Keyword: Golf course maintenance
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Soil ecological responses to pest management in golf turf vary with management intensity, pesticide identity, and application program Access Restrictions |
Gan, Huijie; Wickings, Kyle. 2017. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. August 1. 246: p. 66-77. |
286580 |
Improving productivity of existing staff: Improving productivity begins by ensuring maintenance efforts meet expectations and align with facility goals. Once standards are set, optimizing efficiency will help you get the most out of a labor budget |
Jacobs, Paul; O'Brien, Patrick. 2017. USGA Green Section Record. August 4. 55(15): p. 1-7. |
287789 |
Eleven years and counting | Wheeler, Ken. 2017. Grass Clippings [Idaho]. July. p. 4, 6. |
288735 |
Mark McKinney, CGCS, Del Paso Country Club | McCullough, Scott. 2017. Fore Your Information. July/August. p. 5. |
290697 |
First PPUI Education Day: The first gathering of greenkeepers from pitch & putt clubs around Ireland took place at the Lakeside Pitch & Putt Club in Templemore, Co. Tipperary. Most of the assembled were volunteers who maintain the course at their local pitch & putt club |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenside. July. p. 6-7. |
291370 |
How was your winter? | McCormick, Eric. 2017. Grass Clippings [Idaho]. July. p. 8. |
288738 |
The devil went down to southside | Vaughn, Mark. 2017. Virginia Turfgrass Journal. July/August. p. 12. |
288902 |
Volunteering at TPC Sawgrass |
Ryan, Johnny. 2017. Greenside. July. p. 12-14. |
291377 |
Pumping up the volume? It's time to think in millimeters |
Higgs, Alastair. 2017. Greenside. July. p. 20-21. |
291382 |
Staying on course: For the Rokusek clan, golf is a family tradition | Lawrence, Tom. 2017. The Reporter [IGCSA]. July. p. 22-26. |
309297 |
'Grow careers' at Greenmount campus: CAFREs Greenmount campus has hosted an innovative two-day event to showcase the exciting opportunities a career in horticulture can present. It was targeted at year 11 pupils who are soon making career choices. Many hundreds attended and got a better understanding of horticulture |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenside. July. p. 24. |
291386 |
GCSAI/Racecourse Groundsman Education Day: The GCSAI has collaborated with the newly formed Irish Racecourse Groundsman Committee, Horse Racing Ireland and The Turf Club. It held its first education day at The Curragh racetrack on June 6th last |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenside. July. p. 26. |
291387 |
Introducing the most important foursome not playing in the PGA Championship | Anonymous. 2017. Carolinas Green. July/August. p. 30-32. |
287539 |
High & mighty |
Hansell, Karl. 2017. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 32-36. |
288418 |
Nenagh Golf Club: Situated in the heart of the Tipperary countryside, Nenagh Golf Club is a wonderful 18 hole course that is a joy to play. It originally started out as a 9 hole, Alister MacKenzie designed course. The layout was considered one of the best 9 hole courses in Munster and remained substantially unchanged until 1973, when Eddie Hackett designed its first 18 hole course |
Mahon, Alan. 2017. Greenside. July. p. 32-37. |
291392 |
Perranporth: Traditions maintained |
Pithie, Laurence. 2017. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 50-52. |
288427 |
Building a modern day links |
Hansell, Karl. 2017. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 54-57. |
288428 |
Bashing balsam in Lancaster |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 82. |
288435 |
Written in sand: Simon Bell-Tye is the course manager of Skylark Golf & Country Club in Hampshire |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. July. 136: p. Cover, 22, 24-26, 28. |
295269 |
Muir blends: As course manager of three St Andrews Links courses, Kevin Muir is a well known figure. Here he talks about the technology he uses to maintain them | Longmire, Tania. 2017. Greenkeeping. July. 136: p. 10. |
295267 |
Always something new to see at the BMW PGA Championship: Ever critical eyes adopted a new focus on this year's BMW PGA Championship. The iconic West Course at Wentworth Club was subject to major reworking from June 2016 ahead of this years tournament at the end of May - all 18 greens were stripped and resseeded, and the bunkers redesigned | Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. July. 136: p. 18-21. |
295268 |
Walking on Waterton: Waterton Park GC has a reputation for environmental friendliness, especially water efficiency. To take this even further, its greenkeeping team has begun to recycle the water it uses for its wash-off facility |
Whittingham, Bill. 2017. Greenkeeping. July. 136: p. 30-31. |
295270 |
[Brown circle surrounding sprinkler head] Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2017. Golf Course Management. July. 85(7): p. 26, 92. |
288227 |
[Off-color line across turf] Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2017. Golf Course Management. July. 85(7): p. 26, 92. |
288229 |
Hole of the month: Hole no. 18: Maketewah Country Club, Cincinnati, Ohio |
Anonymous. 2017. Golfdom. July. 73(7): p. 10-11. |
288279 |
Battling goosegrass |
Throssell, Clark. 2017. Golfdom. July. 73(7): p. 37. |
288302 |
Alan Bevers: Arlington Lakes Golf Course |
Cella, Luke. 2017. On Course [MAGCS]. July. 71(2[3]): p. Cover, 14-16. |
288957 |
Technology boom |
Blomquist, Dave. 2017. On Course [MAGCS]. July. 71(2[3]): p. 18-19. |
288958 |
How often should I aerify? |
Doherty, Dave. 2017. The Boardroom. July/August. 21(271): p. 54. |
289688 |
Lakelands excellence: Lakelands Golf Club has been a labour of love for course superintendent Phil Soegaard and that was duly recognised when he was bestowed the 2017 AGCSA Excellence in Golf Course Management Award at the 33rd Australian Turfgrass Conference |
Anonymous. 2017. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. July/August. 19(4): p. 28-30, 32. |
288819 |
Watts powers green credentials: Muirfield Golf Club's Peter Watts joined a select group of course superintendents when he was named the recipient of the AGCSA's coveted Claude Crockford Environmental Award at the recent 33rd Australian Turfgrass Conference |
Anonymous. 2017. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. July/August. 19(4): p. 34-36. |
288820 |
Gladstone Golf Club, QLD: His beloved NSW might not be kicking goals in State of Origin, but Chad Gilmour certainly is as course superintendent of Gladstone Golf Club in central Queensland |
Anonymous. 2017. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. July/August. 19(4): p. 58-62. |
288825 |
Back to the beginning: Siwanoy restores its roots |
Ritsick, Colin. 2017. Superintendent. July. 16(7): p. 20-23. |
287565 |
The grass is always greener | Burechails, Cameron. 2017. The Meaford Independent. July 7. p. [1-3]. |
296962 |
The great and good at Greetham |
Hansell, Karl. 2017. Greenkeeper International. June. p. Cover, 42-46. |
286426 |
Javelin makes a good point | Anonymous. 2017. Turf Matters. June/July. p. 11. |
288325 |
What is sustainability? |
Hutchinson, James. 2017. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 32-37. |
286424 |
Helping Alfreton Golf Club deliver a first-class course, all year round | Anonymous. 2017. Turf Matters. June/July. p. 40-41. |
288348 |
Par excellence: The 2018 Ryder Cup will be played, for the first time, in France |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. June. 135: p. Cover, 14, 16-20. |
295303 |
Beat the weather: The dry spring most of the UK experienced may have been good for golf participation but it also led to headaches for course managers who are concernced about what could be a lack of consistency when the weather changes | Phillips, Rob. 2017. Greenkeeping. June. 135: p. 6, 8. |
295302 |
[James Bledge, Golf Course Manager, Royal Cinque Ports GC] | Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. June. 135: p. 36-37. |
295306 |
Cosby Golf Club: Flavelle of the month |
Haywood, Kerry. 2017. Pitchcare. June/July. 73: p. 18-28. |
288906 |
Shooters Hill Golf Club: A bug's life |
Rhodes, Greg. 2017. Pitchcare. June/July. 73: p. 30-38. |
288908 |
King's Lynn Golf Club: And here's to you Mr Robinson... |
Rhodes, Greg. 2017. Pitchcare. June/July. 73: p. 40-48. |
288909 |
Golf Club St. Leon-Rot: Germany's finest |
Anonymous. 2017. Pitchcare. June/July. 73: p. 50-56. |
288910 |
Water management: Cinque or swim! |
Anonymous. 2017. Pitchcare. June/July. 73: p. 122-125. |
289051 |
Success from coast to coast: From Atlantic to Pacific, superintendents reap the benefits of fungicide applications |
Lewis, Chris. 2017. Golfdom. June. 73(6): p. FS6-FS10. |
285569 |
Where a full house always wins: Forget the royal flushes, Rhodes Ranch Golf Club in Las Vegas goes all in on a packed tee sheet |
Jones, Seth. 2017. Golfdom. June. 73(6): p. FS12-FS15. |
285570 |
Hole of the month: Hole No. 9: Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club, Skyview Golf Course, Hernando, Fla. |
Anonymous. 2017. Golfdom. June. 73(6): p. 10-11. |
285544 |
Focused on labor: Superintendents across the country shed light on the biggest problem in golf maintenance - A lack of labor |
Jones, Seth; Gannon, Grant B. 2017. Golfdom. June. 73(6): p. 16-18, 35-36. |
285566 |
Summer heat and the frustrations that follow |
Throssell, Clark. 2017. Golfdom. June. 73(6): p. 48. |
285576 |
Drones may be golf's next big breakthrough: Technology provides multitude of valuable information for superintendents |
Jiggens, Mike. 2017. Turf & Rec. June. 30(4): p. 8-11. |
286907 |
Father knows best |
Moraghan, Tim. 2017. Golf Course Industry. June. 29(6): p. 12, 55. |
286010 |
Pinning down PGRs: Why monitoring temperature is a route toward regulating growth of cool- and warm-season turfgrasses |
Torsiello, John. 2017. Golf Course Industry. June. 29(6): p. 28, 30-33. |
286014 |
Is big better?: The industry is seeing a gradual shift toward larger tines. Turf experts share their views on this trend |
Woelfel, Rick. 2017. Golf Course Industry. June. 29(6): p. 36-37. |
286018 |
Climate change: The Olympic Club created a reliable agronomic program to handle the San Francisco Bay's unique weather palette |
Cipriano, Guy. 2017. Golf Course Industry. June. 29(6): p. 48-51. |
286022 |
Workers wanted: Must eat grass |
Anonymous. 2017. Superintendent. June. 16(6): p. 7. |
286646 |
How biostimulants are improving golf: Phosphorus bans, algae blooms and soil health are driving technologies that supplement fertilizers |
Emerson, Dan. 2017. Superintendent. June. 16(6): p. 32-34. |
286661 |
Mowing for speed?: Height of cut is just one way to manage green speeds, and not all greens should be managed alike |
Fech, John C.; Thompson, Cole. 2017. Superintendent. June. 16(6): p. 35-37. |
286663 |
The heat is on | Barden, Addison. 2017. The Mountain State Greenletter. June. 9(6): p. 5. |
287908 |
The fairest of them all? |
Hansell, Karl. 2017. Greenkeeper International. May. p. Cover, 44-47. |
286439 |
Where's there's a Will you'll find your way | Charles, P. Adam. 2017. Carolinas Green. May/June. p. 4. |
284424 |
Rudy |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 9. |
286383 |
Embracing challenges | Coen, Chris. 2017. The Reporter [IGCSA]. May. p. 10-12. |
309304 |
[Jonathan Eccles: Head Greenkeeper, Grini Golf Club, Norway] |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 13. |
286392 |
Turfgrass management after a hurricane |
McCarty, Bert; Yelverton, Fred; Gannon, Travis; Martin, Bruce; Kerns, Jim; Miller, Grady. 2017. North Carolina Turfgrass. May/June. p. 21-23. |
288308 |
Walsh on "point" for tour visit | Bouts, Trent. 2017. Carolinas Green. May/June. p. 22-25. |
284430 |
On the edge of the world |
Pithie, Laurence. 2017. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 34-37. |
286437 |
Greenkeeping in the jungle |
Hansell, Karl. 2017. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 38-42. |
286438 |
The man in Highgate: Derek Mason has been course manager of Highgate GC since the year Charles married Diana, and his team have been at the club for an average of more than 16 years each |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. May. 134: p. Cover, 20-25. |
295309 |
Target practices: Although GCSAA's much-anticipated planning guide for best management practices was released only a few months ago, numerous superintendents have been going down that road for quite a while Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2017. Golf Course Management. May. 85(5): p. 36-38, 40, 42, 44, 46. |
284240 |
Russian olive dilemma |
Altschwager, Wade. 2017. The Perfect Lie. May. 41(2): p. 4, 6-7. |
285888 |
Flying high |
Robinson, Brett. 2017. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. May/June. 19(3): p. Cover, 6-10. |
286107 |
Kew's new look |
Hall, Cameron. 2017. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. May/June. 19(3): p. 20-23. |
286109 |
Contractor checklist |
Strutt, Lee. 2017. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. May/June. 19(3): p. 30-32. |
286110 |
Blue Lake Golf Links, SA |
Anonymous. 2017. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. May/June. 19(3): p. 62-66. |
286119 |
[Golf course benefits when staff play for free] |
Dinelli, Dan; Steihler, Brian; Daily, Pat; Slattery, Rick. 2017. Superintendent. May. 16(5): p. 6-7. |
284498 |
How golf maintenance work sparked a business idea |
Pioppi, Anthony. 2017. Superintendent. May. 16(5): p. 12. |
284501 |
Ron Whitten thinks we over-maintain golf courses, too |
Bollig, Jeff. 2017. Superintendent. May. 16(5): p. 32. |
284509 |
[Spring changes] |
Howkins, Les. 2017. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 6. |
286261 |
Jazz |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 9. |
286262 |
[Tees looking sharp?] |
Mumford, Colin. 2017. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 19. |
286272 |
Professional advice assists Scilly decisions | Anonymous. 2017. Turf Matters. April/May. p. 25. |
285710 |
Look, Huw's talking: Huw Morgan is no ordinary course manager. He's both a master greenkeeper and the club manager of the spectacular Pennard GC in Wales |
Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. April. 133: p. Cover, 18-22, 24. |
295320 |
[Jaime Acton, Course Manager, Rushmore Golf Club] | Anonymous. 2017. Greenkeeping. April. 133: p. 36-37. |
295322 |
Measuring what you manage Access Restrictions |
Vaughey, Bob. 2017. Golf Course Management. April. 85(4): p. 34. |
283470 |
Where do you think you're going? Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Beth. 2017. Golf Course Management. April. 85(4): p. 84. |
283491 |
Hole of the month: Hole No. 16: Orange County National: Panther Lake, Winter Garden, Fla. |
Anonymous. 2017. Golfdom. April. 73(4): p. 10-11. |
283462 |
The Ohio Program: A woman can't handle it! |
Fitzsimons, Denise. 2017. Pitchcare. April/May. 72: p. 16-22. |
286643 |
Durness Golf Club: On top of the world... |
Britton, Peter. 2017. Pitchcare. April/May. 72: p. 32-36. |
286650 |
Can your club overcome the crisis?: Could the reason some golf clubs have financial problems be due to incorrect and excessive expectations from members regarding the maintenance of their golf courses? |
Anonymous. 2017. Pitchcare. April/May. 72: p. 132. |
286710 |
Coyotes, ropes, and fences |
Alwine, Jim. 2017. The Golf Course Trades. April. 30(4): p. 10. |
281863 |
Five ways to manage water use |
Furlong, Ron. 2017. Superintendent. April. 16(4): p. 12. |
284546 |
High slope rating: With some of its holes built on the ski runs of Park City (Utah) Mountain, the challenging resort course of Canyons Golf offers unexpected opportunities for the staff and golfers alike | Gilliland, Betsy. 2017. Club & Resort Business. April. 13(4): p. 38, 40-43. |
283892 |
Evaluation of individual and combined management practices to reduce the off-site transport of pesticides from golf course turf Access Restrictions |
Rice, Pamela J.; Horgan, Brian P.; Hamlin, Jennifer L. 2017. Science of the Total Environment. April 1. 583: p. 72-80. |
286368 |
Refreshed and energized | Coen, Chris. 2017. The Reporter [IGCSA]. March. p. 16-17. |
309310 |
Is Augusta syndrome a thing of the past? |
Jones, Peter. 2017. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 30-35. |
286140 |
Bray Golf Club |
Mahon, Alan. 2017. Greenside. March. p. 34-39. |
289596 |
The problem with progress |
Bechelet, Henry. 2017. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 42-44. |
286143 |
Teaching in South Africa |
Daly, Derek. 2017. Greenside. March. p. 48-51. |
289597 |