Keyword: Fertilization
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Cultural practices affect lawn diseases severity | Wells, Wayne. 2010. Turf Tips [Mississippi State University]. April 12. p. [1]. |
261614 |
The vendors' vantage point | Gilliland, Betsy. 2010. Club & Resort Business. March. p. [1]. |
173064 |
Back to school: Plant growth regulator effects on bentgrass growth and nutrition requirements | Anonymous. 2010. GCSAA TV. March 21.04:29. |
163448 |
March golf diary 2010: [March is regarded as the start of spring] | Pithie, Laurence. 2010. March 8. p. [1-4]. |
169348 |
Turf nutrient leaching and best management practices in Florida |
Trenholm, Laurie E.; Sartain, Jerry B. 2010. HortTechnology. February. 20(1): p. 107-110. |
159770 |
Our lawns: Are they carbon negative, neutral or positive? | Sherratt, Pamela; Street, John R. 2010. Buckeye Turf. February 12. p. [1-2]. |
161339 |
Chapter 8: Turfgrass calibrations | Reynolds, Casey. 2010. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. February 24.80 slides. |
168025 |
February golf diary 2010: [The last decade has shown Februaries to be an indication of global warming] | Pithie, Laurence. 2010. February 1. p. [1-3]. |
169351 |
February 2010 tennis diary: [Be on the look out for any turf grass (turfgrass) diseases, particularly fusarium and snow mould (mold)] | Anonymous. 2010. February 3. p. [1-2]. |
169363 |
Responses of creeping bentgrass to winter shade: Surprisingly, turf exposed to full sun in winter may have lower quality than turf in partial shade Access Restrictions |
Baldwin, Christian M.; Liu, Haibo; McCarty, L. B. 2010. Golf Course Management. January. 78(1): p. 108-112. |
159263 |
Phosphorus runoff from turfgrass as affected by phosphorus fertilization and clipping management |
Bierman, Peter M.; Horgan, Brian P.; Rosen, Carl J.; Hollman, Andrew B.; Pagliari, Paulo H. 2010. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 39(1): p. 282-292. |
159678 |
Carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions in urban turf Access Restrictions |
Townsend-Small, Amy; Czimczik, Claudia I. 2010. Geophysical Research Letters. January. 37(2): p. [1-5]. |
160094 |
[What we've learned about ultradwarf management part 3 - fertilization and growth management] Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Anonymous. 2010. USGA Green Section Portal. January 21.01:25. |
160684 |
Nutrient loss in runoff from turf: Effect on surface water quality | Rice, Pamela; Horgan, Brian. 2010. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. January 1. 9(1): p. [1-10]. |
159992 |
Maintaining high traffic turf | Hostick, Ron. 2009. Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Website. 18 slides. |
145068 |
Cool it! |
McAfee, James A. [200x]. Texas Extension Web Site. p. [1-3]. |
145968 |
Landscape plant fertilization & cultural guidelines |
Anonymous. [200x]. Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 48 slides. |
146268 |
Field Management During a Drought |
Serensits, Thomas. [2009]. [Lawrence, Kansas: Sports Turf Managers Association]. 3 pp. |
152237 |
Thatch control in lawns and turf | Brown, Deborah; Taylor, Don. [2009]. University of Minnesota Turfgrass Science. p. [1-4]. |
152873 |
Don't Bag it, Mulch it | West Virginia University Extension Service. [2009]. [Morgantown, West Virginia]: Extension Service, West Virginia University. [5] pp. |
154185 |
Growing Green Lawns | Anonymous. [2009]. [Ithaca, New York]: Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Center; [Urbana, Illinois]: North Central Integrated Pest Management Center. [2] pp. |
154335 |
Golf Course Environmental Profile: Nutrient Use and Management on U.S. Golf Courses: Volume III - Summary | Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. 2009. Lawrence, Kansas: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. [3] pp. |
158568 |
Strategies for Managing Heavily-Used Fields | SportsTurf Managers Association. [2009]. Lawrence, Kansas: Sports Turf Managers Association. 3 pp. |
162016 |
Sports Field Management Practices - Athletic Field Management in the Spring |
SportsTurf Managers Association. [200x]. Lawrence, Kansas: Sports Turf Managers Association. 4 pp. |
162773 |
Sports Field Management Practices: Preparing a Field for Winter | SportsTurf Managers Association. [200x]. Lawrence, Kansas: Sports Turf Managers Association. 4 pp. |
162775 |
Inetgrated Pest Management Plan: Stone Creek Golf Club | Phipps, David. 2009. [Portland, Oregon]: Green Golf USA, LLC. [1], ii, 39 pp. |
198316 |
Best Management Practices for the Application of Turf Pesticides and Fertilizers | Turf Best Management Practices Committee Turf Best Management Practices Committee 2009. [Augusta, Maine]: Turf Best Management Committee. 4 pp. |
198422 |
Establishing Your Florida Lawn | Trenholm, L. E. 2009. Gainesville, Florida: UF/IFAS Extension. 7 pp. Revised Edition. |
214870 |
Management of Buffalograss Turf in Nebraska |
Schild, James A.; Gaussoin, Roch E.; Shearman, Robert C. 2009. Lincoln, Nebraska: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [3] pp. |
238556 |
Frequently Asked Questions About Landscape Fertilization for Florida-Friendly Landscaping Ordinances | Sartain, J. B.; Trenholm, L. T.; Gilman, E. F.; Obreza, T. A.; Toor, G. 2009. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS Extension, University of Florida. 10 pp. Revised Edition. |
249325 |
Establishing Seeded Bermudagrass on Lawns, Golf Courses or Athletic Fields | Patton, Aaron. [2009]. [Little Rock, Arkansas]: Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas. 12, [1] pp. |
249483 |
Establishing Seeded Zoysiagrass on Lawns and Golf Courses | Patton, Aaron. [2009]. [Little Rock, Arkansas]: Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas. 13, [1] pp. |
249488 |
Lawn Fertilization for Cool Season Grasses | Goatley, M.; Ervin, E. H.; Heckendorn, S. E. 2009. [Blacksburg, Virginia]: Cooperative Extension, Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 4 pp. |
264304 |
Spring Spike & Topdress | Whaley, Perry. 2009. [Fredricksburg, Virginia]: The Gauntlet Golf Club. [2] pp. |
276667 |
Recycling Turgrass [Turfgrass] Clippings | Landschoot, Peter. 2009. University Park, Pennsylvania: Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension, College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University. [2] pp. |
276695 |
Blue Birds and Course Update | Radatz, Neil. 2009. [Verona, Wisconsin]: Greens Department, Hawks Landing Golf Club. [2] pp. |
276879 |
Annual bluegrass suppression in a creeping bentgrass research green with herbicides and PGR's, 2009 |
Ryan, C. P.; Dernoeden, P. H. 2009. 2009 Turfgrass Pathology, Weed Science and Management Research Summaries [University of Maryland]. p. 23-27. |
225818 |
Evaluation of vitazyme as a fertilizer supplement in increasing turfgrass resistance to damage from traffic | Beck, Leslie L. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 53736. |
158708 |
Revegetating disturbed urban soils with compost | Dunifon, Shea; Maguire, Rory; Evanylo, Greg; Goatley, Mike. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 54323. |
159127 |
There's a new game in town. Know the limit & work within it | Charbonneau, Pam. 2009. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. Summer. 22(2): p. 19-21, 23. |
158860 |
Do we really need starter fertilizer? | Trotta, Kevin. 2009. CUTT. 20(1): p. 1, 4. |
154596 |
Surface water quality impacts from golf course fertilizer and pesticide applications Access Restrictions |
Hindahl, Michael S.; Miltner, Eric D.; Cook, Thomas W.; Stahnke, Gwen K. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 1): p. 19-30. |
150921 |
Survey on the turf maintenance of golf course in Yantai Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Zhang, Xiao-yuan. 2009. [Caoyuan yu Caoping] [Grassland and Turf]. 6: p. Unknown. |
273262 |
Winter hardiness and management of velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina) on putting greens in northern environments: Report from the second experimental year 2008 | Espevig, Tatsiana; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Tronsmo, Arne; Molteberg, Bjørn; Hjeljord, Linda; Tronsmo, Anne Marte; Pettersen, Trond; Enger, Frank. 2009. Bioforsk Report. 4(100): p. 1-54. |
288659 |
Discovering an old masterpiece: Askernish Golf Course | Irvine, Gordon. 2009. Environmental Institute for Golf. December. p. [1-2]. |
147011 |
Nurtient wars Access Restrictions |
Carson, Teresa. 2009. Golf Course Management. December. 77(12): p. 42. |
158203 |
Teaspoon feeding: Latest GCSAA survey results champion superintendent's nutrient management, help set a course for the future Access Restrictions |
Ostmeyer, Terry. 2009. Golf Course Management. December. 77(12): p. 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70. |
158207 |
The 'wow' factor: After seeing seashore paspalum, the brass at Pine Lakes Country Club not only believed in it, they wanted it at their course | Aylward, Larry. 2009. Golfdom. December. 65(12): p. 64-66. |
205113 |
Efficacy of phosphite fungicides and fertilizers for control of pythium blight on a perennial ryegrass fairway in Virginia |
Ervin, Erik H.; McCall, David S.; Horvath, Brandon J. 2009. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 6(1): p. [1-3]. |
156611 |
Turfgrass conferences coming to a location near you | McClellan, Ty. 2009. United States Golf Association. December 1. p. [1]. |
160375 |
Fertilizer BMPs matter - follow them |
Hall, Ron. 2009. Landscape Management. November. 48(11): p. 23-25. |
159161 |
The use of non-mowed fine-leaf fescue grasses on golf courses: Fine-leaf fescue is a versatile candidate for use in many areas around the golf course |
Harivandi, M. Ali; Morris, Kevin N. 2009. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 47(6): p. 20-28. |
157589 |
BMP's - more important now than ever before | Lowe, Todd. 2009. United States Golf Association. November 11. p. [1]. |
160197 |
One size does not fit all in the plant nutrition field | Sisti, Mike. 2009. Golfdom. October. 65(10): p. 49. |
205098 |
Don't abandon me! |
Miller, Grady. 2009. SportsTurf. September. 25(9): p. 46. |
155772 |
High school athletic fields Access Restrictions |
Frank, Kevin. 2009. MSU Turfgrass Science Program. September 10. p. [1]. |
162142 |
And here's to you Mr. Robinson |
Gale, Laurence. 2009. Pitchcare. August/September. 26: p. 16-18. |
155491 |
Maintenance of outfields |
Stretton, Bob. 2009. Pitchcare. August/September. 26: p. 124-125. |
155834 |
Tips offered for managing shaded lawns | Anonymous. 2009. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. August 20. p. [1]. |
175511 |
Surface water-quality monitoring on golf courses in the Pacific Northwest: Golf course management practices in the Pacific Northwest do not pose a hazard to water quality in golf course streams Access Restrictions |
Miltner, Eric; Hindahl, Mike. 2009. Golf Course Management. June. 77(6): p. 80-82, 84, 86, 88. |
148943 |
Dynamics of the soil nematode food web and nutrient pools under tall fescue lawns established on soil matrices resulting from common urban development activities Access Restrictions |
Cheng, Zhiqiang; Grewal, Parwinder S. 2009. Applied Soil Ecology. June. 42(2): p. 107-117. |
147055 |
Fertigation system saves city $10,000 a year | Harrison, Chris. 2009. SportsTurf. June. 25(6): p. 8, 10. |
150176 |
Summer mowing and fertilization | Bigelow, Cale. 2009. Purdue Turfgrass Program Website. June 19. p. [1-2]. |
160016 |
Clover! | Knox, Kurt. 2009. Island View Golf Club. June 25. p. [1]. |
174576 |
Keep grass green and healthy with these 5 tips | Anonymous. 2009. StarNews. June 3. p. [1-2]. |
301569 |
Government relations | Nalls, Jay. 2009. Turfgrass Matters. May/June. 80(2): p. 6. |
217214 |
Overcome your infatuation with base saturation: Does it make sense to apply all that calcium? | Whitlark, Brian. 2009. USGA Green Section Record. May/June. 47(3): p. 10-13. |
148208 |
Biostimulants - yes or no? | Kussow, Wayne R. 2009. The Grass Roots. May/June. 38(3): p. 26-29. |
159492 |
Effects of wet spring on turf | Reicher, Zac; Latin, Rick. 2009. Purdue Turfgrass Program Website. May 28. p. [1-2]. |
160020 |
Growing-in the new Dunmow bowling green Access Restrictions |
Armitage, Philip. 2009. International Turfgrass Bulletin. April. 244: p. 28-29. |
148600 |
Go brown and save green: With the economy down, fuel prices up and the environment on everyone's mind, has there ever been a better time to go brown? Access Restrictions |
Longville, David. 2009. Golf Course Management. April. 77(4): p. 78, 80, 82, 84. |
146685 |
Better sodding results [Part II] |
Thiel, Marty. 2009. SportsTurf. April. 25(4): p. 48, 50. |
147674 |
April football diary 2009: [Expect some grass growth] | Gardner, Malcolm. 2009. April 3. p. [1-3]. |
159748 |
A really dry, dry season | Foy, John. 2009. United States Golf Association. April 1. p. [1]. |
160204 |
Wait to fertilize your warm-season grass! | Scott, Janet McLeod. 2009. Home & Garden Information Center, Clemson Extension, Clemson University. March. p. [1]. |
163015 |
Comparative maintenance of paspalum and bermuda grasses |
Anonymous. 2009. Florida Turf Digest. March/April. 26(2): p. 13. |
146309 |
Be careful when using fertilizer combined with post-emergent herbicide | Anonymous. 2009. NMSU: Cooperative Extension Service. March 21. p. [1-2]. |
162579 |
Taking charge of our environment | Urban Fertilizer Council. 2009. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. Spring. 22(1): p. 8. |
158869 |
Township of Monroe earns 2008 SFMANJ Field of the Year honors | Bills, Scott. 2009. Update [New Jersey]. Spring. 9(1): p. 1, 5-6. |
171789 |
Fertilizer trends: Getting the most from fertilizer applications goes back to Turf 101 - soil testing, keeping detailed records of what was applied in the past and not over-dosing lawns | Harler, Curt. 2009. Landscape Management. February. 48(2): p. 32, 34. |
150710 |
Growing in the castle |
Windows, Richard. 2009. Pitchcare. February/March. 23: p. 30-32. |
147260 |
Growing in pitches |
Gingell, Steve. 2009. Pitchcare. February/March. 23: p. 72-74. |
147326 |
Back to basics 3 |
Staples, Stuart. 2009. Pitchcare. February/March. 23: p. 98-99. |
147332 |
Spring maintenance |
Bates, David H. 2009. Pitchcare. February/March. 23: p. 114-115. |
147340 |
February bowls diary 2009: [Key tasks for February] |
Gale, Laurence. 2009. February 2. p. [1-3]. |
145143 |
Winter worries??? |
Zontek, Stanley J. 2009. USGA World Wide Web Site. February 18. p. [1-2]. |
146388 |
Turf management update | Miller, Grady L. 2009. TurfFiles - Turfgrass Information for North Carolina. February 3.83 slides. |
168491 |
Putting green programs for season-long disease/stress management |
McCall, David S.; Horvath, Brandon J.; Herath, Keminda. 2009. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. January/February. p. 11. |
143719 |
Mowing height and fertility effects on brown patch and weed infestations |
Cutulle, Matthew; Horvath, Brandon J.; Derr, Jeffrey F.; Nichols, Adam. 2009. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. January/February. p. 22. |
143732 |
Top of the queries 2008 Access Restrictions |
Mann, Ruth. 2009. International Turfgrass Bulletin. January. 243: p. 24-25. |
146116 |
Long-term monitoring of nutrient loss in runoff from a golf course: A one-of-a-kind investigation at Colbert Hills Golf Course documents effects before, during, and after construction | Starrett, Steve; Su, Yunsheng; Heier, Travis; Klein, Jamie; Holste, Jeff; Paloma, Monica. 2009. USGA Green Section Record. January/February. 47(1): p. 6-8. |
143646 |
Learning to use natural/organic fertilizers | Soldat, Doug. 2009. The Grass Roots. January/February. 38(1): p. 22-23. |
147413 |
Budget cutting |
Miller, Grady. 2009. SportsTurf. January. 25(1): p. 54. |
160573 |
Lawn activities in dead of winter? | Wells, Wayne. 2009. Turf Tips [Mississippi State University]. January 5. p. [1]. |
261422 |
New Year's resolutions from a budgetary perspective | Gilhuly, Larry. 2009. United States Golf Association. January 9. p. 1-5. |
146691 |
Spring management strategies on intensively trafficked athletic fields | Goatley, Mike; McKenna, Nick. 2009. Sidelines [Virginia STMA]. 1st Quarter. p. 6-7. |
298023 |
Turfgrass Science and Management |
Emmons, Robert D. and Rosenbaum, David; Serenka, Robert L. Jr., eds. 2008. Clifton Park, New York: Thomson Delmar Learning, Thomson Corporation. xvii, 567 pp. Fourth Edition. |
125961 |
Best Management Practices for Nutrient Management of Turf in New Jersey | Murphy, James A.; Murphy, Stephanie L. [200x]. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Center for Turfgrass Science. 4 pp. |
136918 |
Slow release fertilizer - UF u... Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Young, Neil. [200x]. 5:56. |
137418 |
Scotts Southern Lawns: Your Guide to a Beautiful Yard |
Christians, Nick Edward; Mellor, David R.; Ritchie, Ashton. 2008. Des Moines, Iowa: Meredith Books. 223 pp. 2nd Edition. |
138842 |