Keyword: Lawn turf
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
The path towards the Ontario ban |
Gathercole, William H.; G., Norah. 2008. Turf & Recreation. September/October. 21(6): p. 22, 24, 26, 28-30, 32. |
141466 |
Prepare for 'Gustav spots' in lawns | Anonymous. 2008. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. September 10. p. [1-2]. |
139777 |
Mowing it: [I. Liveability] | Jorrin, Michael. 2008. The New Yorker. September 1. p. 16. |
140089 |
Mowing it: [II. Lawn as comfort] | McNaughton, Samuel J. 2008. The New Yorker. September 1. p. 16. |
140093 |
Lawn renovation time? | Shetlar, David. 2008. Buckeye Turf. August 22. p. [1]. |
139322 |
LSU AgCenter agent gives lawn-care tips |
Anonymous. 2008. Plant Management Network. August 14. p. [1]. |
155535 |
Bentgrass/ perennial ryegrass lawn trial | Anonymous. 2008. Turfgrass Field Day: Oregon State & Washington State. August 19. p. 45. |
167178 |
Study shows lawns reduce carbon footprint |
Anonymous. 2008. Landscape Superintendent and Maintenance Professional. July. 5(7): p. 54. |
140742 |
Red Sox groundskeeper offers lawn tips for drought | Fosdick, Dean. 2008. Houston Chronicle. July 22. p. [1-2]. |
138480 |
Turf war: Americans can't live without their lawns - but how long can they live with them? | Kolbert, Elizabeth. 2008. The New Yorker. July 21. p. 82-86. |
138357 |
Bermudagrass Lawns |
Higgins, Jeffery. 2008. Alabama: Alabama Cooperative Extension System. 6 pp. Revised Edition. |
58991 |
What's popping in turf? | Frank, Kevin. 2008. Landscape Alert Newsletter. June 6. 23(9): p. 4. |
137438 |
Imagine a world without natural grass! Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2008. TurfNews [TPI]. May/June. 31(3): p. 13. |
135580 |
A growing interest in organics: What defines "organic" lawn care, is it right for your firm and will your clients ante up? |
Palmieri, Marisa. 2008. Lawn and Landscape. May. 29(5): p. 60, 62-67, 70. |
139368 |
Putting pros: High-end clientele and 50- to 70-percent profit margins attract contractors to synthetic putting green installation |
Palmieri, Marisa. 2008. Lawn and Landscape. May. 29(5): p. 138-140, 142-144. |
139372 |
Thatch and its control in Florida lawns |
Trenholm, Laurie E.; Unruh, J. Bryan; Cisar, John L. 2008. Florida Turf Digest. May/June. 25(3): p. 12-17. |
138284 |
Aerating Florida lawns |
Santella, Erica. 2008. Florida Turf Digest. May/June. 25(3): p. 20-23. |
138285 |
Effect of the amount and form of N-fertilization on the weight of above and below ground phytomass and phytomass distribution of three turf species |
Hrabě, F.; Knot, P. 2008. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May. 1: p. 97-98. |
136975 |
Interactions between black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and a parasitic nematode are driven by variation in endophyteplant associations in tall fescue |
Richmond, D. S.; Bigelow, C. A. 2008. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May. 1: p. 163-164. |
137044 |
The influence of different mowing height regimes on dynamics of Poa pratensis L. population in mixtures with Lolium perenne L. |
Svobodová, M.; Šantr^DoUček, J. 2008. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May. 1: p. 179-180. |
137052 |
Competitive ability of Deschampsia caespitosa in mixtures with selected amenity grasses |
Svobodová, M.; Martinek, J.; Zahradník, J.; Našinec, I. 2008. 1st European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. May. 1: p. 181-182. |
137053 |
Color variation in residential and commercial lawns | Reicher, Zac; Morton, Deb. 2008. Purdue Turfgrass Science Program Publications. May 19. p. [1-2]. |
136560 | |
Drought-dormant lawns |
Anonymous. 2008. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. May 26. p. [1-3]. |
139775 |
Lawn tips to save cash | Frank, Kevin; Krauskopf, Dean. 2008. Landscape Alert Newsletter. May 2. 23(4): p. 2-3. |
137788 |
Managing brown patch disease in tall-fescue lawns | Windham, Alan. 2008. Tennessee Turfgrass. April/May. p. 10-13. |
136156 |
The dark side of lawns |
Huxta, Beth. 2008. Organic Gardening. April. 55(3): p. [1-2].[2] pp. |
143585 |
Lawn care growing (slowly): Major chemical suppliers see the industry on a modest but steady growth pattern heading into the next decade | Hall, Ron. 2008. Landscape Management. April. 47(4): p. 44, 46, 48. |
139357 |
Combating diseases: Diagnosis and prevention are key when forming a disease control strategy |
Palmieri, Marisa. 2008. Lawn and Landscape. April. 29(4): p. 78, 80-82, 84. |
136234 |
It's raining: But Florida water limits remain |
Anonymous. 2008. Landscape Superintendent and Maintenance Professional. April. 5(4): p. 59. |
143386 |
Searching for the ["]no-mow" lawn grasses? | Reicher, Zac. 2008. Purdue Turfgrass Science Program Publications. April 10. p. [1]. |
135170 | |
My chemical romance |
Mick, Hayley. 2008. The Globe and Mail. April 25. p. [1-4]. |
136914 |
Conservation: Taking it seriously | Anonymous. 2008. The Florida Times-Union. April 10. p. [1-2]. |
136968 |
From April 1, 2006: Pesticide bylaw to wean lawns off chemical habit |
Macaluso, Grace. 2008. Windsor Star. April 6. p. [1]. |
136984 |
Fertilizer may help lawn, but it hurts water | Hornor, Sally. 2008. The Capital. April 12. p. [1-2]. |
136989 |
Now is the time to start tending to your lawn |
Laird, Darla. 2008. The York Daily Record. April 13. p. [1-3]. |
136991 |
Caring for your lawn naturally |
Anonymous. 2008. News Canada. April 10. p. [1-2]. |
137002 |
Lawn madness – the tyranny of greenery |
Fish, James. 2008. The Epoch Times. April 17. p. [1-2]. |
137003 |
A child's garden of grass: 10 reasons lawns are good for the environment | Burghart, D. Brian. 2008. Reno News & Review. April 17. p. [1-3]. |
137005 |
Tips to keep your lawn healthy and green |
Stafford, Carl. 2008. Culpeper Star-Exponent. April 30. p. [1-2]. |
137067 |
Now is the time to plant caladiums, lawn grass |
Reeves, Randy. 2008. Marshall News Messenger. April 13. p. [1-3]. |
140785 |
Saving water on landscape is a science, not an art |
Holmes, Sue Major. 2008. Las Cruces Sun-News. April 29. p. 1-3. |
136999 |
Water saving tips for homeowners |
Miller, Seth. 2008. Through The Green [GA]. March/April. 50(2): p. 26-27, 29. |
135132 |
Truths about turfgrass Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2008. TurfNews [TPI]. March/April. 31(2): p. 11. |
135572 |
Do it yourself: Searching for that low maintenance lawn? | Reicher, Zac. 2008. Purdue Turfgrass Science Program Publications. March 17. p. [1-2]. |
135166 | |
Nitrogen and phosphorus: Fertilizing lawns to protect water quality | Bigelow, Cale. 2008. Purdue Turfgrass Science Program Publications. March 21. p. [1-3]. |
135169 | |
Rain gardens and turf | Anonymous. 2008. University of Arkansas Turfgrass Science. March 19. p. [1-2]. |
135197 |
Interest in fake is for real |
Drummond, Gillian. 2008. Arizona Daily Star. March 30. p. [1-3]. |
136981 |
Groundsman's job is more than watching the grass grow |
Rubin, Pat. 2008. The Sacramento Bee. March 29. p. [1-3]. |
136982 |
Five tasks that need to be done now |
Christensen, Jack E. 2008. Pasadena Star-News. March 28. p. [1]. |
136983 |
Organic solution for weed problem urged |
Baker, Ed. 2008. Weymouth News. March 31. p. [1-3]. |
137000 |
Eco-Earth: Environment wins over politics |
Anonymous. 2008. Standard-Freeholder. March 31. p. [1-2]. |
137001 |
Irrigating Louisiana lawns and turf | Anonymous. 2008. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. March 11. p. [1-3]. |
139776 |
Analysis of spatial heterogeneity of the weed community in a manilagrass lawn using powerlaw Access Restrictions |
Xie, X.-M.; Tang, W.; Zhong, P.-T.; Shiyomi, M. 2008. Acta Horticulturae. February. 783: p. 529-535. |
136454 |
Days of future past: The professional lawn application industry's future remains intimately tied to a half century of innovation, growth...and controversy | Hall, Ron. 2008. Landscape Management. February. 47(2): p. 28, 30, 32, 34, 38. |
143285 |
Golf greens: An interlocking panel system makes installation easier, faster and a great way to increase the bottom line | Jacobs, Daniel G. 2008. Landscape Management. February. 47(2): p. 40, 42. |
143286 |
Valuing urban green space: Hypothetical alternatives and the status quo Access Restrictions |
Bullock, Craig H. 2008. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. January. 51(1): p. 15-35. |
199515 |
Lawn Management in Oklahoma | Martin, Dennis L.; Hillock, David. [2007]. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University. 7 pp. |
115025 |
The Organic Lawn Care Manual: A Natural, Low-Maintenance System for a Beautiful, Safe Lawn |
Tukey, Paul and Perkins, Carleen Madigan, ed. 2007. North Adams, Massachusetts: Storey Publishing. 272 pp. |
117171 |
Lawn Geek: Tips and Tricks for the Ultimate Turf from the Guru of Grass |
Rogers, Trey. 2007. New York, New York: New American Library. x, 337 pp. |
122933 |
5 steps to a better backyard | Anonymous. 2007. Organic Gardening. p. [1-2]. |
123984 |
The importance of watering | Anonymous. [2007]. Lowe's Home Improvement Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
125188 | |
Easy fall lawn care | Anonymous. [2007]. Lowe's Home Improvement Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
125242 | |
Lawn care basics | Anonymous. [2007]. Lowe's Home Improvement Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
125249 | |
Fall lawn and garden tips | Anonymous. [2007]. Lowe's Home Improvement Web Site. p. [1-3]. |
125251 | |
Installing an underground sprinkler system | Anonymous. [2007]. Lowe's Home Improvement Web Site. p. [1-8]. |
125277 | |
Pre-vacation lawn and garden tips | Anonymous. [2007]. Lowe's Home Improvement Web Site. p. [1-2]. |
125284 | |
Summer garden tips | Anonymous. [2007]. Lowe's Home Improvement Web Site. p. [1-3]. |
125289 | |
Troubleshooting lawn diseases | Anonymous. [2007]. Lowe's Home Improvement Web Site. p. [1-6]. |
125292 | |
The easy way to beautiful buffalograss |
Anonymous. [2007]. Lowe's Home Improvement Web Site. p. [1-4]. |
125309 | |
The easy way to beautiful perennial ryegrass |
Anonymous. [2007]. Lowe's Home Improvement Web Site. p. [1-4]. |
125314 | |
Natural Organic Lawn Care for Ohio | Martin, Jane C.; Eickholt, Alyn; Dole, Joanne. [2007]. [Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Extension]. [18] pp. |
126005 |
Lime and the Home Lawn |
Pound, William E.; Street, John R. [2007]. [Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Extension]. [3] pp. |
126008 |
Turfgrass Seed 2007: The Buyers Guide to Quality Amenity Turfgrasses |
British Society of Plant Breeders Limited; Sports Turf Research Institute. 2007. Ely, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom: British Society of Plant Breeders Limited; Bingley, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom: Sports Turf Research Institute. 28 pp. |
127101 |
Starting a lawn from scratch | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
127909 | |
Lawn-care techniques | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
127910 | |
Warm- and cool-season grasses | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
127911 | |
Gardening basic: Best cool-season grasses for cooler climates | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
127912 | |
Gardening basic: Best warm-season grasses for warm regions |
Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
127913 | |
Winterizing grass | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
127920 | |
Diagnosing lawn disease | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
127921 | |
Controlling lawn pests | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
127922 | |
Getting rid of critters | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
127923 | |
Drip irrigation | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
127926 | |
Reseeding | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
127927 | |
The three ways to repair lawns: Seed, sod and plugs | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
127928 | |
Lawn repair | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
127930 | |
Mowing your lawn | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
127931 | |
Edging and string-trimming a lawn | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
127933 | |
Dethatching your lawn | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
128005 | |
Preventing weeds | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
128009 | |
Weeding tools | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
128014 | |
Instant lawn Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. 3:38. |
128028 |
Lawn repair Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. 6:48. |
128029 |
Buying topsoil | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
128032 | |
Soil testing | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1-2]. |
128033 | |
Soil preparation | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
128034 | |
Simple soil tests | Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. p. [1]. |
128035 | |
Edging Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Anonymous. [2007]. DIY Network. 3:16. |
128041 |
Establishing a Lawn From Sod |
Patton, Aaron; Boyd, John W. 2007. [Fayetteville, Arkansas]: Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas. [6] pp. |
129487 |
Liming Your Lawn | Patton, Aaron. 2007. Fayetteville, Arkansas: University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension. 4 pp. Revised Edition. |
130179 |