Keyword: Morphology
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
Growth and Morphological Development of Irrigated Smooth Bromegrass in Relation to Harvest Management. |
Moser, Lowell E.; Lydic, Donald W.; Erwin, James R. 1973. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 65: p. 46. |
16140 |
Physiological, Morphological, and Anatomical Characteristics Associated with Turfgrass Wear Tolerance. |
Shearman, R. C. 1973. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 65: p. 62. |
16195 |
Microanatomical differences of warm-season grasses revealed by light and electron microscopy |
Akin, Danny E.; Burdick, Donald. 1973. Agronomy Journal. July/August. 65(4): p. 533-537. |
919 |
Stem |
Honda, Hitoshi. 1973. Journal of Japan Turfgrass Research Association. May. 2(1): p. 9-11. |
87327 | |
Ecogenetic Studies on Variation and Population Structure of Soft Chess, Bromus mollis L. Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Moraes, C. F. de. 1972. Ph.D. Dissertation: California University, Davis, CA. |
3120 |
Comparative Studies on the Developmental Rate, Reproductive Potential, Pathogenicity, Host Range, and Morphology of Five Geographical Isolates of Meloidogyne naasi Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Michell, R. E. 1972. Ph.D. Dissertation: (Unlisted). |
6194 |
The life cycle of Phleum pratense |
Matveev, A. P. 1972. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel. 77(3): p. 114-123. |
6487 | |
Chromosome number and plant morphology in some ecotypes of Poa pratensis L. |
Speckmann, G. J. 1972. Euphytica. 21(2): p. 171-180. |
2554 | |
Chromosome morphology of Poa trivialis L |
Ahmed, M. K.; Jelenkovic, G.; Dickson, W. R.; Funk, C. R. 1972. Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology. 14(2): p. 287-291. |
6166 | |
Which species of red fescue (Festuca rubra s.l.) occurs in the young coastal dunes of Voorne and in those of the remainder of the Netherlands? Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Freijsen, A. H. J.; Heeres, E. 1972. Gorteria. 6(4): p. 57-61. |
3563 | |
Root |
Honda, Hitoshi. 1972. Journal of Japan Turfgrass Research Association. November. 1(1): p. 23-26. |
87321 | |
Morphologica lstudies [Morphological studies] on local variations of wild Japanese lawn grass (Zoysia Japonica Steud.) |
Kitamura, Fumio; Akashi, Atsushi. 1972. Journal of Japan Turfgrass Research Association. November. 1(1): p. 27-32. |
87322 | |
The Use of Isoenzymes As Genetic Markers in a Grass Breeding Program. |
Smith, Rex L. 1972. Agronomy Abstracts. October. 64: p. 19. |
16019 |
Performance of diallel cross progenies for certain morphological traits in Bromus inermis Leyss. |
Mishra, S. N.; Drolsom, P. N. 1972. Crop Science. July/August. 12(4): p. 497-499. |
2852 |
Structure of the apices of rhizomes and aerial shoots of some temperate range grasses Access Restrictions |
Sharman, B. C.; Williams, J. O. 1972. Botanical Gazette. June. 133(2): p. 165-177. |
3132 | |
A note on the relevance of the mesocotyl in the systematics of the gramineae | Harberd, D. J. 1972. Annals of Botany. June. 36(3): p. 599-603. |
3151 |
Perenniality in Poa Annua L. | Gibeault, Victor Andrew. 1971. Ph.D. Dissertation: Oregon State University. [v.]; 124 pp. |
2778 |
Structure and functions of seed plants |
Littlejohn, E. B. 1971. p. 15-20. In: Department of Agriculture. Turf Manual. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Department of Agriculture. |
263606 |
The leaf anatomy of buffalo grass, Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm | Milby, T. H. 1971. Botanical Gazette. 132(4): p. 308-313. |
6648 | |
Studies in Festuca: 5. Cytogenetic relationships between species of Bovinae and Scariosae |
Chandrasekharan, P.; Thomas, Hugh. 1971. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenzuchtung. 65: p. 345-354. |
56329 | |
Morphological Characteristics of Perennial Plant Types in the Species Poa annua L. |
Gibeault, V. A.; Goetze, N. R. 1971. Agronomy Abstracts. August. 63: p. 47. |
15959 |
Comparative morphology and development of Poa pratensis infected by Ustilago striiformis and Urocystis agropyri |
Hodges, Clinton F. 1970. Phytopathology. December. 60(12): p. 1794-1797. |
1573 |
Inheritance of forage yield and certin morphological and fruiting characteristics in Crownvetch |
Cope, W. A.; Rawlings, J. O. 1970. Crop Science. September/October. 10(5): p. 550-553. |
166247 |
Hybrids between tetraploid and hexaploid crested wheatgrasses |
Dewey, Douglas R. 1969. Crop Science. November/December. 9(6): p. 787-791. |
165592 |
A comparison of the morphology and anatomy of seedling leaves of Lolium multiflorum Lam. and L. perenne L. Access Restrictions |
Sant, F. I. 1969. Annals of Botany. March. 33(2): p. 303-313. |
251442 |
Experiments in experimental and numerical taxonomy on Festuca ovina L s.l. in the south-east France |
Bidault, M. 1968. Revue de Cytologie et de Biologie Vegetales. 31(4): p. 217-356. |
3910 | |
Growth and Regrowth Patterns for Field-grown Smooth Brome, Orchard, and Intermediate Wheatgrass |
Siemer, E. G.; Willhite, F. M.; Robinson, C. W. 1967. Agronomy Abstracts. November. 59: p. 32. |
17681 |
Preliminary investigation on the reproductive and morphological behavior of several selections of colonial bentgrass, Agrostis tenuis Sibth. |
Dudeck, A. E.; Duich, J. M. 1967. Crop Science. November/December. 7(6): p. 605-610. |
12029 |
Hybridization of festuca species Access Restrictions |
Malik, C. P. 1967. Canadian Journal of Botany. July. 45(7): p. 1025-1029. |
261192 |
Evapotranspiration - Turf and weather |
Ferguson, Marvin H. 1966. Proceedings of the 1966 Midwest Regional Turf FoundationConference. p. 26-27. |
94360 |
Cytology, fertility and morphology of Arizona Common and Giant Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) and their natural and synthetic hybrids. |
Hoff, B. J. 1966. Agronomy Abstracts. August. 58: p. 8. |
16966 |
Morphology, cytology, and fertility of diploid and colchicine-induced tetraploid Crested wheatgrass |
Tai, William; Dewey, Douglas R. 1966. Crop Science. May/June. 6(3): p. 223-226. |
12046 |
Interspecific hybridization with Paspalum spp. |
Bennett, Hugh W.; Bashaw, E. C. 1966. Crop Science. January/February. 6(1): p. 52-54. |
167327 |
The Taxonomic Status, Morphology and Biology of a Cyst Nematode (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) Found Attacking Poa Annua L Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Horne, Carey Wendell Jr. 1965. Ph.D. Dissertation: Texas A&M University. 131 pp. |
146093 |
Identification of Turfgrass By Vegetative Morphology |
Youngner, Victor B.; Latting, June. 196X. Wilmington, California: Kellogg Supply, Inc. 18 pp. |
297232 |
Morphologically distinct stages in the growth and development of rhizomes of Poa pratensis L. and their correlation with specific geotropic responses Access Restrictions |
Fisher, John E. 1965. Canadian Journal of Botany. October. 43(10): p. 1163-1175. |
245281 |
Interrelationships between defoliation systems, morphological characteristics, and growth of 'Coastal' bermudagrass |
Clapp, John G. Jr.; Chamblee, Douglas S.; Gross, H. Douglas. 1965. Crop Science. September/October. 5(5): p. 468-471. |
12180 |
Biosystematic investigations in the genus Agropyron gaertn. III. serological, morphological, and cytological comparison of species within the crested wheatgrass complex (Section Agropyron) |
Creel, Gordon C.; Ericson, John E.; Schulz-Schaeffer, Jurgen. 1965. Crop Science. July/August. 5(4): p. 316-320. |
12158 |
Evaluation of Bermudagrass Varieties for General-Purpose Turf |
Juska, F. V.; Hanson, A. A. 1964. Washington, D.C.: Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture. 54 pp. |
263 |
Rhizoctonia blight of tall fescue grass | Luttrell, E. S. 1962. Plant Disease Reporter. September 15. 46(9): p. 661-664. |
241232 |
Botanical investigations Access Restrictions |
Rochecouste, E. 1962. Weed Research. March. 2(1): p. 1-23. |
246620 |
Control of Pennisetum clandestinum, Kikuyugrass Access Restrictions |
Youngner, Victor B.; Goodin, J. R. 1961. Weed Science. April. 9(2): p. 238-242. |
40323 |
Observations on the ecology and morphology of Pennisetum clandestinum |
Youngner, Victor B. 1961. Phyton. March. 16(1): p. 77-84. |
40326 | |
The Grasses: Earth's Green Wealth |
Moore, Alma Chesnut. 1960. New York: The Macmillan Company. ix, 150 pp. |
121985 |
What is the grass? |
Moore, Alma Chesnut. 1960. p. 10-16. In: The Grasses: Earth's Green Wealth. New York: The Macmillan Company. |
122789 |
Some thoughts on festuceae, festucinae with special reference to their morphology Access Restrictions |
Tateoka, Tuguo. 1960. Canadian Journal of Botany. November. 38(6): p. 951-967. |
239057 |
Identification of turfgrasses by vegetative morphology | Youngner, Victor B.; Latting, June. 1960. California Turfgrass Culture. July. 10(3): p. 17-21. |
64961 |
Natural hybridization of Agrostis tenuis sibth. and A. stolonifera L. Access Restrictions |
Bradshaw, A. D. 1958. New Phytologist. 57: p. 66-84. |
63740 |
The effect of gibberellic acid on a genetic dwarf in Lolium perenne Access Restrictions |
Cooper, J. P. 1958. New Phytologist. 57: p. 235-238. |
63789 |
Über die Effekte der Röntgenbestrahlung bei Poa pratensis (On the effect of X-raying on Poa pratensis) |
Julén, Gösta. 1958. Der Zu^D"chter. 28(1): p. 37-40. |
127843 | |
Studies on the earthworms of turf: Earthworms and casting Access Restrictions |
Jefferson, Peter. 1958. The Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 9(34): p. 437-452. |
74177 |
The influence of several managerial treatments upon the gross morphology of timothy |
Peters, E. J. 1958. Agronomy Journal. November. 50(11): p. 653-656. |
12873 |
A contribution to the experimental taxonomy of Poa annua L. |
Tutin, T. G. 1957. Watsonia. August. 4: p. 1-10. |
101538 |
Elementary botany of turfgrasses |
Madison, John H. Jr. 1956. Proceedings: Northern California Turfgrass Conference. p. 20-23. |
254850 |
Autotetraploidy in Agrostis canina |
Jones, Keith. 1952. Nature. 169(4291): p. 159-160. |
67364 | |
The breeding affinities of some British species of Agrostis |
Davies, W. Ellis. 1952. British Agricultural Bulletin. 5: p. 313-316. |
63884 |
Origin of Poa annua L. |
Tutin, T. G. 1952. Nature. January 26. 169(4291): p. 160. |
101537 | |
How Kentucky bluegrass grows |
Etter, Alfred Gordon. 1951. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. September. 38(3): p. 293-375. |
74562 |
Chromosome numbers, morphology, and fertility in Poa pratensis L. from southeastern Norway |
Nissen, Øivind. 1950. Agronomy Journal. March. 42(3): p. 136-144. |
109404 |
The meek that inherit the earth |
Chase, Agnes. 1948. p. 8-15. In: Stefferud, Alfred, ed. Grass: The Yearbook of Agriculture 1948. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture. |
39944 |
A cytological and morphological study of cultivated Cynodon species |
Hurcombe, Ruth. 1947. Journal of South African Botany. 13: p. 106-117. |
72098 |
Morphologic and agronomic variation in Poa pratensis L. in relation to chromosome numbers |
Kramer, Herbert H. 1947. Agronomy Journal. March. 39(3): p. 181-191. |
13039 |
The effect of cutting methods and sod treatments on the yield and protein content of carpet grass, Axonopus affinus Chase |
Blaser, R. E. 1946. Agronomy Journal. May. 38(5): p. 394-397. |
13057 |
The effect of nitrogen fertilization on the gross morphology of timothy, Phleum pratense L. |
Anderson, J. C. 1944. Agronomy Journal. July. 36(7): p. 584-589. |
13001 |
The cytogenetics of Poa pratensis |
Brown, William L. 1941. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 28: p. 493-516. |
86351 |
Effect of removing different proportions of foliage on contrasting strains of Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis L. |
Kuhn, A. O.; Kemp, W. B. 1939. Agronomy Journal. October. 31(10): p. 892-895. |
13186 |
Identification of standard and fairway strains of crested wheatgrass |
Hay, W. D. 1939. Agronomy Journal. July. 31(7): p. 620-624. |
13181 |
British Grasses and Their Employment in Agriculture |
Armstrong, S. F. 1937. Cambridge, England: University Press. xi, 350 pp. 3rd Edition. |
101960 |
Important Cultivated Grasses | Piper, C. V. and Vinall, H. N.; Enlow, C. R.; Chase, Agnes, eds. 1934. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 34 pp. Revised Edition. |
211148 |
Morphological and Economic Studies of Ryegrassse (Lolium species) Under Western Oregon Conditions Help us please - we need a copy of this item. Click here or Email if you can help! Thank you. |
Rampton, Henry Hardy. 1933. M.S. Thesis: Oregon State University. 74 pp. |
131919 |
The taxonomy and morphology of bulbous bluegrass, Poa bulbosa vivipara |
Halperin, Morris. 1933. Agronomy Journal. June. 25(6): p. 408-413. |
71643 |
A greenkeeper's guide to the grasses Access Restrictions |
Lewis, I. G. 1932. Journal of the Board of Greenkeeping Research. Autumn. 2(7): p. 273-281. |
47020 |
Leaf spot and foot rot of Kentucky bluegrass caused by Helminthosporium vargans | Drechsler, Charles. 1930. Journal of Agricultural Research. 40: p. 447-456. |
101729 |
The Asiatic beetle in Connecticut |
Friend, Roger B. 1929. New Haven, Connecticut: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. |
36702 |
Morphology |
Oakley, R. A. 1924. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy. September. 16(9): p. 576-584. |
101657 |
Important Cultivated Grasses | Piper, C. V. 1922. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 38 pp. |
211150 |
British Grasses and Their Employment in Agriculture |
Armstrong, Sydney Frederick. 1917. Cambridge, England: University Press. vii, [1], 199 pp. |
185 |
A Text-Book of Grasses: With Especial Reference to the Economic Species of the United States |
Hitchcock, A. S. 1914. New York, New York: The Macmillan Company. xvii, 276, [4] pp. |
58646 |