Keyword: Growing degree days
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Weed management research |
Galbraith, Eric; Nikolai, Thom. 2024. Turfgrass Field Day. August 14. p. 10-11. |
340362 |
The green path to success: Best practices for golf course management |
Anonymous. 2024. GreenMaster. Spring. 60(1): p. 16-19. |
334824 |
Influence of nitrogen rate on growing degree day models for plant growth regulator reapplication interval on annual bluegrass putting greens | Schmid, Chas; Kowalewski, Alec. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 133-143. |
336604 |
PGRs: The best of growth worlds Access Restrictions |
Stricker, Sara. 2023. GreenMaster. Summer. 59(2): p. 22-24. |
331875 |
Evaluating insecticide application timings against billbugs (Sphenophorus spp.) using a degree-day model and calendar-based approach in the Intermountain West Access Restrictions |
Van Dyke, Adam; Wickwar, Desireè; Dupuy, Madeleine M.; Ramirez, Ricardo A. 2023. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. December. 9(2): p. e20252 [1-9]. |
334090 |
Herbicide effects on dormant and postdormant hybrid bermudagrass putting green turf |
Peppers, John M.; Askew, Shawn D. 2023. Weed Technology. September/October. 37(5): p. 522-529. |
334632 |
Regional response of zoysiagrass turf to glufosinate and glyphosate applied during postdormancy transition based on accumulated heat units |
Craft, Jordan M.; Godara, Navdeep; Derr, Jeffrey F.; Nichols, Adam D.; McCurdy, James D.; Richard, Michael P.; Askew, Shawn D. 2023. Weed Technology. July/August. 37(4): p. 361-367. |
334077 |
Plant growth regulation and the rebound effect when prohexadione calcium is applied to fairway-height annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass swards |
Husiny, Jaber; Ficht, Alexandra; Watson, John R.; Lyons, Eric M. 2023. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. June. 9(1): p. e20224 [1-5]. |
331100 |
Shade and water quality effects on efficacy of plant growth regulators | Richardson, Michael; Brosnan, James; Patton, Aaron. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 112-116. |
328661 |
Using local weather stations to generate growing degree-day data to predict the flowering pattern of an annual bluegrass fairway in Michigan Access Restrictions |
Calhoun, Ronald N.; Frank, Kevin W.; Hathaway, Aaron D. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 462-469. |
321283 |
Maximizing seedhead suppression of Poa annua L. in Michigan through use of growing degree-days to predict optimum applicatin timing for ethephon and ethephon plus trinexapac-ethyl Access Restrictions |
Calhoun, Ronald N.; Frank, Kevin W.; Hathaway, Aaron D. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 487-494. |
321286 |
Effects of growing degree day based trinexapac-ethyl application on ultradwarf hybrid bermudagrass putting green quality and ball roll Access Restrictions |
Carroll, Devon E.; Brosnan, James T.; Reasor, Eric H.; Kerns, James P.; Stephens, Cameron M.; Horvath, Brandon J.; Dickson, Kyley H.; Tomaso-Peterson, Maria. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 495-501. |
321287 |
Influence of plant growth regulators on core cultivation recovery time of annual bluegrass putting green turf |
Schmid, Chas; Braithwaite, Emily; McDonald, Brian; Kowalewski, Alec. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 186-194. |
317402 |
Challenges in developing a simple, practical method for organic matter content determination by superintendents | Gaussoin, Roch. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 195-206. |
317403 |
Germinability of annual bluegrass seed during spring in the Eastern United States Access Restrictions |
Carroll, Devon E.; Brosnan, James T.; McCurdy, James D.; De Castro, Edicarlos B.; Patton, Aaron J.; Liu, Wenwen; Kaminski, John E.; Tang, Kaiyuan; McCullough, Patrick E.; Westbury, D. 2021. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 7(2): p. e20117 [1-6]. |
316776 |
Effects of perennial ryegrass competition on bermudagrass and hybrid bermudagrass cover, biomass, and total nonstructural carbohydrate accumulation Access Restrictions |
Peppers, John M.; Mittlesteadt, Tyler L.; Askew, Shawn D. 2021. Crop Science. September/October. 61(5): p. 3179-3186. |
317049 |
Base temperatures affect accuracy of growing degree day model to predict emergence of bermudagrasses |
Giolo, M.; Sallenave, R.; Pornaro, C.; Velasco-Cruz, C.; Macolino, S.; Leinauer, B. 2021. Agronomy Journal. May/June. 113(3): p. 2960-2966. |
315812 |
Testing a reapplication schedule Access Restrictions |
Brown, Austin M.; Harris, James R.; Gonçalves, Clebson G.; Peppers, John M.; Magni, Simone; Volterrani, Marco; McElroy, J. Scott. 2021. Crop Science. March/April. 61(2): p. 1436-1445. |
315269 |
Predicting the maximum suppression point Access Restrictions |
Brown, Austin M.; Harris, James R.; Gonçalves, Clebson G.; Peppers, John M.; Magni, Simone; Volterrani, Marco; McElroy, J. Scott. 2021. Crop Science. March/April. 61(2): p. 1446-1457. |
315270 |
Growing degree day models to guide PGR application rates | Kreuser, William C. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 143-147. |
313733 |
Mining GreenKeeper app data to quantify the impact of turf research | Kreuser, Bill. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 148-149. |
313734 |
FAQs for dealing with reduced maintenance during COVID-19 |
USGA Green Section. 2020. USGA Green Section Record. April 3. 58(7): p. [1-4]. |
319530 |
Timing Crabgrass Pre-Emergence Applications |
Frank, Kevin; Hathaway, Aaron. 2019. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Extension, Michigan State University. [3] pp. |
307631 |
Growing degree day models to guide PGR application rates | Kreuser, William C. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 147-149. |
310844 |
When is Poa annua seed most germinable during spring in the transition zone and Southern United States? | Carroll, Devon; Brosnan, James T.; McCullough, Patrick E.; McCurdy, James D.; Patton, Aaron J.; Castro, Edicarlos; Liu, Wenwen. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 121849. |
309576 |
Growing degree-day based plant growth regulator application on ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens | Parkes, Kate; Reasor, Eric. 2019. Mississippi Turfgrass. Winter. p. Cover, 10-13. |
307151 |
Sober advice on collar decline |
Harler, Curt. 2019. Golfdom. October. 75(10): p. 56-58. |
308788 |
[North-South temperature gradient and top growth in urban grasslands] | Rossi, Frank S. 2019. ShortCUTT. May 27. 20(5): p. 1-2. |
306351 |
Before growing degree days were cool Access Restrictions |
Guertal, Beth. 2019. Golf Course Management. April. 87(4): p. 86. |
304499 |
Growing degree days as biological predictors | McCarty, Bert. 2019. Carolinas Green. January/February. p. 12, 14-15. |
303533 |
Turning research into practice with GreenKeeper Access Restrictions |
Kreuser, Bill. 2019. Golf Course Management. January. 87(1): p. 28. |
303154 |
May 4th Or February 88th? |
Jacobs, Paul. 2018. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
299192 |
Reproductive diapause in the annual bluegrass weevil | Wu, Shaohui; Kostromytska, Olga S.; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M. 2018. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 26-27. |
298899 |
Growing degree day models to guide PGR appication rates | Kreuser, William C. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 141-143. |
304986 |
Comparison of Legacy and Primo Maxx on TifSport bermudagrass | Harris, James R.; Brown, Austin M.; McElroy, Scott. 2018. Alabama Green. Summer. 2: p. 14, 16-17. |
309023 |
Suppressing Meyer zoysiagrass seedheads |
Patton, Aaron; Hoyle, Jared; Harrell, Mike; Reicher, Zac. 2018. Golfdom. November. 74(11): p. 26-30. |
302537 |
A growing degree day model is effective to schedule spring Defendor (florasulam) applications for suppressing dandelion flowers Access Restrictions |
Patton, Aaron J.; Weisenberger, Daniel V.; Breuninger, James M. 2018. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. November. 4(1): p. [1-4]. |
302839 |
The data driven superintendent |
Cella, Luke. 2018. On Course [MAGCS]. October. 72(5): p. 4-5. |
302923 |
Growing degree day models for plant growth regulator applications on ultradwarf hybrid bermudagrass putting greens |
Reasor, E. H.; Brosnan, J. T.; Kerns, J. P.; Hutchens, W. J.; Taylor, D. R.; McCurdy, J. D.; Soldat, D. J.; Kreuser, W. C. 2018. Crop Science. July/August. 58(4): p. 1801-1807. |
299610 |
Primo Maxx: To reapply or not? |
Brown, Austin; Harris, Jim; McElroy, Scott. 2018. Golfdom. June. 74(6): p. 47. |
298775 |
Simulating bimodal tall fescue growth with a degree-day-based process-oriented plant model Access Restrictions |
Kiniry, J. R.; Kim, S.; Williams, A. S.; Lock, T. R.; Kallenbach, R. L. 2018. Grass and Forage Science. June. 73(2): p. 432-439. |
299614 |
[We are now ahead of 30-yr averages in terms of growing degree days. Recent growth surges make it key to follow urban landscape BMPs] | Rossi, Frank S. 2018. ShortCUTT. June 4. 19(8): p. [1]. |
300661 |
Growing degree-day models predict the performance of paclobutrazol on bentgrass golf putting greens |
Kreuser, William C.; Obear, Glen R.; Michael, Darrell J.; Soldat, Douglas J. 2018. Crop Science. May/June. 58(3): p. 1402-1408. |
299606 |
[A review of data-driven models and nitrogen sources] | Rossi, Frank S. 2018. ShortCUTT. May 14. 19(5): p. [1]. |
300659 |
[Significant snow fall events since the end of the 2017-18 winter are creating a challenge for the East Coast of the US, disrupting spring turf work and delaying course and field use] | Rossi, Frank S. 2018. ShortCUTT. April 16. 19(1): p. [1-2]. |
299862 |
Predicting anthesis date of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) with growing degree-days at heading Access Restrictions |
Abel, S.; Byrne, S. L.; Asp, T.; Boelt, B. 2018. Grass and Forage Science. March. 73(1): p. 233-238. |
299612 |
Plan your strategy for lawn | Kemery, Ricky. 2018. The Journal Gazette. March 10. p. [1-2]. |
296490 |
MSU turfgrass expert advises patience in preparing lawns for spring | White, Russ. 2018. WKAR: MSU Today. March 28. p. [1-3]. |
296491 |
Optimizing timing of snow mold fungicides Access Restrictions |
Koch, Paul; Hockemeyer, Kurt. 2018. Golf Course Management. January. 86(1): p. 123. |
294100 |
Models of consistency: The concept of using Growing Degree Day modelling in Australia continues to gain traction |
Anonymous. 2018. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. January/February. 20(1): p. 14-18. |
295627 |
GDD game-changer |
Graham, Neil; Warwick, David; Wood, Andy. 2018. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. January/February. 20(1): p. 20-22. |
295630 |
Timing is Everything |
Nicoludis, Zachary. 2017. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. [3] pp. |
285312 |
Preemergence Herbicide Timing Update |
Thompson, Cole. 2017. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. [2] pp. |
289833 |
Crabgrass Has Emerged in Lincoln | Thompson, Cole. 2017. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. [1] p. |
289925 |
PGR Over-Regulation on Golf Collars | Kreuser, Bill. 2017. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [1] p. |
289951 |
Suppression of Shoot Growth and Improved Putting Green Performance With Plant Growth Regulators | White, Ramzi. 2017. M.S. Thesis: Texas Tech University. vii, 62 pp. |
298843 |
Fine-tuning PGR applications using growing degree days and base temperatures |
Stewart, Barry; Flournoy, Ethan. 2017. Mississippi Turfgrass. Summer. p. 10-12, 14. |
290710 |
Development of a growing degree day model for plant growth regulators on ultradwarf bermudagrass | Hutchens, Wendell J.; Kerns, James P.; Kreuser, William Collin. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 105944. |
290175 |
Growing degree day models for plant growth regulators applied to creeping bentgrass and Kentucky bluegrass | Henke, Benjamin; Soldat, Douglas J.; Kreuser, William Collin. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 106796. |
290338 |
Developing a growing degree day model for trinexapac-ethyl applications on MiniVerde bermudagrass putting greens | Brown, Austin; Harris, Jim; Boyd, Adam; Goncalves, Clebson Gomes; McElroy, J. Scott. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 108278. |
290276 |
Does miniverde bermudagrass respond differently to trinexapac-ethyl applications throughout the season? | Brown, Austin; Harris, Jim; Boyd, Adam; Goncalves, Clebson Gomes; McElroy, J. Scott. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 108283. |
290027 |
Seedhead development of three warm-season turfgrasses as influenced by growing degree days, photoperiod, and maintenance regimens |
McCullough, Patrick E.; Yu, Jialin; Williams, Seth M. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-9. |
287777 |
Modeling performance of plant growth regulators |
Kreuser, W. C.; Young, J. R.; Richardson, M. D. 2017. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. 2(1): p. 170001 [1-4]. |
282487 |
Before & after |
Barber, Chuck. 2017. On Course [MAGCS]. November. 71(6[7]): p. 4-6. |
293603 |
Developing a degree-day model to predict billbug (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) seasonal activity in Utah and Idaho turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Dupuy, Madeleine M.; Powell, James A.; Ramirez, Ricardo A. 2017. Journal of Economic Entomology. October. 110(5): p. 2180-2189. |
288904 |
Seasonal influence on wetting agent longevity: An update on current member driven research |
Schwab, Ryan. 2017. Hole Notes. August. 52(7): p. 56-61. |
288860 |
GreenKeeper: A free tool for turf managers | Kreuser, Bill. 2017. Heart Beat. June. p. 13-14. |
296861 |
Pinning down PGRs: Why monitoring temperature is a route toward regulating growth of cool- and warm-season turfgrasses |
Torsiello, John. 2017. Golf Course Industry. June. 29(6): p. 28, 30-33. |
286014 |
Drs. Kreuser and Benelli tag team January |
Anfield, Chuck. 2017. On Course [MAGCS]. February. 70(10): p. 22-23. |
281559 |
Timing Crabgrass Pre-Emergence Applications | Frank, Kevin. 2016. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Extension, Michigan State University. [3] pp. |
275002 |
GDD Calculator |
PACE Turf, LLC. 2016. [San Diego, California]: PACE Turf, LLC. [1] p. |
287507 |
GDDs for Timing PGR Applications: Impact on Growth & Performance | Kreuser, Bill. [2016]. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [112] slides. |
288016 |
What I've Learned About PGRs This Year | Kreuser, Bill. 2016. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [4] pp. |
296005 |
Determining base temperature for warm- and cool-season turfgrasses | Flournoy, Ethan; Baldwin, Christian M.; Stewart, Barry R.; Philley, H. Wayne; Reddy, K. Raja; McCurdy, James D.; Kreuser, William C. 2016. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2016 Research Summaries. p. 163-165. |
285138 |
Developing management practices and prediction models for controlling seedheads of warm season turfgrasses | McCullough, Patrick E. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 99251. |
278282 |
Determining base temperatures for warm- and cool-season turfgrass species | Flournoy, Ethan; Baldwin, Christian M.; Stewart, Barry R.; Philley, Herbert W.; McCurdy, James D.; Wait, Stephen; Reddy, K. Raja; Kreuser, William Collin. 2016. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 101128. |
278096 |
Getting the most from your Primo Maxx Program: How to use Primo Maxx growth regulation most effectively on putting greens | Soldat, Doug; Kreuser, Bill. 2016. Turf Trends [Idaho]. Summer. 2(2): p. 106-111. |
274199 |
PGRs and GDDs |
Sherratt, Pamela. 2016. SportsTurf. December. 32(12): p. 49-50. |
279479 |
What has happened to spring in the UK? Access Restrictions |
Hunt, Mark. 2016. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 46-49. |
284373 |
Creating growing degree models for commonly used plant growth regulators | Henke, Benjamin. 2016. The Grass Roots. November/December. 45(6): p. 12, 14, 16. |
279369 |
On the clock: Tracking growing degree days could simplify your approach to PGR application with better results and more efficient use of resources | Woelfel, Rick. 2016. Golf Course Industry. June. 28(6): p. 42, 44-45. |
272667 |
Growing degree days: A little history |
Danneberger, Karl. 2016. Greenside. April. p. 18-19. |
274419 |
Why it's best to be proactive |
Anonymous. 2016. Turf Matters. February/March. p. 13. |
276858 |
Use GDDTracker to Schedule Applications to Turfgrass | Frank, Kevin. 2015. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Michigan State Extension. [5] pp. |
275032 |
PGRs: How GDDs Affect Scheduling | Kreuser, Bill. [2015]. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [35] slides. |
288029 |
Weevil Trak delivers a decision-tool for the regional management of annual bluegrass weevil in golf course turf | Peck, Daniel; Coffelt, Mark; Agnew, Mike. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92880. |
267184 |
Growing degree day models predict Class B PGR performance on bentgrass | Kreuser, William Collin; Michael, Darrell; Obear, Glen R. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92930. |
267054 |
Growing degree day models of plant growth regulator efficacy on creeping bentgrass putting greens | White, Ramzi; Young, Joseph Ronald. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92987. |
266677 |
Old pest, new environment: The annual bluegrass weevil invades North Carolina | Billeisen, Terri; Brandenburg, Rick. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92998. |
267185 |
Dallisgrass growth, identification and control |
Elmore, Matthew. 2015. Golfdom. June. 71(6): p. 44-48. |
264649 |
Spring colors | Schweiger, Bruce. 2015. The Grass Roots. May/June. 44(3): p. 14-15. |
262194 |
Growing Degree Day modeling for Trimmit and Cutless applications on creeping bentgrass fairways |
Horgan, Brian; Bauer, Sam; Cavanaugh, Matt. 2015. Hole Notes. April. 49(3): p. 20-30. |
258658 |
Growing Degree Day modeling for Primo applications on creeping bentgrass putting greens |
Horgan, Brian; Bauer, Sam; Cavanaugh, Matt. 2015. Hole Notes. April. 49(3): p. 32-39. |
258659 |
Effective use of plant growth regulators on golf putting greens: To maximize the potential of plant growth regulators, growing degree-day models offer a simple and effective way to estimate PGR performance |
Kreuser, Bill. 2015. USGA Green Section Record. April 3. 53(7): p. 1-10. |
256014 |
Determination of the growing degree day reapplication threshold for the Anuew PGR | Obear, Glen; Kreuser, Bill. 2014. 2014 Turfgrass Research Report [Nebraska]. p. [1-6]. |
262430 |
Now is the Time to Prevent Crabgrass | Frank, Kevin. 2014. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Michigan State University Extension. [4] pp. |
275049 |
Growth Regulation With Primo MAXX on Nordic Golf Courses (Vekstregulering med Primo MAXX på golfbaner i Norden/ Tillväxtreglering med Primo MAXX på nordiska golfbanor) |
Aamlid, Trygve S.; Edman, Peter. 2014. Danderyd, Sweden: Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation, STERF. 18 pp. |
292297 |
Using growing degree days to schedule florasulam applications for dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) flower suppression | Weisenberger, Daniel V.; Patton, Aaron J. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 85992. |
250280 |
Growing degree days: Working out the optimum time to plant or treat turf can be the difference between success and failure. Most importantly, it saves time and money |
Danneberger, Karl; Cushnahan, Megan. 2014. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Summer. 31(4): p. 12-13. |
252226 |
Using growing degree days to schedule paclobutrazol applications on Kentucky bluegrass fairways |
Bauer, Sam; Cavanaugh, Matt; Gagliardi, Mario; Horgan, Brian. 2014. Hole Notes. November/December. 48(10): p. 40-48. |
253400 |