Keyword: Genetic variability
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Genetic variation in a random mating population of Kleingrass with a limited germplasm base |
Young, B. A. 1991. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 122. |
21922 |
Turf management effects on genetic structure and adaptation of golf course Poa annua populations |
Wu, Lin. 1991. HortScience. June. 26(6): p. [100] 716. |
21686 |
Identification and comparative pathogenicity of pythium spp. from roots and crowns of turfgrasses exhibiting symptoms of root rot |
Nelson, Eric B.; Craft, Cheryl M. 1990. 1989-90 Cornell University Turfgrass Research Report. p. 95-98. |
21670 |
Pathogenicity of root-infecting Pythium spp. on creeping bent grass (Agrostis palustris) turf |
Nelson, Eric B. 1990. 1989-90 Cornell University Turfgrass Research Report. p. 110-112. |
21679 |
Rapid evolution of life history traits in populations of Poa annua L. |
Till-Bottraud, Irène; Wu, Lin; Harding, James. 1990. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 3: p. 205-224. |
39981 |
Selenium tolerance, salt tolerance, and selenium accumulation among tall fescue (Fextuca Arundinacea Schreb.) cultivars Access Restrictions |
Wu, Lin; Huang, Zhang-Zhi. 1990. HortScience. November. 25(11): p. 1357. |
19276 |
Genetic diversity in adapted tall fescue germplasm from Alabama |
Van Santen, Edzard. 1990. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 114. |
19649 |
Genetic diversity in ET rates within bermudagrass St. Augustinegrass, and zoysiagrass genotypes, maintained under nonlimiting soil moisture conditions |
Green, R. L.; Sifers, S. I.; Beard, J. B.; Atkins, C. E. 1990. Agronomy Abstracts. October. p. 174. |
19748 |
Improved kikuyugrass |
Shaw, Ruth G.; Leonard, Matthew K. 1990. Turfgrass Research Conference and Field Day, September 18,1990[University of California-Riverside]. September 18. p. 4. |
151302 |
Ökotypenanalyse an Wildkräuterarten in Hinsicht auf extensive Gras-Kräuter-Ansaatan (Ecotype analysis of some wild flower species, in relation to sowing grasses and wild flowers for non-intensive management) |
Molder, F. 1990. Zeitschrift für Vegetationstechnik. April-June. 13(2): p. 68-74. |
18275 |
Carbon Isotope Discrimination: Potential in Screening Cool-Season Grasses for Water-Limited Environments |
Johnson, D. A.; Asay, K. H.; Tieszen, L. L.; Ehleringer, J. R.; Jefferson, P. G. 1990. Crop Science. March/April. 30(2): p. 338-343. |
17533 |
Reproductive Biology in Poa annua L. Access Restrictions |
Ruemmele, Bridget Anne. 1989. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Minnesota. [8], iv, 148 pp. |
32325 |
Breeding progress towards wildflower lawns Access Restrictions |
Rumball, W. 1989. Proceedings of the Sixth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 91-93. |
17072 |
Winter turf color retention and cold resistance among buffalograss collections Access Restrictions |
Wu, L.; Harivandi, M. A. 1989. Proceedings of the Sixth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 137-139. |
17110 |
Intra-population variation in nuclear DNA amount, cell size and growth rate in Poa annua L. |
Mowforth, M. A.; Grime, J. P. 1989. Functional Ecology. 3: p. 289-295. |
57731 | |
Heat Shock Protein Genetic Diversity in Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars via RFLP. |
DiMascio, J. A.; Danneberger, T. K.; Kamalay, J. C.; Tejwani, R. 1989. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 81: p. 156. |
16474 |
Assessment of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) for breeding. II. Components of winter hardiness |
Humphreys, M. O. 1989. Euphytica. April. 41(1-2): p. 99-106. |
189061 |
Non-adaptation in Agrostis capillaris L. (Poaceae) Access Restrictions |
Rapson, G. L.; Wilson, J. B. 1988. Functional Ecology. 2(4): p. 479-490. |
171932 |
Genetic Variability in the Physical Properties and Other Quality Traits of Timothy Access Restrictions |
Surprenant, J.; Michaud, R. 1988. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. July. 68(3): p. 713-720. |
954 |
Assessment of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) for breeding. I Freezing tolerance |
Humphreys, M. O.; Eagles, C. F. 1988. Euphytica. May. 38(1): p. 75-84. |
189060 |
Apomictic Grasses |
Bashaw, E. C.; Funk, C. Reed. 1987. p. 40-82. In: Fehr, Walter R., ed. Principles of Cultivar Development: Volume 2 Crop Species. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company. |
12427 |
Genetic Variability for Seedling Atrazine Tolerance in Indiangrass |
Kube, J. G.; Vogel, K. P.; Moser, L. E. 1987. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 68. |
11167 |
Chloroplast DNA variation in the grass tribe Festuceae |
Lehväslaiho, H.; Saura, A.; Lokki, J. 1987. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. July. 74(3): p. 298-302. |
56344 | |
Physiological responses to drought of Lolium perenne L.: Measurement of, and genetic variation in, water potential, solute potential, elasticity and cell hydration Access Restrictions |
Thomas, Henry. 1987. Journal of Experimental Botany. January. 38(186): p. 115-125. |
39379 | |
Étude de la variation chez Festuca rubra L. sensu lato dans l'est du Québec (Study of the Variation of Festuca rubra L. Sensu lato in East Quebec) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Dube, Martin. 1986. M.S. Thesis: Université Laval. 2 microfiches. |
133994 |
Patterns of Genetic Variation Among Populations of Poa Pratensis L. and Agrostis Capillaris L. from Britain and Iceland Access Restrictions |
Helgadottir, Aslaug; Snaydon, R. W. 1986. Journal of Applied Ecology. August. 23(2): p. 703-719. |
8593 |
Tall Fescue Soil Moisture Depletion, Evapotranspiration, and Growth Parameters |
Kopec, David M. 1985. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Nebraska - Lincoln. [11], 87 pp. |
12123 |
Tall fescue seedling response for root and shoot growth | 1985. p. 1-25. In: Kopec, David M. Tall Fescue Soil Moisture Depletion, Evapotranspiration, and Growth Parameters. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Nebraska - Lincoln. |
177738 |
Breeding and development of zoysiagrass | Engelke, M. C. 1985. Annual Turfgrass Research Report [USGA/GCSAA]. p. 17-18. |
7721 |
Breeding and development of bentgrass | Engelke, M. C. 1985. Annual Turfgrass Research Report [USGA/GCSAA]. p. 18-19. |
7722 |
Genetic variability in disease reaction, turf quality, leaf color, leaf texture, plant density, and seed shattering of selected genotypes of Poa trivialis Access Restrictions |
Hurley, R. H.; Funk, C. R. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 221-226. |
9012 |
A rapid screening technique for genetic variability in turfgrass root systems Access Restrictions |
Lehman, V. G.; Engelke, M. C. 1985. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 769-776. |
9071 |
Heritability Estimates for Turfgrass Characteristics in Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Wofford, David Scott. 1983. Ph.D. Dissertation: New Mexico State University. ix, 24 pp. |
5896 |
Rough Bluegrass: Genetic Variability, Disease Susceptibility and Response to Shade. Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Hurley, Richard Herbert. 1983. Ph.D. Dissertation: Rutgers Univ., State Univ. New Jersey. xiii, 128 pp. |
6146 |
Genetic Variability of Seed Yield and Reproductive Characters in Tall Fescue |
Nguyen, H. T.; Sleper, D. A. 1983. Crop Science. July/August. 23(4): p. 621-626. |
15009 |
Exploration for zoysiagrass in eastern Asia | Murray, J. Jack; Engelke, M. C. 1983. USGA Green Section Record. May/June. 21(3): p. 8-12. |
2324 |
Genetic variability of seed yield in tall fescue |
Nguyen, H. T.; Sleper, D. A. 1982. Agronomy Abstracts. November. p. 78. |
7182 |
Recent turfgrass plant explorations in Africa | Beard, James B.; Watson, James R. 1982. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 20(4): p. 6-8. |
2064 |
Genetic and Environmental Variability in Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Burner, D. M. 1981. M.S. Thesis: West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. |
12303 |
The prospects for increasing genetic variability by tissue culture at the Welsh Plant Breeding Station |
Dale, P. J. 1981. Journal of the Agricultural Society, University College of. 62: p. 117-125. |
5088 | |
Variability in seedling progenies and the effect of light regimes during seed production on interspecific hybrids of Poa Access Restrictions |
Williamson, Cynthia J. 1981. New Phytologist. April. 87(4): p. 785-797. |
231459 |
Genetic variability of mineral concentrations in Festuca arundinacea Schreb |
Nguyen, Hung. T.; Sleper, D. A. 1980. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 64. |
3933 |
Action thresholds for fall armyworm on grain sorghum and coastal bermudagrass | Martin, P. B.; Wiseman, B. R.; Lynch, R. E. 1980. Florida Entomologist. December. 63(4): p. 375-405. |
6834 |
Compensatory growth of tall fescue following drought |
Horst, G. L.; Nelson, C. J. 1979. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 71(4): p. 559-563. |
139420 |
The significance of Genotype-Environment Interaction in Breeding Smooth Bromegrass |
Tan, W. K.; Tan, G. Y.; Walton, P. D. 1978. Agronomy Abstracts. December. p. 64. |
15388 |
Evolution of sulphur dioxide tolerance in perennial ryegrass |
Horsman, D. C.; Roberts, T. M.; Bradshaw, A. D. 1978. Nature. November 30. 276: p. 493-494. |
102483 | |
Testing salt tolerance variability among tall wheatgrass lines |
Shannon, Michael C. 1978. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 70(5): p. 719-722. |
6825 |
Differential responses of guinea grass populations to drought stress |
Klar, A. E.; Usberti, J. A. Jr.; Henderson, D. W. 1978. Crop Science. September/October. 18(5): p. 853-857. |
2929 |
Irradiance response of tall fescue genotypes with contrasting levels of photosynthesis and yield |
Wilhelm, W. W.; Nelson, C. J. 1978. Crop Science. May/June. 18(3): p. 405-408. |
166332 |
Genetic variation for perloline, N, and digestibility in tall fescue |
Watson, C. E. Jr.; Frakes, R. V.; Chilcote, D. O.; Sleper, D. A.; Matches, A. G. 1978. Crop Science. May/June. 18(3): p. 458-460. |
2925 |
A method for detecting genetic variability for grass tetany potential in tall fescue |
Haaland, R. L.; Elkins, C. B.; Hoveland, C. S. 1978. Crop Science. March/April. 18(2): p. 339-340. |
2923 |
Variation in Poa annua L. from different sportsturf sites Access Restrictions |
Bryan, P. J.; Adams, W. A. 1977. International Turfgrass Society Program: III International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 25. |
269987 |
Genetic differentials in root growth and phosphorus responses among clones of creeping bentgrass, (Agrostis palustris Huds.) Access Restrictions |
Kneebone, W. R.; Johnson, G. V. 1977. International Turfgrass Society Program: III International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 43. |
270002 |
Hybrid effect and fertility in the F1 generation of interspecific and intergeneic hybrids of Lolium and Festuca |
Gröber, Kurt; Matzk, Fritz; Zacharias, Martin. 1977. International Grassland Congress, Proceedings. 1: p. 341-344. |
136283 |
Life-history variation in Poa annua Access Restrictions |
Law, Richard; Bradshaw, A. D.; Putwain, P. D. 1977. Evolution. June. 31(2): p. 233-246. |
5785 | |
Canopy characters and their relationship to spring productivity in Bromus inermis Leyss. |
Tan, Wai-Koon; Tan, Geok-Yong; Walton, P. D. 1977. Crop Science. January/February. 17(1): p. 7-10. |
2908 |
Kentucky bluegrass variety, blend and mixture evaluation |
Turgeon, A. J. 1976. U. of I. Nurserymen's Field Day. p. 26-29. |
299216 |
Genetic Variability for Grass Tetany Potential in Tall Fescue. |
Haaland, R. L.; Elkins, C. B.; Hoveland, C. S. 1976. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 68: p. 107. |
15816 |
Genetics of vein and stomatal characters in Bromus inermis Leyss |
Tan, Geok-Yong; Tan, Wai-Koon; Walton, P. D. 1976. Crop Science. September/October. 16(5): p. 722-724. |
2907 |
Genetic variation in enzyme activity of tall fescue leaf blades |
Nelson, C. J.; Treharne, K. J.; Lloyd, E. J. 1975. Crop Science. November/December. 15(6): p. 771-774. |
2894 |
Polyembryony in Kentucky bluegrass as a source of variation in disease reaction |
Ostazeski, S. A.; Poole, T. E.; Wilton, A. C.; Murray, J. J. 1975. Crop Science. November/December. 15(6): p. 820-821. |
2895 |
Quantitative genetics - empirical results relevant to plant breeding Access Restrictions |
Moll, R. H.; Stuber, C. W. 1974. Advances in Agronomy. 26: p. 277-313. |
106238 |
Genetic variability for net photosynthesis in tall fescue |
Asay, K. H.; Nelson, C. J.; Horst, G. L. 1974. Crop Science. July/August. 14(4): p. 571-574. |
2877 |
Influence of applied nitrogen and clipping treatments on winter survival of perennial cool-season grasses |
Jung, G. A.; Kocher, R. E. 1974. Agronomy Journal. January/February. 66(1): p. 62-65. |
890 |
Nutrient Movement from Septic Tanks and Lawn Fertilization |
Ellis, Boyd; Childs, Kenneth E. 1973. Lansing, MI : Department of Natural Resources (Michigan Water Resources Commission Bureau of Water Management and Michigan State University-Department of Crop Science Cooperating). vii, 83 pp. |
79065 |
Self incompatibility and isolation barriers in selected fine fescue (Festuca rubra L. subsp. rubra, F. rubra subsp. commutata Guad., and F. longifolia Thuill.) clones Access Restrictions |
Schmit, R. M.; Funk, C. R.; Duell, R. W. 1973. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Second International Turfgrass Research Conference. p. 1-2. |
269790 |
Noncovalent interactions in viruses: characterization of their role in the pH and thermally induced conformational changes in bromegrass mosaic virus |
Incardona, N. L.; McKee, S.; Flanegan, J. B. 1973. Virology. 53(1): p. 204-214. |
3166 | |
The breeding system and variation in populations of Poa annua L |
Ellis, W. M. 1973. Evolution. 27(4): p. 656-662. |
5818 | |
Chromosome pairing in Poa annua L |
Ellis, W. M.; Lee, B. T. O.; Calder, D. M. 1973. Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology. 15(3): p. 549-551. |
5821 | |
Breeding seeded varieties of bermudagrass for turfgrass use | Kneebone, William R. 1973. Proceedings of Scotts Turfgrass Research Conference. 4: p. 149-153. |
69728 |
Variability and heritability of perloline in Festuca sp., Lolium sp., and Lolium-Festuca hybrids |
Buckner, R. C.; Bush, L. P.; Burrus, P. B. II. 1973. Crop Science. November/December. 13(6): p. 666-669. |
2870 |
The pattern of distribution of Agrostis and Festuca plants of various genotypes in a sward Access Restrictions |
Smith, A. 1972. New Phytologist. September. 71(5): p. 937-945. |
171918 |
Sod development of Kentucky bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Moser, Lowell E. 1969. Proceedings of the First International Turfgrass Research Conference. 1: p. 565-571. |
1779 |
Phenotyic and genotypic variation and covariation of some quantitative turf characters of Poa pratensis L. |
Berry, C. D.; Glover, D. V.; Daniel, W. H. 1969. Crop Science. July/August. 9(4): p. 470-473. |
165538 |
Variance of Covariance Components of Some Quantitative Turf Characters of Poa Pratensis L. |
Berry, Charles Dennis. 1965. M.S. Thesis: Purdue University. vii, 53 pp. |
128393 |
Breeding better bermudagrasses |
Burton, G. W. 1965. Proceedings of the 9th International Grassland Congress. 1: p. 93-96. |
67309 |
Inheritance of pathogenicity in Helminthosporium to eight species of the Gramineae |
Nelson, R. R.; Kline, D. M. 1965. Phytopathology. October. 55(10): p. 1069-1070. |
241578 |
Comparative Performance of Vegetative and Seedling Bluegrasses for Turf |
Melkerson, Eric John. 1963. M.S. Thesis: Purdue University. viii, 65 pp. |
128386 |
The genetic control of leaf development in Lolium II. Response to selection |
Edwards, K. J. R.; Cooper, J. P. 1963. Heredity. August. 18(3): p. 307-317. |
37815 | |
Genetic Variability in Four Genotypes of Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinaces Shreb) Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Joppz, Leonard Robert. 1962. M.S. Thesis: Oregon State University. 35 pp. |
131943 |
Germination of crested wheatgrass in salinized soil |
Dewey, Douglas R. 1962. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 54(4): p. 353-355. |
12898 |
The genetic control of leaf development in Lolium I. Assessment of genetic variation |
Cooper, J. P.; Edwards, K. J. R. 1961. Heredity. February. 16(1): p. 63-82. |
37807 | |
Recurrent selection for seed weight in bromegrass, Bromus inermis Leyss. |
Christie, B. R.; Kalton, R. R. 1960. Agronomy Journal. October. 52(10): p. 575-578. |
12937 |
Short-day and low-temperature induction in Lolium Access Restrictions |
Cooper, J. P. 1960. Annals of Botany. April. 24(2): p. 232-246. |
252124 |
Evaluation of characters in polycross, inbred, and open-pollination progenies of timothy |
Nielsen, E. L.; Smith, D. C. 1960. Agronomy Journal. February. 52(2): p. 89-93. |
12925 |
Tall fescue Access Restrictions |
Cowan, J. Ritchie. 1956. Advances in Agronomy. 8: p. 283-320. |
103050 |
Variation and inheritance of fertility and its components in Bromus inermis Leyss |
Raeber, J. G.; Kalton, R. R. 1956. Agronomy Journal. May. 48(5): p. 212-216. |
12813 |
Stoloniferous crested wheatgrass |
Ross, J. G. 1955. Agronomy Journal. July. 47(7): p. 327-328. |
12802 |
A karyological survey of several Bromus species |
Barnett, F. L. 1955. Agronomy Journal. February. 47(2): p. 88-91. |
12798 |
Testing for combining ability in bromegrass |
Knowles, R. P. 1955. Agronomy Journal. January. 47(1): p. 15-19. |
12797 |
Variation and its evaluation within and among strains of Bromus inermis Leyss. I. Spaced-plant studies |
Lebsock, K. L.; Kalton, R. R. 1954. Agronomy Journal. October. 46(10): p. 463-467. |
12794 |
Estimating heritability in tall fescue (Festuca Arundinacea) from replicated clonal material |
Burton, Glenn W.; DeVane, E. H. 1953. Agronomy Journal. October. 45(10): p. 478-481. |
12922 |
Interrelationships and relative variability among S1 and open-pollination progenies of selected bromegrass clones |
McDonald, E. D.; Kalton, R. R.; Weiss, M. G. 1952. Agronomy Journal. January. 44(1): p. 20-25. |
12954 |
Buffalograss--A Native Of The Shortgrass Plains |
Beetle, A. A. 1950. University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, Laramie, Wyoming. 31 pp. |
56112 |
Chromosome numbers, morphology, and fertility in Poa pratensis L. from southeastern Norway |
Nissen, Øivind. 1950. Agronomy Journal. March. 42(3): p. 136-144. |
109404 |
Cytology and genetics of forage grasses Access Restrictions |
Myers, W. M. 1947. The Botanical Review. June. 13(6): p. 319-367. |
252903 |
Variation in Poa pratensis Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Brown, W. L.. 1940. M. S. Thesis: Washington University, St. Louis. |
76058 |
Meiotic phenomena in certain Gramineae: I. Festuceae, Aveneae, Agrostideae, Chlorideae, and Phalarideae Access Restrictions |
Church, George L. 1929. Botanical Gazette. June. 87(5): p. 608-629. |
221169 |
Genetic Characteristics and Environmental Parameters for Growing Turfgrass in Closed and Retractable Dome Stadiums |
Bugbee, Bruce; Johnson, Paul. [2010]. [Logan, Utah]: [Utah State University]. [5] pp. |
306979 |