Keyword: Golf green maintenance
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Slow but Steady Progress |
Skorulski, Jim. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
306410 |
Demo Days |
Gilhuly, Larry. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
306411 |
Discourage Warm-Season Grass Encroachment into Cool-Season Putting Greens |
Whitlark, Brian. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 3 pp. |
307113 |
The Countdown Begins |
Oatis, Dave. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
307119 |
Mild Temperatures Increase Rounds, Revenue and Weeds |
Whitlark, Brian. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
307121 |
Putting Green Management is More Than Cutting Grass |
Dowling, Elliott. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
307666 |
Summer on the Golf Course |
Anonymous. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 02:05 min. |
307822 |
Frequent Topdressing for Better Putting Conditions |
Anonymous. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 01:03 min. |
307826 |
What to Expect in Spring |
Anonymous. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 01:35 min. |
307829 |
Recovery Tips After Winter Damage and a Short Growing Season |
Whitlark, Brian. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 3 pp. |
308264 |
One Door Closes | Oatis, Dave. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
308268 |
Today's Drought and Tomorrow's Problems |
Kammerer, Steve. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
308840 |
Is Solid-Tine Aeration Right for Your Greens? |
Gross, Pat. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
308841 |
Redefine Your Contours |
Jacobs, Paul. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
309379 |
Whoa Nelly! Winter Golf and Fast Greens Don't Mix |
Barden, Addison. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
309386 |
Supplemental Sand Topdressing |
Daniels, John. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
319288 |
A Solid Recommendation |
Vavrek, Bob. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
306407 |
Evaluating biological thatch control on golf greens | Weaver, Joshua; McCarty, Lambert B.; Quisenberry, Virgil L.; Hubbard, Lewis Ray; Bridges, William C. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121579. |
310344 |
Transitioning the transition zone: A new crop of warm-season turfgrass varieties is making the move north, increasing options for superintendents in this traditionally tricky agronomic region Access Restrictions |
Roberts, Stacie Zinn. 2019. Golf Course Management. December. 87(12): p. 48-50, 52, 54. |
309732 |
Heed the overseed | Hartman, Bob; Goldsby, Anthony; Gray, Christopher Sr.; Corbett, Bret. 2019. Golfdom. December. 75(12): p. 46-47. |
309686 |
Managing organic matter in greens | Throssell, Clark. 2019. Golfdom. December. 75(12): p. 50. |
309689 |
Testing the water: Many golf clubs across the UK have irrigation systems that are just not working to their optimal abilities | Corbett, Peter; Robin, Peter. 2019. GreenKeeping. November. 163: p. 14-15. |
309139 |
Green speed, communication and Goldilocks Access Restrictions |
Nikolai, Thomas A. 2019. Golf Course Management. November. 87(11): p. 74. |
309499 |
Poa no more-a | Hathaway, Aaron; Mosdel, Dean; Bond, Tina; Rodriquez, Ian. 2019. Golfdom. November. 75(11): p. 28-29. |
309212 |
Winter prep: Local supers surveyed | Cella, Luke. 2019. On Course [MAGCS]. November. 73(5[6]): p. 4-5. |
309661 |
Townsville GC back up to par: All was tracking nicely for Townsville Golf Club at the start of 2019. It was the club's 125th anniversary, five new Bob Harrison-designed holes were weeks away from being handed over and the club's finances were looking up for the first time in a long while. Then came the floods... |
Robinson, Brett. 2019. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. November/December. 21(6): p. 14-20. |
310113 |
Volunteering at the Irish Open (2019) Access Restrictions |
Coleman, Damien. 2019. Greenside. October. p. 12-14. |
308640 |
Stuck in traffic: Recent research has found that rolling, because it increases micro-pore space, suppresses dollar spot and fusarium patch incidence |
Nolan, Conor. 2019. GreenKeeping. October. 162: p. 6, 8. |
309144 |
Sober advice on collar decline |
Harler, Curt. 2019. Golfdom. October. 75(10): p. 56-58. |
308788 |
Recovering from hail damage |
Clark, Cole. 2019. Golfdom. October. 75(10): p. 59. |
308790 |
Suppressing silvery thread moss |
Bond, Tina; Woodward, Thomas; Schurman, Scott; Robins, Rodney. 2019. Golfdom. October. 75(10): p. 66-67. |
308795 |
Manuscript herbicide to control tropical signalgrass and other weeds |
Throssell, Clark. 2019. Golfdom. October. 75(10): p. 68. |
308797 |
In the field |
Woelfel, Rick. 2019. Golf Course Industry. October. 31(10): p. 22, 25-26. |
308895 |
Wait... we still need to mow: Revenue possibilities abound as the golf season stretches into new months. But later play leads to tricky maintenance decisions involving your course's greens |
Furlong, Ron. 2019. Golf Course Industry. October. 31(10): p. 64-65. |
308909 |
[Prevent turf problems before they occur] | McCarty, Bert. 2019. Carolinas Green. September/October. p. 8-9. |
308383 |
Notre Dame's little engine that could and did it well | Neuliep, Steve. 2019. Carolinas Green. September/October. p. 14, 17. |
308387 |
Tackling summer turf stress |
Mumford, Colin. 2019. Turf Matters. September/October. p. 14. |
308756 |
Sowing the seeds of love |
Waple, Andy. 2019. GreenKeeping. September. 161: p. 6, 8, 10. |
309143 |
Renovating paradise: A municipal course in Maui digs deep to keep an in-house greens renovation project on time and under budget Access Restrictions |
Roberts, Stacie Zinn. 2019. Golf Course Management. September. 87(9): p. Cover, 36-40, 42, 44. |
308549 |
[Mowing early at Caves Valley] Access Restrictions |
Moynihan, Stephen "Sam". 2019. Golf Course Management. September. 87(9): p. 88. |
308577 |
Prevent winter desiccation on creeping bentgrass |
Kreuser, Bill. 2019. Golfdom. September. 75(9): p. 34-39. |
308198 |
Fall broadleaf weed control in cool-season turf |
Throssell, Clark. 2019. Golfdom. September. 75(9): p. 44. |
308203 |
Donald and Dye: Presenting courses as a pair of Hall of Fame architects intended requires the French Lick Resort team to demonstrate contrasting maintenance mindsets |
Spicer, Judd. 2019. Golf Course Industry. September. 31(9): p. 22-26. |
308425 |
Can a drone make golf course maintenance more efficient: Technology firms seeking to introduce their products to the golf course industry have a challenge in bringing tech to one of the oldest - and most traditional - sports being played today |
Hirsh, Larry. 2019. The Boardroom. September/October. 23(284): p. 90-91. |
309210 |
Shrewd in Shropshire: Oswestry Golf Club in Shropshire is known for its all-year-round play |
Anonymous. 2019. GreenKeeping. August. 160: p. 14-18, 20. |
309158 |
Give up the goats Access Restrictions |
Hartsock, Andrew. 2019. Golf Course Management. August. 87(8): p. 28. |
307487 |
Necessity fields innovation at Colbert Hills Access Restrictions |
Fry, Jack. 2019. Golf Course Management. August. 87(8): p. 74. |
307505 |
The hills are alive...: The Worcestershire is regarded as being one of the very best golf courses in the Midlands, nestling as it does into the stunningly beautiful backdrop of The Malvern Hills |
Williams, Lee. 2019. Pitchcare. August/September. 86: p. 16-24. |
308257 |
Surfs up!: Newquay Golf Club in North Cornwall was formed in 1890 with the intent of creating Cornwall's finest golf course alongside the wonderful stretch of Fistral Beach |
Williams, Lee. 2019. Pitchcare. August/September. 86: p. 26-34. |
308258 |
Carden of delights: There's a destination to die for in the Cheshire countryside |
Rhodes, Greg. 2019. Pitchcare. August/September. 86: p. 44-52. |
308260 |
What matters most |
Brown, Andy. 2019. Pitchcare. August/September. 86: p. 142. |
308344 |
Manuscript: A long-term solution for mature, grassy weeds |
Anonymous. 2019. Golfdom. August. 75(8): p. 13. |
307518 |
The Jordan of cherry-picking |
Gulotti, Joe. 2019. Golfdom. August. 75(8): p. 14. |
307519 |
Maintaining a Chicago classic |
Gordon, Leon. 2019. Golfdom. August. 75(8): p. 16. |
307520 |
Shocking discovery! | Lamb, Jason. 2019. The Perfect Lie. August. 43(3): p. 18-19. |
308487 |
Healthy turf in a hilly home: Eric Materkowski's path to maintaining elite playing surfaces at a Pittsburgh gem rolled through the region he once wanted to leave |
Cipriano, Guy. 2019. Golf Course Industry. August. 31(8): p. 13-15. |
307643 |
Meet the industry's Mr. Weather: Blending passions and leveraging connections allowed Herb Stevens to create a business designed to help superintendents better strategize for what lurks above |
Cipriano, Guy. 2019. Golf Course Industry. August. 31(8): p. 24-27. |
307648 |
Made easier by equipment: How having the right in-house solutions helped a quartet of courses elevate playing conditions |
Anonymous. 2019. Golf Course Industry. August. 31(8): p. 40-42. |
307654 |
Water, water everywhere: Alex Stuedemann and his TPC Deere Run crew pushed through the rainiest spring in recent memory to make the John Deere Classic sparkle |
LaWell, Matt. 2019. Golf Course Industry. August. 31(8): p. 46. |
307657 |
Timing golf course aerification: Is there a "perfect" time for aerification? With some tried-and-true tips and a healthy dose of experience, turfgrass managers can make the best call | McDonald, Steven. 2019. Golf Course Management. July. p. [1-6]. |
308108 |
Horses for courses | Anonymous. 2019. Carolinas Green. July/August. p. 46. |
307046 |
On the clock: Let's be honest - there are few perfect times for aerification. But with some tried-and-true tips and a healthy dose of experience, turfgrass managers can make sure they're making the right call about when to aerify their golf course Access Restrictions |
McDonald, Steve. 2019. Golf Course Management. July. 87(7): p. 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64. |
306658 |
Declan 2nd grade |
Cavanaugh, Matt. 2019. Hole Notes. July. 54(6): p. 48-51. |
307906 |
What's new in turfgrass science? | Soldat, Doug. 2019. The Grass Roots. July/August. 48(4): p. 30-34. |
309993 |
Turf wars: Can golf (someday) win its battles against disease and other disasters? |
Gould, David. 2019. Golf Business [NGCOA]. July/August. 25(7): p. 48-49. |
308225 |
Sand, sand and more sand...: In the last edition, ATM looked at some of the latest research and thinking around topdressing and dusting. In this follow-up piece, ATM canvasses Australian superintendents to get a snapshot of their current practices and the important role it plays in the management of their greens |
Anonymous. 2019. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. July/August. 21(4): p. 26-34. |
308723 |
Note to golfers: Rationale for core cultivation on golf course putting greens |
Goss, Ryan. 2019. The Super News [Rio Grande G.C.S.A.]. June. p. 18-19. |
307731 |
Consistent craving: Achieving consistency in your putting surfaces is one of the most important roles a greenkeeper has, yet it's also one of the most difficult. Age of the greens, irrigation changes and the weather are just three factors that can cause inconsistency |
Mackenzie, Noel. 2019. GreenKeeping. June. 158: p. 6-8. |
306630 |
Brushing the heath: Tadmarton Heath is one of the most attractive golf courses in Oxfordshire |
Anonymous. 2019. GreenKeeping. June. 158: p. 14, 16-21. |
306631 |
Depressed line across green with sand every few feet Access Restrictions |
Mascaro, John. 2019. Golf Course Management. June. 87(6): p. 26, 92. |
306107 |
Window of opportunities: Sandwiching two PGA Tour events and a car show between the U.S. Open and the U.S. Amateur presents quite and opportunity for Chris Dalhamer, CGCS, and the maintenance team at Pebble Beach Golf Links to showcase their skills Access Restrictions |
Richman, Howard. 2019. Golf Course Management. June. 87(6): p. 34-40, 42. |
306113 |
'Pioneering' spirit |
Williams, Lee. 2019. Pitchcare. June/July. 85: p. 30-36. |
308045 |
King of the castle |
Williams, Lee. 2019. Pitchcare. June/July. 85: p. 38-45. |
308046 |
Rethinking the lamest job |
Gulotti, Joe. 2019. Golfdom. June. 75(6): p. 14. |
306289 |
What putting green firmness measurements actually tell us |
O'Brien, Daniel; Karcher, Doug; Richardson, Mike. 2019. Golfdom. June. 75(6): p. 43. |
306136 |
Organic matter reduction: Dilution or removal? |
Henderson, Charles. 2019. Turf Management Journal. June. 36(2): p. 24-25. |
306191 |
How golf courses can save Scotland's bees | Anonymous. 2019. The Golf Course Trades. June 5. 29(6): p. 11. |
306008 |
'Where do I begin with TPC sawgrass?': The Players Championship from the perspective of the John Deere TPC Sawgrass volunteers |
Hansell, Karl. 2019. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 28-32. |
305879 |
Warm versus cool season turf |
Fairweather, Jordan. 2019. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 42. |
305883 |
George Thomas: Brighton Highlands Country Club, Maine |
Anonymous. 2019. Greenkeeper International. May. p. 74. |
305891 |
Under pressure: Stress across the course Access Restrictions |
Burgess, Patrick. 2019. Golf Course Management. May. 87(5): p. 6. |
305322 |
With each new year comes new challenges | Schweiger, Bruce. 2019. The Grass Roots. May/June. 48(3): p. 10. |
309934 |
Brisbane set for super showdown: One of Queensland's premier golfing establishment is set to host the 2019 Toro AGCSA Golf Championship | Anonymous. 2019. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. May/June. 21(3): p. 50-51. |
306804 |
Grow and mow: Regrassing projects can give golf courses a much-needed update. But anticipating the proper adjustments in mowing techniques and strategies required by the change is also critical for keeping new turf healthy, long after the renovations are complete | Gilliland, Betsy. 2019. Club + Resort Business. May. 15(5): p. 36-39. |
306081 |
Turf Bowl champs relished tour toil: The trio from Penn State proved their mowing mettle when they joined the volunteer corps for the AT&T Byron Nelson at Trinity Forest | Hartsock, Andrew. 2019. Golf Course Management. May 13. p. [1-4]. |
308976 |
Gear up for goosegrass control |
Nicoludis, Zach. 2019. USGA Green Section Record. May 17. p. 1-2. |
307836 |
Time to de-compress: After a winter of heavy football on the greens, it's time to relieve some stress |
Miller, Paul. 2019. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 46-49. |
305923 |
The world of Goodwood: The Goodwood Estate in West Sussex has a cricket pitch, an airfield and a horse racing track, among other activities, in addition to the two 18-hole golf courses that make up the golf at Goodwood brand. GreenKeeping speaks to Goodwood's general manager of Sports Turf, Grounds & Gardens, Phill Helmn MG, about overcoming these unique challenges |
Anonymous. 2019. GreenKeeping. April. 156: p. Cover, 20, 22-24, 26-29. |
306465 |
Greenkeepers praised for extensive winter work |
Anonymous. 2019. GreenKeeping. April. 156: p. 2. |
306459 |
A right royal green space: Something green stirs amongst the ancient woodland of Epping Forest, as a popular multi-use golf club reaps the rewards of organically managed soil biology |
Rhodes, Greg. 2019. Pitchcare. April/May. 84: p. 16-22. |
306884 |
Diversity is the only way!: It's been over eight years since Pitchcare first visited Hart Common Golf Club and much has happened in the interim period |
Williams, Lee. 2019. Pitchcare. April/May. 84: p. 24-30. |
306885 |
Good things come in pairs: Stockley Park Golf Club, just five minutes from London's Heathrow Airport, is set in 240 acres of rolling countryside |
Williams, Lee. 2019. Pitchcare. April/May. 84: p. 32-38. |
306887 |
Compost amendments on the golf course |
Landschoot, Pete. 2019. Golfdom. April. 75(4): p. 34-36, 38. |
304722 |
[Volunteering in the Bahamas] |
Carter, Stefan. 2019. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 14. |
305828 |
Deep tine aeration spring of 2019 |
Rodriguez, Jimmy. 2019. The Super News [Rio Grande G.C.S.A.]. March. p. 20, 22-23. |
307727 |
Prevention is better than cure for Northern Ireland Open host: Keeping the putting greens in prime condition at Galgorm Castle in County Antrim |
Anonymous. 2019. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 58-59. |
305847 |
Managing greens in summer extremes: The "spring training" put in helps with the summer "marathon" |
Jiggens, Mike. 2019. Turf & Rec. March. 32(2): p. Cover, 8-10, 12. |
306083 |
A man down: Like their counterparts at The Grange Golf club, the crew at Riversdale Golf Club also had to overcome the loss of an integral member of the team in the lead-up to their biggest event of the year |
Anonymous. 2019. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. March/April. 21(2): p. 14-17. |
305303 |
Tuross Head Country Club: NSW: The far NSW South Coast is blessed with a number of fantastic golf courses as well as a close-knit group of superintendents. Among them is Tuross Head's Tim Watson |
Anonymous. 2019. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. March/April. 21(2): p. 60-64. |
305400 |
Practice tees that please: Practice tees require a unique management program because of heavy divoting and use throughout the season |
Oatis, David; Gilhuly, Larry. 2019. USGA Green Section Record. March 1. 57(5): p. 1-6. |
303649 |