Keyword: Formicidae
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Turfgrass Insects of the United States and Canada Access Restrictions |
Vittum, Patricia J. 2020. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell University Press. xxvi, 525 pp., [72] plates. Third Edition. |
310615 |
Three categories of urban green areas and the effect of their different management on the communities of ants, spiders and harvestmen |
Trigos-Peral, Gema; Rutkowski, Tomasz; Witek, Magdalena; Ślipiński, Piotr; Babik, Hanna; Czechowski, Wojciech. 2020. Urban Ecosystems. August. 23(4): p. 803-818. |
315265 |
Reducing native ant abundance decreases predation rates in midwestern grasslands |
Wills, B. D.; Kim, T. N.; Fox, A. F.; Gratton, C.; Landis, D. A. 2019. Environmental Entomology. December. 48(6): p. 1360-1368. |
310171 |
Effects of urbanization on the diversity, abundance, and composition of ant assemblages in an arid city |
Miguelena, Javier G; Baker, Paul B. 2019. Environmental Entomology. August. 48(4): p. 836-846. |
308585 |
Summer is winding down but keep your guard up | Throssell, Clark. 2018. The Perfect Lie. August. 42(3): p. 17-18. |
301024 |
What shapes plant and animal diversity on urban golf courses? Access Restrictions |
Nooten, Sabine S.; Schultheiss, Patrick; Wright, Jules; Macdonald, Catriona; Singh, Brajesh K.; Cook, James M.; Power, Sally, A. 2018. Urban Ecosystems. June. 21(3): p. 565-576. |
299832 |
Pile of bluegrass seed on new construction Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2017. Golf Course Management. November. 85(11): p. 26, 92. |
292059 |
[Pesticides can protect people and the environment] |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2017. North Carolina Turfgrass. September/October. p. Cover, 16-18, 20. |
293804 |
Bug 'out': Surface- and subsurface-feeding insects can damage turf like a group of bad golfers. Here's how to identify and control them | Fech, John C.; Larson, Jonathan L. 2016. Superintendent. June. 15(6): p. 40-45. |
273182 |
Ants in Turf | Hahn, Jeffrey. 2015. [St. Paul, Minnesota]: Extension, University of Minnesota. [2] pp. |
286278 |
The nature (and number) of ant nests |
Jordan, Bennett. 2015. Pest Management Professional. December. 83(12): p. 72. |
268808 |
Turfgrass research at Penn State University | Rogan, Chase. 2015. Front Nine News. September. 18(3): p. 10-11. |
266070 |
Summer problems and solutions | Throssell, Clark. 2014. The Perfect Lie. May. 38(2): p. 18-19, 21. |
244673 |
Newly sprouted turf insect pests: Staying one step ahead of dynamic pest populations | Peck, Daniel C. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. March. 27(3): p. A18, A20. |
239710 |
Environmental effots earn Ontario super recognition from GCSAA | Jiggens, Mike. 2014. Turf & Recreation. March. 27(2): p. 32-34, 36-37. |
238810 |
The effect of urban ground covers on arthropods: An experiment Access Restrictions |
Norton, Briony A.; Thomson, Linda J.; Williams, Nicholas S. G.; McDonnell, Mark J. 2014. Urban Ecosystems. March. 17(1): p. 77-99. |
269434 |
Small insect...big pests |
Whitford, Marty. 2013. Pest Management Professional. April. 81(4): p. A4-A7. |
248673 |
Impact of four turf management regimes on arthropod abundance in lawns Access Restrictions |
Rochefort, Sophie; Shetlar, David J.; Brodeur, Jacques. 2013. Pest Management Science. January. 69(1): p. 54-65. |
214967 |
The effect of urbanization on ant abundance and diversity: A temporal examination of factors affecting biodiversity |
Buczkowski, Grzegorz; Richmond, Douglas S. 2012. PloS ONE. August 2. 7(8): p. e41729 [1-9]. |
273403 |
Generalist predators and predation of black cutworm Agrotis ipsilon larvae in close mown creeping bentgrass |
Hong, Seung Cheon; Held, David W.; Williamson, R. Chris. 2011. Florida Entomologist. September. 94(3): p. 714-715. |
196624 |
Ants | Whitworth, Jeff R.; Sloderbeck, Phil; Davis, Holly; Bauernfeind, Robert J. 2009. [Manhattan, Kansas]: Cooperative Extension Service, Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University. 4 pp. |
259364 |
Managing ants: Is it even possible? | Williamson, R. Chris. 2009. The Grass Roots. January/February. 38(1): p. 32-33. |
147419 |
A comparison of turf management practices at turf runway airports in the Southeast United States | Tuccio, William A.; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2008. 2008 Joint Annual Meeting: [Abstracts][GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGS/HGS]. p. 44750. |
144918 |
State of the pest nation: A coast-to-coast look at Canada's peskiest insects Access Restrictions |
Charbonneau, Pam. 2008. GreenMaster. April. 43(2): p. 18-20. |
136608 |
[Bad year for ants] | Williamson, R. Chris. 2007. The Grass Roots. September/October. 36(5): p. 29. |
139432 |
Don't panic when 'big' ants are found tunneling into greens | Smitley, Dave. 2007. Landscape Alert Newsletter. August 24. 22(16): p. [4]. |
137483 |
Genetic differentiation of Agrostis capillaris in a grassland system with stable heterogeneity due to terricolous ants Access Restrictions |
Rothanzl, Jan; Kotoučová, Magdalena; Hrabinová, Ivana; Plačková, Ivana; Herben, Tomáš. 2007. Journal of Ecology. January. 95(1): p. 197-207. |
199787 |
Questions from the floor: [Ant bait efficacy] | Williamson, R. Chris. 2007. The Grass Roots. January/February. 36(1): p. 23. |
121970 |
Biological-based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2006. 2006 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 13. |
119724 |
Look before you leap: Other insects besides the turfgrass ant can cause temporary disruption to a putting surface | Vavrek, Bob. 2006. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 44(6): p. 33-34. |
117973 |
[Grubs and ants] |
Vittum, Pat. 2006. TurfNet Monthly. October. 13(10): p. 4. |
116745 |
Region crawling with six-legged creatures: Insects the talk at Coastal Research Seminar | Skernivitz, Tom. 2006. Golfdom. June. 62(6): p. 10, 14. |
112002 |
[Ant mounds by greens] | Anonymous. 2006. USGA Green Section Record. May/June. 44(3): p. 30. |
110885 |
Abundance and seasonal activity of arthropod predators in St. Augustinegrass lawns in Florida |
Cherry, Ron. 2006. Journal of Entomological Science. April. 41(2[3]): p. 165-169. |
148254 |
Biological-based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2005. 2005 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 13. |
109835 |
Entomology research update: II. Ant mounding on golf course fairways, 2004 | Smitley, David. 2005. Proceedings of the 75th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 75: p. [3-4]. |
102849 |
Crooked line across green Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2005. Golf Course Management. December. 73(12): p. 26, 97. |
108530 |
Annoying mound building ants in turf: What options are available? | Williamson, R. Chris. 2005. The Grass Roots. July/August. 34(4): p. 20-21, 23. |
106054 |
Species richness, abundance, and composition of ground-dwelling ants in Northern California grasslands: Role of plants, soil, and grazing Access Restrictions |
Boulton, April M.; Davies, Kendi F.; Ward, Philip S. 2005. Environmental Entomology. February. 34(1): p. 96-104. |
102575 |
[Highlights of the Ohio Turfgrass Conference and Show] | Brame, R. A. 2005. USGA World Wide Web Site. January 3. p. [1-2]. |
110887 |
Entomology research update: Long-term solutions for Japanese beetle and European chafer, and management of ants on golf courses: II. Supression of ant mounding on tees, greens and fairways | Smitley, David; Davis, Terrance; Cappaert, David. 2004. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. p. [2-3]. |
94924 |
Biology and Management of the Ant, Lasius neoniger (Emery), On and Around Golf Course Putting Greens |
Maier, Reid Mathew. 2004. M. S. Thesis: University of Kentucky. vii, [1], 79 pp. |
133022 |
Nuisance ants on golf courses | Maier, Reid M.; Potter, Daniel A. 2004. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. p. 13-16. |
96648 |
Ant Management in Turfgrass | Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M. 2003. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension. 4 pp. |
136973 |
Biologically based management of white grubs, cutworms, and mound-building ants on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2003. 2003 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 19. |
93199 |
Nuisance ants on golf courses | Maier, Reid M.; Potter, Daniel A. 2003. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. November 15. 2(22): p. [1-7]. |
94385 |
Turf IPM Facts |
UMass Extension. 2002. Amherst, Massachusetts: UMass Extension. iv, 202 pp. |
103903 |
Turf insect pests |
2002. p. 39-42. In: Neylan, John; Anderson, Peter; Laird, Euan. Sportsturf Protection: The Complete Guide to All Turf Protection Products. AGCSA, [2002]. |
89396 |
Clues to harvester ant presence |
Anonymous. 2002. Pest Control. December. 70(12): p. 17. |
84900 |
Ant identification made easy: Grouping by common traits helps in distinguishing 18 different ant species |
Fagerlund, Richard. 2002. Pest Control. December. 70(12): p. 20-21. |
84901 |
Improve your `baiting average' |
Frishman, Austin. 2002. Pest Control. December. 70(12): p. 21-22. |
84902 |
Pest control: Flip-flopped circumstances in southwestern Montana: Frost drives deep in Butte |
Greenfield, Shauna. 2002. Mountain West Turf. Fall. 2(4): p. 25-27. |
83307 |
Take two steps to effective ant control: Controlling the aphids first makes the ant population easier to treat |
Clayton, Debbie. 2002. Pest Control. June. 70(6): p. 30-31. |
80912 |
The new look in turf insecticides: Life after DursbanTM Access Restrictions |
Vittum, Patricia J. 2002. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 26(3): p. 54, 56-57, 59, 61-62. |
80186 |
Using ants as bioindicators in land management: Simplifying assessment of ant community responses Access Restrictions |
Andersen, Alan N.; Hoffman, Benjamin D.; Müller, Warren J.; Griffiths, Anthony D. 2002. Journal of Applied Ecology. February. 39(1): p. 8-17. |
79197 |
Allegheny Mount Ants | University of Rhode Island Landscape Horticulture Program. 2001. Kingston, Rhode Island: URI GreenShare. 2 pp. |
132367 |
Ants | Bennett, Gary W.; Gibb, Timothy J. 2001. West Lafayette, Indiana: Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Entomology, Purdue University. 2 pp. Revised Edition. |
283805 |
Integrating biologically based strategies for turfgrass pest management: Phase II | Braman, Kris. 2001. 2001 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 12. |
78344 |
Beneficial organisms in the turfgrass environment | Abbey, Timothy M. 2001. p. 97-102. In: Abbey, Timothy M., ed. Turfgrass Nutrient and Integrated Pest Management Manual. Storrs, Connecticut: Cooperative Extension System, University of Connecticut. |
134490 |
Controlling the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, in urban landscapes Access Restrictions |
Reinert, J. A.; Maranz, S. J. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 2): p. 787-792. |
74313 |
The ants: Excerpts from Destructive Turf Insects | Niemczyk, Harry D.; Shetlar, David J. 2001. Hole Notes. December/January. 32(10): p. 34. |
192917 |
Conserve beneficial insects on your golf course: Natural enemies buffer turf against pest outbreaks | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. USGA Green Section Record. November/December. 39(6): p. 8-10. |
76903 |
Clarifying the fipronil label for control of fire ants and nuisance ants | Potter, Daniel A. 2001. TURFAX. November/December. 9(6): p. 3. |
78201 |
Interrelationship of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and southern chinch bugs (hemiptera: Lygaeidae) in Florida lawns |
Cherry, Ron. 2001. Journal of Entomological Science. October. 36(4): p. 411-415. |
76838 |
Dollar spot? Maybe not: In Fall, damage from ant venom resembles dreaded disease Access Restrictions |
Williamson, R. Chris. 2001. Golf Course Management. May. 69(5): p. 64-66. |
73255 |
Identification and impact of egg predators of Cyclocephala lurida and Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Zenger, J. T.; Gibb, T. J. 2001. Environmental Entomology. April. 30(2): p. 425-430. |
73284 |
Impact of four insecticides on Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) egg predators and white grubs in turfgrass |
Zenger, J. T.; Gibb, T. J. 2001. Journal of Economic Entomology. February. 94(1): p. 145-149. |
147377 |
Pest management assessment: Least-toxic alternatives for Argentine ants, fleas, and white grubs of lawns | |
79868 | |
Ants In and Around the Home | 2000. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Extension. 8 pp. |
66518 |
Ants | Stier, John C.; Delahaut, Karen; Pellitteri, Phil; Becker, Brian. 2000. Wisconsin's School Integrated Pest Management Manual. p. [1-7]. |
72252 | |
Integrating natural enemies, cultural control, and plant resistance for sustainable management of insect pests on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 2000. 2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 17. |
72119 |
Lethal lawns: Diazinon use threatens salmon survival |
Cox, Caroline. 2000. Journal of Pesticide Reform. Summer. 20(2): p. 2-8. |
65962 |
Evaluation of control measures for black carpenter ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Access Restrictions |
Tripp, Jason M.; Suiter, Daniel R.; Bennett, Gary W.; Klotz, John H.; Reid, Byron, L. 2000. Journal of Economic Entomology. October. 93(5): p. 1493-1497. |
69484 |
Living with carpenter ants, part 2 |
Cox, Caroline. 2000. Journal of Pesticide Reform. Fall. 20(3): p. 10-12. |
69665 |
Controlling ants is no picnic | Anonymous. 2000. Grounds Maintenance. August. 35(8): p. 1. |
68717 |
Seasonal studies of an isolated red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) population in eastern Tennessee Access Restrictions |
Callcott, Anne-Marie A.; Oi, David H.; Collins, Homer L.; Williams, David F.; Lockley, Tim C. 2000. Environmental Entomology. August. 29(4): p. 788-794. |
67400 |
Take your ant to dinner: Matching bait according to food preference and species is paramount to success |
Shaheen, Lisa. 2000. Pest Control. July. 68(7): p. 26, 28, 30, 32. |
66437 |
Successful bait development is more than a matter of taste |
Hansen, Laurel. 2000. Pest Control. May. 68(5): p. 52, 54, 58. |
65155 |
Pennsylvania turfgrass pest update: 1999 in review |
Heller, Paul R. 2000. The Keynoter. May. 28(2): p. 6-7. |
74836 |
The art of war applies to carpenter ants |
Frishman, Austin M. 2000. Pest Control. April. 68(4): p. 26. |
65415 |
Possible antagonistic activity of two entomopathogens infecting workers of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) |
Brinkman, Mark A.; Gardner, Wayne A. 2000. Journal of Entomological Science. April. 35(2): p. 205-207. |
64920 |
Nature 'antes up' for insect pest control: Thieving, marauding ants on a golf course demonstrate one natural way to control Japanese beetles. It appears that healthy ant colonies may help limit those beetle populations | Gibb, Timothy J. 2000. TurfGrass TRENDS. April. 8[9](4): p. 11-14. |
122734 |
Ant predation on eggs and larvae of the black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
López, Rolando; Potter, Daniel A. 2000. Environmental Entomology. February. 29(1): p. 116-125. |
63975 |
Turfgrass Insects of the United States and Canada |
Vittum, Patricia J.; Villani, Michael G.; Tashiro, Haruo. 1999. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Publishing Associates, Division of Cornell University Press. xviii, 422 pp., [72] plates. Second Edition. |
64756 |
Ants | Anonymous. 1999. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. p. [1]. |
71613 | |
Ants & landscape plants | Anonymous. 1999. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. p. [1]. |
71614 | |
Beneficial Insects on Lawns | URI GreenShare. 1999. Kingston, Rhode Island: University of Rhode Island Landscape Horticulture Program. 2 pp. |
132376 |
Integrating natural enemies, cultural control, and plant resistance for sustainable management of insect pests on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 1999. 1999 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 17-18. |
72297 |
Ant efficacy on a golf course fairway, 1998 Access Restrictions |
Smitley, D. R.; Davis, T. W.; Williams, M. M. 1999. Arthropod Management Tests. 24: p. 337. |
63990 |
The incredible white-footed ant: Prolific Japanese invaders don't bite or sting... but they eat |
Weissling, Thomas. 1999. Florida Turf Digest. November/December. 16(6): p. 30-31. |
64814 |
Late summer swarming ants | Townsend, Lee. 1999. Kentucky Pest News. August 9. 859: p. 6. |
138203 | |
Of ants, flies and other friendly pests | Leslie, Mark. 1999. Golf Course News. July. 11(7): p. 1, 16, 38. |
60885 |
The turfgrass ant Lasius neoniger | Werle, Sean F. 1999. TurfGrass TRENDS. April. 8(4): p. 6-10. |
121186 |
The turfgrass ant: A necessary nuisance?: Ants destroy pests and aerify the soil, but who wants to putt across an anthill? Access Restrictions |
Werle, Sean F.; Vittum, Patricia J. 1999. Golf Course Management. January. 67(1): p. 49-52. |
57291 |
Control Lawn Insects | Harris, Pat J. [1998]. [Mississippi State, Mississippi]: Mississippi State University Extension Service. [6] pp. Revised Edition. |
38540 |
Controlling insects and other common pests of lawns | Marrotte, Edmond L. 199x. University of Connecticut Integrated Pest Management Program Web Site. |
59811 | |
UNL Entomology - Turfgrass Insects - Ants | Anonymous. [19xx]. Nebraska IANR Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
71305 | |
Integrating natural enemies, cultural control, and plant resistance for sustainable management of insect pests on golf courses | Potter, Daniel A. 1998. 1998 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. p. 25-26. |
61827 |
Control of pavement ants around apartment buildings at Michigan State University, 1997 |
Smitley, D. R.; Bak, E. S.; Davis, T. W.; Mott, M. A. 1998. Arthropod Management Tests. 23: p. 363. |
68388 |
Laboratory and field evaluation of granular ant baits and the attractiveness of liquid ant bait, 1996 |
Summerlin, Bill; Gold, Roger; Howell, Harry; Cook, Jerry. 1998. Arthropod Management Tests. 23: p. 363-364. |
68391 |