Keyword: Endophytes
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Fungal endophytes of grasses and their effects on an insect herbivore |
Clay, Keith; Hardy, Ted N.; Hammond, Abner M. Jr. 1985. Oecologia. 66(1): p. 1-5. |
18914 |
Activity of Prochloraz 400EC Against the Tall Fescue Endophyte, 1984. |
Willams, M. J.; Backman, P. A. 1985. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 40: p. 175. |
16332 |
Detecting hyphae of endophytic fungi in seedling meristems of perennial ryegrass and tall fescue | Welty, R. E.; Azevedo, M. D.; Cook, K. L. 1985. Phytopathology. November. 75(11): p. 1331. |
7068 |
Prevalance of non-choke-inducing endophytes in turf and forage grasses | Halisky, P. M.; Saha, D. C.; Funk, C. R. 1985. Phytopathology. November. 75(11): p. 1331. |
7070 |
Fatality of house crickets on perennial ryegrasses infected with a fungal endophyte |
Ahmad, S.; Govindarajan, S.; Funk, C. R.; Johnson-Cicalese, J. M. 1985. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. November. 39(2): p. 183-190. |
18314 | |
Endophytes in turfgrass | Sokkary, Dale A. 1985. Proceedings of the Southwest Turf Conference. October. p. 14-15. |
62079 |
Endophytic fungi affect growth of perennial ryegrass |
Latch, G. C. M.; Hunt, W. F.; Musgrave, D. R. 1985. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. June. 28(1): p. 165-168. |
18909 |
Breeding cool-season turfgrasses for the future |
Meyer, William A. 1984. Proceedings of the1984 Arizona Turf, Landscape, and IrrigationConference. p. 4-7. |
89683 |
Effect of Lolium endophyte fungus infections on behaviour of adult Argentine stem weevil Access Restrictions |
Barker, G. M.; Pottinger, R. P.; Addison, P. J.; Prestidge, R. A. 1984. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 27(2): p. 271-277. |
4251 |
Endophytes in fine fescues and their role in modifying performance |
Hurley, R. H.; Funk, C. R.; Saha, D. C.; Halisky, P. M. 1984. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 151. |
7017 |
Exciting Developments with Tall Fescue | Ensign, R. D.; Dial, M. J. 1984. Proceedings of the 38th Northwest Turfgrass Conference. September. 38: p. 104-112. |
9926 |
Preferential feeding by two aphid species on endophyte-free versus endophyte-infected Tall fescue. | Johnson, M. C.; Siegel, M. R.; Bush, L. P. 1984. Phytopathology. July. 74(7): p. 792. |
9681 |
Prevalence of Lolium endophyte in seed lots and plants of Manhattan perennial ryegrass | Halisky, Philip M.; Funk, C. Reed. 1984. Phytopathology. July. 74(7): p. 812-813. |
9799 |
Incidence and Dissemination of the Tall Fescue Fungal Endophyte | Siegel, M. R.; Johnson, M. C.; Varney, D. R.; Buckner, R. C. 1984. Phytopathology. July. 74(7): p. 856. |
9802 |
Landscape manager's guide to: Perennial ryegrasses | Pepin, Gerald W. 1984. Weeds Trees & Turf. July. 23(7): p. 34-36, 41-42, 44, 60-61. |
1605 |
Five endophytes of lolium and festuca in New Zealand |
Latch, G. C. M.; Christensen, M. J.; Samuels, G. J. 1984. Mycotaxon. July-September. 20(2): p. 535-550. |
121971 | |
N-assimilation and N-metabolism in endophyte-infected tall fescue | Lyons, P. C.; Bacon, C. W. 1984. Phytopathology. May. 74(5): p. 630. |
159595 |
Endophytes in turf species |
Brilman, Leah A. 1984. 53rd Massachusetts Turfgrass Conference Proceedings 1984. April. 18(1): p. 36-40. |
9895 |
Update on perennial ryegrass | Funk, C. Reed; Hurley, R. H. 1984. Lawn Care Industry. January. p. 38-38A. |
282422 |
Seed treatments for control of the tall fescue endophyte Acremonium coenophialum | Williams, M. J.; Backman, P. A.; Clark, E. M.; White, J. F. 1984. Plant Disease. January. 68(1): p. 49-52. |
351 |
Forage & Turfgrass Endophyte Workshop |
Extension Service, Oregon State University. 1983. Corvallis, Oregon: Extension Service, Oregon State University. ii, 101 pp. |
56450 |
Preliminary results on the biochemical relationship between adult Argentine stem weevil and two endophytes in ryegrass | Gaynor, D. L.; Rowan, D. D.; Latch, G. C. M.; Pilkington, S. 1983. Proceedings of the New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference. 36: p. 220-224. |
4314 | |
Incidence of endophytes in seed lines and their control with fungicides |
Latch, G. C. M. 1983. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association. 44: p. 251-253. |
144432 |
Sampling procedures for determining endophyte content in tall fescue seed lots by ELISA | Johnson, M. C.; Anderson, R. L.; Kryscio, R. J.; Siegel, M. R. 1983. Phytopathology. October. 73(10): p. 1406-1409. |
1500 |
Some observations on neurotoxin production in perennial ryegrass | Gallagher, R. T.; Smith. G. S.; di Menna, M. E.; Young, P. W. 1982. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. 30(12): p. 203-204. |
4398 |