Keyword: Evaluative methods
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Nitrate leaching from soluble nitrogen applied to 'Floratam' St. Augustinegrass and common centipedegrass during dormancy |
Shaddox, Travis W.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Trenholm, Laurie E. 2016. Crop Science. March/April. 56(2): p. 837-844. |
270046 |
Seed germination of five Poa species at negative water potentials |
Springer, Tim L.; Goldman, Jason J. 2016. American Journal of Plant Sciences. March. 7(3): p. 601-611. |
282420 |
The simple evaluation method establishment of golf green turf quality | Yang, Chen; Liu, Zhao-hui; Gao, Zhang-ning; Suo, Tao-tao; Bai, Wen-zu; Zheng, Qian. 2016. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. February. 33(2): p. 192-200. |
271888 |
Estimating genomic heritabilities at the level of family-pool samples of perennial ryegrass using genotyping-by-sequencing Access Restrictions |
Ashraf, Bilal Hassan; Byrne, Stephen; Fé, Dario; Czaban, Adrian; Asp, Torben; Pedersen, Morten G.; Lenk, Ingo; Roulund, Niels; Didion, Thomas; Jensen, Christian S.; Jensen, Just; Janss, Luc L. 2016. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. January. 129(1): p. 45-52. |
268407 |
Physiological response of Kentucky bluegrass calli under NaCl treatment | Xu, Hai-peng; Li, Hui-ping; Jin, Xiao-yu; Niu, Kui-ju; Ma, Hui-ling. 2016. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. January 15. 33(1): p. 86-92. |
270903 |
Post emergence control of crabgrass and phytotoxicity evaluations | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-3]. |
270821 |
Pre and post emergence control of crabgrass and phytotoxicity evaluations | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-4]. |
270824 |
Annual bluegrass control in fairway height creeping bentgrass | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-3]. |
270827 |
Annual bluegrass control in Kentucky bluegrass | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-4]. |
270830 |
Control of perennial ryegrass in fairway height annual bluegrass | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-3]. |
270833 |
Seedhead suppression of fairway height annual bluegrass [April-May] | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-4]. |
270837 |
Seedhead suppression in greens height annual bluegrass and annual bluegrass/creeping bentgrass | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-8]. |
270838 |
Seedhead suppression of fairway height annual bluegrass | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-4]. |
270938 |
Surface firmness: Can we manage it? | Waltz, Clint. 2015. Sustainable Turfgrass Management in Asia 2015. p. 1-13. |
268444 |
Using two stimulators to apply traffic to the 2012 NTEP tall fescue test | Park, Bradley S.; Chen, Hui; Murphy, James A. 2015. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 39. |
263741 |
Establishment of a standard screening method for drought tolerance in creeping bentgrass | Zhang, Qi (Chee). 2015. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries. p. 83-88. |
285054 |
Sequence-tagged high density genetic maps of Zoysia japonica provide new insights into chloridoideae genome evolution | Wang, Fangfang; Singh, Ratnesh; Genovesi, Dennis; Chandra, Ambika; Yu, Qingyi. 2015. Plant & Animal Genome XXIII. p. 14788. |
270462 |
Aerial and ground based imagery techniques for evaluation of NTEP variety trials | McCurdy, James D.; Hathcock, Lee; Meacham, Sean; Stewart, Barry R.; Philley, Hebert W.; Baldwin, Christian M.; Moorhead, Robert J. II; Sullivan, Dana. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 91804. |
267215 |
A new device for measuring putting green characteristics | McElroy, J. Scott; Marshall, Andrew K. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92038. |
267024 |
Growing degree day models predict Class B PGR performance on bentgrass | Kreuser, William Collin; Michael, Darrell; Obear, Glen R. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92930. |
267054 |
Evaluating turfgrass color through digital image analysis using GreenIndex+ Turf smartphone app | O'Brien, Daniel P.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Richardson, Michael D. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93122. |
266765 |
Improving selection accuracy with post-hoc blocking in turfgrass breeding | Xing, Lin; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Munoz, Patricio. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93182. |
266755 |
Improvements to water use and water stress estimates with the addition of IR and net radiometers to weather stations | Blonquist, James Mark Jr.; Bugbee, Bruce; Evett, Steven R. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93326. |
266797 |
Evaluating experimental and commercially available bermudagrass varieties for divot recovery rate | Gopinath, Lakshmy; Martin, Dennis L.; Moss, Justin Quetone; Wu, Yanqi. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93420. |
266948 |
Building an extension program for the fine fescue SCRI grant | Horgan, Brian; Leslie, Madeline; Murphy, James A.; Bauer, Samuel. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93790. |
267075 |
Practicality of an unmanned aerial system in golf course management | McCall, David S.; Sullivan, Dana; Beck, John; Guertal, Elizabeth A.; Bland, Geoff; Ryan, Mark A. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 94283. |
267210 |
Nitrous oxide emissions and carbon sequestration in turfgrass: Effects of irrigation and N fertilization | Braun, Ross; Bremer, Dale J. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 94321. |
266689 |
A comparison of methods to assess putting green trueness | Linde, Douglas T.; Mitchell, Andrew; Hannan, Brendan. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 94476. |
267049 |
Visual turfgrass quality revisited | Leinauer, Bernd; VanLeeuwen, Dawn; Serena, Matteo; Sevostianova, Elena; Alvarez, Guillermo; Goss, Ryan M. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 94579. |
267015 |
Use of digital image analysis for counting dandelion blooms in field plots | Law, Quincy Daker; Patton, Aaron J. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 95491. |
266972 |
Taking stock: Assessing pitches at grass roots level Access Restrictions |
Gibbs, Richard; Everett, Rob. 2015. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. Summer. 270: p. 14-18. |
262309 |
Chasing shadows: How far have we caught up? Access Restrictions |
Collier, Lee; Palmer, Matt; Rowley, Michael. 2015. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. Summer. 270: p. 27-31. |
262313 |
GeoEye-1 satellite versus ground-based multispectral data for estimating nitrogen status of turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Caturegli, Lisa; Casucci, Marco; Lulli, Filippo; Grossi, Nicola; Gaetani, Monica; Magni, Simone; Bonari, Enrico; Volterrani, Marco. 2015. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 36(8): p. 2238-2251. |
269155 |
Using hyperspectral radiometry to predict the green leaf area index of turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Nan, An; Goldsby, Anthony L.; Price, Kevin P.; Bremer, Dale J. 2015. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 36(5): p. 1470-1483. |
269253 |
Difficulties with disease diagnosis |
Hannan, Brendan. 2015. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Summer. 32(4): p. 8-10. |
267662 |
Investigating strategies for optimum water usage in green spaces covered with lawn | KheirKhah, S. M. Rabbani; Kazemi, F. 2015. Desert. 20(2): p. 217-230. |
269336 |
Changes of growth and quality of creeping bentgrass by greywater irrigation |
Lee, Jong-Jin; Kim, Young-Sun; Lee, Jae-Pil; Lee, Geung-Joo; Yoon, Min-Ho. 2015. Weed and Turfgrass Science. December. 4(4): p. 390-396. |
270094 |
Comparative study of diversity based on heat tolerant-related morpho-physiological traits and molecular markers in tall fescue accessions |
Sun, Xiaoyan; Xie, Yan; Bi, Yufang; Liu, Jianping; Amombo, Erick; Hu, Tao; Fu, Jinmin. 2015. Scientific Reports. December 15. p. 1-14. |
269394 |
Impacts of salt stress on the growth and physiological characteristics of Paspalum vaginatum |
Jia, Xin-ping; Deng, Yan-ming; Sun, Xiao-bo; Liang, Li-jian. 2015. [Caoye Xuebao] [Acta Prataculturae Sinica]. December 20. 24(12): p. 204-212. |
271001 |
Effect of soil conditioner on the growth of Lolium multiflorum |
Yuan, Yao; Guo, Jian-bin; Yin, Shi-meng; Mou, Xia. 2015. [Caoye Xuebao] [Acta Prataculturae Sinica]. October 20. 24(10): p. 206-213. |
270995 |
Comparing digital image analysis and visual rating of gamma ray induced Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) mutants | Tiwari, Ajai Kumar; Kumar, Ramesh; Kumar, Gunjeet; Kadam, Ganesh B.; Saha, T. N.; K. S., Girish. 2015. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. August. 85(8): p. 1046-1049. |
269266 |
Utilizing next-generation sequencing to study homeologous polymorphisms and herbicide-resistance-endowing mutations in Poa annua acetolactate synthase genes Access Restrictions |
Chen, Shu; McElroy, J. Scott; Flessner, Michael L.; Dane, Fenny. 2015. Pest Management Science. August. 71(8): p. 1141-1148. |
264129 |
Synteny between Zoysia japonica Steud. and Oryza sativa L. based on RFLP, CISP and PLUG markers Access Restrictions |
Li, Manli; Qi, Xiao; Yuyama, Nana; Wang, Yunwen; Sun, Yan; Mao, Peisheng; Cai, Hongwei. 2015. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. August. 62(6): p. 853-862. |
269409 |
Actively seeking solutions: As many turf and ornamental pesticide active ingredients have gone off patent, LCOs have more choices when it comes to product selection |
Palmieri, Marisa. 2015. Landscape Management. August. 54(8): p. 36. |
265094 |
Radar can take a deep look beneath the turf surface | Reitman, John. 2015. TurfNet. August 21. p. [1-2]. |
267746 |
Development of a greenhouse-based inoculation protocol for the fungus Colletotrichum cereale pathogenic to annual bluegrass (Poa annua) |
Beirn, Lisa A.; Wang, Ruying; Clarke, Bruce B.; Crouch, Jo Anne. 2015. PeerJ. August 13. 3: p. 1-10. |
269295 |
Measuring the accuracy and precision of ball-roll devices - Does annual bluegrass influence golf ball deceleration and trajectory on putting greens? | Rana, Sandeep S.; Askew, Shawn D. 2015. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. July/August. p. 20-21. |
265722 |
Cool-season and warm-season grasses overview [2015] Access Restrictions |
Morris, Kevin. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 39(4): p. 30, 33-43. |
262475 |
Proactive approach key to field safety |
Serensits, Tom; McNitt, Andy. 2015. SportsTurf. July. 31(7): p. 12-14. |
262177 |
How to do an irrigation audit |
Anonymous. 2015. Landscape Management. June. 54(6): p. 12. |
261796 |
The Great Lawn - Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers | Binkowski, Ryan; Caldwell, Jack. 2015. Landscape Architect and Specifier News. June. 31(6): p. 50-52, 54, 56. |
261816 |
Turfgrass spectral reflectance: Simulating satellite monitoring of spectral signatures of main C3 and C4 species Access Restrictions |
Caturegli, Lisa; Lulli, Filippo; Foschi, Lara; Guglielminetti, Lorenzo; Bonari, Enrico; Volterrani, Marco. 2015. Precision Agriculture. June. 16(3): p. 297-310. |
269096 |
Photo finish Access Restrictions |
Worster, Paul. 2015. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 32. |
266743 |
Daily light integration - A new way to document shade issues |
Richardson, Mike; Kruse, Jason. 2015. Golfdom. May. 71(5): p. 36-39. |
264633 |
Selecting your soil physical testing lab | Hummel, Norman W. 2015. SportsTurf. May. 31(5): p. 22-23. |
258674 |
Water savings with soil amendments | Azam, Gausul; Poot, Pieter. 2015. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. May/June. 17(3): p. 52-54. |
260741 |
Planning your strategic review: Support for assessing pitches and planning improvements Access Restrictions |
Jacques, Thomas. 2015. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. April. 269: p. 34-36. |
257790 |
Sports turf moisture measurement |
Newstead, John. 2015. Pitchcare. April/May. 60: p. 146. |
261104 |
I see you doing that Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Beth. 2015. Golf Course Management. March. 83(3): p. 98. |
256294 |
NASA set to get the dirt on soil moisture Access Restrictions |
Novak, Jim. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. March/April. 39(2): p. 59. |
256295 |
The landscape census: 54 questions that have absolutely nothing to do with mowers |
Bowen, Chuck. 2015. Lawn & Landscape. March. 36(3): p. 46-48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58. |
262234 |
Pros and cons of using tall fescue cultivars for sports fields | Tate, Trent; Park, Brad; Bonos, S. A.; Meyer, William A. 2015. Sports Turf Manager [STC]. Spring. 28(1): p. 23-27. |
259583 |
Environmental affordances: A practical approach for design of nearby outdoor settings in urban residential areas Access Restrictions |
Hadavi, Sara; Kaplan, Rachel; Hunter, Mary Carol R. 2015. Landscape and Urban Planning. February. 134: p. 19-32. |
253696 |
Talking drainage: We asked representatives from several drainage companies: What are the first signs sports field managers should look for when a field is draining poorly? |
Anonymous. 2015. SportsField Management. February. 10(2): p. 26. |
257945 |
Moment of truth | Bechelet, Henry; Owen, Andy. 2015. Greenkeeper International. January. p. 46-47. |
260977 |
An ecohydrological approach to conserving urban water through optimized landscape irrigation schedules Access Restrictions |
Volo, Thomas J.; Vivoni, Enrique R.; Ruddell, Benjamin L. 2015. Landscape and Urban Planning. January. 133: p. 127-132. |
269157 |
Evaluation of the ryegrass stem rust model STEMRUST G and its implementation as a decision aid Access Restrictions |
Pfender, W. F.; Coop, L. B.; Seguin, S. G.; Mellbye, M. E.; Gingrich, G. A.; Silberstein, T. B. 2015. Phytopathology. January. 105(1): p. 35-44. |
253300 |
A simulation model for epidemics of stem rust in ryegrass seed crops Access Restrictions |
Pfender, W. F.; Upper, D. 2015. Phytopathology. January. 105(1): p. 45-56. |
253301 |
Annual sums of carbon dioxide exchange over a heterogeneous urban landscape through machine learning based gap-filling Access Restrictions |
Menzer, Olaf; Meiring, Wendy; Kyriakidis, Phaedon C.; McFadden, Joseph P. 2015. Atmospheric Environment. January. 101: p. 312-327. |
269203 |
Comparing digital image analysis and visual rating of gamma ray induced Bent grass (Agrostis stolonifera) mutants | Tiwari, Ajai Kumar; Kumar, Ramesh; Kumar, Gunjeet; Kadam, Ganesh B.; Saha, T. N. 2015. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. January. 85(1): p. 93-96. |
269277 |
Comprehensive evaluation of the golf course plant landscape in Haikou area | Lei, Jin-rui; Wang, Ying; He, Rong-xiao; Song, Xi-qiang; Zhou, Peng. 2015. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. January 15. 32(1): p. 41-47. |
270690 |
Screening Methods for Southern Chinch Bug Resistance in St. Augustinegrass |
Lu, Huangjun; Cherry, Ronald. 2014. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS Extension, University of Florida. 4 pp. |
264037 |
Evaluation of Sampling Procedures for Spatial Analysis of Surface and Edaphic Properties on Sports Fields | Straw, Chase Matthew. 2014. M.S. Thesis: University of Georgia. v, 296 pp. |
266918 |
Game changers: NexGen turfgrasses will be here sooner than later | Schwartz, Brian. 2014. 68th Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference [Proceedings]. p. [1-73]. |
272067 |
New technology for monitoring soil moisture | Kowalewski, Alec. 2014. OSU Turf Field Day Proceedings [Oregon]. p. 8. |
262803 |
The IPM tools: The pest triangle, and pest scouting, sampling, and identification | Kowalewski, Alec. 2014. OSU Turf Field Day Proceedings [Oregon]. p. 12. |
262807 |
Golf spike, sole design study | Nikolai, Thomas A.; Hathaway, Aaron. 2014. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 14-16. |
247847 |
Effects of drought and traffic stresses on physiological responses and water use characteristics of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) and annual bluegrass (Poa annua) [2014] | Laskowski, Kevin; Merewitz, Emily; Frank, Kevin W.; Vargas, J. M. Jr. 2014. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 17-18. |
247849 |
Some like it basic: Graminicolous Colletotrichum species moderate environmental pH by secreting ammonium | Beirn, Lisa A.; Paulino, Victor; Schmid, Charles J.; Crouch, Jo Anne; Clarke, Bruce B. 2014. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 33-34. |
247670 |
Enhancing the evaluation of new hazelnut germplasm from Turkey and the Baltic Region with the use of molecular tools | Muehlbauer, Megan; Morey, Kaitlin; Capik, John; Honig, Josh; Molnar, Thomas. 2014. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 45-46. |
247677 |
Comparison of visual rating techniques and spectral reflectance characteristics during turf variety trial evaluations | McCurdy, James D.; Baldwin, Christian M.; Philley, Herbert W.; Stewart, Barry R.; Ruffin, Jason. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 86013. |
249961 |
Impact of physical and chemical parameters of the subsoil on the botanical composition of sports field turf |
Pawluczuk, Jan; Grabowski, Kazimierz. 2014. Journal of Elementology. 19(2): p. 483-494. |
269521 |
Ice encasement damage of grasses: Preventive measures and injury repair | Gudleifsson, Bjarni E. 2014. Bioforsk Fokus. 9(8): p. 19-20. |
270891 |
Using fine resolution orthoimagery and spatial interpolation to rapidly map turf grass in suburban Massachusetts | Runfola, Daniel S. M.; Hamill, Thomas; Pontius, Robert Gilmore Jr.; Rogan, John; Giner, Nick; Decatur, Albert; Ratick, Samuel. 2014. International Journal of Geospatial and EnvironmentalResearch. 1(1): p. 1-17. |
269530 |
A guide to electric circuits and troubleshooting problems Access Restrictions |
Konrad, Eddie. 2014. GreenMaster. November/December. 49(6): p. 34-35. |
252688 |
3rd generation surface, 1st generation groundsman | Liddiard, Clive. 2014. The Groundsman [IOG]. October. p. 32-33, 35. |
251280 |
Penman's sink-strength model as an improved approach to estimating plant canopy transpiration Access Restrictions |
Sinclair, Thomas R.; Wherley, Benjamin G.; Dukes, Michael D.; Cathey, Sarah E. 2014. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. October 15. 197: p. 136-141. |
270370 |
Digital image analysis and spectral reflectance to determine turfgrass quality |
Leinauer, Bernd; VanLeeuwen, Dawn M.; Serena, Matteo; Schiavon, Marco; Sevostianova, Elena. 2014. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 106(5): p. 1787-1794. |
249162 |
Development of distinction methods for male-sterile and dwarfism herbicide tolerant Zoysia japonica Steud. |
Lee, Bum kyu; Kang, Hong-Gyu; Ra, Nu ri; Sun, Hyeon-Jin; Kwon, Yong-Ik; Song, In-Ja; Kim, Chang-Gi; Ryu, Tae-Hun; Park, Kee Woong; Lee, Hyo-Yeon. 2014. CNU Journal of Agricultural Science. September. 41(3): p. 187-191. |
270286 |
Rhizobacterial inoculants increase root and shoot growth in 'Tifway' hybrid bermudagrass | Coy, R. Murphey; Held, David W.; Kloepper, Joseph W. 2014. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. September. 32(3): p. 149-154. |
270229 |
Comparing digital image analysis and visual rating of gamma ray induced perennial rye grass (Lolium perenne) mutants | Tiwari, Ajai Kumar; Kumar, Gunjeet; Kadam, Ganesh B.; Saha, Tarak Nath. 2014. HortFlora Research Spectrum. September. 3(3): p. 211-217. |
269466 |
A novel comparison between standard and new testing procedures to assess shock absorbency of third generation artificial turfs Access Restrictions |
Nunome, Hiroyuki; Inoue, Koichiro; Shinkai, Hironari; Kozakai, Rumi; Suito, Hiroshi; Ikegami, Yasuo. 2014. Sports Engineering. June. 17(2): p. 103-112. |
242035 |
Determinación cuantitativa del color en céspedes de especies nativas de Paspalum (Qualitative determination of the color in lawns of native species Paspalum) |
Reinoso, Patricia Diana; Carponi, María Silvia; Butus, Marina L.; Martínez, Vanina A.; Badano, Martina. 2014. Investigación Agraria. June. 16(1): p. 49-55. |
269551 |
Comparison of salinity tolerance evaluation system of Zoysiagrass | Chen, Xuan; Guo, Hai-lin; Chen, Jing-bo; Liu, Jian-xiu. 2014. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. June 15. 31(6): p. 1052-1057. |
260387 |
Identification of candidate reference genes in perennial ryegrass for quantitative RT-PCR under various abiotic stress conditions |
Huang, Linkai; Yan, Haidong; Jiang, Xiaomei; Yin, Guohua; Zhang, Xinquan; Qi, Xiao; Zhang, Yu; Yan, Yanhong; Ma, Xiao; Peng, Yan. 2014. PloS ONE. April. 9(4): p. e93724 [1-10]. |
269417 |
Two takes on evaluating warm-season grasses in California |
Gross, Pat. 2014. United States Golf Association. April 16. p. 1-2. |
245477 |
Differential responses of Brachypodium distachyon genotypes to insect and fungal pathogens Access Restrictions |
Sandoya, Germán V.; Buanafina, Marcia Maria de Oliveira. 2014. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. January. 85: p. 53-64. |
270222 |
Influence of hard vs. soft ground surfaces on bone accretion in prepubertal footballers Access Restrictions |
Plaza-Carmona, M.; Vicente-Rodriguez, G.; Martin-García, M.; Burillo, P.; Felipe, J. L.; Mata, E.; Casajús, J. A.; Gallardo, L.; Ara, I. 2014. International Journal of Sports Medicine. January. 35(1): p. 55-61. |
249681 |
Using canopy reflectance tools in turfgrass management |
Carey, Ken. 2014. SportsTurf. January. 30(1): p. 32, 34-37. |
235187 |
Effect of Fetch Length on Latent Heat Flux Data Accuracy Calculated By Bowen Ratio Energy Balance Method | Pozníková, Gabriela; Fischer, Milan; Trnka, Miroslav; Orság, Matěj; Kučera, Jiří; Žalud, Zdeněk. 2013. Vienna, Austria: European Geosciences Union General Assembly. [1] p. |
269816 |