Keyword: Insect control
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Alternate insect controls: what works and what doesn't? | Shetlar, David. 2015. Landscape & Irrigation. May/June. 39(4): p. 30-33. |
273402 |
May in the Southeast region | Foy, John; Lowe, Todd; O'Brien, Patrick; Hartwiger, Chris. 2015. United States Golf Association. May 7. p. [1-4]. |
260030 |
The war on bugs: Do superintendents go too far to protect your course? | Whitten, Ron. 2015. Golf Digest. April. 66(4): p. 68. |
257200 |
Defending your turf | Anonymous. 2015. Landscape & Irrigation. April. 39(3): p. 34. |
273347 |
Put pests in their place: Identify and eliminate pesky turf and ornamental invaders |
Spirgen, Kate. 2015. Lawn & Landscape. April. 36(4): p. 53-56, 58. |
262242 |
Weather's crucial role in turf pest outbreaks: Preparing for specific insect infestations each season remains largely a guessing game |
Shetlar, David. 2015. Turf [North Edition]. April. 28(4): p. 53-56, 58. |
258927 |
Monitor carefully to control West's pests: Don't mistake billbug and chinch bug damage as drought stress |
Ramirez, Ricardo A. 2015. Turf [West Edition]. April. 28(4): p. 53-54, 56. |
258943 |
Insect pests shrug off winter's worst: Keep your guard up because the pests will be back. Count on it! |
Brandenburg, Rick L. 2015. Turf [South Edition]. April. 28(4): p. 53-56. |
258944 |
They'll bug you, all right: Summers mean insects, which can tear up your turf. Here are ways to identify and control everything from billbugs to white grubs |
Fech, John C.; Larson, Jonathan L. 2015. Superintendent. April. 14(4): p. 38-43. |
258787 |
Is that you, Spring? | Dowling, Elliott L. 2015. United States Golf Association. April 17. p. [1-2]. |
260020 |
Concentration-response and residual activity of insecticides to control Herpetogramma phaeopteralis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in St. Augustinegrass Access Restrictions |
Tofangsazi, Nastaran; Cherry, Ron H.; Beeson, Richard C. Jr.; Arthurs, Steven P. 2015. Journal of Economic Entomology. April 1. 108(2): p. 730-735. |
269264 |
Carpenter bee advice for turfgrass managers |
Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2015. North Carolina Turfgrass. March/April. p. 18-20, 22-23. |
268295 |
Potential emerging turf pests in Minnesota: Leatherjackets and mole crickets |
Krischik, Vera. 2015. Hole Notes. March. 49(2): p. 30-35. |
257303 |
Timing is everything: Annual bluegrass weevils are on the march. Here's what superintendents need to know to stop them in their path |
Thomas, Rob. 2015. Golf Course Industry. March. 27(3): p. 30-32, 34. |
257123 |
European crane fly and annual bluegrass weevil |
Smitley, Dave. 2015. Course Conditions. Spring. p. 28-29. |
261052 |
Black beetle extends its range: This African native is appearing in more locations and is likely to be prevalent this spring, given last summer's hot dry conditions |
Mitchell, Andrew. 2015. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Spring. 32(3): p. 29-30. |
265515 |
Turfgrass entomology research report for MTF: [I]: Japanese beetle and European chafer management on Michigan golf courses |
Smitley, David. 2015. News Notes [Michigan Turfgrass Foundation]. Spring/Summer. 7(1): p. 40. |
262387 |
Turfgrass entomology research report for MTF: [II]: European crane fly |
Smitley, David. 2015. News Notes [Michigan Turfgrass Foundation]. Spring/Summer. 7(1): p. 40. |
262389 |
Turfgrass entomology research report for MTF: [V]: New research proposed for 2015: Continue Japanese beetle biological control work and add new annual bluegrass weevil project |
Smitley, David. 2015. News Notes [Michigan Turfgrass Foundation]. Spring/Summer. 7(1): p. 41. |
262392 |
Keep looking for annual bluegrass weevil |
Smitley, Dave. 2015. News Notes [Michigan Turfgrass Foundation]. Spring/Summer. 7(1): p. 43. |
262395 |
Late 'birds' fail to catch the early OPM 'worms' |
Mabbett, Terry. 2015. Greenkeeper International. February. p. 15. |
260971 |
Don't fall behind in annual bluegrass weevil management: Why first-generation control is critical in winning the weevil battle |
McGraw, Ben. 2015. Golfdom. February. 71(2): p. 46-49. |
262170 |
Southern chinch bugs (Hemiptera: Blissidae) increase severity of plant disease in St. Augustinegrass Access Restrictions |
Cherry, Ron; Lu, Huangjun; Roberts, Pamela. 2015. Journal of Entomological Science. January. 50(1): p. 28-34. |
257053 |
Mowing mitigates bioactivity of neonicotinoid insecticides in nectar of flowering lawn weeds and turfgrass guttation Access Restrictions |
Larson, Jonathan L.; Redmond, Carl T.; Potter, Daniel A. 2015. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. January. 34(1): p. 127-132. |
253601 |
Species richness and seasonal abundance of billbugs, Sphenophorus spp., from South Carolina golf courses Access Restrictions |
Chong, Juang-Horng. 2015. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology. January. 31(1): p. 20-28. |
287309 |
Fire Ant Management Options for Golf Courses | Nester, Paul R.; Drees, Bastiaan M. 2014. [College Station, Texas]: Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service, The Texas A&M System. 5 pp. |
261764 |
Commercial Turf and Lawns: Disease and Nematode Control Recommendations for 2014 | Hagan, Austin. 2014. [Normal, Alabama]; [Auburn, Alabama]: Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities. 28 pp. |
262595 |
Commercial Turf and Lawns: Insect Control Recommendations for 2014 | Reed, Tim; Held, David. 2014. [Auburn, Alabama; Normal, Alabama]: Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities. 16 pp. |
262678 |
Lawn Insects |
Sutherland, A. M.; Harivandi, M. A.; Dreistadt, S. H. 2014. Davis, California: Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program, University of California. 8 pp. |
299660 |
European crane fly and annual bluegrass weevil identification and management | Smitley, David. 2014. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 12-13. |
247846 |
Advancing integrated management of annual bluegrass weevil | Kostromytska, Olga S.; Rodriguez-Saona, Cesar; Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M. 2014. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 13-14. |
247657 |
That evil weevil | Charbonneau, Pamela. 2014. Green is Beautiful. Summer. p. 22. |
248602 |
Evaluation of acelepryn for control of southern masked chafers, 2013 Access Restrictions |
Stamm, M. D.; Werle, L. S. Marchi; Koch, K. G.; Prochaska, T. J. 2014. Arthropod Management Tests 2014. 39: p. 1. |
265691 |
Efficacy of Grandevo and Venerate for control of bluegrass billbugs, 2013 Access Restrictions |
Stamm, M. D.; O'Brien, K. M.; Armitage, K. M.; Baxendale, F. P. 2014. Arthropod Management Tests 2014. 39: p. 1. |
265694 |
Anticipating & planning for Porina: To prevent damaging outbreaks, it pays to be aware of these pests, their development cycles and factors influencing their numbers |
Ferguson, Colin. 2014. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Summer. 31(4): p. 20-22. |
252229 |
Methods for monitoring your golf course for insects |
Kline, Danny. 2014. Pennsylvania Turfgrass. Summer. 3(3): p. 13-15. |
255687 |
Clothianidin and imidacloprid residues in Poa annua (Poales: Poaceae) and their effects on Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Access Restrictions |
Clavet, Christopher; Requintina, Matthew; Hampton, Emily; Cowles, Richard S.; Byrne, Frank J.; Alm, Steven R. 2014. Journal of Economic Entomology. December. 107(6): p. 2095-2102. |
254190 |
Insects on the march: Weather conditions were just right for a few insects to trek heavy into southern turf this summer |
Wisniewski, Nicole. 2014. Turf [South Edition]. December. 27(12): p. B14. |
252861 |
Biology and management of the sugarcane beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Billeisen, Terri L.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2014. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. December 1. 5(4): p. B1-B5. |
260430 |
[Winter toll on turfgrass] |
Munshaw, Gregg. 2014. The State of Grass [Kentucky Turfgrass Council]. November/December. p. 12-13, 15-16. |
254580 |
Those other pests: While you are getting rid of pests in your customers' lawns, a logical upsell could be treating the area for fleas, ticks and other nuisance bugs |
Hammersmith, Holly. 2014. Lawn & Landscape. November. 35(11): p. 40, 42-44, 46. |
252774 |
Visiting NZ entomologist investigates ASW |
Anonymous. 2014. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. November/December. 16(6): p. 64. |
252013 |
Saving a giant: Biological predators of the hemlock woolly adelgid are saving hemlocks at Grandfather Golf & Country Club in Linville, N.C. Access Restrictions |
Cahow, Kate. 2014. Golf Course Management. October. 82(10): p. 64, 66, 68, 70, 72. |
249397 |
Neonicotinoid insecticides and pollinators: What's all the buzz about?: Pesticide applicators should take precautions to protect pollinators from potential danger Access Restrictions |
Richmond, Doug; Patton, Aaron. 2014. Golf Course Management. October. 82(10): p. 86-93. |
249401 |
[Tick control in lawns] Access Restrictions |
Mampe, Doug. 2014. Pest Management Professional. October. 82(10): p. 142. |
250617 |
[Dealing with cicada killer wasps] Access Restrictions |
Mampe, Doug. 2014. Pest Management Professional. October. 82(10): p. 142. |
250620 |
Little Rock, we have a problem!: Armyworms marching through Arkansas |
Anonymous. 2014. Turfgrass Producers International E-Newsletter. October. 7(8): p. 3. |
249042 |
Kill the bugs - not the grass |
Bevard, Darin S. 2014. United States Golf Association. October 1. p. 1-2. |
250850 |
New detection of invasive crane fly (Tipula oleracea) in Utah | Anonymous. 2014. Greens Examiner. Fall. p. 1, 12. |
297868 |
Cranefly update: 2011 survey of turf managers: A snapshot of the impact of the European cranefly on the turf grass industry in British Columbia | Henderson, Deborah. 2014. The Turf Line News. September/October. 238: p. 26, 29. |
251012 |
Fire alarm: Stubborn fire ants are now found from coast to coast. Prevent them from spreading like wildfire on your course |
Dunlap, Jim. 2014. Golf Course Industry. September. 26(9): p. 36-40. |
248954 |
A numbers game | Walker, Mark. 2014. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. September/October. 16(5): p. 50-51. |
249013 |
White grubs [September 23 2014] |
Nixon, Phil. 2014. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. September 23. [18](15): p. [3]. |
268747 |
Fall armyworm |
Nixon, Phil. 2014. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. September 8. [18](14): p. [1-2]. |
268746 |
The walking dread: With the Red Imported Fire Ant, danger lurks behind every massive mound Access Restrictions |
Gase, Molly. 2014. Golfdom. August. 70(8): p. 20-22, 24. |
247937 |
Two issues of vital concern | Hall, Ron. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. August. 27(8): p. A2. |
248368 |
What kind of insecticides do you think golf course superintendents will use 20 years from now? |
Anonymous. 2014. Superintendent. August. 13(8): p. 54-55. |
250968 |
A moderate summer can be very insightful | Moeller, Adam. 2014. United States Golf Association. August 20. p. [1-2]. |
250841 |
Sod webworm |
Nixon, Phil. 2014. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. August 25. [18](13): p. [3-4]. |
268743 |
Birds 'blitzed' by OPM spray | Mabbett, Terry. 2014. Greenkeeper International. July. p. 12. |
250381 |
[What's the one key thing golf course superintendents need to remember when making an insecticide application?] |
Anonymous. 2014. Superintendent. July. 13(7): p. 34-35. |
250914 |
Fifty days | Oatis, David A. 2014. United States Golf Association. July 7. p. [1-2]. |
247725 |
Japanese beetle |
Nixon, Phil. 2014. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. July 28. [18](11): p. [3]. |
268654 |
Chinch bug |
Nixon, Phil. 2014. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. July 28. [18](11): p. [3-4]. |
268656 |
Aerial blitz against OPM returns | Mabbett, Terry. 2014. Greenkeeper International. June. p. 9. |
250424 |
Mass trapping Popillia quadriguttata using Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) pheromone and floral lures in Northeastern China Access Restrictions |
Chen, Ri-Zhao; Klein, Michael G.; Li, Qi-Yun; Li, Yu. 2014. Environmental Entomology. June. 43(3): p. 774-781. |
269665 |
You're a mean one Mr. Chinch: 5 things you may not know about chinch bugs that can help you better manage them in your turf |
McNulty, Molly. 2014. Golf Course Industry. June. 26(6): p. 40, 42-44. |
246102 |
No matter what we do, these darn things are still here |
Bevard, Darin S. 2014. United States Golf Association. June 25. p. 1-2. |
247728 |
Annual bluegrass weevils do not like bentgrass |
Anonymous. 2014. United States Golf Association. May. p. 1-2. |
247718 |
Timing for ABW control |
Throssell, Clark. 2014. Golfdom. May. 70(5): p. 46. |
243489 |
Summer problems and solutions | Throssell, Clark. 2014. The Perfect Lie. May. 38(2): p. 18-19, 21. |
244673 |
Easy does it | Skorulski, Jim. 2014. United States Golf Association. May 28. p. [1]. |
245442 |
Turf insect pest control on a knife-edge | Mabbett, Terry. 2014. Greenkeeper International. April. p. 36-40. |
240009 |
Oak processionary moth: Help stop the procession |
Hoppit, Andrew. 2014. Pitchcare. April/May. 54: p. 90-93. |
244479 |
Facing off against turf pests |
Kukorowski, Ken. 2014. Landscape & Irrigation. April. 38(3): p. 29-30. |
273273 |
Affected by the elements: After drastic weather in 2013, LCOs need to keep a close eye on pests this spring |
Tuttle, Katie. 2014. Lawn & Landscape. April. 35(4): p. 58, 60, 62, 114. |
241039 |
There is still time for course preparation |
Dowling, Elliott L. 2014. United States Golf Association. April 30. p. 1-3. |
245444 |
When do annual bluegrass weevils emerge in the spring? |
Anonymous. 2014. United States Golf Association. March. p. 1-2. |
238920 |
Argentinian Scarab - A common pest |
Kaapro, Jyri. 2014. TurfCraft International. March/April. 155: p. 42-43. |
291741 |
Conservation biological control and pest performance in lawn turf: Does mowing height matter? Access Restrictions |
Dobbs, Emily K.; Potter, Daniel A. 2014. Environmental Management. March. 53(3): p. 648-659. |
241540 |
Newly sprouted turf insect pests: Staying one step ahead of dynamic pest populations | Peck, Daniel C. 2014. Turf [North Edition]. March. 27(3): p. A18, A20. |
239710 |
In the know with your new turfgrass foe: Natural history and diagnosis of invasive European crane flies |
Peck, Daniel C. 2014. The Landsculptor. February. p. 45-47. |
238145 |
Long-term evaluation of field-wide oriental beetle (Col., Scarabaeidae) mating disruption in blueberries using female-mimic pheromone lures Access Restrictions |
Rodriguez-Saona, C. R.; Polk, D.; Holdcraft, R.; Koppenhöfer, A. M. 2014. Journal of Applied Entomology. February. 138(1-2): p. 120-132. |
273149 |
Analysis of Tiphia parasitoids preovipositional behaviors and of their scarab host defensive responses Access Restrictions |
Obeysekara, Piyumi T.; Legrand, Ana. 2014. Biological Control. February. 69: p. 97-106. |
266557 |
Dubbing them grubs: To determine which destructive pests are damaging your turf, you need to dig for them first - and then treat accordingly |
Fech, John C.; Baxendale, Fredrick P. 2014. Superintendent: Science, Technology and New Products for Golf Course Superintendents. February. 13(2): p. 44-47. |
239121 |
Taking charge of chinch bugs: Application strategies that these pests won't be able to resist |
Ratcliff, Cindy. 2014. Total Landscape Care. February. 8(2): p. 11-12, 15. |
237568 |
Saving a giant: Step by step at Grandfather | Cahow, Kate. 2014. Carolinas Green. January/February. p. 34-37. |
235287 |
Use of herbivore-induced plant volatiles as search cues by Tiphia vernalis and Tiphia popilliavora to locate their below-ground scarabaeid hosts Access Restrictions |
Obeysekara, Piyumi T.; Legrand, Ana; Lavigne, Gary. 2014. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. January. 150(1): p. 74-85. |
266552 |
Annual bluegrass weevil: Is there need for concern | Williamson, R. Chris. 2014. The Grass Roots. January/February. 43(1): p. 12. |
236979 |
Proper I.D.: Correct bug identification allows you to better manage their threats to your turf |
Thomas, Rob. 2014. Golf Course Industry. January. 26(1): p. 62, 64-65. |
236667 |
Beauveria bassiana and ELISA Determination of Neonicotinoids to Improve Management of Listronotus maculicollis Access Restrictions |
Clavet, Christopher D. 2013. M.S. Thesis: University of Rhode Island. xi, 55 pp. |
236122 |
Forest tent caterpillars | Hahn, Jeff. 2013. 2013 Virtual Field Day [University of Minnesota]. p. [1]. |
246852 |
Insect Control in Commercial Turf | Layton, Blake. 2013. [Mississippi State, Mississippi]: Extension Service, Mississippi State University. 15, [1] pp. |
249124 |
Homeowner Lawns: Insect Control Recommendations for 2013 | Reed, Tim. 2013. [Normal, Alabama]; [Auburn, Alabama]: Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities. 8 pp. |
262652 |
Silicon Effects on Resistance of St. Augustinegrass to Southern Chinch Bugs and Plant Disease |
Wright, Alan L.; Cherry, Ron; Lu, Huangjun; Roberts, Pamela. 2013. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS Extension, University of Florida. 5 pp. |
264002 |
Control Insect Pests in and Around the Home Lawn | Layton, Blake. 2013. [Mississippi State, Mississippi]: Extension Service, Mississippi State University. 20 pp. |
264027 |
Commercial Management of Turfgrass Insects and Mites | Rebek, Eric J. 2013. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Services, Oklahoma State University. 11 pp. Revised Edition. |
266404 |
Sod Webworms on Turfgrass | Hale, Frank A.; Yanes, Jaime Jr. 2013. [Knoxville, Tennessee]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture, The University of Tennessee. [2] pp. Revised Edition. |
279850 |
Insect Parasitic Nematodes | Cranshaw, W. S.; Zimmerman, R. 2013. [Fort Collins, Colorado]: Extension, Colorado State University. [3] pp. Revised Edition. |
282489 |
Armyworm Alert | Hertl, Peter T.; Brandenburg, Rick L. 2013. [Raleigh, North Carolina]: TurfFiles, North Carolina State University. [1] p. |
290474 |