Keyword: Federal legislation
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The first step: Industry leaders, educators meet with regulators in Gainesville to develop BMPs for turfgrass |
Santella, Erica. 2000. Florida Turf Digest. September/October. 17(5): p. 4, 6, 8, 10. |
69556 |
Real world faces uphill fight against political agendas |
Jackson, Joel. 2000. Florida Turf Digest. September/October. 17(5): p. 47. |
69568 |
Some basic realizations concerning chemicals |
Schmitz, Hans J. 2000. Turf & Recreation. September/October. 13(6): p. 30. |
70263 |
Wenn Nützlinge zur Plage werden: Maulwürfe (If little workers become the plague: Moles) |
Velmans, Heinz; Thelen, Hans G. 2000. Greenkeepers Journal. September. 3: p. 22-23. |
71321 |
NPMA and RISE face tough school issues |
Anonymous. 2000. Pest Control. August. 68(8): p. 58-60. |
66923 |
Pesticide bans continue | Anonymous. 2000. Lawn and Landscape. August. 21(8): p. 10, 23. |
67724 |
Dow voluntarily withdraws Dursban uses |
Bradenburg, Rick L. 2000. North Carolina Turfgrass. August/September. 18(5): p. 6-12. |
69945 |
A Dursban Ban? |
Liebsch, Joe. 2000. The Bonnie Greensward. July. p. 1. |
91037 |
Clear the air: Users will benefit from two-cycle engine equipment with reduced emissions - but at what cost? | Aylward, Larry. 2000. Golfdom. July. 56(7): p. 21. |
66256 |
Fighting for their home |
Curtis, Ted. 2000. Golf Journal. July. 53(5): p. 6. |
66089 |
It was a done deal | Gibson, Sue. 2000. Landscape Management. July. 39(7): p. 7. |
67084 |
Dursban falls to EPA's ax | Anonymous. 2000. Grounds Maintenance. July. 35(7): p. 1. |
66875 |
Invasive weed lists threaten green industry welfare Access Restrictions |
Stier, John C. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. July/August. 24(4): p. 44, 47. |
66161 |
The failure of AgriBioTech and the serious consequences Access Restrictions |
Jacob, Irv. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. July/August. 24(4): p. 47-48. |
66162 |
Course owners, IRS negotiate | Washburn, A. 2000. Golf Course News. July. 12(7): p. 1, 30. |
66649 |
NTEP funding update | Anonymous. 2000. NTEP Newsline. July-September. 3(1): p. 1,6. |
66996 |
Food quality protection act impacts turf industry |
Scott, Jean. 2000. The Bonnie Greensward. June. p. 1, 9. |
91658 |
Making the right choice for the protection of health and the environment report of the standing committee on environment and sustainable development: I: Turf Line News editor's comment | Anonymous. 2000. The Turf Line News. June/July. 158: p. 28. |
66508 |
Making the right choice for the protection of health and the environment report of the standing committee on environment and sustainable development: II. Chair's preface to the report | Anonymous. 2000. The Turf Line News. June/July. 158: p. 28-29. |
66509 |
Making the right choice for the protection of health and the environment report of the standing committee on environment and sustainable development: III. Executive summary: Key directions for change | Anonymous. 2000. The Turf Line News. June/July. 158: p. 32-36, 38. |
66510 |
Making the right choice for the protection of health and the environment report of the standing committee on environment and sustainable development: IV. Official opposition report on pesticides | Anonymous. 2000. The Turf Line News. June/July. 158: p. 38, 40-43, 45. |
66511 |
Bill C-388: Private members bill introduced by Liberal MP Marlene Jennings from Quebec | Anonymous. 2000. The Turf Line News. June/July. 158: p. 46. |
66512 |
Enemy invaders: Bringing science into the invasive species debate |
Zaworski, Frank. 2000. Seed World. June. 138(7): p. 18-21. |
65366 |
Ground control | Wisniewski, Nicole. 2000. Lawn and Landscape. June. 21(6): p. S3-S6. |
67025 |
Responding to a national labor shortage, TPI and agricultural groups seek to address a labor crisis through legislative reform of the H-2A Foreign Worker Program Access Restrictions |
Lake, Monte B. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 24(3): p. 21-23. |
66285 |
Planning for emergencies |
Allbutt, Jon. 2000. TURF Management. April. p. 7. |
68909 |
Utility patents: Protecting the plant |
Alexander, Larry. 2000. Seed World. April. 138(5): p. 6, 8-9. |
64967 |
Regulating water quality Access Restrictions |
Harrison, Scott. 2000. Golf Course Management. April. 68(4): p. 81. |
64439 |
Liable for loot?: Sorting through the overtime issue | Cordelli, Raymond G. 2000. Golfdom. April. 56(4): p. 50, 52. |
64511 |
Straying from the path of science |
Dawson, Gavin. 2000. Landscape Trades. April. 23(3): p. 4. |
66460 |
Superintendents encouraged to report activists | Overbeck, Andrew. 2000. Golf Course News. April. 12(4): p. 13, 16. |
66122 |
Invasive pests: These unwelcome immigrants are slipping into the United States and causing major disruptions to our habitats and economy | Liskey, Eric; Kennedy, Mike. 2000. Grounds Maintenance. March. 35(3): p. 18-20, 47-48, 50, 52, 54, 56,+. |
65871 |
Trees and the Canadian law |
Gallant, Adrien. 2000. Turf & Recreation. March. 13(2): p. 17, 20, 22. |
65464 |
New insecticides expected to be available in summer 2000: Old standbys likely will be lost | Potter, Daniel A. 2000. TURFAX. March/April. 8(2): p. 1, 6. |
64969 |
Legislative update |
Pressler, Larry. 2000. Texas Turfgrass. Spring. 53(1): p. 17. |
65301 |
New wetlands regulations tighten the screws | Leslie, Mark. 2000. Golf Course News. February. 11(2): p. 45, 50. |
65584 |
The golf community in 2000 |
Addison, Randolph D. 2000. Golf Business [NGCOA]. February. 6(2): p. 20, 22, 24. |
65205 |
Emissions from in-use lawn-mowers in Australia Access Restrictions |
Priest, M. W.; Williams, D. J.; Bridgman, H. A. 2000. Atmospheric Environment. January. 34(4): p. 657-664. |
157220 |
'Invasive species' actions could impact turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2000. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 24(1): p. 83-84. |
65252 |
Lessons in enforcement from the front lines |
Anonymous. 2000. Erosion Control. January/February. 7(1): p. 22-24. |
64073 |
NPDES Phase II: The Next Phase |
Hull, Paul. 2000. Erosion Control. January/February. 7(1): p. 40-42, 44-47. |
64077 |
GCSAA testifies on proposed ADA guidelines |
Anonymous. 2000. Newsline. January. 5(1): p. 6. |
79833 |
Special programme for golf courses | Anonymous. [199x]. Golf Environment Europe. p. [1-22]. |
128675 | |
Does government registration mean pesticides are safe? |
Anonymous. 1999. Journal of Pesticide Reform. Summer. 19(2): p. 3. |
60917 |
Environmental regulations: What role for research?: As environmental problems become more severe, regulators may become less cautious in ensuring that new regulations are effective, flexible, and coherent Access Restrictions |
Peacock, Charles H.; Bowman, Daniel C. 1999. Golf Course Management. December. 67(12): p. 49-53. |
62705 |
Pesticides under fire: Unless end-users let their voices be heard, the choice of pest control products may get slimmer | Bendorf, Angela. 1999. Golfdom. November/December. 55(8): p. 35. |
62640 |
Presidential order could change golf course turf | Stier, John C. 1999. The Grass Roots. November/December. 28(6): p. 37, 39, 41. |
62653 |
Comment starts on chlorpyrifos | Overbeck, Andrew. 1999. Golf Course News. November. 11(11): p. 1, 42. |
63529 |
Future of pest management in the landscape: The five-year forecast for the ever-evolving landscape pest control industry includes new products, new regulations and new pests | Brandenburg, R. L. 1999. Lawn and Landscape. October. 20(10): p. 101, 104, 106, 108, 110. |
81394 |
New wetlands regs could stifle development | Leslie, Mark. 1999. Golf Course News. October. 11(10): p. 1, 32-33. |
63520 |
Impact of the GST on the turf industry | Griffin, Jon. 1999. Australian Turfgrass Management. October/November. 1(5): p. 16-18. |
64592 |
FQPA threat looms |
Anonymous. 1999. Clippings & Green World. Fall. 36: p. 10-11. |
67224 |
Inert ingredients in pesticides: Who's keeping secrets? |
Cox, Caroline. 1999. Journal of Pesticide Reform. Fall. 19(3): p. 2-7, 9. |
62350 |
Susquehanna river basin regulatory update |
Brownell, Michael G. 1999. The Keynoter. September. 27(4): p. 3-4. |
63046 |
Pesticide battles heat up | Anonymous. 1999. Lawn and Landscape. September. 20(9): p. 8. |
81335 |
H.R. 1592 aims to end unfair pesticide assessments | Anonymous. 1999. Golf Course News. August. 11(8): p. 6. |
63471 |
Update on national emission bans |
Ratcliff, Cindy. 1999. Grounds Maintenance. July. 34(7): p. 10. |
61335 |
Regulations and the contractor | Billings, Doug. 1999. Grounds Maintenance. July. 34(7): p. 54. |
61349 |
TPI pushes its position as federal issues heat-up Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1999. TurfNews [TPI]. July/August. 23(4): p. 8-9. |
60418 |
Oftanol is turf's first FQPA pesticide loss Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1999. TurfNews [TPI]. July/August. 23(4): p. 78. |
60462 |
A little peace & quiet: New engine developments are based on current and upcoming emissions regulations, requiring less noise and pollution | Wisniewski, Nicole. 1999. Lawn and Landscape. July. 20(7): p. 62, 64-66, 68. |
81022 |
The Food Quality Protection Act and its impact on turfgrass management | Brandenburg, R. L. 1999. TurfGrass TRENDS. July. 8(7): p. 9-13. |
121966 |
GCSAA goes to Washington |
Anonymous. 1999. Newsline. July. 4(7): p. 7. |
77097 |
Bill would require EPA to use real science |
Anonymous. 1999. Newsline. July. 4(7): p. 7. |
77098 |
Soccer safety: New standards to prevent goal tip-over | Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). 1999. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. June. 12(2): p. 1. |
59968 |
The seed label | Bladon, Michael. 1999. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. June. 12(2): p. 12. |
59974 |
Legislation would preserve caddie's independent status | Anonymous. 1999. Golf Course News. June. 11(6): p. 43. |
59537 |
Setting metals standards for fertilizers Access Restrictions |
Alexander, Ron; Goldstein, Nora. 1999. BioCycle, The Journal of Composting & Recycling. May. 40(5): p. 66-69. |
59697 |
Golf course construction - beware | Beard, James B. 1999. TURFAX. May/June. 7(3): p. 7. |
60564 |
A question of liability Access Restrictions |
Lasater, Nancy E. 1999. Golf Course Management. April. 67(4): p. 240. |
123120 |
Home remedies | Liskey, Eric. 1999. Grounds Maintenance. April. 34(4): p. 1. |
60695 |
Balancing golf's growth and habitat preservation |
Smith, Cynthia K. 1999. Golfweek's SuperintendentNews. April 2. 1(4): p. 5. |
253390 |
The rules of the game: Pesticide regulations for golf courses |
McCarthy, John; Guillebeau, Paul. 1999. Through The Green. March/April. p. 15, 29, 31. |
61061 |
Accessibility answers: Making renovations to meet new ADA guidelines shouldn't take away from the fundamental nature of the game Access Restrictions |
Ginkel, David L. 1999. Golf Course Management. March. 67(3): p. 152, 154, 156. |
57903 |
FQPA: Nail-biting time draws near | Anonymous. 1999. Grounds Maintenance. March. 34(3): p. 79-80. |
58434 |
Illegal farm labor and shortage issues get TPI support Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1999. TurfNews [ASPA]. March/April. 23(2): p. 11-12. |
105300 |
Common violations: It's easy to get caught in the tangled web of conflicting regulations |
Kelly, William C. 1999. Florida Turf Digest. March/April. 16(2): p. 35-36. |
64557 |
Malaysia bans further property loans | Overbeck, Andrew. 1999. Golf Course News. March. 11(3): p. 51. |
58267 |
1999 Legislative/regulatory agenda set |
Anonymous. 1999. Newsline. March. 4(3): p. 9. |
77103 |
What is water pollution and how is it measured?: Scientists look at chemicals, life forms, and water uses Access Restrictions |
Starrett, Steven K. 1999. Golf Course Management. February. 67(2): p. 65-67. |
56961 |
Landmark research under way |
Maples, H. Eugene. 1999. North Carolina Turfgrass. February/March. 17(1): p. 6, 8-10, 12-14. |
60842 |
[Methyl bromide phase-out extended to 2005] | Anonymous. 1999. Golf Course News. February. 11(2): p. 3. |
57318 |
New federal stormwater management rules are good for the US EC industry |
Anonymous. 1999. Erosion Control. January/February. 6(1): p. 14. |
57333 |
Department of Justice meets with GCSAA on ADA |
Anonymous. 1999. Newsline. January. 4(1): p. 7. |
79824 |
Your FQPA 'risk cup' runneth over | Jackson, Joel. 1998. The Florida Green. Summer. p. 8, 12. |
55395 |
Criteria for solid waste disposal facilities: A guide for owners/operators |
United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1998. p. 62-82. In: National Golf Foundation. Landfill Golf Courses : Environmentally Beneficial Community Assets. Jupiter, FL : National Golf Foundation. |
65807 |
A new generation is teeing off: Is Tiger Woods making divots on environmentally sound golf courses? |
Dornak, David B. 1998. Columbia Journal of Environmental Law. 23(2): p. 299-335. |
65773 |
FQPA from academic point of view |
Brandenburg, R. L. 1998. North Carolina Turfgrass. October/November. 16(6): p. 8. |
56893 |
Vigilance still needed despite positive indications | Anonymous. 1998. The Florida Green. Fall. p. 64. |
56873 |
Food Quality Protection Act | Smith, Cynthia Kelly. 1998. The Florida Green. Fall. p. 71. |
56877 |
Senator weighs in | Mack, Connie. 1998. The Florida Green. Fall. p. 71. |
56878 |
Taking precautions | Rees, Tony. 1998. Greenkeeper International. September. p. 48. |
55352 |
Golf courses could lose federal emergency funding | Anonymous. 1998. Golf Course News. September. 9(9): p. 7. |
54877 |
Strategies to avoid "green goo"...Wash it! |
Anonymous. 1998. TurfNet Monthly. September. 5(9): p. 1-5, 14-15. |
99982 |
["Grassroots information packet" and other legal interests] | Murphy, Rick. 1998. A Patch of Green. Mid-Summer. p. 14. |
53666 |
The UST countdown: Old underground storage tanks pose costly questions for superintendents facing a mandatory Dec. 22 clean-up date Access Restrictions |
Stewart, Bill. 1998. Golf Course Management. August. 66(8): p. 138, 140, 142, 144, 146-148. |
53437 |
What will you do if you lose a tool? |
Doppel, Tim. 1998. The Landsculptor. June. p. 9-10. |
54584 |
Playground surfacing: Maintenance & liability |
Huber, Rolf. 1998. Landscape Trades. June. 20(5): p. 28-31. |
71725 |
The Food Quality Protection Act will affect the turfgrass industry |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 1998. North Carolina Turfgrass. June/July. 16(4): p. 7. |
54689 |
An ounce of prevention: Sexual harassment is a potential danger at every workplace. Know how to solve the most common problems that spark lawsuits Access Restrictions |
Perry, Phillip M. 1998. Golf Course Management. May. 66(5): p. 182-184, 186, 188-190. |
52495 |