Keyword: Elymus smithii
Showing items 1 to 45 of 45.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Evaluation and breeding of Kentucky bluegrass and western wheatgrass for rapid seed germination, salt tolerance, and turf quality | Neff, Michael M. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 18-22. |
336579 |
Evaluation and breeding of Kentucky bluegrass and western wheatgrass for rapid seed germination, salt tolerance, and turf quality | Neff, Michael M. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 30-34. |
328656 |
Turfgrass performance of perennial wheatgrass species when grown as monocultures and mixtures |
Robins, Joseph G.; Bushman, B. Shaun. 2020. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 112(5): p. 3567-3578. |
313076 |
Improved wheatgrass turf for limited irrigation golf course roughs | Robins, Joseph G.; Bushman, B. Shaun. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 74-79. |
310828 |
Wheatgrass: A Suitable Native Grass Species | Meentemeyer, Blake. 2016. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
279063 |
'Recovery', a new western wheatgrass cultivar with improved seeding establishment on rangelands Access Restrictions |
Waldron, Blair L.; Jensen, Kevin B.; Palazzo, Antonio J.; Cary, Timothy J.; Robins, Joseph G.; Peel, Michael D.; Ogle, Daniel G.; St. John, Loren. 2011. Journal of Plant Registrations. September. 5(3): p. 367-373. |
187572 |
The effects of plant growth regulators on invasive and native plant species | Denight, Michael; Gebhart, Dick; Busby, Ryan; Hager, Aaron; Taylor, Steven J. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 61324. |
171002 |
Nutritive quality of four perennial grasses as affected by species, cultivar, maturity, and plant tissue |
Karn, J. F.; Berdahl, J. D.; Frank, A. B. 2006. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 98(6): p. 1400-1409. |
118427 |
Population and environmental effects on seed production, germination, and seedling vigor in western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii [Rydb.] A. Löve) |
Waldron, Blair L.; Robins, Joseph G.; Jensen, Kevin B.; Palazzo, Antonio J.; Cary, Timothy J.; Berdahl, John D. 2006. Crop Science. November/December. 46(6): p. 2503-2508. |
119178 |
Variation in growth rates under saline conditions of Pascopyrum smithii (Western wheatgrass) and Distichlis spicata (Inland saltgrass) from different source populations in Kansas and Nebraska: Implications for the restoration of salt-affected plant communities Access Restrictions |
Aschenbach, Todd A. 2006. Restoration Ecology. March. 14(1): p. 21-27. |
120150 | |
Effects of grazing, burning, and herbicides for weed control and perennial grass growth stimulation | Uhing, Kelly T. 2004. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. 57: p. 37-38. |
98722 |
Natural revegetation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil in semi-arid grasslands Access Restrictions |
Robson, Diana Bizecki; Knight, J. Diane; Farrell, Richard E.; Germida, James J. 2004. Canadian Journal of Botany. January. 82(1): p. 22-30. |
94769 |
Tolerance of several perennial grasses to imazapic Access Restrictions |
Shinn, Sandra L.; Thill, Donald C. 2004. Weed Technology. January-March. 18(1): p. 60-65. |
95059 |
Identification of western wheatgrass cultivars and accessions by DNA fingerprinting and geographic provenance |
Larson, S. R.; Palazzo, A. J.; Jensen, K. B. 2003. Crop Science. January/February. 43(1): p. 394-401. |
84109 |
Breeding grasses for disturbed military training lands |
Asay, K. H.; Jensen, K. B.; Jones, T. A.; Waldron, B. L.; Palazzo, A. J. 2000. 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. p. 105. |
72549 |
Western wheatgrass - Agropyron smithii Rydb. | Anonymous. [199x]. University of Illinois Turfgrass Program Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
109668 |
[Wheatgrass: Western wheatgrass - Agropyron smithii 'Arriba'] |
Colorado Springs Utilities. 199x. Colorado Springs Utilities Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. |
58974 | |
Weed control for establishing native grasses |
Curry, P. S.; Loeppky, H.; McLean, L. 1996. Agronomy Abstracts. 88: p. 148. |
41724 |
Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Solution Phosphorus in Soil with Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Western Wheatgrass |
Knight, W. G.; Allen, M. F.; Jurinak, J. J.; Dudley, L. M. 1989. Soil Science Society of America Journal. July/August. 53(4): p. 1075-1082. |
15982 |
Forage grass breeding and genetics in North Dakota |
Barker, R. E.; Berdahl, J. D.; Krupinsky, J. M.; Karn, J. F.; Frank, A. B. 1988. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Grass Breeders Work PlanningConference. 30: p. 65. |
169232 |
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on choice among grasses by the grasshopper Phoetaliotes nebrascensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) |
Joern, Anthony; Alward, Richard. 1988. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. March. 81(2): p. 240-244. |
274667 |
Colonization of Western Wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii Rydb.) by Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi During the Revegetation of a Surface Mine Access Restrictions |
Loree, B. A.; Williams, S. E. 1987. New Phytologist. August. 106(4): p. 735-744. |
10966 |
The deciding factor | Borland, Dorothy F. 1986. Weeds Trees & Turf. August. 25(8): p. 40, 42, 44, 47. |
9381 |
Nitrogen Cycling in Seven Cool-Season Perennial Grass Species |
Power, J. F. 1986. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 78(4): p. 681-687. |
8298 |
Biochemical diagnostic tests for the effect of air pollution on plants |
Darrall, N. M.; Jager, H. J. 1984. p. 333-349. In: Koziol, M. J.; Whatley, F. R., eds. Gaseous Air Pollutants and Plant Metabolism. London, UK; Butterworths. |
4271 |
Plant-water relationships of crested, pubescent, slender, and western wheatgrasses |
Frank, A. B. 1983. Proceedings of the XIV International Grassland Congress, held at. p. 399-401. |
6556 | |
Temperature Profiles for Germination of Cool Season Range Grasses |
Young, James A.; Evans, Raymond A. 1982. Oakland, California: Agricultural Research Service (Western Region), U.S. Department of Agriculture. iv, 91 pp. |
6557 |
Effects of controlled SO2 exposure on net primary production and plant biomass dynamics |
Dodd, J. L.; Lauenroth, W. K.; Heitschmidt, R. K. 1982. Journal of Range Management. 35(5): p. 572-579. |
7237 | |
Establishing permanent vegetation on previously irrigated lands of southeastern Colorado |
Knapp, J. A.; Hassell, W. G. 1982. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 8. |
7176 |
Analysis of interference between C3 and C4 grasses in relation to temperature and soil nitrogen supply | Christie, Edward K.; Detling, James K. 1982. Ecology. October. 63(5): p. 1277-1284. |
331 | |
Reclamation of red mud (bauxite residues) using alkaline- tolerant grasses with organic amendments |
Fuller, Robert D.; Nelson, Emily D. P.; Richardson, Curtis J. 1982. Journal of Environmental Quality. July-September. 11(3): p. 533-539. |
160657 |
Distribution of belowground biomass in a shortgrass prairie ecosystem |
Khan, S. M. 1981. Pakistan Journal of Forestry. p. 112-121. |
6634 | |
Wear tolerance and regrowth between cuttings of some native grasses under two moisture levels |
Fraser, J. G.; Anderson, J. E. 1980. New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station, State College,. 418: p. 5. |
6635 | |
Vegetative propagation of temperate forage grasses through callus culture |
Lo, P. F.; Chen, C. H.; Ross, J. G. 1980. Crop Science. May/June. 20(3): p. 363-367. |
6341 |
[Rhizome producing tall fescue] |
Anonymous. 1979. Colorado State University Turfgrass Tour 1979. p. 14. |
201970 |
Trace Elements in Western Wheatgrass on Oil Shale Revegetation Plots. |
Kilkelly, M. K.; Lindsay, W. L.; McFadden, R. E. 1977. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 69: p. 29. |
15831 |
A Search for Non-Irrigated Golf Course Rough Grass at Lowry AFB |
Rupel, T. J. 1976. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 68: p. 7. |
15694 |
Effect of site and fertilization on protein content of native grasses |
Goetz, Harold. 1975. Journal of Range Management. September. 28(5): p. 380-385. |
337 | |
Salt tolerance and suitability of various grasses for saline roadsides |
Hughes, T. D.; Butler, J. D.; Sanks, G. D. 1975. Journal of Environmental Quality. January-March. 4(1): p. 65-68. |
6334 |
Temperature Response of Buffalograss, Blue Grama, and Western Wheatgrass Growth in a Controlled Environment. |
Knievel, D. P. 1971. Agronomy Abstracts. August. 63: p. 35. |
15909 |
Grass cycling of Ca, Mg, K, and Na in solodization |
White, E. M. 1970. Agronomy Abstracts. August. 62: p. 143. |
15883 |
Effect of shoreline fluctuations on grasses associated with upstream flood prevention and watershed protection |
Gamble, M. D.; Rhoades, Edd D. 1964. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 56(1): p. 21-23. |
12572 |
Comparison of some soil-conserving grasses |
Cornelius, Donald R. 1946. Agronomy Journal. August. 38(8): p. 682-689. |
13058 |
Some factors affecting the establishment of perennial grass for erosion control in eastern Colorado |
Fults, Jess L. 1944. Agronomy Journal. July. 36(7): p. 615-625. |
13016 |
The effect of some environmental influences in bulk hybridization of grass |
Clark, John W. 1944. Agronomy Journal. February. 36(2): p. 132-140. |
12962 |