Keyword: Growth rate
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
'Tifdwarf' bermudagrass growth response to carboxin and GA3 during suboptimum temperatures |
Dudeck, A. E.; Peacock, C. H. HortScience. October. 20(5): p. 936-938. |
378 |
Editorial: Adaptation mechanisms of grass and forage plants to stressful environments |
Zhang, Jing; Chai, Mao-Feng; Shabala, Sergey; Wang, Ke-Hua; Zhang, Jin-Lin. 2023. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14: p. 1132198 [1-4]. |
336939 |
Effects of fiber implantation on Festuca arundinacea growth and nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient fate in turf |
Tang, Bin; Li, Fucui; Zhang, Ya'nan; Chen, Jiabao; Fan, Zhihao; Wang, Menghan; Song, Guilong; Han, Liebao. 2023. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. October. 40(10): p. 2619-2628. |
340229 |
Advancing precision turfgrass management (Previously, Mining GreenKeeper app data to quantify the impact of turf research) | Gaussoin, Roch; Carlson, Michael. 2022. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2022 Progress Reports. p. 194-202. |
328677 |
An investigation into the principal modes of action of surfactants and how a novel formulation may improve turfgrass quality by increasing the dominance of Agrostis spp. in golf greens Access Restrictions |
Martin, Thomas; Rothwell, Shane; Stevens, Carly. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 1010-1015. |
321536 |
Development of seeded zoysiagrass cultivars with improved turf quality and high seed yields | Chandra, Ambika; Genovesi, A. Dennis; Meeks, Meghyn. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 44-48. |
317378 |
Building a better growth model to optimize nitrogen applications to bentgrass putting greens | Soldat, Doug; Zhou, Qiyu. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 82-87. |
317390 |
Advancing precision turfgrass management | Gaussoin, Roch; Carlson, Michael. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 167-172. |
317396 |
Nitrogen leaching and Tifway bermudagrass response to simultaneous nutrient and pre-emergence herbicide applications Access Restrictions |
Maia, Lucas O. R.; Shaddox, Travis W.; Leon, Ramon G.; Unruh, J. Bryan. 2021. Journal of Environmental Quality. November/December. 50(6): p. 1419-1429. |
316874 |
Greenhouse gas fluxes from turfgrass systems: Species, growth rate, clipping management, and environmental effects |
Law, Quincy D.; Trappe, Jon M.; Braun, Ross C.; Patton, Aaron J. 2021. Journal of Environmental Quality. May/June. 50(3): p. 547-557. |
315969 |
Effect of the season on establishment of some turf grasses under the climatic conditions in eastern Morocco |
Charif, Khadija; Mzabri, Ibtissam; Rimani, Maria; Boukroute, Azzouz; Kouddane, Noureddine; Berrichi, Abdelbasset. 2021. Australian Journal of Crop Science. April. 15(4): p. 518-523. |
315938 |
Building a better growth model to optimize nitrogen applications to bentgrass putting greens | Soldat, Doug. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 103-106. |
313727 |
Quantify the effects of iron sulfate on the growth rate of Microdochium nivale in vitro and develop a protocol for quantifying the pH of iron sulfate amended growth media | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 291-293. |
313745 |
Growth characteristics of zoysiagrass hybrids and indirect lipid peroxidation screening for tolerance to drought or salt stress |
Bae, Eun-Ji; Kim, Chung-Yeol; Yoon, Jun-Hyuck; Jin, Eon-ju; Kim, Young-Sun; Lee, Geung-Joo. 2020. Weed and Turfgrass Science. September. 9(3): p. 267-277. |
315298 |
[Warm spring conditions] |
Rossi, Frank S. 2020. The Newsletter [New England]. May/June. p. 10-11. |
312480 |
Association of SSR markers with cold tolerance traits in diverse bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] accessions Access Restrictions |
Fan, Jibiao; Xie, Yan. 2020. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. March. 39(1): p. 172-182. |
311543 |
Linking growth rate and nitrogen status to brown patch incidence in tall fescue | Kreuser, William C.; Kerns, James P.; Butler, Lee; Carlson, Michael. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 122327. |
310257 |
Rhizobacterial colonization of bermudagrass by Bacillus spp. in a Marvyn loamy sand soil Access Restrictions |
Coy, Richard Murphey; Held, David W.; Kloepper, Joseph W. 2019. Applied Soil Ecology. September. 141: p. 10-17. |
305936 |
Growth analysis of brachiariagrasses and 'Tifton 85' bermudagrass as affected by harvest interval |
Silva, Valdson J.; G. Faria, Ana Flávia; L. Pequeno, Diego N.; Silva, Liliane S.; Sollenberger, Lynn E.; S. Pedreira, Carlos G. 2019. Crop Science. July/August. 59(4): p. 1808-1814. |
307422 |
Resistance risk assessment for fludioxonil in Sclerotinia homoeocarpa in China Access Restrictions |
Hu, Jian; Zhou, Yuxin; Gao, Tao; Geng, Jiamei; Dai, Yuan; Ren, Haiyan; Lamour, Kurt; Liu, Xili. 2019. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. May. 156: p. 123-128. |
337040 |
Cut and run: Members of golf clubs often want their greens to be faster but, before embarking on this quest, it is essential to understand the factors that affect green speed, what the target green speed might be and how to get there |
Rixon, Stella. 2019. GreenKeeping. February. 154: p. 6-8, 10. |
306496 |
How fast is your grass growing? |
Haines, Jason. 2018. Golf Industry Network. p. [1-2]. |
297878 |
Coping With a Slow-Growing, Sneezy Spring |
Oatis, David. 2018. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
299184 |
May 4th Or February 88th? |
Jacobs, Paul. 2018. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
299192 |
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth of two turfgrasses grown under greenhouse conditions Access Restrictions |
Elhindi, Khalid; Al-Suhaibani, Nasser; El-Hendawy, Salah; Al-Mana, Fahad. 2018. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 64(2): p. 238-243. |
298080 |
Soil type and phosphorus fertilization affect Poa annua growth and seedhead production |
Guertal, E. A.; McElroy, J. S. 2018. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 110(6): p. 2165-2170. |
302694 |
Growth managers Access Restrictions |
Kreuser, Bill. 2018. GreenMaster. Fall. 54(3): p. 20-21. |
300538 |
Monitoring organic matter: Having a programme in place to produce accurate and ongoing measurements means that management decisions can be better informed and more successful |
Hannan, Brendan. 2018. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 35(1): p. 15-17. |
295985 |
Effects of mowing (Beolcho) timing and height on growth characteristics of Zoysia japonica and Z. matrella before Chuseok |
Chang, Seog-Won; Koo, Jun-Hak; Sung, Chang-Hyun; Lee, Jeong-Ho; Park, Sho-Jun; Jee, Jae-Uk; Youn, Jeong-Ho. 2018. Weed and Turfgrass Science. June. 7(2): p. 140-147. |
301324 |
The effect of temperature on the in vitro growth rate of sclerotinia homoeocarpa isolates of different origin Access Restrictions |
Entwistle, Kate; Espevig, Tatsiana; Crouch, Jo Anne; Normann, Karin; Usoltseva, Marina. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 14-15. |
311069 |
Be selective with weed control: Data suggests that this year's turf growth is significantly behind the same stage of 2017, so selective spring herbicide applications need to be carefully managed and targeted to achieve effective control |
De Ath, Mark. 2018. The Groundsman [IOG]. May. p. 28. |
298403 |
Working grass: In recent years, a persistent topic of discussion has revolved around the growth potential of turfgrass |
Nolan, Conor. 2018. GreenKeeping. May. 146: p. 10, 12. |
297846 |
[Warm and wet conditions have spurred turfgrass growth in the Northeast] | Rossi, Frank S. 2018. ShortCUTT. May 28. 19(7): p. [1]. |
300657 |
Playing quality, growth rate, thatch accumulation and tolerance to moss and annual bluegrass invasion as influenced by irrigation strategies on red fescue putting greens |
Chen, Y.; Pettersen, T.; Kvalbein, A.; Aamlid, T. S. 2018. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. April. 204(2): p. 185-195. |
297739 |
Critical concentration of salt stress in Stenotaphrum secundatum |
Xu, Yu-jiao; Zhou, Yu-jie; Luo, Ying; Liao, Li; Bai, Chang-jun; Wang, Zhi-yong. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. April 20. 35(4): p. 816-821. |
299811 |
Can measuring clipping volume improve your management? | Soldat, Doug. 2018. The Grass Roots. March/April. 47(2): p. 45-46. |
296365 |
Green speed: A contentious issue Access Restrictions |
Rixon, Stella. 2018. STRI Bulletin. Spring. 281: p. 5-8. |
297728 |
Effects of soil compaction on the germination and survival of common prairie forbs and grasses in Wisconsin prairie revegetation Access Restrictions |
Jorgensen, Niels; Mink, Joslyn; Soldat, Doug; Stier, John; Renz, Mark. 2018. Native Plants Journal. Spring. 19(1): p. 4-13. |
302451 |
Influence of different planting methods on 'Lanyin No.III' zoysiagrass soilless sod quality |
Song, Hua-wei; Deng, Ming; Liu, Ying; Zhang, Ju-ming. 2018. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. January 20. 35(1): p. 63-68. |
296627 |
Topdressing and Quality Greens Go Together Like Peas and Carrots |
USGA Green Section. 2017. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. [3] pp. |
285293 |
Mowing Before Vacation | Kreuser, Bill. 2017. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. [1] p. |
290974 |
Suppression of Shoot Growth and Improved Putting Green Performance With Plant Growth Regulators | White, Ramzi. 2017. M.S. Thesis: Texas Tech University. vii, 62 pp. |
298843 |
Modeling GA production improves prediction of turf growth and PGR performance | Fuehrer, Jacob; Kreuser, William. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 131-132. |
298166 |
Impacts of environmental and management factors on gibberellin production in turfgrass | Fuehrer, Jacob; Kreuser, William Collin. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 107479. |
290340 |
How much do you weigh? Access Restrictions |
Woodham, Paul. 2017. STRI Bulletin. Summer. 278: p. 13-15. |
288006 |
Microbial fertilizer containing Lactobacillus fermentum improved creeping bentgrass density |
Jo, Gi-Woong; Kim, Young-Sun; Ham, Soun-Kyu; Bae, Eun-Ji; Lee, Jae-Pil; Kim, Doo-Hwan; Kim, Woo-Sung; Lee, Geung-Joo. 2017. Weed and Turfgrass Science. December. 6(4): p. 322-332. |
296607 |
Don't feed turf weeds in the autumn Access Restrictions |
Mabbett, Terry. 2017. International Pest Control. May/June. 59(3): p. 146-149. |
288751 |
Growth potential or not? Access Restrictions |
Nolan, Conor. 2017. STRI Bulletin. Spring. 277: p. 22-24. |
285196 |
Growing gains: Moving from rapid-release to phased-release fertilisers has eased the pressure on Bristol Sport's grounds staff |
Hendy, Joe. 2017. The Groundsman [IOG]. February. p. 31. |
282839 |
Fertilize 'Fore' Playability |
United States Golf Association. 2016. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
273832 |
A Spring with Four Seasons |
Barden, Addison. 2016. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
278004 |
An Early Start to Spring in the West | Gross, Pat. 2016. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. [2] pp. |
278993 |
Scalping Potential is High | Kreuser, Bill. 2016. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska. [2] pp. |
280350 |
The Effects of AquaSmart Polymer Coated Sand on Growth and Water Use of Ornamentals, Nutrient Leaching in Greenhouse Media, and Establishment and Growth of Turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Vinson, Magdalena F. 2016. M.S. Thesis: Oklahoma State University. x, 111 pp. |
281245 |
Benefits of Recycling Lawn Clippings | Friell, Josh. 2016. [Minneapolis, Minnesota]: Extension, University of Minnesota. [3] pp. |
281771 |
Influence of late season nutrition on seashore paspalum turfgrass (Paspalum vaginatum) cold wear |
Hegazi, M. A.; Metwaly, M. M. S. 2016. Journal of Applied Horticulture. 18(2): p. 141-147. |
285868 |
Exogenous application of nitrogen and cytokinin on growth, carbohydrate, and antioxidant metabolism of creeping bentgrass after de-submergence |
Liu, Qiang; Jiang, Yiwei. 2016. HortScience. December. 51(12): p. 1602-1606. |
279637 |
Effect of soil organic matter content and volumetric water content on 'Tifway 419' hybrid bermudagrass growth following indaziflam applications Access Restrictions |
Jeffries, Matthew D.; Gannon, Travis W. 2016. Weed Technology. July-September. 30(3): p. 677-687. |
277987 |
Why can't green speeds remain constant? |
Anonymous. 2016. Chips & Putts. July. 22(5): p. 3, 8. |
278761 |
On the clock: Tracking growing degree days could simplify your approach to PGR application with better results and more efficient use of resources | Woelfel, Rick. 2016. Golf Course Industry. June. 28(6): p. 42, 44-45. |
272667 |
Phosphorus mobilizing consortium Mammoth PTM enhances plant growth |
Baas, Peter; Bell, Colin; Mancini, Lauren M.; Lee, Melanie N.; Conant, Richard T.; Wallenstein, Matthew D. 2016. PeerJ. June 14. 4: p. e2121 [1-16]. |
286585 |
Growing season requires extra lawn care | Griess, Ted. 2016. Kearney Hub. May 27. p. [1]. |
301800 |
High throughout selection of novel plant growth regulators: Assessing the translatability of small bioactive molecules from Arabidopsis to crops Access Restrictions |
Rodriguez-Furlán, Cecilia; Miranda, Giovanna; Reggiardo, Martín; Hicks, Glenn R.; Norambuena, Lorena. 2016. Plant Science. April. 245: p. 50-60. |
270235 |
Choose grasses wisely | Floyd, Jeff. 2016. Odessa American. April 3. p. [1-2]. |
309369 |
Effects of fungal endophytes on the growth of perennial ryegrass under drought condition |
Li, Hui-qiang; Zhang, Guang-ming; Wang, Jian-jun; Lin, Wei-hu; Tian, Pei. 2016. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. April 20. 33(4): p. 599-607. |
280590 |
De Novo transcriptome analysis for Kentucky bluegrass dwarf mutants induced by space mutation |
Gan, Lu; Di, Rong; Chao, Yuehui; Han, Liebao; Chen, Xingwu; Wu, Chao; Yin, Shuxia. 2016. PloS ONE. March 24. 11(3): p. e0151768 [1-17]. |
273380 |
Avoiding nutrient deficiencies |
Woods, Micah. 2016. Golf Course Management China. Spring. p. [14], 14. |
272073 |
Crop coefficients, growth rates and quality of cool-season turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Aamlid, T. S.; Knox, J. W.; Riley, H.; Kvalbein, A.; Pettersen, T. 2016. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. February. 202(1): p. 69-80. |
269475 |
Is There Anything That Can Be Applied to Turf That Will Eliminate the Need for Mowing? | United States Golf Association. 2015. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 1 p. |
263772 |
Vertical Mowing | United States Golf Association. 2015. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 1 p. |
270934 |
Kentucky Bluegrass Varieties Slow to Green Up | Kreuser, Bill. 2015. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska. [1] p. |
280353 |
Growing degree day models of plant growth regulator efficacy on creeping bentgrass putting greens | White, Ramzi; Young, Joseph Ronald. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92987. |
266677 |
Effect of soil pH on annual bluegrass quality and color | Schmid, Charles J.; Murphy, James A.; Clarke, Bruce B. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 94180. |
267053 |
Minimizing nitrogen inputs while optimizing verdure and growth of Kentucky bluegrass with polymer coated urea |
Buss, Jessica C.; Gish, James H.; Hopkins, Bryan G. 2015. Proceedings of the Western Nutrient ManagementConference. 11: p. 94-99. |
280585 |
Agronomic behaviour of some Cynodon Dactylon ecotypes for turfgrass use in the Mediterranean climate |
Viggiani, Roberto; Marchione, Vito; Potenza, Giovanna; Castronuovo, Donato; Fascetti, Simonetta; Perniola, Michele; Lovelli, Stella; Candido, Vincezo. 2015. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 10(1): p. 1-8. |
269240 |
Dose responses of silvery-thread moss to carfentrazone-ethyl | Raudenbush, Zane; Keeley, Steve; Jugulam, Mithila. 2015. 2015 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 1(6): p. [1-4]. |
267977 |
Biochar from pyrolysis of biosolids for nutrient adsorption and turfgrass cultivation Access Restrictions |
Carey, D. E.; McNamara, P. J.; Zitomer, D. H. 2015. Water Environment Research. December. 87(12): p. 2098-2106. |
269334 |
Genotypic variation in growth and metabolic responses of perennial ryegrass exposed to short-term waterlogging and submergence stress Access Restrictions |
Liu, Mingxi; Jiang, Yiwei. 2015. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. October. 95: p. 57-64. |
274697 |
Mixed saline-alkaline conditions affect turf quality Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Qi; Rue, Kevin. 2015. Golf Course Management. October. 83(10): p. 87. |
265844 |
Response of growth and chlorophyll fluorecence [flourescence] characteristics of Cynodon dactylon seedlings to water treatment and plant densities |
Zeng, Cheng-cheng; Chen, Jin-ping; Wang, Zhen-xia; Jia, Zhong-min; Wei, Hong. 2015. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. July 20. 32(7): p. 1107-1115. |
270881 |
The effect of increasing application rates of nine plant growth regulators on the turf and stolon characteristics of pot-grown 'Patriot' hybrid bermudagrass Access Restrictions |
Volterrani, Marco; Grossi, Nicola; Gaetani, Monica; Caturegli, Lisa; Nikolopoulou, Aimila-Eleni; Lulli, Filippo; Magni, Simone. 2015. HortTechnology. June. 25(3): p. 397-404. |
265146 |
Effects of different medium on growth and sporulation of asexual stage of Epichloë endophytes | Liu, Li; Li, Xiu-zhang; Guo, Chang-hui; Li, Chun-jie. 2015. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. June 15. 32(6): p. 859-869. |
270863 |
Many shades of Andy Gray: Southhampton FC is riding the crest of a wave and the club's St Mary's Stadium could soon be hosting European football | Fry, Richard. 2015. The Groundsman [IOG]. May. p. 24-25. |
262403 |
Nitrate leaching, turf quality, and growth rate of 'Floratam' St. Augustinegrass and common centipedegrass |
Telenko, Darcy E. P.; Shaddox, Travis W.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Trenholm, Laurie E. 2015. Crop Science. May/June. 55(3): p. 1320-1328. |
258720 |
Association of SSR markers with functional traits from heat stress in diverse tall fescue accessions |
Sun, Xiaoyan; Du, Zhimin; Ren, Jin; Amombo, Erick; Hu, Tao; Fu, Jinmin. 2015. BMC Plant Biology. May 10. 15(116): p. 1-13. |
269167 |
Why is rainfall better than irrigation?: It's not always there when you need it, but rainfall typically results in more even soil moisture, greater turf health and improved growth rates |
Hannan, Brendan. 2015. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Spring. 32(3): p. 18-19. |
265512 |
The turf routine |
Danneberger, Karl. 2015. Golfdom. January. 71(1): p. 38. |
258023 |
Determination of the growing degree day reapplication threshold for the Anuew PGR | Obear, Glen; Kreuser, Bill. 2014. 2014 Turfgrass Research Report [Nebraska]. p. [1-6]. |
262430 |
Potential of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) as a Biological Control Agent Against Warm-Season Turfgrass Pests | Coy, Richard Murphey. 2014. M.S. Thesis: Auburn University. xi, 97 pp. |
269546 |
How to Care for Rapidly Growing Lawns | Frank, Kevin. 2014. [East Lansing, Michigan]: Michigan State University Extension. [5] pp. |
274951 |
Growth responses of bermudagrass to various bio-stimulants under salinity stress | Pessarakli, Mohammad; McMillan, Dennis Eugene. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 85210. |
250315 |
Soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation as influenced by turfgrass selection and grass clipping management | Law, Quincy Daker; Patton, Aaron J. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 87875. |
250124 |
Can growth potential models be used for planning turf fertilization in Florida? | Unruh, J. Bryan; Shaddox, Travis. 2014. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2014]. p. 89621. |
250118 |
Growth and physiological responses of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) to elevated carbon dioxide concentrations |
Burgess, Patrick; Huang, Bingru. 2014. Horticulture Research. 1: p. 1-8. |
269560 |
Growth of Bella bluegrass compared to a standard KBG blend and tall fescue |
Johnson, Paul G.; Dai, Xin; Roberto Gurgel. 2014. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 11(1): p. 1-2. |
269608 |
Mowing requirement and cost to maintain bermudagrass is influenced by cultivar selection and trinexapac-ethyl use |
Kowalewski, A. R.; Schwartz, B. M.; Grimshaw, A. L.; McCrimmon, J. N.; Layton, J. M. 2014. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 11(1): p. 1-9. |
269628 |
Managing soil organic matter |
Woods, Micah. 2014. Golf Course Management China. September/October. p. [22], 22. |
268777 |
Today's forecast: A daytime high of 90 degrees and a 50 percent chance of afternoon thunderstorms |
Foy, John H. 2014. United States Golf Association. August 9. p. 1-3. |
247736 |
Effects of irrigation, cutting height, and Primo on mowing requirements of tall fescue |
Chabon, Joshua; Bremer, Dale; Fry, Jack. 2014. Turfgrass Research 2014 [Kansas State University]. July. p. [15-16]. |
281633 |
A plea from the rough: Keep it reasonable |
O'Brien, Patrick. 2014. United States Golf Association. July 9. p. 1-2. |
247733 |