Keyword: Identification keys
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Plant diagnostics: A good picture is worth 1,000 words |
Hill, Erin. 2024. Turfgrass Field Day. August 14. p. 8. |
340346 |
Variable-rate versus conventional nitrogen application methods to golf course fairways | Straw, Chase; Sapkota, Madan; Wyatt, Briana; Howe, Julie. 2023. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2023 Progress Reports. p. 196-202. |
336617 |
Fusarium patch, Microdochium patch, and pink snow mold Access Restrictions |
Hsiang, Tom. 2022. GreenMaster. Spring. 58(1): p. 14-16, 17, 18. |
317194 |
Exclusivo: Una mirada detallada a Gray Leaf Spot: Una enfermedad potencialmente devastadora (Exclusive: A detailed look at Gray Leaf Spot: A potentially devastating turfgrass disease) | Braitmaier, Sabine; Cox, Deborah; Entwistle, Kate. 2021. Greenkeepers. December. 75: p. 50, 52-60. |
323763 |
Grass secondary cell walls, Brachypodium distachyon as a model for discovery |
Coomey, Joshua H.; Sibout, Richard; Hazen, Samuel P. 2020. New Phytologist. September. 227(6): p. 1649-1667. |
313044 |
Lolium perenne apoplast metabolomics for identification of novel metabolites produced by the symbiotic fungus Epichloë festucae |
Green, Kimberly A.; Berry, Daniel; Feussner, Kirstin; Eaton, Carla J.; Ram, Arvina; Mesarich, Carl H.; Solomon, Peter; Feussner, Ivo; Scott, Barry. 2020. New Phytologist. July. 227(2): p. 559-571. |
315300 |
First report of the southern root-knot nematode Meloidgyne incognita on goosegrass (Eleusine indica) in China |
Song, W. W.; Qi, N. W.; Liang, C.; Duan, F. M.; Zhao, H. H. 2019. Plant Disease. May. 103(5): p. 1045. |
306717 |
Common Digging Pests in Yards | Miller, Justin. 2018. Auburn, Alabama: Cooperative Extension System, Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities. [2] pp. |
303483 |
Magnaporthiopsis meyeri-festucae, sp. nov., associated with a summer patch-like disease of fine fescue turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Luo, Jing; Vines, Phillip L.; Grimshaw, Austin; Hoffman, Lindsey; Walsh, Emily; Bonos, Stacy A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Murphy, James A.; Meyer, William A.; Zhang, Ning. 2018. Mycologia. 109(5): p. 780-789. |
296645 |
Turfgrass Identification | Hoyle, Jared. 2017. [Manhattan, Kansas]: Cooperative Extension Service, Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University. [4] pp. |
291011 |
A new antibody for grass endophyte evaluation and the identification of Acremonium strictum in tall fescue | Gianfagna, Thomas; Peters, Jeanne; Bregen, Marshall; White, James; Meyer, William. 2017. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 26: p. 13. |
281767 |
Turfgrass Science & Management |
Emmons, Robert D.; Rossi, Frank and Gifford, Christina; Royael, Scott; Starr, Jennifer, eds. 2016. Stamford, Connecticut: Cengage Learning. xv, 624 pp. Fifth Edition. |
254253 |
Nocturnal habits: Under the cover of darkness... |
Thompson, Steve. 2016. Pitchcare. October/November. 69: p. 108-109. |
278687 |
A new species of Steneotarsonemus (Acari: Tarsonemidae) from kikuyu grass, Pennisetum clandestinum (Poaceae), in Australia Access Restrictions |
Seeman, Owen D.; Loch, Donald S.; Knihinicki, Danuta K.; McMaugh, Peter E. 2016. Systematic and Applied Acarology. July. 21(7): p. 889-906. |
282394 |
Is it crabgrass or something else? |
Wiesbrook, Michelle. 2016. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. May 9. [20](3): p. [5-6]. |
272906 |
Detection and identification of seed-borne fungi isolated from imported grass seeds |
Lei, Ya-hong; Kuang, Wei-gang; Zheng, Chun-sheng; Wang, Wan-chun; Li, Chun-jie; Gao, Wen-na. 2016. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. January 15. 33(1): p. 46-53. |
271880 |
Giant Hogweed: Or, as it is correctly known... Heracelum mantegazzianum |
Clough, Mike. 2015. Pitchcare. August/September. 62: p. 132-133. |
265751 |
AFLP fingerprinting for identification of infra-species groups of Rhizoctonia solani and Waitea circinata |
Amaradasa, Bimal S.; Lakshman, Dilip; Amundsen, Keenan. 2015. Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology. March. 6(3): p. 1-10. |
269353 |
Turfgrass Nematodes: Various | Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic, Cornell University. 2014. Ithaca, New York: Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic, Department of Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology, Cornell University. [2] pp. |
264783 |
Know your turfgrass: Being able to distinguish between ryegrass and bluegrass and other varieties can be critical to your success |
Gardner, Dave. 2014. SportsField Management. October. 9(10): p. 16-19. |
254385 |
Goldenrod, Solidago spp. Access Restrictions |
Dow AgroSciences. 2014. Landscape Management. September. 53(9): p. 12. |
248544 |
Black mustard, Brassica nigra Access Restrictions |
Dow AgroSciences. 2014. Landscape Management. September. 53(9): p. 12. |
248546 |
Common Ragwort: Stinking nanny!: As summer arrives, the workload for groundsmen increases, and Ragwort control is one tedious, but necessary task for many |
Sansom, Manda. 2014. Pitchcare. June/July. 55: p. 134-136. |
248498 |
A new record billbug, Sphenophorus abbreviatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Dryopthoridae) from Turkey | Gültekin, Levent. 2013. Journal of the Entomological Research Society. 15(3): p. 37-40. |
269772 |
Corn speedwell, Veronica arvensis |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. August. 52(8): p. 14. |
227084 |
Wild violet, Viola spp. |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. August. 52(8): p. 14. |
227085 |
Abhorrent aphids: The best approach for managing these plant-sucking insects is through implementation of sound IPM principles, including scouting, monitoring, close inspection and appropriate timing of control measures |
Fech, John C.; Baxendale, Frederick P. 2013. Superintendent: Science, Technology and New Products forGolf Course Superintendents. August. 12(8): p. 54-56. |
231819 |
False dandelion, Hypochoeris radicata |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. July. 52(7): p. 12. |
224109 |
California burclover, Medicago polymorpha |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. July. 52(7): p. 12. |
224119 |
A witch's brew of troubles with the bermudagrass mite: Bermudagrass stunt mites are an increasing turfgrass problem at golf facilities with bermudagrass fairways and roughs | Chong, Juang-Horng "JC". 2013. USGA Green Section Record. July 12. 51(13): p. 1-4. |
223631 |
Horseweed, Conyza canadensis |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. June. 52(6): p. 48. |
222261 |
Dogfennel, Eupatorium capillifolium |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. June. 52(6): p. 48. |
222262 |
Nematodes under the microscope in WA |
Forrest, John. 2013. TurfCraft International. May/June. 150: p. 27-28. |
291633 |
Southern crabgrass, Digitaria ciliaris |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. May. 52(5): p. 22. |
224111 |
Downy brome, Bromuis tectorum |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. May. 52(5): p. 22. |
224113 |
Slender aster, Eurybia compacta |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. April. 52(4): p. 20. |
222248 |
English lawn daisy, Bellis perennis |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. April. 52(4): p. 20. |
222249 |
Integrated pest management: Proactive pest management in sports turf |
Hunt, Ray. 2013. Pitchcare. April/May. 48: p. 132-135. |
223041 |
Eclipta, Eclipta prostrata |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. February. 52(2): p. 20. |
222245 |
Hairy galinsoga, Galinsoga ciliata |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. February. 52(2): p. 20. |
222246 |
Common dandelion, Taraxacum officinale |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. January. 52(1): p. 18. |
222242 |
Red clover, Trifolium pratense |
Dow AgroSciences. 2013. Landscape Management. January. 52(1): p. 18. |
222243 |
Guide to Grasses of Southern Africa |
van Oudtshoorn, F. P. 2012. Pretoria, South Africa: Briza Publications. 287 pp. 3rd Rev. Edition. |
310896 |
A knife in the dark: Meloidogyne spp. of Florida's golf courses |
Sekora, Nicholas S.; Crow, W. T.; Mekete, T. 2012. Journal of Nematology. December. 44(4): p. 489. |
230957 |
A clarification of seashore paspalum vernation description |
Green, Thomas O.; Dunne, Jeffery C.; Rogers, John N. III. 2012. Applied Turfgrass Science. December. 9(1): p. [1-3]. |
203738 |
Description of Hemicaloosia graminis n. sp. (Nematoda: Caloosiidae) associated with turfgrasses in North and South Carolina, USA Access Restrictions |
Zeng, Yongsan; Ye, Weimin; Tredway, Lane; Martin, Samuel; Martin, Matt. 2012. Journal of Nematology. June. 44(2): p. 134-141. |
230903 |
DNA-based tool for detecting annual ryegrass contamination Access Restrictions |
Nelson, Craig. 2011. TurfNews [TPI]. MAY/JUNE. 35(3): p. 25. |
180999 |
A taxonomic key for selected turf-type bermudagrasses | Pannkuk, Tim R. 2011. Texas Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 24: p. 84-88. |
270083 |
Developing a DNA-based larval identification tool for billbugs | Richmond, Douglas S.; Schemerhorn, Brandi J.; Abdelwahab, Mohamed G. 2011. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. November 15. 10(22): p. [1-7]. |
194009 |
Nematodes: Healthy turf can deter these microscopic worms from eating grass roots |
LaWell, Carolyn. 2011. Lawn & Landscape. October. 32(10): p. 126. |
202709 |
ISSR-based genetic diversity analysis of Poa L. | Zhao, Gui-qin; Liu, Huan; Liu, Mei. 2011. [Cao Di Sue Bao] [Acta Agrestia Sinica]. September. 19(5): p. 781-786. |
270347 |
Carolina geranium, Geranium carolinianum |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. August. 50(8): p. 26. |
222239 |
Buckhorn plantain, Plantago lanceolata |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. August. 50(8): p. 26. |
222240 |
Common purslane, Portulaca oleracea |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. July. 50(7): p. 22. |
220823 |
Prostrate knotweed, Polygonum aviculare |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. July. 50(7): p. 22. |
220824 |
Turfgrass diagnostics and new, advanced technologies |
Beirn, L. A.; Njambere, E. N.; Zhang, N.; Clarke, B. B.; Crouch, J. 2011. Phytopathology. June. 101(6s): p. S211. |
272513 |
[i-Tree software suite] Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2011. Golf Course Management. June. 79(6): p. 36. |
183489 |
Goosegrass, Eleusine indica |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. June. 50(6): p. 24. |
220586 |
Spurge, Euphorbia spp. |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. June. 50(6): p. 24. |
220587 |
Kikuyugrass, Pennisetum clandestinum |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. May. 50(5): p. 36. |
220659 |
Common lespedeza, Lespedeza striata |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. May. 50(5): p. 36. |
220660 |
Large hop clover; Trifolium campestre |
Anonymous. 2011. Landscape Management. April. 50(4): p. 46. |
220653 |
Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. April. 50(4): p. 46. |
220654 |
Corn speedwell, Veronica arvensis |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. February. 50(2): p. 38. |
220610 |
Large crabgrass, Digitaria sanguinalis |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. February. 50(2): p. 38. |
220611 |
Parsley piert, Alchemilla microcarpa |
Dow AgroSciences. 2011. Landscape Management. January. 50(1): p. 36. |
220605 |
A new combination in Lolium perenne (Poaceae: Poeae) L. perenne Subsp. Stoloniferum |
Wipff, Joseph K. III. 2010. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas. 4(2): p. 683-684. |
185077 |
Mouse-ear chickweed, Cerastium vulgatum |
Dow AgroSciences. 2010. Landscape Management. December. 49(12): p. 36. |
220702 |
Annual bluegrass, Poa annua |
Dow AgroSciences. 2010. Landscape Management. December. 49(12): p. 36. |
220703 |
Curly dock, Rumex crispus |
Dow AgroSciences. 2010. Landscape Management. October. 49(10): p. 58. |
220693 |
Shepherd's purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris |
Dow AgroSciences. 2010. Landscape Management. October. 49(10): p. 58. |
220695 |
Identification of vegetatively propagated turf bermudagrass cultivars using simple sequence repeat markers Access Restrictions |
Wang, Zan; Wu, Yanqi; Martin, Dennis L.; Gao, Hongwen; Samuels, Tim; Tan, Chengcheng. 2010. Crop Science. September/October. 50(5): p. 2103-2111. |
168823 |
Ground ivy, Glechoma microcarpa |
Dow AgroSciences. 2010. Landscape Management. September. 49(9): p. 40. |
220688 |
Goosegrass, Eleusine indica |
Dow AgroSciences. 2010. Landscape Management. September. 49(9): p. 40. |
220689 |
Hairy bittercress, Cardamine hirsuta |
Dow AgroSciences. 2010. Landscape Management. August. 49(8): p. 30. |
220682 |
Yellow woodsorrel, Oxalis strica |
Dow AgroSciences. 2010. Landscape Management. August. 49(8): p. 30. |
220684 |
The challenge of a Siberian bluegrass (Poa) phylogeny |
Olonova, Marina V. 2010. Aliso: A Journal of Taxonomic and Evolutionary Botany. May. p. 51-55. |
174541 |
Wild violet, Viola papilionacea |
Dow AgroSciences. 2010. Landscape Management. April. 49(4): p. 38. |
220592 |
Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale |
Dow AgroSciences. 2010. Landscape Management. April. 49(4): p. 38. |
220593 |
Making environomics work for you! |
Williams, Anthony. 2010. USGA Green Section Portal. April 14.29:19. |
163606 |
Turfgrass Diseases in Georgia: Identification and Control |
Martinez, Alfredo; Pearce, Mila; Burpee, Lee. 2009. Griffin, Georgia: University of Georgia Department of Plant Pathology. 12 pp. |
147208 |
Identification of Strobilurin and Benzimidazole Resistance in Colletotrichum Cereale Isolates Causing Anthracnose on Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens in Mississippi and Alabama | Young, Joseph Ronald. 2009. M.S. Thesis: Mississippi State University. ix, 77 pp. |
217252 |
White Grub Pests of Turfgrass |
Hudson, Will. 2009. [Athens, Georgia]: Cooperative Extension, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences & College of Family and Consumer Sciences, The University of Georgia. 4 pp. |
301432 |
Turfgrass Science and Management |
Emmons, Robert D. and Rosenbaum, David; Serenka, Robert L. Jr., eds. 2008. Clifton Park, New York: Thomson Delmar Learning, Thomson Corporation. xvii, 567 pp. Fourth Edition. |
125961 |
Color Atlas of Turfgrass Weeds: A Guide to Weed Identification and Control Strategies |
McCarty, L. B.; Everest, John W.; Hall, David W.; Murphy, Tim R.; Yelverton, Fred. 2008. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 424 pp. 2nd Edition. |
134603 |
Sortguide) Summary | Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation, STERF. [2008]. [Stockholm, Sweden]: Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation, STERF. [2] pp. |
288826 |
Dated historical biogeography of the temperate Loliinae (Poaceae, Pooideae) grasses in the northern and southern hemispheres Access Restrictions |
Inda, Luis A.; Segarra-Moragues, José Gabriel; Müller, Jochen; Peterson, Paul M.; Catalán, Pilar. 2008. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 46: p. 932-957. |
169119 |
Cao Ping Bing Chong Hai Zhen Duan Yu Fang Zhi Yuan Se Tu Pu ([Primary Color Atlas of Turf Pest Identification and Pest Management]) |
Yu, Deyi, ed. 2007. Beijing: Jin Dun chu ban she [Beijing: Jin Dun Publishing House]. [3], 4, 158 pp. 1st Edition. |
130444 |
An electronic world grass flora |
Renvoize, Steve; Clayton, Derek; Cope, Tom; Williamson, Helen. 2007. Aliso: A Journal of Taxonomic and Evolutionary Botany. December. p. 267-270. |
174525 |
Variability of bluegrass (Poa) in Siberia |
Olonova, Marina V. 2007. Aliso: A Journal of Taxonomic and Evolutionary Botany. December. p. 435-449. |
174534 |
Crane flies are here to stay Access Restrictions |
Simard, Louis; Charbonneau, Pam. 2007. GreenMaster. December. 42(6): p. 8-13. |
131804 |
Voles |
Nixon, Phil. 2007. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. November 21. [11](20): p. 2-3. |
292430 |
Gorse: Gorse is a common sight on many UK golf courses. It can provide a strong structural and strategic framework, particularly in the links landscape where trees would detract from the open links expanse. Taller gorse also affords shelter from wildlife, especially birds such as the stonechat, Dartford warbler, whinchat, linnet and yellowhammer. At Carnoustie, for example, the abundant gorse is used to separate fairways, to shelter greens from tees and to provide stunning colour Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2007. International Turfgrass Bulletin. July. 237: p. 19-20. |
127779 |
How to diagnose a disease problem Access Restrictions |
Mann, Ruth. 2007. International Turfgrass Bulletin. July. 237: p. 28-31. |
127785 |
Choosing a Grass for Arkansas Lawns | Patton, Aaron; Boyd, John. 2007. Fayetteville, Arkansas: University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension. 8 pp. Revised Edition. |
129773 |
Shed light on rapid blight: Cooperative effort leads to a better understanding of impact and strategies | Stowell, Larry. 2007. Golf Course Industry. March. 19(3): p. 86-91. |
137924 |
CRC World Dictionary of Grasses: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology |
Quattrocchi, Umberto. 2006. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. 3 vols. (716 pp.); (724 pp.); (943 pp.). |
128520 |
Cao Ping Bing Chong Hai Shi Bie Yu Fang Zhi ([Identification and Management of Turf Pests]) |
Shang, Hongsheng; Wang, Fengkui. 2006. Beijing: Jin dun chu ban she [Beijing: Jin Dun Publishing House]. [2], 16, [4], 164, [4] pp. 1st Edition. |
130413 |
Turfgrass Pest Management Manual: A Guide to Major Turfgrass Pests & Turfgrasses |
Bruneau, Arthur H.; Wilkerson, Gail G.; Robinson, Bridget L.; Erickson, Emily J., eds. 2006. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, North Carolina State University. 102 pp. Revised Edition. |
130529 |
2006 University of Rhode Island New England Turfgrass Fungicide Guide | Mitkowski, Nathaniel. 2006. Rhode Island Annual Turfgrass Field Days. p. [87]-[90]. |
161035 |