Keyword: Habitats
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
A cross-disciplinary forum promoting efficient biodiversity conservation in "new" grasslands in Sweden Access Restrictions |
Blank, Sofia Gylje; Svensson, Mikael; Strandberg, Maria. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 311-315. |
321267 |
Poa nemoralis Access Restrictions |
Plue, Jan; Cousins, Sara A. O.; De Pauw, Karen; Diekmann, Martin; Hagenblad, Jenny; Helsen, Kenny; Hermy, Martin; Liira, Jaan; Orczewska, Anna; Vanneste, Thomas; Wulf, Monika; De Frenne, Pieter. 2020. Journal of Ecology. July. 108(4): p. 1750-1774. |
315285 |
How to make your golf course more bird-friendly |
Waters, George. 2020. USGA Green Section Record. April 3. 58(7): p. [1-5]. |
312406 |
Birdies, eagles and ...bats: As golf courses work to provide welcoming habitat for various forms of wildlife, bats should not be overlooked Access Restrictions |
Wallrichs, Megan. 2020. Golf Course Management. February. 88(2): p. 72-77. |
310670 |
Monarchs In The Rough | Gray, Marcus B. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 374-376. |
310877 |
Wildlife habitat management on college and university campuses | Bocsi, Tierney; Warren, Paige S.; Harper, Rick W.; DeStefano, Stephen. 2018. Cities and the Environment. 11(1): p. 1 [1-14]. |
297746 |
Pinus strobus: Common: Eastern white pine, northern white pine: Family: Pinaceae |
Bernardy, Kati; Ward, Dave. 2018. On Course [MAGCS]. February. 71(9[10]): p. 20. |
295964 |
Small mammals: The importance of small mammals |
Britton, Peter. 2017. Pitchcare. December/January. 76: p. 114-118. |
295011 |
Getting ready for spring |
Thompson, Steve. 2017. Pitchcare. December/January. 76: p. 138. |
295040 |
[Nesty birds] |
Hutchinson, James. 2017. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 14. |
286405 |
Do golf courses make good bat habitats? |
OgaleAug, Yasmin [Ogale, Yasmin]. 2017. Hole Notes. January/February. 52(1): p. 40-41. |
281282 |
The effects of roadside habitat on insect traffic mortality | Keilsohn, W. A.; Tallamy, D. 2016. Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Plant, Pest, and Soils Conference. p. 88. |
270917 |
Welcome, wildlife Access Restrictions |
Watkins, Wedge. 2016. Golf Course Management. May. 84(5): p. 38. |
271910 |
Bogeys become bison, boar and deer at former Ohio course: Neighbors' worries over wayward Titleists pale in comparison to bullets | Dunlap, Jim. 2016. The Pellucid Perspective. May. 7(5): p. 8-9. |
275392 |
Sustainability Case Study: The Moorings Yacht & Country Club | Mickey, Lisa D. 2015. Vero Beach, Florida: The Moorings Yacht & Country Club. [5] pp. |
262487 |
Mere Golf Club: Not a Mere daliance |
Hutchinson, James. 2015. Pitchcare. December/January. 64: p. 110-113. |
268567 |
Badgers and their protection: Nature's JCBs |
Anonymous. 2015. Pitchcare. December/January. 64: p. 114-119. |
268568 |
Wildlife at The Home of Golf |
Hutchinson, James. 2015. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 22-27. |
261008 |
A Disembodied Shade: Vieques, Puerto Rico at the Intersection of Empire and Environmentalism in the Twentieth Century Access Restrictions |
Kerr, Andrew Rice. 2013. Ph.D. Dissertation: University of California, Davis. viii, 219 pp. |
260374 |
The spatial configuration of greenspace affects semi-aquatic turtle occupancy and species richness in a suburban landscape Access Restrictions |
Guzy, Jacquelyn C.; Price, Steven J.; Dorcas, Michael E. 2013. Landscape and Urban Planning. September. 117: p. 46-56. |
293375 |
Desert forest: Wildhorse Golf Club's Scott Sutton says toodle-loo to 52 acres of turf in favor of desertscapes and thousands of trees to save water and boost the course's wildlife population |
Stahl, Jason. 2013. Golf Course Industry. May. 25(3): p. 32-33, 36-37. |
220624 |
Communication is key: When it comes to wildlife, the staff at The Sanctuary knows it can't isolate the club |
Tuttle, Katie. 2013. Golf Course Industry. May. 25(3): p. 72-76. |
220630 |
More than a hole in one: When a colony of animals calls your golf course home, it may be easier to just move them |
Tuttle, Katie. 2013. Golf Course Industry. May. 25(3): p. 92. |
220636 |
Adding a splash of colour |
Blake, Kim; Laing, Andy. 2013. Pitchcare. April/May. 48: p. 46-49. |
222731 |
Rough treatment would help butterflies |
Miller, Jan. 2013. Pitchcare. April/May. 48: p. 50-53. |
222734 |
Joshua E. Kelley, The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club, Orlando Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2013. Golf Course Management. February. 81(2): p. 54. |
215531 |
Practical magic: Matt Ceplo, CGCS, the winner of GCSAA's 2013 President's Award for Environmental Stewardship, keeps an eye on the bottom line - in both dollars and green sense - at Rockland Country Club Access Restrictions |
Smith, Bunny. 2013. Golf Course Management. February. 81(2): p. 60-62, 64, 66, 68. |
215537 |
Nature Wars: The Incredible Story of How Wildlife Comebacks Turned Backyards into Battlegrounds |
Sterba, Jim. 2012. New York, New York: Crown Publishing Group. xxiv, 343 pp. First Edition. |
214449 |
Guide to Grasses of Southern Africa |
van Oudtshoorn, F. P. 2012. Pretoria, South Africa: Briza Publications. 287 pp. 3rd Rev. Edition. |
310896 |
Terrestrial movements and habitat preferences of male Cricket Frogs on a golf course Access Restrictions |
Ramirez, Edward A.; Puglis, Holly J.; Ritzenthaler, Alicia; Boone, Michelle. 2012. Copeia. June. 2012(2): p. 191-196. |
224774 |
Nest-site selection and nest depredation of semi-aquatic turtles on golf courses |
Foley, Shawna M.; Price, Steven J.; Dorcas, Michael E. 2012. Urban Ecosystems. June. 15(2): p. 489-497. |
209637 |
Seasonal abundance and habitat use of Australian parrots in an urbanised landscape Access Restrictions |
Davis, Adrian; Taylor, Charlotte E.; Major, Richard E. 2012. Landscape and Urban Planning. May 30. 106(2): p. 191-198. |
293405 |
There is life in dead wood! |
Midmore, Faye. 2012. Pitchcare. April/May. 42: p. 118-120. |
231240 |
Golf courses as refuges for freshwater turtles in urban landscapes | Winchell, Kristin M.; Gibbs, James P. 2012. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. April 1. 11(4): p. [1-10]. |
200483 |
Managing nuisance wildlife | Horton, James. 2012. Alabama Turf Times. Spring. p. 22-23. |
307584 |
Feathery competition on golf courses: On many golf courses, competition includes more than the game | Nus, Jeff. 2012. USGA Green Section Record. February 3. 50(3): p. 1-4. |
196863 |
Multifunctional Golf Courses: An Underutilised Resource | Schmidt, Karin, ed. 2011. Scandinavia, Nordic Countries, Europe: Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environmental Research Foundation. 31, [1] pp. |
197183 |
The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses | Conway, Josh. 2011. 2011 USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 32. |
195554 |
Investigation of Bermudagrass germplasm in Luoyang city Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Zheng, Yi-qi; Ren, Ge; Zhao, Yang; Ma, Jian; Xia, Dong; Yang, Yang. 2011. [Bei Fang Yuan Yi] [Northern Horticulture]. 24: p. Unknown. |
270412 |
Taking the rough with the smooth? Access Restrictions |
Duff, Keith. 2011. Bulletin for Sports Surface Management. October. 255: p. 33-34. |
193058 |
The intersection of ecological risk assessment and plant communities: An analysis of Agrostis and Panicum species in the northeastern U.S. Access Restrictions |
Ahrens, Collin; Ecker, Geoffrey; Auer, Carol. 2011. Plant Ecology. October. 212(10): p. 1629-1642. |
289515 |
Postfledging survival of eastern bluebirds in an urbanized landscape Access Restrictions |
Jackson, Allyson K.; Froneberger, Joshua P.; Cristol, Daniel A. 2011. Journal of Wildlife Management. July. 75(5): p. 1082-1093. |
293373 |
Minnesota loses one of its great conservationists, the legendary "Swan Lady of Monticello" | Henderson, Carrol. 2011. Hole Notes. May. 43(4): p. 5. |
191855 |
Tracking survival of bluebirds on golf courses |
Jackson, Allyson K.; Cristol, Daniel A. 2011. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. March 15. 10(6): p. [1-7]. |
177045 |
Turf Grass Madness: Reasons to Reduce the Lawn in Your Landscape | Pineo, Rebecca; Barton, Susan. 2010. [Newark, Delaware]: Cooperative Extension, Botanic Gardens, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Delaware. [5] pp. |
249443 |
Benefits of Turfgrass: Environmental, Human Health, Economic, Community | The Lawn Institute. 201X. [Lombard, Illinois]: The Lawn Institute. [8] panels. |
299851 |
Predicting suitable habitats for creeping bentgrass and other bentgrass species near a golf course in Connecticut | Ahrens, C.; Chung, J.; Meyer, T.; Auer, C. 2010. 2009 Annual Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 84-86. |
248238 |
Survivorship and population densities of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in recently modified suburban landscapes Access Restrictions |
Eskew, Evan A.; Price, Steven J.; Dorcas, Michael E. 2010. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. December. 9(2): p. 244-249. |
199414 |
Eastern bluebirds, Wisconsin golf course superintendents | Gaard, Gary. 2010. The Grass Roots. November/December. 39(6): p. 36-37. |
175956 |
A vole in one! |
Briggs, Robyn. 2010. Pitchcare. October/November. 33: p. 46-48. |
172011 |
Golf courses as bird habitats: Study examines home ranges and movements of eastern bluebird fledglings |
Jackson, Allyson K.; Cristol, Daniel A. 2010. TurfGrass TRENDS. September. p. 39-42. |
180984 |
Environmental stewardship Access Restrictions |
Wu, Leslie. 2010. GreenMaster. July/August. 45(4): p. 7. |
167103 |
Golf superintendents' mantra (Le mantra des surintendants de golf) Access Restrictions |
Cousineau, Ken. 2010. GreenMaster. July/August. 45(4): p. 10-11. |
167109 |
Wildlife management: An integrated approach for today's turf managers Access Restrictions |
Von Kaitz, Michael. 2010. GreenMaster. July/August. 45(4): p. 24-25, 27. |
167116 |
International golf course wildlife research: Focus on the future | Jackson, Allyson K.; Cristol, Daniel A. 2010. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. June 15. 9(12): p. [1-8]. |
163269 |
Forest bird communities across a gradient of urban development |
Minor, Emily; Urban, Dean. 2010. Urban Ecosystems. March. 13(1): p. 51-71. |
168584 |
New chapter in Sharp Park saga Access Restrictions |
Hollister, Scott. 2010. Golf Course Management. February. 78(2): p. 34. |
159867 |
Design Guidelines for Integrating Amphibian Habitat into Golf Course Landscapes Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Jackson, Daniel Brian. 2009. M.S. Thesis: University of Guelph. 170 pp. |
149623 |
Birds and Golf Courses: A Guide to Habitat Management |
Duff, Keith; Symes, Nigel. 2009. Bedfordshire, England: The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. 80 pp. |
158103 |
Golf Course Environmental Profile: Water Use and Conservation Practices on U.S. Golf Courses: Volume II - [Summary] |
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. 2009. Lawrence, Kansas: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. [3] pp. |
158573 |
Reproductive success and habitat use of Painted Buntings on golf courses in coastal South Carolina | Jodice, Patrick G. R.; Freeman, Mark; Gorzo, Jessica; Marsh, Chris. 2009. 2009 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 64. |
159908 |
Abundance and diversity of stream salamanders on golf courses | Semlitsch, Raymond D. 2009. 2009 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 65. |
159909 |
Golf course wetlands as refuges for turtles | Winchell, Kristin M.; Gibbs, James P. 2009. 2009 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 69. |
159913 |
Balancing pest management and biodiversity conservation on golf courses | Holland, Jeffrey D.; Richmond, Douglas S. 2009. 2009 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 70. |
159914 |
Evaluating the role of habitat quality on establishment of GM Agrostis stolonifera plants in non-agronomic settings |
Watrud, Lidia S.; Bollman, Mike; Storm, Marjorie; King, George; Reichman, Jay R.; Burdick, Connie; Lee, E. Henry. 2009. Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf: The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf. p. 341-349. |
155408 |
Frugivory and habitat use by thrushes (Turdus spp.) in a suburban area in south Brazil |
Gasperin, Gabriel; Pizo, Marco Aurélio. 2009. Urban Ecosystems. December. 12(4): p. 425-436. |
168666 |
Avian use of suburban greenways as stopover habitat |
Kohut, Salina M.; Hess, George R.; Moorman, Christopher E. 2009. Urban Ecosystems. December. 12(4): p. 487-502. |
168669 |
What goes up must come down: Innovation benefitting water and wildlife at The Villages of Sumter | Richardson, Nancy. 2009. USGA Green Section Record. September/October. 47(5): p. 25-26. |
154310 |
Cicada killers: A nuisance or a danger? | Gibb, Tim. 2009. Purdue Turfgrass Program Website. August 7. p. [1]. |
160012 |
Going natural: Maintenance tips keep weeds at bay and balls in play Access Restrictions |
Miller, Kyle. 2009. Golf Course Management. May. 77(5): p. 98, 100, 102, 104. |
148017 |
Naturalized areas: Beauty and the beast: Developing naturalized areas brings many benefits to the golf course, but beware, maintenance-free they are not! |
Skorulski, Jim; Foy, John. 2009. USGA Green Section Record. May/June. 47(3): p. 28-30. |
148214 |
Enhancing pollinator biodiversity in intensive grasslands |
Potts, S. G.; Woodcock, B. A.; Roberts, S. P. M.; Tscheulin, T.; Pilgrim, E. S.; Brown, V. K.; Tallowin, J. R. 2009. Journal of Applied Ecology. April. 46(2): p. 369-379. |
180760 |
Building a better Bargara | Marshall, Wayne. 2009. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. January/February. 11(1): p. 52-53. |
143953 |
Tim Hiers, CGCS: Schoolteacher Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Davis, Darren; Hiers, Tim. [200x]. 9:15. |
137789 |
Native bees Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Anonymous. [200x]. 5:41. |
137808 |
Martial arts master: Anthony Williams Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Williams, Anthony. [200x]. 4:37. |
137833 |
Royal Oaks: Keeping an eye on... Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Neilsen, Alan. [200x]. 6:19. |
137848 |
Evaluation of Habitat Patch Characteristics in Western North Carolina Golf Courses Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Extine, Jennifer Lee. 2008. M.S. Thesis: Western Carolina University. viii, 145 pp. |
158109 |
Reproductive success and habitat use of painted buntings on golf courses in coastal South Carolina | Jodice, Patrick G. R.; Freeman, Mark; Gorzo, Jessica; Marsh, Chris. 2008. 2008 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 73. |
144302 |
Population and community responses of reptiles to golf courses | Goode, Matt. 2008. 2008 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 79. |
144306 |
Habitat and management affect genetic structure of Festuca pratensis but not Lolium multiflorum ecotype populations Access Restrictions |
Peter-Schmid, M. K. I.; Boller, B.; Kölliker, R. 2008. Plant Breeding. October. 127(5): p. 510-517. |
159901 |
Green techniques on the green: Tierra Verde honored as environmentally friendly golf course |
Drawdy, Kelly. 2008. Parks & Rec Business. September. p. 12-13. |
140655 |
Nesting ecology of mourning doves in an urban landscape |
Muñoz, Anna M.; McCleery, Robert A.; Lopez, Roel R.; Silvy, Nova J. 2008. Urban Ecosystems. September. 11(3): p. 257-267. |
168664 |
The Wilmslow boy... |
Gale, Laurence. 2008. Pitchcare. August/September. 20: p. 56-59. |
140562 |
Question & answer: Owls Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2008. International Turfgrass Bulletin. April. 240: p. 20. |
136143 |
Where the wild things are: Golf course ponds and the animals they attract |
Morris, Anne. 2008. Superintendent: The Magazine for Golf Course Superintendents. April. 7(4): p. 10-11, 13-14. |
143262 |
The Green Agenda: With golf courses under pressure from environmentalists and legislators, European golf is getting its green credentials in order |
Wilson, Mike. 2008. Golfdom Europe. March. 1(2): p. 8-10, 15-16, 18. |
138168 |
Best Management Practices for the Enhancement of Environmental Quality on Florida Golf Courses |
Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2007. Tallahassee, Florida: Florida Department of Environmental Protection. xii, 126 pp. |
123036 |
Bats and golf courses | Fenn, Peter. [2007]. GT Network - Golf Ecology. p. [1-2]. |
125345 | |
A walk in the park | Anonymous. [2007]. GT Network - Golf Ecology. p. [1-3]. |
125506 | |
Golf Course Environmental Profile: Property Profile and Environmental Stewardship of Golf Courses: Volume I - Summary | Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. 2007. Lawrence, Kansas: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. [3] pp. |
132714 |
The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses | Dodson, Ron. 2007. 2007 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary. p. 56. |
132599 |
The protection of our water resources: A conservation authority perspective | Edmondson, Bob. 2007. Sports Turf Manager [STA]. Summer. 20(2): p. 15, 17-19. |
135772 |
Overwintering of annual bluegrass weevils, Listronotus maculicollis, in the golf course landscape Access Restrictions |
Diaz, Maria Derval C.; Peck, Daniel C. 2007. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. December. 125(3): p. 259-268. |
136862 | |
Foraging preferences of captive Canada geese related to turfgrass mixtures | Washburn, Brian E. 2007. Human-Wildlife Conflicts. Fall. 1(2): p. 214-223. |
135628 |
Protecting golf course habitats Access Restrictions |
Zeh, Joellen. 2007. GreenMaster. August. 42(4): p. 10-12. |
128625 |
Indicative value of soil nematode food web indices and trophic group abundance in differentiating habitats with a gradient of anthropogenic impact Access Restrictions |
Briar, Shabeg S.; Jagdale, Ganpati B.; Cheng, Zhiqiang; Hoy, Casey W.; Miller, Sally A.; Grewel, Parwinder S. 2007. Environmental Bioindicators. July. 2(3): p. 1-17. |
162454 |
Environmental gobbledegook explored! |
Purcell, Mary. 2007. Pitchcare. June/July. 13: p. 64-65. |
140333 |
Landscape Scale Correlates of Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) Presence on Golf Courses in Coastal South Carolina |
Meehan, Kristin. 2007. M.S. Thesis: Clemson University. x, 53 pp. |
128680 |
Relationship between the Al resistance of grasses and their adaptation to an infertile habitat |
Poozesh, Vahid; Cruz, Pablo; Choler, Philippe; Bertoni, Georges. 2007. Annals of Botany. May. 99(5): p. 947-954. |
125162 |