Keyword: Endophytes
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Importance of endophytes in turfgrass breeding and management |
Funk, C. Reed; White, Richard H.; Breen, Jane P. 1990. In: International Symposium on Acremonium/Grass Interactions. 55. [Louisiana]: [Louisiana State University]? |
30762 | |
Renovation of Endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum)-Infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) pastures with herbicides |
Defelice, Michael S.; Henning, Jimmy C. 1990. Weed Science. November. 38(6): p. 628-633. |
19948 |
Viability of Acremonium coenophialum in tall fescue seed after ionizing radiation treatments |
Bagegni, A. M.; Sleper, D. A.; Kerr, K. D.; Morris, J. S. 1990. Crop Science. November/December. 30(6): p. 1272-1275. |
19931 |
Seed production in tall fescue as affected by fungal endophyte |
Rice, J. S.; Pinkerton, B. W.; Stringer, W. C.; Undersander, D. J. 1990. Crop Science. November/December. 30(6): p. 1303-1305. |
19932 |
Here's how endophytes will help lawn care pros | Poitras, Steve. 1990. Lawn Care Industry. November. 14(11): p. 6-7. |
280265 |
Endophytes promote increased adaptation of turfgrass plants | Poitras, Steve. 1990. Lawn and Landscape Maintenance. November. 11(11): p. 72, 74, 76. |
21091 |
Rooting patterns of endophyte-infected tall fescue grown under drought stress |
Richardson, M. D.; Hill, N. S.; Hoveland, C. S. 1990. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 129. |
19678 |
A survey of Acremonium endophytes in bluegrasses |
Sun, Suichang; Funk, C. Reed. 1990. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 183. |
19951 |
Reduction of seedling emergence due to Rhizoctonia zeae in two tall fescue varieties | Gwinn, K. D.; Gavin, A. M. 1990. Phytopathology. October. 80(10): p. 1025. |
19997 |
Effect of endophyte infection of perennial ryegrass on growth under drought stress | Gleason, M. L.; Christians, N. E.; Agnew, M. 1990. Phytopathology. October. 80(10): p. 1031. |
19998 |
Nematode reproduction on endophyte-infected and endophyte-free tall fescue |
Kimmons, C. A.; Gwinn, K. D.; Bernard, E. C. 1990. Plant Disease. October. 74(10): p. 757-760. |
18702 |
Endophyte-infected turfgrasses: Killer turf |
Hellman, J. Lee; Mathias, Kevin. 1990. Grounds Maintenance. September. 25(9): p. 46, 48-50, 52. |
20247 |
Association of an endophytic fungus in perennial ryegrass and resistance to the hairy chinch bug (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) Access Restrictions |
Mathias, J. K.; Ratcliffe, R .H.; Hellman, J. L. 1990. Journal of Economic Entomology. August. 83(4): p. 1640-1645. |
18494 |
Acremonium uncinatum, a new endophyte in Festuca partensis |
Gams, W.; Petrini, O.; Schmidt, D. 1990. Mycotaxon. April-June. 37: p. 67-71. |
121844 | |
Effects of the Fungal Endophyte Acremonium coenophialum on Nitrogen Accumulation and Metabolism in Tall Fescue |
Lyons, P. C.; Evans, J. J.; Bacon, C. W. 1990. Plant Physiology. March. 92(3): p. 726-732. |
17565 |
Fungal endophyte infection in Italian annual ryegrass |
Nelson, L. R.; Read, J. C. 1990. Plant Disease. February. 74(2): p. 183. |
17536 |
Evaluation of Seeding Rates of AU Triumph and Endophyte-Infected Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue |
Pedersen, J. F.; Ball, D. M. 1990. Journal of Production Agriculture. January-March. 3(1): p. 109-111. |
18588 |
Endophyte levels of perennial turfgrass varieties and tolerance of grass species |
1989. p. P32. In: Landscape Management. Pocket Guide to Turfseed. [Cleveland, OH: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich]. |
14911 |
Fungal Diseases of Amenity Turf Grasses |
Smith, J. D.; Jackson, N.; Woolhouse, A. R. 1989. London: E. & F. N. Spon Ltd. x, 401 pp. 3rd Edition. |
16673 |
Replacement of an Endophyte Infected Tall Fescue Stand Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Anonymous. 1989. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky. | 16937 | |
Turfgrass breeding - with special reference to turf-type perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and endophytes Access Restrictions |
Funk, C. Reed; Clarke, Bruce B. 1989. Proceedings of the Sixth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 3-10. |
17026 |
Endophytes and Japanese beetles | Casagrande, R. A.; Hill, Elizabeth. 1989. 58th Rhode Island Turfgrass Field Day. p. 7-18. |
211842 |
The role of endophytic fungi in grasses: New approaches to biological control of pests | Siegel, Malcolm R.; Dahlman, Douglas L.; Bush, Lowell P. 1989. p. 169-186. In: Leslie, Anne R.; Metcalf, Robert L., eds. Integrated Pest Management For Turfgrass and Ornamentals. Washington, D.C.: Field Operations Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, United States Environmental Protection Agency. |
17201 |
Utilization of fungal endophytes of grasses: Laboratory manipulations for specific toxins | Bacon, Charles W. 1989. p. 187-201. In: Leslie, Anne R.; Metcalf, Robert L., eds. Integrated Pest Management For Turfgrass and Ornamentals. Washington, D.C.: Field Operations Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, United States Environmental Protection Agency. |
17203 |
Role of endophytes in enhancing the performance of grasses used for conservation and turf | Funk, C. R.; Clarke, B. B.; Johnson-Cicalese, J. M. 1989. p. 203-210. In: Leslie, Anne R.; Metcalf, Robert L., eds. Integrated Pest Management For Turfgrass and Ornamentals. Washington, D.C.: Field Operations Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, United States Environmental Protection Agency. |
17206 |
Endophyte-enhanced resistance in perennial ryegrass to sod webworm and hairy chinch bug Access Restrictions |
Mathias, J. K.; Hellman, J. L.; Ratcliffe, R. H. 1989. Proceedings of the Sixth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 329-331. |
17131 |
Effect of acremonium endophytes on parasitic nematodes in festuca and lolium grown under turf maintenance |
Halisky, Philip M.; Myers, Ronald F. 1989. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. 20: p. 124-131. |
87845 |
Effect of Endophyte Infection of Perennial Ryegrass On Growth Under Drought Stress, 1987 |
Gleason, M. L.; Christians, N. E.; Agnew, M. 1989. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant. 4: p. 78. |
15804 |
Better turf from improved breeding methods | Perry, Will. 1989. Landscape Management. December. 28(12): p. 41. |
16783 |
Endophyte Effect on Leaf Osmotic Adjustment in Tall Fescue. |
Elmi, A. A.; West, C. P.; Turner, K. E. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 111. |
16392 |
Competitive Fitness of Endophyte-Infected and Endophyte-Free Genotypes of Tall Fescue. |
Hill, N. S.; Stringer, W. C.; Belesky, D. P. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 134. |
16404 |
Endophyte Effect on Tiller Density and Yield of Water-Stressed Tall Fescue. |
Izekor, E.; West, C. P.; Elmi, A. A.; Turner, K. E. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 135. |
16405 |
Endophyte Status of Fescue Seed on Seedling Success in Fescue Sods. |
Stringer, W. C.; Rice, J. S.; Morton, B. C. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 146. |
16432 |
Water Relations Characteristics of Tall Fescue as Influenced by Acremonium Endophyte |
White, R. H. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 167. |
16681 |
Quality and Yield of Endophyte-Free and Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue. |
Fritz, J. O.; Collins, M. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 169. |
16745 |
Assessment of Acremonium coenophialum in Tall Fescue Seed Lots With a Seed Borne Bacterium. |
Trigiano, R. N.; Gwinn, K. D.; Gavin, A. M.; Conger, B. V. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 172. |
16746 |
Distribution and Insecticidal Activity of Alkaloids in Fungal Endophyte-Infected Grasses | Siegel, M. R.; Bush, L. P.; Fannin, N.; Latch, G. C. M.; Rowan, D. D.; Tapper, B. A. 1989. Phytopathology. October. 79(10): p. 1144. |
16827 |
Influence of Endophyte and Water Regime Upon Tall Fescue Accessions. II. Pyrrolizidine and Eregopeptine Alkaloids | Belesky, D. P.; Stringer, W. C.; Plattner, R. D. 1989. Annals of Botany. September. 64(3): p. 343-349. |
15977 |
Billbugs |
Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer M. 1989. Grounds Maintenance. September. 24(9): p. 58,60,97-99. |
19322 |
Herbicides for Killing Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) Infected With Fescue Endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum) |
Smith, Albert E. 1989. Weed Technology. July-September. 3(3): p. 485-489. |
15971 |
Influence of Endophyte and Water Regime Upon Tall Fescue Accessions. I. Growth Characteristics | Belesky, D. P.; Stringer, W. C.; Hill, N. S. 1989. Annals of Botany. May. 63(5): p. 495-503. |
15166 |
Mitochondrial Plasmids of Fungal Endophytes of Grasses. |
Mogen, Kim; Schardl, Christopher; Siegel, Malcom. 1989. Plant Physiology. April. 89(4): p. 86. |
14733 |
Effect of the tall fescue endophyte on plant response to environmental stress Access Restrictions |
Arachevaleta, M.; Bacon, C. W.; Hoveland, C. S.; Radcliffe, D. E. 1989. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 81(1): p. 83-90. |
54223 |
Acremonium typhinum identified as an endophyte in blue fescue | Newton, P. J.; Halisky, P. M.; White, J. F. Jr. 1989. Plant Disease. January. 73(1): p. 81. |
14047 |
Evaluation of endophyte-infected and endophyte-free turfgrasses |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1988. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 18-20. |
19303 |
Resistance of cool-season turfgrasses to white grubs |
Potter, Daniel A.; Patterson, Cary; Redmond, Carl. 1988. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 30-31. |
19357 |
Effect of endophyte infection of perennial ryegrass on growth under drought stress | Gleason, M. L.; Christians, N. C.; Agnew, M. L. 1988. 1988 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. p. 86-87. |
68466 |
New Jersey report - turfgrass breeding |
Kemp, Melodee; Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer M.; Sun, Suichang; Funk, C. Reed. 1988. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Grass Breeders Work PlanningConference. 30: p. 61-62. |
169227 |
A Comparison of Elisa Methods Using Combinations of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies to Detect the Endophyte of Tall Fescue. | Shelby, R. A.; Kelley, V. C. 1988. Phytopathology. December. 78(12): p. 1597. |
14154 |
The Effects of Acremonium coenophialum on the Growth and Nematode Infestation of Tall Fescue. |
West, C. P.; Izekor, E.; Oosterhuis, D. M.; Robbins, R. T. 1988. Plant and Soil. November. 112(1): p. 3. |
13815 |
Fungicide Impact on Ryegrass Endophyte, and Nematodes, Thatch and soil pH in Two Turfgrass Species. |
Dernoeden, P.; Sardanelli, S.; Krusberg, L.; Davis, D. 1988. Agronomy Abstracts. November/December. 80: p. 149. |
13498 |
Host Range of and Effect of Endophyte on Four Species of Billbug (Sphenophorus spp.) Found on New Jersey Turfs. |
Johnson-Cicalese, J. M.; Funk, C. R. 1988. Agronomy Abstracts. November/December. 80: p. 152. |
13599 |
Ryegrass Cultivars and Endophyte in Tall Fescue Affect Nematodes in Grass and Succeeding Soybean |
Pedersen, J. F.; Rodriguez-Kabana, R.; Shelby, R. A. 1988. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 80(5): p. 811-814. |
13242 |
Acquired chemical defences in grasses: The role of fungal endophytes Access Restrictions |
Cheplick, Gregory P.; Clay, Keith. 1988. Oikos. June. 52(3): p. 309-318. |
122744 | |
An Improved Method for Detection of Acremonium coenophialum in Tall Fescue Plants | Reddick, Bradford B.; Collins, Mary H. 1988. Phytopathology. April. 78(4): p. 418-420. |
12124 |
A sabbatical in New Zealand: One turfgrass researcher's experience: In a land the size of Colorado with 3.3 million people and 60 million sheep, agriculture gets lots of attention. There is turfgrass, however, and it's interesting to consider similarities and differences Access Restrictions |
Vittum, Patricia J. 1988. Golf Course Management. April. 56(4): p. 154-157. |
12221 |
Switching from Fungus-Infected to Fungus-Free Tall Fescue |
Fribourg, H. A.; Wilkinson, S. R.; Rhodes, G. N. Jr. 1988. Journal of Production Agriculture. April-June. 1(2): p. 122-127. |
18607 |
Endophyte of tall fescue |
Bacon, Charles W.; Siegel, Malcolm R. 1988. Journal of Production Agriculture. January-March. 1(1): p. 45-55. |
18597 |
Tall Fescue Forage Quality and Agronomic Performance as Affected by the Endophyte |
Bush, L. P.; Burrus, P. B. Jr. 1988. Journal of Production Agriculture. January-March. 1(1): p. 55-60. |
18601 |
Plant Breeding Aspects of Ryegrasses (Lolium sp.) Infected with Endophytic Fungi Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Stewart, A. V. 1987. Ph.D. Dissertation: Lincoln College, New Zealand. |
16821 |
Effect of Endophyte Presence on Tall Fescue Response to Drought, Flooding, and Nitrogen Fertilization Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Arechavaleta, M. 1987. M.S. Thesis, University of Georgia, Athens. |
18194 |
Evaluation of Endophyte-infected and Endophyte-free Turfgrasses |
Powell, A. J. Jr.; Tapp, Linda D. 1987. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. 313: p. 20-21. |
13683 |
Using Herbicides for No-tillage Renovation of Endophyte Infected Tall Fescue Pastures. |
DeFelice, Michael S.; Brown, William B.; Perkins, Cheryl S. 1987. Proceedings of the North Central Weed Control Conference. 42: p. 71. |
13797 |
Photosynthetic activity of tall fescue as influenced by a fungal endophyte |
Belesky, D. P.; Devine, O. J.; Pallas, J. E.; Stringer, W. C. 1987. Photosynthetica, International Journal for PhotosynthesisResearch. 21(1): p. 82-87. |
111519 | |
The fungal endophyte of tall fescue |
Halisky, Philip M.; Funk, C. Reed. 1987. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings: 1987. 18: p. 79-83. |
60194 |
Reactions of Endophyte Free and Infected Tall Fescue Cultivars to Brown Patch |
Hartman, John R.; Siegel, Malcolm R.; Burrus, Paul B.; Powell, A. J. 1987. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant. 2: p. 58. |
10833 |
Endophytic fungi in grassland |
Clements, Bob. 1987. Institute for Grassland and Animal Production, Report: Report for 1987. 1: p. 11. |
13727 |
Performance of Endophyte Containing Ryegrass Under Desert Conditions |
Kopec, D. M.; Mancino, C. F.; Namde, N. 1987. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 136. |
11255 |
Effect of Stress and Endophyte Presence on Leaf Characteristics and Digestibility of Tall Fescue |
Arechavaleta, M.; Bacon, C. W.; Hoveland, C. S. 1987. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 140. |
11284 |
Influence of Endophyte Fungus Infection on Growth, Chemical Composition and IVDMD of Tall Fescue |
Buttrey, S. A.; Allen, V. G.; Fontenot, J. P.; Green, W. P. 1987. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 141. |
11285 |
Morphology, Yield, and Carbohydrate Reserves of Tall Fescue Accessions as Affected by Endophyte Infection and Hervest Management |
Hill, N. S.; Stringer, W. C.; Petersen, J. C. 1987. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 143. |
11286 |
Determination of Acremonium coenophialum Mycellum in Infected Tall Fescue |
Roberts, C. A.; Moore, K. J.; Barton, F. E. II. 1987. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 145. |
11287 |
Occurrence and significance of endophytic fungi in the fine fescues | Saha, D. C.; Johnson-Cicalese, J. M.; Halisky, P. M.; Van Heemstra, M. I.; Funk, C. R. 1987. Plant Disease. November. 71(11): p. 1021-1024. |
11346 |
Ultrastructure of Acremonium coenophialum, Acremonium lolii, and Epichloe typhina endophytes in host and nonhost Festuca and Lolium species of grasses Access Restrictions |
Siegel, M. R.; Järlfors, U.; Latch, G. C. M.; Johnson, M. C. 1987. Canadian Journal of Botany. November. 65(11): p. 2357-2367. |
152915 |
Quantification of Acremonium coenophialum in Tall Fescue Seed Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy |
Hill, N. S.; Petersen, J. C.; Shelby, R. A.; Dalrymple, L. W.; Barton, F. E. II. 1987. Crop Science. November/December. 27(6): p. 1291-1295. |
11409 |
Fungi May Offer Turfgrass Insect Pest Protection |
Cress, Forrest D. 1987. Divot News. November. 25(11): p. 26-28. |
11350 |
Endophyte-enhanced performance of turfgrass: The presence of endophytic fungi has been found to improve insect resistance, persistence and performance in grasses for turf and conservation Access Restrictions |
Funk, C. R.; Clarke, B. B.; Johnson-Cicalese, J. M. 1987. Golf Course Management. October. 55(10): p. 100, 102, 106. |
11123 |
Incidence and distribution of the tall fescue endophyte in the United States |
Shelby, R. A.; Dalrymple, L. W. 1987. Plant Disease. September. 71(9): p. 783-786. |
10995 |
Cool season grasses: An overview Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1987. TurfNews [ASPA]. September/October. 10(5): p. 10-11. |
23489 |
Incidence of Endophytes in Seeds from Collections of Lolium and Festuca Species Access Restrictions |
Latch, G. C. M.; Tyler, B. F.; Potter, L. R. 1987. Annals of Applied Biology. August. 111(1): p. 59-64. |
10950 |
Widespread distribution of endophytes in the Poaceae |
White, J. F. Jr. 1987. Plant Disease. April. 71(4): p. 340-342. |
9854 |
Insect Resistence of Turf Ryegrass with Endophyte |
Stewart, Alan. 1987. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. April. 1(4): p. 19. |
10711 |
More News on Insect-Resistant Turf Grasses |
Daar, Sheila. 1987. The IPM Practitioner. February. 9(2) |
11058 |
Destruction of Endophyte Infected Tall Fescue Sod with Herbicides. |
Rhodes, G. N. Jr.; Fribourg, H. A. 1987. Southern Weed Science Society Proceedings. January. 40: p. 108. |
14239 |
Endophytes: An update | Anonymous. 1987. Weeds Trees & Turf. January. 26(1): p. 60. |
9811 |
Update: Lawngrasses that Resist Pest Insects & Diseases |
Daar, Sheila. 1987. The IPM Practitioner. January. 9(1) |
11057 |
Reactions of tall fescue cultivars, synthetics, and breeding lines to leaf rust, 1985 |
Burrus, Paul B.; Hartman, John R. 1986. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 23-24. |
19453 |
Reactions of endophyte free and infected tall fescue cultivars to brown patch, 1986 |
Hartman, John R.; Siegel, Malcolm R.; Burrus, Paul B. 1986. Kentucky Turfgrass Research. p. 25-26. |
19454 |
Relationship between insect abundance and endophyte infestation level in tall fescue in Missouri |
Kirfman, Gary W.; Brandenburg, Rick L.; Garner, George B. 1986. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 59(3): p. 552-554. |
121840 | |
Viability of Lolium endophyte fungus in seed stored at different moisture contents and temperatures Access Restrictions |
Rolston, M. P.; Hare, M. D.; Moore, K. K.; Christensen, M. J. 1986. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 14(3): p. 297-300. |
111521 |
Steer performance as affected by tall fescue cultivar and level of Acremonium coenophialum infection Access Restrictions |
Pedersen, J. F.; McGuire, J. A.; Schmidt, S. P.; King, C. C. Jr.; Hoveland, C. S.; Smith, L. A. 1986. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 14(3): p. 307-312. |
116963 |
What are endophytes? | Sleper, David. 1986. The Bull Sheet. December. 40(7): p. 18. |
8892 |
Growth and Water Use of Endophyte-Infected and Endophyte-Free Tall Fescue |
Bush, L. P.; Gay, S. G.; Johnson, M. C. 1986. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 140. |
8843 |
Aphid feeding deterrence associated with pyrrolizidine alkaloids present in endophyte-infected tall fescue | Johnson, M. C.; Bush, L. P.; Siegel, M. R. 1986. Phytopathology. October. 76(10): p. 1057. |
9654 |
Detecting viable Acremonium endophytes in leaf sheaths and meristems of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass |
Welty, R. E.; Azevedo, M. D.; Cook, K. L. 1986. Plant Disease. May. 70(5): p. 431-435. |
7921 |
Fighting fire with fire | Hurley, Richard H.; Funk, C. Reed. 1986. ALA. April. 7(4): p. 40-42. |
8061 |
Problems associated with estimating Argentine stem weevil populations in pastures |
98798 | |
How endophytes modify turfgrass performance and response to insect pests in turfgrass breeding and evaluation trials Access Restrictions |
Funk, C. R.; Halisky, P. M.; Ahmad, S.; Hurley, R. H. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 137-145. |
9003 |
Perennial ryegrass seedling resistance to Argentine stem weevil |
Stewart, A. V. 1985. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. p. 403-407. |
98796 |
Growth of the tall fescue endophyte into seedlings as related to temperature and sheath differentiation | Lyons, P. C.; Bacon, C. W. 1985. Phytopathology. 75(4): p. 501. |
92139 |