Keyword: Fertilization
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Ground cover sediment movement study | Nikolai, Thomas A.; Bryan, Jeff; Fabbo, Joe; Hathaway, Aaron. 2014. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 23. |
247856 |
C sequestration and N2O emissions in urban soils | Qian, Yaling; Gillette, Katrina; Zhang, Yao; Follett, Ronald F. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 85081. |
250105 |
Soil drainage effects on N2O emissions from a Colorado golf course using controlled released fertilizers | Gillette, Katrina Lynn; Qian, Yaling; DelGrosso, Steve; Follett, Ronald F. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 87654. |
250207 |
Lawn maintenance survey of homeowners in the St. Cloud, MN metro area | Johannes, Bridget; Kruger, Matthew; Bender, Mitch. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 90065. |
250359 |
Soil carbon dynamics in residential lawns converted from Appalachian mixed oak stands |
Campbell, Chad D.; Seiler, John R.; Wiseman, P. Eric; Strahm, Brian D.; Munsell, John F. 2014. Forests. 5(3): p. 425-438. |
269556 |
Moss in turfs?: Why? What to do? | Samples, Tom; Sorochan, John; Brosnan, Jim; Horvath, Brandon; Windham, Alan. 2014. Tennessee Turfgrass. December/January. p. 22-24. |
252301 |
Phosphorus responses vary among cool-season turfgrasses during establishment from seed |
Chang, Zhihui; Jin, Xiong; Li, Deying. 2014. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 106(6): p. 1975-1980. |
251724 |
Straight line void on turf Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2014. Golf Course Management. October. 82(10): p. 30, 118. |
249389 |
Environmental conservation: One sports turf manager's story |
VanLoo, Tim. 2014. SportsTurf. October. 30(10): p. 8-10. |
249913 |
Great ideas from the Great White North |
Gilhuly, Larry. 2014. United States Golf Association. August 20. p. 1-3. |
253486 |
Aerators... start your engines! | McClellan, Ty A. 2014. United States Golf Association. August 19. p. 1-3. |
273396 |
Control of dollar spot on a creeping bentgrass green with fungicides and biorational products, 2013 | Clarke, Bruce B.; Majumdar, Pradip R.; Beirn, Lisa; Flatley, Samantha; Rappa, Gerard; Mus, Michael; Peacos, Mark; Lawson, Tracy J.; Schmid, Charles; Hempfling, James. 2014. 2013 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 45: p. 301-330. |
252096 |
Suppressing summer patch with selected fungicides and biocontrol products on Kentucky bluegrass, 2013 | Clarke, Bruce B.; Majumdar, Pradip R.; Flatley, Samantha; Rappa, Gerard; Mus, Michael; Peacos, Mark; Lawson, Tracy J.; Schmid, Charles; Hempfling, James; Clark, Joseph B. 2014. 2013 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 45: p. 339-349. |
252098 |
New technology improves fertilizer application efficiency |
Anonymous. 2014. Turf & Recreation. April/May. 27(3): p. 33. |
244550 |
[Preparing baseball fields for spring useage] |
Bergdol, James. 2014. The State of Grass [Kentucky Turfgrass Council]. March/April. p. 8-9, 18-19. |
254488 |
Defining sustainable turfgrass systems | Wartgow, Gregg. 2014. Green Industry Pros. February 18. p. [1-2]. |
275861 |
Creeping Bentgrass Management |
Dernoeden, Peter H. 2013. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. xv, 362 pp. 2nd Edition. |
208419 |
Practical Golf Course Maintenance: The Magic of Greenkeeping |
Witteveen, Gordon; Bavier, Michael. 2013. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. xii, 255 pp. 3rd Edition. |
214698 |
Livable Lawns: Managing a Healthy Lawn | Barton, Susan. [2013]. [Newark, Delaware]: Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Delaware. 27, [1] pp. |
251273 |
Water-Efficient Lawn Irrigation Properties at Lake Tahoe | Cobourn, John; Kratsch, Heidi. 2013. Reno, Nevada: Cooperative Extension, University of Nevada. [4] pp. |
265819 |
When Grass Produces Seedheads | Frank, Kevin. 2013. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Michigan State University Extension. [3] pp. |
275004 |
Turf and Lawn Tips During Wet, Cool Weather | Frank, Kevin. 2013. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Michigan State University Extension. [4] pp. |
275038 |
Dead Patches in Lawns or Golf Course Roughs May Be from Grubs | Smitley, Dave. 2013. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Michigan State University Extension. [4] pp. |
275144 |
Warm season turfgrass diseases: A crucial two | Miller, Lee; Fresenburg, Brad; Earlywine, Daniel. 2013. Turfgrass and Ornamental Field Day [Missouri]. p. 7-10. |
244907 |
Plant health product for putting greens demonstration trial | Ervin, E. H.; Dickerson, J.; McCall, David. 2013. 2013 Virginia Turfgrass Field Days Research Update. p. 16-17. |
244875 |
Runoff research [2013] | Frank, Kevin W.; Bryan, Jeff. 2013. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 27-28. |
228157 |
Response of a cool-season turf mixture to composted chicken manure in a Mediterranean environment Access Restrictions |
Bilgili, Ugur; Surer, Irfan; Uzun, Pervin; Caliskan, Necla; Acikgoz, Esvet. 2013. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 36(10): p. 1533-1548. |
225884 |
Nitrogen and phosphorus in natural rainfall runoff from a bermudagrass golf course fairway over a 5-year period Access Restrictions |
Bell, Gregory E.; Moss, Justin Q.; Koh, Kyungjoon. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 15-22. |
223091 |
Phosphorus and nitrogen rate effects for turfgrass sod established on a phosphorus deficient soil Access Restrictions |
Lee, Sang-Kook; Frank, Kevin W.; Crum, James; Warncke, Darryl. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 207-215. |
223183 |
Potassium and sodium application effects on soil-test values, and turfgrass quality, clipping yield and elemental composition of bermudagrass grown in a sand soil Access Restrictions |
Cisar, John L.; Snyder, George H.; Park, Dara M.; Fidanza, Michael A.; Nangle, E. J.; Williams, Karen E. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 607-618. |
223324 |
Response of fine fescue turf species to simulated wear in New Jersey Access Restrictions |
Cross, James; Koch, Eric; Smith, Dirk A.; Mohr, Melissa; Weibel, Eric; Bara, Ronald; Bonos, Stacy A.; Meyer, William A. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 731-737. |
223372 |
Chemical control of anthracnose basal rot in a mixed creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting green, 2012 Access Restrictions |
Aynardi, B.; Uddin, W. 2013. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 7: p. T021. |
217612 |
Effects of camellia cake organic fertilizer on growth of turf grass Cynodon spp. Rich. Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Hung, Yong-fang; Yang, Mao-xun; Li, Yun; Lin, Wei; Hong, Sheng-da. 2013. Zhongnan Linye Keji Daxue Xuebao [Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology]. 4: p. Unknown. |
282861 |
The art of doing it cheap |
Sorrell, Chris. 2013. Golfdom. December. 69(12): p. 26-28. |
234889 |
Phosphorous availability in turfgrass root zones after applications of organic and synthetic nitrogen fertilizers |
Stahnke, Gwen K.; Miltner, E. D.; Cogger, C. G.; Luchterhand, R. A.; Bembenek, R. E. 2013. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 10(1): p. [1-7]. |
217453 |
Irregular dark green areas in leftfield |
Mascaro, John. 2013. SportsTurf. October. 29(10): p. 17, 33. |
233212 |
Sqeezing the last drop out of your maintenance dollar |
Howard, David. 2013. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 30(1): p. 14-18. |
216655 |
Making the case for fertigation |
Chaplinsky, Michael. 2013. SportsTurf. September. 29(9): p. 35-36. |
231613 |
Foliar uptake of nitrogen on creeping bentgrass and bermudagrass greens: Creeping bentgrass and hybrid bermudagrass show similar uptake of foliar-applied nitrogen Access Restrictions |
Stiegler, Chris; Richardson, Mike; Karcher, Doug. 2013. Golf Course Management. August. 81(8): p. 72-77. |
227747 |
Roughing it: Keeping rough looking healthy and uniform can be challenging, especially with limited resources |
Stahl, Jason. 2013. Golf Course Industry. August. 25(7[8]): p. 20, 22, 24-25. |
228228 |
Covenants, cohesion, and community: The effects of neighborhood governance on lawn fertilization Access Restrictions |
Fraser, James Curtis; Bazuin, Joshua Theodore; Band, Lawrence E.; Grove, J. Morgan. 2013. Landscape and Urban Planning. July. 115: p. 30-38. |
220926 |
Finding focus: How three companies flourish by sticking to a niche |
Palmieri, Marisa. 2013. Landscape Management. July. 52(7): p. 14-16, 18-19. |
224122 |
Simulation of nitrous oxide emissions and estimation of global warming potential in turfgrass systems using the DAYCENT model |
Zhang, Yao; Qian, Yaling; Bremer, Dale J.; Kaye, Jason P. 2013. Journal of Environmental Quality. July/August. 42(4): p. 1100-1108. |
225835 |
Total nitrogen losses from fertilized turfs on simulated highway slopes in Florida Access Restrictions |
Kakuturu, Sai; Chopra, Manoj; Hardin, Mike; Wanielista, Marty. 2013. Journal of Environmental Engineering. June. 139(6): p. 829-837. |
251456 |
Tending God's sporting acres Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2013. Pitchcare. June/July. 49: p. 88-93. |
226448 |
Research update: Nitrate leaching |
Trenholm, Laurie E. 2013. SportsTurf. June. 29(6): p. 8-11. |
225933 |
Evaluation of fertility and fungicide programs on foliar diseases of bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) |
Payne, A.; Walker, N.; Smith, D. 2013. Phytopathology. June supplement. 103(6S): p. S2.112. |
220908 |
Impact of antimicrobial compounds on etiolation of creeping bentgrass putting green turf |
Roberts, J.; Ritchie, D. 2013. Phytopathology. June supplement. 103(6S): p. S2.122. |
220911 |
Changes in natural 15N abundance in pastoral soils receiving differing amounts of superphosphate fertilizer and irrigation for 50 years Access Restrictions |
Mudge, P. L.; Schipper, L. A.; Ghani, A.; Upsdell, M.; Baisden, W. T. 2013. Soil Science Society of America Journal. May. 77(3): p. 830-841. |
226665 |
Going organic: Several lawn care pros using organic soil amendments say they'll never go back to their old ways |
Geraci, Beth. 2013. Landscape Management. May. 52(5): p. 42, 44. |
224117 |
Green with envy: Psychological and social predictors of lawn fertilizer application Access Restrictions |
Carrico, Amanda R.; Fraser, James; Bazuin, Joshua T. 2013. Environment and Behavior. May. 45(4): p. 427-454. |
246392 |
Winter damage to turfgrass in Wisconsin | Schweiger, Bruce. 2013. The Grass Roots. May/June. 42(3): p. 30. |
225076 |
The starting rotation: 2012 evaluation of fungicides and fungicide rotation programs for the control of anthracnose and effects on turf quality on an annual bluegrass putting green |
McDonald, Brian. 2013. Golf Course Industry. May. 25(3): p. 99-102. |
220640 |
Bound by restrictions: The industry addresses fertilizer and pesticide regulations at the local, state and national levels |
Jacobs, Dan. 2013. Landscape Management. April. 52(4): p. S20-S22. |
222256 |
Giving grass a Sporting chance! |
Venegas, Carlos. 2013. Pitchcare. April/May. 48: p. 78-80. |
222763 |
Long term nutrient fate research | Frank, Kevin. 2013. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. March/April. 12(2): p. 6-7. |
219640 |
Measuring for success: Texas A&M researchers seek a simple turfgrass watering formula |
Ledbetter, Kay. 2013. Landscape Management. February. 52(2): p. 43. |
222247 |
Kentucky Bluegrass Management Calendar |
Reicher, Zac J.; Amundsen, Keenan L.; Streich, Anne M.; Baxendale, Fred P.; Giesler, Loren J. 2012. Lincoln, Nebraska: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [2] pp. |
214827 |
Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Sports-Turf Irrigation | Blanco, Beatriz. 2012. M.S. Thesis: Cranfield University. vi, 7-68 pp. |
264706 |
How to Fertilize Your Lawn Responsibly: It's All in the Bag | MacLachlan, Wanda; Felton, Gary K.; McGowan, Judy. [2012]. [College Park, Maryland]: Extension, University of Maryland; [Annapolis, Maryland]: Office of Resource Conservation, Maryland Department of Agriculture. [2] pp. |
266116 |
Soil Carbon Dynamics in Lawns Converted From Appalachian Mixed Oak Stands | Campbell, Chad D. 2012. M.S. Thesis: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. viii, 73 pp. |
294576 |
Leafspot Diagnosis and Management in Bermudagrass Forages |
Andrae, John; Martinez, Alfredo; Morgan, Robert. 2012. [Athens, Georgia]: The University of Georgia. 4 pp. |
300722 |
Low-input, alternative turfgrass species as a pest management strategy | Hugie, Kari; Watkins, Eric. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 71588. |
213265 |
Annual bluegrass suppression through the utilization of phosphorus sensitive SIZ1 transgenic creeping bentgrass | Menchyk, Nicholas; Li, Zhigang; Luo, Hong; Liu, Haibo. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 74262. |
213338 |
Lawn fertilizer effects on tree leaf mulching | Nikolai, Thomas; Koenig, John; Dwyer, Philip. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 75183. |
213428 |
Rootzone pH and Penn A-4 creeping bentgrass root growth | Pruyne, Derek T.; Schlossberg, Maxim J. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 75477. |
213129 |
Demand-driven fertilization. Part II: Influence of demand-driven fertilization on shoot nitrogen concentration, growth rate, fructan storage and playing quality of golf turf Access Restrictions |
Ericsson, Tom; Blombäck, Karin; Kvalbein, Agnar; Neumann, Angelika. 2012. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section B, Soil and Plant Science. 62(Supplement 1): p. 139-149. |
221530 |
Turfgrass establishment from sod: Effects of fertilizer type, biostimulants, sod age and sod washing Access Restrictions |
Trandem, O. C.; Aamlid, T. S. 2012. 3rd European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. 3: p. Unknown. |
233636 |
Effect of irrigation and fertilisation on two warm season turfgrass species in central Italy Access Restrictions |
Seppoloni, I.; Staglianò, N.; Cecchi, S.; Trojanis, R.; Napoli, M.; Argenti, G. 2012. 3rd European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. 3: p. Unknown. |
233648 |
FGCSA's Golf BMP certification program |
Jackson, Joel. 2012. The Florida Green. Winter. p. 28-29. |
199741 |
Strategies for managing heavily-used fields | Serensits, Tom. 2012. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. Winter. 25(4): p. 12-14. |
214283 |
Atlantic City Surf Stadium in 2012 | Connell, Sean. 2012. Update [New Jersey]. Winter. 12(4): p. 4, 18. |
214406 |
Turf and surf Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2012. Golf Course Management. December. 80(12): p. 38. |
214101 |
Tear it down and build it back up Access Restrictions |
Woelfel, Rick. 2012. GreenMaster. November/December. 47(6): p. 16-17. |
214127 |
Sustainable landscape management |
Dodson, Ron; Love, Bill. 2012. Golf Course Industry. November. 24(10[11]): p. 39. |
215422 |
Tony Ireland takes U19 centre stage | Sanson, Paul. 2012. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. November/December. 14(6): p. 20-25. |
213829 |
Hidden gems | Halsall, Rob. 2012. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. November/December. 14(6): p. 26-28, 30-32. |
213830 |
Greens Beach Golf Club TAS | Anonymous. 2012. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. November/December. 14(6): p. 56-59. |
213841 |
Playing defense is a strength, not a weakness: Sometimes knowing what not to do is most important! |
Happ, Keith A. 2012. USGA Green Section Record. November 30. 50(25): p. 1-5. |
213467 |
Pinpoint accuracy: GPS technology helps superintendents manage golf courses more efficiently, economically and ecologically |
Tingle, Steven. 2012. Golfdom. October. 68(10): p. 27-29. |
212329 |
Effects of lawn maintenance on nutrient losses via overland flow during natural rainfall events Access Restrictions |
Spence, Porchè L.; Osmond, Deanna L.; Childres, Wesley; Heitman, Joshua L.; Robarge, Wayne P. 2012. Journal of the American Water Resources Association/AWRA. October. 48(5): p. 909-924. |
216146 |
Tiller demography in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) swards as influenced by nitrogen fertilization, sowing method and grazing management Access Restrictions |
Scheneiter, O.; Améndola, C. 2012. Grass and Forage Science. September. 67(3): p. 426-436. |
209744 |
Vitamins for your lawn Access Restrictions |
The Lawn Institute. 2012. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 36(5): p. 13. |
211991 |
New fertilizer laws call for enhanced efficiency Access Restrictions |
Stevenson, Rob. 2012. Turf News [TPI]. September/October. 36(5): p. 16, 18. |
211993 |
What makes a field good? |
Miller, Grady. 2012. SportsTurf. September. 28(9): p. 46. |
211360 |
[Gray leaf spot, chinch bugs, and annual bluegrass weevils] | Buckley, Richard J. 2012. Plant & Pest Advisory: Landscape, Nursery & Turf Edition. September 20. 18(14): p. 2-3. |
250752 |
Fairy rings on turf |
Cleveland, Travis. 2012. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. September 10. [16](16): p. [3-4]. |
292656 |
Smart spray: New innovation in sprayer technology has superintendents saving on chemicals, labor and time |
Jones, Seth. 2012. Golfdom. August. 68(8): p. 20-22. |
210440 |
Managing greens performance | Pithie, Laurence. 2012. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 40-42. |
211305 |
Healthy, fast creeping bentgrass greens in the transition zone |
Throssell, Clark. 2012. Golfdom. July. 68(7): p. 30. |
208922 |
Describe your most amazing event on your course...the worst or best? |
Brown, Brian. 2012. Hole Notes. July. 44(6): p. 27-30. |
208429 |
Let the fireworks begin |
Skorulski, Jim. 2012. United States Golf Association. July 3. p. 1-2. |
207870 |
Changing times in ultradwarf bermudagrass putting green management: At a growing number of courses, consistent and fast putting speeds are being produced at a higher height of cut | Lowe, Todd. 2012. USGA Green Section Record. June 22. 50(13): p. 1-3. |
206956 |
State Amateur visits the club at Strawberry Creek |
Brandenburg, David. 2012. The Grass Roots. May/June. 91(3): p. Cover, 36-39. |
207579 |
Slow recovery from core aeration and a lot of divots |
Moeller, Adam. 2012. United States Golf Association. May 10. p. 1-3. |
204775 |
Early overseed transitioning |
Lowe, Todd. 2012. United States Golf Association. May 8. p. 1-3. |
205218 |
IPM: Integrated pest management for sports fields |
Kowalewski, Alec; Hathaway, Aaron; Martinez-Espinoza, Alfredo; Braman, Kris. 2012. SportsTurf. April. 28(4): p. 8, 10, 12-13, 45. |
203119 |
Growing interest in lacrosse coming soon to a field near you |
Sprecher, Mary Helen. 2012. SportsTurf. April. 28(4): p. 28-31. |
203127 |
Foliar fertilization by tank-mixing with organic amendment on creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Gao, Yang; Li, Deying. 2012. HortTechnology. April. 22(2): p. 157-163. |
203169 |
A little relief, but still a long way to go |
Foy, John H. 2012. United States Golf Association. April 25. p. 1-2. |
202866 |