Keyword: Flies
Showing items 1 to 49 of 49.
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Opposition to new golf course due to rare fly |
Anonymous. 2016. Greenkeeping. October. 127: p. 4. |
295379 |
[Winter moth in Massachusetts] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2011. Golf Course Management. October. 79(10): p. 38. |
191188 |
Don't swing and miss with your pest control program Access Restrictions |
Siddiqi, Zia. 2006. GreenMaster. August. 41(4): p. 28, 30. |
117609 |
Taking the bite out of insects Access Restrictions |
Siddiqi, Zia. 2005. GreenMaster. August. 40(4): p. 38-39. |
112106 |
Biting flies | Kehn, Joe. 2005. Hole Notes. May. 36(4): p. 33. |
207123 |
A black fly suppression program in Wisconsin: The branch river experience | Mischuk, Mike; Stuebs, Greg. 2004. The Grass Roots. May/June. 33(3): p. 12-13. |
140141 |
Lord of the flies: When biting flies threatened his patrons and livelihood, one superintendent took a novel approach Access Restrictions |
Kehn, John. 2003. Golf Course Management. January. 71(1): p. 84, 86-87. |
83974 |
Setting the trap | Newman, Neil. 2001. The Grass Roots. July/August. 30(4): p. 41, 43. |
74813 |
Seasonal distribution and parasitism of Scapteriscus spp. (Orthoptera: grylootalpidae) in southeastern Lousiana | Henne, D. C.; Johnson, S. J. 2001. Florida Entomologist. June. 84(2): p. 209-214. |
74551 |
Flies | Stier, John C.; Delahaut, Karen; Pellitteri, Phil; Becker, Brian. 2000. Wisconsin's School Integrated Pest Management Manual. p. [1-9]. |
72253 | |
Occasional invaders | Stier, John C.; Delahaut, Karen; Pellitteri, Phil; Becker, Brian. 2000. Wisconsin's School Integrated Pest Management Manual. p. [1-5]. |
72256 | |
A parasitic fly that kills mole crickets: Its use in states north of Florida | Frank, J. Howard. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 16. |
72117 |
Pesticides and nutrients in surface waters associated with golf courses and their effects on benthic macroinvertebrates | Lamp, William. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 76. |
72225 |
Conservation of native pollinators on golf courses | Allen, Melody. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 79. |
72228 |
A parasitic fly that kills mole crickets: Its use in states north of Florida | Frank, J. Howard. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 18-20. |
72298 |
Pesticides and nutrients in surface waters associated with golf courses and their effects on benthic macroinvertegrates | Lamp, William. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 55-56. |
72347 |
Conservation of native pollinators on golf courses | Allen, Melody. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 58. |
72351 |
Stable fly, house fly (Diptera: Muscidae), and other nuisance fly development in poultry litter associated with horticultural crop production Access Restrictions |
Cook, D. F.; Dadour, I. R.; Keals, N. J. 1999. Journal of Economic Entomology. December. 92(6): p. 1352-1357. |
62632 |
Bio controls make double trouble for mole crickets |
Anonymous. 1995. Florida Turf Digest. March/April. 12(2): p. 30, 34. |
70448 |
Australian sod fly | Cowles, R. 1994. p. 5. In: Turfgrass: Pest Management Guidelines. Davis, CA: University of California. |
38183 |
Options for monitoring European cranefly and their control in turf |
Stahnke, G. K.; Antonelli, A.; Stark, J.; Brauen, S. 1994. Agronomy Abstracts. 86: p. 191. |
41962 |
Effect of drying and rainfall intensity on cryomazine loss from surface-applied caged-layer manure |
Pote, D. H.; Daniel, T. C.; Edwards, D. R.; Mattice, J. D.; Wickliff, D. B. 1994. Journal of Environmental Quality. January/February. 23(1): p. 101-104. |
30971 |
Florida supers try biocontrols to relieve scourge of mole crickets | Anonymous. 1993. Bioturf News. July. p. [6]. |
28924 |
Couch flies widespread down south--but not often recognised |
Robertson, Adam. 1992. Turf Craft Aust.. September. 29: p. 30. |
25572 |
Red-eyed fly that kills mole crickets spreading across peninsular Florida |
Parkman, J. P.; Frank, J. H. 1992. Florida Turf Digest. September/October. 9(5): p. 24-25. |
251856 |
Mole cricket update: New techniques and biological agents offer promise in controlling this Southern pest Access Restrictions |
Bishop, David M. 1991. Golf Course Management. April. 59(4): p. 102, 104. |
124611 |
Mole cricket research |
Frank, J. H. 1990. Proceedings of the Florida Turfgrass Conference. 38: p. 100-104. |
38041 |
Bats!: Creatures of the night can provides a cost-efficient, environmentally sound alternative to insecticides Access Restrictions |
Kahler, Kirk E. 1990. Golf Course Management. November. 58(11): p. 36-38, 40, 42. |
20237 |
March fly's reputation is redeemed. |
Anonymous. 1990. Grounds Maintenance. March. 25(3): p. 139. |
18001 |
Research update: Studies focus on soil, flies, fescue Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1989. Golf Course Management. March. 57(3): p. 152-153. |
14408 |
Growth regulators for Poa control | McIver, Terry. 1988. Landscape Management. December. 27(12): p. 28, 30, 34. |
13907 |
Pest control and the superintendent | Mitchell, Russ. 1988. The Florida Green. Fall. p. 55-56. |
157141 |
Fly Released in Effort to Control Mole Cricket |
Anonymous. 1988. Carolinas Newsletter. May/June. 24(3): p. 26. |
12208 |
Mosquito control on the golf course Access Restrictions |
Ellis, R. A. 1987. Greenmaster. June. 23(4): p. 15-16. |
10508 |
First report of a parasitic fly (Diptera: Phoridae) from a red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) alate female (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) | Wojcik, Daniel P.; Jouvenaz, D. P.; Lofgren, C. S. 1987. Florida Entomologist. March. 70(1): p. 181-182. |
224432 |
The control of leatherjackets, Tipula paludosa Meig., in grassland by early application of insecticide Access Restrictions |
Mowat, D. J.; Jess, S. 1986. Grass and Forage Science. March. 41(1): p. 27-30. |
7825 |
Flying insect control Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1982. Golf Course Management. August. 50(8): p. 71. |
97774 |
Biocontrol of the weed Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense): Releases and development of the gall fly Urophora cardui (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Canada Access Restrictions |
Peschken, D. P.; Finnamore, D. B.; Watson, A. K. 1982. The Canadian Entomologist. April. 114(4): p. 349-357. |
232059 |
The importance of frit-fly in grassland |
Clements, R. O.; Henderson, I. F. 1980. Great Britain. Agricultural Development and Advisory Service. 36: p. 14-26. |
1249 | |
Flies - pests of grasses in the Nonchernozem zone |
Zotova, Z. Ya. 1979. Byulleten' Vsesoyuznogo Ordena Lenina i Ordena Druzhby. No. 88: p. 73-78. |
3286 | |
Scientists trying to put the bite on the black fly Access Restrictions |
Quintner, David. 1975. GreenMaster. June. 11(4): p. 8. |
114052 |
Frit fly damage to turfgrass |
Dahlsson, S. O. 1974. Proceedings of the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 418-420. |
225507 |
Gräsyta skadad av h^Doarmyggelaraver och f^Doaglar (Turf damaged by bibionid flies and birds) |
Dahlsson, Sven-Ove. 1974. Weibulls Grastips. December. 17: p. 25-27. |
2490 |
Factors affecting the abundance of shoot-flies (Diptera) in grassland Access Restrictions |
Mowat, D. J. 1974. Journal of Applied Ecology. December. 11(3): p. 951-962. |
1336 |
Studies on the Ecology and Economic Importance of the Dipterous Shoot-flies and some Nematodes found in Northern Ireland Grassland, with Notes on Other Fauna Observed Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Mowat, D. J. 1973. Ph.D. Dissertation: Queen's University, Belfast. |
11637 |
Fly problems | Rachesky, Stanley. 1972. The Bull Sheet. November. 26(6): p. 6. |
130053 |
Power-mower flies Access Restrictions |
Ware, George W. 1966. Journal of Economic Entomology. April. 59(2): p. 477-478. |
62747 |
[Flies resistant to DDT] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 1949. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. September/October. 17(5): p. 14. |
118438 |
Manure heaps in relation to house flies | Piper, C. V. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. August 15. 2(8): p. 247-248. |
48198 |