Keyword: Mowing height
Title | Author and Source | Category | View TGIF Record |
No nitrogen, no phosphorous: 5 ways to prepare your lawn for summer fertilizer blackout | Sewards, Joe. 2016. Daytona Beach News Journal. May 11. p. [1-2]. |
274623 |
Adjust lawn-care practices to rainy weather | Feehan, Kelly. 2016. Columbus Telegram. May 26. p. [1-2]. |
274633 |
Let it grow: Cutting it close leaves your lawn in low health | Courneya, Doug. 2016. Post-Bulletin. May 19. p. [1-3]. |
274639 |
Shaping up your lawn Access Restrictions |
Klein, Benjamin C. 2016. Star-Gazette. May 7. p. [1-2]. |
282704 |
Growing season requires extra lawn care | Griess, Ted. 2016. Kearney Hub. May 27. p. [1]. |
301800 |
How can I prevent fungus and diseases in my turfgrass? | Haunert, BJ. 2016. Modern Turf. May 12. p. [1-3]. |
308473 |
Attention to lawn care will pay off dividends | Emanuel, Curt. 2016. The Lebanon Reporter. May 18. p. [1-2]. |
309361 |
Flavours of a main course in the desert | Prest, Dan. 2016. The Groundsman [IOG]. April. p. 24-25. |
272121 |
Summer deficit irrigation of bermudagrass: Deficit irrigation of bermudagrass in Southern California over two consecutive growing seasons showed that acceptable to minimally acceptable turf quality can be maintained at 63% to 41% reference evapotranspiration (ETO) Access Restrictions |
Green, Robert; Moss, Alan; McDonough, Emma Rae; Parkins, Kelly; Kumar, Ramesh; Vis, Eudell; Mellano, Valerie; Klein, Grant. 2016. Golf Course Management. April. 84(4): p. 84-89. |
271095 |
Safety is job #1 |
Schroder, Eric. 2016. SportsTurf. April. 32(4): p. 6. |
270604 |
Timely tendings: [Good maintenance for your lawn; avoid those chinch bugs; proper grass mowing heights] | Badurek, Theresa. 2016. Tampa Bay Times. April 28. p. [1]. |
274626 |
How to beat the Abilene, Texas turf blues | Anonymous. 2016. Abilene Reporter-News. April 17. p. [1]. |
301496 |
Lessen your anthracnose struggles |
Aynardi, Brian; Inguagiato, John; McDonald, Steve; Clarke, Bruce; Uddin, Wakar. 2016. Golfdom. March. 72(3): p. 30-35. |
270390 |
Managing infield ball speed |
Divito, Larry. 2016. SportsTurf. March. 32(3): p. 8-11, 15. |
269683 |
Bairnsdale Golf Club |
Hack, Danny. 2016. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. March/April. 18(2): p. 50-51. |
271619 |
Warrnambool Golf Club, VIC |
Anonymous. 2016. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. March/April. 18(2): p. 52-56. |
271620 |
Time to begin lawn care practices | Feehan, Kelly. 2016. Columbus Telegram. March 24. p. [1-2]. |
271600 |
Crop coefficients, growth rates and quality of cool-season turfgrasses Access Restrictions |
Aamlid, T. S.; Knox, J. W.; Riley, H.; Kvalbein, A.; Pettersen, T. 2016. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. February. 202(1): p. 69-80. |
269475 |
The simple evaluation method establishment of golf green turf quality | Yang, Chen; Liu, Zhao-hui; Gao, Zhang-ning; Suo, Tao-tao; Bai, Wen-zu; Zheng, Qian. 2016. [Caoye Kexue] [Pratacultural Science]. February. 33(2): p. 192-200. |
271888 |
Don't forget about the rough: Golfers dislike playing from it, but they want the primary cut looking tidy. Superintendents and industry experts share their strategies for maintaining these wayward areas |
Torsiello, John. 2016. Golf Course Industry. February. 28(2): p. 26, 28-29, 32. |
269895 |
Mowing patterns: Aesthetic vs. function: Are they simply unnecessary eye candy, or is there more to the story? |
Furlong, Ron. 2016. Superintendent. February. 15(2): p. 26-27. |
271403 |
Managing mower setup to achieve quality putting services: Optimizing mower setup has a profound impact on the health and quality of putting greens |
Whitlark, Brian; Daniels, John. 2016. USGA Green Section Record. February 5. 54(3): p. 1-8. |
268592 |
Phoenix from the flames: How a BIGGA member has bounced back from redundancy to take centre stage in preparing a course for a PGA tournament |
Anonymous. 2016. Greenkeeper International. January. p. 30-31. |
273056 |
Leaf trimming and high temperature regulation of phytohormones and polyamines in creeping bentgrass leaves |
Krishnan, Sanalkumar; Ma, Yingmei; Merewitz, Emily. 2016. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. January. 141(1): p. 66-75. |
269581 |
What's the frequency? Access Restrictions |
Nikolai, Thomas A. 2016. Golf Course Management. January. 84(1): p. 108. |
268095 |
Sieze [Seize] the disease: All you need to know to deal with early spring suprises in the lawn |
Hampshire, Kristen. 2016. Lawn & Landscape. January. 37(1): p. 62, 64, 66, 68-69. |
271704 |
Successful seeding of cool-season grass coming out of winter |
Torsiello, John. 2016. SportsTurf. January. 32(1): p. 14-16, 18. |
267937 |
Cut quality using a zero-turn mower |
Miller, Grady. 2016. SportsTurf. January. 32(1): p. 50. |
267944 |
Earthworm activity is good for your grass | Williams, Tripp. 2016. The Columbia County News-Times. January 10. p. [1]. |
270619 |
The One-Third Rule |
Vavrek, Bob. 2015. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 2 pp. |
259317 |
Fall Tips to Ensure a Healthy Green Yard for Spring | Adams, Ryan S. 2015. Ames, Iowa: Extension and Outreach, Iowa State University. 4 pp. |
264005 |
Mowing Turfgrasses in the Desert | Kopec, David M.; Umeda, Kai. 2015. Tucson, Arizona: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Arizona. 2 pp. |
269523 |
Annual bluegrass control in fairway height creeping bentgrass | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-3]. |
270827 |
Control of perennial ryegrass in fairway height annual bluegrass | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-3]. |
270833 |
Seedhead suppression of fairway height annual bluegrass [April] | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-4]. |
270835 |
Seedhead suppression of fairway height annual bluegrass [April-May] | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-4]. |
270837 |
Seedhead suppression in greens height annual bluegrass and annual bluegrass/creeping bentgrass | Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. [1-8]. |
270838 |
Explaining Turf Grain | United States Golf Association. 2015. [Far Hills, New Jersey]: United States Golf Association. 1 p. |
270874 |
Phytotoxicity evaluation of selective materials on fairway height creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Borger, J. A.; Harpster, T. L. 2015. 2015 Annual Research Reports [Penn State]. p. Unknown. |
270940 |
Efficient Irrigation for Recreational Turfgrass in New England: Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients | Poro, James W. 2015. M.S. Thesis: University of Massachusetts - Amherst. x, 82 pp. |
273995 |
Best Management Practices for Maintaining Sand-based, Natural Grass Athletic Fields | Kowalewski, A.; Stahnke, G.; Cook, T.; Goss, R. 2015. [Corvallis, Oregon]: Oregon State University Extension Service; [Pullman, Washington]: Washington State University Extension; and [Moscow, Idaho]: University of Idaho Extension. 13 pp. |
274758 |
Mowing |
Cornell Turfgrass, Cornell University. [2015]. [Ithaca, New York]: Cornell Turfgrass, Cornell University. [4] pp. |
276530 |
Effects of Pre-Harvest Cultural Practices on the Divot Resistance of Thick-Cut Kentucky Bluegrass Sod | Mascitti, Evan C. 2015. M.S. Thesis: The Pennsylvania State University. xxii, 212 pp. |
277442 |
Q & A: Fall Lawn Care | Bauer, Sam. 2015. [St. Paul, Minnesota]: Extension, University of Minnesota. [3] pp. |
286091 |
Q&A: Organic Lawn Care | Anonymous. 2015. [St. Paul, Minnesota]: Extension, University of Minnesota. [2] pp. |
286310 |
The Annual Bluegrass Weevil: Height Matters |
PACE Turf, LLC. 2015. [San Diego, California]: PACE Turf, LLC. [1] p. |
290431 |
Managing Your Lawn in Summer Heat | Kreuser, Bill. 201X. [Lincoln, Nebraska]: Turfgrass Science Program, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. [2] pp. |
290971 |
How to Protect and Maintain Athletic Fields in the Heat of Summer |
Fowler, Jeffrey. 201X. University Park, Pennsylvania: College of Agricultural Sciences, PennState Extension, The Pennsylvania State University. [2] pp. |
300523 |
The Genetics of Mowing: Using Next Generation Sequencing to Identify Genes Related to Mowing Response |
McElroy, Scott. 201X. Auburn, Alabama: [Department of Agronomy and Soils, Auburn University]. [6] pp. |
305592 |
Establishment strategies for creeping bentgrass putting greens | Chestnut, Eric C.; Green, Thomas O.; Bravo, Jacob; Rogers, John N. III; Crum, Jim. 2015. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 10-11. |
264073 |
Avoid grub damage with 'Smart Lawns' | Smitley, David. 2015. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation and Michigan State University Present: Turfgrass Field Day. p. 16-17. |
264081 |
FESCUE-GREEN: Best management of red fescue (Festuca rubra) golf greens for high sustainability and playability | Aamlid, Trygve S. 2015. Research and Development Yearbook 2015 [Scandinavia]. p. 16-17. |
277297 |
A behind the scenes view of the controversial U.S. Open at Chambers bay |
Kraushofer, Ryan. 2015. Turfgrass Matters. Summer. p. 20-21. |
265432 |
Nitrogen fertility, mowing height and topdressing effects on anthracnose and playability of annual bluegrass | Hempfling, James W.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Murphy, James A. 2015. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. p. 36. |
263738 |
Evaluation of warm-season grasses for putting greens | Morris, Kevin. 2015. Turfgrass and Environmental Research Program: 2015 Research Summaries. p. 171-172. |
285076 |
Effects of mowing height on shade tolerance of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass cultivars | Chen, Zhaoxin; Wherley, Benjamin; Reynolds, W. Casey; Jessup, Russel W.; Thomas, James C. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92581. |
267065 |
Influence of cultivation and mowing height on tall fescue conversion to 'Sharp's Improved il[II]' buffalograss | Reeves, Jacob; Hoyle, Jared A.; Keeley, Steven J.; Bremer, Dale J. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 92931. |
267064 |
How low can they go? Annual bluegrass weevil oviposition and development in golf course putting greens | Czyzewski, Benjamin; McGraw, Benjamin. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 93429. |
267187 |
Establishment strategies for creeping bentgrass putting greens | Chestnut, Eric C.; Rogers, John N. III; Green, Thomas Okada; Crum, James R. 2015. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. p. 95371. |
266670 |
Influence on cultivation practice and mowing height on conversion of golf course rough from tall fescue to 'Sharps Improved II' buffalograss | Reeves, Jake; Hoyle, Jared; Bremer, Dale; Keeley, Steve; Griffin, Jason. 2015. 2015 Turfgrass Research: Research Reports [Kansas State University]. 1(6): p. [1-5]. |
267975 |
Step up to the plate for local sports fields | McCurdy, James. 2015. Mississippi Turfgrass. Winter. p. 14-15. |
258977 |
Congratulations to TTA's 2014 Professional Sports Field of the Year, LP Field, home of the Tennessee Titans | Nutter, Liz. 2015. Tennessee Turfgrass. December/January. p. 29. |
272054 |
Smooth crabgrass and goosegrass control with metamifop in creeping bentgrass Access Restrictions |
Parker, Ethan T.; McElroy, J. Scott; Flessner, Michael L. 2015. HortTechnology. December. 25(6): p. 757-761. |
268398 |
Winter work: Cooler weather means modyfying maintenance in southern regions |
White, Patrick. 2015. SportsField Management. December. 10(12): p. 16-19. |
268461 |
Golf shot performance characteristics influenced by ball lie Access Restrictions |
Strunk, William D.; Karcher, Douglas E.; Young, Joseph R.; Patton, Aaron J.; Richardson, Michael D. 2015. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. December. 1(1): p. [1-7]. |
266839 |
Sticking my neck out? | Wight, Andy. 2015. Greenkeeper International. November. p. 38-39. |
270788 |
Creeping bentgrass putting green response to combined mowing, rolling, and foot traffic under environmental stress |
Young, Joseph; Richardson, Mike; Karcher, Doug. 2015. Agronomy Journal. November/December. 107(6): p. 1959-1966. |
266837 |
Growth regulators and mowing heights enhance the morphological and physiological performance of Seaspray turfgrass during drought conditions Access Restrictions |
Elansary, Hosam O.; Yessoufou, Kowiyou. 2015. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. November. 37(11): p. 1-11. |
269327 |
Deliberating the many highs and lows of height of cut |
Furlong, Ron. 2015. Superintendent. November. 14(11): p. 14. |
267621 |
Remembering spring to prepare for winter |
Barden, Addison. 2015. United States Golf Association. October 13. p. 1-2. |
266479 |
Persistent warm weather favors bermudagrass over emerging ryegrass |
Whitlark, Brian. 2015. United States Golf Association. October 12. p. 1-3. |
266518 |
Golf design - acres to millimeters |
Albanese, Paul. 2015. Course Conditions. Fall. p. 15. |
267539 |
Mowing patterns 101 | Young, Ben. 2015. Turf Trends [Idaho]. Fall. p. 112-115. |
268696 |
Tackling anthracnose disease on annual bluegrass greens: Current thinking on the management practices to best control this disease while managing costs and retaining playability |
Schmid, Charles J.; Hempfling, James W.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Murphy, James A. 2015. New Zealand Turf Management Journal. Autumn. 32(1): p. 8-10. |
255902 |
Top Mark |
Castle, Steve. 2015. Greenkeeper International. September. p. Cover, 52-54. |
270167 |
Fall's protocol |
Danneberger, Karl. 2015. Golfdom. September. 71(9): p. 44. |
265450 |
Overseeding bermudagrass athletic fields |
Stevens, Scott. 2015. SportsTurf. September. 31(9): p. 24-26. |
264924 |
Stinger green's mower trailer |
Buchen, Terry. 2015. Golf Course Industry. September. 27(9): p. 62. |
265617 |
The original solar panels |
Skorulski, Jim. 2015. United States Golf Association. September 29. p. 1-2. |
266477 |
Victorious at Leamington Spa | Hoskins, Colin. 2015. The Groundsman [IOG]. August. p. 30-31. |
266316 |
Height restriction |
Tarbox, Vinny. 2015. Greenkeeper International. August. p. 30-31. |
268714 |
Reduce turfgrass stress during late summer to combat disease: Throughout the year, greenkeepers are faced with numerous decisions that are crucial to the health of their turfgrass, and late summer is no exception |
Mumford, Colin. 2015. Greenside. August. p. 44-45. |
266268 |
Carbon balance of turfgrass systems in response to seasonal temperature changes under different mowing heights |
Song, Yali; Burgess, Patrick; Han, Hairong; Huang, Bingru. 2015. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. July. 140(4): p. 317-322. |
264974 |
Performance of bentgrass cultivars and selections in New Jersey Turf trials [2014] | Weibel, Eric N.; Lawson, Tracy J.; Clark, Joesph B.; Murphy, James A.; Clarke, Bruce B.; Meyer, William A.; Bonos, Stacy A. 2015. 2014 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 46: p. 1-42. |
267649 |
Management of natural turf sports sports fields | Park, Bradley S.; Murphy, James A. 2015. 2014 Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings. July. 46: p. 225-234. |
268496 |
Are new grasses the problem? | Anonymous. 2015. Golf Course Architecture. July. 41: p. 26. |
272771 |
Mowing basics Access Restrictions |
The Lawn Institute. 2015. Turf News [TPI]. July/August. 39(4): p. 11. |
262472 |
Warm and wet |
Skorulski, Jim. 2015. United States Golf Association. July 17. p. 1-4. |
266471 |
It's time for a paradigm shift |
Sheridan, Bernard. 2015. Pitchcare. June/July. 61: p. 50-55. |
266058 |
Daily light integration - A new way to document shade issues |
Richardson, Mike; Kruse, Jason. 2015. Golfdom. May. 71(5): p. 36-39. |
264633 |
Does the one-third rule really work | Soldat, Doug. 2015. The Grass Roots. May/June. 44(3): p. 26-27. |
262197 |
Roll on buddy, roll on! | Anonymous. 2015. ONturf. May 25. p. [1-3]. |
267474 |
Preemergence herbicide efficacy for crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) control in common bermudagrass managed under different mowing heights |
Gannon, Travis W.; Jeffries, Matthew D.; Brosnan, James T.; Breeden, Gregory K.; Tucker, Kevin A.; Henry, Gerald M. 2015. HortScience. April. 50(4): p. 546-550. |
258721 |
How mowing affects turf |
Linde, Douglas. 2015. SportsTurf. April. 31(4): p. 22-25. |
257133 |
Don't go over the edge: What superintendents need to know about pushing their courses' greens too far |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2015. Superintendent. April. 14(4): p. 26-29. |
258785 |
Follow simple rules to grow a great, green lawn | Mote, Mitchell. 2015. The Daily News Journal. April 18. p. [1-2]. |
276080 |
Spring disease checklist | Koch, Paul. 2015. The Grass Roots. March/April. 44(2): p. 14-16. |
259564 |
Four trends made contributions to winter injury on greens in 2013-14 | Jiggens, Mike. 2015. Turf & Recreation. March. 28(2): p. 17-18, 20. |
257076 |
Fast times and the USGA |
Aylward, Lawrence. 2015. Superintendent. March. 14(3): p. 6. |
256816 |
Developing management practices and prediction models for controlling seedheads on warm season turfgrasses | McCullough, Patrick. 2015. USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online. March/April. 14(2): p. 45-46. |
257816 |