Keyword: Insect pests
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Turf insects |
Monteith, John Jr. 1938. p. 178-183. In: Golfers Year-Book, 1938. New York, New York: Natioanl Golf Review, Inc. |
130534 |
A technical question |
Ginns, N. 1938. The Australian Greenkeeper. December. 3(3): p. 43. |
84293 | |
Progress marks past year for Southern California Greenkeepers Access Restrictions |
Langton, W. E. 1938. Greenkeepers' Reporter. November. 6(6): p. 17. |
118664 |
Insects of interest Access Restrictions |
Smith, Ralph H. 1938. Greenkeepers' Reporter. September. 6(5): p. 15-16, 32. |
118645 |
Turf pests Access Restrictions |
Houser, J. S. 1938. Greenkeepers' Reporter. March. 6(2): p. 14-17, 38, 40-41. |
118613 |
The season of 1937 - a challenge Access Restrictions |
Noer, O. J. 1938. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. January. 6(1): p. 7-8, 10. |
120402 |
Control of Japanese and Asiatic beetles Access Restrictions |
Hadley, C. H.; Fleming, W. E. 1937. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. April Supplement. 5(3): p. 4-6, 10-11. |
120871 |
Investigations on the control of leather jackets: Notes on craneflies and their larvae Access Restrictions |
Lovibond, Betty. 1937. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Spring. 5(16): p. 12-17. |
49639 |
Sod webworms and chinch bugs Access Restrictions |
Houser, J. S. 1936. The Greenkeepers' Reporter. April. 4(3): p. 6-8, 22, 24, 26-27. |
120765 |
The control of scale insects | Jacobs, H. L. 1936. The Turf Survey. March. 1(2): p. 13, 22, 26. |
129287 |
Facts on Lawn Management |
Dickinson, L. S. 1933. Amherst, Massachusetts: Extension Service, Massachusetts State College. 12 pp. Revised Edition. |
109278 |
Overcoming cricket moles | Moore, Hugh C. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. September. 7(9): p. 8. |
134423 |
The greenkeeper's importance in golf | Depew, Ganson. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. September. 7(9): p. 10-12. |
133723 |
Weeds and other lawn pests | Dickinson, Lawrence S. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. August. 7(8): p. 11-12. |
133698 |
Checks on insect life Access Restrictions |
Decker, Geo C. 1933. The Greenkeepers' Bulletin. July. 1(1): p. 4, 7-9. |
117708 |
Insects, their habits and control | Hayes, W. P. 1933. The National Greenkeeper. April. 7(4): p. 8-13. |
133600 |
Science wages webworm turf war | Vose, Richard H. 1932. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. August. 6(8): p. 26-28. |
180034 |
[Treating worms on greens and approaches] | Evans, J. H. 1932. The National Greenkeeper. April. 6(4): p. 27-28. |
133131 |
Sod webworms and their control | Noble, W. B. 1932. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. January. 12(1): p. 14-17. |
35598 |
The Putting Green: Its Planting and Care | O. M. Scott & Sons Company. 1931. Marysville, Ohio: O. M. Scott & Sons Company. 39 pp. |
26092 |
Co-operation | Depew, Ganson. 1931. The National Greenkeeper. June. 5(6): p. 7-8, 10. |
132868 |
The Lawn: How to Make and Maintain It |
Brett, Walter. 193X. London, England: C. Arthur Pearson Limited. vii, 9-30, [1], 31-32, [1], 33-64, [1], 65-90, [1], 91-96, [1], 97-128, [1], 129-144 pp. |
942 |
Lawns and Sports Greens |
Macself, Albert James. 1930. London: W.H. & L. Collingridge Ltd. 134 p. : illus. ; 19 cm. |
14389 |
The advantages of sterilising compost Access Restrictions |
Dawson, R. B. 1930. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. October. 1(3): p. 138-140. |
45007 |
The bluegrass webworm | Anonymous. 1930. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. June. 10(6): p. 115-116. |
36502 |
Japanese beetle spread | Anonymous. 1930. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. June. 10(6): p. 116. |
36503 |
The Bluegrass Webworm |
Ainslie, George G. 1930. Washington D. C.: United States Department of Agriculture. 25 pp. |
36641 |
Mosquito extermination | Anonymous. 1930. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 10(2): p. 18-21. |
35119 |
Beetles at Cedarbrook: Noted Philadelphia greenkeeper describes early experiences with the Jap bettle and methods used in combating its ravages. Arsenate of Lead only cure known. | Evans, Lewis M. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. August. 3(8): p. 14-15. |
130549 |
Brown patch caused by beetles | Laver, Arthur. 1929. The National Greenkeeper. August. 3(8): p. 16-17. |
130550 |
The Asiatic beetle in Connecticut |
Friend, Roger B. 1929. New Haven, Connecticut: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. |
36702 |
[Japanese beetle feeding habits, life history, and details that form the basis for successful control measures] | Leach, B. R. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. December. 1(11): p. 11-13. |
172267 |
[Grubworm damage] | Lott, Noah. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. December. 1(11): p. 21. |
172310 |
[History of the japanese beetle and its effect on golf courses] | Leach, B. R. 1927. Golfdom: The Business Journal of Golf. November. 1(10): p. 9-12. |
215316 |
[Tree insects] | Scherer, C. M. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. July. 1(7): p. 15-17, 32. |
84641 |
[Disease and pest control in trees] | Scherer, C. M. 1927. The National Greenkeeper. March. 1(3): p. 17-19. |
84509 |
Two Important Enemies of Bluegrass Pastures |
Garman, H. 1926. Lexington, Kentucky: Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky. |
108611 |
Insects injurious to shade trees and their control | Anonymous. 1925. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. December 16. 5(12): p. 276. |
49662 |
Grass: A New and Thoroughly Practical Book on Grass for Ornamental Lawns and All Purposes of Sports and Games | Macself, Albert James. 1924. London: Cecil Palmer. xi; 204 pp. |
14390 |
Insects injurious to white pine | Middleton, William. 1924. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. June 21. 4(6): p. 148-150. |
49269 |
Bee hills in turf | USGA Green Section. 1923. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October. 3(10): p. 274-275. |
122386 |
Ants | Sewall, D. I. 1923. The Golf Course [New York]. April. 5(4): p. 43-44. |
196563 |
Digger wasps | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. October 16. 2(10): p. 297. |
124222 |
Checking ravages of "seventeen-year locusts" on golf courses | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. July. 2(7): p. 220-221. |
124242 |
Bee hills on turf | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. June. 2(6): p. 198-199. |
136765 |
Caterpillar and turf | USGA Green Section. 1922. The Bulletin of the United States Golf Association Green Section. February. 2(2): p. 43. |
124267 |
Hickories and oaks on golf courses killed by insects | Hopkins, A. D. 1922. Bulletin of the Green Section of the U.S. Golf Association. February 16. 2(2): p. 32-33. |
47922 |