Keyword: Microdochium patch
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Fine fescue species vary in their susceptibility to snow molds |
Koch, P. L.; Chou, Ming-Yi; Murphy, J. A.; Genova, K.; Hempfling, J.; Clarke, B. B. 2024. Plant Health Progress. 25(1): p. 19-26. |
336694 |
Will the turfgrass species most tolerant of snow mold, please stand up |
Fidanza, Mike. 2024. Golf Course Management. September. 92(9): p. 84. |
340024 |
Mowing height and fertility regime effects on tall fescue turf in the Pacific Northwest |
Wang, Ruying; Hamilton, Zachary J.; Mattox, Clint M.; McDonald, Brian W.; Schmid, Charles J.; Kowalewski, Alec R. 2024. HortScience. September. 59(9): p. 1323-1327. |
340285 |
Iron sulfate and phosphorous acid affect turfgrass surface pH and microdochium patch severity on annual bluegrass Access Restrictions |
Mattox, Clint M.; Dumelle, Michael J.; McDonald, Brian W.; Gould, Micah A.; Olsen, Conner J.; Braithwaite, Emily T.; Kowalewski, Alec R. 2023. Plant Disease. October. 107(10): p. 3131-3138. |
333339 |
Poa trivialis, Lolium perenne or Poa annua as nurse crops for faster establishment of Agrostis stolonifera putting greens in Nordic climate Access Restrictions |
Heltoft, Pia; Thorvaldsson, Gudni; Jensen, Anne Mette Dahl; Espevig, Tatsiana; Hesselsøe, Karin Juul; Waalen, Wendy; Petersen, Torben Kastrup; Pettersen, Trond; Tangsveen, Jan; Sørensen, Per; Gneist, Tania; Hannesson, Bjarni; Sundsdal, Kristine; Aamlid, Trygve S. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 528-532. |
321293 |
Seed mixtures of red fescue and colonial, creeping, or velvet bentgrass for pesticide-free management of Nordic golf greens Access Restrictions |
Hesselsøe, Karin Juul; Heltoft, Pia; Espevig, Tatsiana; Aamlid, Trygve. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 701-707. |
321316 |
Field evaluations an in vitro sensitivity of Microdochium nivale to succinate dehydrogenase (SDHI) fungicides Access Restrictions |
Hockemeyer, Kurt; Koch, Paul L. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 951-957. |
321488 |
Resistance to the demethylation-inhibiting fungicide propiconazole in Canadian populations of Microdochium nivale Access Restrictions |
Gourlie, Ryan; Hsiang, Tom. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 963-966. |
321493 |
Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium rates on Microdochium patch Access Restrictions |
McDonald, Brian; Kowalewski, Alec; Mattox, Clint; Braithwaite, Emily; Schmid, Charles. 2022. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. June. 14(1): p. 985-988. |
321497 |
Fusarium patch, Microdochium patch, and pink snow mold Access Restrictions |
Hsiang, Tom. 2022. GreenMaster. Spring. 58(1): p. 14-16, 17, 18. |
317194 |
Comparing iron sulfate versus chelated iron for the suppression of Microdochium patch on annual bluegrass putting greens in the absence and presence of phosphorous acid | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian; Braithwaite, Emily; Cain, Alyssa; Wang, Wrennie; Schmid, Chas. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 278-280. |
317419 |
Quantifying the long-term effects of alternative Microdochium patch management techniques on sand-based annual bluegrass putting green performance over multiple seasons | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian; Braithwaite, Emily; Cain, Alyssa; Wang, Wrennie; Schmid, Chas. 2021. Mike Davis Program for Advancing Golf Course Management: 2021 Progress Reports. p. 281-283. |
317420 |
Antagonist and soil additive to control Microdochium nivale disease Access Restrictions |
Rosenbusch, Jan; Floss, Andre; Praemassing, Wolfgang. 2020. 7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. p. 76-77. |
330672 |
Development of a logistic regression model for the prediction of microdochium patch Access Restrictions |
Koch, P.; Smith, D.; Mattox, C.; McDonald, B.; Braithwaite, E.; Kowalewski, A.; Sheridan, M.; Nangle, E. 2020. 7th European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings. p. 78-79. |
330675 |
Comparing iron sulfate versus chelated iron for the suppression of Microdochium patch on annual bluegrass putting greens in the absence and presence of phosphorous acid | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian; Brathwaite, Emily; Cain, Alyssa; Wang, Wrennie; Schmid, Chas. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 294-296. |
313721 |
Quantifying the long-term effects of alternative Microdochium patch management techniques on sand-based annual bluegrass putting green performance over multiple seasons | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian; Brathwaite, Emily; Cain, Alyssa; Wang, Wrennie; Schmid, Chas. 2020. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2020 Research Summaries. p. 297-299. |
313722 |
The effects of iron sulfate heptahydrate water carrier volumes on Microdochium patch suppression and turfgrass quality |
Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian. 2020. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 112(5): p. 3363-3370. |
313065 |
Combinations of rolling, mineral oil, sulfur, and phosphorous acid affect Microdochium patch severity |
Mattox, Clint M.; Kowalewski, Alec R.; McDonald, Brian W.; Lambrinos, John G.; Pscheidt, Jay W. 2020. Agronomy Journal. September/October. 112(5): p. 3383-3395. |
313066 |
Summer trials done, winter trials put to bed | Hockemeyer, Kurt. 2020. The Grass Roots. September/October. 49(5): p. 10, 12-13. |
316236 |
Don't Sing The Pink Snow Mold Blues |
Vavrek, Bob. 2019. [Liberty Corner, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
308839 |
Quantifying the effects of iron sulfate and phosphorous acid applications on the surface pH and the suppression of Microdochium patch | Kowalewski, Alec. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 271-273. |
310862 |
Comparing iron sulfate versus chelated iron for the suppression of Microdochium patch on annual bluegrass putting greens in the absence and presence of phosphorous acid | Kowalewski, Alec. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 278-281. |
310864 |
Quantifying the long-term effects of alternative Microdochium patch management techniques on sand-based annual bluegrass putting green performance over multiple seasons | Kowalewski, Alec. 2019. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2019 Research Summaries. p. 282-284. |
310865 |
The effects of iron sulfate applications at different water carrier volumes on microdochium patch suppression, percent green cover, and turfgrass quality on an annual bluegrass putting green |
Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian W. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 119074. |
309453 |
Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium rates on Microdochium patch |
McDonald, Brian W.; Braithwaite, Emily T.; Kowalewski, Alec; Mattox, Clint. 2019. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 120446. |
309557 |
A new leaf blight disease of turfgrasses caused by Microdochium poae, sp. nov. Access Restrictions |
Liang, Junmin; Li, Guangshuo; Zhao, Meiqi; Cai, Lei. 2019. Mycologia. 111(2): p. 265-273. |
306044 |
Preventative fungicide applications for the control of Microdochium patch on mixed stand of creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass, 2017-2018 | Lulis, T. T.; Kaminski, J. E.; Fidanza, M. A.; Russell, T. R. 2019. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 13: p. T014 [1-2]. |
303838 |
The influence of iron sulfate application interval on the suppression of Microdochium patch on an annual bluegrass research green in Western Oregon |
Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian. 2019. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 5(1): p. 1-3. |
322590 |
Stuck in traffic: Recent research has found that rolling, because it increases micro-pore space, suppresses dollar spot and fusarium patch incidence |
Nolan, Conor. 2019. GreenKeeping. October. 162: p. 6, 8. |
309144 |
Comparing iron sulfate versus chelated iron for suppression of microdochium patch |
Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian; Braithwaite, Emily; Cain, Alyssa. 2019. The Turf Line News. September/October. 262: p. 40, 88-89. |
309400 |
Oh where, oh where has the snow mold gone? | Hockemeyer, Kurt. 2019. The Grass Roots. September/October. 48(5): p. 6, 8-9. |
310556 |
Fungicide alternatives for management of Microdochium patch Access Restrictions |
Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian. 2019. Golf Course Management. May. 87(5): p. 67-70. |
305360 |
[Above normal air temperatures and spring weed activity] | Rossi, Frank S. 2019. ShortCUTT. April 15. 20(2): p. 1. |
306339 |
Demonstrate! Demonstrate! Demonstrate! |
Gilhuly, Larry. 2018. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association, USGA. 2 pp. |
295172 |
An integrated pest management protocol for managing Microdochium patch in the absence of traditional fungicides | Kowalewski, Alec. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 274-278. |
305087 |
Effects of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium rates on Microdochium patch | Kowalewski, Alec. 2018. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2018 Research Summaries. p. 279-282. |
305088 |
Iron sulfate and phosphorous acid suppresses microdochium patch on an annual bluegrass putting green | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; McDonald, Brian. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 112118. |
302103 |
Effects of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium rates on Microdochium patch | McDonald, Brian W.; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; Mattox, Clint; Briathwaite, Emily T. 2018. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 113304. |
302058 |
Resistance of prairie junegrass and tufted hairgrass germplasm to diseases common in temperate low-input turfgrass systems Access Restrictions |
Koch, Paul L.; Hugie, Kari; Watkins, Eric. 2018. Plant Health Progress. 19(4): p. 310-318. |
336740 |
Greenkeepers urged to use latest research in the fight against autumn disease Access Restrictions |
Collins, Greg. 2018. Greenside. November. p. 49-50. |
302294 |
Mix up winter disease control |
Anonymous. 2018. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 58-59. |
305501 |
Spotting the early signs of disease: With the risk of Microdochium Patch peaking this autumn there is no time like the present for greenkeepers to hone their disease identification skills to assist in rapid identification and treatment | Mumford, Colin. 2018. Turf Matters. November/December. p. 72. |
304067 |
Rolling and biological control products affect Microdochium patch severity on a sand-based annual bluegrass putting green |
Mattox, Clint M.; Kowalewski, Alec R.; McDonald, Brian W.; Lambrinos, John G.; Pscheidt, Jay W. 2018. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 110(6): p. 2124-2129. |
302682 |
Evaluation of a petroleum-derived spray oil for control of Microdochium patch and turfgrass spring performance on nordic golf greens |
Aamlid, Trygve S.; Niemeläinen, Oiva; Paaske, Klaus; Widmark, David; Ruuttunen, Pentti; Kendonperä, Auli. 2018. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 110(6): p. 2189-2197. |
302710 |
Effects of sulfur and calcium source on pH, anthracnose severity, and microdochium patch management on annual bluegrass in western Oregon Access Restrictions |
McDonald, B.; Mattox, C.; Gould, M.; Kowalewski, A. 2018. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. November. 4(1): p. [1-3]. |
302850 |
Prevention leads fungicide trials: Following the recent loss of curative active ingredient, iprodione, STRI tests whether preventative disease control programmes can outperform curative options | Mumford, Colin. 2018. The Groundsman [IOG]. September. p. 33. |
301318 |
Fungicide alternatives: Final report summary |
Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian. 2018. The Turf Line News. September/October. 257: p. 52-54. |
309426 |
Prevention is better than cure: Preventative fungicide treatments outshine curatives |
Ferguson, Mark. 2018. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 56-57. |
300477 |
Exploring the potential of bio-stimulants against Fusarium patch on perennial ryegrass Access Restrictions |
Sweetman, Eoin. 2018. Greenside. July. p. 52-53. |
299493 |
Effect of nitrogen in late autumn on microdochium patch on nordic golf greens Access Restrictions |
Espevig, Tatsiana; Aamlid, Trygve S.; Pettersen, Trond O.; Kvalbein, Agnar. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 16-17. |
311070 |
Resistance to the demethylation inhibitor (DMI) propiconazole in canadian populations of microdochium nivale Access Restrictions |
Gourlie, R.; Hsiang, T. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 24-25. |
311074 |
Effects of winter nitrogen, phosphate and potassium rates on microdochium patch Access Restrictions |
Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian; Mattox, Clint; Braithwaite, Emily. 2018. 6th European Turf Society Conference Proceedings. June. 6: p. 36. |
311080 |
In the zone: Clamp down on these five transition zone turf diseases before the season heats up |
Kleinham, Kurt. 2018. Golf Course Industry. April. 30(4): p. 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36-37. |
297674 |
How can I identify the different stages of Microdochium Patch on my greens? |
Mumford, Colin. 2018. Greenkeeper International. March. p. 23. |
300045 |
[Alternatives to chemical treatment that will prevent problems from taking place] |
Dempsey, John. 2018. The Golf Business. March. 12: p. 48-51. |
297724 |
How to win the pathogen war: With the withdrawal of key fungicides from a greenkeeper's arsenal of disease protection weapons, it is time to look more closely at what integrated strategies can be introduced in the battle against invading pathogens | Leyland, Jayne; Corbett, Peter. 2018. GreenKeeping. February. 143: p. 6, 8-9. |
295231 |
[How does weather impact turf disease?] |
Mumford, Colin. 2018. Greenkeeper International. January. p. 42. |
299895 |
Cool, Wet Vigilance |
Vavrek, Bob. 2017. Far Hills, New Jersey: United States Golf Association. [3] pp. |
285313 |
2016-2017 snow mold control evaluation: Cherokee Country Club - Madison, WI |
Hockemeyer, Kurt; Koch, Paul. 2017. 2016-2017 Snow Mold Fungicide Research Reports[Wisconsin]. p. [1-6]. |
285632 |
2016-2017 snow mold control evaluation: Wausau Country Club - Schofield, WI |
Hockemeyer, Kurt; Koch, Paul. 2017. 2016-2017 Snow Mold Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-6]. |
285634 |
2016-2017 snow mold control evaluation: Marquette Golf Club - Marquette, MI |
Hockemeyer, Kurt; Koch, Paul. 2017. 2016-2017 Snow Mold Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-6]. |
285637 |
2016-2017 sports turf snow mold control evaluation: Wausau West High School - Wausau, WI |
Hockemeyer, Kurt; Koch, Paul. 2017. 2016-2017 Snow Mold Fungicide Research Reports[Wisconsin]. p. [1-2]. |
285640 |
Management of Bentgrass Cultivars for Improved Resistance to Microdochium Patch Under Climate Change Conditions | Stricker, Sara; Hsiang, T.; Bertrand, A. 2017. Guelph, Ontario, Canada: University of Guelph; Québec City, Québec, Canada: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada. 39 slides. |
288266 |
The Effect of Snow Cover and Anti-Transpirants on the Persistence of Snow Mould Fungicides | Koch, Paul. 2017. [Madison, Wisconsin]: University of Wisconsin-Madison. [4] pp. |
288278 |
Effects of Sulfur and Calcium on Microdochium Patch |
United States Golf Association. 2017. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
288998 |
Creating a Fungicide Program for the Coming Season | Thompson, Cole. 2017. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. [3] pp. |
289827 |
Optimal application of nitrogen and sulphur in autumn for better winter survival of perennial grasses - With emphasis on turf | Sandell, Bert. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 18-19. |
296724 |
Effect of fertiliser type, silicon and copper on turf quality and microdochium infection on a Poa annua putting green | Espevig, Tatsiana. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 24-25. |
296733 |
Selection and management of bentgrass cultivars (Agrostis sp.) for genetic and induced resistance to microdochium patch and pink snow mould caused by Microdochium nivale | Aamlid, Trygve S. 2017. Research and Development Yearbook 2017 [Scandinavia]. p. 30-31. |
296757 |
Fungicide alternatives for the management of microdochium patch | Mattox, Clint; McDonald, Brian; Kowalewski, Alec. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 260-262. |
298197 |
Effects of winter applied nitrogen, phosphate and potassium rates on Microdochium patch | McDonald, Brian; Kowalewski, Alec. 2017. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2017 Research Summaries. p. 263-264. |
298198 |
Assessing different rates and combinations of sulfur, phosphorous acid, and a mineral oil to reduce the incidence of Microdochium patch on an annual bluegrass putting green | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; McDonald, Brian. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 104830. |
290412 |
A sulfur and phosphorous acid combination applied in rotation with a mineral oil to reduce the incidence of Microdochium patch on an annual bluegrass putting green | Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alexander R.; McDonald, Brian. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 104968. |
290365 |
Potassium effects on pink snow mold incidence of annual bluegrass |
Genova, Kyle M.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Murphy, James A. 2017. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 109022. |
290406 |
Reaction of bentgrass cultivars to a resistance activator and elevated CO2 levels when challenged with Microdochium nivale, the cause of microdochium patch |
Stricker, S.; Hsiang, T.; Bertrand, A. 2017. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 13: p. 1-4. |
287771 |
Preventative fungicide applications for the control of Microdochium patch on creeping bentgrass, 2015-2016 Access Restrictions |
Koch, P. L.; Hockemeyer, K. 2017. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 11: p. T003. |
282657 |
Effects of fungicides on microdochium patch in western Oregon, 2016 Access Restrictions |
McDonald, B. W.; Kowalewski, A. R. 2017. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 11: p. T009. |
282679 |
Effect of fungicides applied at reduced rates on Microdochium patch in western Oregon, 2017 Access Restrictions |
McDonald, B. W.; Kowalewski, A. R. 2017. PDMR: Plant Disease Management Reports. 11: p. T033. |
288396 |
Conditions favorable for pink snow mold development: Microdochium patch, or pink snow mold, is active on golf courses | Vargas, Joe Jr. 2017. Turf Trends [Idaho]. Summer. 3(2): p. 84-85. |
285641 |
Winter warmer | Anonymous. 2017. The Groundsman [IOG]. December. p. 46. |
294030 |
Iron sulfate and urea affect Microdochium patch on an annual bluegrass putting green Access Restrictions |
Mattox, C.; Kowalewski, A.; McDonald, B. 2017. Golf Course Management. December. 85(12): p. 64-66. |
293872 |
Pesticide-free sports turf management |
Regensburg, T.H. 2017. Greenside. November. p. 46-48. |
294137 |
Turfgrass management in winter months: Careful attention to maintenance practices can help to reduce or eliminate damage |
Gardner, David. 2017. SportsField Management. November/December. 12(10): p. 25-27. |
294580 |
Dew points to disease risk | Anonymous. 2017. The Groundsman [IOG]. October. p. 46. |
291378 |
Big picture mentality | Owen, Andy; Bechelet, Henry. 2017. Greenkeeper International. October. p. 60-61. |
302346 |
Predicting Microdochium patch on creeping bentgrass |
Dwyer, Philip Joseph Jr.; Horvath, Brandon; Kravchenko, Alexandra; Vargas, Joseph M. Jr. 2017. Crop Science. September/October. 51(1): p. 139-144. |
286350 |
Rolling plus biological control of Microdochium patch |
Mattox, Clint; Kowalewski, Alec; McDonald, Brian. 2017. Golfdom. July. 73(7): p. 31. |
288299 |
Nitrogen and iron sulfate affect microdochium patch severity and turf quality on annual bluegrass putting greens |
Mattox, Clint M.; Kowalewski, Alec R.; McDonald, Brian W.; Lambrinos, John G.; Daviscourt, Brian L.; Pscheidt, Jay W. 2017. Crop Science. July/August. 57(Supplement 1): p. S-293-S-300. |
281220 |
Putting the brakes on microdochium patch |
Daniels, John. 2017. USGA Green Section Record. March. p. 1-2. |
283574 |
Winter warmer |
Anonymous. 2017. The Groundsman [IOG]. February. p. 46. |
282845 |
Fusarium: Grabbed by the fuzz? |
Anonymous. 2017. Pitchcare. February/March. 71: p. 122-125. |
281844 |
Snow mold may be a problem for lawns | Ophardt, Marianne. 2017. Tri-City Herald. February 12. p. [1-2]. |
282753 |
2015-2016 snow mold control evaluation: Cherokee Country Club - Madison, WI |
Hockemeyer, Kurt; Schweiger, Bruce; Koch, Paul. 2016. 2015-2016 Snow Mold Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-7]. |
275547 |
2015-2016 snow mold control evaluation: Wausau Country Club - Wausau, WI |
Hockemyer, Kurt; Schweiger, Bruce; Koch, Paul. 2016. 2015-2016 Snow Mold Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-8]. |
275548 |
2015-2016 snow mold control evaluation: Marquette Golf Club - Marquette, MI |
Hockemeyer, Kurt; Schweiger, Bruce; Koch, Paul. 2016. 2015-2016 Snow Mold Fungicide Research Reports [Wisconsin]. p. [1-7]. |
275550 |
Management of Bentgrass Cultivars for Improved Resistance to Microdochium Patch (Microdochium nivale) Under Climate Change Conditions | Stricker, S.; Hsiang, T.; Bertrand, A. [2016]. [Guelph, Ontario, Canada]: University of Guelph; [Québec City, Québec, Canada]: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada. 45 slides. |
288261 |
Bayer - Snow Mold Trials with >80 Day Snow Cover (Fairways) | Golob, Charles T.; Johnston, William J. 2016. [Pullman, Washington]: Washington State University. [5] pp. |
302487 |
Bayer - Snow Mold Trials with >80 Day Snow Cover (Greens) | Golob, Charles T.; Johnston, William J. 2016. [Pullman, Washington]: Washington State University. [10] pp. |
302488 |
Selection and management of bentgrass cultivars (Agrostis sp.) for genetic and induced resistance to microdochium patch and pink snow mould caused by Microdochium nivale | Aamlid, Trygve S. 2016. Research and Development Yearbook 2016 [Scandinavia]. p. 26-27. |
288829 |
Effect of fertiliser type, silicon and copper on turf quality and microdochium infection on Poa annua putting green | Espevig, Tatsiana. 2016. Research and Development Yearbook 2016 [Scandinavia]. p. 44-45. |
288852 |