Keyword: Establishment rate
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Comparison of establishment vigor, uniformity, rooting potential and turf qualtiy [quality] of sods of Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and cool-season grass mixtures grown in sand soil | Kim, Kyoung-Nam; Park, Weon-Kyu; Nam, Sang-Yong. 2003. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 17(4): p. 129-146. |
133188 |
Comparison of early germinating vigor, germination speed and germination rate of varieties in Poa pratensis L., Lolium perenne L., and Festuca arundinacea Schreb. grown under different growing conditions | Kim, Kyoung-Nam; Nam, Sang-Yong. 2003. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 17(1): p. 1-12. |
132843 |
Synthetically coated sand makes debut: Synthetically coated sand offers nutrient and moisture retention and coarse texture for putting green rootzone mixes | Sartain, J. B. 2003. Grounds Maintenance. November. 38(11): p. G25-G26, G28-G29. |
136525 |
Effects of osmopriming on bermudagrass germination and establishment | Siebert, E. T.; Richardson, M. D. 2003. Horticultural Studies - 2002 [Arkansas]. September. p. 36-38. |
161935 |
An assessment of variation in foothills rough fescue [Festuca campestris (Rydb.)] in southern Alberta | May, K. W.; Willms, W. D.; Mengli, Z.; Lysyk, T. J. 2003. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. July. 83(3): p. 541-550. |
116215 |
Performance of bentgrass cultivars and selections in New Jersey turf trials | Smith, Dirk A.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Meyer, William A.; Plumley, Karen A.; Murphy, James A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Dickson, William K.; Lawson, T. J.; Clark, Joseph B. 2003. 2002 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 34: p. [2-26]. |
100476 |
Performance of fine fescue cultivars and selections in New Jersey turf trials | Han, Yuanhong; Perdomo, Pedro; Murphy, James A.; Meyer, William A.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Dickson, William K.; Smith, Dirk A.; Bara, Ronald F.; Mohr, Melissa M.; Watkins, Eric. 2003. 2002 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 34: p. [27-56]. |
100487 |
Performance of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars and selections in New Jersey turf trials [2002] | Bonos, Stacy A.; Murphy, James A.; Meyer, William A.; Dickson, William K.; Watkins, Eric; Bara, Ronald F.; Smith, Dirk A.; Mohr, Melissa M.; Funk, C. Reed. 2003. 2002 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 34: p. [57-112]. |
100495 |
Performance of perennial ryegrass cultivars and selections in New Jersey turf trials | Mohr, Melissa M.; Meyer, William A.; Funk, C. Reed; Dickson, William K.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Watkins, Eric; Bara, Ronald F.; Smith, Dirk A. 2003. 2002 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 34: p. [113-142]. |
100562 |
Effects of white clover cultivar and companion grass on winter survival of seedlings in autumn-sown swards Access Restrictions |
Elgersma, A.; Schlepers, H. 2003. Grass and Forage Science. June. 58(2): p. 215-219. |
91422 |
Subsurface irrigation offers an efficient alternative | Weeaks, Justin D.; Maurer, Michael A. 2003. TurfGrass TRENDS. May. p. 51, 54-55. |
90496 |
Registration of Q4188 and Q4205, sexual tetraploid germplasm lines of bahiagrass |
Quarin, C. L.; Urbani, M. H.; Blount, A. R.; Martinez, E. J.; Hack, C. M.; Burton, G. W.; Quesenberry, K. H. 2003. Crop Science. March/April. 43(2): p. 745-746. |
85814 |
Establishment Rates and Growth Characteristics of Six Bermudagrass Cultivars for Use on Athletic Fields and Golf Course Fairways | Reynolds, William Casey. 2002. M.S. Thesis: North Carolina State University. [2], vii, 65 pp. |
102924 |
Overseeding buffalograss with fine fescues to extend the green cover | Severmutlu, S.; Shearman, R. C.; Riordan, T. P. 2002. Turfgrass Research Report 2002 [Nebraska]. p. 31-35. |
142660 |
Perennial ryegrass establishment | Watschke, T. L.; Borger, J. A.; Brosnan, J. T.; Lyons, C. J. 2002. 2002 Turfgrass Research Report [Penn State]. p. 51-52. |
93422 |
Defining optimum seeding rate for bermudagrass and zoysiagrass | Patton, Aaron; Reicher, Zac. 2002. 2002 Annual Report - Purdue University Turfgrass ScienceProgram. p. 54-58. |
90761 |
Performance of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars and selections in New Jersey turf trials [2001] | Bonos, Stacy A.; Murphy, James A.; Meyer, William A.; Funk, C. Reed; Dickson, William K.; Watkins, Eric; Bara, Ronald F.; Smith, Dirk A.; Mohr, Melissa M. 2002. 2001 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 33: p. [52-102]. |
100624 |
In situ turfgrass establishment: I. Responses to arbuscular mycorrhizae and fertilization |
Podeszfinski, Catherine; Dalpe, Yolande; Charest, Christiane. 2002. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. March. 20(1): p. 57-73. |
162294 |
Enhancing stolon production of seeded bermudagrass: Fertilizing with lower levels of nitrogen in the establishment year may enhance stolon production and improve winter hardiness in seeded bermudagrass in the transition zone Access Restrictions |
Munshaw, Gregg C.; Williams, David W. 2002. Golf Course Management. February. 70(2): p. 53-56. |
78316 |
Herbicide strategies for newly seeded bermudagrass: Pre- and post-emergence herbicides can be used effectively when establishing bermudagrass from seed Access Restrictions |
McCalla, John; Richardson, Mike. 2002. Golf Course Management. January. 70(1): p. 49-52. |
77437 |
Kentucky Bluegrass Blend Ecology Access Restrictions |
Lickfeldt, Darin Wayne. 2001. Ph.D. Thesis: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. xi, 89 pp. |
72704 |
Ultradwarf bermudagrass performance on greensmix differing in water holding capacity | Camberato, Jim; Martin, Bruce. [200x]. Clemson University Turfgrass Program Home Page. p. [1-7]. |
111884 | |
Comparison of couchgrass establishment methods (year 2) |
Ford, Phillip. [2001]. Official Website of the Victorian Golf Association [Victoria, Australia]. p. 1-12. |
83148 | |
2001 results from the bentgrass fairway trial | Shearman, R. C.; Meyer, C. K.; Wit, L. A. 2001. Turfgrass Research Report for 2001 [Nebraska]. p. 18-19. |
80760 |
Turfgrass species adapted to Connecticut | Guillard, Karl; Marrotte, Edmond L. 2001. p. 29-40. In: Abbey, Timothy M., ed. Turfgrass Nutrient and Integrated Pest Management Manual. Storrs, Connecticut: Cooperative Extension System, University of Connecticut. |
134477 |
Emerald Isle reduced input fertilizer trial | Gaussoin, R. E.; Meyer, C. K.; Goss, R. M. 2001. Turfgrass Research Report for 2001 [Nebraska]. p. 41-43. |
80771 |
Defining optimum seeding date for bermudagrass and zoysiagrass fairways | Patton, Aaron; Hardebeck, Glenn; Reicher, Zac; Williams, Dave. 2001. 2001 Annual Report - Purdue University Turfgrass ScienceProgram. p. 47-49. |
80738 |
Defining optimum seeding rate for bermudagrass and zoysiagrass | Patton, Aaron; Reicher, Zac. 2001. 2001 Annual Report - Purdue University Turfgrass ScienceProgram. p. 50-53. |
80739 |
Interaction of grass species and clipping removal on incinerated soil | Meyer, C. K.; Shearman, R. E. 2001. Turfgrass Research Report for 2001 [Nebraska]. p. 55-57. |
80774 |
Impact of organic amendments and fertilization strategies on establishment of zoysiagrass turf from sprigs | Richardson, Michael D.; Bordelon, Gene P. 2001. Horticultural Studies - 2000 [Arkansas]. p. 64-67. |
135674 |
Seeding turfgrass at non-optimal times of the year | Reicher, Zac. 2001. Proceedings of the 71st Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 30: p. 100. |
71436 |
Inter- and intraspecific variation in smooth (D. ischaemum) and large crabgrass (D. sanguinalis) | Kim, Tae-Joon; Neal, Joesph C. 2001. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 15(3): p. 127-136 [380-388]. |
128551 |
The response of zoysiagrass and other turfgrasses to environmental conditions of Saudi Arabia | Okawara, R.; Al-Khalifah, N. S. 2001. IXth International Turfgrass Research Conference. 9: p. 56-57. |
74338 |
[Aggressive varieties of bluegrass] | Anonymous. 2001. Update [New Jersey]. September. 3: p. 2. |
171459 |
Supina bluegrass offers unique vigor in shade: Found along wooded European cow trails, the species tolerates traffic too Access Restrictions |
Stier, John; Steinke, Kurt. 2001. Golf Course Management. May. 69(5): p. 58-63. |
73254 |
Summer renovation/reseeding –- window of opportunity or not? |
Street, John R.; Sherratt, Pamela J. 2001. OTF Turf News. May/June. 63(3): p. 14-18. |
141712 |
Grow-in and cultural practice inputs on USGA putting greens and their microbial communities | Gaussoin, Roch. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 7. |
72094 |
Evaluation of the performance of Vaminoc-G on seeded bentgrass greens |
Carey, K.; Gunn, E. 2000. Guelph Turfgrass Institute: 2000 Research Report. p. 23-24. |
91987 |
Turfgrass seed germination as influenced by temperature and plant growth regulators | Longer, D. E.; Oosterhuis, D. M.; Nanayakara, R. 2000. Horticultural Studies - 1999 [Arkansas]. p. 98-100. |
135429 |
Methods of propagating zoysiagrass from sprigs | Richardson, Michael D.; Boyd, John W.; Bordelon, Gene P.; Rodgers, Brian N. 2000. Horticultural Studies - 1999 [Arkansas]. p. 109-115. |
135431 |
Creeping Bentgrass seedling tolerance to herbicides and paclobutrazol | Kaminski, J. E.; Dernoeden, P. H. 2000. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 54: p. 112. |
65373 |
Turfgrass research for high trafficked areas: I. Effects of trinexapac-ethyl and wetting agent on establishment rate of Poa pratensis in a sand-based root zone | Henderson, J. J.; Sorochan, J. C.; Crum, J. R.; Rogers, J. N. III. 2000. Proceedings of the 70th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 29: p. 1-6. |
64105 |
Turfgrass cultural practices report: VIII. The sloping green | Nikolai, T. A.; Rieke, P. E.; Karcher, D. E.; Leinauer, B.; Makk, J.; Bristol, J. 2000. Proceedings of the 70th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 29: p. 36, 44. |
64219 |
Overseeding of northern turfgrass sports fields with bermudagrass |
Minner, David D.; Gaussoin, Roch; Keeley, Steve. 2000. 2000 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. 21: p. [1-3]. |
71517 |
Turf seed-mat (Sure-Turf®) | Christians, Nick E.; Joo, Young, K. 2000. 2000 Iowa Turfgrass Research Report. 21: p. [1-16]. |
71593 |
Establishment on USGA green using sybron chemicals | Pearson, Stephen H.; Stier, John. 2000. 2000 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 18: p. [138-144]. |
69330 |
Effects of Primo on bentgrass and bluegrass fairway establishment | Stier, John; Person, Stephen. 2000. 2000 Wisconsin Turfgrass Research Reports. 18: p. [78-82]. |
73191 |
Chemical control of bentgrass in Kentucky bluegrass | Kim, Young-Seon; Lee, Sang-Jae. 2000. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 14(1): p. 251-256 [237-242]. |
128464 |
Louisianagrass (common carpetgrass): A low-maintenance lawn grass for the Deep South | Bush, Edward. 2000. Louisiana Agriculture. Winter. 43(1): p. 14-15. |
228479 |
To harvest or not to harvest... that is the question Access Restrictions |
Cisar, John. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. November/December. 24(6): p. 25-27. |
71161 |
To harvest or not to harvest cool season grasses Access Restrictions |
Charbonneau, Pam. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. November/December. 24(6): p. 27-29. |
71164 |
Auckland cultivar trial results |
Gibbs, Richard; Glasgow, Alex. 2000. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 15(4): p. 24-28. |
70896 |
Responses of six wildflower species to seed matric priming |
Pill, Wallace G.; Bender, Renee H.; Pie, Adrienne C.; Marvel, Josh K.; Veacock, Erin E. 2000. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. September. 18(3): p. 160-165. |
67685 |
Salinity and seedlot affect rough bluegrass germination: The speed of emergence varies among cultivars and seedlots, but is generally slowed by higher salinity Access Restrictions |
Camberato, James J.; Martin, S. Bruce; Turner, Amy V. 2000. Golf Course Management. August. 68(8): p. 55-58. |
66556 |
Phosphorus fertilization at seeding to hasten turf establishment |
Anonymous. 2000. Dedication of the Paint Branch Turfgrass Research Facilityand Research Field Day [Maryland]. July. p. 14-15. |
67495 |
Soil amendments affect turf establishment rate: Creeping bentgrass thrives in peat and sand during grow-in Access Restrictions |
Waltz, Clint; McCarty, Bert. 2000. Golf Course Management. July. 68(7): p. 59-63. |
65792 |
Sand-based rootzone modification with inorganic soil amendments and sphagnum peat moss: Current player volume and maintenance practices call for research into changes in putting green construction materials | Bigelow, Cale A.; Bowman, Dan; Cassel, Keith. 2000. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 38(4): p. 7-13. |
66349 |
Sprigged bermudagrass needs ample phosphorus at grow-in: Cultivars' attributes get a boost from balanced fertility Access Restrictions |
Rodriguez, Ian R.; Miller, Grady L.; McCarty, Bert. 2000. Golf Course Management. June. 68(6): p. 59-62. |
65093 |
Phosphorous and potassium fertilizers influence establishment of bermudagrass |
Miller, G. L.; McCarty, L. B.; Rodriguez, I. R. 2000. HortScience. June. 35(3): p. 468. |
66418 |
Bodenphysikalische und -mechanische Eigenschaften von organischen Zusatzstoffen in Rasentragschichtgemischen: Die Torfersatzstoffe Biomutans floris und Kompost im Vergleich zu Torf ([Physical and mechanical soil properties of organic mixes in turfgrass mixes: The peat mixture Biomutans floris and composts in comparison to peat]) |
Hauser, Helmut; Matthies, Dietmar. 2000. Rasen-Turf-Gazon. June. 31(2): p. 16-24. |
66344 |
Fairway grasses for Midwest golf courses: Diseases and tough climatic conditions make choices tricky Access Restrictions |
Christians, Nick. 2000. Golf Course Management. April. 68(4): p. 49-56. |
64425 |
Reducing nitrate leaching during green grow-in: Amendments and fertilizers are key to reducing pollution Access Restrictions |
Sartain, J. B.; Gooding, H. D. 2000. Golf Course Management. April. 68(4): p. 70-73. |
64430 |
A comparative study of bermudagrass cultivars for athletic field/golf course fairway use |
Peacock, Charles H.; Bruneau, Arthur H. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. April/May. 18(3): p. 35-36. |
65900 |
Bermuda use grows for transition soccer |
Powell, A. J. 2000. Athletic Turf: Maintenance & Technology. March/April. 3(2): p. 11. |
64388 |
Strategies for growing in tall fescue: Seeding rates and fertilization play a big role, but plant growth regulators may be optional Access Restrictions |
Ervin, Erik H. 2000. Golf Course Management. February. 68(2): p. 52-55. |
63363 |
Soilless sod: Use tied to economy, USGA specs | Shank, Bruce F. 2000. TurfGrass TRENDS. January. 9(1): p. 9-12. |
122003 |
Management of take-all patch of creeping bentgrass on greens constructed to USGA specifications |
Latin, Richard; Reicher, Zac. 1999. 1999 Annual Report - Purdue University Turfgrass ScienceProgram. p. 1-6. |
75402 |
Lawn renovation project/ materials and methods |
Larson, Jerry C.; Smith, Ron; Nelson, James. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Horticultural Trials Report [NorthDakota]. p. 7-8. |
68106 |
Management practices for golf course roughs, fairways, and tees using buffalograss | Riordan, Terrance. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 17. |
72296 |
GCSAA, USGA and NTEP on-site testing program for bentgrass and bermudagrass cultivars on USGA specification golf course putting greens |
University of California Riverside Turfgrass Research Advisory Committee. 1999. 1999 Annual Research Summary [California, Riverside]. p. 25-29. |
67160 |
GCSAA, USGA and NTEP on-site testing of grasses for overseeding bermudagrass fairways |
University of California Riverside Turfgrass Research Advisory Committee. 1999. 1999 Annual Research Summary [California, Riverside]. p. 30-31. |
67161 |
Sprig establishment of buffalograss | Westerholt, S. R. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass Research Report [Nebraska]. p. 39. |
67419 |
On-site testing putting green variety trial | Morris, Kevin. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 39-40. |
72325 |
Seed priming Kentucky bluegrass | Cecil, W. K; Shearman, R. C.; Wit, L. A. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass Research Report [Nebraska]. p. 63-64. |
67427 |
Spring overseeding of creeping bentgrass after a late summer pre-emergence application | Watschke, T. L.; Borger, J. A. 1999. 1999 Annual Research Report [Penn State]. p. 77-78. |
64271 |
Overseed trials on fairway and putting green bermudagrass | Anderson, S. F.; Dudeck, A. E. 1999. Proceedings of the Florida State HorticulturalSociety. 112: p. 101-106. |
71659 |
Using trinexapac-ethyl to enhance turfgrass stress tolerance |
Shepard, D. P.; DiPaola, J. M. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 123. |
62871 |
Internally porous inorganic soil amendments for peat replacement within a USGA rooting media |
Waltz, F. C. Jr.; McCarty, L. B. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 129. |
63171 |
Effects of trinexapac-ethyl and wetting agent on establishment rate of kentucky bluegrass in sand-based root zones |
Henderson, J. J.; Sorochan, J. C.; Crum, J. R.; Rogers, J. N. III. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 136. |
63709 |
Impact of compost amendments on turf establishment, quality, and disease severity |
Loschinkohl, C.; Rimelspach, J. W.; Boehm, M. J. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 137. |
63713 |
Seed treatments to enhance germination and seedling establishment of zoysiagrass |
Bughrara, S. S.; Nelson, C. J.; Brilman, L. A.; Coutts, J. H. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 140. |
63888 |
Effect of urea-formaldehyde foam amendment on vegetation establishment |
Beck, M. A.; Daniels, W. L.; Booze-Daniels, J. N. 1999. 1999 Annual Meeting Abstracts [ASA/CSSA/SSSA]. 91: p. 343. |
64002 |
The effects of sand type and rootzone amendments on golf green performance. II. grass characteristics Access Restrictions |
Baker, S. W.; Mooney, S. J.; Cook, A. 1999. Journal of Turfgrass Science. 75: p. 18-26. |
66423 |
Investigation of the effects of fortiva seed treatment on the establishment of different grass species and mixtures Access Restrictions |
Newell, A. J.; Hart-Woods, J. C.; Crossley, F. M. E. 1999. Journal of Turfgrass Science. 75: p. 89-99. |
66450 |
Influence of NaCl on seed germination of cool-season turfgrass species | Kang, Hoon; Lee, Chiwon. 1999. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 13(2): p. 71-78 [75-82]. |
127958 |
Development of production technology for mixed lines sod in zoysiagrass | Lee, Jae-Pil; Kim, Jong-Bin; Kim, Doo-Hwan. 1999. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. 13(1): p. 29-36 [37-44]. |
127823 |
Poa trivialis sprouts erratically when cold: Early-fall seeding gives more uniform germination; blending helps late-fall seedings Access Restrictions |
Liu, Chunhua; Martin, Bruce; Camberato, James J. 1999. Golf Course Management. November. 67(11): p. 57-59. |
62599 |
Sod story with a happy ending: More golf courses have discovered that sodding is economical, efficient, reliable and smart | Fender, Doug. 1999. Golfdom. September. 55(6): p. 48-49, 52. |
62219 |
Z-Net may revolutionize slow-growing grasses | Anonymous. 1999. Golf Course News. August. 11(8): p. 1, 31. |
63474 |
Compost-amended sand rootzones |
Carey, Ken. 1999. Green is Beautiful. June. p. 17-18. |
297554 |
Predicting germination response of four cool-season range grasses to field-variable temperature regimes Access Restrictions |
Hardegree, S. P.; Van Vactor, S. S. 1999. Environmental and Experimental Botany. June. 41(3): p. 209-217. |
115351 |
Effects of trinexapac-ethyl and soil surfactant on establishment rate of Poa pratensis Access Restrictions |
Henderson, J. J.; Sorochan, J. C.; Crum, J. R.; Rogers, J. N. III. 1999. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 23(3): p. 34, 36. |
59313 |
Zeoponic turf root zone systems | Andrews, Richard; Shaw, James; Murphy, James. 1999. SportsTurf. April. 15(4): p. 14-16, 18-19. |
131678 |
Failed buffalo grass [buffalograss] planting | Anonymous. 1999. NMSU: Cooperative Extension Service. April 26. p. [1]. |
162566 |
1996 national buffalograss cultivar trial at TAES-Dallas |
Qian, Y. L.; Engelke, M. C. [1998]. Texas Turfgrass Progress Reports - 1997. |
47195 | |
Effect of Primo® on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) overseeding establishment in Tifway bermudagrass (Cynodon sp.). |
Menn, W. G.; White, R. H.; Hall, M. H. 1998. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1998. p. [1-4]. |
59682 |
1998 Diamond zoysiagrass heatbench establishment trial at TAES-Dallas |
Reynolds, S. M.; Engelke, M. C. 1998. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1998. |
64699 |
1997 USGA experimental bentgrass green at Bent Tree Country Club, Dallas, TX |
Engelke, M. C.; Mills, J. M.; Ihms, K. A. 1998. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1998. |
64936 |
Diamond zoysiagrass establishment trial at TAES-Dallas |
Reynolds, S. M.; Engelke, M. C. 1998. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1998. |
64955 |
Zoysiagrass cultivar management study |
Hall, M. H.; White, R. H.; Gaudreau, J. E.; Menn, W. G.; Taylor, G. R. 1998. Texas Turfgrass Research - 1998. |
64966 |