Keyword: Magnaporthe poae
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
First report of summer patch of creeping bentgrass caused by Magnaporthiopsis poae in Southeastern China |
Zhou, Yuxin; Yin, Min; Liu, Fei. 2022. Plant Disease. May. 106(5): p. 1527. |
319877 |
Summer stress extravaganza 2020 | Hockemeyer, Kurt. 2020. The Grass Roots. July/August. 49(4): p. 24-26. |
315036 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of anthracnose and summer patch diseases on annual bluegrass putting greens | Petelewicz, Pawel; Schiavon, Marco; Poleska, Magdalena; Orlinski, Pawel; Espeleta, Jose; Baird, Jim. 2017. 2017 Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day. p. 23-29. |
289806 |
Phylogenomic and comparative genomic analysis of the Magnaporthales fungi | Zhang, Ning; Luo, Jing; Qui, Huan; Cai, Guohong; Bhattacharya, Debashish. 2017. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 26: p. 16. |
281772 |
Investigation of fungicides inhibitory effect of on summer patch disease, caused by Magnaporthiopsis poae, in Kentucky bluegrass |
Lee, Jung Han; Shim, Gyu Yul; Kim, Jeong Ho; Jeon, Chang Wook; Kwak, Youn-Sig. 2017. Weed and Turfgrass Science. June. 6(2): p. 151-156. |
294086 |
First report of summer patch of creeping bentgrass caused by Magnaporthe poae in China |
Hu, J.; Liu, Q. Y.; Liu, M. H.; Zhang, F. G.; Xiao, Y.; Niu, C. 2017. Plant Disease. April. 101(4): p. 634. |
282573 |
First report of summer patch of Kentucky bluegrass caused by Magnaporthe poae in China |
Liu, Q. Y.; Liu, M. H.; Li, T.; Chen, J. H.; Zhang, F. G.; Hu, J. 2017. Plant Disease. January. 101(1): p. 250. |
279676 |
Management and Control of Summer Patch (Magnaporthe poae) | Adams, Ryan S. 2016. Ames, Iowa: Extension and Outreach, Iowa State University. 3 pp. |
272230 |
Summer Patch | Latin, Richard. 2016. [West Lafayette, Indiana]: Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University. 3 pp. |
287971 |
Evaluation of hard fescue (Festuca brevipila Tracy) for summer patch (Magnaporthiopsis poae J. Luo & N. Zhang) resistance | Grimshaw, Austin L.; Tate, Trent M.; Meyer, William A.; Watkins, Eric; Bonos, Stacy A. 2016. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 25: p. 54. |
273469 |
Summer patch in lawns |
Plewa, Diane. 2016. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. September 19. 16: p. [1]. |
278621 |
Enhancing cultural control of anthracnose and summer patch... and the ultimate solution | Inguagiato, John C.; Chen, Xuan; Miele, Kevin; Henderson, Jason. 2015. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 28-29. |
263736 |
Evaluation of hard fescue (Festuca brevilipa) for summer patch (Magnaporthe poae) resistance | Grimshaw, Austin L.; Bonos, Stacy A.; Meyer, William A. 2015. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 35. |
263737 |
Development and application of a TaqMan real-time PCR assay for rapid detection of the summer patch pathogen of turfgrass | Zhao, Shuang; Zhang, Lisa; Clarke, Bruce B.; Zhang, Ning. 2015. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 42. |
263842 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of summer patch in a mixed annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass green, 2014 Access Restrictions |
Hicks, T. E.; Rimelspach, J. W.; Hand, F. Peduto. 2015. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 9: p. T038. |
268661 |
Ectotrophic root-infecting fungi on roots of ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens | Vines, Phillip. 2014. 68th Annual Southeastern Turfgrass Conference [Proceedings]. p. [1-16]. |
272058 |
Second generation diagnostics: Turf pathogen barcoding, real-time PCR, and diagnostic array | Zhang, Ning. 2014. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 27. |
247667 |
Recent cultivar improvements in Kentucky bluegrass, tall and fine fescue and perennial ryegrass: Building on Reed Funk's legacy | Meyer, William A.; Bara, Ronald F.; Mohr, Melissa; Smith, Dirk; Bonos, Stacy; Szerszen, Eugene; Cross, James; Saxena, Priti. 2013. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 16-17. |
223832 |
Cultivation and manganese application effects on summer patch severity in compacted and non-compacted Kentucky bluegrass turf | Inguagiato, John C.; Henderson, Jason J.; Chen, Xuan. 2013. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2013]. p. 80377. |
232595 |
Breeding and development of 'Alexa II,' 'BlueChip Plus,' 'Front Page,''Ginney II,' and 'NuBlue Plus' Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) Access Restrictions |
Brede, A. Douglas. 2013. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: p. 275-279. |
223220 |
Suppressing summer patch with selected fungicides on Kentucky bluegrass, 2012 | Clarke, Bruce B.; Majumdar, Pradip R.; Flatley, Samantha; Bosek, Thomas; Rappa, Gerard; Mus, Michael; Peacos, Mark; Lawson, Tracy J.; Schmid, Charles; Hempfling, James; Wang, Ruying; Dickson, William K.; Clark, Joseph B. 2013. 2012 Turfgrass Proceedings of the Green Expo Turf and Landscape Conference [Rutgers]. July. 44: p. 323-333. |
247620 |
Summer lab update | Schweiger, Bruce. 2013. The Grass Roots. July/August. 42(4): p. 18-19. |
228312 |
First report of Magnaporthe poae, cause of summer patch disease on annual bluegrass in Canada Access Restrictions |
Bassoriello, M. M. I.; Jordan, K. S. 2013. Golf Course Management. January. 81(1): p. 142. |
214718 |
Summer patch management on home lawns |
Koch, Paul; Soper, Sam; Van Ryzin, Ben; Soper, Jacob; Kerns, Jim. 2012. 2012 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-3]. |
276551 |
A six-gene phylogeny reveals the evolution of mode of infection in the rice blast fungus and allied species | Zhang, Ning; Zhao, Shuang; Shen, Qirong. 2012. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 30. |
197198 |
Cultivation and manganese fertility effects on summer patch severity in compacted and non-compacted turfgrass | Inguagiato, John C.; Henderson, Jason J. 2012. ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings [2012]. p. 75472. |
213334 |
Evaluation of fall preventative fungicides for summer patch control on Kentucky bluegrass, 2010-2011 Access Restrictions |
Earlywine, D.; Miller, G. L. 2012. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 6: p. T021. |
204051 |
First report of Magnaporthe poae, cause of summer patch disease on annual bluegrass, in Canada |
Bassoriello, M. M. I.; Jordan, K. S. 2012. Plant Disease. November. 96(11): p. 1698. |
213821 |
Canadian Turf Research Foundation 2012 update |
Anonymous. 2012. The Turf Line News. September/October. 230: p. 15. |
292529 |
Development and application of a TaqMan real-time PCR assay for rapid detection of Magnaporthe poae Access Restrictions |
Zhao, Shuang; Clarke, Bruce B.; Shen, Qirong; Zhang, Lisa; Zhang, Ning. 2012. Mycologia. September/October. 104(5): p. 1250-1259. |
223886 |
Summer patch 2011: Management, host pathogenicity, and rapid identification of Magnaporthe poae, causal agent of summer patch on annual bluegrass and Kentucky bluegrass turf Access Restrictions Access Restrictions |
Jordan, Katerina S.; Hall, J. Christopher. 2012. GreenMaster. January/February. 47(1): p. 36-37. |
197362 |
Control of summer patch on golf course fairways |
Koch, Paul; Soper, Sam; Van Ryzin, Ben; Soper, Jacob; Kerns, Jim. 2011. 2011 Summer Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-3]. |
275624 |
Characterization of type IV pilus function in the bacterial biocontrol agent Lysobacter enzymogenes strain C3 | Patel, Nrupali; Cornejo, Mario; Lambert, Devinn; Craig, Amanda; Hillman, Bradley I.; Kobayashi, Donald Y. 2011. Proceedings of the Twentieth Anniversary Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 47. |
179561 |
Assessing fungicide effects on turfgrass soil fungal communities | Zhao, Shuang; Shen, Qirong; Clarke, Bruce B.; Zhang, Ning. 2011. Proceedings of the Twentieth Anniversary Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 57. |
179572 |
Development and application of a TaqMan real-time PCR assay for rapid detection of Magnaporthe poae, the summer patch pathogen of turfgrass | Zhao, Shuang; Zhang, Lisa; Clarke, Bruce B.; Zhang, Ning. 2011. Proceedings of the Twentieth Anniversary Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 58. |
179574 |
A six-gene phylogeny reveals the evolution of mode of infection in the rice blast fungus and allied species Access Restrictions |
Zhang, Ning; Zhao, Shuang; Shen, Qirong. 2011. Mycologia. November/December. 103(6): p. 1267-1276. |
223872 |
Necrotic ring spot and Summer patch |
Smith, Ron. 2011. Lawn & Landscape. July. 32(7): p. 74, 76. |
192766 |
UCONN investigating cultural methods of managing a pathogen that kills from beneath |
Inguagiato, John; Henderson, Jason. 2011. Connecticut Clippings. June. 45[44](2): p. 10-11. |
219927 |
Patch disease refresher | Kerns, Jim. 2011. The Grass Roots. May/June. 40(3): p. 20, 22-23. |
183734 |
2008-2009 fungicide report [summer patch] | Vargas, J. M. Jr.; Dykema, Nancy; Detweiler, Ron; Bishop, Kevin; Largent, Eric; Wandersee, Michael; Fischer, Kyle; Dykema, Kristen; Giordano, Paul; Yan, Liewei. 2010. 2009 MSU Turfgrass Research Reports [Michigan]. 5: p. 23-26. |
242702 |
Evaluation of registered and experimental fungicides for control of summer patch in Kentucky bluegrass, 2009 Access Restrictions |
Soika, M. D.; Tredway, L. P. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T020. |
163649 |
Control of summer patch on Kentucky bluegrass with fungicides in Raleigh, North Carolina, 2008-2009 Access Restrictions |
Soika, M. D.; Tredway, L. P. 2010. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 4: p. T021 [1-2]. |
163650 |
Operations change prompts assessment of projects Access Restrictions |
Anonymous. 2010. GreenMaster. November/December. 45(6): p. 29-32, 34. |
173420 |
Fine fescues among those that did not enjoy the summer of 2010 | Koch, Paul. 2010. Wisconsin Turfgrass News. Fall. 24(2): p. 9-10. |
189490 |
Summer patch (Magnaporthe poae), 2009 | Vargas, J. M. Jr.; Dykema, Nancy; Detweiler, Ron; Bishop, Kevin; Largent, Eric; Wandersee, Michael; Fischer, Kyle; Dykema, Kristen; Giordano, Paul; Yan, Liewei. 2009. 2008-2009 Fungicide Report [Michigan State University]. p. 23-26. |
177562 |
Selection and management of fine leaf fescues for naturalized areas | Dernoeden, P. H. 2009. Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 63: p. 107. |
224929 |
Control of summer patch of Kentucky bluegrass with fungicides in Raleigh, NC, 2008 |
Soika, M. D.; Tredway, L. P. 2009. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 3: p. T036. |
155248 |
Summer patch (Magnaporthe poae), 2008 | Vargas, Joe Jr.; Detweiler, Ron; Dykema, Nancy. 2008. 2007-2008 Fungicide Report [Michigan State University]. p. 18-23. |
177589 |
Summer patch: [Magnaporthe poae] |
Tredway, Lane P.; Wilkerson, Gail G.; Lassiter, Bridget R.; Reynolds, Jenifer J.; Buol, Gregory S. 2008. TurfFiles: NCSU Web Site. April 30. p. 1-3. |
139876 |
Summer patch (Magnaporthe poae) | Anonymous. 2007. 2006-2007 Fungicide Report [Michigan State University]. p. 15-21. |
177696 |
Lysobacter enzymogenes, a broad-spectrum biocontrol bacterium that infects lower eukaryotic hosts intracellularly | Hillman, Bradley I.; Crouch, JoAnne; Sullivan, Raymond F.; Alla, Vijaya; Dave, Parth; Saidasan, Hema; Lawton, Michael A.; Kobayashi, Donald Y. 2007. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. 16: p. 30-31. |
123710 |
First report of summer patch of Kentucky bluegrass caused by Magnaporthe poae in Colorado |
Swift, C. E.; Blessinger, A.; Brandt, N.; Tisserat, N. 2007. Plant Disease. November. 91(11): p. 1519. |
130190 |
Summer patch | Kaminski, J. E. [200x]. Turfgrass Science at The University of Connecticut. p. [1-2]. |
161611 |
Genetic relationships among Magnaporthe poae isolates from turfgrass hosts and relative susceptibility of 'Penncross' and 'Penn A-4' creeping bentgrass |
Tredway, L. P. 2006. Plant Disease. December. 90(12): p. 1531-1538. |
118754 |
[Aschochyta leaf blight, red thread, stripe smut, summer patch, and Turf Field Day] | Clarke, Bruce B. 2006. Plant & Pest Advisory: Landscape, Nursery & Turf Edition. May. 12(4): p. 5. |
112124 |
Summer patch: Bandages vs. solutions |
Paulsrud, Bruce E. 2006. Home, Yard, and Garden Pest Newsletter. May 24. [10](6): p. 1-2. |
292283 |
Summer Patch | Latin, Richard. 2005. [West Lafayette, Indiana]: Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University. [3] pp. |
149631 |
Summer patch control in a Poa annua fairway with various fungicides | Kaminski, J. E. 2005. 2005 Turfgrass Research Report [Connecticut]. p. 23-25. |
110495 |
Control of summer patch and anthracnose on an annual bluegrass green in southern California, 2004 | Wong, F. P.; Corza, J. 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 60: p. 1. |
104734 |
Defining the nature of creeping bentgrass root diseases: research directed toward accurate diagnosis and management of putting green diseases | Tredway, Lane P.; Kerns, James P. 2005. USGA Green Section Record. July/August. 43(4): p. 7-9. |
105242 |
Look-alike Kentucky bluegrass diseases | Abler, Steve; Jung, Geunhwa. 2005. The Grass Roots. May/June. 34(3): p. 11-13. |
105890 |
First report of summer patch of creeping bentgrass caused by Magnaporthe poae in North Carolina |
Tredway, L. P. 2005. Plant Disease. February. 89(2): p. 204. |
111595 |
Characterisation of ectrophic root infecting fungi causing patch diseases |
Gullino, Maria Lodovica; Mocioni, Massimo; Titone, Patrizia; Chiringhelli, Dario. June 2003 - June 2005. In: Golf Research Database 2004. Bingley, The Sports Turf Research Institute on Behalf of The R&A, St. Andrews. |
103075 |
2002-2003 fungicide research report: IX. Summer patch (Magnaporthe poae) | Anonymous. 2004. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. p. 19-21. |
94867 |
Survey of ectotrophic root infecting fungi associated with turfgrass patch diseases in Italy Access Restrictions |
Titone, Patrizia; Mocioni, Massimo; Landschoot, Peter J.; Gullino, M. Ladovica. 2004. Acta Horticulturae. November. 661: p. 491-498. |
102650 |
Summer patch of creeping bentgrass caused by Magnaporthe poae in North Carolina |
Tredway, L. P. 2004. Phytopathology. June Supplement. 94(6S): p. S103. |
149257 |
Summer patch | Anonymous. [200x]. TDL [Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab]. p. [1]. |
166369 |
Summer patch disease severity on Kentucky bluegrass in response to fertilizer source Access Restrictions |
Hill, Wendy J.; Heckman, Joseph R.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Murphy, James A. 2003. Journal of Plant Nutrition. July. 26(7): p. 1499-1512. |
88263 |
2000-2001 Turfgrass pathology report: VII. Summer patch (Magnaporthe poae) | Vargas, J. M. Jr.; Detweiler, A. R.; Dykema, N. M. 2002. Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 31: p. 39-41. |
79302 |
Impact of liming and nitrogen on the severity of summer patch in Kentucky bluegrass | Towers, G.; Hill, W.; Heckman, J.; Clarke, B.; Murphy, J. 2002. Phytopathology. June. 92(6): p. S146. |
92413 |
Turfgrass disease management report: VIII. Summer patch (Magnoporthe poae) | Vargas, J. M. Jr.; Detweiler, A. R.; Dykema, Nancy. 2001. Proceedings of the 71st Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 30: p. 72. |
71420 |
Influence of liming and nitrogen in the severity of summer patch of Kentucky bluegrass |
Hill, W. J.; Heckman, J. R.; Clarke, B. B.; Murphy, J. A. 2001. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 9(Part 1): p. 388-393. |
74420 |
Turf Diseases: Necrotic Ringspot & Summer Patch | University of Rhode Island Landscape Horticulture Program. 2000. Kingston, Rhode Island: University of Rhode Island Green Share. 3 pp. |
132356 |
Extracellular enzyme production and biological control activity is regulated by a catabolite activator protein (CAP) homolog in the bacterium, C3, a taxonomically-related strain to Lytobacter mycophilus (proposed Gen. nov., sp. nov) strain N4-7 | Kobayashi, Donald Y.; Palumbo, Jeff; Reedy, Ralph; El-Barrad, Nour. 2000. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 36. |
73539 |
Evaluation of chemical and biological fungicides for the control of summer patch, 1999 | Majumdar, P. R.; Towers, G. W.; Weibel, E. N.; DiMarco, J. N.; Peacos, M.; Clarke, B. B. 2000. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 55: p. 513-514. |
70128 |
Evaluation of chemical and biological fungicides for the control of summer patch, 1998 |
DiMarco, J. N.; Majumdar, P. R.; Tredway, L. P.; Towers, G. W.; Weibel, E. N.; Clarke, B. B. 1999. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 54: p. 510-511. |
63214 |
Evaluation of chemical and biological fungicides for the control of summer patch on Kentucky bluegrass | DiMarco, J. N.; Majumdar, P. R.; Tredway, L. P.; Towers, G. W.; Weibel, E. N.; Clarke, B. B. 1999. 1998 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 30: p. 177-180. |
62791 |
Fungal proteinase expression in the interaction of a plant pathogen with its host |
Sreedhar, Lekha; Kobayashi, Donald Y.; Bunting, Tracy E.; Hillman, Bradley I.; Belanger, Faith C. 1999. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. January. p. 46. |
60342 |
Evaluation of fungicides for control of summer patch caused by Magnaporthe poae on annual bluegrass greens |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1998. PTRI 1998 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 29-35. |
51140 |
Susceptibility of fine fescue species, cultivars and selections to Magnaporthe poae | Fraser, Melodee L.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Landschoot, Peter J.; Funk, C. Reed. 1998. Proceedings of the Seventh AnnualRutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 32. |
63119 |
Subsurface injection of azoxystrobin to improve control of summer patch in Kentucky bluegrass |
Clarke, B. B.; Murphy, J.; Majumdar, P.; Secks, M.; Tredway, L. 1998. 1998 Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 138. |
57679 |
Summer patch control in Kentucky bluegrass with DMI fungicides; 1997 |
Dernoeden, P. H. 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 53: p. 456. |
55659 |
Evaluation of fungicides in combination with core aerification on the control of summer patch disease in mystic Kentucky bluegrass, 1997 |
Wetzel, H. C. III; Fry, J. D. 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 53: p. 459. |
55677 |
Evaluation of fungicides for curative recovery of poa annua from summer patch, 1997 |
Vincelli, P. 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 53: p. 460. |
55696 |
Use of trifloxystobin on turfgrass |
Agnew, M.; Young, T.; Houseworth, D.; Laird, D. 1998. Phytopathology. September Supplement. 88(9): p. S2. |
92911 |
Suppression of summer patch by rhizosphere competent bacteria and their establishment on Kentucky bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Thompson, David C.; Kobayashi, Donald Y.; Clarke, Bruce B. 1998. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. February. 30(2): p. 257-263. |
94388 |
Identification, Phylogeny, and Infection Process of Magnaporthe Poae Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Bunting, Tracy Ellen. 1997. Ph.D. Disseration: Rutgers University. xiv, 124 pp. |
135257 |
Evaluation of preventative fungicides for control of summer patch of poa caused by Magnaporthe poae - Final report (961828) |
Gelernter, Wendy; Stowell, Larry J. 1997. PTRI 1996 1997 Turfgrass Research Report. p. 17-20. |
63059 |
Strategies for improved chemical control of summer patch |
Clarke, Bruce B.; Majumdar, Pradip; Murphy, James A.; Dernoeden, Peter H. 1997. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Rutgers TurfgrassSymposium. p. 28. |
63621 |
Genetic basis of biological control in a bacterium antagonistic to turfgrass pathogens | Nelson, Eric. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary[USGA]. p. 47-50. |
54605 |
Identification of parasitic bacteria as biological control agents against summer patch disease | Kobayashi, Donald. 1997. 1997 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary[USGA]. p. 51-52. |
54606 |
Utilizing proper cultural practices to reduce turfgrass diseases | Clarke, Bruce B. 1997. 1996 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 28: p. [1-2]. |
110456 |
Assessing the role of the serine protease from Serratia marcescens in the biological control of summer patch disease on Kentucky bluegrass | Chen, Hsiao-Wang; Kobayashi, Donald Y. 1996. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 34. |
65484 |
Turfgrass disease management report 1994-95 [III. Summer patch fungicide studies - 1995] | Vargas, J. M.; Detweiler, R.; Dykema, N.; Le Cureux, P.; Borgman, J. 1996. Proceedings of the 66th Annual Michigan Turfgrass Conference. 25: p. 88-92. |
39155 |
Evaluation of bacterial antagonists for reduction of summer patch symptoms in Kentucky bluegrass |
Thompson, D. C.; Clarke, B. B.; Kobayashi, D. Y. 1996. Plant Disease. August. 80(8): p. 856-862. |
38389 |
Summer patch attack |
Anonymous. 1996. Turf: North. May. p. 15-16. |
251571 |
Ammonium sulfate affects summer patch control | Heckman, Joseph; Clarke, Bruce. 1996. Lawn and Landscape. May. 17(5): p. 20-21. |
85205 |
Identification of Magnaporthe poae by PCR and examination of its relationship to other fungi by analysis of their nuclear rDNA ITS-1 regions | Bunting, T. E.; Plumley, K. A.; Clarke, B. B.; Hillman, B. I. 1996. Phytopathology. April. 86(4): p. 398-404. |
37332 |
Selection of bacterial antagonists using enrichment cultures for the control of summer patch disease in Kentucky bluegrass |
Kobayashi, Donald Y.; El-Barrad, Nour E.-H. 1996. Current Microbiology. February. 32(2): p. 106-110. |
40412 |
Impact of Mowing Height on the Movement of Magnaporthe poae Through the Soil Profile and the Effect of Temperature and Osmotic Potential on the Growth of Three Ectotrophic Root-infecting Fungi Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Plumley, Karen Anne. 1995. Ph.D. Dissertation: Rutgers the State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick. |
101514 |