality in Golf Courses - Effects of Different Management Practices on the Ecosystem Services Carbon Sequestration and Biodiversity Summary | Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation. [2016]. [Stockholm, Sweden]: Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation. [2] pp. |
288805 |
Research towards an engineered urban soil for trees and other ecosystem services | Scharenbroch, Bryant. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99280. |
278612 |
Megacities 2050: From urbanization threats to sustainable urban development |
Vasenev, V. I.; Dovletyarova, E. A.; Plyushchukov, V. G.; Valentini, R. 2016. RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries. 11(4): p. 7-9. |
327835 |
Saproxylic beetle biodiversity in golf course habitats Access Restrictions |
Powell, Gareth S.; Shukle, John T.; Richmond, Douglas S.; Holland, Jeffrey D. 2016. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. December. 2(1): p. 1-8. |
271871 |
Balancing the ecological function of residential stormwater ponds with homeowner landscaping practices Access Restrictions |
Monaghan, Paul; Hu, Shangchun; Hansen, Gail; Ott, Emily; Nealis, Charles; Morera, Maria. 2016. Environmental Management. November. 58(5): p. 843-856. |
286436 |
Public preferences for ecosystem services on exurban landscapes: A case study from the Mid-Atlantic, USA |
Duke, Joshua M.; Bruck, Jules; Barton, Susan; Murray, Megan; Inamdar, Shreerm; Tallamy, Douglas W. 2016. Heliyon. July. 2(7): p. e00127 [1-27]. |
287352 |
The potential to increase delivery of multiple ecosystem services of urban grasslands | Hanslin, Hans Martin; Wissman, Jörgen; Aamlid, Trygve; Aspholm, Paul Eric. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 29-30. |
317632 |
Golf courses as a part of urban turf grass phenomenon: Results of swediss [Swedish] interdisciplinary research | Ignatieva, Maria; Eriksson, Fredrik; Eriksson, Tuula; Tidåker, Pernilla; Ahrné, Karin; Wissman, Jörgen; Marstop, Håkan; Poeplau, Christopher; Katterer, Thomas. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 37-38. |
317639 |
Multifunctionality on urban golf courses - A case study in the Stockholm area | Strandberg, M.; Borgström, S.; Andersson, E. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 45-46. |
317557 |
Heavy metal leaching from adaptive green roof systems sodded with tall fescue | Kaltsidi, M. P.; Ntoulas, N.; Danezis, G.; Georgiou, C.; Nektarios, P. A. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 49-50. |
317561 |
Carbon sequestration in central Chile: The effect of newly established turfgrass cover and its relationship with photosynthesis | Acuña, Alejandra; Villalobos, Luis; Pastenes, Claudio. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 173-174. |
317587 |
Estimated net ecosystem (NEE) on turfgrass at different management intensities in a golf course in the province of Verona | Zuffa, Daniele; Cevenini, Laura; Corradini, Matteo; Pasini, Ilaria; Minelli, Alberto. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 181-182. |
317653 |
Biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen in cool-season turfgrass systems | Law, Quincy D.; Patton, Aaron J. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 185. |
317655 |
Experimental evaluation of golf courses grasslands as a CO2 sink | Muñoz Vallés, S.; Diaz-Barradas, M. C.; Cambrollé, J.; Guerrero, C.; Bueno Pallero, F. A.; Dionísio, L.; Gonçalves, M. A. 2016. 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. June. p. 189-190. |
317657 |
Using assessment of net ecosystem services to promote sustainability of golf course in China Access Restrictions |
Dai, Ziyun; Puyang, Xuehua; Han, Liebao. 2016. Ecological Indicators. April. 63: p. 165-171. |
269533 |
Ecosystem services in managing residential landscapes: priorities, value dimensions, and cross-regional patterns Access Restrictions |
Larson, K. L.; Nelson, K. C.; Samples, S. R.; Hall, S. J.; Bettez, N.; Cavender-Bares, J.; Groffman, P. M.; Grove, M.; Heffernan, J. B.; Hobbie, S. E.; Learned, J.; Morse, J. L.; Neil, C.; Ogden, L. A.; O'Neil-Dunne, J.; Pataki, D. E.; Polsky, C.; Roy Chowdhury, R.; Steele, M.; Trammell, T. L. E. 2016. Urban Ecosystems. March. 19(1): p. 95-113. |
272508 |
2016 Olympics: Jacobsen in Rio |
Anonymous. 2015. Pitchcare. August/September. 62: p. 158. |
265765 |
Critical zone services: Expanding context, constraints, and currency beyond ecosystem services Access Restrictions |
Field, Jason P.; Breshears, David D.; Law, Darin J.; Villegas, Juan C.; López-Hoffman, Laura; Brooks, Paul D.; Chorover, Jon; Barron-Gafford, Greg A.; Gallery, Rachel E.; Litvak, Marcy E.; Lybrand, Rebecca A.; McIntosh, Jennifer C.; Meixner, Thomas; Niu, Guo-Yue; Papuga, Shirley A.; Pelletier, Jon D.; Rasmussen, Craig R.; Troch, Peter A. 2015. Vadose Zone Journal. January 15. 14(1): p. 1-7. |
256235 |
Extent of Kentucky bluegrass and its effect on native plant species diversity and ecosystem services in the Northern Great Plains of the United States Access Restrictions |
Toledo, David; Sanderson, Matt; Spaeth, Kenneth; Hendrickson, John; Printz, Jeff. 2014. Invasive Plant Science and Management. October-December. 7(4): p. 543-552. |
255332 |
Restoring ecosystem services of urban soils: Use of nematode community as a bio-indicator to reestablish missing links in soil food webs |
Sharma, K.; Grewal, P. S. 2014. Journal of Nematology. June. 46(2): p. 233. |
274034 |
Evaluation of the value of ecosystem services of Beijing Honghua golf course |
Dai, Zi-yun; Gao, Chen-hao; Song, Zheng; Puyang, Xue-hua; Wang, Chang-jun; Han, Lie-bao. 2014. [Caoye Xuebao] [Acta Prataculturae Sinica]. June 20. 23(3): p. 30-38. |
270952 |
Benefits of golf course naturalized areas for biological control and pollinator conservation | Dobbs, Emily K.; Potter, Daniel A. 2014. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. March/April. 13(2): p. 44-45. |
240139 |
Emerging technologies advancing forage and turf grass genomics Access Restrictions |
Kopecký , David; Studer, Bruno. 2014. Biotechnology Advances. January/February. 32(1): p. 190-199. |
269562 |
Creating Value Through Ecosystem Service Management in Urban and Suburban Landscapes | Ozment, Suzanne; MacNair, Doug; Bartell, Steve; Wyse, Barbara; Childs, Rush; Shaikh, Sabina. 2013. Washington, D. C.: World Resources Institute. 20 pp. |
231371 |
Priorities for sustainable turfgrass management - A research and industry perspective |
Strandberg, Maria. 2013. Conference Zurich 2013 [FEGGA]. p. [1-16]. |
255799 |
From Golf Course to Saltmarsh: Perceived Changes in Ecosystem Services Linked to Human Well-Being from the Noisette Creek Saltmarsh Restoration in North Charleston, South Carolina Access Restrictions |
Crimian, Robert Lawrence. 2013. M.S. Thesis: College of Charleston. ix, 148 pp. |
260239 |
Fairway to Greenway: Transformation from Golf Course to a Sustainable Community in the Seine River Access Restrictions |
Abolit, Lia Denelle. 2013. M.L.A. Thesis: University of Manitoba. 92 pp. |
260252 |
Assessment of landscape aesthetics - Validation of a landscape metrics-based assessment by visual estimation of the scenic beauty Access Restrictions |
Frank, Susanne; Fürst, Christine; Koschke, Lars; Witt, Anke; Makeschin, Franz. 2013. Ecological Indicators. September. 32: p. 222-231. |
293156 |
What are the benefits of interacting with nature? |
Keniger, Lucy E.; Gaston, Kevin J.; Irvine, Katherine N.; Fuller, Richard A. 2013. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. March. 10(3): p. 913-935. |
293656 |
Different types of open spaces and their importance to exurban homeowners Access Restrictions |
Wang, Zhifang; Nassauer, Joan I.; Marans, Robert W.; Brown, Daniel G. 2012. Society and Natural Resources. 25(4): p. 368-383. |
293374 |
Impacts of urbanization on ecosystem goods and services in the U.S. Corn Belt Access Restrictions |
Schneider, Annemarie; Logan, Kelly E.; Kucharik, Christopher J. 2012. Ecosystems. June. 15(4): p. 519-541. |
275565 |
Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus fluxes in household ecosystems in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, urban region Access Restrictions |
Fissore, C.; Baker, L. A.; Hobbie, S. E.; King, J. Y.; McFadden, J. P.; Nelson, K. C.; Jakobsdottir, I. 2011. Ecological Applications. April. 21(3): p. 619-639. |
293384 |
Nature's Way: Biodiversity & Ecosystems in Ireland | Murray, Anja. 2010. Dublin, Ireland: An Taisce, The National Trust for Ireland. [15] pp. |
258973 |
What will the neighbors think?: Cultural norms and ecological design Access Restrictions |
Nassauer, Joan Iverson; Wang, Zhifang; Dayrell, Erik. 2009. Landscape and Urban Planning. September 30. 92(3-4): p. 282-292. |
241365 |
The role of golf courses in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management |
Johan Colding; Carl Folke. 2009. Ecosystems. February. 12(2): p. 191-206. |
150928 |
Assessing the conservation value of golf courses for fox squirrels in coastal South Carolina | Jodice, Patrick G. R.; Meehan, Kris. 2005. 2005 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 48. |
110184 |
Wetland resources: Status, trends, ecosystem services, and restorability Access Restrictions |
Zedler, Joy B.; Kercher, Suzanne. 2005. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. November. 30: p. 39-74. |
224760 |
Ecosystem services in urban areas Access Restrictions |
Bolund, Per; Hunhammar, Sven. 1999. Ecological Economics. May. 29(2): p. 293-301. |
161985 |
The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital | Costanza, Robert; d'Arge, Ralph; de Groot, Rudolf; Farber, Stephen; Grasso, Monica; Hannon, Bruce; Limburg, Karin; Naeem, Shahid; O'Neill, Robert V.; Paruelo, Jose; Raskin, Robert G.; Sutton, Paul; van den Belt, Marjan. 1997. Nature. May 15. 387(6630): p. 253-260. |
253171 |
The three wise men | Pettit, Malcolm. 1982. Greenkeeper [SIGGA/EIGGA]. June. p. 12. |
265229 |