Keyword: Genetic variability
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Identification of suitable reference genes in buffalo grass for accurate transcript normalization under various abiotic stress conditions Access Restrictions |
Li, Wei; Qian, Yong-Qiang; Han, Lei; Liu, Jun-Xiang; Sun, Zhen-Yuan. 2014. Gene. August 15. 547(1): p. 55-62. |
270220 |
Genetic variability of reproductive traits in common carpetgrass |
Ma, Long; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Lu, Huangjun; Cherry, Ronald. 2014. HortScience. July. 49(7): p. 856-858. |
247986 |
Four new species in Magnaporthaceae from grass roots in New Jersey Pine Barrens Access Restrictions |
Luo, Jing; Walsh, Emily; Zhang, Ning. 2014. Mycologia. May/June. 106(3): p. 580-588. |
272489 |
Improving our understanding of salinity tolerance in perennial ryegrass through transcriptome analysis | Bonos, Stacy; Bhattachary, Debashish; ZelZion, Udi; Honig, Joshua; Vaicuinas, Jennifer; Koch, Eric. 2014. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. May/June. 13(3): p. 8-10. |
241595 |
Genetic variation of asexual reproduction characteristics of Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P. Beauv. Access Restrictions |
Wang, X. L.; Mo, D. Q.; Li, L. F.; Liao, L.; Wang, Z. Y.; Hu, H. G.; Bai, C. J. 2014. Acta Horticulturae. May 10. 829: p. 189-203. |
274712 |
Collection and preliminary characterisation of native turfgrass accessions of Cynodon dactylon L. in the Mediterranean area Access Restrictions |
Potenza, Giovanna; Fascetti, Simonetta; Castronuovo, Donato; Lovelli, Stella; Perniola, Michele; Viggiani, Roberto; Rossi, Roberta; Marchione, Vito; Candido, Vincenzo. 2014. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. April. 12(2): p. 770-774. |
269454 |
Convergence of goals: Phylogenetical, morphological, and physiological characterization of tolerance to drought stress in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) Access Restrictions |
Salehi, Mohammadreza; Salehi, Hassan; Niazi, Ali; Ghobadi, Cyrus. 2014. Molecular Biotechnology. March. 56(3): p. 248-257. |
269467 |
Differential responses of Brachypodium distachyon genotypes to insect and fungal pathogens Access Restrictions |
Sandoya, Germán V.; Buanafina, Marcia Maria de Oliveira. 2014. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. January. 85: p. 53-64. |
270222 |
Poa annua: A true survivor | Kopec, David M. 2014. Southwest Trees & Turf. Re-Launch Issue. 20(1): p. 1, 10. |
244788 |
Breeding the American cranberry in New Jersey - recent challenges and successes | Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer; Vorsa, Nicholi. 2013. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 25-26. |
223837 |
Agronomic traits in tall fescue populations under irrigated and rain-fed conditions | Islam, M. Anowarul; Saha, Malay C. 2013. Proceedings: 22nd International Grassland Congress: Revitalising Grasslands to Sustain Our Communities. p. 126-128. |
231122 |
Manipulating the chromosome number of zoysiagrass | Schwartz, Brian M.; Contreras, Ryan N.; Hanna, Wayne W.; Jackson, Scott A. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 78195. |
232459 |
Genetic and ploidy variability within six vegetatively propagated zoysiagrass cultivars | Harris-Shultz, Karen; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Patton, Aaron J.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Chandra, Ambika; Waltz, Freddie Clinton Jr. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 78786. |
232462 |
Candidate gene expression levels associated with heat tolerance in bentgrasses | Jesperson, David; Huang, Bingru. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 80398. |
232412 |
Poa annua population dynamics in response to herbicides and plant growth regulators | Brown, Jesse Kalin; Amaradasa, B. S.; Amundsen, K. L.; Reicher, Z. J. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 82279. |
232370 |
Temporal and spatial patterns of soil water extraction and drought resistance among genotypes of a perennial C4 grass Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Yi; Lambrides, Christopher J.; Roche, Matthew B.; Duff, Alan; Fukai, Shu. 2013. Functional Plant Biology. 40(4): p. 379-392. |
272812 |
Population structure of a Rhizoctonia solani population in a single field using ISSR markers |
Zheng, L.; Shi, F.; Hsiang, T. 2013. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 35(1): p. 131. |
223804 |
SSR/CISP marker analysis for genetic relationships of Zoysia cultivars and experimental genotypes Access Restrictions |
Araneda, Loreto; Lee, Jeonghwa; Chen, Zhenbang; Raymer, Paul; Jung, Geunhwa. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 299-304. |
223228 |
Physiological factors and antioxidant enzyme activities associated with interspecific variation in salinity tolerance of cool-season turfgrass species Access Restrictions |
Veerasamy, Mahalaxmi; Huang, Bingru. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 453-457. |
223286 |
Evaluation of heat and drought as components of summer stress on tall fescue genotypes |
Cross, James W.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Huang, Bingru; Meyer, William A. 2013. HortScience. December. 48(12): p. 1562-1567. |
235108 |
Evidence for adaptive evolution of low-temperature stress response genes in a Pooideae grass ancestor |
Vigeland, Magnus D.; Spannagl, Manuel; Asp, Torben; Paina, Cristiana; Rudi, Heidi; Rognli, Odd-Arne; Fjellheim, Siri; Sandve, Simen R. 2013. New Phytologist. September. 199(4): p. 1060-1068. |
228254 |
Characterization of populations of turf-type perennial ryegrass recurrently selected for superior freezing tolerance |
Iraba, Amandine; Castonguay, Yves; Bertrand, Annick; Floyd, Donald J.; Cloutier, Jean; Belzile, François. 2013. Crop Science. September/October. 53(5): p. 2225-2238. |
230888 |
Cutting edge research | Neylan, John. 2013. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. September/October. 15(5): p. 28-29, 32. |
230076 |
Drought resistance of C4 grasses under field conditions: Genetic variation among a large number of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) ecotypes collected from different climatic zones Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Y.; Lambrides, C. J.; Fukai, S. 2013. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. August. 199(4): p. 253-263. |
250840 |
RAPD-SCAR markers linked to medium-leaf zoysiagrass extotypes |
Chung, Sung Jin; Park, Su Jeong; Kim, Hun Joong; Yang, Geun-Mo; Choi, Joon-Soo; Oh, Chan-Jin; Jang, Deok-Hwan; Song, In-Ja; Lee, Geung-Joo. 2013. Weed and Turfgrass Science. June. 2(2): p. 191-197. |
265246 |
Growth and physiological traits of canopy and root systems associated with drought resistance in tall fescue |
Sun, Jianming; Meyer, William; Cross, James; Huang, Bingru. 2013. Crop Science. March/April. 53(2): p. 575-584. |
216607 |
Effect of different cultivation methods and pH on division and growth of Poa pratensis protoplast Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Bai, Sheng-jun; Ma, Hui-ling; Ma, Xiang; An, Hui-hui. 2012. [Caoyuan yu Caoping] [Grassland and Turf]. 1: p. Unknown. |
270196 |
Is genetic engineering ever going to take off in forage, turf and bioenergy crop breeding? Access Restrictions |
Wang, Zeng-Yu; Brummer, E. Charles. 2012. Annals of Botany. November. 110(6): p. 1317-1325. |
213845 |
New chloroplast microsatellite markers suitable for assessing genetic diversity of Lolium perenne and other related grass species Access Restrictions |
Diekmann, Kerstin; Hodkinson, Trevor R.; Barth, Susanne. 2012. Annals of Botany. November. 110(6): p. 1327-1339. |
213848 |
Molecular evidence for Neotyphodium fungal endophyte variation and specificity within host grass species Access Restrictions |
Karimi, Somaye; Mirlohi, Aghafakhr; Sabzalian, Mohammad R.; Tabatabaei, Badraldin E. Sayed; Sharifnabi, Bahram. 2012. Mycologia. November/December. 104(6): p. 1281-1290. |
223882 |
Transferability of SSR and RGA markers developed in Cynodon spp. to Zoysia spp. Access Restrictions |
Harris-Shultz, Karen R.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Brady, Jeff A. 2012. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. October. 30(5): p. 1264-1269. |
271497 |
Genetic variation for morphology and maturity among the half-sib progeny of nine orchardgrass germplasm populations |
Robins, Joseph G.; Bushman, B. Shaun; Jensen, Kevin B.; Blaser, Greg. 2012. Crop Science. September. 52(5): p. 2276-2282. |
210044 |
Salinity tolerance in plants: Breeding and genetic engineering Access Restrictions |
Turan, Satpal; Cornish, Katrina; Kumar, Shashi. 2012. Australian Journal of Crop Science. September. 6(9): p. 1337-1348. |
215287 |
Interactions of Fusarium species during prepenetration development Access Restrictions |
Wagacha, John Maina; Oerke, Erich-Christian; Dehne, Heinz-Wilhelm; Steiner, Ulrike. 2012. Fungal Biology. July. 116(7): p. 836-847. |
223985 |
Assessment of molecular variation within 'Raleigh' St. Augustinegrass using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers |
Kimball, Jennifer A.; Zuleta, M. Carolina; Martin, Matthew C.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Chandra, Ambika; Milla-Lewis, Susana R. 2012. HortScience. July. 47(7): p. 839-844. |
209432 |
Biology and pathology of turfgrass anthracnose: Anthracnose is a serious disease of cool-season turf on golf courses, but new genetic tools and cultivar development may limit the disease Access Restrictions |
Crouch, Jo Anne; Clarke, Bruce B. 2012. Golf Course Management. May. 80(5): p. 96-100, 102. |
204607 |
Comparison of screening methods to evaluate the response of St. Augustine grass to Magnaporthe oryzae Access Restrictions |
Metz, S. P.; Chandra, A.; Genovesi, A. D.; Campos, C. F. 2012. Plant Pathology. April. 61(2): p. 255-261. |
199714 |
Genetic diversity of natural and artificial populations of model grass Brachypodium species evaluated by AFLP markers Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Lili; Jeon, Young-Ju; Kang, Si-Yong; Lee, Geung-Joo. 2012. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology. April. 53(2): p. 143-150. |
272741 |
Evolution and taxonomic split of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon Access Restrictions |
Catalán, Pilar; Müller, Jochen; Hasterok, Robert; Jenkins, Glyn; Mur, Luis A. J.; Langdon, Tim; Betekhtin, Alexander; Siwinska, Dorota; Pimentel, Manuel; López-Alvarez, Diana. 2012. Annals of Botany. February. 109(2): p. 385-405. |
197170 |
Turfgrass performance of diploid buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.] half-sib populations |
Serba, Desalegn D.; Gulsen, Osman; Abeyo, Bekele G.; Amundsen, Keenan L.; Lee, Donald J.; Baenziger, P. Stephen; Heng-Moss, Tiffany M.; Eskridge, Kent M.; Shearman, Robert C. 2012. HortScience. February. 47(2): p. 185-188. |
198292 |
Genetic diversity in some introduced pasture grass cultivars revealed by inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers |
Motawei, M. I.; AL-Ghumaiz, N. S. 2012. African Journal of Biotechnology. February 21. 11(15): p. 3531-3536. |
209873 |
An herbicide-susceptible rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) population made even more susceptible Access Restrictions |
Manalil, Sudheesh; Busi, Roberto; Renton, Michael; Powles, Stephen B. 2012. Weed Science. January-March. 60(1): p. 101-105. |
196163 |
Development of simple sequence repeat markers and the analysis of genetic diversity and ploidy level in a centipedegrass collection Access Restrictions |
Harris-Shultz, Karen R.; Milla-Lewis, Susana R.; Zuleta, M. Carolina; Schwartz, Brian M.; Hanna, Wayne W.; Brady, Jeff A. 2012. Crop Science. January. 52(1): p. 383-392. |
195870 |
Genotypic variations and physiological traits for drought and heat tolerance in creeping bentgrass | Jespersen, David; Huang, Bingru. 2011. Proceedings of the Twentieth Anniversary Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 39. |
179557 |
Abundance of Poa pratensis as an invasive species in the prairie ecosystem | Ruis, Sabrina; Stier, John; Garrison, Mark; Renz, Mark; Jung, Geunhwa. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 64001. |
192280 |
Identification of SSR markers that differentiate bermudagrass cultivars derived from 'Tifgreen' | Harris-Shultz, Karen R.; Schwartz, Brian; Brady, Jeff A. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 65044. |
192892 |
Physiological and genetic variations in submergence tolerance of perennial ryegrass | Yu, Xiaoqing; Jiang, Yiwei. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 65502. |
192410 |
Selection of shade tolerant bermudagrass germplasms | Koh, Kyungjoon; Bell, Greg; Wu, Yanqi. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 65933. |
193151 |
Use of molecular markers for identity preservation in St. Augustinegrass: Elucidating the authenticity of 'Raleigh' samples from sod farms across the Southeastern United States | Kimball, Jennifer; Zuleta, Carolina; Martin, Matthew; Kenworthy, Kevin; Chandra, Ambika; Milla-Lewis, Susana; Kimball, Jennifer. 2011. 2011 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 65975. |
192419 |
Genetic differentiation in bermudagrass populations by RAPD analysis Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Liang, Yue-Xiang; Liang, Hui-min; Xia, Yang; Yan, Li-ping; Liu, Cui-lan. 2011. Hubei Nongye Kexue [Hubei Agricultural Sciences]. 50(13): p. 2706-2709. |
282516 |
Improved polycross breeding of tall fescue through marker-based parental selection Access Restrictions |
Amini, Fatemeh; Mirlohi, Aghafakhr; Majidi, Mohamad M.; ShojaieFar, Samira; Kölliker, Roland. 2011. Plant Breeding. December. 130(6): p. 701-707. |
192733 |
A molecular map of the apomixis-control locus in Paspalum procurrens and its comparative analysis with other species of Paspalum |
Hojsgaard, D. H.; Martínez, E. J.; Acuña, C. A.; Quarin, C. L.; Pupilli, F. 2011. TAG: Theoretical and Applied Genetics. October. 123(6): p. 959-971. |
191473 |
Resistance of closely mown fine fescue and bentgrass species to snow mold pathogens |
Gregos, Jeff; Casler, M. D.; Stier, J. C. 2011. Plant Disease. July. 95(7): p. 847-852. |
183470 |
Selection of glyphosate-resistant annual bluegrass (Poa annua) on a golf course Access Restrictions |
Binkholder, Kenton M.; Fresenburg, Brad S.; Teuton, Travis C.; Xiong, Xi; Smeda, Reid J. 2011. Weed Science. July-September. 59(3): p. 286-289. |
185028 |
An overhead irrigation screening technique for salinity tolerance in cool-season turfgrasses |
Koch, Matthew J.; Bonos, Stacy A. 2011. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. July 1. 10(13): p. [1-10]. |
185353 |
Identification of simple sequence repeat markers that differentiate bermudagrass cultivars derived from 'Tifgreen' |
Harris-Shultz, Karen R.; Schwartz, Brian M.; Brady, Jeff A. 2011. Journal of The American Society for Horticultural Science. May. 136(3): p. 211-218. |
181321 |
Genetic mapping of DArT markers in the Festuca-Lolium complex and their use in freezing tolerance association analysis |
Bartoš, Jan; Sandve, Simen Rød; Kölliker, Roland; Kopecký, David; Christelová, Pavla; Stočes, Štěpán; Østrem, Liv; Larsen, Arild; Kilian, Andrzej; Rognli, Odd-Arne; Doležel, Jaroslav. 2011. TAG: Theoretical and Applied Genetics. April. 122(6): p. 1133-1147. |
178092 |
Development of simple sequence repeat markers for inbreeding Lolium species Access Restrictions |
Hirata, Mariko; Kiyoshi, Takako; Yuyama, Nana; Cai, Hongwei. 2011. Grassland Science. March. 57(1): p. 35-45. |
179947 |
Diallelic nuclear microsatellites for diversity and population analyses of the allotetraploid creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) Access Restrictions |
Reichman, Jay R.; Smith, Bonnie M.; Londo, Jason P.; Bollman, Michael A.; Auer, Carol A.; Watrud, Lidia S. 2011. Crop Science. March. 51(2): p. 747-758. |
177720 |
Miniature inverted-repeat transposable element identification and genetic marker development in Agrostis Access Restrictions |
Amundsen, Keenan; Rotter, David; Li, Huaijun Michael; Messing, Joachim; Jung, Geunhwa; Belanger, Faith; Warnke, Scott. 2011. Crop Science. March. 51(2): p. 854-861. |
177753 |
Genotypic variation in fatty acid composition and unsaturation levels in bermudagrass associated with leaf dehydration tolerance |
Zhong, Diheng; Du, Hongmei; Wang, Zhaolong; Huang, Bingru. 2011. Journal of The American Society for Horticultural Science. January. 136(1): p. 35-40. |
174651 |
Genetic variation and physiological traits in drought tolerance for bentgrass | Jespersen, David; Huang, Bingru. 2010. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 45. |
159516 |
APOSTART-derived SCAR markers discriminate between apomictic and sexual Poa pratensis L. genotypes | Albertini, E.; Torricelli, R.; Falcinelli, M. 2010. Proceedings of the 7th International Herbage Seed Conference. p. 145. |
251328 |
Physiological analysis of genotypic variations in drought and heat tolerance for creeping bentgrass | Jespersen, David; Huang, Bingru. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 59167. |
170581 |
Towards association mapping of drought and heat tolerance in perennial ryegrass | Jiang, Yiwei; Yu, Xiaoqing; Bai, Guihua; Warnke, Scott; Yu, Jianming. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 59454. |
170928 |
Genotypic differences in thermotolerance depend on pre-stress capacity for antioxidant protection of the photosynthetic apparatus in cotton | Snider, John; Oosterhuis, Derrick; Kawakami, Eduardo. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 60241. |
170961 |
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in Colletotrichum cereale: A method for detecting unique isolates of the turfgrass anthracnose fungus | Beirn, Lisa; Polashock, James J.; Clarke, Bruce; Crouch, Jo Anne. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 61367. |
170525 |
Differential protein expression of drought stressed bermudagrass | Moss, Justin; Su, Kemin; Zhang, Guolong; Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis. 2010. 2010 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 61463. |
170857 |
Genetic analysis for 57 accessions of Cynodon dactylon from 17 countries in 5 continents by SRAP markers | Huang, C. Q.; Huang, D. Y.; Zhang, Y. F.; Liu, G. D. 2010. Tropical Grasslands. 44: p. 274-281. |
197869 |
Physiological characterization of the dandelion bioherbicide, Sclerotinia minor IMI 344141 Access Restrictions |
Shaheen, In'aam Y.; Abu-Dieyeh, Mohammed H.; Ash, Gavin J.; Watson, Alan K. 2010. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 20(1): p. 57-76. |
273154 |
Variation in inflorescence characters and inflorescence development in ecotypes and cultivars of Lolium perenne L. Access Restrictions |
Mcgrath, S.; Hodkinson, T. R.; Charles, T. M.; Zen, D. G.; Barth, S. 2010. Grass and Forage Science. December. 65(4): p. 398-409. |
169597 |
An overhead irrigation screening technique for salinity tolerance in cool-season turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Koch, Matthew J.; Bonos, Stacy A. 2010. Crop Science. November. 50(6): p. 2613-2619. |
171450 |
Genetic variability of cultivated Rhizoma peanut Access Restrictions |
Maas, Andrea L.; Anderson, William F.; Quesenberry, Kenneth H. 2010. Crop Science. September/October. 50(5): p. 1908-1914. |
168673 |
Different seed dormancy levels imposed by tissues covering the Caryopsis in zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) |
Li, M.; Han, J.; Wang, Y.; Sun, J.; Haferkamp, M. 2010. Seed Science and Technology. July. 38(2): p. 320-331. |
169914 |
Genetic background of an invasive Lolium population in central Japan using chloroplast DNA and SSR markers Access Restrictions |
Kurokawa, S.; Kobayashi, H.; Ikeda, K. 2010. Weed Research. June. 50(3): p. 245-252. |
175216 |
Variable response of zoysiagrass genotypes to sting nematode Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2010. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 34(3): p. 22, 24. |
162841 |
Transferability of EST-SSR markers on bentgrasses and its application | Zhao, Yan; Kong, Fan-mei; Wang, Tao; Li, Si-shen. 2010. Yuanyi Xuebao [Acta Horticulturae Sinica]. March 25. 37(3): p. 485-490. |
287891 |
Relationships between the genetic distance of Epichloë festucae isolates and the ergovaline and peramine contents of their Festuca rubra hosts Access Restrictions |
Vázquez-de-Aldana, B. R.; Zabalgogeazcoa, I.; Rubio de Casas, R.; García-Ciudad, A.; García-Criado, B. 2010. Annals of Applied Biology. January. 156(1): p. 51-61. |
160092 |
Inference of phylogenetic relationships among the subfamilies of grasses (Poaceae: Poales) using meso-scale exemplar-based sampling of the plastid genome Access Restrictions |
Saarela, Jeffery M.; Graham, Sean W. 2010. Botany [Canada]. January. 88(1): p. 65-84. |
198837 |
Variability for freezing tolerance among 42 ecotypes of green-type annual bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Dionne, Julie; Rochefort, Sophie; Huff, David R.; Desjardins, Yves; Bertrand, Annick; Castonguay, Yves. 2010. Crop Science. January/February. 50(1): p. 321-336. |
161153 |
Genetic similarities among Iranian populations of Festuca, Lolium, Bromus and Agropyron using amplified fragments length polymorphism (AFLP) markers |
Majidi, Mohammad Mahdi; Mirlohi, Aghafakhr. 2010. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology. January. 8(1): p. 16-23. |
200078 |
Buffalograss Genetic Linkage Mapping, Chinch Bug Resistance Characteristics and Turfgrass Performance Access Restrictions |
Serba, Desalegn Debelo. 2009. Ph.D. Dissertation: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 162 pp. |
164176 |
Linking drought tolerance traits and candidate genes in perennial ryegrass through association mapping | Jiang, Yiwei. 2009. 2009 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 28. |
159821 |
Development of genomic SSR markers in Cynodon dactylon | Samuels, Tim; Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis; Bell, Greg; Anderson, Jeff; Moss, Justin; Taliaferro, Charles. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 52785. |
158722 |
Identification of quantitative trait loci for drought tolerance characteristics of creeping bentgrass | Merewitz, Emily; Huang, Bingru; Bonos, Stacy. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 52924. |
159074 |
13C discrimination and water use efficiency of perennial ryegrass genotypes in response to wilt-based irrigation | Lanier, Jason; Ebdon, J. Scott; DaCosta, Michelle. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 53216. |
159082 |
Assessing tetraploid bahiagrass productivity from root screenings | Acuna, Carlos; Mackowiak, Cheryl; Sinclair, Thomas; Blount, Ann; Quesenberry, Kenneth. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 54134. |
158998 |
Assessment of molecular variability within St. Augustinegrass cultivar 'Raleigh' using AFLP and SRAP markers | Milla-Lewis, Susana; Lin, Xue; Martin, Matthew; Zuleta, Carolina; Chandra, Ambika; Kenworthy, Kevin. 2009. 2009 International Annual Meetings: [Abstracts][ASA-CSSA-SSSA]. p. 55402. |
158989 |
Selecting for drought tolerance among Australian green couch grasses (Cynodon spp.) Access Restrictions |
Zhou, Yi; Lambrides, Chris; Kearns, Ryan; Ye, Changrong; Cao, Ninh; Fukai, Shu. 2009. Crop & Pasture Science. 60(12): p. 1175-1183. |
254686 |
Agro-morphological characterisation of a collection of Cynodon | van de Wouw, Mark; Mohammed, Jemal; Jorge, Maria Alexandra; Hanson, Jean. 2009. Tropical Grasslands. 43: p. 151-161. |
192638 |
Characterization of commercial cultivars and naturalized genotypes of Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze in Australia Access Restrictions |
Loch, Donald S.; Roche, Matthew B.; Sun-Yue, Jenny; Arief, Vivi; Delacy, Ian H.; Lambrides, Christopher J. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 1): p. 549-561. |
151069 |
Morphological and anatomical variations among perennial ryegrass cultivars exposed to wear stress Access Restrictions |
Haan, Joost Den; Huang, Bingru; Murphy, James A.; Bonos, Stacy; DaCosta, Michelle; Meyer, William A. 2009. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11(Part 2): p. 779-787. |
150941 |
Interploid St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze] hybrids recovered by embryo rescue Access Restrictions |
Genovesi, Anthony D.; Jessup, Russell W.; Engelke, Milton C.; Burson, Byron L. 2009. In Vitro: Cellular & Developmental Biology, Plant. December. 45(6): p. 659-666. |
244658 |
Heritability estimates for turfgrass performance and stress response in Zoysia spp. |
Schwartz, Brian M.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Engelke, M. C.; Genovesi, A. Dennis; Quesenberry, Kenneth H. 2009. Crop Science. November/December. 49(6): p. 2113-2118. |
160226 |
Turfgrass species response exposed to increasing rates of glyphosate application Access Restrictions |
Su, Y. Senem; Ozturk, L.; Cakmak, I.; Budak, H. 2009. European Journal of Agronomy. October. 31(3): p. 120-125. |
224034 |
Molecular identification and genetic analysis for 24 turf-type Cynodon cultivars by Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism markers Access Restrictions |
Wang, Zhiyong; Yuan, Xuejun; Zheng, Yiqi; Liu, Jianxiu. 2009. Scientia Horticulturae. October 1. 122(3): p. 461-467. |
252622 |
Determining heritability of saltgrass height | Christensen, Dana. 2009. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. September 15. 8(18): p. [1-8]. |
154996 |
Recent progress in turf bermudagrass breeding research at Oklahoma State University | Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis L.; Anderson, Jeffrey A.; Bell, Gregory E.; Anderson, Michael P.; Walker, Nathan R.; Moss, Justin Q. 2009. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. August 15. 8(16): p. 1-11. |
154021 |
Ecological differentiation among genotypes of dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) Access Restrictions |
Vellend, Mark; Drummond, Emily B. M.; Muir, Jennifer L. 2009. Weed Science. July. 57(4): p. 410-416. |
152385 |
Genetic variability in southern chinch bug (Blissus insularis) populations assessed using AFLP analysis Access Restrictions |
Reinert, James A.; Chandra, A.; Lamantia, J.; Pond, J. B. 2009. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology. July. 26(3): p. 130. |
179473 |