Keyword: Fertilization
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
A little relief, but still a long way to go |
Foy, John H. 2012. United States Golf Association. April 25. p. 1-2. |
202866 |
Intermittent brown lines on turf Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2012. Golf Course Management. March. 80(3): p. 30, 114. |
199671 |
Compost tea effects on production and extraction of nitrogen in ryegrass cultivated on soil amended with commercial compost |
Hirzel, J.; Cerda, F.; Millas, P.; France, A. 2012. Compost Science & Utilization. Spring. 20(2): p. 97-104. |
209428 |
The comeback: A Louisiana superintendent leads his facility in a massive recovery effort following the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina Access Restrictions |
Newton, Bill. 2012. Golf Course Management. February. 80(2): p. 122, 124, 126-127. |
198308 |
Ten keys: To successful summer annuals |
Johnson, Carolyn. 2012. Hole Notes. January/February. 44(1): p. 15. |
199168 |
Best Golf Course Management Practices: Construction, Watering, Fertilizing, Cultural Practices, and Pest Management Strategies to Maintain Golf Course Turf with Minimal Environmental Impact |
McCarty, L. B. "Bert" and Anthony, Vernon, ed. 2011. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc. xv, 776 pp., [32] plates. Third Edition. |
183869 |
Early Spring Lawn Maintenance | Reicher, Zac. 2011. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension. [2] pp. |
193781 |
Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management |
Christians, Nick E. 2011. Hoboken, New Jersey, [Toronto, Ontario, Canada]: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ix, 398 pp., [16] plates. Fourth Edition. |
195012 |
Understanding Nutrient Management Laws for Turf Grass, Lawn Care and Landscaping | Daniels, Mike; Sharpley, Andrew; Fisk, Patrick; VanDevender, Karl; Baber, Adrian. [2011]. [Little Rock, Arkansas]: University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Research & Extension. [4] pp. |
223422 |
Characterizing Water and Nitrogen Dynamics in Urban/Suburban Landscapes |
Sun, Hongyan. 2011. Ph.D. Dissertation: Utah State University. xiv, 137 pp. |
236935 |
General Guidelines for Lawn Maintenance in Maryland | Dernoeden, Peter H. 2011. College Park, Maryland: University of Maryland. 3 pp. |
248468 |
[November Course Update] | Phipps, David. 2011. [Oregon City, Oregon]: Stone Creek Golf Club. [1] p. |
276404 |
[The Highlights of the Week] | Phipps, David. 2011. [Oregon City, Oregon]: Stone Creek Golf Club. [1] p. |
276555 |
[Turf Conditions of the Season Thus Far] | Phipps, David. 2011. [Oregon City, Oregon]: Stone Creek Golf Club. [1] p. |
276557 |
Lawn Service Means More Than Just Mowing | Brooks, Ashley. 2011. [Columbia, South Carolina]: Busy Bee Lawn Care. [2] pp. |
276560 |
Weed control on fairways | Dahl Jensen, Anne Mette. St. Knuds Golf Club; Odense Golf Club. 2011. Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation Research and Development Yearbook 2011. p. 22-23. |
210100 |
Foliar and root urea-nitrogen fertility of five warm season turfgrasses under salinity stress | Menchyk, Nick; Martin, Bruce; Bielenberg, Doug; Luo, Hong; Bethea, Frank Jr.; Liu, Haibo. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 65756. |
192409 |
Soil and tissue test phosphorus requirements of creeping bentgrass golf putting greens | Kreuser, William; Soldat, Douglas. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 67304. |
192890 |
Field fertilization continues to be a source of controversy in Lacey Township | Piniat, Elaine. 2011. Update [New Jersey]. Summer. 11(2): p. 4, 7. |
188877 |
Perspective on 2011 & looking ahead to 2012 |
Park, Brad. 2011. Update [New Jersey]. Winter. 11(4): p. 5, 15. |
195916 |
Stand maintenance and genetic diversity of bermudagrass pastures under different grazing management strategies during a 38-year period Access Restrictions |
Rouquette, Francis M. Jr.; Anderson, William F.; Harris-Shultz, Karen R.; Smith, Gerald R. 2011. Crop Science. November. 51(6): p. 2886-2894. |
192070 |
Nutrient loss with runoff from fairway turf: An evaluation of core cultivation practices and their environmental impact Access Restrictions |
Rice, Pamela J.; Horgan, Brian P. 2011. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. November. 30(11): p. 2473-2480. |
203542 |
Putting your turf to bed for winter | Mrock, Ken. 2011. SportsTurf. November. 27(11): p. 36-37. |
193664 |
First timer | Miller, Grady. 2011. SportsTurf. November. 27(11): p. 50. |
193669 |
Back to basics - maths of sports turf: Part two |
Anonymous. 2011. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. November. 26(4): p. 39-40. |
196317 |
Non-maintained fescue areas |
Nettz, Brian; Eastwood, Corey; Tritabaugh, Chris; Fellenstein, Keith; Wallace, Stacy; Johnson, Eric; Benedict, Brian; FitzGerald, Alan. 2011. TurfNet - almost Monthly. November/December. 18(11/12): p. 9-10. |
200451 |
Greenkeepers in clover Access Restrictions |
Mabbett, Terry. 2011. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 26-28. |
204675 |
Ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) phenology, diversity, and response to weed cover in a turfgrass ecosystem Access Restrictions |
Blubaugh, Carmen K.; Caceres, Victoria A.; Kaplan, Ian; Larson, Jonathan; Sadof, Clifford S.; Richmond, Douglas S. 2011. Environmental Entomology. October. 40(5): p. 1093-1101. |
194982 |
Course care: Controlling earthworm casts | Potter, Daniel A.; Redmond, Carl T.; Williams, David W. 2011. United States Golf Association. October 4. p. [1-2]. |
191179 |
Topdressing, aeration are key points delivered at August turf academy series | Anonymous. 2011. Turf & Recreation. September/October. 24(6): p. 24, 26. |
204306 |
Bellevue botanical garden: Maintaining an urban refuge in the Pacific Northwest |
Zinn, Stacie. 2011. Turf [West Edition]. August. 24(8): p. B1-B2, B4, B7. |
188715 |
Hot and humid in Colorado |
Soller, Derf. 2011. United States Golf Association. August 24. p. 1-2. |
191238 |
Biogas fertilizer carrying capacity of a turfgrass-soil subsurface infiltration system |
Zheng, Miaozhuang; Hu, Lin; Wu, Daoming; Chen, Shanping; Cui, Jianyu. 2011. 2011 International Conference on New Technology of Agricultural Engineering. May. p. 362-366. |
296534 |
Modeling carbon sequestration in home lawns |
Zirkle, Gina; Lal, Rattan; Augustin, Bruce. 2011. HortScience. May. 46(5): p. 808-814. |
181072 |
Spreader calibration improves fertilizer applications | Wells, Wayne. 2011. Turf Tips [Mississippi State University]. May 2. p. [1]. |
261665 |
Are Freedom Lawns environmentally responsible? | Ervin, Erik. 2011. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. March/April. p. 18-23. |
185000 |
A painful start to spring | Moeller, Adam. 2011. United States Golf Association. March 16. p. 1-3. |
271702 |
Jump start high traffic areas |
Lowe, Todd. 2011. United States Golf Association. February 23. p. 1-2. |
177022 |
Cash flow strategy: Becoming a franchisee Access Restrictions |
Grooms, Lynn. 2011. TurfNews [TPI]. January/February. 35(1): p. 34. |
174729 |
Choosing fertilizers for home lawns | Anonymous. [200x]. University of Illinois Extension - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. p. [1]. |
162102 |
Fall landscape tips |
Anonymous. [200x]. Southern Nevada Water Authority. p. [1]. |
162798 |
Making recommendations for lawn fertilizer applications | Anonymous. [20XX]. Residential Water Quality. p. [1-2]. |
163045 |
Fertilization frequency | Guillard, Karl. [20XX]. Residential Water Quality. p. [1]. |
163056 |
There is something weird happening in my lawn! There is a large, darker green ring of grass that is about 10' across. There are a few mushrooms popping up in this ring. It just appeared - what is it? |
Anonymous. [2010]. Plantfacts. p. [1]. |
166526 |
How Green is My Grass |
UConn Turfgrass Science; New England Regional Water Quality Program; University of Connecticut: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cooperative Extension System; UCONN Master Gardener Program. [20XX]. Mansfield, CT: University of Connecticut College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cooperative Extension System. 6 panels. |
166627 |
Lawn Care |
UConn Turfgrass Science; New England Regional Water Quality Program; UCONN Master Gardener Program; University of Connecticut College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cooperative Extension System. [20XX]. Mansfield, CT.: University of Connecticut College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cooperative Extension System. 6 panels. |
166629 |
Fertiliser [Fertilizer] |
Anonymous. [20xx]. R&A Course Management. p. [1-2]. |
173920 |
Policy Statement on Nutrient Use on Golf Courses | Canadian Golf Superintendents Association. 2010. Mississuaga, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Golf Superintendents Association. [2] pp. |
181661 |
The Hydrological Fate of Nutrients and Pesticides in the Urban Landscape in Response to Management and Lawn Species | Slavens, Mark Ryan. 2010. Ph.D. Dissertation: Cornell University. xi, 169 pp. |
188824 |
Professional Landscape Management |
Hensley, David L. 2010. Champaign, Illinois: Stipes Publishing L.L.C. vi, 354 pp. 3rd Edition. |
206641 |
Fall Athletic Field Maintenance Calendar for Warm Season Turfgrasses: September-November | Sports Turf Managers Association. 20XX. [Lawrence, Kansas]: Sports Turf Managers Association. 16 pp. |
211871 |
Maintaining Tall Fescue Turfgrass in Urban Mojave Desert Landscapes | Morris, Bob; Kopec, Dave. 2010. [Reno, Nevada]: University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. 4 pp. |
214816 |
Cool-Season Grasses: Lawn Establishment and Renovation |
Fresenburg, Brad S. 2010. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Extension. 6 pp. Revised Edition. |
238840 |
[Grounds Maintenance] | Thompson, Ken. 2010. [Somers Point, New Jersey]: Greens Department, The Greate Bay Country Club. [2] pp. |
276619 |
[Giving the Greens Some Needed Attention] | Thompson, Ken. 2010. [Somers Point, New Jersey]: Greens Department, The Greate Bay Country Club. [3] pp. |
276666 |
The Management and Use of Bahiagrass |
Hancock, Dennis W.; Lacy, R. Curt; Stewart, R. Lawton; Tubbs, R. Scott; Kichler, Jeremy; Green, T. Wade; Hicks, Ray. 2010. [Athens, Georgia]: Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia. 12 pp. |
282134 |
Fertiliser strategies for golf turf: Implications for physiology-driven fertilisation | Ericsson, Tom; Blombäck, Karin; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Kvalbein, Agnar. 2010. Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation Research and Development Yearbook 2010. p. 26-27. |
184791 |
Fertilization effects on resistance of captiva St. Augustinegrass to southern chinch bugs and gray leaf spot | Wright, Alan; Singer, Arieh. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 57870. |
170640 |
Soil Test Phosphorus (STP) levels in Georgia's agricultural and non-agricultural soils over a 19-year period | Sonon, Leticia; Kissel, David; Hitchcock, Rick. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 59764. |
170994 |
Evaluating the impact of cultural practices on large patch severity on Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr. 'Cavalier' | La Mantia, Jonathan; Metz, Susan; Chandra, Ambika. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 61687. |
170751 |
Effect of irrigation frequency and fertilization application method on silvery thread moss encroachment in creeping bentgrass | Lyons, Eric; O'Connor, Kelly; Hudner, Darra; Jordan, Katerina. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 61847. |
170648 |
Comparison of qualitative turf evaluations to quantitative methods for measuring weed pressure and turf quality | Wilen, Cheryl A.; Henry, J. Michael. 2010. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. 63: p. 11. |
169881 |
Cosmetic applications of fertilizers and pesticides to turfgrass | Slavens, Mark; Petrovic, A. Martin. 2010. CUTT. 21(1): p. 16, 14-15. |
169461 |
December cricket diary 2010: [Drainage system maintenance and disease prevention | Stretton, Robert. 2010. December. p. [1-4]. |
176153 |
USC - Football ready | Carbajal, Cesar. 2010. Sports Turf Managers Association Greater Los Angeles Basin Chapter Newsletter. December. 8(3): p. 3. |
265663 |
Using cultural practices and leaf mulch to control weeds in established turfgrass |
Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Calhoun, Ronald N.; Hathaway, Aaron D.; Rogers, John N. III. 2010. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 7(1): p. [1-10]. |
161622 |
Jack frost is already nipping |
Lowe, Todd. 2010. United States Golf Association. December 16. p. 1-2. |
174665 |
Optimal nitrogen and potassium fertilization rates for establishment of warm-season putting greens |
Rowland, J. H.; Cisar, J. L.; Snyder, G. H.; Sartain, J. B.; Wright, A. L.; Erickson, J. E. 2010. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 102(6): p. 1601-1605. |
172864 |
Fix your crown | Riley, Dustin. 2010. Golf Course Industry. November. 22(11): p. 38-41. |
173786 |
Getting ready for winter disease Access Restrictions |
Mann, Ruth. 2010. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. October. 251: p. 28-29. |
174742 |
Too good to hurry! |
Anonymous. 2010. Pitchcare. October/November. 33: p. 56-57. |
172015 |
Kitching cooking up good results | Anonymous. 2010. Pitchcare. October/November. 33: p. 60. |
172017 |
US systems impress young leader |
Anonymous. 2010. TurfCraft International. September/October. 134: p. 72-73. |
292173 |
Florida county proposes banning fertilizer apps Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2010. TurfNews [TPI]. September/October. 34(5): p. 39. |
169456 |
Soil-atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in urban garden systems: Impact of irrigation, fertiliser [fertilizer] and mulch |
Livesley, Stephen J.; Dougherty, Ben J.; Smith, Alison J.; Navaud, Damian; Wylie, Luke J.; Arndt, Stefan K. 2010. Urban Ecosystems. September. 13(3): p. 273-293. |
168635 |
What to do about deteriorated lawns | Patton, Aaron. 2010. Purdue Turfgrass Program Website. September 29. p. [1-3]. |
170399 |
Which is a stronger grass, paspalum or zoysia? | Anonymous. 2010. Viridescent - The Asian Turfgrass Center Blog. September 12. p. [1-2]. |
170804 |
Fast action stops Fusarium | Anonymous. 2010. September 29. p. [1-2]. |
172250 |
Summer lawn care | Anonymous. 2010. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. September 16. p. [1-2]. |
175466 |
Systemizing sustainability | Anonymous. 2010. Lawn & Landscape. August. 31(8): p. 50. |
220574 |
Repairing damaged fairways and tees | Anonymous. 2010. UNL Turfgrass Extension | University of Nebraska - Lincoln. August 18. p. [1-3]. |
169134 |
August bowls diary 2010: [Recent dry, hot, sunny weather] | Gale, Laurence. 2010. August 3. p. [1-3]. |
169331 |
August tennis diary 2010: [Back to reality and much needed water] | Anonymous. 2010. August 2. p. [1-4]. |
169368 |
Now is time for fall lawn maintenance, including aeration, fertilizing, and overseeding | Anonymous. 2010. Plant Management Network. August 31. p. [1]. |
169749 |
Seeded or sodded, your lawn still needs TLC Access Restrictions |
The Lawn Institute. 2010. TurfNews [TPI]. July/August. 34(4): p. 10. |
166463 |
"What's so different about how you apply nutrition?" (And why you will deserve a wage rise) |
Snowden, David. 2010. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 41-43. |
173576 |
Mowing and surface management strategies for ultradwarf bermudagrass |
Whitlark, Brian; Lingle, Rodney. 2010. United States Golf Association. June 11.60:07. |
163504 |
Red thread | Frank, Kevin. 2010. MSU Turfgrass Science Program. June 10. p. [1]. |
163549 |
June bowls diary 2010: [The condition and performance of any natural grass playing surface is always governed by the amound of work put in by the groundsman/greenkeeper] | Gale, Laurence. 2010. June 2. p. [1-4]. |
169328 |
June rugby diary 2010: [Invest money in end of season renovations] | Anonymous. 2010. June 4. p. [1-3]. |
169358 |
Effects of sod type, irrigation, and fertilization on nitrate-nitrogen and orthophosphate-phosphorus leaching from newly established St. Augustinegrass sod Access Restrictions |
Erickson, John E.; Park, Dara M.; Cisar, John L.; Snyder, George H.; Wright, Alan L. 2010. Crop Science. May/June. 50(3): p. 1030-1036. |
161818 |
Battling bicarbonates: Superintendents have a number of weapons at their disposal to keep calcium viable in the soil |
McPherson, David. 2010. Golf Course Industry. May. 22(5): p. 32, 34, 36, 38. |
198770 |
May fertilization | Anonymous. 2010. Purdue Turfgrass Program Website. May 21. p. [1]. |
168597 |
May bowls diary 2010: [Grass growth is going to be fairly vigorous] | Gale, Laurence. 2010. May 3. p. [1-3]. |
169327 |
May golf diary 2010: [May heralds the start of mowing intensity] | Pithie, Laurence. 2010. May 1. p. [1-4]. |
169346 |
May tennis diary 2010: [The weather has been challenging] | Anonymous. 2010. May 8. p. [1-3]. |
169365 |
Lawn management practices and perceptions of residents in 14 sandpit lakes of Nebraska |
Sewell, Sarah; McCallister, Dennis; Gaussoin, Roch; Wortmann, Charles. 2010. Journal of Extension. April. 48(2): p. 1-8. |
271172 |
Precision turfgrass management: Challenges and field applications for mapping turfgrass soil and stress |
Carrow, Robert N.; Krum, Joseph M.; Flitcroft, Ian; Cline, Van. 2010. Precision Agriculture. April. 11(2): p. 115-134. |
200079 |
Dandelion control | Anonymous. 2010. Purdue Turfgrass Program Website. April 19. p. [1]. |
162555 |
April tennis diary 2010: [It has been a difficult time for groundsmen who look after clay based sports surfaces] | Gale, Laurence. 2010. April 6. p. [1-3]. |
169364 |