Keyword: Evaluative methods
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Management Factors Affecting Putting Green Speed |
Throssell, Clark Stuart. 1981. M.S. Thesis: Pennsylvania State University. xiv.; 105 pp. |
9771 |
Ratio analysis: A tolerance evaluation procedure for two component turfgrass seed mixtures Access Restrictions |
Riordan, T. P. 1979. Journal of Seed Technology. 4(2): p. 42-48. |
5499 | |
Combined testmethods for lawngrasses for different purposes Access Restrictions |
Lütke Entrup, E. 1977. International Turfgrass Society Program: III International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 28. |
269990 |
A contemporary approach to turfgrass variety evaluation Access Restrictions |
Turgeon, A. J. 1977. International Turfgrass Society Program: III International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 30. |
269991 |
Influence of fertilizer rate, mower type and thatch control on colonial bentgrass lawn turf Access Restrictions |
Skogley, C. R. 1977. International Turfgrass Society Program: III International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 60. |
270022 |
Practical research and results on spiking with knives on footballpitches Access Restrictions |
Kamp, H. A. 1977. International Turfgrass Society Program: III International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 64. |
270030 |
The quantity of roots under bluegrass |
Anonymous. 1977. The Newsletter [New England]. March. p. 3. |
284814 |
Maples method for measuring greens | Maples, Palmer Jr. 1976. A Patch of Green. September. p. 8. |
252660 |
Root development under some turfgrass species and cultivars Access Restrictions |
Boeker, P. 1973. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 5. |
269799 |
Identify varieties of Kentucky bluegrass by seed characteristics Access Restrictions |
Brown, D. E. 1973. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 6. |
269811 |
Techniques for assessing seedling vigor and establishment and potential application in breeding programs in grasses | Derwyn, R.; Whalley, B.; McKell, Cyrus M. 1973. Proceedings of Scotts Turfgrass Research Conference. 4: p. 33-56. |
69701 |
Research to improve methods of testings varietal purity | Nittler, LeRoy W. 1973. Proceedings of Scotts Turfgrass Research Conference. 4: p. 99-105, 107112. |
69721 |
NGF gets set to update golf data Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1973. Golf Superintendent. August. 41(8): p. 32. |
117299 |
Nitrate Critical Range Studies of Blue, Bent and Bermuda Turfgrasses Using the Nitrate Electrode. |
Madison, J. H. 1972. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 64: p. 64. |
16069 |
Spectral reflectance measurements of St. Augustine decline disease | Toler, R. W.; Shankar, N. K.; Odle, W. C. 1972. Phytopathology. July. 62(7): p. 793. |
241106 |
Value of GCSAA Salary Survey Access Restrictions |
Mitchell, Robert V. 1972. The Golf Superintendent. June. 40(6): p. 9. |
116468 |
Infrared holds promise for turf management Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1972. Golf Superintendent. March. 40(3): p. 52. |
117195 |
Perenniality in Poa Annua L. | Gibeault, Victor Andrew. 1971. Ph.D. Dissertation: Oregon State University. [v.]; 124 pp. |
2778 |
[Variations between soil testing labs] Access Restrictions |
Rieke, Paul E. 1971. Golf Superintendent. August. 39(8): p. 11. |
117053 |
[Evaluating fertilization needs] Access Restrictions |
Powell, A. J. 1971. Golf Superintendent. July. 39(7): p. 11. |
116988 |
How to test soil and plants on the golf course Access Restrictions |
Jones, J. Benton. 1971. Golf Superintendent. July. 39(7): p. 22-23. |
116991 |
Air entrapment problems in automated irrigation systems Access Restrictions |
Sturm, G. W. 1970. The Golf Superintendent. November/December. 38(10): p. 20-22. |
113624 |
D. 2-b. Environment, low temperature: Winter desiccation control [1969] | Beard, J. B. 1969. 1969 Turfgrass Research Summary [Michigan State University]. p. 7. |
238381 |
Testing ryegrass varieties for British agriculture |
Aldrich, D. T. A. 1969. Proceedings of the First International Turfgrass Research Conference. 1: p. 45-50. |
1712 |
The evaluation of a new turfgrass |
Daniel, W. H. 1969. Proceedings of the First International Turfgrass Research Conference. 1: p. 57-64. |
1714 |
Turfgrass variety trials in the U.K. |
Shildrick, J. P. 1969. Proceedings of the First International Turfgrass Research Conference. 1: p. 88-102. |
1720 |
Assimilation rate and growth of Lolium populations in the glasshouse in contrasting light intensities Access Restrictions |
Wilson, D.; Cooper, J. P. 1969. Annals of Botany. November. 33(5): p. 951-965. |
251455 |
G-4. Mechanism of sod heating in shipment | King, J. W.; Beard, J. B. 1968. 1968 Turfgrass Research Summary [Michigan State University]. p. 22. |
225068 |
Water survey Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1968. The Golf Superintendent. July. 36(7): p. 40. |
113990 |
The soil profile Access Restrictions |
Miller, Fred P. 1968. The Golf Superintendent. March. 36(3): p. 24-25. |
113280 |
A rapid technique for the examination of large numbers of ryegrass samples for blind seed disease Access Restrictions |
Sproule, T. R. M.; Wright, C. E. 1966. Plant Pathology. December. 15(4): p. 180-183. |
234952 |
National Golf Foundation fairway irrigation survey Access Restrictions |
Eckhoff, Harry C. 1966. The Golf Superintendent. September/October. 34(9): p. 22. |
116528 |
A new measurement of turfgrass response and vigor Access Restrictions |
Roberts, Eliot C. 1965. The Golf Course Reporter. August. 33(8): p. 10-14, 16, 18, 20. |
127136 |
Aeration plugs for greens used for nematode analysis Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1965. The Golf Course Reporter. August. 33(8): p. 50. |
127147 |
A method for measuring greens Access Restrictions |
Maples, Palmer Jr. 1965. The Golf Course Reporter. April. 33(4): p. 64. |
127095 |
How well do you know your soils? Access Restrictions |
Peterson, H. B.; Christensen, Paul. 1965. The Golf Course Reporter. February. 33(2): p. 40-41. |
127057 |
A check for chinch bugs Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1964. The Golf Course Reporter. August. 32(8): p. 50. |
127041 |
Soil and lead tissue tests for phosphorus Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1964. The Golf Course Reporter. May. 32(5): p. 63-64. |
126985 |
The role of extractants in soil testing Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1964. The Golf Course Reporter. March. 32(3): p. 14. |
126938 |
Soil oxygen and clipping height: Effects on the growth of Newport bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Letey, J.; Stolzy, L. H.; Lunt, O. R.; Valoras, N. 1964. The Golf Course Reporter. February. 32(2): p. 16-18, 20, 24, 26. |
126848 |
The role of soil testing in fertilizer usage Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1964. The Golf Course Reporter. February. 32(2): p. 49-50. |
126851 |
Turfgrass mixture studies | Beard, James B. 1963. 1963 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 6. |
240289 |
Soil testing service offered by Green Section | Green Section, The United States Golf Association. 1963. USGA Green Section Record. November. 1(4): p. 11-12. |
35739 |
New fertilizer labels coming | Anonymous. 1963. USGA Green Section Record. November. 1(4): p. 12-13. |
35740 |
Soil testing for the presence of harmful nematodes | Knierim, John A. 1963. Michigan Turfgrass Report. Fall. 1(2): p. 17-22. |
152730 |
Fertilizer products and practices: A review of soil testing Access Restrictions |
Nutter, Gene C. 1963. The Golf Course Reporter. April. 31(4): p. 58-59, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70. |
126647 |
Quick testing methods for soil reaction Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1963. The Golf Course Reporter. April. 31(4): p. 90. |
126652 |
Evaluation of fertilizers by biological methods Access Restrictions |
Terman, G. L.; Bouldin, D. R.; Webb, J. R. 1962. Advances in Agronomy. 14: p. 265-319. |
103034 |
Turf-grass diseases: Part 3: Cottony blight disease Access Restrictions |
Wells, Homer D. 1962. The Golf Course Reporter. May. 30(5): p. 33, 36, 38-39. |
126741 |
The developmental anatomy of leaves in Lolium temulentum Access Restrictions |
Borrill, Martin. 1961. Annals of Botany. January. 25(1): p. 1-11. |
251315 |
The invert emulsion - a promising tool for right-of-way management | Kirch, J. H.; Waldrum, J. E.; Brown, H. F. 1960. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting: Northeastern Weed Control Conference. 14: p. 413-418. |
227444 |
Long term evaluation of chemical brush control on a power line right-of-way | Byrnes, William R. 1960. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting: Northeastern Weed Control Conference. 14: p. 422-429. |
227446 |
Laboratory methods for evaluation of putting green soil mixtures | Ferguson, Marvin H.; Howard, Leon; Bloodworth, Morris E. 1960. USGA Journal and Turf Management. September. 13(5): p. 30-32. |
23077 |
Mineralization of organic nitrogen in soil Access Restrictions |
Harmsen, G. W.; Van Schreven, D. A. 1955. Advances in Agronomy. 7: p. 300-398. |
103028 |
Use of nematocides on established turf |
Overman, A. J. 1954. The Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida: Proceedings. 14: p. 170-173. |
291198 |
A preliminary report on nematode control in a turf maintenance program |
Ritty, P. M. 1954. The Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida: Proceedings. 14: p. 174-176. |
291202 |
Nitrogen tests for turf Access Restrictions |
Lyons, William. 1953. The Golf Course Reporter. June. 21(4): p. 11-12. |
121730 |
Quick mechanical analysis of soils Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, Tom. 1953. The Golf Course Reporter. June. 21(4): p. 15-17, 20-21. |
121789 |
Susceptibility of lawn grasses to brown patch |
Shurtleff, M. C. 1953. Phytopathology. February. 43(2): p. 110. |
262912 |
Sampling for quick soil tests Access Restrictions |
The Sewerage Commission. 1952. The Golf Course Reporter. March/April. 20(2): p. Inside front cover. |
121514 |
Irrigation and Compaction on Established Fairway Turf |
Watson, James R. Jr. 1950. Ph.D. Dissertation: The Pennsylvania State College. [3], 108 pp. |
28672 |
Spirally Arranged Plots in a Design for Field Assay of Fungicides |
Horsfall, James G.; Rich, Saul. 1949. New Haven, Connecticut: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. 19 pp. |
264597 |
A survey of twelve golf courses in the Los Angeles area |
Roach, Edward F. 1949. First Annual Fall Field Day on Turf Culture. 1: p. 43-50. |
140757 |
[Popular beliefs in weather forecasting] |
Davies, Arthur. 1938. The Agrostologist. Autumn. 2(3): p. XV-XVI [15-16]. |
171363 |
Investigations on the control of leather jackets: Some results of breeding and sampling experiments during the current season Access Restrictions |
Lovibond, Betty. 1937. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Autumn. 5(17): p. 107-112. |
50325 |
Lawn grasses on trial at Kirstenbosch Access Restrictions |
Mathews, J. W. 1935. Journal of the Botanical Society of South Africa. January. 21(1): p. 11-13. |
292271 |
Use of sodium chlorate and other chemicals in controlling turf weeds | Grau, Fred V. 1933. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. December. 13(6): p. 154-179. |
35668 |
Brutal season emphasizes care in grass selection | Fouder, J. F. 1931. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. October. 5(10): p. 60-63. |
178979 |
Value, use, and testing of swamp muck | USGA Green Section. 1927. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 7(10): p. 203. |
121131 |
[Necessary seeds for turf experiment plots] | USGA Green Section. 1921. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. May. 1(5): p. 95. |
141274 |
[Value of muck on golf courses] | USGA Green Section. 1921. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February 23. 1(2): p. 26. |
136829 |
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Olcott, James Bradford. 1891 [1892]. Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture. January. 25: p. 236-260. |
63686 |